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Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Nov 16, 2012

Ron Paul leaving Capitol Hill (video)

After twenty years of delivering consistent messages on freedom, the Fed, outrageous war costs, and other topics, Rep. Ron Paul leaves public office. Those meddlers on Capitol Hill won't have him to ignore any more:

If you're curious, here's a previous post concerning Paul's natal chart with images of his solar and a rectified chart included. The post is from way back in 2007, folks, so my typos are left intact!

Jun 1, 2011

Is Strauss-Kahn arrest linked to missing US gold? Midas to US natal Uranus 6.1.11

All the Gold Not in Fort Knox: Midas Conjoins America's Uranus in Gemini

by Jude Cowell

As you know, a partial Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 occurs this afternoon at 5:02 pm edt which 'eclipses' America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (if you haven't, check out the crisis-ridden YOD pattern pointing to eclipse MC and US natal North Node in Leo.)

Transiting MIDAS, the gold-hoarding archetype, now sits upon US n Uranus and is also 'eclipsed' or spotlighted today so with Gemini the sign of Communications, Trade, Agreements, News - and duplicity - the following information, if correct, demonstrates an eclipse's ability to uncover secrets which has caused my arm hairs to stand up in recognition of what is an even worse financial situation than previously suspected as our government agencies act in league with, or as head of, a global crime syndicate in process of cornering all of Earth's wealth and natural resources.

(See the 4:00 pm UPDATE at the end of this post.)

The report cited reveals that a tremendous amount of criminality is in progress (as everyone knows!) so a major Thank You goes to an astute *reader ('Anonymous') for providing a link to this astounding-if-true story concerning an empty Fort Knox and a US conspiracy against former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn who was arrested at JFK Airport on May 14, 2011 on sex charges. Unless you live under a rock, you couldn't have missed news of his arrest which had soon begun to seem propagandistic to me.

(Not that Strauss-Kahn didn't do what the lady said he did. But it could have presented his detractors with an opportunistic synchronicity for those disgruntled by the 'alarms' he is said to have raised with the Obama administration about non-payment of US gold.)

Now we must 'consider the source' since the report is being touted by Vladimir Putin, yet Russian involvement doesn't make the horrendous details untrue. My guess is that any and all actors and thugs within the global financial system should be considered under suspicion and dangerous until proven innocent of the ongoing heist.

Read Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovering All US Gold Is Gone which includes mention of Rep. Ron Paul's years of effort to open and audit Fort Knox. But if the report is correct, there's no gold bullion inside to audit.

According to the article, Strauss-Kahn became concerned when (it is said) the US 'began stalling' on its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold which was agreed upon in the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by 'the Executive Board' in April 1978 (Jimmy Carter inaugurated on January 20, 1977.)

The payment in gold was to be sold to fund Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) which were set up as "an alternative to what are called reserve currencies."

IMF chief Strauss-Kahn, after becoming alarmed over the US stalling, is said to have been contacted by 'rogue elements' within the CIA (isn't it always the CIA? drug trafficking, assassinations abroad and perhaps at home, etc) who provided 'firm evidence' that all the gold reported to be held in the US 'was gone'.

Now SDRs were invented by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 1969 during Nixon's first term 'in support of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. But two key reserve assets (gold and the US dollar which is now under attack) proved 'inadequate' for 'supporting the expansion of world trade and financial development then taking place'. To me this scenario incriminates the global expansion tactics of the New World Order regime as it claws its way toward a one world government.

Paraphrasing from the above information (click for a better explanation than I can give you): Therefore, the international community decided to create a new international reserve asset under the auspices of the IMF... a few years later, the Bretton Woods system collapsed (1973 during Nixon's second term: is this related to why he was taken down?) and major currencies shifted to a floating exchange rate. Plus, the "growth in international capital markets facilitated borrowing by creditworthy governments."

Pluto Through Capricorn Now Deconstructing World Systems and Governments

And thus, the collapse of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency will result in more propagandizing that a New Economic Order is all that can be done...after the dust settles. Tsk tsk. What a bunch of social engineering liars!

So the Political Theater performed yesterday on Capitol Hill over raising the US debt ceiling or else defaulting on our government's debts which will, it is predicted, crash the global economy, are part of the very same agenda to set up a totalitarianism with institution of a brand new currency (the amero? or an ATM card for better tracking?) now said to be an invention by the Federal Reserve Bank of America.

