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Oct 6, 2008

Owning the Federal Reserve

Here's a chart of who 'owns' the Federal Reserve although I could've done all day without the anti-Zionist-rant comment added at chart's end....left by Anonymous, of course. Anonymous sure gets around the interweb.

The chart is found on News From The West, a blog that's new to me - I found the link on Ed Kohout's Astrology site. Ed is ranting against the Fed himself these may see for yourself if you like.

Being emphasized is that it isn't who 'owns' the Fed that's important, it's who controls it.

As John D. Rockefeller once instructively said, "I want to own nothing, but control everything."

'Credit crunch' my a*s.

Role of the Fed and Treasury in Bailout

If you're interested in another article concerning the economic bailout/corporate welfare boondoggle of last week, be sure to read Patrick Wood's article Bailout: America's financial ruin if you've missed it thus far.

Patrick, editor of The August Review, explains the role of the Fed and the US Treasury in the 'meltdown' debacle, or as I tend to think of it, the charade.

Why 'charade'?

Because it's part of the long-range plan as propagandized by spokesman George Just Go Shopping Bush, promoter of the Ownership Society. He just never said who'd be doing the owning.

From Ownership Society to Homeless Society, and it only took Just Go Shopping 7 years to decimate all that America holds dear and evict our people into the streets.

Today Just Go Shopping made statements in order to reframe people's thinking about what he did last week when he signed the Bailout Bill. He actually said that that's why the people "sent (him) to Washington, DC...when you see a problem, you fix it."


Well, if he thinks such ridiculous remarks can wipe away our knowledge and memory of all the problems he created, with the flames of loss and pain he fanned with his neocon pals, he's wrong - and even more arrogant than I've hithertofore given him credit for.

He's also assuming that anyone believes that we-the-people SENT him to Washington when most people realize by now that he, Rove, and Cheney crept in the backdoor, made themselves at home putting their hooves up on the furniture, and proceeded to trash our nation.

Please don't put an oilman in the White House, I pleaded during the 2000 (s)election. Now it's 2008 and a vote for McCain is a mandate for Karl Rove.

Old boss new boss, Saturn opposite Uranus in the sky...Obama vs Palin, a woman who'll set feminine rights back centuries if she gets the chance.

A landslide against the neocon warmongers will be the only thing they can't hide or divert even with all the tricks they have in store, such as...

Oversell loans set to explode while making billions off them, evict struggling families who can't pay, then deny them the right to vote - ain't these varmints sumthin' goshdarnit? Yep, oppressive Pluto-Chiron's class warfare is alive and well, and living in your used-to-be house watchin' the widescreen TV you thought would always be yours.

So, m'peops, vote early or on Nov 4, but please just vote!

Will the real Bush Doctrine please stand up?

The Bush Doctrine & The 9/11 Commission Report: Both Authored by Philip Zelikow

By David Ray Griffin

The document in which the Bush Doctrine was first fully articulated - the 2002 version of The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (NSS 2002) [pdf] - was written by the same person who was primarily responsible for the 9/11 Commission's report: its executive director, Philip Zelikow. #

And here's a previous post on the subject: Bush hid behind Zelikow during the 9/11 "investigation" as mentioned on Feb 9, 2008.

You may wish to view the natal chart (Sun-to-Midheaven in honor of its 'unfurling' upon the world) of the Bush Doctrine set for Sept 17, 2002 at my other Political Astrology blog, Jude's Threshold.

Not a lot of details are given with the chart as yet but if you click to enlarge its image, you'll find a few of my chicken scratch notes such as the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which the monstrosity (which undermines all our Freedom Documents) was hatched.

Now it's October 2008 and America has been saddled with a financial czar by the name of Hank Paulson who, for take-over purposes, plied Congress with threats, promises, and bribes - if, indeed, prodding was truly necessary.

Pleeease don't throw me in that briar patch! begged Brer Rabbit of Brer Fox.

And pleeease, don't send me home to angry constituents! pleaded Washington politicians of their soon-to-be masters.

And the rehearsed script ended with the expected outcome much as planned on Friday, October voila! It's the same old Capitol Hill Theater, Dahlink, as produced by the Blackheart Fearmonger Company of Thespians and Thieves.


And speaking of Cheney and 9/11, here's what you get when you progress Cheney's natal chart to the morning of 9/11/01: the plutocracy pair of Pluto and Chiron at Cheney's progressed Midheaven which is amazing to see especially if you know anything about Pluto-Chiron's links to primal violence, corporatism, class warfare, racism, and oppression. Can fascism be far behind?

Oct 5, 2008

Messenger probe to buzz Mercury Monday 10.6.08

Mercury the Messenger Gets Fly-by from Messenger! was posted in January 2008 when NASA's Messenger craft was approaching the mysterious planet Mercury.

