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Sep 28, 2008

Thomas Jefferson on perpetual debt

US Taxpayers are Being Enrolled in an Economic Chain Gang

By Jeff Randall

"To preserve their [the people's] independence, we must not let our rulers load
us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude" - Thomas Jefferson

Read article here...

A time for tyranny

George Washington has an important post for all Americans to be read without delay - your nation is at stake.

Sep 26, 2008

The New World War by John Pilger

This is my last post for a few days. Y'all keep an eye on the miscreants in Washington and on Wall Street while I'm celebrating a wedding, okay?

And a hearty thanks to all the well-wishers who've sent good cheer to the happy couple!

And for Stars Over Washington, I'm sorry this offering has to be negative, but John Pilger's article is worth noting in these harrowing times. After all, if neocon hawks couldn't foment unrest and chaos, they'd have no reason to exist and less gold to hoard:

The New World War - The Silence Is A Lie

By John Pilger

It is a war of the world. In Latin America, the Bush administration is fomenting incipient military coups in Venezuela, Bolivia, and possibly Paraguay, democracies whose governments have opposed Washington's historic rapacious intervention in its "backyard". Washington's "Plan Colombia" is the model for a mostly unreported assault on Mexico.


Sep 25, 2008

China's Shenzhou 7 spacecraft

Space Weather News for Sept 25, 2008


China's Shenzhou 7 spacecraft carrying a 3-man crew lifted off today from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and is now in Earth orbit. During the upcoming three-day mission, Chinese astronauts, called taikonauts, will launch a small satellite and conduct their country's first space walk.

As they orbit Earth, Shenzhou 7 and the body of the rocket that launched it will be visible to the naked eye from many parts of the globe. Check the Satellite Tracker for viewing times.

(Note: Frequent checks are recommended; predictions may change as the orbit is adjusted and estimates of orbital elements improve.)

Sighting reports and updates will be posted on

What Bush didn't say

The way he said it was very familiar.

What Bush didn't say in his '9/11 revisited' speech on the economic crisis Wednesday night would fill several Wall Street ledgers.

All this suspend talk - the debate Friday night, the VP debate - reminds me of what some of we-astrologers were saying months ago about how McCain might not have the steam to make it to November.

And that lazy left eye of his is being remarked on here and there. Have you noticed it? Apparently it's been in evidence since April.

One of his melanoma surgeries was under it, I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong.

What if McCain spent some hours on Wednesday at a doctor's appointment? I'm just wondering aloud.

And when McCain finally moseys to Washington to "help" with the financial crisis (hasn't he done enough already?) after playing about with Katie Couric which was after he blew off his appearance on Letterman's show Wed night - the agreement on the Hill may be completed so he'll be a like a fourth wheel on a tricycle.

Guess the wheels are fallen off his wagon. And here I am in Georgia - my wagon's stuck without enough gasoline to leave the state and I am about to miss my son's wedding apparently.

And all I get from government are threats and more threats.

As Craig Ferguson said tonight, AWH! rich people are losing money!

McCain is on the case though. So they'll be okay.

Sep 24, 2008

William Greider on Goldman Sachs Socialism

Goldman Sachs Socialism

By William Greider

Wall Street put a gun to the head of the politicians and said, Give us the money--right now--or take the blame for whatever follows. The audacity of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's bailout proposal is reflected in what it refuses to say: no explanations of how the bailout will work, no demands on the bankers in exchange for the public's money.

The Treasury's opaque,three-page summary of plan includes this chilling more...


By the by, at Jude's Threshold a while ago I posted on Bush's TV tout tonight on behalf of Paulson's bailout scheme and noted that when Bush finished speaking at 9:14 pm edt, the Speculator pair's midpoint was at Midheaven in Washington DC - for all the world to see.

And since 2009 is the Year of Jupiter-Neptune, I'd like to make the midpoint picture a smidge more visible in my gnat-like way...

Jupiter-Neptune = Mc: speculators, visionaries, spendthrifts, fortune-hunters, or squanderers; the potential for all kinds of indulgence; philanthropists; harm or damage through thoughtlessness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Peep eye!

Solving the Wall Street 'crisis' by Rep Marcy Kaptur: video

Here's the C-Span broadcast of the righteous presentation by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on the floor of the House in which she gives the rules of Wall Street gentry's playbook and closes with her own proposal which has to sound better to the American tax payer than the shell game we've been witnessing this week on Capitol Hill.

If you never watch another YouTube video, this 5 min 35 sec video is the one to watch.

Wall Street thieves held accountable? Rep Kaptur (an appropriate name in this instance, I must say) says it all as it should be said!

Kaptur has just entered my 1% of politicians who care about doing the people's business!


A big Shout-Out of Thanks to bacalove who provided the video link in a comment! ;p

Update Sept 24, 8:50 pm edt: see a fresh post on Bush's TV tout on behalf of the Wall Street bailout tonight (9 pm edt) here.

US Constitution disintegrating

You know the US Constitution has a birth chart - Sept 17, 1787; 11:29 am LMT (NS); Philadelphia, PA) and had its Secondary Progressed Full Moon on July 10, 2003 - Sun 1Tau01, Moon 1Sco 01 in 10th/4th houses.

You could say America is on the downside of the Constitution's Full Moon - the light is fading. Or you could say that the Constitution culminated in July 2003. But whatever you say, you know it's seriously under attack and has been quite shredded the last few years, with more conflicts to come.

James Madison built it heartily but our current legal varmints have studied it long enough to know its weak points, yet they must depend on the people's lack of knowledge and attention. Most of us have readily complied, sad to say.

There are many things I could say about the degrees' Sabian Symbols and such, but my time is short with a family wedding on the menu.

But here are a few midpoint pictures that stand out - some being triggered by transits, some formed by Progressions, some by Sept,2008 Solar Arc Directions (their order may get jumbled a bit because I'm in a hurry which means that typos shall ensue):

Sec Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; potential for great loss; fear; developmental inhibitions.

Sec Jupiter/Saturn = Sec Sun: inconstancy; taking destiny into one's own hands; major change according to plan.

Sec Sun/Saturn = Sec Mercury: sober thinking; grave decisions; inhibition of speech; tackling serious problems.

S.A. Mars 14AQ25 to natal Pluto 14:12: extreme force; control; brutality; excessive effort.

S.A. Pluto 25Vir38 to natal Sun 24:39: powerful forces create major change; identity change; sudden prominence.

In 2003's Progr'd Full Moon chart, Mars and Uranus are conjunct '27Can' in Sec 12th house, so they are opposite US natal Pluto:

Mars/Uranus = Pluto: force; a higher power; intervention of the big shock.

2008's transit of Neptune in the 23AQ degree area is monkeying around with natal Saturn 23:23: new approach to handling authority; structures disintegrate.

And all this (and more) is why I'm proud of the Veterans for Peace who put a banner across the front of the National Archives building in Washington, DC yesterday.

You may wish to view the video.