Related reading: Nazi gold.

Dubya's grandfather Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler in his bid to rule a One World Government.

The August Review which has knowledgeably covered subjects such as gold reserves, the Fed, the IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, CFR, trade agreements, and related topics for years.

May 31, 2011: 40 Signs the Chinese Economy Is Beating the Living Daylights Out of the US Economy.

Rep. Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk.


*Hopefully, Anonymous, your motives are pure and not partisan because Stars Over Washington is devoted to promoting America's general welfare and continuance as a sovereign nation along with my use of Astrology's lens in an attempt at identifying and vanquishing our inner and outer demons. But the fear-promoting imperialistic US government no longer provides a lot of encouragement in those particular areas, does it? jc

American Protest Alert: This Saturday June 4, 2011, Code Pink expects a crowd to show up at the Jefferson Memorial to dance in protest of the recent police state arrests there which proved a sad kick-off to America's much-touted Memorial Day Weekend 2011 (click to see the video of the arrest.)

On a lighter note, here's an Art Heads-Up for those who may be interested: Saturday June 4, 2011 is Drawing Day for 2011 so do join in, if you wish, for it's Special Drawing Rights for all!

UPDATE 6.1.11 4:00 pm edt NYSE: stocks have plummeted 280 points just before the closing bell on this Solar Eclipse afternoon with bank shares taking an especially large hit, NPR reports.

Feb 12, 2011

Ron Paul: US to blame for chaos in Egypt (video)

If you've ever read this blog before you may be aware that this dissenting American's distrust of the US government runs deep as it does for many people. Yet I did think that news of the US (and UK) instigation of the popular revolts in Egypt (Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, etc) would take at least a few days to come to light after yesterday's ouster of Mubarak.

But theories are surfacing already as International Forecaster's Bob Chapman very ably explains. Beware: the article contains his Bernanke/QE2 insights, and an interview with Rep. Ron Paul on such topics is included as well.

Mr. Chapman also mentions that Hosni Mubarak is still in charge, a potential I feared even as I celebrated yesterday with the good people of Egypt!

As you know, in this world, all is not always as it seems.

For those atop the pyramid of power have secretive ways of insuring win-win situations for themselves which they insist necessitate more and more loss-loss for the rest of us...just as old win-at-any-coster and political theorist *Machiavelli recommended!

*Post includes Nicolo Machiavelli's birth data and natal chart details.

Feb 2, 2011

Ron Paul on the Lew Rockwell Show 2.2.11 (audio)

Rep. Ron Paul holds the first hearing of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee he'll now be chairing on February 9, 2011 and here he speaks with Lew Rockwell on several topics such as the Fed (and how they're appearing on lots of shows and writing defensive pieces of late, poor things!), changes that must come in US monetary policy, how you have to have cutbacks in empire, not just the welfare state, uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and how it takes young people to wage a revolution.

And as we've seen since conditions erupted in Egypt on January 25th (and in Tunisia prior), "The revolution will be televised." (Pardon my ancient reference. Must be my Flower Power Generation sensibilities peeking through...)

As Chalmers Johnson wrote in his book The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, the final sorrow is economic in progress. :(

Thoughts of an expiring American empire with its over-reaching and over-spending (the American people into the alms house) always reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for '1 Sagittarius': " A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".

And all this for the forced establishment of a lousy 'new world order'.

Note: For live coverage of the fast-moving events in Egypt, may I suggest It's 10:00 pm est here and around 5:00 am in Cairo (Feb 3, 2011) and it's being reported that at least four people have been killed "under heavy machine gun fire", plus, cruel Molotov cocktails are being passed around while shots are being fired in all directions.

Plus, here's a link to the Middle East section of al Jazeera (in English) and a live Twitter feed.

Jan 10, 2011

Moment of Silence: Moon = AP at Ic of US natal chart

Thinking of Tucson as Left Blames Right, Right Blames Left

On C-SPAN just now, neoconner Bill Kristol just asked if Palin isn't responsible for the violence in Tucson on Saturday (better her blamed than him, I guess.) Now he's defending George Bush and the 'attacks' on Bush while he was president for "consciously" lying and getting people killed (in his wars - his, Cheney's, and Kristol's.) As if the whole thing weren't planned all along with ginned up intell and propaganda doing the trick to lie us into war again. One has to assume that war planners have to know that soldiers sent to fight will be maimed and killed.

