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Jan 9, 2009

Grisly Gaza

Red Cross Finds Starving Children with 12 Corpses in Gaza 'House of Horrors'

By Martin Fletcher, in Jerusalem

The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" conduct and breaching international humanitarian law after discovering four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in bomb-shattered houses in Gaza City.



Couldn't help thinking of the horror of a 3-year-old and his brother being found in 2 inches of their mother's blood on Showtime's series, Dexter.

But this is reality in Palestine. And it's abominable. The powers-that-be don't want peace in the Middle East, that's now as plain as starving children sitting in blood. Will they live and grow up to bless Israel? I think not.

The law of karma - we reap what we sow - is being grossly defiled by Israel and will come back as it was sent out - and we know that violence breeds violence, so the endless round continues as World Peace is made a distant dream by the holier-than-thou New World Order engineers.

Jan 8, 2009

Horoscope of Obama econo speech 1.8.09

At George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Barack Obama gave a speech today on the US economy and what his administration plans to do about it.

Calling for Congress to get busy - day, night, weekends - and work with him, the president-elect gave what George Stephanopoulos of ABC News called essentially "a SOTU address."

Here you see the charts for his speech's beginning and end, and I wish I had time to spare to blurb about it now.

You see the Moon in Gemini leaving 3rd house of Communications and entering 2nd house of Earning Ability. He started speaking at a Mercury Hour - appropriate for speeches - and ended at a Moon Hour which is appropriate for change, publicity, and public needs.

Tomorrow, Jan 9, will be Barack Obama's Jupiter Return so you see Jupiter 00AQ42. Moneybags Jupiter left 11th house of Groups/Associations/Hopes/Wishes and entered the more viisble 10th house of Public Standing/Career.

There are several midpoint pictures formed, but no patterns (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc.) You'll see a few other notations if you click the charts to enlarge.

Other than that, I'll have to return later to add a few notes including the midpoint pictures, if anyone is interested...for now, gotta motor!

UPDATE 6:00 pm: Mars as chart-ruler is out-of-bounds and working on his own for ill or good, and makes no applying aspects in either chart which puts strong emphasis on his mavericky OOBs status and his house and sign position.

Mars really is working in a pure Capricorn-10th house mode, and 10th house is Cap's natural house. This points directly to Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) and thus indicating the most efficient and focused use of Mars energy and drive in the zodiacal pantheon.

Here are the midpoint pictures from today's speech beginning with its start at 11:14 am est with harmonious Moon-Jupiter rising. I'll place an asterisk by the pictures that are in effect at his speech's start and end...

Moon-Jup = ASC: confident; being happy and well-accepted; an expansive nature;

*Sun-Pluto = Mars: carving new perspectives; enormous drive; strenuous self-application; the desire to perform record achievements; ruthlessness; working to the point of physical breakdown (ex: he called on Congress to work with him - days, nights, weekends to write/pass his economic stimulus bill - and I say that if it was so friggin' necessary to work like that for Wall Street, then it's Main Street's turn);

*Mercury-Pluto = Sun a persuasive speaker; a keen observer; desire for recognition; championing an idea or attitude that prevails; communication skill;

*Venus-Mars = Mercury: an actor; thinking of progeny;

*Venus-NN = Neptune: making promises that are hard to keep; disappointment or falsehood in relationship;

*Mars-Neptune = Jupiter (BHO's natal Jupiter, too): inspiration; a fortunate turn or break after disappointments; disappointments under otherwise fortunate circumstances; enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time;

Mars-ASC = Neptune: magnetism and charisma; disharmony in the work environment; a lack of energy; diminishing creative power;

*Uranus-Neptune = Venus: high sensitivity; a fantasy life;

At 11:31 am est, additional pictures had formed:

Nep-ASC = Uranus: sudden troubles through others; succumbing easily to the influence of others; being harmed, hindered, or defamed by others; hoping for luck; some day one's ship comes in;

Nep-Mc = Jupiter: the inclination to put all of one's eggs in one basket; speculation; gambling; dreaming, hoping, feeling sure somehow that all will be well;

Pluto-Asc = Neptune: the misfortune to suffer from the actions of bad, malicious, deceitful people in one's environment; experiencing a most awkward situation; fight against rumor; vision to fulfill; embarassment to transcend; something paranormal influences situations.

