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Aug 27, 2008

Ambien America? Wake Up! says Kucinich

Rep Dennis Kucinich: "Wake Up America!"

by Rep Dennis Kucinich

Former presidential candidate Rep Dennis Kucinich delivered one of the most passionate addresses Tuesday night. "Wake up, America. We went into Iraq for oil. The oil companies want more," Kucinich said. "War against Iran will mean $10-a-gallon gasoline. The oil administration wants to drill more, into your wallet.

Wake up, America. Weapons contractors want more. An Iran war will cost 5 to 10 trillion dollars.

Read more of Kucinich's Tuesday night passion at ICH. #

Wonder if it's true that John McCain is an Ambien user? Because sleepwalking to the ringing phone at 3:00 am in the White House he's sure to be befuzzled, if so. Yet oft have I wondered the same about Bush these last crazy years. And mixing the drug with that other drug, alcohol, is a very irresponsible way to run a country.

Obama to Denver - Moon back in bounds 8.27.08

This morning at appr 8:46 am MDT, the Moon returns within the earthly plane and at some point Barack Obama's plane lands in Denver, Colorado for DNC 2008.

Considering the Moon's astrological influences of fame and publicity, Luna's coming back in bounds seems to be an obvious pointer toward the popular Dem candidate now making the scene in the biggest way as he enters the realm of the convention being held in honor of his annointing!

Well see a 'famous Moon' deliver a Mercurial speech on Thursday night.

Small Caution: if you visit the post linked above, you'll find astrologese therein but not to fret - it's translated into English as best this reluctant astrologer can manage.

The very apt Sabian Symbol (word picture) involved with today's timing of the Moon's return to the earthly plane is '25 Cancer' - conjunct US natal Mercury from 1776!

Moon-Mercury contacts give great perceptual ability, receptivity, and often relate to the family in some way. In Obama's case this may be his own family (a shout-out? and/or to the family of mankind); and the audience (Moon) will be very receptive to his speech (Mercury.)

Yes, Obama, the big tent revivalist, is about to do his work Thursday evening while the transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint ('hard work; directed energy; actions restricted') sits upon his natal Mars degree.

This is part of my previously mentioned concerns this week about Obama's safety...that it's piled upon US natal Neptune if you'd like to fret with me here's the midpoint picture created with poison-flavored Neptune of deception and veiling fame - Mars/Saturn may also have a 'threat to health' influence...

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: feeling threatened (he has been and so have we - as he has been saying, the American people are 'fearful'); waning powers of resistance and weakening efforts; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or epidemic; a grievous loss; a mysterious death. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

This is an ugly portent which one hopes will be avoided if need be especially since it affects America's Neptune in Virgo, sign of tummy troubles and health. Hope no one catches the flu! And Virgo's work association is on the table too, or under the table with so many American jobs already lost.

So you can read all about it at Jude's Threshold plus, I'm certain you can find other astrological analyses online of the DNC shendig by tossing your browser a very short distance toward all the wonderful Astrology bloggers waiting for you in cyberspace!

Here's one of my many Moon Art images, Moon Trail, from Secret Moon Art!

Aug 26, 2008

GOP's Orwellian tactics against Obama

TPM has it, Orwell calls it, and the GOP is uses it - the Ministry of Truth against Barack Obama.

But sometimes doublespeak doubles round on ya and takes a gulp of your own hide because using the collective unconscious against the collective can be a dicey game.

Orwell Diaries, in blog form is now available online, did you know?

It began with entries from August 8 (1938 = August 8, 2008) with gardening and weather notations prominent (he was big on journaling as you may imagine - can't you see him blogging now?) but a few days into September, the entries will switch to political items.

And synchronistically enough, Hierophant Jupiter will make a Direct Station on Sept 8 (12:17 am edt, Washington DC) in *Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business at just about the time Orwell's Diary turns political, and wise Jupiter is nothing if not an idealist...hmmm... . .

Take a walk on the 70-years-ago side and make Orwell Diaries your blog du jour!


Jupiter's Direct Station degree is 12Cap32 opposite America's natal Sun so financial restrictions continue as more devilishness comes to light. Of course, moneybags Jupiter could let go of some moola then or soon after Sept 8!

Sun and Moon of Michelle Obama

A quick glance at the natal chart of Michelle Obama shows her Sun in the last decan of Capricorn with Moon in the last degrees of Aquarius.

This places Moon conjunct US natal Moon, giving her star quality especially as a mom (Moon) with the American public. Her attributes have been generously discussed in all forms of media as well as her fashion sense praised, but in politics, her husband's opponents have been practically forced to delve for things to take exception to as well.

