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Jun 1, 2009

I knew it was You, Maliki

Why did President Obama reverse himself on the detainee abuse photos release? Iraq's al-Maliki 'went ballistic'!

Full Moon '18Sag' June 7, 2009: Washington, DC

Having glanced at the horoscope for June 7, 2009's Full Moon 17Sag07, set for Washington, DC (2:11:39 pm edt), the Venus Occultation (a rare celestial event) of June 8, 2004 pops out as the Sun spotlights it as well as the major world event that occurred during the Occultation on Sea Island, Ga...'twas the G-8 Summit of 2004.

2004's Venus Occultation (or 'Transit') fell at 17Gem53 Rx; '18Gem': "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd" (and they're asking: where's our money?)

Marc Edmund Jones' negative expression for '18Gem': "a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships"...just what our government has done to America, and it's interesting that Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner is in China with our lien-holders now...which may also relate to June 7's Full Moon and US/China relations since oppositions always infer relationship issues or stand-offs.

2004 is also the year that the plutocrat pair of oppression and -isms paralleled one another - Pluto parallel Chiron, mid-August, 2004. The -isms include, as you know: statism, corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, racism; plus, the favorite of the very select few, primal violence. This conflagration of high-handedness uses population control to further their utopian world view, as well as what Naomi Klein calls Shock Doctrine tactics to destabilize, then take over property, land rights, and resources located thereupon, etc.

So what could the Sag Full Moon of June 7, 2009 be a culmination of in the daily (mundane) world, the fluctuating Moon's purview?

Something was put in motion at the last New Moon 3Gem28, which was a New Moon in Pres. Obama's Lunar Return chart, as previously noted. This reflects a new cycle beginning in the president's daily life (Moon) and/or with public relations (Moon = the people.)

Without taking hours to blurb about this Full Moon chart I do want to note that the opposition of the Sun 17Gem07 and Moon 17Sag07 form a Mutable T-Square to apex Saturn 15Vir10 who's busily working (Saturn in Virgo) in the behind-the-scenes 12th house (a place where most politicians love to hide for secret deal-making and rank-pulling tactics.)

Mr. Reality is now moving forward (Direct) to perfect his stomp upon America's natal ideals and dreams (Neptune 22Vir25, in n 9th house of Higher Education, Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Travels, and In-Laws) in August which also happens to be the position of Pres. Obama's natal Mars. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune make a difficult combination of energies but since I've mentioned it more than once before, I'll keep mum on it here.

In his very useful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney states that such an apex Saturn is an 'overly rational skeptic, one who mistrusts the power of imagination and the emotions.'

He sounds 'cool' doesn't he?

Less scattering of nervous energies is required to fully express this apex Saturn so that they may be applied directly and practically. Communications may be frustrated, yet through hard work, apex Saturn in Mutable T-SQ has become an intellectual achiever and an expert at 'carefully constructing mature thought systems that can make an enduring impression upon social consciousness.'

Challenges involve authoritative positions which emphasize the 'dispersal or distribution of purposeful data and specialized information' and knowledge which has been patiently gathered and synthesized. This apex Saturn may indicate a scientist, researcher, technological whiz, or a scholar accustomed to managing painstaking details.

Here is 'keen ambition to undertake serious duties and social obligations without resorting to power plays' or an overbearing domination of others. His 'consistent efforts toward the building of true law, order, and justice within his existing society are highly respected by others' and 'personal authority and leadership' show 'strength of character, integrity, and fairness to all those who judge him.'

After hearing Pres. Obama's announcement this morning concerning the GM bankruptcy filed today (Chptr 11), and knowing that Mr. Obama's planet of authority, Saturn, is strong in its own sign of Capricorn (law, politics, business), I'm thinking that on one level, the light of June 7's Full Moon will shine on Pres. Obama's leadership, fairness (a concept he mentioned in his remarks today, yet with more lost jobs on the horizon, that's quite a shaky tightrope to walk), and on his versatile powers of intellect which make him a master of ideas who can get things done on a practical level.

Plus, BHO taught constitutional law for ten years and his Cappy Saturn must have loved that no end!

May 31, 2009

Obama to Cairo June 2009: shamanism afoot the sands?

It is a stunningly beautiful Sunday afternoon here and company is on the way. So this is a mere shout-out to a fresh post on another of my blogs concerning President Obama's trip to Cairo, Egypt June 4, 2009 and the possible shamanism/priesthood connotations in the Astrology of this historic journey...a sitting US president setting a well-heeled toe onto Muslim sands.

And after I suffered a fit of cross-pollination, you'll see that the above-linked post shouts-out to my latest blog, Two Hours You'll Never Get Back for its newly added feature on the Mythologies of Astrology's smaller bodies such as asteroids, trans-neptunian objects (TNOs), and dwarf planets, where it attempts to highlight their archetypal meanings. (See 2Hrs' sidebar column under image: 'A Large Disappt'd Audience' for Mythology links list.)

image: Planets at Play, jc 2009+

May 30, 2009

The Shell Oil video you're not supposed to see

Since this is the video about Nigeria that Shell Oil 'doesn't want you to see' then you know it had to be posted here!

