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Jul 10, 2009

Obama wants a more powerful SEC

Pumpin' up the SEC

The SEC (which ostensibly stand for 'Securities and Exchange Commission') is being propagandized by President Obama as an entity that deserves more power in its punch and more inches in its reach. In a word, clout.

Sensitive Feathers Must Be Protected from Ruffling

That the SEC abused and/or neglected its power in recent years (and from the day it was hatched, for all I know) is a circumstance that has been in the news if not in the public discourse, for it is not to be discussed in relation to the current Rip Roaring Reforms that aim to ruffle nary a highclass feather on Wall Street, in the Masonic Temples of Washington, or in the ornate halls and palaces of older climes.

It's the Ambience, Baby

The Jupiter/Neptune duo are smiling like fluffy cats who scarfed down all the cream and retired to Paraguay to live atop an aquafer, so you may not want to bother following this pair of idealistic dreamers who have one more rendezvous scheduled for December 2009 when they plan to insinuate themselves and their grand philosophies into our lives well into 2010 from the wispy heights of their green lair floating like a bubble above the noctilucent clouds.

Cameo of a visionary bubble from the drawing, Bubble Vision.

Solar Eclipse July 21 2009 triggers US Pluto

Here is my months-old article on the two Solar Eclipses of 2009 with a small update at the end, if you'd care to have a peek.

One Eclipse season is passing from Jan 26, 2009 - what I've called, the New President Eclipse - but what could be a doozy is upcoming on the world's radar - in Washington DC, the 11 South Solar Eclipse occurs on July 21, 2009 at 10:34:32 pm '29 Cancer' opposing US Secondary Progressed Pluto, and near enough to US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx to cause concern on a plutonian level of power, transformation, cellular concerns, spying, underworld activities, mega-wealth, death, and fire-breathing dragons of all political persuasions.

From this configuration, we may wish to extract a midpoint picture...

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; potential new perspectives; separation in order to start anew; a biased attitude or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development; a soul torn by inner conflict.



Midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl and Reinhold Ebertin.

The story of Joe Cassano and AIG

AIG FP, Joe Cassano, credit default swaps, subprime fiascoes - all are illuminated in The Man Who Crashed the World though perhaps you've read the tale in Vanity Fair already.

Jul 8, 2009

Blue Moon over Iran and Progress 33

Space Weather News for July 8, 2009

WHAT'S FOLLOWING THE ISS? Sky watchers are reporting a "mysterious satellite" following the International Space Station (ISS). It trails the ISS by about one minute, relatively faint, but definitely there.

Mystery solved: The follower is Progress 33, a Russian supply ship. On July 12, it will come within meters of the space station to test a new automated docking system. Check the Simple Satellite Tracker for flyby times and get two spaceships for the price of one.

BLUE MOON OVER IRAN: Blue moons are not a myth. This week, sky watchers in Iran have seen them appear in the night sky. The full Moon is turning blue because of a major dust storm blowing across the Middle East. Today's edition of SpaceWeather News features space-based images of the behemoth storm, the blue moons it is causing, and an explanation of the phenomenon.

SUNSPOT UPDATE: The first big sunspot of new Solar Cycle 24 is growing again. So far, sunspot 1024 poses no threat for major eruptions, but it is a big, photogenic target for backyard solar telescopes. Readers who would like instant notification of solar flares and geomagnetic storms can get them by signing up for SpaceWeather PHONE.

Jul 7, 2009

G8 Summit in L'Aquila, Italy 7.7.09

There are many things we common folk might say about the current G8 Summit which began today in L'Aquila, Italy, such as: stop engineering a world economic crash, delete your one-world-government plans, get over your big selves, ixnay on the audfray, and much more.

L'Aquila means 'the eagle' as you know, and the city's history of earthquakes has caused an airlift emergency plan for world leaders' safety to be put in place. We wouldn't want to risk a scratch upon such precious and secretive chinny chin chins, now would we?

The constellation Aquila is interesting because of its Alpha star, Altair, which soars and spies high above the rest of us mortals. And of course, the Eagle is America's totem as well as L'Aquila's symbol on her flag - click Wiki link above to view its beakiness.

Altair's keywords are: boldness, action, and determination. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Ptolemy said the stars of Aquila are of the nature of Mars and Jupiter; Robson gives keywords: ability to rise in life, boldness, and courage, but with possible guilt from bloodshed. Mmm.