And here's a doozy that became exact as he spoke...

Mars-Pluto = Mc: confidence; ambition; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; unusual capabilities for life advancement; ambition; facing overwhelming force without power (or without money? George, Hank, and Dick got it all.)

Well, there they are. And as usual with midpoint pictures they act in an any, all, or none way and are more likely to be active when triggered by transits, progressions, and lunations. The speech chart/s will always be 'triggerable' as time goes by and as planets from their chart positions here, and in future, meet or aspect the other planets/points in the chart/s.

The most obvious example is that the Sun 18Cap32 will conjunct today's Jupiter degree (and BHO's natal Jupiter) on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building, Washington, DC!

Yet we can say that the third planet in each equation is a trigger, so they are provided here in a general environmental sense, yet as noted, wherever we see Jupiter, we see a trigger: the natal Jupiter of president-elect Barack Obama.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

Jan 7, 2009

Full Moon 21Can02 Jan 10, 2009

At 10:26:42 pm est on Jan 10, 2009, a Full Moon *21Can02 shines over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC - and elsewhere as well.

Highlighted in blue is a pattern poetically called a Mystic Rectangle between the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition and the Full Moon which is, of course, a Sun-Moon opposition.

The Full Moon chart of Nov 13, 2008 had this pattern as well.

"Practical mysticism" is the most descriptive term for a Mystic Rectangle and since I've covered the pattern here and at Jude's Threshold previously, I'll not wax poetic about it except to say that it facilitates solutions through the aid of the sextiles and trines that are formed.

And with the world in deep poo poo for want of a few good ones, let's hope senators get seated and Team Obama can successfully implement the good ideas they're promising the American people.

Let's also hope that Republican politics don't muddy or block the solutions out of exalted ego games. That would be cheeky monkey of them - and unacceptable - to follow their old pattern of putting politics before the nation's best interests particularly at this important time.

That said, here are a few of my notes on this lovely Full Moon on a Saturday night.

Falling in 10th house of the DC chart, with Sun in 4th house of housing, mines, and domestic concerns, we may expect this culmination stage of the Sun-Moon dance to result in a visible improvement on issues around at the last early Capricorn New Moon 2 two prior. This morphs issues from 2008 into 2009.

Also highlighted in pink is a YOD formation, the Finger of God pattern indicating a special task, a crisis, adjustment, fork in the road, and/or turning point.

Now Moon-Saturn contacts can indicate depression and most of the globe is feeling that. But this is a sextile, an aspect of opportunity, and considering that a new presidency is about to begin, I prefer to emphasize the 'ambition; strategy; direction' flavor of this Moon-Saturn contact.

The YOD's apex or focal planet is nebulous Neptune 22AQ45, in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, and Offspring. This is a 'true' YOD because the apex planet is the slowest moving body of the three.

Apex Neptune in a YOD configuration is out of touch with the environment and longs to be elsewhere where things are more peaceful and calm. He prefers to ignore needed social adjustments by hunkering down in his ivory tower, safe from the real world.

Ivory tower existences don't promote clear understanding of practical situations, however, so his interpretations are subject to error and distortions. This is a fearful Neptune who would prefer not to be bothered!

His emotions need constant adjustments so that escapism doesn't take precedence over more positive corrective measures. The quincunxes (150 degr) to Neptune represent facets of character that are out-of-focus with the realities of current circumstances.

Very imaginative, yes, but it is seldom applied in a constructive way. Yet with the Mystic Rectangle superimposed over the YOD, we may hope for the best from this turning point.

Properly directed, the energy in an apex Neptune (YOD pattern) can begin a new path with much inspiration and selflessness while drawing on deep spiritual resources. (Neptune = the divine source.)

The new path sometimes means working behind-the-scenes, underground, and/or in seclusion, and a sacrifice of a temporal desire may be necessary toward an intangible ideal. Uncertainty, insecurity, illusions, and deceptions may walk the path with him as he plays the role of compassionate healer or defender of the disenfranchised.

This apex Neptune may also be the inspired artist and on another level, the illumined one (and of course, I tend to think grumpily of the Illuminati here) able to delve into life's deeper mysteries.

