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Nov 20, 2007

Dear Santa: Toys for Christmas?

This heads-up just received in my PIRG Newsletter:

For the last 22 years we've released our report about unsafe toys: "Trouble In Toyland." Every November, we catalogue unsafe toys that we find on store shelves. It seems even more important this year, after so many recalls of toys, food and other products. And it's even more critical as we get closer to the busiest shopping day of the year.

But even after all the recalls and all the media attention, we still found a Curious George doll with lead at five times the current limit, a toy cow with lead paint at nearly 50 percent more than legal limits, and lead-laced play jewelry -- one piece was actually 65 percent lead, which is more than 1,000 times the legal limit!

Click the links below to read our report, as well as the list of unsafe toys and tips for parents.

Report: USPIRG: Trouble in Toyland

Tips for toy safety.

With so many unsafe toys, we can't rely on the news coverage to inform shoppers. Please forward a link to this post to all of your friends and family who might be buying toys in the coming weeks.

Noam Chomsky: sustain the pressure

"If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something, but the people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time." --Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky was born Dec 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, PA (Rodden rating: A) with Sun 15Sag09 and Moon 24Lib06. His ASC/DESC and MC/IC cusps are same as the US ('Sibly') cusps...ASC 12Sag16, with Mercury Oriental (last to rise just before the Sun, concerns the career), and MC 00Lib55.

Mercury Oriental = dotting the i's and crossing the t's; respect for detail; getting things right with perhaps a need to conform to clearly defined procedures and expectations. (Tyl, Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology.)

Mars 4Can48 is Rx and out-of-bounds, plus his Sun-Moon personality blend can be quite iconoclastic.

Chomsky is now involved in a Mars Return (new cycle of activity) with three conjunctions to natal Mars:

1. Oct 10, 2007; 2. Dec 19 Rx; 3. Mar 17, 2008.

"5Can" = "At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train." (Lynda Hill, 360 Degrees of Wisdom.)

This car in this Symbol speaks of an individual with the ability to go in a chosen direction and the train represents the collective. The train can only go on the tracks and has no ability to maneuver tricky situations or to change directions quickly. There is a recklessness in this Symbol, of not considering consequences well enough to avoid catastrophe...of going "off the tracks."

With transit Pluto poised to enter Capricorn, Chomsky's n Mars will be opposed by Pluto beginning in late 2010 which is the 'powerful forces paralyze actions' transit.

And since Chomsky will be 82 by that time, a health crisis and/or surgery may apply--actually once Pluto enters Capricorn (Feb 2008), Pluto is within orb of opposition to natal Mars.

Born within the 2South Solar Eclipse Series, Noam Chomsky shares this PE Series with Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan; its key theme is:

involvement in unusal groups through which it is felt that a great deal can be gained.

The 2S Series last occurred Dec 25, 2000--and you remember what was going on then! It next manifests Jan 6, 2019 at "15Cap."

Here are his Sun Sag/Moon Lib Images for Integration:

Amidst a whirl of gaiety, a writer sits in a coffee house taking notes, and a painter paints...The Dead Poets' Society. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Wonder if he prefers Starbucks coffee...I don't!

"... the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."

--Alex Carey: Australian social scientist, quoted by Noam Chomsky in World Orders Old and New

Nov 19, 2007

Comet Holmes 'swallows' Mirfak

Space Weather News for Nov. 19, 2007

Comet 17P/Holmes is swallowing a star! Not really, but it looks that way. Tonight, the exploding comet is passing directly in front of Mirfak, the brightest star of the constellation Perseus.

Astronomers liken the view through a backyard telescope to a giant space-faring jellyfish gobbling a phosphorescent treat. Although Comet Holmes is now fading to the limits of naked-eye visibility, the star-comet duo is still easy to find in the northern sky after sunset.

Visit for a sky map and photos.#

Here's some info on Mirfak and Perseus archetypes and myths.