(8 1/2 mins long)

Larry Summers be gone!

You knew it too, didn't you? That Pres. Obama's appointment of Larry Summers to his Econo-Team would eventually bite the president in the tushie.

Apparently it's been chomping from the start and before.

And here's a little fraud and corruption of the BlackRock variety. Hope the Obamas are enjoying their Broadway play and dinner tonight in NYC...while the nation's coffers are burning into cinders.

Perhaps a fiddle tune with your pasta, Michelle?

May 29, 2009

NYSE: natal horoscope and the Up day of May 29, 2009

Thirsty for financial news (however bubbly) that doesn't suck?

US Stocks Rally, Capping 3-Month Advance for the S&P 500 by Rita Nazareth at Bloomberg News has all manner of fuzzy news concerning Friday's rally on Wall Street.

Seems the S&P 500 was friskin' around the floor Friday like a newborn philly, while the final half-hour of trading (the Bloomberg article cites the minutes from 3:30 pm to 4:03 pm edt (May 29, 2009, NYC) for the 'action time' and it is very refreshing to read a definite time for one who sets up Astrology charts - the final half-hour displayed a sparkle of positive activity and...gains were made.

In her article, Rita Nazareth makes no mention of this past Tuesday, May 27's Great Conjunction of Jupiter (money; expansion; largess; joviality) and Neptune (expansion through seepage; mergings; inspiration; undermining conditions; deception; fraud; lies) but why would she in a financial news article?

May 27 was the first of their three conjunctions, and most fortunately for you, you understand the inflationary implications of a new cycle of Jupiter/Neptune beginning now. The rest of 2009 is marked with a heady scent as their cozy tango in the glow of Neptune's candlelight haze will be completed in December. Yet their synergistic perfume will linger in the air into 2010, to be overcome off and on by other fragrances, some pleasant, some...well...stinky.

You see, the NYSE (May 17, 1792, 7:52 am lmt (not certain where the time came from but it's in use quite a bit - 'under the Buttonwood Tree' and all that, NYC) had its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series manifest once again on August 1, 2008 at '10 Leo' - the calamitous Beijing Olympics Eclipse, in fact, with horrific earthquake following, markets in turmoil (also affected by the Lunar Eclipse of August 16, 2008), and financial confidence generally dissipating into thin air.

The August 2008 Solar Eclipse falls in the 10 South Series: 'breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen to a space containing more options; a worry suddenly clears; a solution is shown by the cosmos and must be taken up without delay.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

And off the top of my head I know three entities with natal Mercury at '10 Leo': George W. Bush, the Republican Party, and Alberto Gonzales. Perhaps the 2008 Capitol Hill Theater season performed during the presidential campaign, with its mummery of a 'financial crisis' or 'meltdown' made dramatic by their 'must rush back to Washington to save the entire banking system' schtick - were expressions of the above-described Eclipse influence.

And admittedly the 'meltdown' could have come from US-based opertives or from abroad bwo system hack attacks: transiting Uranus (electronics; technologies) crossing the NYSE's natal Midheaven of late (Mc = 23Pis21), from the 'foreign lands' 9th house into the 10th house of Career and Public Standing. Uranus in Pisces has a difficult time staying successfully hidden as Pisces prefers while being the planet of lightening, for cryin' out loud...aka The Awakener.

And you know that natally, NYSE has a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Airy Libra, don't you? At 22Lib57 Rx and 27Lib42 Rx respectively; this is the degree area of two Fixed Stars of success: Arcturus and Spica. Jup/Nep's penchant for speculating is well-placed in NYSE's natal 4th house (Foundation.)

The recent Mercury retrograde period has affected NYSE's natal Mercury tremendously with n Mercury 23Tau50 Rx. Mercury's Rx condition gave three passes to natal Mercury resulting in a three-fer Mercury Return: April 23; May 25 Rx; and June 4, 2009.

Natal Sun is also in 8th house of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Shared Resources, etc at 27Tau12, and this Sun/Mercury degree area covers two nasty, hard to control Fixed Stars: Algol and Capulus.

So on Friday, May 29, 2009 at 3:30 pm edt when numbers began bouncing Up, Sun 8Gem33 was conjoined to transiting Midas, of gold-hoarding fame...and at the end of the 8th house just before the 9th cusp. Mercury 22Tau56 Rx was in 8th house as well, and at the degree '23Tau' of the Great Conjunction of the Societal Planets, Jupiter and Saturn (May 28, 2000 - a cycle that relates directly to markets)...'23Tau': 'A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems.'

And Jup/Nep has a 20-year cycle so we're still in it - they're past the trine and are heading for opposition, a tug of war between Jupiter's expansion and Saturn's restriction.