In consideration of Mrs. Obama's Sun Cap-Moon AQ, we may glean a smidge of detail concerning the lady's personality with Sun (purpose) and Moon (reigning needs) blended into a Cap-AQ mix - and without being overly intrusive into her natal chart's dynamics.

As you know, Cap and AQ can 'get along' by way of shared Saturnian influence with tradition vs progress issues, an intrinsic part of the nature, finding resolution with time and patience.

Sun Cap-Moon AQ gives a lucid and practical way of viewing life, a mixture of outgoing friendliness with self-contained reserve. Self-sufficiency, organizational talents, and a sceptical intelligence make this Sun Capricorn well suited for the law profession esp when there's a humanitarian flavor (AQ.)

For someone who is 'up front' Michelle Obama is a remarkably private person who wants to reform the world, yet be accepted by it.

Is she a conventional 'square' masquerading in wild clothing? Well, we see she is not, so the other applies here: a world-shaking reformer who loves the elegant world of fashion and likes to dress the high society part.

If you know Capricorn you know there is always a respect for tradition wherever the mer-goat turns up and logic, objectivity, and ambition are not far behind. Mysticism may an interest as well for the mer-goat is one of mankind's most ancient symbols from the collective unconscious. If so, it would tend to be practical mysticism, however!

This blend gives a contradictoriness to her nature in the realm of re-writing rules vs historical precedence, and with today's politics, she may have found a perfect niche in Washington which could do with her style and her intelligence.

Having an independent mind set this lady does not suffer fools gladly and she's sure to have found many such inside the game of politics. But her ability to combine ambition with modesty along Jackie Kennedy lines (plus a new wardrobe in a smashing colors) should help her with all but the most determined of her husband's opponents, sour lot as they be.

"The working mother" archetype was on display last evening as Michelle Obama offered the keynote address at the DNC 2008 concordance in Denver, and she rose to the task at hand as all good Cappies would.

(Having Mercury in Cap gives structure to her thinking which can impress if you can get a Mercury Cap to open up their thinking long enough to talk....

...And n Mercury is Oriental, meaning 'last to rise before the Sun' so she's a 'crossing the Ts/dotting the Is' kind of person with a need to get all details right and do things how they should be done...good for attorneys.) (Noel Tyl.)

In relationships, the Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend can make one something of a tantalizing mystery to others, one who is choosy about whom she spends real time. Her interest in a wide range of people is there, but AQ prefers some detachment and distance from the throng.

The White House has a few very private spaces if she should turn out to need them in January.

Still waters run deep is a good way to sum up this blend, if you must, for this woman with the typical Capricornian fear of rejection and need to be in control, is paradox personified. Cap Sun women often find themselves doing the majority of the child raising in a family since Cap's Saturn IS the father, and she seems to do this very well - capability is also a Cap trait.

Her co-parental unit works in politics, a time-consuming master, and under Capricorn's purview along with business and law. The senator's regular trips home on the weekend are their attempts at blending these contradictions as well as an honoring of family values for the sake of their daughters.

With this blend we see that Michelle's ambition never loses sight of the rights and well-being of others for AQ is the humanitarian sign. Yet she has a faculty for ignoring people and matters that do not especially interest her or further her ends (and in today's fractured world, this may be a +!)

Cap has a poetic streak and she may be creatively talented (I'm writing this without delving into what's known about her) such as in music, dance, or painting. Encapsulating the essence of things whether in poetry or life is one of her many talents, and elegant words come easily to Sun Cap-Mon AQ.

Images for Integration: "Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter...A prophetic poet is awarded high honors...An historian points the way to future." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

These Images were on display in Denver's Mile high City last evening as her husband's career is in process of passing normal bounds of all expectation as was mentioned a few times in last evening's script. Who woulda thunk? Barry would rise so high as Mile High City?

Sun Cap-Moon AQ is natally shared by American poet Carl Sandburg and world class athlete Mohamed Ali, so I'll close with some quotes from them and which may describe Michelle Obama's life philosophy quite well...see what you think:

'I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way.'

-Carl Sandburg

'Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

-Muhammad Ali

Aug 25, 2008

Biden video: I'm a Zionist

In Case You Missed It Joe Biden: I am a Zionist

2 Minute Video

US Senator Joe Biden, candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination,speaks with Shalom TV CEO Mark S. Golub on Israel and Jewish-related issues in this exclusive interview... you see, Biden is not only a credit card company shill against the American people's best interests, he holds the Zionist card's chaotic societal tinkering and highminded idealism in his globalist hand. Gravitas for Obama indeed.

Yes, Pluto/Chiron is on the march with -ISMs by the score! By Inauguration Day 2009, transiting Pluto/Chiron = Inaugural Midheaven (the goal) at noon in Washington, along with US natal Pluto on display as it's been since Inaugurations were switched to Jan 20 in 1937 (on FDR's watch) so we've been seen (MC) as the world's policeman, oppression complimentary.

Prior to 1937, Inaugural MC fell at 8Pisces+ which showed the world the US natal Ceres (the mother - the Statue of Liberty's nurturance of the weary; security issues) as did America's NATAL Pluto/Chiron there a theme here?

Foreigners are no longer as welcome to our shores, are they? We're full-up, amigos.

You know actually I neglected to mention in earlier posts today about this week's Moon passing the Dem Party's natal Saturn/Uranus midpoint which indicates a meeting with those who are described by Saturn/Uranus - Israelis (and Palestinians, too) and relating particularly to the D-Party politics (natal chart.)

I figured this was significant in an Israeli-American sense, but had such a list of midpoints to give you, I started the Convention's 'Moon clock' with 22Gem56 at sunrise Monday - and the Dem Party's natal Saturn/Uranus midpoint is 20Gem30.

Is this Biden and his much-touted foreign policy experience reflected in the light of an out of bounds Moon?

Anyway, here's the midpoint picture created which may or not apply:

Saturn/Uranus = Moon: a sudden desire to liberate oneself from emotional stress; emotional courage emerges under duress; changes for freedom; possible separation from females.

Well, I'm a female about to separate from these issues for today, because this is the most time I will have to blurb on the Dem Convention at one sitting until later in the week.

This grumps me up because they're delivering to us such grand political theater, dahlink!

Moon over the Dem Convention 2008

Moon Signs of Dem Convention 2008 is now published in two posts at Jude's Threshold.

The posts are my attempt to track this week's Moon (from 22Gem to 16Leo) and her effects upon the Democratic Party's natal chart through its midpoints.

As you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days and shows the emotional tone of things and events. Luna is excellent for describing collective issues as well.

For in a national chart the Moon signifies the people, the public, public relations and publicity, organizations, including the family...and with Monday's keynote speaker being Michelle Obama and Obama's brother-in-law Craig Robinson slated to speak as well, we see Geminian communication doubled...two family members speaking.

At Mile High City excitement is high, of course, along with feminine influences and strong emotions, so check it out 'by moonlight' if you get the urge.

Now let's see the Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration for Monday, Aug 25, 2008 (Sun Vir-Moon Gem), then we'll peek at Wednesday's Sun Vir-Moon Cancer, and Thursday night's Sun Vir-Moon Leo blend:

Sun Vir-Moon Gem: "A precision engineer develops new methods of communication...A raconteur potters in his garden."

Sun Vir-Moon Can: "The working mother...A nutritionist serves his family organically grown *chicken soup...Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies."

Sun Vir-Moon Leo: "A medieval monk crowns his cathedral with a 300-foot spire...A senior doctor cheerfully changes an old lady's bedpan...Cinderella works diligently to produce her wedding gown." (Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And that's this week in Denver summed up in the shorthand of Sun-Moon word pictures! I will be expecting such themes to pop up as the Dem Convention chugs on with Cinderella's *chicken soup for the soul steaming on the political stove.

Hillary Clinton touts Biden, points delegates

Hillary Clinton, in a pre-Convention flurry to boost the Dem ticket, is apparently about to chuck over her delegates to Obama at a special reception she's throwing in Denver for the chosen few.

She's also admitted knowing Joe Bidden very well and credits him with a years-long fight for social justice (perhaps accurately.)

Yet somehow Biden's sacred-warrior fight appears to be more shadow boxing around social issues without getting much done in the way of progress on behalf of the American people - especially considering that Washington is giving more billions to Pakistan (July 15) in a bill supported by Senator Joseph.

This evening the film Kill Bill was showing on TV.

But it seems as if the only kind of bill Capitol Hill kills are the ones which might actually do some common good for the people whose tax monies are needed at home.

Yes, they'll be speaking lilting words to rouse the masses in Denver this week including VP speaker Joseph Biden. Let's hope that something useful actually comes from it before all is said and done.

Because even the lamest accountant would know that if you send more billions to other countries than are being retained for the upkeep of your own litter box you'll soon have let the put-upon cat out the cash-strapped American bag.

