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Jul 12, 2007

US Army denies free speech--in Canada!

If you've been missing Patrick Wood's excellent work at The August Review you may want to catch up with Patrick concerning the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit set for Montebello, Quebec, August 20-21:

Public forums denied on upcoming SPP Summit because reality was about to get a little too close for comfort for Bush and the other North American Union types!

And if you saw Bush's strident performance from the new press room this morning, you know reality is still several continents away from Mr. George W. Bush.

The hypocrisy and propaganda continue...

Jul 10, 2007

Pope says he's Numero Uno

Lest the world forget: Pope Benedict signed yet another document promoting the Catholic Church as the only 'true' there, you Protestants and 'Orthodoxants' with your "wound" of not recognizing the pope as primal ("wound" = Chiron, which is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in the Vatican II's natal chart. If anyone wants to see the natal chart, let me know and I'll post it.)

Pope says other Christians aren't Christians, so there and some analysts think he may have signed yet another "I'm Numero Uno" document now because of internal church politics.

Or maybe it's those dwindling church coffers added to a boatload of egotism?

And who can forget the heady days of the New Millenium when John Paul called for the New World Order?

George Bush on 'ethical' taking of life

"America is a nation founded on the principle that all human life is sacred ..... Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical." G.W. Bush on the occasion of vetoing Congressional bill on stem cell research. June 20, 2007

All human life is sacred, Mr.Bush, but your bombs belie your professed belief. You and your ilk are quick to apply a truism when it suits your purposes and even quicker to ignore it when it interferes with your plans.

"What does it matter to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?" Mahatma Gandhi

Good question. It doesn't.


Jul 9, 2007

Green Comet and the sunspot

Space Weather News for July 9, 2007:

PHOTOGENIC SUNSPOT: During the weekend new sunspot 963 emerged, and it is putting on a remarkable show for onlookers with solar telescopes. Images featured on today's edition of include must-see footage of a fire-fountain-like eruption plus snapshots of the International Space Station (ISS) transiting the active region. The big double-sunspot is just beginning a two week journey across the face of the sun, promising many more photo-ops in the days ahead.

GREEN COMET: This week, comet Linear VZ13 is gliding through the constellation Draco not far from the North Star. The 8th magnitude comet is too dim for the naked eye, but it is an easy target for binoculars and backyard telescopes. Observers say it has a beautiful green atmosphere and a stubby fan-shaped tail. Closest approach to Earth: July 14th at a distance of 86 million km. Visit for daily sky maps and photos.#

Now the circumpolar constellation Draco, the Dragon, has its brightest star, Thuban, "to make or protect a treasure" mentioned by Ptolemy to be related to Mars and Saturn influences. Not so good, although Thuban may be indicative of immense treasures flowing to the world (Brady, Fixed Stars.)

Thuban culminated with Pablo Picasso's Sun which shows his prolific output of a body of artwork which was valuable while he was still living...treasures indeed.

And Sir Isaac Newton's Moon set as Thuban culminated so he had an emotional attachment to his acquisitions. He guarded his treasures--his ideas and theories--and resisted publishing his invention, calculus, perhaps because he feared theft of his genius and was known as a miser.

Thuban can also be about sacred matters which have degenerated into jealously guarded treasure--or it can bring immense riches.

Then there is Polaris, the North Star, mentioned in the SpaceWeather dispatch above, keywords: "to point the way; and, a protective or nurturing mission."

Polaris is the star at the end of the handle of Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper or Bear...hard to miss.

Older traditions connect Polaris with evil or with illness, but most allow a sense of guidance, pioneering, and path finding. Ptolemy asserts influences of Saturn and Venus for Polaris.

Actually, due to precession, Thuban was once the pole star in 3,000 B.C.E., fancifully making Ursa Minor the wings of Draco the Dragon.

So it's Little Bears, Dragons, and Green Comets!

New World Order: Oct 24, 1993

My original post with charts details on this dragon's spawn is here. It's proven itself to be quite the Octopus--just ask Poppy Bush!

More reading here on the Illuminati and their NWO plans which are proceeding nicely and very much including the bankrupting of America by the Bush, Illuminati (updated: 9.26.07.)

Reopen 911?

Reopen 911 is a member of the 911 Truth movement and you'll find that Christine Boutin said last year that Bush is behind 911.

But since it takes at least two to tango, it's my belief that Cheney was the...shall we say, ramrod, of the plot.

Then there's the Sabian Symbol, a word picture which can be surprisingly descriptive of a person or event...the word picture for the Rising degree (the WHAT? of the chart, the horizon, what's coming up) at 8:46 am edt, NYC, 9/11/01 is:

"15Libra" = "Circular paths."

And who do we know who flew in lazy circular paths after leaving Sarasota on that black day?

Perhaps you've read my post on Cheney and 911 from April 2006. Above you see Cheney's secondary chart (the physical plane) progressed to Sept 11, 2001 with Cheney's oh-so-obvious Pluto/Chiron midpoint perfectly astride the most Public Point of any chart--the Midheaven ('MC' = Aspirations; Career; Public Status.)