As you know, Mercury is so close the our Sun we hardly know him and tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, NASA's Messenger probe will fly 125 miles above the surface and take photos of an area about the size of South America.

That Mercury astrologically speaking is now retrograde 14Libra+ isn't considered good for things Mercury is said to 'rule' in Astrology (or affect) so I hope NASA gets all the photos they desire with perfect transmission which is not always seen with Mercury Rx which can also affect travel - on earth, at least.

Both readers of this blog know that I sometimes frisk into degree symbolism including Adriano Carelli's version from his 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Let's see what Mercury's degree tomorrow morning '14Lib' says...

"A fox and an ancient theater mask (from one of Aesop's Fables.)"

Oh my good-den-ness! it can't be that this is only a stage presentation to bolster NASA's and the USA's reputation, could it?

You know, I've had the horoscope of America's first landing on the Moon for years now and never published it. Other blogs or sites have, I'm sure, so my own grousings on the squirreliness of the Moon landing chart could make little if any difference to anyone.

Or perhaps it's more that I've simply never gotten 'round to it.

Anyway, let's see if there's anything of interest in Carelli's explanation of this dramatic word picture and see if things get any better for the Messenger:

It is a degree of theatricality, implying cunning but an otherwise dull mind. (Mercury is the planet of 'the mind' in Astrology.)

Here's more in highlight form...self-conceit coupled with the most abject toadying; a mixture of priggishness and pandering, bluff and treacherousness; a flamboyant style, propensity for dazzling pageants, void and bombastic rhetoric.

Sheesh. Nothing better here.

Carelli goes on to say that '14Lib' is the degree of Saturn in the Fascist regime's natal chart. Hmph. And '14Lib' is America's natal Saturn degree, too.

Well, if that's the sort of message we'll be receiving from eye-in-the-sky NASA and the *ISS, let's hope the fascist corporate-state powers oh-so-recently melded into one strand and now held in Hank Paulson's hand meets its end sooner rather than later.

All apologies, dear reader, for making this Messenger to Mercury post more than first intended...I opened Carelli's book and it just typed out that way! Crummy politics invades everything.


*ISS is the International Space Station that's watching you...

Obama-McCain townhall debate 10.7.08

Just now I'm looking at a chart of Tuesday night's presidential debate #2 between Barack Obama and John McCain in Nashville, TN, for 9:00 pm cdt, and you know what?

With 9Gem00 rising, asteroid Midas Rx is rising at 8Gem20 with one of the Royal Stars of Persia.

At Midheaven (MC), the Aspiration/Goal Point of the chart is 17AQ51 which 'debateably' brings in the Solar Eclipse of Feb, 2008...the 'Unmasking Eclipse' because '18AQ' is the "A Man Unmasked" degree in the Sabian Symbols.

This indicates that the purpose of this debate is to reveal true motives if you believe politics in a townhall format is able to do this. It would be refreshing, wouldn't it?

That each candidate will seek to unmask the other is a given while keeping their own masks snugly in place.

At MC is North Node (NN) 16AQ44 conj Chiron 16:12 Rx, with Neptune (the masses, plus NN is also 'contact with the public') so we have an important angular midpoint picture at the most public point in the chart...

Neptune/NN = MC: taking a position off the mainstream of life (in, no doubt, a mavericky way); needing the help of others to realize one's objectives; preferring seclusion; emotional suffering.

To address the emotional (and financial) suffering of the American people should be an aspiration of this performance, one expects.

Moon 22Cap55 ('23Cap': "Two Awards for Bravery in War') is in 8th house of debt, credit, and other people's money, along with Jupiter 13Cap56 - still opposing US'(and George Bush's) natal and resources dried up...or more correctly: money in bank vaults not being shared with the people who need it most and whose spending would improve the economy if they could get their mitts on it.

But gold-hoarding Midas is rising along with Fixed Star Aldebaran, the brightest star of Taurus, keywords: success through integrity. Aldebaran is one of the four Royal Stars of Persia and indicates success and glory but only if a particular nemesis can be overcome (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Opposite is another Royal Star, Antares, in the debate's setting position - keywords: success that can be obsessive. There is a need to avoid obsession with Antares, the star at the Heart of the Scorpion. If Antares affects a chart there is worldly success but one may cause his own undoing; there is usually a cleansing by going through a life-or-death experience (Brady.)

Remiiiind you of anyone?

That two Royal Stars are angular in this contest's chart indicates to me that this is a fated match-up of world proportions for America's helm. You are welcomed to see it differently, if you like.

So Antares is often mentioned in the same breath with the Celtic fable of the scorpion on the frog's back who stung the frog as he was being carried across the stream - his reply as to why he stung the frog when he promised not to - "it's my nature" - a fated answer since character IS fate. The scorpion drowned.