If the energy is misdirected (and Capitol Hill is good at that), this apex planet denotes the social martyr or victim of society whose malcontent draws destabilizing experiences and circumstances which further undermine his situation.

The antidote is to deal with the painful emotional components shown by the quincunxes (inconjuncts) to Neptune:

Moon inconj Neptune tends toward over extension and self-persecution and works best in social welfare programs. There's difficulty in seeing others are they really are and a vulnerability to those who misrepresent themselves.

Saturn inconj Neptune indicates a need to somehow justify one's resources and talents; ways are sought to use the resources to relieve suffering and social injustices yet these talented people are part of the very social structure that permits these injustices to exist. (This, to me, perfectly describes Washington politicians in all their nest-feathering, embezzling glory.)

Care should be taken not to align oneself with programs that have unclear goals, but methinks the horse already left the barn on that one.

Still, this is a martyr aspect, and stepping outside my usual Washington orientation for a minute - and considering that Neptune is at the "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving Its Paws" degree in the Sabian Symbols - I think of Putin, Russia, and the Ukraine/European gas stand-off. Perhaps Putin will find his inner 'savior to the rescue' and end the cruelty soon. This would tie in with the New Moon-Full Moon timetable.

Besides, letting your customers freeze to death isn't good for business, wily political ploy though it may be.

The YOD forms a difficult midpoint picture:

Moon-Saturn = Neptune: anxiety; depression; feeling inferior; sickness of the soul.

Since Astrology works on many levels at once, I'd say Neptune in this picture is a stand-in for the masses...we're more depressed (and some of us are freezing) than the social tinkerers who've caused so many of the messes we're in. They have their bunkers and offshore accounts so they're dandy fine compared to the rest of us!

If you click to enlarge the chart, you'll see that I've notated the Mercury Rx Station 7AQ44 so Mercury is unusually strong at this time. Interestingly, Mercury is stationing directly upon George Bush's natal Descendant, the angle of Partnership and Legal Affairs.

Mercury to 7th house is a time of legal affairs, debates, contracts, negotiations, and agreements, so someone may back out on a previous arrangement with Dubya - perhaps fairly since he's done it many times before.

The prefix we associate with Rx phases is re- so re-doing, reviewing, re-signing...all sorts of do-overs are in effect for the next few weeks. This may relate as well to the MN and IL senator situations for Al Franken and Roland Burris.

Bush's chart involvement indicates his finger still in every pie, although he may wish it weren't if legal issues against his administration eventually come to a head. International prosecution for torture comes to mind, with more facts to come out as Mercury Rxs back to US natal South Node (past errors surface.)

Mercury, god of retrogression, is chart-ruler and ruler of the professional 10th house where we find Public Status or Standing, and I'm hearing that Burris may be seated after all.

(What a charade! Burris knew his papers were not in order before he got to Capitol Hill. If everyone else has had the proper signatures, why shouldn't he? But the Illinois Supreme Court is in the melee now, so we'll see how quickly they rule on Burris' seating. It will turn out better if they rule before Mercury goes Rx!)

Anyway, Mercury as chart-ruler applies to North Node (1A34), then Jupiter (6A27), as he heads back toward the Sun. Sun and Mercury conjunct on Jan 18 at Inaugural Jupiter's degree (3AQ+) so there may be delay (Rx) with solutions (Obama's stimulus package won't be on his desk Jan 20, they say) but things will begin to move forward when Mercury goes Direct and moves beyond his 'shadow degree' - in this case, 7AQ44 (or 7:42, if memory serves.)

With the Full Moon's strong 4th house - sabotaging Pluto 1Cap37, instigating warrior Mars 11Cap11, and Sun 21Cap02 therein - we may expect more mining and/or sludge concerns, plus much publicity on all issues due to the polarity of Moon in 10th house, and the 4th is the natural house of the Moon. 'Homeland Security' may surface in the news, too.

And yes, there is a midpoint picture formed:

Sun-Pluto - Mars: enormous drive; strenuous self-application; carving new perspectives.

With restrictive Saturn so near the Ascendant in the Full Moon chart, we feel the lack of resources which Neptune is apparently hoarding. That secret government types are involved, I have no doubt.

