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Showing posts with label Andrew Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Jackson. Show all posts

Nov 27, 2019

3 Famous Quotes about the US Central Banking System

As Franklin D. Roosevelt told Edward M. House (later Woodrow Wilson's closest aide), "The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." (And as you know, Andrew Jackson is one of Donald Trump's idols.)

Henry Ford once asserted that, "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

In 1957, Senator George W. Malone of Nevada said before Congress about the Federal Reserve, "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington: they would not wait for an election...It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States."

And now we have Trump messin' around with our finances and lining his pockets!

Quotes from 'Final Warning: A History of the New World Order' by David Allen Rivera (1st published 1984)

May 8, 2017

Is Trump Suffering From Dementia? Or Is He Just a Clueless Narcissist?

From a May 2, 2017 segment of his broadcast, Thom Hartmann discusses the mental state of Donald Trump and Mr. Trump's newfound idolatry of slave owner President Andrew Jackson (Bannon-inspired, I've heard):


And here's a recent post on a related topic The Attempt on Andrew Jackson's Life: Does Trump Know?

Now how about some inspiring news? From activist-broadcaster Max Igan: The Power Is In the Hands Of The People. If we demand it back, that is. #Resist

Mar 27, 2017

Donald Trump hearts President Andrew Jackson!

A Natal Chart Comparison: Donald Trump's Idolatry of President Andrew Jackson

by Jude Cowell

President Andrew Jackson? Vicious! say his modern critics. And based only on Jackson's instigation of the tragic Trail of Tears, made possible by the imperial Indian Removal Act, I must concur (and having Native American heritage myself as do many 'native' Georgians via Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas).

Mr. Trump wants his presidency to resemble that of 'populist president' Andrew Jackson and of course with Mr. Trump we've noticed a wide streak of intolerance for 'the other' even though he ran for office as 'the other' and 'the outsider' in an attempt to pretend a great chasm exists between himself and The Establishment that permeates Washington DC. So with Trump we have 'the other' hating 'the others', all the foreigners among us as if most if not all of our ancestors weren't immigrants themselves at some point. Ironic enough for us? Then why not consider the two natal charts and planets of these men of power, one a military general born in 1767, the other a real estate mogul born in 1946--and both initiated Freemasons.

Two Versions of Andrew Jackson's Natal Chart

With no known birth hour for Jackson firmly proven, you may wish to check out the two versions shown at astrodatabank of Jackson's March 15, 1767 morning chart and the rectified version set for March 14, 1767 11:24 pm LMT (rectified by Isaac Starkman). Plus, other birth times are noted such as Grant Lewi's '2:00 am' speculation. Both Jackson's charts show a Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo personality blend so we have that goin' for us.

House cusps are different, of course, for Andrew Jackson: the March 15th 'morning chart' gives 25Ari50 rising with quirky genius Uranus (25Ari50) in tow suggesting one with great coping ability. Uranus-ASC describes one who is alert and responds quickly and individualistically to whatever occurs. And of course, Mars-ruled-Aries is the sign of the pioneer and adventurer which certainly describes Andrew Jackson who, as president, embodied the physical implementation of America's much-vaunted Manifest Destiny, the Jupiterian impulse that native American tribes were in the way of. Uranus in Aries is the zealot and anarchist, the Utopian idealist, according to Reinhold Ebertin, and we've certainly experienced this since transit Uranus entered Aries in 2010 (ex: the Tea Party, an early expression in the Collective of this riotous placement.)

Another feature of Jackson's Aries Rising chart is that it places powerful Pluto (11Cap39) at Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart. Pluto conjunct MC = power, control, violence, plus, more coping ability (Pluto) in the realm of Career and Public Status. Transit Pluto now conjoins this MC and a three-fer Pluto Return occurred for Jackson all through 2014.

As for Jackson's rectified chart with 00Sag54 rising ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"), MC = 12Vir08 where transit North Node pointed in September 2016; his natal Jupiter @17Vir10 Rx and natal Moon 19Vir46 conjoin this Virgo MC from the 10th house side. In political realms, Moon-Jupiter often indicates ineffective leadership which may not precisely describe Jackson's White House tenure and I doubt it could be said to describe his military leadership (ex: the Battle of New Orleans.)