Nov 18, 2007

Pentagon veils true casualty numbers

Pentagon Cover Up: 15,000 or more US casualties in Iraq War

By Mike Whitney

The Pentagon has been concealing the true number of American casualties in the Iraq War. The real number exceeds 15,000 and CBS News can prove it.

Read Whitney's article here thanks to Information Clearing House.

Freemasons of Washington DC

In Washington sits the southern home of Freemasonry, the House of the Temple of the Scottish Rite where you can walk a curving mahogany corridor and view the likes of their I-didn't-know-he-was-a-Freemason portrait collection of members including:

Arnold Palmer, Sam Ervin, John Glenn, Will Rogers, John Wayne, J. Edgar Hoover, and Harry Truman--are only some of the enlightened bunch.

Well, everyone knows Truman was a Mason, but the identities of some of the others might shock even your Aunt Granny Fanny, if you dare inform her (in her day she had such a huge crush on John Wayne, you know.)

And the hairs may stand up on the back of your neck as you gaze at the beautiful stained glass window with its familiar Eye of Providence staring splendidly back atcha. (My recommendation is to have a barber take care of those wayward hairs before you get to the Temple.)

Here's a related post on Founding Fathers/Freemasonry from 2005 about the naming of this blog: Why 'Stars Over Washington'?

Nov 17, 2007

Astrology of a gaseous odor in Newark

Perhaps you've read of the strange gaseous odor at the Newark Airport today.

Here's the chart of the time a natural gas odor was noticed by people in Terminal B, Newark, N.J. today, Saturday, at "around 11:00 am."

With all apologies to the goddess of pristine charts, the image you see here (which may be clicked to enlarge) has a bunch of my chickenscratch notes upon it. Quite a big bunch, perhaps readable, perhaps not.

A lack of time (my usual complaint of late since I relocated my real world business and became...busier) prevents much keyboarding on the issue, yet I confess to having a difficult time not viewing this calamity in Newark as connected in some way to Bush's recent announcement of air lane openings for the holidays.

Thanks, Army! But if this airy holiday boost should turn similar to 9/11's pretend drills and charades which were allowed to infere with the nation's defense systems when we needed them most, no thanks.

Back to Newark Airport, Nov 17, 2007, 11:00 am est:

All in all, it looks as if a message has been sent...the Moon (a lady? tribal-based individual/s? someone from a 'network' or Family of some kind?) "met" Neptune, planet of gases and mysterious odors, poisonings,and veiled subterfuge, at 6:47:34 am est--near sunrise, in Newark, at 19AQ20, where Neptune still hovers at 11:00 am.

Odorless natural gas has scent added so that it can be smelled, so I'm assuming this is what may have been snooted out, if it was gas at all. It could have been un-natural gas--something concocted in (gov?) lab or garage. Who knows?

With the Mars/Pluto duo (violence; zeal; fanaticism) currently locked in an obsessive-compulsive Quindecile aspect of 165 degrees, there's a 'ruthless forcing of one's will upon others' everywhere we look--in Pakistan, Russia, and, no less, in America. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Rebellious, disruptive, original, and innovative Uranus (science; progressive or radical movements; politicians) in Pisces the last few years, has sparked new research (incl genetics and cells--Pisces, etc), experiments and flu shenanigans are underhoof...under someone's hooves where the buck will eventually stop.

Mars/Pluto energy is the environmental background of late, so honk! if you can feel it.

Especially when you consider Mars' recent RX Station 12Can27 (on Nov 15--the day Musharraf was supposedly changing directions...but he's still bumbling along, clinging by hairy claw, using Pakistan's nuclear arms as his collateral for staying in power--as a threat against the dire thought of losing control.

Naked Power Grab covers it well, just as with Putin, Chavez, Bush, and their ilk. Funny how they imagine themselves as being very special, but they act like bums to me. Bums and worse.

Musharraf is mad like the rest of 'em, plus: Pervez has Very Bad Hair Days each and every day. Please! someone, remove all bottles of Nice'n'Easy from his grasp. His hair frightens little children. And reluctant astrologers. It is pretty hilarious looking though.)

