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Aug 29, 2008

Palin ready to be demi-leader of the free world?

Yes I know the 'free world' is on the endangered species list but does Sara Heath Palin look ready to be in line for the US presidency to you?

Celebrity status vs Obama's celebrity status...are they trying to make us crazy?

I blame Reagan...he started it.

photo courtesy of AP, wonkette, and The NY Daily News.

Here's my post on Sara Palin's natal chart with some very interesting insights to be found in the post's comment thread.

First Follower: Clymela!

Hurrah! Stars Over Washington now has its first Follower, or Favored Visitor as I've termed it!

Welcome aboard to Clymela of Clymela's Place, where I hope soon to find posts and whatever content my First Favored Visitor publishes!

Clymela, I guess that makes you SO'W's FFV!

Obama acceptance speech: text + video link

NPR has full text and video of 2008 presidential Dem nom Barack Obama's Aug 28, 2008 acceptance speech in Denver in case you've been in a cave and have managed to miss it thus far!

The page also has DNC speeches of Al Gore, John Lewis, and others.

McCain VP pick revealed on 72nd birthday

This morning the VP cat was let out of John McCain's political strategy bag with the announcement of Alaska Gov Sara Palin as his running mate.

Today we remember Hurricane Katrina with New Orleans now under threat of another storm, perhaps by Monday. I want to send out best wishes to the people of this great American city for their safety and protection in the coming days.

That we're in stormy times no one would deny, yet McCain's VP choice seems to indicate harmony as this morning's Leo Moon triggered asteroid Cupido whose keywords include:

corporations and corporatism.

Since the Moon is often used to time events in Astrology, please click above link to check out today's Moon/Cupido significance.

So it's Happy 72nd Birthday to venerable Senator John McCain! Sara Palin may turn out to be quite a gift for the GOP ticket.

Here are some notes with natal chart image on John McCain, born Aug 29, 1936 which you'll find over at Jude's Threshold.

~:~ all apologies are due! my posts on Obama's acceptance speech at last evening's DNC have had to be put into Draft mode due to Astrology software glitches plus the loss of my most recent Draft (thanks to Blogger.) Time zones switched back and forth, my animated chart feature crashed twice, and the uncorrected Draft is what I mistakenly published. Mea culpa! Seems 3 naughty monkeys were after me. Hope they stay away today...

Video Tour of Washington: Thomas Frank

Here you see Thomas Frank in his car readying to motor about and show us something of Washington DC, kind of a then and now overview.

No, it isn't often I mention books for sale on my blogs. Perhaps if I had one for sale myself, I'd get into it more.

Well, there is my children's book with Pattillo Armadillo but his ultimate destiny is on hold at the moment, he's totally unaware of America's precarious precipice, and frankly I haven't the heart to bring it up since, like most critters, he has plenty of troubles of his own these days.

Anyway, Mr. Frank, author of The Wrecking Crew, has done me some good showing my old DC stomping grounds even though viewing the video has had quite the expected effect upon my populist sensibilities because...

look what they've done to my favorite city.

Aug 28, 2008

Stars Over Washington's Favored Visitors, come!

This is your chance: not to lead the nation, not to attend an Inaugural Ball, not to reform our broken political system, but to join Stars Over Washington's new Favored Visitors list in the Blogger sidebar.

Simply scroll below for a sidebar link which will give you the constant bloggish shout-out you so richly deserve!

Jude, your reluctant astrologer with a lamentable and totally unjustified interest in Politics (and I love to draw, too, so there's that)

Biden video from Bill Maher's Real Time

Okay so VP candidate and senator Joe Biden is great on more issues than not. Should I forget about the other stuff?

As a feminine personage I can't ignore his work with Barbara Boxer on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994, can I?

Nope. I can't. So consider me consoled even if the rewritten bankruptcy law aided the credit card, credit counseling, and banking industries while adding to the burdens of financially strapped consumers, many of whom wouldn't have been in such dire straits at all if America had a decent system for healthcare - for paying for medical care, that is.

Biden's acceptance speech Wednesday evening in Denver was good-to-excellent, I thought, and his attack dog role seems just right for biting Bush-Cheney-McCain's bony ankles.

Synchronicitous that during this week of Biden's VP nom acceptance, wounding Chiron remains at '17AQ' which has this Sabian Symbol:

"A Watchdog Standing Guard"...Keyword: PROBITY.

pos: unswerving faithfulness to ideals and a real determination to achieve them;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unfriendly instincts and groundless suspicion.

The unconscious Illumination Point directly across the zodiac '17 Leo' where the Moon traversed later in the evening on her way to August 30's New Moon (7Vir48) is:

"A Non-Vested Church Choir"...Keyword: COMMUNION...

pos: the effective quickening of man's heart through interests which have been expanded to a point of real concern for his fellows;

neg/shadow side: unimaginative striving for undeserved popularity. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

In Washington? Unimaginative? No, but Undeserved in many cases, to be sure! The Dems sound mighty concerned, but actions will be roaring if they win the White House.