Planetary Links Between Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson

Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) = '1946'; Jackson = '1767' so let's see if any planetary contacts exist between the two men's natal charts but not including Andrew Jackson's house cusps, Ascendant, etc:

1767 Saturn 13Gem44/45: Saturn is closest to 1946's natal Uranus-NN-Sun political trio but with a 4-degree+ orb, a weak link. 1767 Venus (@11Aries = "The President of the Country"!) is widely opposed by 1946 Neptune (5Lib50 Rx) denoting potentials for strange circumstances to develop along with deception, mistrust, confusion, and a lack of cooperation from others. Neptune opposing Venus makes bankruptcy a distinct possibility (Mr. Trump already has already bankrupted businesses including a gambling casino--how is that possible? no customers?) and naturally false promises and financial schemes are implicated, plus, misunderstandings and disappointments in relationship matters are prominent expressions of this link.

Now with 1946's Mars 26Leo and Ascendant 29Leo (conjunct royal Regulus), we find 1767's Neptune @3Vir15 Rx nearby which creates a midpoint picture of note: Mars-Neptune = ASC which adds an unstable quality to their relationship (and with Trump's tendency to change his mind on a whim or notion, we'll see if his idolatry of Jackson has staying power). Transit North Node @3Virgo now points toward 1767's natal Neptune, a 'lack of community spirit' indicator that may also describe the public's current notice (NN) of Jackson's ideals or ideology (Neptune). Additionally, the potential for misunderstandings is increased by 1767's Mercury @3Ari31 opposed by 1946's Neptune Rx.

Note that 1767's Mercury-Neptune inconjunction of adjustment adds difficult energies to the confused misunderstandings and disappointments of this link while 1946's problematic Mercury-Neptune square contains the probability of distorted perceptions, false promises, overblown fantasies, and falsehoods. Mercury rules rhetoric, while Neptune rules propaganda, the media, and the masses, unwashed though they may be. Add to that the tendency to use others (as illustration, as a behavioral model, etc) and we have Trump using Jackson as propaganda icon for Trump supporters who idolize Andrew Jackson themselves.

Two 'war' and 'violence' links exist between Jackson and Trump: 1767's South Node, a karmic point of separation and neurosis, is conjoined by 1946's Pluto @10Leo02 and of course this occurs in the egocentric sign of the natural leader, royal Leo. The other link is 1767's warrior planet Mars @22Tau23 conjunct the MC (Goal Point) of the 1946 natal chart, not a positive thought at all especially when considering the militaristic Mars Rising personality of Donald Trump with his rising Regulus and the star's caution: 'success if revenge is avoided'.

Jan 29, 2017

The Astrology of 2017: Year of the Rooster - Gahl Sasson video

2017: The Year of the Rooster Brings a Call to Action!

During my early years of astrological studies, several branches of the ancient craft were investigated but my personal link to Washington DC (twice a resident) and a long term interest in Politics (4 natal planets in governmental Capricorn) made Mundane Astrology, and specifically Political Astrology, a preferred focus of my studies. Yet Chinese Astrology speaks to many people, of course, so when I discovered the following video report by global astrologer and spiritual teacher Gahl Sasson concerning 2017 as the Year of the Rooster, it reminded me of our new president, Mr. Trump, his self-promoting, bombastic ways, and 2017 as his first year in office.

For as you've undoubtedly noticed, our new boaster-in-chief proudly crows of his own greatness at every opportunity (and then some!), and the off-and-on activation by transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and promotion, of the 23rd degree of Libra, plus, the fact that Mr. Trump is in the midst of a three-fer Jupiter Return (his @17Lib27), have all inspired me to embed this 2017 video report and add the Sabian Symbol for 23 Libra, below. First, here's Gahl:

Be sure to visit Gahl Sasson at his Cosmic Navigator website.

For America, 2017's 'Call to Action' Must Work Both Ways

'23 Libra': Chanticleer Salutes the Rising Sun with Exuberant Tones - Keyword: FERVOR; positive expression: a fearless self-affirmation which gains a sympathetic attention and wins immediate allegiance from the hearts and minds of everybody (what Mr. Trump desperately desires from the public and from the press - jc); negative (unconscious--jc) expression: ill-starred conceit and ineffective bombast (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

Perhaps such an unconscious expression of the crowing rooster archetype suggests that Mr. Trump has no idea how others actually see him or his actions. He seems to have quite a different view of himself--including physically--than most of the rest of us do and lives in a fantasy world all his own while his Mercury-Neptune square imagines that his policies are more supported by the majority than they are. And so for many reasons, We the People must hear and respond to 2017's call to action with actions of our own!

