UPDATE 1.28.98: Hmmm...well, Hillary was egg-faced and po'd as predicted (not in those exact words, but with a smidge of scrolling you can read the original post to see what I mean) and John Edwards won the majority of the 'white vote' as I heard.
Barack Obama's mixed portents as noted below in this post may have been at least partially due to having no exact birth time for him. Wish he'd let his birth data be known--or at least hire an astrologer if he's going to talk about Reagan who knew that more danger than usual was afoot the day he (barely) escaped the assassin's bullets.
But I know there is one possible afternoon time for Obama's birth floating around online, although I used sunrise, aka as a Solar chart--good for ego-related issues and being US prez is certainly that. Still his uplifting speeches have been telling the tale, haven't they? And conjuring the spirit of JFK's inspirational ability as noticed by daughter Caroline, too!
Original post begins here:
Having spent all today studying various charts such as the natal charts of the Dem juggernaut--Edwards, Obama, Clinton--and the sunrise and 8:00 pm charts for Columbia, SC, I decided to use a shorthand method to taste the flavor of each candidate's chances of success.
(And I would have had this posted two or three hours ago but for pesky tech crashes--please pardon typos for I'm in a hurry to publish if Blogger will cooperate.)
To do this, I've averaged together each candidate's natal chart (using sunrise for Obama's uncertain birth hour which is okay by me since I'm blending it with sunrise in Columbia and comparing/contrasting the resulting composite charts with an 8 pm composite/natal--C/N--as well to see if any midpoints are added) and it looks best for John Edwards, very good for Barack Obama, and not so good for Hillary Clinton.
Will this sassy shorthanded method hold out against reality? Will the NAACP monitors make a difference with balloting honesty? Will Hillary explode out of frustration?
For brevity I'll be using only Noel Tyl's midpoint directory.
These midpoint pics are the major ones for each candidate: first Hillary, then Barack, then John...today's sunrise in Columbia, SC (7:28:39 am EST) blended with Hillary Clinton's natal chart = C/N midpoints...
Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of potential for loss; fear; strong depression (this one applies at sunrise and 8 pm and has been in effect while tr Saturn is in the 5-9 Virgo range of the zodiac--and will be later after Saturn goes Direct);
8 pm + Hillary: Grand Trine between Moon, Saturn, and Uranus...
Moon/Saturn = Uranus: exploding out of frustration;
Moon/Uranus = Saturn: striving for independence in order to solve things; traditional vs avant-garde; changes in emotional expression (didn't she try that already?);
Saturn/Uranus = Moon: changes for freedom; emotional courage emerges under duress.
The positive pics seem to involve her husband...
Moon/Venus = Sun: love in a marriage; Jupiter: feeling loved; good feelings;
good luck.With Uranus (technology/computers; disruptions; upsets; rebellion)
unaspected in today's transit chart (acting alone) and mid-Pisces (Neptune = 'net') it may have to be tech shenanigans to finagle Hillary into first--or even second--place in S.C. You may disagree, but that's my take on it. And the interference could be coming from Cheney's office--or from abroad, such as those who prefer the US to keep fighting. (Perhaps I should ask McCain about that.)
Okay now for Barack Obama's C/N midpoints which have some mixture of positive and negative, mostly positive though...sunrise first...
Mars/MC = Mercury: acting with vigor according to plan; important news or strategically helpful information;
Mercury/Pluto = Mars: quick grasp of a situation's meaning right or wrong and taking confident action; attacking an issue without reservation;
Venus/Neptune = MC: creativity; losing oneself in illusion;
Venus/Mars = Uranus: passion; dangerous liasons;
Venus/ASC = Jupiter: enthusiam galore;
Sun/Venus = Jupiter: success and happiness;
and the clunker...
Saturn/Pluto = Sun: threat of loss; hard work; enforced change; sadness.
Combining Obama's sunrise chart with 8:00 pm gives two additioanl midpoint pics...
Sun/Uranus = ASC: appearing at one's best; sudden events'; high excitability.
Uranus/MC = NN: climbing over others to fulfil one's need for ego recognition. (Actually it's called,
politics. )
Now for John Edwards who has quite a plethora of them starting with a strong T-square involving Mercury/Pluto, the
persuasive speech duo...
Mercury/Pluto = Moon: emotional communication power;
Moon/MC = Pluto: rejuvenation; tremendous thrust forward; the biggest picture;
Pluto/ASC = MC: power and authority; success; ego ascendancy;
Jupiter/Saturn = Mars: ambition emerges out of discontent; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line;
Mars/Neptune = Jupiter: enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time.
And at 8:00 pm EST...add:
Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: auccess with the intellect; solutions are illuminated;
Sun/Uranus = Mercury: quick minded; seeing things too analytically for comfort; the spark of understanding;
Moon/Uranus = Mars: self-aggrandizement; lack of self-control;
Mercury/NN = Jupiter: communications; teaching; philosophizing; partnerships;
Sun/Venus = Jupiter: success; happiness;
and last but not least...
Pluto/NN = Neptune: win at any cost; deception as a tool; power of the half-truth.
That last picture shows up in other politician's charts these days as well and is, after all, a good description of the mindset of most any politician you'd care to name--or vote for--and one has it natally. But I'll leave that for another day.