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Oct 3, 2008

What fraudulent leadership can do for you

Fraudulent political leadership can do many things for people most of which you wouldn't wish on a dog.

And if you're 90 years old and are victimized by a squirrelly mortgage scam issuing from the bowels of a deregulated industry, you, or someone you care about, can end up like Mrs. Polk:

Oct 2, 2008

VP debate horoscope 10.2.08

Tonight's VP debate between Senator Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin is to begin at 8:00 pm CDT in St. Louis, MO. This is a Saturn Hour and gives Venus as the chart ruler.

This may be a good thing in spite of my mistaken posts this morning citing Mercury Rx as the chart ruler because the chart you see here takes some of the pressure off debating, orating Mercury.

Venus, as noted in the chart, applies to a lovely sextile with Jupiter, now opposite US natal Sun, as noted previously. Venus then applies to a square with Chiron in AQ, and as you see, NN and wounded Chiron, the shaman and healer, are still traveling in tandem. Palin may do well with Republican 'Jupiters' everywhere, but may experience blockages (square) from being seen as inadequate (Chiron) with the general public (NN.)

Glamorous Neptune 21AQ43 Rx is still veiling (conj) Palin's natal Sun so seeing her through rosy glasses remains a factor for the susceptible.

Moon 22Sco51 and Sun 10Lib12 give a rather interesting word picture or Image for Integration as the Sun-Moon blend:

"A wolf and an elegant Burmese cat become inseparable friends." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign,' Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

If this chart shows the correct CDT time for the beginning of the VP debate (unlike my posts of this morning) the rising Sabian Symbol for the debate itself is: "A Man Handling Baggage" which indicates to me an experienced man, aka a man with a past.

Angular is the mystical Neptune/Pluto midpoint at MC...on the chart perhaps you can read the midpoint picture (but remember that the Nep/Pluto duo is also a significator of the Robber Baron class, of oil cartels, and of mystical cults, among other things.)

8th cusp of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, etc...11Sag06, is the position of Dec 30, 1999's Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair. I'll not go on about them again because both readers of this blog have 'heard' it before and before that..."A Flag Turns Into An Eagle That Crows." The current financial crisis is fast putting an end to the "crowing" - and pride comes before a fall as America begins retracting.

So, the man handling baggage is...

Biden? McCain? Obama? Bush? Any, some, or all could apply. I've heard that Palin will be attacking Obama, while Biden will focus on McCain, and I assume, on Bush and his disasterous policies which have decimated our nation.

Of course if You, lone reader, have snooped around my posts before this, you may know that I blame them all: Congress no less than Bush, Bush Sr, Clinton, Cheney, Rodham-Clinton, Gore, Reagan, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and I never forget to toss in Rove...the list is almost endless. Why, there's...

Delay, Hastert, Gingrich, Reid, Pelosi...etc etc etc. One can grow gray around the muzzle trying to give a complete list of miscreants, varmints, bandits, thieves, and charlatans infesting the DC I love, my former stomping grounds - and I don't take any of this lightly though sometimes I may jest to keep from crying for America.

You know, I've been whining about this stuff for years and only now that things are too bad to be ignored are a majority taking notice - not of me, a mere gnat crying in cyberland for her country, but the dire problems that scams and frauds are affecting so many people in the pocketbook.

So there will be a flavor tonight of "a sense of real problems" to this debate. But are any of 2008's candidates serious about actually repairing them in the way they actually need to be repaired?

Or will Politics, that organized system of hatreds, once again pilfer the pie from America's windowsill?

~:~Well, publishing the 8:00 pm CDT version of tonight's debate chart can't make up for this morning's gaffe but perhaps it will help.

I only hope the chart is correctly calculated this time...if not, some wayward astrologer who stumbles upon SO'W...please pipe up!! You know you don't have to be dumbleheaded to be me, but it definitely helps.

It's 15 minutes to showtime...better mosey!

A Truly New World Order

The New American Century: Cut Short By 92 Years

By Mike Whitney

There's trouble ahead. The multi-polar world is about to collide head-on with the "faith-based" unipolar world and millions are bound to suffer. But there is no doubt about the final outcome.

The geopolitical plates are shifting inexorably away from Washington. America's ability to wage war will steadily erode as capital and resources dry up. Its only a matter of time before the war machine sputters to a halt and the troops return home. When the killing stops, a truly new world order will begin.

~Read more:

VP debate astrology 10.2.08

If you'd like to read my fresh post on tonight's VP debate - which may be set for the wrong time but I have no time to check it now - go to:

Please pardon if the chart is wrong - must go the work after taking a week off and depended on astrology software to get the time zones correct...must stop doing that! That's what happens when I try to post in too much of a hurry and when I'm tired - and the two factors together are even worse...sheesh.

Sep 30, 2008

The Cross of Gold: text link from DNC 1896

We may be tempted to think that today's current money crisis is somehow new or unprecedented in America or in the wider world.

Yet William Jennings Bryan, in his address to the Democratic National Convention of 1896, covered many issues which may resound to our current issues such as: "gold Republicans" vs "silver Democrats" and the coining and issuing of money by private individuals (such as the Fed.)

Siding with Thomas Jefferson on the coining and issuing of money being a function of government, Bryan stated that, "banks ought to go out of the governing business."

If the Bush-Cheney-Bernanke-Paulson scheme passes, banks will BE the governing business.

And you know what that adds up to: corporatism + state = fascism. Simple formula, a long time coming.

When he delivered his address, 'Cross of Gold' which denounced the gold standard, Bryan was a young Nebraska congressman who had been chosen as the Democratic party's presidential nominee. His speech mesmerized the convention and Bryan thereafter became a spokesman and devotee of silver. Not all Democrats agreed on the issue, but that's a post for another day.