Now each new president redecorates the White House and the gilded Mr. Trump could never be an exception to this particular tradition. However, it's all too telling that he chose to hang a portrait of Andrew Jackson in his new office as a symbol of their shared 'populism' which brings with it a (perhaps unconscious) nod to their shared preference for ethnic cleansing. That Jackson as president voraciously fought against the establishment of an American central banking system (the vipers!) is apparently and perhaps purposefully lost upon Mr. Trump as he chose his billionaire Cabinet members. So far Mr. Trump's intentions promise to injure, or perhaps paralyze, the US economy (exs: repeal the ACA/'Obamacare'; place up to 20% tariffs on Mexican imports; deport workers which the agricultural and other industries depend upon).

If such executive actions, rubber-stamped by a Republican-led Congress, cause a major downturn in the US economy and cause extreme suffering across the land, no amount of crowing will bring the rooster-esque Mr. Trump the popular approval he so hungrily craves.

Mar 19, 2016

March 2016: Venus conjunction Neptune in Pisces - Steve Judd

March 19, 2016: here's a freshly posted video from Bermuda by master astrologer Steve Judd concerning the current Venus-Neptune conjunction. Steve also touches on Spring Equinox 2016 which in the Eastern Time Zone perfects Sunday March 20, 2016 at 12:30 am; Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces on March 20th at 1:45 pm EDT:

In Politics and Business, the Venus-Neptune pair provides potentials for an inflated treasury which may be used to manipulate growth, scandals involving the National Treasury, appeals to the ideals of the people (during Campaign 2016), wealth that is derived from the fossil fuel industry, misstatements about internal resources (Trump's tax returns?), monetary fraud, subversives gaining access to finances, spies infiltrating financial branches, and/or art deception (Munkasey). To these I would add the Vatican for its adoration of Mary as feminine goddess, prayers directed at statuary, and graven images.

The current debate over replacing Alexander Hamilton's portrait on the 10-dollar bill vs Andrew Jackson's portrait on the 20-dollar bill with a woman's image may also come under the influence of Venus-Neptune which often includes flattering photographs.

May 10, 2014

Apr 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse a direct hit to Pentagon natal Sun 8Tau38

On April 29, 2014, a Solar Eclipse @8Tau51 directly hit (conjoined) the Pentagon's natal Sun (leadership.) A view of the Pentagon's natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EWT) may be seen here and here if you wish (post contains the horoscope and details with the January 2010 Solar Eclipse chart around it.)

However, it is only natural that the April 2014 Solar Eclipse would conjoin the Pentagon's natal Sun since April 29th is the Pentagon's 'birthday' or foundation date. Transits and progressions to its Solar Return may also be informative for 2014 and is in effect until the Death Star's next 'birthday' in 2015.

As one result of the Pentagon's Sun being eclipsed, we may expect that General Eric Shinseki's leadership of the Department of Veterans' Affairs and the ongoing scandal of secret case loads placed off-the-books so that certain department officials can earn big bonuses is now spotlighted in high relief by the April 2014 Solar Eclipse. Those congressional incentives to shorten waiting lists didn't work with the tempted!

America's natal Jupiter @5Can56 now progressed to 15Can23 Rx

An example is the Secondary Progressed position of America's Jupiter @15Can23 Rx which has been conjunct the Pentagon's natal Ascendant degree (15Can30) for decades and signifies in part the bottomless money pit that is America's Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the US military. Factor in Special Ops and Secret Agencies ('Dark Money') and it's no wonder the amount of our national debt languishes in a deep dark Jupiterian hole. The Transit-to-SP Return/s occurred three times: September 9, 2013, January 6, 2014--and most recently on May 3, 2014, a time when a new 12-year cycle begins and former beliefs and ideologies may be revised into new plans and projects. (I'm using Secondary Progressions as indicators of the physical plane, a la Robert Blaschke--Minor Progressions represent the mental plane, Tertiaries the intuitional/spiritual plane described astrologically by the *27:13:1 ratio.)

