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Showing posts with label midpoints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midpoints. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2020

March 31, 2020: Moon-NN in Health-Politics-Business

March 31, 2020: Today at 12:51:25 pm EDT, the Moon conjoins by transit her own North Node @2Can43:53 which happens to conjunct America's natal Venus from 1776. Besides the Moon/North Node pair having health connotations such as 'the system of self-defense against infection in the human body, the lymphatic glands, spleen, and tonsils' (Ebertin), however, given our current health and related societal conditions and shortages, we may wish to consider today's combined lunar duo in relation to Politics and Business.

And I know of no better way to consider such things than to quote Michael Munkasey from his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (although I've heard he doesn't care to be quoted--we should make our own determinations using his information as guidelines--but mea culpa!).

Note that Ebertin also relates the lunar duo to expectant mothers and to spiritual links or unions, and as you know, emotional, tribal Cancer is the sign of mothers, families, nurturing, security, plus, the public and the public mood and trends. Naturally, these days the public mood is for people across the globe to be concerned about their own and family members's health and well being--and for good reason. So let's see what our public officials are concerned with--those with good intentions and those whose motives and intentions are not focused on what's best for the common good and are using the health crisis for their political and financial gains:

Potentials of Moon/North Node in Politics and Business

Thesis: The production of goods for trade or commerce; measurements of productivity; foreign trade and the channel or means for conducting trade; ports of entry; roadways, canals, transit systems, etc.

Antithesis: Common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade; the opinion of women in the conduct of trade or agriculture; agricultural failures or blockages at ports of exit or entry; public opinion about foreign trade.

As you see, the potentials are expressed in the Hegelian form--create or pose problems so you can 'solve' them as you'd planned or wish. And I suspect few would disagree that many if not all of these potentials apply to our current calamitous situation. Whether or not mention of any of these potentials or an event in relation to them will occur today at or about 12:51 pm EDT or later is anyone's guess. Perhaps an erstwhile reporter will pose a question of a politician or a commerce or trade representative, and perhaps an answer, truthful or full of adjusted data, will be offered.

As for this particular post, this is the moment that I type in closing, As Above, So Below.

Above image: Curious Night, a drawing by yours truly. Of course our days have turned mighty curious as well.

Mar 24, 2019

TRUMP WATCH : Will BARR raise the bar? - Robert Cosmar reports

Sunday March 24, 2019: here's the latest reading from expert astrologer
Robert Cosmar
on the topic of the day (week, and month, and year):

Now in case you missed it, you may wish to check out another of Robert's excellent TRUMP WATCH videos concerning the Mueller Report (posted to YouTube March 23rd).


Power Run Amuck, Peculiarities, and Potential Scandals

Note: while looking at March 22, 2019 DC Horoscopes for the 4 to 5:15 pm edt time frame of Mueller Report submission, AG Barr's letter sent to Congress, the completion of the report announced, etc, I noticed that Trump's problematic, fantasy-prone pair of Mercury and Neptune (conjunct in Pisces by transit these days with Mercury Rx until March 28th so the conjunction's nebulous, unclear effects are at their strongest off and on through March 2019, and perhaps a bit into April) are square one another in Trump The Indiscreet's natal chart) acted as two apex planets of a significant midpoint - exact between 3:47 and 4:10 pm edt between legal-eagle planet of karma, Saturn, and Midheaven (The Goal; Public Visibility) which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Saturn-MC = Mercury: 'an articulate, intelligent person who relies on logic and persistence to analyze situations'. Yes, I would say so.

The Saturn-MC pair itself is interesting because it can turn up in charts of important people but can also indicate 'formal rules or roles imposed on the executive branch; restrictions on development within an enterprise'; and/or 'establishes goals that are hard to meet'. With veiling Neptune: 'added delusions that you can not easily cope with problems; increased needs to escape (through drugs); inspiration via maturity and discipline.' Perhaps you agree that many of these potentials sound like the work of the very serious, dedicated-to-the-law Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

For more details see (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets).

So here I shall quote from master astrologer Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs midpoint directory on Saturn-MC ("major changes in family or in the profession; professional change; a major move; a father figure; focus upon ambition") with Mercury: "melancholy; separation thoughts; bad news; professional decisions that are hard to make." With Neptune: "one's position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears."

And in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin adds potentials for, 'hindered growth; brooding; separation; depressing circumstances'. Any, all or none of the midpoint pictures's potentials may apply to Washington's political and legal players (including US Congress members) and to the American people at large along with other planetary factors, positive and negative.

Feb 23, 2015

Saturn-North Node and The Mystery of the 3 Days

Number 3, Saturn, and the North Node of Encounters with Destiny

by Jude Cowell

There are many associations for the number three. Number 3 is known as "the Light" and is considered a holy number according to many sources and in the 3rd verse of Genesis chapter 1, God said, Let there be light and there was. It is the number of perfection, harmony, and Higher Wisdom and, being Jupiterian, is often thought to be 'lucky'. Plus, on the cosmic level, the Holy Spirit is naturally linked to the number 3 in our solar system which is based upon numbers.

Triangles and pyramids have 3 points and in occult symbols, 3 is linked with goddess Isis Urania, Venus Urania, Horus, the Virgin Diana, and The Empress card in Tarot in which she is shown holding the 'orb of the world'. (Kozminsky.)

One superstitious connection to number 3 is from *Kozminsky who cites Medieval Myths (published February 1869): "There is said to be a tradition of Norman-Monkish origin that the number three is stamped upon the Royal Line of England so that there shall not be more than 3 princes in succession without a revolution..." (his italics). He then provides a list of kings, revolutions, and crown-passings in order to elucidate the point.

Add to all this that in ancient Astrology, the 3rd day after a New Moon was considered the first fortunate day of the month.

Saturn-NN in Astrology

In Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences the pairing of Saturn and the Moon's North Node (NN) relates to isolation, inhibition in associations, lack of adaptability, depression, grief, death of kindred, funerals, contact with elderly persons, the organism affected by shock events or an electric shock, disadvantages through others, teamwork that steadily becomes more difficult, and separation from the astral body (my italics).

In addition, Ebertin gives another potential for the Saturn-NN combo which some may label as occult (hidden): the mystery of the three days.

For those of us in particular who study cycles and days via Astrology, there is an interesting page concerning a very special day in history when the Sun set at noon thus creating 'a day within a day' which turned two days into three and fulfilled prophecy.

And whether you're an astrologer or not, dear reader, you may wish more information concerning The Mystery of the 3 Days and 3 Nights.


*Thanks to a helpful reader, this post cites Isodore Kozminsky's work, The Symbols and Meaning of Numbers.

Mar 28, 2011

Chris Hedges: The Collapse of Globalization; the Sacredness of Gaia

With Globalization, What's Not to Like?

by Jude Cowell

If you're familiar with the writings of Chris Hedges, you know that what he says must be well considered before flippantly ignoring it - except that the time has come to an end when we can afford to be apathetic about the future - environmental, social, and financial - of this little blue planet some call, Gaia.

Gaia has her own hypothesis, you know. The globalists know it. The black hearts have been ignoring her sacredness by abusing the planet we all share every night and day for several decades now and piling up their considerable fortunes with a bwa ha ha and a mean cackle. Why, old J. P. Morgan was there, he knows how it all went down.

Yes, I hear ya: t'was Morgan and the other Robber Barons of the 1880s/90s who really got the plundering of Earth's resources and treasures up and running in a large scale way (speculators in groups as signified by combos such as Jupiter/Neptune, Jupiter/Pluto, Sun/Pluto, Pluto/Chiron, etc...joining forces to get big jobs done in commanding ways.)

As a class, add to their riches the oil-gas-steel-railroad titans' ill-gained wealth from accustomed profits bwo the slave and opium trades in centuries past unto this day, and you've got people like W's Grandpa Prescott Bush, his cronies and cousins. Queen Elizabeth is allegedly a 'cousin' of George W, as you know. Actually, a cousinship is not surprising for it would be just like them to favor one another in behavior, if not by beakish nose or flinty gaze.

Mr. Hedges' article starts out by reminding me of my grousings here on SO'W concerning our present and direst need: to face and identify our demons (our, meaning we-the-people and anyone else who has grown weary of the lies, fraud, and corruption embedded within every social institution) in order to vanquish them. Though these days, I'd settle for neutralization of all the psychopaths running about, would you?

For now Politics wags us by the tail just as we were taught to expect like good little puppies and we murmur nary a peep in case the American tranquility might be disturbed. This is a hopeless plan for our side's sake considering the freedoms they've targeted to delete from our lives - in some cases, Life itself.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Awareness and Concentration are secret keys and Timing remains all important toward our success at prying the global crime syndicate's fingers out of every pie and its lousy fat patootie out of our world's catbird seat.

And if you feel insulted by my last remark, then you must be a globalist. #

The Collapse of Globalization

By Chris Hedges

Until we awake from our collective self-delusion, until we carry out sustained acts of civil disobedience against the corporate state and sever ourselves from the liberal institutions that serve the corporate juggernaut--especially the Democratic Party--we will continue to be rocketed toward a global catastrophe.


PS: loud cicadas will be rising soon here in Northeast Georgia and several other states as well (click link for a list) for the next while or so. Boy, will they be disappointed with what we've done with the place these last 17 years.

Jul 24, 2007

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Atty Gen. Alberto Gonzales?

Can't Congress and Senate do anything about his lies and perfidies without the extra time (running out the clock, are we?) and expense to the taxpayers? Are they in league with his and Bush's agenda no matter what theater they put on to impress and make it look as if they're actually doing something about our broke-tore-up Justice Dept?

Perhaps you recall my previous post from Feb '06 about
Saturn and Gonzo and how Saturn was plowing through his Leo line-up of planets.

Well, it's still going on now as Saturn 25Leo06 currently visits his natal Pluto 26Leo46 Rx. And powerful Pluto is well within orb of natal NN (encounters; associations; meetings) and will Station Direct appr Sept 7...on natal NN...ouch!

Heavy-weight Pluto's behind-the-scenes power trumps Saturn's power and authority so someone's keeping AG around--and we all know whom (or think we know.)

So can transiting midpoints have anything to do with the well-deserved oppression he's now experiencing? Have the unlawful chickens come home to roost?

If you click to enlarge the chart, you'll find I've added some of AG's natal midpoints and planets which I will now type out for you using midpoint directories from Tyl and from Ebertin:

At 9:30 am, Capitol Hill, the rising degree 12Vir34 brings up his natal Uranus/Neptune so we have...

Uran/Nep = ASC: wearing anxieties on one's sleeve; needing sympathy; instability; hypersensitivity; being depressed with others.

In 12th house there's Saturn recently moved beyond his Mars/Pluto midpoint...

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task (even if they're groggy from surgery apparently-jc.)

Saturn stomping on n Pluto as mentioned: threat of loss; very hard work; struggling to control current behaviors and motivations resulting from the past; loss of control in a situation that is simply too large to handle.

Transit Sun/Moon midpoint--a balance point in any chart and which concerns relationships--is conj n Saturn/Pluto midpoint, a cruel and laborious pair.

Neglectfully I did not write in Wednesday's Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is now at 25Libra56 (still hanging about Bush's n IC as previously mentioned in another post) and this difficult midpoint is now conj Gonzales' n Pluto/NN midpoint--AND his n Neptune.

It's important for understanding this little fellow so I'll type out again the picture for n Pluto/NN = Neptune (Plu/NN is the urge to become a public figure, and associations with the powerful)...

Plu/NN = Neptune: attaining success by use of lies and fraud; losses and disadvantages; the power of the half truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost.

Our ongoing Saturn/Neptune opposition has been affecting AG's Pluto--and his natal Moon as well if n Moon is within orb of opposing n Pluto, and since everyone knows the trouble he's seen recently, his Moon may just be opposite Pluto. This aspect would give him a cranky, hard-to-get-along-with personality and a tendency to buck authority.

Ironic considering how desperate he is to keep his own!

This post began with the question, "will a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Gonzales?"

And while I have little confidence in a Congress-in-cahoots (that body of Bush enablers), the midpoints and planetary transits to Al Gonzales' natal placements would cower all but the strongest.

Can this sniveler outlast the barrage?