What craws me is that if the Dems are sincere about real change (Saturn 'real' oppo Uranus 'change') then the ones who purposefully engineered the messes we're in will interfere in any way they can and it'll be the usual cry of stalemate on Capitol Hill.

And as Bush43 has adored saying many times, "Congress needs to pass a bill I can sign."

Funny from a man whose bill signing can be undermined by the very same pen - by using his fancy made-up 'signing statements'!!

I'd say he needs to sign a bill or two on behalf of the American people instead of flourishing his signature upon a mile-high stack of them that only boost his pals and their companions to further heights of wealth and power.

And one note about the current campaign line on McCain's being 'unaware' of the problems of the American people:

it's just like McCain's cutting birthday cake with Bush while New Orleans drowned...they ARE aware but they simply do ~ not ~ care.

'Barack in Black' film poster link

So I must be the last American to see the Barack in Black 'film' poster from Dood Pictures, which is rather odd since only last weekend we watched Men in Black I and II back to back...or black...or Barack...or Amy Winehouse in, I wear black myself upon occasion...

Thanks for the link, Alex, it's way cool!

Aug 27, 2008

Ambien America? Wake Up! says Kucinich

Rep Dennis Kucinich: "Wake Up America!"

by Rep Dennis Kucinich

Former presidential candidate Rep Dennis Kucinich delivered one of the most passionate addresses Tuesday night. "Wake up, America. We went into Iraq for oil. The oil companies want more," Kucinich said. "War against Iran will mean $10-a-gallon gasoline. The oil administration wants to drill more, into your wallet.

Wake up, America. Weapons contractors want more. An Iran war will cost 5 to 10 trillion dollars.

Read more of Kucinich's Tuesday night passion at ICH. #

Wonder if it's true that John McCain is an Ambien user? Because sleepwalking to the ringing phone at 3:00 am in the White House he's sure to be befuzzled, if so. Yet oft have I wondered the same about Bush these last crazy years. And mixing the drug with that other drug, alcohol, is a very irresponsible way to run a country.

Obama to Denver - Moon back in bounds 8.27.08

This morning at appr 8:46 am MDT, the Moon returns within the earthly plane and at some point Barack Obama's plane lands in Denver, Colorado for DNC 2008.

Considering the Moon's astrological influences of fame and publicity, Luna's coming back in bounds seems to be an obvious pointer toward the popular Dem candidate now making the scene in the biggest way as he enters the realm of the convention being held in honor of his annointing!

Well see a 'famous Moon' deliver a Mercurial speech on Thursday night.

Small Caution: if you visit the post linked above, you'll find astrologese therein but not to fret - it's translated into English as best this reluctant astrologer can manage.

The very apt Sabian Symbol (word picture) involved with today's timing of the Moon's return to the earthly plane is '25 Cancer' - conjunct US natal Mercury from 1776!

Moon-Mercury contacts give great perceptual ability, receptivity, and often relate to the family in some way. In Obama's case this may be his own family (a shout-out? and/or to the family of mankind); and the audience (Moon) will be very receptive to his speech (Mercury.)

Yes, Obama, the big tent revivalist, is about to do his work Thursday evening while the transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint ('hard work; directed energy; actions restricted') sits upon his natal Mars degree.

This is part of my previously mentioned concerns this week about Obama's safety...that it's piled upon US natal Neptune if you'd like to fret with me here's the midpoint picture created with poison-flavored Neptune of deception and veiling fame - Mars/Saturn may also have a 'threat to health' influence...

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: feeling threatened (he has been and so have we - as he has been saying, the American people are 'fearful'); waning powers of resistance and weakening efforts; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or epidemic; a grievous loss; a mysterious death. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

This is an ugly portent which one hopes will be avoided if need be especially since it affects America's Neptune in Virgo, sign of tummy troubles and health. Hope no one catches the flu! And Virgo's work association is on the table too, or under the table with so many American jobs already lost.

So you can read all about it at Jude's Threshold plus, I'm certain you can find other astrological analyses online of the DNC shendig by tossing your browser a very short distance toward all the wonderful Astrology bloggers waiting for you in cyberspace!

Here's one of my many Moon Art images, Moon Trail, from Secret Moon Art!

Aug 26, 2008

GOP's Orwellian tactics against Obama

TPM has it, Orwell calls it, and the GOP is uses it - the Ministry of Truth against Barack Obama.

But sometimes doublespeak doubles round on ya and takes a gulp of your own hide because using the collective unconscious against the collective can be a dicey game.

Orwell Diaries, in blog form is now available online, did you know?

It began with entries from August 8 (1938 = August 8, 2008) with gardening and weather notations prominent (he was big on journaling as you may imagine - can't you see him blogging now?) but a few days into September, the entries will switch to political items.