And of course we know that Jupiter the General must justify his lofty position and satisfy global string-pullers with their raptor's eye on the main chance so The General is always devising new plans to invade more countries, much to the American people's sorrow.

So is a Solar Eclipse of a natal Sun positive or negative? There are too many factors to consider for this brief post for results may go either or both ways depending on the condition of the Sun in the natal chart, house rulerships, plus, other transits, progressions, and return charts as they affect natal planets and chart angles and house cusps.

Yet perhaps most important of all is how conscious of the cosmic circumstances and potentials which are embedded within the natal horoscope are the actors and officials involved, how if at all do they use the energy whether consciously or not, and what--besides global conquest and protection of US assets--are their true motivations toward positive or negative outcomes.

Any thoughts?


*27:13:1 = we think (Minors/Mercury) 27 times faster than we act and as a thought bubbles up from the Unconscious it is either suppressed or allowed to become conscious; we then feel an emotion and perhaps an intuition (Tertiaries/Moon) about the thought or idea which occurs 13 times faster than we act upon it. Then, if we choose to do so (or are compulsively impelled), we act in order to manifest the idea on the physical plane (Secondaries) and bring it to fruition. See Progressions by Robert Blaschke.

The inward turning of America's Jupiter energies (how we expand, explore, and relate to the world around us) occurred with a Rx Station of our natal Jupiter in 1905 and relates, among other things, to the Panic of 1907 and the subsequent establishment of the Federal Reserve System (1910--1913) in the aftermath of the (rigged) economic crash that made J.P. Morgan our 'hero'.

As you know, 'The Fed' is the central bank of the US, controlled by the British banking system headquartered within the City of London--just what many of the Founding Fathers warned about and what the controversial President Andrew Jackson fought against so voraciously though he was an illuminated Freemason. See Freemasonry and The Illuminati.

For more info, you may wish to check out The Guardian's 2011 article concerning the unaccountable Corporation of the City of London "--where democracy goes to die."

Feb 23, 2013

Ben Franklin on "a prime cause of the Revolution"

"The refusal of King George III to allow the Colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution."

Benjamin Franklin

And with the early establishment of an English financial system of banks in America, Thomas Jefferson thought that Alexander Hamilton "cooked the books."

So other than book-cooking from the start, things have remained the same--murky--through the ensuing decades, haven't they? In fact, the US government is a corporation, not a government! If they had to prove themselves a government, they couldn't do so.

Here's a 43-minute video presentation, All Wars Are Bankers' Wars:


Click here to read the informative text that goes along with the video and includes details on Abraham Lincoln's greenbacks and Andrew Jackson's efforts to fight the re-chartering of a central bank, and visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for videos on a variety of interesting topics, financial and otherwise.

Plus, you may wish to check out a previous post on Andrew Jackson and his efforts to beat back his era's central banksters ("vipers.") The post includes a link to President Jackson's First Inaugural Address which sadly remains quite pertinent to the purposefully manufactured financial crises of our day.

Nov 21, 2011

Debt-free America Jan 8, 1835 v Debts Galore Nov 21, 2011

Under the anti-central bank policy of President Andrew Jackson, America paid off the national debt and was considered debt-free in January 1835.

Some sources use 'January 1' and some 'January 8' 1835 as the one day our nation was free of debt; however, some loans were outstanding but could have been paid if called for. Other sources say that America's debt freedom period lasted longer than just one day--perhaps for about a year. Central banks orchestrated the Panic of 1837 in retaliation for America's refusal to play their usury interest rate game so naturally Jackson's opponents blamed him--and fooled some of the people into blaming him--for the dire financial conditions in the US caused by the 1837 crash.

This was Big Banking's usual underhanded tactics, as we've come to know them all too well since 2008, if not before.

Given tonight's whimpering deadline for the Super Committee's deficit homework to be turned in with spending cuts and revenue identified, most people suspect that the debt dog already wolfed it down.

Astrology: January 1835 v November 2011

A few interesting time links exist between January 8, 1835 and the Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 such as 1835's Jupiter 2Gem12 Rx, opposed by the 'Super Committee eclipse'. As you know, Jupiter now travels in retrograde condition in early Taurus, a practical earth sign of Money and Intolerance. The outcome of the Super Committee's work was bound to be complicated if not sabotaged by a Rx Jupiter--was the committee set up to fail as many people believe?