Ms. Brady adds that Altair indicates actions taken for the collective, and that the ability to achieve is linked with risk-taking and a dogged determination. (America's mercurial president flew (Mercury) abroad this week in tandem with the zodical position of Fixed Star, Sirius, the Dog Star, the announcer.) When I see "risk-taking" I tend to think of gambling and power elites certainly do that on a regular basis with everyone elses' lives and fortunes.

As both readers of this blog know, a major thread here has been that the ends do not justify the means, not even for Machiavellians, so the majority of these G8 fellas and gals are not my cuppa tea in the least believing as I do that they will do anything it takes to grasp and keep their power. Yet these heads of state represent only the public faces of a deeply veiled cabal calling the shots - all kinds of shots.

Now you may disagree - or you may be tres naive. Wouldn't I love to be wrong about these power-mad jokers? But you feel their interference in your life, don't you? Do you feel them manufacturing a world economic collapse so they can rebuild systems to their own specifications?

Well, look! Here's Pope John Paul II, in his New Year's Day mass of 2004, calling for a New World Order!

Guess he was preparing the way a little more clearly since it's been a very long process, you know, and power elites don't know how to give up.

So this particular G8 2009 is marked by today's Lunar Eclipse 15Cap24 which impacts Pluto 17Can05 in natal 11th house of Groups/Associations in the Vatican City's 1929 chart. Nearby is 19Can33, Pluto's Heliocentric North Node which is one reason why I think '19Can' turns up often in charts that map assassinations, murders, and other violent events or people - it's a sensitized degree for plutonian mayhems including nuclear events or projects.

(Vatican City June 7, 1929, Rome, Italy 11:00 am; from historical record and found in Celeste Teal's book, Eclipses...see sidebar; chart marks VC's independence as granted by Mussolini. There's another Lunar Eclipse on August 5, 2009 which emphasizes VC's natal Mars 14Leo10 in 12th house. Will there be more unveilings (12th house) of bad actions (Mars) by priests?)

L'Aquila Or Bust

As you'll read if you click the Wiki link above, the city of L'Aquila was constructed by Frederick II as a 'bulwark against the power of the papacy.'

Yet in Politics, allegiances often change in the bat of an eyelash or the breaking of a treaty, don't they? What will 2009's G8 in L'Aquila turn out to be a bulwark against, if anything?

And here's my wondering about yesterday's speeches by Presidents Obama and Medvedev in a gold-encrusted hall that I assume is located in the Kremlin: did you notice the Illuminati/Apollo sun-god theme over their heads - the huge sunburst symbol? Just wondering if you noted it. I did.

Jul 6, 2009

Astrology follows Obama and the Moon July 6 - 10, 2009

Today in Moscow, US President Barack Obama arrived to meet with Russian leaders President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vlaimir Putin.

When a Mundane Astrology chart shows planets (which for our purposes includes 'the lights', Sun and Moon, for ease of expression) meeting together, something of the archetypal flavor of that planet (actor) is evoked and a journey may be described.

In Pres. Obama's case for this trip abroad, we have a few conjunctions as he travels, landing at the Vatican on Friday, July 10, the day of the Great Conjunction (so we know it's a world event/s) between Jupiter 26AQ01 (Mr. Obama was born with Jupiter Rx at '00AQ+' so I nominate him for Jupiter's role - basically, Jupiter is the faster mover of the two so Jupiter 'comes to' Neptune, in this case, Obama to the Pope of a worldwide religion based on Neptunian veils of religious fervor...and clouds of incense.

This is the second of three Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions as speculation and grandiose plans hold sway over the globe, for 2009 is the year of Jupiter/Neptune's inflationary tactics and high-flying dreams. Still there's something to be said in favor of a hopeful attitude that perhaps the power elite chaos-creators will get hold of themselves, their egos, and think twice about plans for world domination.

Speaking of which...with Pluto now at 1Cap40 Rx, Luna must pass the 30th degree of Sagittarius (the seeker, but what doth he seek?) to reach Cap; '30Sag': "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" so a ring-smooching seems to be on Mr. Obama's menu. This should culminate on Friday, Day of Venus, with this week's position of Venus 5Gem46 conjunct transiting Pan, a Capricornian trickster; I associate Venus/Neptune with the Vatican...idealizing (Nep) a woman (Mary, Mother of Jesus.)