Venus 8Pis07 is conjunct US natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint which is conj US natal Ceres (security concerns; food and grain.)

Now for the Images for Integration (Chas & Suzi Harvey) for Sun Cap-Moon Can...

'A politician kisses a baby without pretence...A priest blesses his family before setting off on a pilgrimage...A water clock...Carol Reed's films, Oliver and The Third Man.'

Sun Cap-Moon Can is an Earth-Water blend that is conservative yet open to new ideas, a capable manager and organizer, and which describes our president-elect quite well. Plus, this is the firm-father-gentle-mother pairing, so perhaps I should include Michelle Obama in my remarks!

Well, there it is, my take on the Full Moon in Cancer as related to Washington. Now let's relax and enjoy what promises to be a beautiful display of dancing moonbeams which hopefully will encourage our public servants to 'get it right' for a change!

*Please pardon the typo in this chart's title: it should say, 21Can02, not 01.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; YOD info: Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

A note to Alex D': please email me at judecowell at gmail dot com - since I upgraded my at&t mail account to blend with Yahoo, my old Yahoo mailbox won't open.

Jan 6, 2009

Ron Paul on Israel's Gaza aggression

Ron Paul: Israel had US OK for war on Gaza

By Press TV

"Israel depends on us; they depend on us economically, they depend on us for their military power and all their weapons and they really got a green light from our administration," he explained.


Ron Paul's natal chart is quite interesting if you'd care to have
a peek but you'll find that I refer to Dr. Paul as a "Libertarian" in the article. Not sure exactly what he is, but his chart details are interesting all the same...the doctor has Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Gemini.

And if you feel a need to catch up on articles about Chiron (houses, signs, etc) - you can do no better than the Chirotic Journal, and since Chiron returns to First Sighting degree 3x in the years 2027-28 (3Tau08 Rx; discovered by Charles Kowall, Nov 1, 1977) I'm hoping to get all my Chirotic ducks in a row and quacking in unison from my 3rd house of Communications.

Bush's first Inaugural luncheon

George W. Bush's first Inaugural luncheon makes for amusing reading especially when you consider this Sun-in-Cancer's fascination with food.

There are photos provided so check it out! Lame Duck L'Orange appears nowhere on the menu, so don't fret. And we can't say his goose is cooked - it's the American people who got a baking from the presidency of Bush43.

Jan 5, 2009

Leon Panetta a double Cancer

By now you're heard the news that Barack Obama announced a surprise appointment today of Leon Panetta for CIA Director.

Panetta as Clinton's Chief of Staff (1994 - 1997) sat in on intell briefings so he does have a clue how things work and how policy is shaped by intell, but Dianne Feinstein is among critics who would prefer an intell professional instead.

Obama and his team are fretful of taintedness with torture, etc, in the usual ranks of the CIA, and I see his point. Thus, he has named an outsider of sorts.

Panetta was a congressman from California from Jan, 1977 to Jan, 1997, and had changed his membership from the R Party to the D Party way back in 1971 because of Civil Rights issues. He was Director of the Office for Civil Rights under Nixon.

Panetta's book, Bring Us Together: The Nixon Team and the Civil Rights Retreat" came out in 1971 and it does not refer to a weekend off but to Nixon's creepy southern strategy of not enforcing civil rights or voting rights laws.

Born June 28, 1938 in Monterey, California, Leon Panetta has Sun in Cancer and Moon in Cancer - he was born during the New Moon phase.

The weightiest midpoint picture in his natal chart (and it doesn't depend on a correct birth time which I do not know) involves one of the astrological signatures for plutocrats...Jupiter-Pluto.

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms and quick developments; intense application of resources to establish new perspectives; an adjustment to new circumstances; over-turning the tables; getting back on track or finding a better one.

The Jupiter-Pluto pair of energies is given by Ebertin as 'the desire for power (plutocrats), a desire to lead the masses, organizers of large projects, professors of economy and law, squanderers and speculators; spiritual and intellectual leadership.'

Uranus intensifies and activates the plutocratic pair, and of course we know the circles he runs in.