(I had removed this chart from the 2006 post due to legal considerations which turned out to be no problemo and I've meant to republish it, so with the current heated-up calls for Cheney's Impeachment (and Bush's) it seems like a good Monday to do just that, so here ya go, if you haven't had a gander at the chart before. Even so, you do remember 9/11.)

Sometimes a chart can look chilling...this one's frozen and petrified all at the same time, isn't it?

So as you know, the blending of Pluto/Chiron energies results in oppression, racism, kicking the disenfranchised when they're down, class warfare, predatory lending, and in a word, plutocracy. Vulturing Vulcans, descended from or friends of the robber baron classes, or as they prefer to be called, the elite.

Once again I mention the date of the Great Pluto/Chiron conjunction: Dec 30, 1999 which ushered in the much-hyped New Millenium for the plutocrats to go hog wild and have at it. And the two heavy weights, Pluto and Chiron, were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and invaluable for timing purposes) for Two Days in Mid-August of 2004.

Don't get me started.....

Jul 8, 2007

deadline for Bush? Monday, 10 am edt

Will Monday's 10 am deadline for the White House to explain why they've claimed executive privilege (from the gods apparently) on subpoenaed documents for the much-ballyhooed congressional "investigation" concerning PurgeGate (which will continue shielding SurgeGate like a teeny fig leaf over George's twig'n'berries)--will Monday's deadline lead to anything meaningful?

White House Subpoena Battle Surges but what will all the hubbub and millions spent bring the American people from this "investigation"?

Is the clock being run out so that Bush can finish his ill-begotten presidency? How good would Nancy Pelosi be at the helm?

With Mercury of the wing'ed feet and helmet being the Messenger and with his relationship to communications of all sorts, is it telling that Mercury's Direct Station begins Monday evening at 10:16 pm edt, White House?

Mercury must travel beyond its shadow period degrees before progress can be made on paperwork/communications issues (on or after July 23 Mercury will move 'free'...and the upcoming Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 is about bringing to the surface longterm worries about paperwork or communications!)

At 10:00 am, July 9, White House, during a Mars hour, the rising degree is "6Virgo"..."A merry-go-round"...keyword: DIVERSION...

pos: endless and happy resourcefulness in a constant reorientation of self to meet varying exigencies of life;

neg/shadow side: a continuous and senseless ricochet from one to another meaningless phase of self-expression.

Mercury is rising these days with Fixed Star, Bellatrix, keyphrase: "success through the shadow." And Bush's natal Mars (9Vir18) is first to rise in the 10 am chart...

"10Vir": "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." The shadows lengthen for Mr.Bush and his warhawk colleagues yet they're nothing if not as determined as blood brothers to fight until the end, America be da*ned in the process.

Earlier on Monday, at 7:26 am, Moon conjuncts Mars at "12Tau": "A man handling baggage", so perhaps a lady is in the picture--Bar Bush, maybe? One wonders with asteroid, Ceres ("the mother") conjunct Moon and Mars as well. Someone is emotionally upset. Can Madam Pretty Mind save baby's bacon once again?

Well, be that as it may--whether the Moon represents mom or girlfriend or colleague--Jupiter (11Sag09 Rx) and Pluto (27Sag08 Rx, conj asteroid Lilith) is at the base of the 10 am chart, and Vesta is at its IC (2Sag11.)

Also Rising at 10 am Monday--his missing mojo:

South Node of the Moon (SN, a separative point; now 8Vir25, conj Bush's Mars--a signature of war, violence, maleness, and indicates past behaviors about which Congress is asking questions--or possibly separation from a male ?) is rising--as is Bush Sr's natal ASC...and Jupiter is squaring both his ASC and Jr's natal Mars. This describes the Republicans (R Party = Jupiter, D Party = Saturn) going against Bush's war 'policies' since squares = blockages.

Chart-ruler Mercury's only applying aspect is an opposition to powerful Pluto (5A21) so we have the "5 mins-5 hours-5 days-5 months" hint about when things may peak.

Mercury also applies to a lovely trine with NN (5A56) so publicity should be favorable to Bush's communications issues, executive privilege argument, and Bush's cussedness being promoted as 'steadiness' and 'strength' as usual.

All in all I'd say the spin-we're-in about these matters will be drawn out as long as the White House can stretch them, and I have no idea how the Bush team concentrates on war-waging or on much of anything else since they're under attack themselves...unless this "investigation" is for show...just another Capitol Hill Theater Matinee, dahling!

But politically motivated diversions are not why they do things so badly...they like how things are going esp if that little gnat of Congress would just stop buzzing around their fat, exalted, neocon heads so they could get on with it. Bush is highly irritated these days, as you may have noticed--and would certainly expect of such a renegade as he.

Watching and reading the press catapult the diversions will be the same old same old...boring and bad for the country. But has George's fig leaf started curling beyond prudent wearing? Gross mental image...sorry.

So if all this is about Impeachment, count me in for I've always thought Bush's failure to uphold the Inaugural Oath he took to protect the US Constitution was gracious plenty reason to rid the White House of its current robber baron vermin.