This Mercurial triggering of 2000's Jup/Sat conjunction gives a midpoint picture to, perhaps a meeting (Mercury) took place relating to the plans of May/June 2000 (Jup/Sat - which reminds us of the dot com bubble and a housing bubble inflating even then.)

Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: a search for variety and change; studying hard, asking the right questions; the desire to make changes; a journey; a fortunate separation. (Buh bye, Mr. Bank of America man - resigning before the sheriff shows?)

Yes, if Wall Street gentry admitted they (or those in their employ) use Astrology as did old J.P. Morgan, some of their secrets might be apparent thus providing a little pre-warning for we-the-unwary. Or then we'd be wary, but that wouldn't sex up the high-stakes game enough for those who are accustomed to playing a rigged house where they always come out the ultimate winners.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

Some words from Montesquieu, Mencken, and Jefferson

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded." C. L. De Montesquieu [Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat] (1689-1755) Baron de Montesquieu, Source: The Spirit of the Laws, VIII, 1752

"I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." H.L. Mencken

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." Thomas Jefferson

Today's Quote Round-Up compliments of Information Clearing House where you may wish to sign up for a Newsletter, but a warning: it isn't info for the faint of heart. Not much is these days, is it?

May 28, 2009

Amy Goodman on the True Cost of Oil

Chevron, Shell and the True Cost of Oil

By Amy Goodman

The economy is a shambles, unemployment is soaring, the auto industry is collapsing. But profits are higher than ever at oil companies Chevron and Shell. Yet across the globe, from the Ecuadorian jungle, to the Niger Delta in Nigeria, to the courtrooms and streets of New York and San Ramon, Calif., people are fighting back against the world's oil giants.


Curses! This means that the Oilcan Harries of the world must beware.

Frederick Douglass on the Life of the Nation

Uh oh...

"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."

Frederick Douglass (1818- 1895), Escaped slave, abolitionist, author, editor of the North Star and later of the New National Era.

May 27, 2009

Is the US Constitution a Solar Cult document?

At TarotScopes, Michael Tsarion has published an interesting treatment of the US Constitution and the motives of the ruling oligarchy who ratified it on June 21, 1788.

And I was just preparing to post the Summer Solstice chart for June 21, 2009! Well, this blog is called Stars Over Washington, after all.

But now the 2009 chart's import may be superseded by the ratification of the US Constitution *221 years ago on June 21, an Atonist festival day when the sun ascends to its highest point in the zodiac (as experienced from Earth.) Naturally, astrologers of the day (who bordered on the verge of being what today we call astronomers) would have been aware of this fact about June 21, 1788, and, desirous of success, acted according to the import of the event (ratification, the So Below) which they synchronized with the celestial imprimatur of the moment (As Above...)

And 00Can00 is one of the World Points of Prominence (00Aries/Libra, 00Can/Cap, the Cardinal Cross of action where world events may manifest when stimulated by transits or progressions.)

Tsarion's article calls the Constitution a 'Solar Cult document' which he says refers to We The People, not as we've always believed (the citizenry), but to the ruling over-class itself. He goes on and you may wish to check it out - I would, if I were you.

For some years I've accepted the idea that many of our Founding, Founders...were astrologers, but don't fret - Astrology wasn't poo-pooed in the 18th century as it is now. Actually, it was considered for centuries to be part of a well-rounded education...imagine that! Yet there are those even now who have interests in this ancient and powerful tool not being used by the masses. That's part of why Pluto was 'demoted' - as if astrologers would forget the saboteur's existence and its secret hand connotations. Puh!

Now the Vatican might tell you they don't 'use' Astrology, but centuries of known papal birth charts prove them duplicitous on the subject. They caution ordinary folk away from its use, just as do most other denominations and churches. Mmm-hmm. Did God set the Earth inside a Great Cosmic Clock we call our Solar System or did He not? Are monthly calendars based on the Moon's transits, years based on the Earth's orbit round the Sun? Did God name the Fixed Stars such as Betelgeuse and Regulus as mentioned by name in the Bible?

You betcha. Astrology brings the element of Time to the table which no other system of understanding can bring. As the Bible famously advises us: Know thyself. And Astrology studies help in this endeavor tremendously.

So apparently I soon will be posting here the Solar Return chart for the US Constitution using the Sun's 00Can00:00 moment from June 21, 1788 (to base the Return chart upon) when the document was ratified 'behind closed doors' and away from the prying eyes and the expressed opposition of a majority of the American people of the day.

Stay tuned, m'peops....


*221 years = 221 degrees = 11 Scorpio...Sabian Symbol: "A Drowning Man Is Being Rescued" in an evolutionary sense (June 21, 2009) as it relates to the US Constitution of 1788.

Rudhyar gives this degree's Keynote as: "The deep concern of the social group for the safety of individuals." Sounds good, doesn't it? He continues: "The HUMANITARIANISM thus displayed has deep cultural roots."

Or so we've always been sold.