Now here's some info on Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer, a Water-Water blend which indicates sentimentality over the past and lots of creative imagination:

perceptive and shrewd; charming, poetic, and romantic; a brooder who can overflow with pent-up feelings; strong desire to be needed and appreciated; intuitive economic sense; excellent memory; witty and kind-hearted; self-deprecating sense of humor; accurate perceptions of others; extremely subjective.

Critics to Panetta's appointment to head the CIA are vocalizing their objections today including California's Dianne Feinstein who incidentally shares natally Panetta's Sun Can-Moon Can combo, as do Nathaniel Hawthorne, H. D. Thoreau, and John D. Rockefeller.

Now here are Sun Can-Moon Cancer's Images for Integration for this family-oriented man who may not have professional intell experience inside the agency, but can use his abundance of security-minded Cancer to rule the CIA roost...and America does have three natal planets in Cancer - Panetta's natal Sun is conjunct US n Jupiter:

'A performance of a puppet show at an infant school Christmas play...Young children enacting a play wedding in a garden...A family plays a game of charades.' (Chas & Suzi Harvey, Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Now I could say some dark things about that last image relating to The Family, the Brotherhood, Jupiter-Pluto, etc, but I won't.

Let's wait a while and see if Panetta's appointment by Obama holds Water first! He should have a year or two to operate in Washington DC again - this time as head of the CIA.


Al Franken is declaring himself winner of the Senate seat which once belonged to his mentor, Paul Wellstone, who was assassinated in a plane crash (yes, I said it: assassinated.)

Palin problems again

Gov Sara Palin and her family are in the news again, this time for RNC-GOP meddling in a narcotics enforcement issue there in Alaska.

And if you're wondering: today Neptune is conjunct her natal Sun to the degree: '23AQ'..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws' which could refer to Russia just across her backyard.

But Neptune, the planet, refers to negative escapism such as alcohol and other drugs like marijuana or, in this case, OxyContin.

Jan 4, 2009

Bill Richardson bows out Obama regrets

BBC News reported at 4:30 pm est that Bill Richardson has pulled out of the Obama adminstration's team.

He's out of the cabinet and blowin' in the political wind but says he will remain governor of New Mexico. Whoo! This is quite a game of musical chairs a la 2009, isn't it?

Here you may view Richardson's natal chart which was published here so promisingly just one month ago (insert slight tone of sarcasm.)

Leo Tolstoy's Saturn-Uranus opposition

Just a brief heads-up on a freshly published post concerning Leo Tolstoy who was born in 1828 during a Saturn-Uranus opposition which was ongoing when American president Andrew Jackson was elected.

With Saturn and Uranus currently in opposition - and Barack Obama elected on the day (11.4.08) that the two antithetical planets' opposition was exact - we're seeing similar themes in the collective: old order vs new order...'War and Peace ' issues plunked onto every table and splashed across every check it out, if you get a chance.

In my post, you'll find a link to astrologer Philip Brown's article on the Tolstoy-Saturn/Uranus theme from his AstroFutureTrends website where you'll find more of Philip's excellent and lucid writing!

Jan 3, 2009

2009: 10 reasons to hope and 3 to fear

10 Reasons to be Hopeful about 2009, 3 Reasons to be Terrified

By Sarah van Gelder

We're entering a new year at a time unlike any other in recent memory. Here are 10 reasons I'm filled with hope as I look ahead at 2009 - and three reasons I'm terrified.#

Sarah van Gelder is editor of Yes! Magazine which I've only discovered this very day. Check out her reasoned reasons when you can but ixnay on the earfay - that's just what terror promoters, who really came into their own with the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, want us to feel - so I refuse!

The 1999 Eclipse is what Nostradamus called the 'King of Alarm' (or 'King of Terror') Eclipse and who could now disagree with the fabled and ancient astrologer that things haven't been the same since?

Of course, if we think for one moment that terror promoters aren't perfectly capable of using Astrology and of reading Nostradamus' or any other prophet's predictions, we'd be quite wrong, wouldn't we?


See horoscope chart of the King of Alarm Eclipse with a few details, if you wish.

This Eclipse is from the 1 North Series whose keywords include: avoid hasty decisions because information is distorted and possibly false.

Ya think, oh pretenders of banking and charlatans of politics? What busy little bees you've been since 1999.

~:~ Eclipse info from Brady's Preditive Astrology.