Asteroid Atlantis and its abuse of power/sense of doom is conjunct Venus, both significators of America herself. Venus-Atlantis, a powerful partnership and one that is perhaps linked to archaeology and/or to ancient cultures and myths, 'the legend of Atlantis' being the more obvious connection. After illegally invading Iraq, Bush-Cheney looted their museum of all its treasures, you'll remember.

Chart-ruler Saturn is everyone's favorite planet of delays, control, restriction, oppression, and lessons that need learning, and is posited in Virgo, sign of health and health issues; Virgo is also the sign of book writers, scientists, researchers, authorities, conservatives (esp judges, lawyers, and business managers)--and Democrats-in-America (such as they are--who can really tell the diff anymore? Is there a diff to be told? Corporations rule...fascism.)

Some midpoints arose as gas permeated Terminal B which created 'midpoint pictures' with the ASC:

Pluto/Chiron (plutocrats); Jupiter/Neptune (speculators); and Sun/Uranus (revolutionary spirits; upsets.) Quite a pile-up, si?

With Jupiter's expansion of Neptunian substances, such as poisons, gases, liquids, we see:

Jup/Neptune = ASC: speculating; living in an unreal world which is lighted by an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Sun/Uranus = ASC: sudden events; high excitability; new associations.

And Pluto/Chiron = oppression, class warfare, racism, and corporatism...ascending--the WHAT? Point of this event chart.

At MC (The Goal; WHY? Point at 11:00 am est), there's a certain Saturnian midpoint presenting this picture:

Saturn/ASC = MC: suffering from other people's actions; oppression; inhibition; hindered in the fulfillment of one's objectives. Hmmmm. Could this refer to HoSec's on-the-spot foiling of the plans of vicious mystery culprits? Or to passengers being tampered with...or to one passenger in particular being diverted from a task? Perhaps someone didn't want his luggage to be checked too closely, to become "The x-ray"...Sabian Symbol of the Sun's degree, "25Sco."

(Note: at sunrise, Saturn 7Vir38 was conj MC 7Vir10, with South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, had just passed over Midheaven (the objective), so basically, the day began with: Saturn/SN = MC...a target?)

Security-minded Ceres is at the HOW? Point, the IC, of the chart and the matter. The "14Tau" degree area = the US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, noon, Wash DC) so it equals the president or the president's office.

Seems Mars, the instigator, is still busy causing trouble in Cancer, Retrograde and making himself felt in all quarters--and conj USA's and Bush's natal Suns.

~And the last Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 (18Vir24) is being triggered by the Sun/Mars midpoint now--Sun/Mars is a very dynamic point of action and energy manifestation. Is today's HoSec story and event a diversion from email problems, or is it among false flag ops which we must expect yet not wish for?~

Mercury, planet of air travel, is in sometimes treacherous Scorpio in the 9th house of foreign enemies. Think what you will.

Well, I shall leave you to your own calculations and am sending well wishes for anyone victimized by this 'accident' (as it may be billed by the media, which is also Neptune-flavored.)

Yes, there's undoubtedly more current info online about it now, yet there's no time for me to check it this evening. But if called for, an attempt will be made to add to this post as things unfold.

Not that we'll ever necessarily know the truth about this mysterious matter.

Stay safe, Y'all.

NPR reporting 5 pm: World Leaders will meet in December to discuss climate change...ahh, December, when Jupiter conjuncts Pluto...Dec 11, one of the Great Conjunctions last seen in Scorpio, Dec 2, 1994.

Issues of that time recycle and bedevil society beginning Dec 11, 2007 and onward for this appr 13-year-cycle of Jupiter-Pluto's love of power and strong-armed plutocratic rule.