Jupiter's Direct Station on December 25, 2011 has been cited here as the very earliest date that money issues might proceed more favorably though Jupiter's passing its shadow degree (where Mr. Moneybags turned Rx on August 30, 2011 @ 10Tau21) is more likely yet 10Tau21 won't be reached by Jupiter until the evening of March 17, 2012, St. Patrick's Day.

Now in Mundane Astrology Jupiter also relates to Politics and to the Grand Old Party in particular and obviously the 2012 campaign will be in full swing by March 2012 if the varmints of Washington haven't crashed our nation into smithereens by then. Seems as though some are working hard at it!

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) in which January 8, 1835 and our debt-free condition fell: the 17 South which last manifested in 1997; next occurrence is in 2015. Its flavor consists of good news and success in relationships and group projects. (Brady.)

On a side note, there are quite a few illustrious people listed in my notes who share 17S as their PE, born in various years, of course: Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Heath Ledger, Rachel Carson, Tim Roth, Barbara Bush, and Newt Gingrich. Plus, Iran (April 1, 1979 3:00 pm IRDT Tehran.)

A couple more factors about the January 8, 1835 horoscope:

1. testy Mars, always very touchy in Cancer, is @ 9Can13 and Rx, the precise degree of the karma-infused July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 (America's "birthday 2011 eclipse") which brought us the August 2011 Debt-Default Political Theater on Capitol Hill from whence the 'Super' Committee was spawned for political can-kicking purposes. As you know, astrological Mars can be an irritable, hot-headed trigger when he desires to be for the god of war is often frustrated when in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of America's Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776.)

2. there's a dynamic T-Square configuration which creates a word picture:

Mercury/Mars = Pluto *11Ari: a sharp analyst; suffering heavy attacks or assaults. (Ebertin.)

1835's Pluto conjoined the natal Venus of President Jackson so he was in the midst of a Pluto to natal Venus transit, a time when greater power and influence are sought, personal relationships may enhance one's status, power struggled ensue, and bankruptcy may be a consideration.

Turns out, in 1835 Andrew Jackson avoided massive debt of the sort that leads to bankruptcy for our nation but look what Washington politicians have been up to the last several years (such as wars fought on credit cards, Bush tax cuts for millionaires, unfunded mandates, etc) from which the US is already, some say, bankrupt. Embezzling and heisting from the US Treasury has much to do with our nation's weakened financial condition, too, imho.

Well, after President Andrew Jackson paid the last installment on our national debt which he proclaimed on January 8, 1835, his goal to keep the central banking system from taking over our finances (and hence, the governance) of the United States was satisfied for a little while.

However, as is said to be the case with US presidents who mess with the massive profits that central banks make from loaning large sums to governments, an assassination attempt was made on the life of President Jackson January 30, 1835, the first-ever attempt on a US president's life which fulfills a potential of the 'suffering heavy attacks or assaults' midpoint picture mentioned above.

But mind-of-his-own President Jackson was definitely not the last.

How I wish the guns pointed at Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had misfired as well, don't you?


Another eclipse of the lunar variety manifests before the end of 2011 which eclipses US natal Mars in Gemini so it relates in part to US troops returning home from Middle East deployment by the end of December, we're told. View the horoscope of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 set for Washington DC, if you dare.

*'11Aries' = "The President of the Country"...IDEALIZATION.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Oct 19, 2011

Oops! 1912 cartoon warned against creating the Fed

Here's a blast from the past, a 1912 cartoon warning against the banker-supported Aldrich Plan which opened the gate for the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, a central bank such as President Andrew Jackson was so determined to root out of the American system for he recognized them for the illuminized government take-over artists they were.

As you know, the Bankers' Panic of 1907 was used as the justification (cover) for setting up a central bank the likes of which have orchestrated financial booms, bubbles, busts, and crashes ever since. Click the link to view a 1907 photo of Wall Street at Federal Hall--it favors current Occupy Wall Street gatherings.