Does this relate to the McCain campaign's tactic of attacking Obama on character? Palin is now saying that Barack Obama is a bad person, not that his poliicies would be bad for the nation. But the politics of demonization may backfire for John McCain, because the American people don't want to hear it, they want real solutions to the problems created primarily by politicians, bankers, and wheeler-dealers who sold our nation and our children's futures down the pike.

Cute winks and wrinkled noses won't solve anything.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of oration, is still retrograde at 12Lib35 and trines the ASC, yet makes no applying aspects to any planets from its place in the debate's 5th house of Risk-taking.

Sun 15Lib10 is within one degree of US natal Saturn, and also in 5th house; this Airy Sun is trining the NN/Chiron conjunction at MC.

Scrappy Mars 2Sco38 begins in 6th house of Health, Work, and Service
and is the chart's final dispositor and ruler of the Hour.

All falls back on this strong Scorpionic Mars which I count as the ruler of Scorpio. There's an applying sesquisquare to Uranus, the rebel, 19Pis43 Rx, with Saturn 16Vir05...Saturn begins in 4th house, Uranus in 11th house of Groups and Associations.

Inhibiting Saturn is conjunct McCain's natal Neptune 16Vir07 which is the grim-face-of-reality-and-disillusionment transit previously mentioned in other posts.

When Saturn conjoins n Neptune (as it will soon in America's natal chart in late August-early Sept, 2009) there is a misinterprestation of what one is responsible for (more bankers' debts hoisted onto taxpayers' backs? Or perhaps the just-signed bailout bill showing its true motives and repercussions?), and the reality of situations is difficult to fully comprehend. Past lies and frauds may come to light under this difficult transit.

Monetary matters are particularly affected by Saturn-conj-Neptune, although charity donations may be put to more honest and focused use so that's good.

In his book The Astrology of Relationships Michael R. Meyer says that a sesquisquare (135 degr), member of the octile family, is an aspect of activity which culminates in a dramatic and intense release of dynamic energies.

It is considered a weak square of difficulty - two interlaced squares...135 - 90 = 45...a square and a semisquare all in one.

Testy warrior Mars in waxing sesquisquare to maverick Uranus is a hot combo. In relationships this represents powerful connections that could manifest either in an exciting and constructive way or a conflicting and difficult way.

You don't want to miss this one, Ladies and Gents!

Now for the Sun Lib-Moon Cap blend, an Air-Earth combo of rationality, innovation, and diplomacy...

Images for Integration: "The Statue of Liberty...At the annual company Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationery for everybody." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

So Father Christmas is handing out Midas' gold in Lady Liberty land? This I gotta see!

~:~correction: my Astrology friend Sasha has pointed out that the debate actually begins at 8:00 pm cdt so the rising of Midas and Aldebaran takes place an hour into the debate...thanks, Sasha! It will be interesting to see with my animated chart set up (SolarFire software) what's being said at the moment they arise and Antares sets. jc

Oct 4, 2008

US Treasury's new currency a smash

Bailout Bill Signed into Law Oct 3, 2008

Since there's some question as to the exact time on Oct 3, Friday, that George Bush signed the massive "bailout bill" (propagandistically named the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act), a natal chart for the monstrosity is probably to be set for the neighborhood of 2:52 pm to 3:00 pm edt, White House.

Special thanks go to Monica at Astrology Mundo who had the smarts to ferret out the official time that the bill passed the House in its amended form - 1:22 pm edt - and we know from various sources that the bill was motored to the White House asap and signed appr one-and-one-half hours later - an historical record.

(If an exact signing time is known or discovered by you, dear reader, please advise!)

Interestingly, Moon (the people) while in Scorpio made her last major aspect the evening before - Oct 2, at 6:47 pm edt - a confused, illusory square with Neptune 21AQ43 Rx.

Someone's zoomin' us!

Neptune is and has been opposing Bush's natal Venus, planet of values, money, and relationships; plus, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) continues loitering upon his natal Descendant, the angle of partnerships, legal affairs and open enemies.

So perhaps it is significant that the chart (upper - please click to enlarge) emphasizes '11Scorpio' by Venu$ at Midheaven, the Aspiration/Career/Public Status Point of the chart..."A Drowning Man Rescued."

One of the instructive things about viewing dual charts is seeing which, if any, planets change houses (departments of life); here we see that money-loving, luxury conscious Venus crosses an angle, the previously mentioned MC. Venus is smaller amounts of money which morphed into billions for Mr. Bush & friends in big business Scorpio.

MC passes through the "An Embassy Ball" degree, on to the "An Inventor Inventing" Sabian up "14Sco" = "Telephone Lineman at Work Installing New Connections." (Rudhyar.)

