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Oct 10, 2008

On the Money: quotes of 1929 - 2008

"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation." -Pres Bush, Jan 4 after meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.

"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue." -Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, Sept, 1929

"I hope you're confident about our economy. I am." - Pres Bush, Jan 30, 2008 at the Robinson Helicopter Co. in Torrance, CA

"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence, and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity." -President Hoover, May 1, 1930

"Losing a job is painful, and I know Americans are concerned about our economy; so am I. It's clear our economy has slowed, but the good news is, we anticipated this and took decisive action to bolster the economy, by passing a growth package that will put money into the hands of American workers and businesses." -Pres Bush, March 7, 2008 on news that the economy lost 63,000 payroll jobs in February.

"The singular feature of the great crash of '29 was that the worst continued to worsen." -J.K. Galbraith.

"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." -Thomas Jefferson

Quotes Round-up from Information Clearing House.

Weekend in Washington: where big bankers meet 10.11.08

This weekend the big money boys and gals are meeting in our nation's capital to chew the fat and wonder aloud how their policies are treating the masses, and how to better cover any shining tushes as may be necessary.

Did you know that there's a personal name asteroid called Rockefellia? (Not a typo.)

The extra 'i' shows how one must settle for similar spellings when it comes to personally named balls of dust and debris that hurtle through space. Each has a heliocentric North Node and Rockefellia's is approximately '18 Libra' - and the Sun's zodiacal position this weekend clocks in at sunrise on Saturday (10.11.08) at 18Lib31.

That's synchronistic enough for me.

By 4:00 pm on Sunday (10.11.08) the Sun reaches 19Lib52, and btw,
'19Lib' is the Fall of the Sun degree...but hey - it's opposite the Sun's Exaltation degree '19Ari' if you prefer to see the astrolabe half full.

So what about the Moon, the daily timer of the whole affair?

Moon begins at sunrise on Saturday at 5Pis19 and reaches 23Pis36 by 4:00 pm Sunday - and conjuncts-crosses-passes tech-savvy Uranus Rx
(Uranus 19Pis36 - 19:33) in the process.

The Sun Lib-Moon Pisces blend has an instructive Image for Integration:

"The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into the mirror to find himself as a child of six with his imaginary friend." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)
~I could say sumpthin' but I won't. Aint Bea wouldn't like it.~

Now Moon-Uranus contacts relate to emotional excitement, strong self-willedness, attentiveness, ambition, female reformers, fanatics, and even some metaphysical science lovers. Will a financial astrologer or two be consulted by these elite power-mongers? Ha!

Well, if old J. P. Morgan himself could use Astrology and the cycles it describes to forecast favorable financial cycles, then this gaggle of ducks certainly can, or have someone do it for them.

"Millionaires don't use Astrology," J. P. pronounced, "billionaires do." Touche!

Other indications with Moon-Uranus contacts are fear, anxiety, and sacrifices toward special objectives. A change in one's circumstances and assistance from others may be part of the weekend picture as well which includes the people (Moon.) (Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.) Excitable (Uranus) publicity or public relations (Moon) may result.

The asteroid Eros is said to be strong when in contact with the Sun as it will be Saturday and Sunday. Eros = 'the piercing' and with the Sun as Leo's ruler relating to the heart, deeply felt separations may be on the menu esp with Mercury Rx - not the best time for negotiations, or at least, do read the fine print. Loopholes may be secreted into documents with Mercury Rx.

Yet agreements are definitely needed, but Eros piercing the Sun in Libra, sign of partnerships, may indicate a breach just when the world needs extraordinary cooperation. Can these professional negotiators and financiers pull a rabbit of harmony out of their fancy top hats?

Now you've noticed that the Sun's Sabian Symbol for Saturday's sunrise degree, '19Libra' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is the Symbol of the day. And yes! the term, robber barons, comes to mind. Well, old J. P. was one of 'em, too.

Plus, '19Lib' is the degree of America's Secondary Progressed Mars now Rx (and as such, in need of retraction and redeployment, and less spending on military misadventures. In fact, US tax payers can't afford to invade Mayberry RFD now even if we tried which is considered a + by some folks including my Aint Bea.)

Okay, perhaps not all the participants are robbers (or maybe some of them are bandits in plain sight - right under our snoots.)

When the Sun rises Saturday, at Midheaven (the Why? or Aspiration Point of the chart) nestles another telling asteroid on this important chart angle...Panacea.

Will fatcat money mavens deliver a panacea for our panic?

Asteroid Pan Rx in early Gemini is at the Foundation Point (Ic) of Sunday's 4:00 pm chart...which answers the questions: Why? Panacea - How? Pan.

ASC = What? "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding", and Where doth it lead? to '19Ari' = "The Magic Carpet of Oriental Imagery."

First thought: perhaps they're heading for Dubai as soon as our pesky problems are smoothed and papered over!

As you know, the sign Gemini and the archetype of Pan are both associated with trickster elements in myth and horoscopery. Then there's gold-worshipping Midas Rx and still less than 3 degrees from ancient Pan, which is linked with Capricorn, the mer-goat (or the Goat of Mendes, if you prefer - we are talking Washington, DC here.)

So whatever panacea or poultice they decide to apply after this weekend's meetings end and lofty conclusions from on-high are pontificated to the worried rabble, we-the-masses must hope that these financial 'experts' will finally show themselves worthy of the trust which they so thoughtlessly tossed aside in their gold rush to world domination - and allow the global economy to heal from the wounds of their careless and grasping ways.