Pluto/Chiron = plutocrats, their agents, and other oppressors

In America then as now, when you set your eye on inhabiting the Oval Office, you must play ball with the big boys of the Pluto/Chiron persuasion. In fact, in the January 20, 2009 Inauguration Horsocope, the transiting midpoint of Pluto and Chiron sits precsely upon the MC, the Goal/Aspiration point of the chart.

Later on, after you accept Pluto/Chiron's abundant gifts for doing their bidding, you may suffer a measure of remorse for accepting their backing for the piper's tune becomes shriller than promised, the dance more frantic, and the required task more distasteful than initially expected.

Here's what Freemason Woodrow Wilson said after he'd allowed America to be snookered into creating a royalist, plutonian, oligarchic Federal Reserve Bank, a private enterprise that runs the US government yet is not a federal institution at all.

Related links:

Stop IMF Bailouts (includes a petition for on-hook US taxpayers)
Prison Planet
Democracy Now!
Thom Hartmann

Plus, here's an article which lists banking industry contributions to 2012 candidates which shows Mitt Romney in the lead amongst big bankers: The Big Wall Street Banks Are Already Trying to Buy the 2012 Election.

Then I'd say global bankers have achieved their take-over goal quite handily like an octopus squeezing the life out of its prey while our complicit presidents look on.


In spite of all anyone can do, a new political limerick has been published so if you wish a quick peek Mitt Romney 2012 awaits you! jc

May 19, 2010

Ron Paul video: the coming hyper-inflation

Rep. Ron Paul says we have the Fed to thank for the coming hyperinflation.

And the US Congress refuses to audit the Fed, even once. With so many rats in the financial woodpile, it was no surprise they declined to open a window on the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA for Congress' own complicity would blow through.

You know, President Andrew Jackson was no fan of big banks way back when and, on an astrological note, I remind you that Jackson was elected under a Saturn/Uranus opposition just as was President Obama...1828 - 2008.

With Mr. Obama's golden 'Goldman Sachs cabinet' of helpers, it's difficult to see how he can successfully fight off the excessive influence of big banks to the people's satisfaction and protection. It will be interesting to see what Congress comes up with in the realm of financial reform assuming that their political posturings come to an end long enough to pass a bill that reins in the banking gentry who bankroll their political campaigns.

And there are those making the case that the US government's response to the Gulf oil spill favors the government's response to the 2008 Financial Crisis - that they're doing more harm than good.

Also, FireDogLake has some of the better coverage on the BP oil spill and you'll find there a petition to sign if you wish telling President Obama to back off from offshore drilling for now and pursue clean energy as he's always said he would do. If he ever meant it, he now has a very very good excuse with the majority of the country behind him.

Oct 6, 2009

Ron Paul speaks on returning to a Gold Standard

Here are some of Ron Paul's ideas about returning the US to a gold standard and repealing legal tender laws which force us to use worthless paper money.

In his conversation with Fox News, Dr. Paul mentions a bit of siver-gold history, a debate still raging after all these years, for as you may remember, presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan framed the gold-silver issues well and famously in his Cross of Gold speech at the 1896 DNC convention. (Some Astrology involved, but post also contains a link to Bryan's Cross of Gold text which you can read with your own eyes. Plus, he made a recording of his speech later on because it was so popular with the American people.)

So for a little history on the gold standard vs worthless money debate (and Congress' delegating the creation and issuance of our money to privateers like the Federal Reserve Bank against the US Constitution, as Paul notes), Bryan's speech is a great place to start.


And I just thought of two more players who should be noted. Here's what President Woodrow Wilson said after he created the Fed with a flourish of his pen; plus, the post contains a link to Andrew Jackson info, the president who fought against central banks and their throttle hold on the US government.

Jun 29, 2009

What Wilson said after creating the Fed

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve Bank into existence

"Unwittingly ruined"?

Now that's the part I must wonder about most when it comes to Mr. Wilson's role in the financial and political farce we Americans often call 'government.' If you wish, read Woodrow Wilson and the Invisible Empire for my notes on his natal chart and for another of his enlightening quotes about the US government.

Hindsight being perfect in the rear view mirror of life, I wish President Wilson could have remarked strongly upon the subject before he signed the Fed into law and then promptly run out of ink. But actually, since the presidency of Andrew Jackson the banking system has ruled our government, but it's taken slow increments to seal the totalitarian deal which was ratcheted up mightily in 2008.