~You may have heard that during these performances concerning the US Treasury, Wall St, and 'Main St' Bush has taken unto himself the right to send out secret agents in disguises to follow American citizens even without any evidence of wrong-doing. A political whim or fanciful notion is enough. No word on planting of evidence.~

So what other planet changes houses? Lower chart shows us that the Sun 10Lib56 'jumps' the 9th cusp of philosophy into 8th house of debt, credit, shared resources, and large sums of money. The American people are getting ready to "share" all right and Bush's 'legacy' has certainly been plumped up, hasn't it?

Guess the last several years of plundering the public purse weren't enough for the hungry wolves as America is dismantled to make way for the new economic order...and we are witnesses to history.

So with a VOC Moon, the dirty deed was in no danger of being prevented or interfered with once the Scorpio Moon left her square with Neptune Thursday evening - Luna's next major aspect looks to me to be her conjunction with secret hand/deep pockets Pluto on Monday, Oct 6 - and Pluto nearing "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree, too.

If you see something prior to this aspect for the Moon, please let me know. I quite imagine this may also describe the people needing a weekend break from all the financial hubbub and bad news - Monday will arrive soon enough, si?

Now did I mention that Hidalgo, one of the power asteroids who expects to be in charge is at MC with Venus, along with Osiris, named after the Egyptian god of death and resurrection? "A Drowning Man Being Rescued" before our very eyes!

Hidalgo has links with Spain, Mexico, and with mining and production of silver, copper, gold, lead, iron, mercury, and sulphur.

Nona Gwynn Press confirms Hidalgo's connection to self-assertion as noted by Lee Lehman, and says that it has the assertiveness of Mars, the expansiveness of Jupiter, and the status-seeking of Saturn. There is some question of 'lower nobility' wishing to become 'higher nobility' as well - plus, Hidalgo is a rebel with a cause.

Moon 1Sag49 to 1:53 may reflect recent mentions of the Iraq and Aghanistan wars...'1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" but here we see '2Sag': "White-Capped Waves Display the Value of Wind Over Sea." Now this Symbol seems to me to be full of a 'Venus-Neptune in Washington' flavor yet the ocean reference reminds me of the collective unconscious and the masses, whether washed or unwashed. Veus-Neptune can indicate wooliness or deception with money and values issues; ex: buying the worthless in order to give it more value.

You see, of course, the forming opposition of traditional, restrictive Saturn with progressive, freedom-loving Uranus across the money/resources axis (2/8.)

And this brings me to a mention of the final stages of 1997's Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, the cycle in which we're experiencing this speculator-engineered market meltdown with its New World Order stink.

The Great Conjunction of these two planets whose combined energies result in 'visionaries, dreamers, mystics, hypocrites, and fortune-hunters; (Ebertin) last occurred on Jan 9, 1997 at 27Cap09 - conj US natal Pluto.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances (Tyl.)

But there's another midpoint picture found in the Jupiter/Neptune Conj chart - one that is most descriptive of what we're experiencing in this, the final throes of their current cycle before 2009's three conjunctions (May 27 26AQ29; July 10 26AQ02; Dec 21 24Aq18 - all of which play with America's natal Moon, the people).

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus 3AQ44: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; an ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult situations; acts of violence.

You may notice that Uranus is conj 2009's Inaugural Jupiter which links the 1997 Jup/Nep cycle with Jan 20, 2009's Inauguration in an expansive Jupiterian way...

Sat/Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; simplicity; self-sacrifice; difficulties caused through illness; trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

And in 2008's bailout bill chart/s the Moon is involved in a midpoint picture as well with the controlling Saturn/NN combo which has a 'shocking event' and 'alms-house' influence (Ebertin)...

Saturn/NN = Moon: feeling alone in life; a widow or an orphan; appealing to senior persons; qualifying for responsibility.

Plus, 1997's Jup/Nep Conj occurred about 7 hours after a New Moon 18Cap57 (Jan 8, 1997), which is the rising degree in the 2:52 pm bailout bill signing chart as you see above and leading to 20Cap by 3:00 pm. '20Can/Cap' are critical or crisis degrees.

Crisis is the word of the day replacing change as Washington's political mantra.

But somehow 'crisis you can believe in' doesn't convince me that the financial meltdown wasn't planned years ago for springing upon us now - just in time for the next cycle of Jupiter and Neptune...

Jup/Nep = US natal Moon: going with the wind; desire to dream; little sense of reality; becoming involved in speculation.

On behalf of the too-trusting American people, and considering this crowd of speculators and large-scale organisers in Washington, NY, and the fortresses of Europe, I don't think we've been given any choice but to become 'involved' with fortune-hunters, bandits, thieves, and plutocrats.

Astrology Mundo has more details on the bill signing including its Mercury Rx which indicates a review, refurbishing, and/or re-signing of this document which may at some point be renounced before it does us too much harm or some amount of good.

Be sure to read Monica's excellent post here.