And synchronistically enough, Hierophant Jupiter will make a Direct Station on Sept 8 (12:17 am edt, Washington DC) in *Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business at just about the time Orwell's Diary turns political, and wise Jupiter is nothing if not an idealist...hmmm... . .

Take a walk on the 70-years-ago side and make Orwell Diaries your blog du jour!


Jupiter's Direct Station degree is 12Cap32 opposite America's natal Sun so financial restrictions continue as more devilishness comes to light. Of course, moneybags Jupiter could let go of some moola then or soon after Sept 8!

Sun and Moon of Michelle Obama

A quick glance at the natal chart of Michelle Obama shows her Sun in the last decan of Capricorn with Moon in the last degrees of Aquarius.

This places Moon conjunct US natal Moon, giving her star quality especially as a mom (Moon) with the American public. Her attributes have been generously discussed in all forms of media as well as her fashion sense praised, but in politics, her husband's opponents have been practically forced to delve for things to take exception to as well.

In consideration of Mrs. Obama's Sun Cap-Moon AQ, we may glean a smidge of detail concerning the lady's personality with Sun (purpose) and Moon (reigning needs) blended into a Cap-AQ mix - and without being overly intrusive into her natal chart's dynamics.

As you know, Cap and AQ can 'get along' by way of shared Saturnian influence with tradition vs progress issues, an intrinsic part of the nature, finding resolution with time and patience.

Sun Cap-Moon AQ gives a lucid and practical way of viewing life, a mixture of outgoing friendliness with self-contained reserve. Self-sufficiency, organizational talents, and a sceptical intelligence make this Sun Capricorn well suited for the law profession esp when there's a humanitarian flavor (AQ.)

For someone who is 'up front' Michelle Obama is a remarkably private person who wants to reform the world, yet be accepted by it.

Is she a conventional 'square' masquerading in wild clothing? Well, we see she is not, so the other applies here: a world-shaking reformer who loves the elegant world of fashion and likes to dress the high society part.

If you know Capricorn you know there is always a respect for tradition wherever the mer-goat turns up and logic, objectivity, and ambition are not far behind. Mysticism may an interest as well for the mer-goat is one of mankind's most ancient symbols from the collective unconscious. If so, it would tend to be practical mysticism, however!

This blend gives a contradictoriness to her nature in the realm of re-writing rules vs historical precedence, and with today's politics, she may have found a perfect niche in Washington which could do with her style and her intelligence.

Having an independent mind set this lady does not suffer fools gladly and she's sure to have found many such inside the game of politics. But her ability to combine ambition with modesty along Jackie Kennedy lines (plus a new wardrobe in a smashing colors) should help her with all but the most determined of her husband's opponents, sour lot as they be.

"The working mother" archetype was on display last evening as Michelle Obama offered the keynote address at the DNC 2008 concordance in Denver, and she rose to the task at hand as all good Cappies would.

(Having Mercury in Cap gives structure to her thinking which can impress if you can get a Mercury Cap to open up their thinking long enough to talk....

...And n Mercury is Oriental, meaning 'last to rise before the Sun' so she's a 'crossing the Ts/dotting the Is' kind of person with a need to get all details right and do things how they should be done...good for attorneys.) (Noel Tyl.)

In relationships, the Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend can make one something of a tantalizing mystery to others, one who is choosy about whom she spends real time. Her interest in a wide range of people is there, but AQ prefers some detachment and distance from the throng.

The White House has a few very private spaces if she should turn out to need them in January.

Still waters run deep is a good way to sum up this blend, if you must, for this woman with the typical Capricornian fear of rejection and need to be in control, is paradox personified. Cap Sun women often find themselves doing the majority of the child raising in a family since Cap's Saturn IS the father, and she seems to do this very well - capability is also a Cap trait.

Her co-parental unit works in politics, a time-consuming master, and under Capricorn's purview along with business and law. The senator's regular trips home on the weekend are their attempts at blending these contradictions as well as an honoring of family values for the sake of their daughters.

With this blend we see that Michelle's ambition never loses sight of the rights and well-being of others for AQ is the humanitarian sign. Yet she has a faculty for ignoring people and matters that do not especially interest her or further her ends (and in today's fractured world, this may be a +!)

Cap has a poetic streak and she may be creatively talented (I'm writing this without delving into what's known about her) such as in music, dance, or painting. Encapsulating the essence of things whether in poetry or life is one of her many talents, and elegant words come easily to Sun Cap-Mon AQ.

Images for Integration: "Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter...A prophetic poet is awarded high honors...An historian points the way to future." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

These Images were on display in Denver's Mile high City last evening as her husband's career is in process of passing normal bounds of all expectation as was mentioned a few times in last evening's script. Who woulda thunk? Barry would rise so high as Mile High City?

Sun Cap-Moon AQ is natally shared by American poet Carl Sandburg and world class athlete Mohamed Ali, so I'll close with some quotes from them and which may describe Michelle Obama's life philosophy quite well...see what you think:

'I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way.'

-Carl Sandburg

'Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

-Muhammad Ali