Yet Bryan and his party members were defeated at least partially due to their silver promotion and the economic crisis of their day. Then, as now, it was the economy, stupid.

Between a major economic depression and the rise of Populism, William McKinley and the gold Republicans were able to carry the 1896 election; Republican control of the White House and both houses of Congress in 1897 serve in hindsight to mark the end of the *Gilded Age, even as the descendants of "the idle holders of idle wealth" whom Bryan railed against so eloquently in 1896 continue to play the trickle-down card upon the working masses to our present-day detriment.

Cross of Gold by William Jennings Bryan, 1896.

*Gilded Age is what is usually referred to on this blog as the Generation of Materialism, marked astrologically by the Great Conjunction Neptune and Pluto, 1892.

You may wish to read Senator Bernie Sanders' statement on the vicious class warfare being waged upon America's middle class (compliments of Pluto-Chiron plutocracy) which is included in a post of mine from January 13, 2008, Plutocrats: Middle Class Warfare going dandily, for the effects of their viciousness have become, with current market meltdowns, socializing of private debts, and naked power grabbing, impossible to hide or ignore.


W. J. Bryan details from: 'America Interpreted Vol II: since 1865' by R.Woods and W. Gatewood.

Hating Unfettered Capitalism

The isms of the Pluto-Chiron pair are all around us, capitalism and fascism being perhaps the most noticeable since the suddenly recognized financial crisis emerged from the depths of George
Bush's fertile brain and Wall Street's back pocket already well-lined.

Once again: Pluto-Chiron conjunction Dec 30, 1999 '12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows" with their parallel (similar to a strong conj and used as a timing device) coming mid-August 2004. It's instructive to think about what our governmental "representatives" were up to during those times to the extent that we may ferret out their dark corners of activity, planning, and organization.

As you know, '12Sag' is the USA's natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart - Pluto-Chiron, the plutocracy pair, came to call, or you could say 'became' America.

Then in December 2007 was the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, another plutocratic pairing on a very active day for the Fed as 'it' announced a lowering of interest rates and successfully undermined the dollar further.

BBC News reported this morning that approximately 9,000 American homes are being lost to foreclosure every day while Bush catapults the fear-mongering propaganda on TV with threats
and promises thinly veiled as warnings that jobs will be lost and money will dry up if his plea for Midas' gold isn't answered NOW. (Moon-Jupiter-conjunct folk like the emotionally immature Bush don't like to wait for their needs to be met.)

One assumes the American jobs 'lost' - that is, sold to the highest overseas bidder - hithertofore are of no consequence to our government (who made outsourcing possible) except as part of Bush's you-ain't-seen-nothing-yet threat.

Plus, Washington's use of 'systemic risk power' for bank takeovers is no better than Putin's nationalization program with Russian energy companies.

And although America has been flying high for decades her sights must necessarily be lowered by this manufactured financial crisis and its aftermath, and by our overreach militarily.

Astrologically I think that December '08 to February '09 will be an important window of time due to America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon on the Virgo-Pisces axis (victim-savior.) If you prefer the US Sibly chart it's exact on Dec 24; with the Scorpio rising chart, it perfects in February 2009.

Other possible birth charts for our nation give various dates of exactitude for our Secondary Full Moon, but we all know that we're peering through an extended crisis window of time.

~If you haven't seen the Progressions for the Sec Full Moon, go to my other blog, Jude's Threshold, and look on its Pages list in the sidebar for the December chart. (Since I'm still out of town, I have none of my notes - I'm grousing from memory here.) You'll find a link to my other blog on this blog's Links may have to scroll down esp if you're using Firefox.

Part of lowering our sights is addressing homelessness and upholding the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor. And as all three of my readers know, I'm nothing if not a pacifist - yet with four natal planets in Capricorn, a realist, too. That's why I was glad to find a certain article on TruthDig concerning the Catholic Worker and its founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.

Here's a quote from Day's granddaughter, Martha Hennessey, which addresses American society and the state it's in. You'll spot some isms as well:

"Our society is more brutal than it was. The heartlessness was introduced by Reagan. Clinton put it into place. The ruthlessness is backed up by technology. Americans have retreated into collective narcissism. They are disconnected from themselves and others. If we face economic collapse, there are many factors that could see the wrong response. There are more elements of fascism in place than there were in the 1930s. We not only lack community, we lack information."

The Catholic Worker was founded in 1932 during the misery of the Great Depression and sold on NY streets for 1 cent per copy - its current price. With its "unwavering pacifism" and "hatred for unfettered capitalism" it was a bright light for the common man and woman in its time.

And thanks to the insatiable greed and corruption of current Washington and Wall Street fatcats, it may be one of the few honest and clear-eyed visions we can look to when it comes to transforming the heartless ruthlessness of our struggling American society - if 'real change' we 'can believe in' is what we truly want and can accept with humility.

Please read 'Fueling the Fire of Real Change' by Chris Hedges here:

Sep 29, 2008

Paulson's silver canoe

Black Monday? Global Investors vote "No" on Paulson's

By Mike Whitney

The bill is just Paulson's way of carving a silver canoe
for he and his brandy-drooling investor buddies so they
can paddle away to some island paradise while the rest
of us drown in a bottomless ocean of debt.


"Brandy-drooling"! How deftly said. And I was thinking
either a Paraguayan paradise or a Dubai high rise for
them - security guarded to keep out the rabble, of

Palin poll on PBS' NOW

Why not show your true feelings about Sarah Palin's candidacy for Vice President of the United States - do you think she's qualified?

vote here!