Kristol is accepting questions now and he's certain to have some interesting views on such topics. He just compared Paul Krugman (who criticized Sarah Palin over Tucson which is what Kristol just did but more mildly) to Joseph McCarthy! The old McCarthyism propaganda!! Pardon me, I need another cup of tea just to listen to this dribble, with several inches of snow and ice outside and still falling which makes a cuppa a double necessity.

Makes me wonder who thought Bill Kristol was an appropriate guest for C-SPAN this morning on the topic of political hate speech leading to violence, no less. Perhaps at Kristol's level of power, he decided to do the show to fend off criticism of his father's neocon movement.

After the 11:00 am Moment of Silence at the White House and Capitol Building a few minutes ago, it seems of interest to me to provide you with a link to a post on the Tax Day Tea Party of April 15, 2009, the "New American Revolution" as bull's-eye-loving Dick Armey, Sarah Palin, and others so raucously term it.

After Saturday's shootings in Tucson, this particular peacenik's prayer is that the revolution hasn't begun violently - the pen really is mightier than the sword. Yet the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto square is approaching, after all in action-loving Cardinal signs (issuing from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in the mid-1960s @ '17Virgo', a critical/crisis degree, and a violent time in America - of anti-war protests, Civil Rights protests, and political assassinations by higher powers. You know: the higher powers the kid in Tucson took unfortunate action against in our propaganda-spouting government. 40 years on and you'd think we'd learn.)

Moment of Silence January 10, 2011 in Washington DC with Moon in Aries rising in DC (an Aries Moon is the significator of "I AM the people", as Moon in Aries Robespierre was fond of saying to justify his crimes - against the people of France); Moon at AP conjoins America's Ic (endings; the drain; the HOW? Point of any chart) in the Sibly version of the US natal horoscope, the degree of the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.

Jupiter/Uranus = Moon: prudence; far-sightedness. Plus, the image is of the Moon (we-the-people) at our lowest emotional ebb (Ic) today over violence (Mars rules Aries and guns.)

Yes, it seems an obvious and honorable thing to have a brief ceremony in Washington today in honor of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims yet I have to say it: seeing President Obama and the First Lady standing there in silence, heads lowered, cameras clicking away, looked and felt more like a photo op than anything else. Sorry. My big mouth.

And it remains to be seen how Saturday's tragedy in Tucson will lead to more security tightening in America when, imho, it's gun control laws that concern guns purchased with no background checks and guns with repeating rounds - pardon, but I don't know what they're called) that need improving along with the US government coming clean about its role in shoving the backs of the American people against the wall from where they know we'll eventually explode.

(The gun Loughner used in Tucson was purchased with an "instant background check", not that anything criminal would have shown up on him which points to our pathetic mental health system letting society down, another of my soap boxes of grumpiness.)

The GOP take-over or funding of certain Tea Party groups has shown how this dynamic can be ramped up while pretending to care about better governing. (I don't refer to Tea Party rank and file members - I mean manipulators like Mr. Koch, Mr. Armey, Mr. Beck, Mrs. Palin, and who knows who else.)

Perhaps you remember that Congress went into secret session in March 2008 to discuss their security needs and where they'd all hunker down when the depth of the financial crisis became clear which it did a few months later. (And they're acting similarly this week to discuss their own security concerns! Seems a given to me that "why do they hate us?" will be purposely misinterpreted after Tucson just as it was after 9/11/01 - in order to bolster the creation of a police state in America.)

The secret session was the meeting where all members' phones had to be surrendered at the door, and any details of the meeting's occurrence came to the public through Rep. Ron Paul who did not attend (congressional sessions are supposed to be public, not private. He said he'd attended such a meeting during his earlier days in Congress; the time of the chart you see below is from his remarks.)

Now perhaps you think Congress' rare closed-door session in 2008 can have nothing to do with our current tragedy and the steps our government will be taking in order to protect congressional members, staff, and other officials from public wrath as the US gov continues implementing globalist draconian policies meant to collapse this nation and our lives with it.

But I think it does.