Oct 9, 2008

Pakistan an acronym yet more

With our historic and much-maligned lack of knowledge of other places, most Americans know little of Pakistan which is so much in the news today with al-Qaeda in the hills and unauthorized forays by the US military into the region's sovereign territory.

However, 'sovereign territory' may not precisely describe what most people think of as 'Pakistan' for this area of the world is not a real nation but an acronym devised in the 1930s by *Chaudhary Rahmat Ali.

The acronym stands for: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, and Indus-Sind, with 'stan' meaning 'land.'

In the Urdu language the resultig acronym means land of the pure; the reason the 'P' comes first is because Pakistan is the property of the Punjabi military caste. This caste loathed Benazir Bhutto because she hailed from Sind so apparently wasn't fit for much.

Too bad for the people of Pakistan because ideas for the common good of any country should be followed no matter their source.

Ahh, the elusive and never-ending War On Terror.

So with Bush's stirring up, the last few years there's been a reorganized, reconstituted al-Qaeda incubating and being protected within the Federally Administered Tribal Regions and the city of Quetta, with the current US administration being foolhardy enough to step right into the quicksand of a centuries-old situation - ancient rivalries best left alone like any ill-advised Middle Eastern foray that should be better thought of before rushing in on fool's errands.

Well, you know that decisions for US Middle Eastern misadventures have never been up to me, of course, but if they were, I'd whole-heartedly follow my mother's sage advice well before the high-handedness of a neocon chicken hawk's druthers:

never go where you're not invited, never stay where you're merely tolerated.

And that, m'peops, would have had the added benefit of keeping Bush43 out of the White House in the first place.


Cussedly I failed to capture a link for part of the above Pakistan info but I believe some of it came from Wikpedia and some from a Slate Magazine article by Christopher Hitchens, *Pakistan Is the Problem.

Can you ever forgive me?

Sen Jim Webb objects to propaganda campaign in Iraq

Senator Jim Webb Urges a Halt to US Propaganda in Iraq by sending Secretary of Defense Robert Gates a letter concerning Bush administration attempts to sway the Iraqi people to the wonderfulness of the US occupation.

Senator Webb also sent a letter to Carl Levin requesting hearings for the 111th Congress' new session (reconvenes Jan 3, 2009) to discuss the DOD "strategic communications programs" which are costing US tax payers $300 million - if indeed that's where all these particular millions are going and if their numbers are reasonably correct.

This is $300 million wasted for certain because who does the DOD think they're foolin'?

And yet we know that most Washington politicians much prefer that fuzzy math we used to hear so much about.

Click the second link to read a few notes on and see an image of Jim Webb's natal chart using a sunrise (solar) map for Feb 9, 1946, St. Joseph, Missouri.

You'll see by his natal chart that Webb is one who really knows how to get all mavericky up in there.


Do you like political cat limericks, by any chance? If so Mr.A.Cat has had me publish A Kitten from Keating at Lim's Limericks, (with an enticing photo of Princess Grace complimentary) if you're game.

The coup'ing of America: Naomi Wolf video

Author of Give Me Liberty, feminist, and social critic Naomi Wolf says that we-the-people are obliged by the Founding Fathers to speak freely.

America's Founders set up the people to be in charge and to be the engine of change. We have a right and a duty to depose tyrants whose totalitarian script has been followed in decades past. We must educate ourselves anew through the hazy mists of fearmongering and "emergency" passages of bills that are secretly laden with fascist-inspired fine print.

Congress has proven time and again that 'it' won't stop them.

We are our only hope.

Please watch this 27+ minute interview and take to heart the mess America is in - there's very little time left to toss out the criminals who have taken over our nation and now march us into fascism. And as America goes, so goes the world.

We-the-people have been coup'd. I am an American - a Child of the Revolution - and I dissent.

November elections and Sun Libra-Moon AQ

"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. And those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right."

Kevin Zeese

"Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates."

Gore Vidal

"Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government."

Gerald F. Lieberman


Above apt quotes are provided compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter, and details of calmer climate indications with Sun in Libra-Moon in Aquarius today are brought to you by your reluctant astrologer.

("Reluctant" would be me - I didn't want to be an astrologer, but we are said to be 'slaves' of our 10th house planets - and mine is Uranus in Gemini.)

Oct 8, 2008

EU and euro on life support?

The Financial Crisis Could be the Euro's Death Knell...and even end the shambolic EU

By Christopher Booker

The truth is that this massive banking crisis has exposed the hollowness, the impotence, and the hypocrisy of the European Union like nothing before in its history. #

(And I thought things were supposed to be so idyllic there with America footing their military bills and EU-ers enjoying life so much more fully than we silly Americans can do.)

Palin's password: man indicted

Palin Email Hack: Man Indicted at HuffPo has a few details on Mike Kernell, 20, son of state lawmaker David Kernell (D-TN), if you haven't heard that the hacking mystery is solved.

The state rep says he was not involved in the scheme, but his son, an economics major at the University of Tennessee, is in deep federal waters here and faces up to 5 years in prison among other things.

Whether it was love, curiosity, the devil making him do it, or misguided political shenanigans, Kernell will rue September 16, the day he reset Palin's password and publicly outed her emails.