And yes, the Founding Fathers were of the same mind - a select few rich men being top of the heap in perpetuity - so a plutocratic oligarchy of the rich we got and its becoming even more concentrated as they planned all along. This is one of the main reasons for the manufactured financial collapse of 2008 with massive public money 'bailouts' disguising the elite banking interests' unconscionable heist.

And the proof will be in the ultimate results of their whole crooked scheme.

May 27, 2009

Andrew Jackson 1829/1833: banks take over US

Guess my ancestry makes me more of an agrarian American in the Jefferson mold rather than a banking maven, hence my interest in the subject of Pres. Andrew Jackson who was not a fan of the US' Second Bank which had 'helped start the Panic of 1819.'

First elected in 1828 during a Saturn/Uranus opposition (as was Barack Obama Nov 2008 and the opposition is ongoing), Andrew Jackson won the presidency as a rough war hero who was a man of the people...a democrat, we may say. The native peoples got a raw deal from him as he sought to expand America into the West and this may be the biggest stain upon his presidency.

My Indian heritage has never been happy about this facet of his leadership, for being an American is a paradoxical thing. In his book,The Secret History of the West, author Nicholas Hagger notes the tall, red-haired Andrew Jackson as "the consolidator of the American Revolution." The book includes much history of Jackson's exploits.

And the US Constitution ignored the American Indians entirely even though the document and our Bill of Rights as 'freedom documents' both owe huge debts of gratitude to the Iroquois Confederacy for what we think of as our Founding Fathers' mental brilliance. Greek precepts are apparent, Weishaupt's Illuminati, and Freemason input are in evidence, yes, but the Iroquoi Nation was on the continent bringing peace and democratic governance before we arrived, hello!

In fact, US natal Sun's Sabian Symbol for '14 Cancer' is: "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...Iroquoi territory was in the northeast, 'very old man' is a wisdom figure.

Back to Bossy Bankers in Government:

Jackson entered the Oval Office with the intent of reforming the Second Bank which he thought had too much control of our national government in an unconstitutional manner (and he was right - look at the high-handed Federal Banking System now.)

Here's the text of Jackson's first Inaugural Address of March 4, 1829, worth a review considering today's manufactured 'financial crisis.'

Check out it out: banks were taking great amounts of public monies then too.

And if you follow one link here today, let it be Pres. Jackson's Veto Message to the Senate of July 10, 1832 when he nixed the bill "to modify and continue" the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States' which was presented to him on July 4, 1832.

He was not pleased. Congress had ignored his concerns and the presentiments he voiced in his first term, so he vetoed the bill in 1832 while again noting his objections.

One of the more well-known of his objections was the specter of bank stocks passing into foreign hands and what would then be America's 'condition' if we were to become involved in a war with that country. Yeah, well, the congressional horses left that barn a long time ago. Guess the speculators weren't concerned since their affections lay elsewhere than on American soil. And we're suffering from the results now.

Well, it's been one-hundred-seventy-six years since 1833 and here's the text of Jackson's second address of March 4, 1833, if you'd like to see how he got on and what he had to say about it.

And 2009's Score so far? American people: -0-, Banks: the whole enchilada.


Jan 4, 2009

Leo Tolstoy's Saturn-Uranus opposition

Just a brief heads-up on a freshly published post concerning Leo Tolstoy who was born in 1828 during a Saturn-Uranus opposition which was ongoing when American president Andrew Jackson was elected.

With Saturn and Uranus currently in opposition - and Barack Obama elected on the day (11.4.08) that the two antithetical planets' opposition was exact - we're seeing similar themes in the collective: old order vs new order...'War and Peace ' issues plunked onto every table and splashed across every check it out, if you get a chance.

In my post, you'll find a link to astrologer Philip Brown's article on the Tolstoy-Saturn/Uranus theme from his AstroFutureTrends website where you'll find more of Philip's excellent and lucid writing!

May 5, 2007

The Day America Died: Nov 22, 1963

JFK Assassination Horoscope Nov 22, 1963 12:30 pm CST Dallas, Texas

And here is a Synastry Grid showing JFK natal (horizontal) with Assassination Planets (vertical); a few potentials of the transits-to-natal contacts are penned on the grid but represent a mere sampling of possibilities on The Day America Died: