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Mar 14, 2007

Sununu Calls Time Out for Gonzo

You'll want to read this Sununu Calls for Gonzales' Dismissal if you haven't yet but one cannot help thinking of an improvement, ...Calls for Gonzales' Arrest...that'd be more in line with fair reward for Gonzo's devious actions.

It seems to be: laws mean something VS some who think themselves above all laws...the law-makers, the system-breakers.

(See Chiron-Uranus Types in Government if you wish.)

Must be difficult not to be arrogant when you have that much power within society.

Still! may we not forget for Whom he did these things...for the commander-in-thief, as Thom Yorke put it so early on. And I couldn't agree more.

Mar 13, 2007

Rummy: Sep 10, 2001

In his speech to a bunch of war industry reps inside the Pentagon on September 10, 2001, a day-before above many days-before, Donald Rumsfeld told of his plans to hobble, undermine (and otherwise line his pockets with the blood of) the US military.

July 2006, US sec Mars goes Rx (station) and we've seen and heard only a fraction of what this administration has done to the US military while vulturing upon their sense of patriotism in order to profit obscenely bwo war--and from oil booty.

Rummy's friends Cheney, Bush, and others were game as were their shadowy backers. It was a chance for the Robber Barons to bolt back into the saddle again...just kidding...they were never out, just more visible at times--like now.

Jane Smiley's excellent article on HuffPo, Whoops, is just what should be read for a clear assessment on psychopath Rumsfelled, or Rumsfled, as I've cheekily called him before. It's too late to apologize now.

Happy 226th Birthday Uranus!

Shown in the above horoscope, the planet Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781 by German-born astronomer William Herschel. Uranus is now the second-farthest planet from the Sun, leaving Neptune the farthest away after Pluto was last year downgraded to a dwarf planet (now restored!). Follow the latest news and features on science & technology at The Scotsman.#

In the discovery chart of Uranus, formerly Ouranus, the Sky God, ruler of lightening bolts, uprisings, revolutions, originality, awareness...the creative spark.

The Sabian Symbol for Uranus, The Witness, whose discovery expanded the known universe from its former limit, Saturn, is:

"25Gem": "A man trimming palms"...ENHANCEMENT:

pos: an exceptional gift for bringing all things to an effective service in some over-all achievement;

neg: an empty display of trivial excellencies.

You'll notice that Pluto has been opposite Uranus of late, and plowing through the Mars/Saturn conjunction.

Mars/Saturn = tr Pluto: forcing an issue; taking control; strong anger.

Refer to the Discovery chart to see Chiron at his own discovery degree, and today's transits snugged around the chart in my usual chicken-scratch fashion. As you know, centaur Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus.

Today's Mars/Saturn midpoint conjuncts Uranus' Moon 15Sco04...

Mars/Sat = Moon: feelings about losing something; moodiness; depression.

You see the 29Leo MC (Aspiration Point) which is conj Fixed Star Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. Also at MC at discovery is the asteroid Morya. Morya nowadays hangs out ominously with Pluto. You notice that natal Pluto is at the "Medina degree."

Chart-ruler, Venus, not a nice lady when scorned, is conj IC, the HOW Point, the Foundation of the chart...and in nebulous Pisces. The US secondary progressed Sun is thereabouts resulting in a nebulous and murky view of America--internally and externally.

At discovery, perhaps Venus represents Herschel's sister who did more than hold his ladder but never got the credit she deserved (Pisces.)

Sec Sun in Pisces may relate to the rumors of globalist desires to morph America into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico...and perhaps South America, George? They sure don't like ya down there, but you can stay in your Paraguay compound if you like, I wouldn't miss ya.

Well, with no more time to celebrate the 226th Birthday of Uranus just now (yes, I say: yur ahn' nus) I wish the best of the day to this quirky planet so active in the US chart, so disruptive on the world stage.

McGovern prefers Nixon to Bush-Cheney

Yes, it's true. The Nation has some measured words from George McGovern concerning Bush, Cheney, and the Constitution.

He evens gives a "looks awfully good" to a certain Dem candidate--although he's giving no official endorsement yet (natch)--you know this one's name oh yes you do!

Mar 12, 2007

Libby and the Slam Dunk Pardon

Why Libby’s Pardon Is a Slam Dunk


EVEN by Washington’s standards, few debates have been more fatuous or wasted more energy than the frenzied speculation over whether President Bush will or will not pardon Scooter Libby. Of course he will. #
InformationClearingHouse know it's true.

Mar 11, 2007

Rutherford B.Hayes and Chiron/Pluto

"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty." Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1877-1881) - 19th President of the United States#

Chiron/Pluto aka plutocracy and oppression. Had enough?

Mar 7, 2007

Mercury stations direct tonight

At the White House, Mercury will go direct 25AQ25 at 11:38 pm est tonight.

As you know, Mercury, the Messenger and Scribe, (seemed to) turn Rx on Feb 13, 11:38 pm at 10Pis14 according to my Solar Fire software.

"11Pis": "Men seeking illumination"...DEDICATION:

pos: high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality;

neg/shadow side: obvious hypocrisy.

On March 27, 10:56:16 pm EDT, Mercury will leave shadow territory after retracing his steps and press forward. Until then we may be hearing--or should I say, re-hearing--of things from mid-February...not the least of which concerns Dick Cheney's office and the Scooter Libby guilty verdict announced yesterday.

No time today to do Mercury's process justice (she said, justice!) but I do want to give the "25AQ" and "26Aq" degrees' Sabian Symbols for tonight's turnaround:

"25AQ": "A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed"...UNIQUENESS:

pos: a genius for turning deficiency into a real asset (my italics):

neg/shadow side: unhappy and rebellious conceit.

"26AQ": "A hydrometer"...EFFICIENCY:

pos: exceptional ability in manipulating the fundamental complexities of living;

neg: self-defeating worry over trifles.

And after studying charts for the Libby verdict, plus Cheney's natal chart, etc, it looks to me like yesterday's helpful Grand Trine--a closed circuit energy pattern if there ever was one--between Jupiter (Rs), Saturn (Ds), and Venus (Patrick Fitzgerald, seems to me...Venus' Scales of Justice)--may relate to Fitzgerald's immediate announcement that he expected to seek No Other Indictments in this leaky matter...which some might say is a reach-around if there ever was one. Squeezy!

Or was Fitzgerald cannily seeking to put certain big fish at their ease ("expected")?

Well, it is all about protecting Bush after all, isn't it?

New Art: Cosmic Persona Designs and more images for Fairy and Moon lovers at:

Secret Moon Art

so there ya go if you want art online and want it pretty quickly!

Plus, Jude's Art Storefront at Lulu is available, too.

Mar 6, 2007


Scooter Libby found guilty of all but one charge--perjury--lying to the FBI (and what politician hasn't done that?)--now facing up to 30 years in prison but federal guidelines recommend less.

His attorneys say they will ask for a new trial and will appeal if it's not granted.

You see here a chart for his to enlarge.

And while my heart goes out to Libby's family, I think perhaps families shouldn't let loved ones enter politics--or become toadies and sacrificial lambs for people like Dick Cheney.

Mar 5, 2007

Bush funds war to fight war

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government 05 March 2007:

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

'The Redirection' is Treason: Bring in the Trials, There have to be Trials! --The Rec Report --By Michael Rectenwald Monday, 05 Mar 2007:

The War in Iraq has had more unintended consequences than anyone in the Bush regime had imagined. One of them is a new US strategy to fund the enemy of the US troops. That's right--we are funneling money to the Sunnis, the very same Sunnis who are attached to Al Qaida in Iraq, and the "insurgency." Did anyone doubt that the US is actually fomenting the war that we are supposedly there to squelch?

Privacy Board Clears U.S. Spy Programs 06 Mar 2007:

A White House privacy board is giving its stamp of approval to two of the Bush regime's controversial surveillance programs - electronic eavesdropping and financial tracking - and says they do not violate citizens' civil liberties. Democrats newly in charge of Congress quickly criticized the findings, which they said were questionable given some of the board members' close ties with the Bush administration. After operating mostly in secret for a year, the five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Board is preparing to release its first report to Congress next week. #

And the rush of the lemmings continues.

Cheney and the deep thrombosis

Well, monkeying with his plane when he was leaving Australia the other day didn't get him and bombing his snuggly bunker in Afghanistan failed to do the trick. But even 66-year-old Dick Cheney is subject to the health constraints of a bad heart and to the harvesting sickle of Old Father Time.

Yet Cheney's close calls on his recent global journey nagged at me--who knew where he'd be and when? Who sent him on his mission to pollinate the globe with Washington payoffs, threats, and kudos?

Who do we know would stop at nothing?

And still this "deep venous thrombosis" didn't keep the old workhorse from his desk, not to fret! Read the AP article by clicking on title above if you're concerned.

Perhaps the recent (Jan and Feb) Saturnian Scythe up above has been aimed at Cheney all along!

thoughts of Thomas Jefferson

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."


"If once [the people] become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions." : Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787

Looking today at the Progressed charts of Thomas Jefferson who may have something to say about our current infestation in Washington bwo of his Minor (mental-causal plane), Tertiary (feeling-intuitive plane), and Secondary (physical plane) midpoint pictures.

As you know, the Minor-Tertiary-Secondary Progressed charts are derived from the Natal chart and relate to the 27:13:1 ratio...we have a thought, then a feeling or intuition about the thought, then we act...that's Minor 27, Tert 13 and Sec 1, the 1 being the physical plane where we choose to act or not.

Minor charts also describe thoughts which are attempting to rise from our Unconscious and which perhaps should Not be acted upon...our choice.

Minor midpoints of Thomas Jefferson:

Mercury/Saturn = Mars: unrest; quarrels; treating others badly; separations caused by arguments and disputes; a change through force of circumstances; risking everything to make a point; turning drive into tyranny; no compromise.

Pluto/NN = Mars: demonstration of violence and brutality; desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; the misfortune to be placed in someone's else's hand or power; exhibition of personal power; tyranny.

Seems Tom would be thinking about tyranny if he were here--and with good cause. Since charts continue to speak and be triggered after we're gone, let's be brave on Tom's behalf for the sake of America. With his life dedicated to her establishment, he may be trying to tell us something about her this very day.

Avoiding tyranny was, after all, the basis for the founding of this nation--yet the military industrial complex is well on its way to having its way and establishing tyranny over the sheeple in the here and now...and on the entire world, if it can.

We can't even say Eisenhower and others didn't warn us. Then there's popular entertainment, religion, keeping up with the Jonese--all opiates of the masses--which we've also been warned about. How many of us listen?

Now as you know, Minor-Tertiary-Secondary Progressed charts are derived from the Natal chart and relate to the 27:13:1 ratio...we have a thought, then a feeling or intuition about the thought, then we act (or choose not to)...that's Minor 27, Tert 13 and Sec 1.

So we think 27x faster than we act and feel 13x faster than we act. (I hope Robert Blaschke will forgive me for making a muck of his work--see his excellent book, Astrology: A Language of Life, Vol 1 - Progressions for a better explanation than I can give you here.)

Tertiary midpoints:

Sat/Pluto = Sun: enforced change; threat of loss, hard work; separation; potential ill health; sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; privation; toil.

Sat/Neptune = Asc: limitation of freedom; feeling confined; an emotionally depressing environment; being a loner; sense of being "out of the group;"

Sat/Asc = Mars: angry at the status quo; trying to put things right; struggling with controls; obstinacy; self-willedness; placed in turbulent circumstances; separation; mourning;

Sun/Uranus = Moon: emotional excitability; demand for need fulfillment; the intense woman;

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideas with great zeal; the gift ot weild a powerful influence upon the public through speeches and writings; the power of persuasion; strategizing; planning;

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: the rage of fury or destruction; brutality; intervention from a Higher Power; bodily injury (murder, the death of a great many people); the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger.

Now for the Secondary mdpt pics (physical plane) which have which have resulted from the above:

Ven/Neptune = Saturn: fear of losing the dream (America?); a new look at realism is needed (I'll say): becoming sober again (bankruptcy can do that to a formerly rich nation...soup lines on the way?);

Moon/Mars = Asc: taking over leadership; establishing one's rights and privileges within a group; personal enterprise;

Mars/Mc = Asc: assumption of leadership; success and recognition; projection of sureness; confidence and pizzaz (things are going 'well' in Iraq?);

Sat/NN = Neptune: being neglected by others (go to US military hospitals with serious injuries from the Bush-Cheney war for plenty of that or be a New Orleans resident); emotional suffering from falsehoods, fraud, lies, deception, separation, and illness; confusing others about one's personal stand (politics! campaigning!);

Sat/Asc = Jupiter: tendency to bypass or ignore difficulties; a change of place; being seen as above-it-all; c'est la vie! or one works very hard to reestablish a new order that is reliable and predictable.

(Midpoints: from Ebertin, and Dr. Noel Tyl.)

To close this barrel of monkeys, here's a quote from former British prime minister, Clement Attlee, who shares natally the Sun Cap/Moon Scorpio of Pres. Jefferson's Minor blend today:

"Democracy means government by discussion but it is only effective if you can stop people talking."

And the *Image for Integration for this blend?

A priest turns his home into a shelter for the sick and homeless.

America--once shelter and the Ideal for the world. Now the light of Liberty's Torch is almost snuffed you care?

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.

Mar 2, 2007

Lunar Eclipse Mar 3 2007

Using the White House, Washington DC, as location for this Lunar Eclipse which will be in progress at Moonrise Saturday, 6:17:04 pm est, we will see a deep red-colored Moon.

This extraordinary red color isn't from pollution or from clouds, folks, this is the real deal.

Above title links to NASA's info with a map of visibility which covers pretty much everywhere on the globe with Moonrise to be seen from North America--and from Capitol Hill.

With Lunar Eclipses highlighting--or reflecting, in the case of the Moon--critical consciousness issues, this could be a doozy. Uncovering the negative/shadow side/unconscious danger may be particularly applicable to Capitol Hill and to blabbing politicians the globe over.

The Moon's Eclipse degree is 13Vir00 so let's look at *Dr. Marc Edmund Jones' interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for "13Vir":

"A strong hand supplanting political hysteria"...POWER:

pos: consistent effectiveness in dramatizing personal potentials;

neg/shadow side: loss of all opportunity in timid action.

And here is the opposite degree for the Sun during this Eclipse, "13Pis":

"A sword in a museum"...EXAMPLE:

pos: personal power in living common ideals;

neg: ridiculous pretense of epic merit.

The last is a good description of Capitol Hill Theater, dahling.

May the denizens of Capitol Hill take a closer look at their global machinations, their misdirected energies, and their continued undermining of America.

*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, available at