If for no other reason than what Franklin Roosevelt so famously informed us: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

You betcha!

March 13, 2008 Capitol Building 7:30 pm est; Hour Saturn (control; authority); Mc (The Goal) = '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" (certainly our biggest creditor, China, had a message for Congress); Mystic Rectangle pattern includes: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Moon (the public) is out-of-bounds as is Mars; Moon/Pluto = Sun: special far-reaching plans.

Now the Thom Hartmann Show is on TV and Thom reports that Tucson shooter Loughner may have had a link to 'the American Renaissance', a white supremacist, anti-government group. Perhaps he did - or is this planted info to deflect attention from neocon win-at-any-costers like Bill Kristol? Mr. Hartmann wouldn't do that, but right-wing political propagandists would.

So now The Right is putting out a message of "Democratic congresswoman a liberal"? Oops! Seems they may not have thought that one through very well and for better deflection from the consequences of their operatives' violent rhetoric, they may need to "reload".


If you missed it, you may wish to read today's Fresh Air feature on Arizona's lenient gun laws (audio available around 5:00 pm est today.)

Dec 8, 2010

Julian Assange and France born with Jupiter/Neptune = Saturn

Update 7:40 pm est: the birth time of Julian Assange has been discovered! Click for his natal Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio details.

Original post begins here:

Well, our chilly, damp weather has my allergies feeling 'under the weather' today, yet it seems of interest to me that the creation of France (national chart: Sep 21, 1792 NS 3:30 pm LMT NS Paris, FR) and the horoscope of the Second French Revolution (Aug 10, 1792 NS 4:51:13 am LMT Paris, FR) both occurred under the rays of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter/Neptune (speculators; wastrels; visionaries; religious figures) with Saturn 00Tau-3Tau opposing.

(As you know, '00-1Tau' may be called Hitler's trigger degree for he exhibited extreme violence when this degree of his natal Sun was transited-activated-triggered; aka, a degree of violence.)

The natal horoscope of Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) contains the same opposing planetary signature though in different signs: Jup/Nep = Saturn: consequences issuing from false hopes; plans that come to nothing; disappointments; losses; combining real with unreal in activities; breakdown of idealism; pessimism; self-delusion; curtailed occult practices. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (by Michael Munkasey) in the realms of Politics and Business, the combination of Jupiter/Neptune energies gives:

Thesis: expansion and growth policies; ideals mirrored in a religious context; churches that espouse a moral philosophy for all; expansion and elaboration of ideals/dreams; foolish or unfounded legal situations.

Antithesis: scandals over growth, values, or belief systems; hypocrisy grows as a form of internal policy; a legal system where ethics and morals are based on favors and payoffs; a degraded justice system.

Here I'm using Julian Assange's natal horoscope w/ date supplied by Interpol: July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU; speculative birth time: 4:57 pm AEST -10:00; Hour Venus; no OOBS; 1st quarter = crisis in action; ASC 00Cap23 = Moon/Mars; MC 20Vir58 = Sun/Neptune = Fixed Star Denebola: 'out of the mainstream'; 'to go against society'); Sun 10Can43, Moon 8Sco42; Mercury 24Can13 conjoins his n Psyche and US natal Mercury Rx, opposite US n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx. Mercury/Pluto = propaganda; the power of persuasion; secrets; harsh words; depth of understanding.

Assange's natal Jupiter 27Sco18 Rx (conjunct President Obama's natal MC!) and n Neptune 00Sag43 Rx ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire") are opposite his n Saturn 1Gem41 ('2Gem' = "Santa Claus Furtively Filling Stockings"; plus, '3Gem' = "The Garden of the Tuileries in Paris" thus linking his n Saturn to the French Republic and French Revolution...I sassily presume that 'Assange' is a French surname, oui?)

Tellingly, Dane Rudhyar gives the Keynote of '3Gem' as: "The formalization of collective ideals through the application of reason and order to newly discovered aspects of nature."

Well! The Enlightenment lives on! And there are zillions more things that could be typed here on such topics especially after studying Julian Assange's natal and progressed charts but it's time to take an antihistamine for my stuffy dose and chillax awhile. You know?

So I shall close with my main point which I discovered in E. Alan Meece's book Horoscope for the New Millennium concerning Jup/Nep opposite Saturn in France's 'Proclamation of the Republic' chart (data listed above, Aug 10, 1792) showing the violent Marseillaise Trio of Jupiter, Neptune, and Mars in late Libra), and the emergence of:

Jupiter/Neptune (religion) opposite Saturn (nation-state) = religion of the nation-state, with the revolutionary activities of Robespierre and colleagues 'replacing' religion with Reason, a signature of the Illuminati and others, as the nation-state took precedence over, and total control of, the individual. This horoscope describes 'seeds of future terrorism' and may be used for events and people involved in the terrorism and mock-terrorism of our day, false flags and all.

To me it seems worthy to consider the concept of the nation-state within our current global climate where nations and states both are under attack by plutonic forces seeking to dissolve them (and create chaos meant to lead us to a one-world-government), and the concept's relationship to WikiLeaks document dumps as they relate to invasions and occupations of sovereign nations and the plundering of their treasures by 'civilized' nations acting as arms of the global crime syndicate which now holds Julian Assange within its overbearing grasp.

For the US, the current legal dilemma for Mr. Assange falls under the astrological auspices of America's Saturn Return (2010-2011) and I believe that only America's natal Saturn being exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - if correctly and honestly expressed - can protect one man's right to breathe freely after he has uncovered a speck too much of the global crime syndicate's inner workings across the globe - and with more revelations promised.

And the US Espionage Act being used against him in the US? He'll probably argue he's a reporter with a right to Constitutional protection! He turned himself in to London police on Dec 7, 2010 9:30 am UT with Pluto 4Cap27, Mercury the Reporter 5Cap10, and Moon 5:35 rising (Moon = publicity); Mercury's Rx Station occurs at its 'surrender' degree on Friday 12.10.10. This particular global reporter is stuck in a London Victorian-era jail where Oscar Wilde sat once upon a time...convicted for his alleged sexual acts.

And so, my interested concern over legal fairness in Mr. Assange's case (and his shaky physical safety which is not being addressed here but could be in small part with: Jup/Nep = ideals/flight/enterprises restricted (Saturn) by government (Saturn) is that Jupiter/Neptune's negative connotations listed above include 'foolish or unfounded legal situations' and (sad to say), a 'degraded justice system'.

Yet thanks to Assange and WikiLeaks supporters known as hacktivists, Operation Payback is underway and who knows? Perhaps some honest legal minds and hearts will eventually prevail and beneficially affect the Australian whistle blower's ultimate fate.

For as Rep. Ron Paul says, “In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.”

Amen. And as Jude Cowell says, "The US government has made a fancy show of embracing 'whistle blowers' when it comes to passing legislation to protect them, yet now the whistle blows against the US government causing another of the ruling oligarchy's masks of hypocrisy to melt away..."

They'll want to be more careful of that.


The speculative birth time for Julian Assange has been provided by reader 'Aries Dobbs' - thanks! For more info, you may wish to see this post and its comments. jc

Dec 5, 2010

Ron Paul: "What we need is more WikiLeaks" (of the Fed)

Perhaps you heard that the astute Rep. Ron Paul has weighed in on the value of WikiLeaks especially if its whistleblowing results in leaks of memos and other secret communiques from within the world banking syndicate.

I'd be all for those revelations, wouldn't you? Pass 'em around! Maybe some of Paul Wolfowitz's love letters are nestled in the packet for those of a more romantic nature than I.

Here's the video:

And if you may, please answer the WikiLeaks poll, upper right, thanks!

Aug 30, 2010

'To abolish poverty, abolish plutocracy' (Rutherford B. Hayes)

Here's the rest of the above quote from our 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes (1822 - 1893) but I wonder which modern day Republicans (or Democrats) would like to hear it much less implement it. For then their over-stuffed gravy train would have to be brought to a screeching halt instead of honest people's incomes dissolving into thin air:

"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. As millionaires increase, pauperism grows. The more millionaires, the more paupers."

That pretty much explains the widening gap between haves and have-nots. And his statement sounds as if Mr. Hayes didn't consider the government he was part of as a plutocracy already in authority and ruling their shriveled little hearts out.

But then he did say "if you would" abolish poverty, didn't he?

So now you know what I'm about to type, don't you? That 'pauperism' is another of Pluto/Chiron's words of oppression, another -ism from their very long to-do list. Yep.

And it amuses me that President Hayes was perhaps the first-ever multi-tasker for he was the first president to have a telephone and a typewriter in the White House at the same time!


From SO'W's In Case You Missed It Department: Ron Paul calls for an Audit of US Gold Reserves. Great idea. As if.

Feb 26, 2009

Ron Paul's economic remarks 2.23.09 video

Raw Story has it and if you missed it, you may wish to view the video of Rep.Ron Paul's statement prior to Ben Bernanke's panacea of Wednesday, Feb 25.

Rep. Paul once again reveals the naked truth about the US financial system as he hit the high notes with such Greatest Hits as: 'You Can't Re-Inflate the Bubble' and 'Credit Ain't Capital, Baby' plus, other hummable tunes.

But one of my favorite parts of this brief video comes at its end - the visible discomfiture of CNBC's chair-warmers wiggling and squirming in their seats as they realize that too-clear truth had (inadvertently) been told - and they had broadcasted it on air.

Excessive (Jupiter) liquidity (Neptune) reigns as Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel pair of planets when working together on financial projects, meet up three times in 2009 with their first conjunction occurring on May 27.

All their meet-ups conjunct US natal Moon in Aquarius, so once again I repeat myself ad nauseum with the midpoint picture that is formed throughout the year:

Jupiter-Neptune = Moon: little sense of reality; the tendency to lose oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, and wastefulness.

Though I sincerely hope that monitoring where the money goes by way of will actually prevent waste and fraud, still I am compelled to report to you the Astrology of the matter.

Jan 6, 2009

Ron Paul on Israel's Gaza aggression

Ron Paul: Israel had US OK for war on Gaza

By Press TV

"Israel depends on us; they depend on us economically, they depend on us for their military power and all their weapons and they really got a green light from our administration," he explained.


Ron Paul's natal chart is quite interesting if you'd care to have
a peek but you'll find that I refer to Dr. Paul as a "Libertarian" in the article. Not sure exactly what he is, but his chart details are interesting all the same...the doctor has Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Gemini.

And if you feel a need to catch up on articles about Chiron (houses, signs, etc) - you can do no better than the Chirotic Journal, and since Chiron returns to First Sighting degree 3x in the years 2027-28 (3Tau08 Rx; discovered by Charles Kowall, Nov 1, 1977) I'm hoping to get all my Chirotic ducks in a row and quacking in unison from my 3rd house of Communications.

Feb 20, 2008

Funders of the candidates

OpenSecrets has the info on which industries are funding each candidate. Have a peek into their big fat piggybanks if you haven't put your camel's snoot under their tents as of yet.

Amusing that Ron Paul is being propped up by Google, Microsoft, and all branches of the US armed forces. Hmm.m.m...

A big Shout-Out of Thanks goes to Jilly for the link--she says that Barack Obama's donors are no surprise. Agreed, and it's also no surprise at how many funders remain the same. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, all the usual suspects are there, buying Washington to use against the common good.

Still, if campaigns were publicly funded by taxpayers can we trust these political varmints to do right? (That'd be a disbelieving puh! from me.)

~note: once again Blogger is refusing to open a comment window for me (go figure) so although I've received some interesting responses of late, I will have to try again later to remark. It has me in quite a snit, I assure you. ;p

Feb 2, 2008

Dissing the Fed now popular

If billionaire George Soros can diss Alan Greenspan's handling of the US economy, don't you want to diss the Fed, too? is here to help with 10 reasons to be critical of the Fed.

Or you can ask Ron Paul whom you'll find mentioned in reason #10.

Dec 27, 2007

Ron Paul on Freedom, Sherry Wolf on Paul

Dueling articles? Two articles from Information Clearing House:

What Does Freedom Really Mean?

By Ron Paul

Few Americans understand that all government action is inherently coercive. If nothing else, government action requires taxes. If taxes were freely paid, they wouldn't be called taxes, they'd be called donations. If we intend to use the word freedom in an honest way, we should have the simple integrity to give it real meaning: Freedom is living without government coercion. So when a politician talks about freedom for this group or that, ask yourself whether he is advocating more government action or less.

What Does Freedom Really Mean?

The Freedom To Starve: Why the Left Should Reject Ron Paul

By Sherry Wolf

"POLITICS, LIKE nature, abhors a vacuum," goes the revamped aphorism. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's surprising stature among a small but vocal layer of antiwar activists and leftist bloggers appears to bear this out.

Why the Left Should Reject Ron Paul

"The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war."

"Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions." James Madison 1751-1836 American Statesman, 4th President of the US

"It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured." Tacitus

"Characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner." Aristophanes 456-386 BC, Greek Dramatist

"A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying...that he is wiser today than yesterday." Jonathan Swift 1667-1745 Irish Cleric, Essayest, Author, Satirist

"Virtue has a veil, vice a mask." Victor Hugo

Ah, yes...the Solar Eclipse at the Unmasking degree cometh...Feb 7, 2008 at "18AQ": "A man unmasked" in the 10 North Series, opposite the degree of Venus on 9/11/01. Perhaps we'll find out who Venus represented on that grim day.

10N: strong emphasis on communications (campaign rhetoric?), and frustrating or inhibiting events occur concerning news, paperwork, or a young person; time to take things easy due to drained feelings of tiredness; best to work through difficulties one at a time (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Dec 11, 2007

Ron Paul's article on Iran

Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don't

By Ron Paul

The latest National Intelligence Estimate has been greeted by a mixture of relief and alarm. As I have been saying all along, Iran indeed poses no quantifiable imminent nuclear threat to us or her neighbors. It is with much alarm, however, that we see the administration continue to ratchet up the war rhetoric as if nothing has changed.

Read in full here.

personal note to patty: got your details but hesitating to publish them here. If you'll email me at: judecowell at gmail dot com I'll reply to your question there! jc

Dec 2, 2007

Ron Paul: rectified!

Thanks to Granny Miller I am now in possession of a rectified natal chart for presidential candidate, Ron Paul, whose exact time of birth is unknown (says he.)

Granny is recommending a birth time of 7:45 am based on her rectification, i.e. timing of events which coincide with angular triggers, etc, and on election day transits for Nov 4, 2008--which she says look good for the Doctor!

Here you see dual charts with Solar chart top right, and rectified chart bottom left. The 7:45 am version adds some midpoint pictures:

Mercury/Neptune = ASC: being exploited, deceived, or harmed by others; potential overreactions; open to others' influence.

Sun/Venus = ASC: a kind-hearted personality.

Jupiter/MC = Sun: success and recognition; illumination of one's life purpose; new opportunities.

NN/ASC = Jupiter: humanitarianism; fortunate associations.

The rectified chart puts Sun and Mercury in 12th house and, as you know, it's quite usual for a politician to have a 12th house (unconsciously arrogant) Sun!

More details: previous post based on Paul's solar chart (sunrise for day of birth) is here.

Solar charts are always good for ego-related or creative issues. They're like a photo of the individual that's slightly out of focus--so all the warts may not be visible; you'll find that the Sun/Moon personality details stay the same.

Jul 24, 2007

Ron Paul Aug 20, 1935

Using the Solar (sunrise) chart we may find much information on Libertarian Ron Paul even without a known birth time. And since the Moon was in Taurus through the 24 hours of Aug 20, 1935, we may use Sun Leo/Moon Taurus for his personality blend--a good place to start.

One of the greatest strengths of Sun Leo/Moon Taurus is having an emotional and moral commitment to goals and ideals. There is staying power with this combo and a capacity for hard work, plus an ability to think big. (His Jupiter/Neptune sextile supports his 'thinking big' ability, but adds sensitivity to criticism and a need for recognition.)

There is generosity, egocentricity, stubbornness, and a love of grandeur...but also great administrative talent which is admirably echoed by Mars trine Saturn.

He is an essentially positive and dependable person, and unflappable in a crisis--excellent traits for doctor or politician.

Greatest weaknesses would be an intense, biased subjectivity, and a tendency to be overly proud, inflexible, and selfish when offended. He may at times speak out scathingly when diplomacy would have been the better course. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Paul's Sun-Moon phase is Disseminating--he's a great teacher who loves to share what he's learned, and he communicates well. This is the crusader for a cause who may drift toward fanaticism.

In the Solar chart shown, Moon has not yet squared the Sun, but she will before Aug 20 ends and if so, we have a Sun/Moon square here.