Aug 23, 2008

Kabul beseiged by inner wolves

Rockets, guile and the lessons of history: The Taleban Besiege Kabul

By Jeremy Page in Kabul

This looks increasingly like a city under siege as the Taleban start to disrupt supply routes, mimicking tactics used against the British in 1841 and the Soviets two decades ago. #

"If it were proved to me that in making war, my ideal had a chance of being realized, I would still say "no" to war. For one does not create a human society on mounds of corpses." Louis Lecoin

How I agree with Monsieur Lecoin!

It's a natural condition for one who prefers life to death, thanks.

And it causes me to wonder: is there anyone who needs more evidence in order to recognize these psychopathic gangsters for what they are? Why follow the doomed?

They are practicing population control as they've done through the centuries using mass hynosis as part of the delivery method, genocide when it suits, war and other underminings of the social fabric.

Assassinations are part of their strategy, too, and you might think the flower power generation had fully internalized the lessons of the 60s with its jolting series of political murders done for power-grasping ideologies and hidden goals, and the Vietnam war with its culture-splitting allegiances.

Then as now, orators who are able to sway the masses through speech and writing are big assets, of course, as they disseminate the messages of the day.

Meanwhile it's Aug 24, 2008 in America and the microphone seems to be in process of passing from R to D Party (baton passing! one symbol of which may be seen for our collective instruction by the 2008 Olympics still on display.)

(+)Vesta, keeper of the eternal flame is one of the significators I use when the Olympic Games rear up, and I saw reference to the archetype's sacred devotion Saturday as Obama and Biden practically annointed one another for dedicated service of the flame-keeper variety.

You see, in my earlier posts concerning the Obama-Biden speeches in Springfield, I mentioned that during the event, Sun 00Vir56 conjoined Biden's natal North Node (contact with the public; associations; path, destiny, quest) but what I didn't mention is that in the Composite/Davison chart between Obama and Biden (their relationship), C/Dav Vesta is Rx 00Vir56 (conj to the minute of Aug 23's Sun 00Vir56 and conj Biden's n NN) and they all pile upon the C/Dav Uranus/Neptune midpoint.

Uranus/Neptune represents, among other things, secret radical societies which may act positively or negatively toward the collective from which they sprang. They think they didn't but they did - floated to the top.

So this pile up at 00Vir+ gives two midpoint pictures I shall give you in a bit, while remembering that the Great Conjunction of Uranus/Neptune (occurring 3x all through 1993) marks an important 171-year cycle for society, and times what some astrologers use for the New World Order natal chart at its symbolic New Moon stage.

This relates to the NWO as being publicly and more directly unveiled by Bush41 and others through speeches to the UN and Congress in 1990/91.

August 23, 2008, Springfield, IL:

Ura/Neptune = Aug 23's Sun: vaunted self-regard; impressionability (on their side or the public's); great creativity; impassivity.

Uran/Neptune = NN: meeting with people who care about one's future (I'll say!); having the same sensitive nature as someone else (sensitive and impressionable can be code words for mystical experiences, interests, and guidance.)

And then there's devoted Vesta and the flame from Olympus.

So are the presumed '2 parties' of Washington actually playing for the same team and just batting different averages with individual styles which the US public embraces for a while, but then the fussin' begins and we grow joyful in our pure dissatisfaction? We have enemies for that! Must we be our own worst?

(And we as a people are fickle cusses, you know - US natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini which means that we are prone toward behaving (Uranus) with fickleness (Gem) and may act (Mars) the same way - and with Gemini's duplicity, too.)

Of course, Astrology describes other levels of these Geminian traits such as a wide-spread ability to multi-task, and to tell the news, Gemini's primary quest but preferably, the Good News: 'For unto you is born this day...'

Very little good news has come from the Bush administration these many years especially with the way it began with SCOTUS and a collective learning experience extraordinaire: The Tower from a Tarot care, number 16. Our current watershed moment flows from that watershed moment of 2001...all is process, is it not?

You know, even if I tried, I couldn't by my lonesome separate the gangsterish tentacles from the world's throat unless...the power of the collective is brought to heel long enough to say, Non! to bloodlusty thieves and wolves of the inner kind.

1841, Kabul is repeating, friends, and our troops must be succored as best they can as they are allowed to retreat. If America can't manage it better than the Soviet State did for their guys back in 1841, then we will have Washington and its devotees to thank for denying life itself with its clumsy criminal misadventures and speculative risk-taking.

But you know that the pirates, brigands, jokers and jingos who took us there won't help us. It would unmask them even more glaringly than they've been to date yet they must step out of the way. It is no shame to regroup forces to plan and fight anew.

So I say to you now with as much feeling as these keys can tap atcha:

if there were ever a time and need for the oft-lamented 'what if they threw a war and no one showed up' wisdom, this threshold would be that time and need.