Nov 15, 2007

Comet now bigger than the Sun

Space Weather News for Nov. 15, 2007

GIANT COMET: University of Hawaii astronomers have measured the diameter of Comet 17P/Holmes: 1.4 million kilometers. This makes the exploding comet bigger than the sun and now the largest object in the solar system. Not surprisingly, the comet is visible to the naked eye; with only a backyard telescope you can watch its gigantic debris cloud expand from night to night. Nov. 19th is an especially good night to look: Comet Holmes will glide by *Mirfak, the brightest star in the constellation Perseus, and appear to swallow it.

Visit for a sky map and images.

(Note: The sun remains by far the most massive object in the solar system. Comet 17P/Holmes' diaphanous atmosphere of dust and gas, which is what the astronomers measured, contains less mass than a typical asteroid. In spite of its great size, Comet Holmes is a lightweight that won't be deflecting the orbits of planets or causing any other such catastrophes.)

ROSETTA FLYBY: On Nov. 13th, the European Space Agency's comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft buzzed Earth, passing only 5300 km above the southern hemisphere. During the high-speed gravity assist maneuver, Rosetta snapped some fantastic pictures including close-up shots of Antarctic icescapes and glittering views of city lights at night.

See Rosetta's amazing photos at

*Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): young male energy; a young warrior proud of his strength.

Nov 14, 2007

the jewel of public liberty

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined....O sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people!"

--Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father (and now one of The Disappointed)

Born May 29, 1736 (NS) in Studley, VA, Patrick Henry has Sun Gem/Moon AQ--he was an Airy (mental) guy, a Disseminating type who believed that human beings are born free.

This is a light yet serious blend, full of energy and curiosity. A reformer with prophetic gifts, it gives a determination to follow a vision of larger Truth wherever it may lead.

One of life's great spectators, this humanitarian, ultra-reasonable personality blend is shared with several people of interest: Richard Wagner, Pat Boone (I know!), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Marilyn Monroe (yep!), Sally Ride, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edvard Grieg, Anton Mesmer (you are getting slee-py), and W.B. Yeats.

Images for Integration:

Sherlock Holmes...Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen...A scientist suddenly sees the caterpillar, chrysallis, and butterfly as one single being.
(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas. & Suzi Harvey.)

It's 2007, election's coming up--wouldn't it be great to find such a clear-headed man like Patrick Henry now?

Nov 13, 2007

Sept 11 Eclipse: calling all chickens!

Breaking News

White House ordered to keep backup copies of e-mail 12 Nov 2007:

A federal judge on Monday issued a temporary restraining order blocking the White House from destroying back-up copies of deleted e-mails. The order by U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy came in a lawsuit by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a private watchdog group, which claims the White House has failed to preserve millions of deleted e-mails it was supposed to keep. #

The Sep 11 Solar Eclipse is insisting that the paperwork/communications chickens come home to roost...but the fox is in the henhouse.

Nov 11, 2007

Condi and Pervez: caught on tape?

Everyone knows that bugged hotel rooms are a constant vexation to music-lovin' politicians everywhere--how and where to have a private...conversation?

Watching Condi Rice's mash note to Pervez Musharraf this morning on This Week with George Stephanopoulos has caused the muse of romance to light upon my left shoulder, sparking a scene in my imagination--a scene which Condi and Pervez probably don't want revealed, so let's reveal it...

Scene: a quiet, cozy hotel suite, somewhere on the chaotic planet:

Come on over and sit by me, General...(turns down light)...

Take off your uniform and relax a about a little...piano music?

(tinkly piano...The Way You Look Tonight...)

You know, the only thing more gorgeous than a man in uniform is a man out of uniform...(piano suggestively segues into My Funny Valentine...)

You can be yourself with me, General...let down

Gosh, that head rug looks...stiff...why not take it off, too?...(pause, as wig is flung onto room service cart...)

Never mind...put it back, you look handsome tonight...yes, our time is brief, but I'm yours until the sunrise...

Why, I'd love to pillow or two? Those aren't pillows?

Oh, General!

Musharraf Sets No End to Emergency Rule yet trysts must end all too soon...