Sun square Moon is the will blocked by the desires resulting in defensiveness and emotional insecurity. Yet much may be accomplished if the ego can be set aside...maturity aids in this.

A square between the luminaries tends toward a fighting spirit for there's a misalignment between what's wanted and what one is willing to do to get it. A lack of compromising ability may be in evidence yet I'm not convinced this is the case with Ron Paul whose moral integrity is mentioned above with Moon in stubborn Taurus and Sun in approval-seeking, royally-entitled Leo.

And if Moon is opposite Mars, the personality is outgoing but may be quite aggressive with a tendency for the tongue to speak out before the brain is engaged. Criticism is deeply resented with Moon opposite Mars...touchy feelings!

So is Paul a stubborn cuss? Probably so. He is a politician seeking recognition, after all, and staying power is the upside of stubborness.

If his Sun and Moon are squared, he may be constantly at odds with important people--now that sounds about right considering his voting record!

"Dr. No" has voted against anything that he believes violates the US Constitution (so I'm guessin' he didn't vote for George Bush!)

Paul has never voted to raise taxes or congressional pay, and refuses to participate in Congress' cushy pension plan. He would like the federal government out of education (agreed--just look at how that's turned out), and he doesn't take "junkets" on the taxpayers' dime. He also thinks that Roe v Wade should be overturned. Being a doctor, Paul obviously has informed views on this subject from a medical standpoint.

Very impressive, although I'm not sure about overturning Roe v. Wade--my deepest feelings have always been that Congress doesn't belong in a doctor's examination room--and that abortion used as birth control is the real problem. But enough about me--let's see what else we can see about Ron Paul...

How about Pluto conjunct South Node (SN)?

This interesting aspect gives a will that is out of step with prevailing social trends (his voting record and Libertarianism), and may indicate that he initiates things at the wrong time and place which causes resentment and misunderstanding from others. Yet it also gives great resourcefulness and self-reliance along with the capacity to weather many hardships when necessary.

The doctor has Chiron in Gemini:

As a doctor with Chiron, the Healer, in Gemini, this placement gives him an ability to feel where the electrical energy is flowing in the body, and makes him highly attuned to mass consciousness. The keyword for Chiron in Gemini is: awareness.

Paul has much nervous energy and must take regular rest breaks if he is not to burn out, hard worker though he is. Chiron in Gemini intrinsically understands that how we think creates the reality in which we live--and that this can be changed. (Chiron, B. H. Clow.) Born during Nazism and atomic experimentation, Paul has an imperative to communicate many truths concerning his parents' generation.

Recently, transiting Mars opposed Paul's n Mars (the head-against-a-brick-wall transit) and also opposed his n Jupiter--when we tend to let others make inflated assumptions about us.

Grandstanding and bravura (which Leo loves anyway!) may have been the order of the day, but with a natal Mars/Jupiter conj, he is fearless in the face of danger, and enjoys direct confrontations. Paul never doubts he will succeed--we saw this aspect in action when he was interviewed recently by George Stephanopolous who basically told him he couldn't win the nomination. Paul was not impressed by the diss--and yet there may have been a flicker of hurt feelings.)

Mars conj Jupiter gives physical stamina which helps with all that nervous energy tiring him out (mentioned above.) This aspect is shared natally by some famous people. Exs: Hugh Hefner (Mr. Stamina?), Yoko Ono, John F. Kennedy (who kept going even with major back pain), Ray Charles, and Wayne Newton.

You may notice that transit Saturn will conj natal Sun during the first half of August which can bring an increase in responsibilities and authority as one's maturity and wisdom are being tested. Yet there may be resentment toward those who restrict or deny one's progress--or more recognition for longterm efforts.

Bush has been having this transit for while now (due to Saturn's retrogradation) and this may have affected his health (ex: last Saturday's colonoscopy)--so Paul may have to slow down himself or his vitality (Sun) may suffer.

To close, here are the Sun/Moon personality blend 'word pictures' aka Images for Integration:

Old King Cole was a merry old soul...Pygmalion/My Fair Lady...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase.

The dull clay that America has become in recent years could use some turning, and if we want real change (while still upholding our Constitution) Ron Paul may be just the ticket...if he can get on the ticket.