For Obama, natal Venus 1Can47 is snugged between Pope Benedict XVI's natal Mars 29Gem28 and North Node 00Can09, a World Point for his NN, a point of destined encounters and meetings, and contact with the wider public.

A midpoint picture is formed between the two natal charts of Mr. Obama and Pope Benedict (birth data I use for each of them at end of this article):

Mars/NN = Venus: getting together affectionately, passionately.

Yep! A major ring smooching is coming up. But that's not all...

Whenever Pluto has been at 00Cap+ of late, His Dragonhood has conjoined Pope Benedict's natal South Node, a point of separation. Generally this can mean separation from power, but also violence and war. Is there some fomenting going on in secret antiquated halls?

So Moon meets with Pluto today, then she goes on to meet with first Chiron 25AQ24 Rx, Jupiter 26AQ01 Rx, and Neptune 26AQ01 Rx at their Great Conjunction (July 10, 2009; Moscow, Russia, 9:18 am CDT +5:00.) This is the minute given by this software as the first minute they click into the same '01' minute so I use it in case an audience with the Pope may occur during the morning hours of Friday. Of course the entire day is flavored with this major conjunction between two 'religious' planets: one codified (Jupiter), and one urge-to-merge infused (Neptune.)

So as the Moon approaches the Jup/Nep pair, three midpoint pictures form. As usual the pics may operate in an 'any, all, or none' manner...

1. Moon/Neptune = Jupiter: grand imaginings and plans.

2. Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: dreaminess; an emotional swoon; going with the wind; becoming involved in speculations and gambling.

3. Moon/Jupiter = Neptune: success feels like it's leaving one's grasp; losing focus of objectives.

As President Obama carries financial and political pollen from one world leader to another on his trip, Mercury, planet of travel especially air travel, is dancing upon Fixed Star Sirius, a star strongly associated with America's natal chart.

Sirius, the Dog Star (Alpha Canis Major), once worhipped in Egypt as the guardian, and indicating the announcer in the form of a barking dog; keywords: the fire of immortality which I for one relate on one level to the Illuminati's 'eternal flame.'

There's an element of faithfulness linked with Sirius; Ebertin and Robson agree that a person influenced by Sirius (in this case, Mr.Obama as the young-ish man (Mercury) traveling (Mercury) to meet (conj) with the Sun 19Can27 (leader) on Friday for the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction) so this is a ceremonial and public level on which the two - or should I say, three? - leaders will gather. plus a private level, too. Perhaps there they'll say what the really think and what we are not privy to know.

If uprightly directed, the energy of Sirius may bring more gain than is expected in one's endeavors as the mundane becomes sacred. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.) Therefore, a small action becomes a symbol for the collective yet this is a demanding star that brings either huge success - or a scorching, maybe even a scalded dog yelping!

Mercury is oriental, too, which decribes the last-to-rise-before-the-Sun phenomenon in Astrology this is the dot the Is, cross the Ts mindset. Reporters?Speechwriters? Negotiators or trade representatives? Or all the possibilities on different levels?

For compexity's sake, there are also two bodies riding along with Mercury - Hygeia (health; perhaps a doctor and/or nurse?), and one of the two Isises (Isis #2, I call this one) now at 12Cap34. Is a daughter under the weather? Perhaps it only describes the usual arrangements for a president taking a long distance trip with his family and acts as a medical precaution for the one they once called, The Leader of the Free World.

Proserpina (transition) rises in Friday's Jupiter/Neptune conjunction chart as transiting asteroid Hopi (ambush; prejudice) sips Napoleon brandy with Pope Benedict's natal Pluto/SN conjunction. This is an old prejudice for the Pope but it also represents a chance to let go some of the poisons from his past.

So our 'Sirius' travels to announce and perhaps to warn, Jupiter's idealism and money issues meet the spiritual guru in his own neighborhood, and event-timing Luna shifts across the faces of the planets while pollinating from one to the next. Moon to Jupiter is generally a happy time (although both planets are often prominent in charts of poisonings and other offings.) Moon/Jupiter is a chance to travel, for certain, with emotional changes involving joy in the process.

Moon to Jupiter (or vice versa which is usually better since Jupiter 'stays longer' than the Moon) indicates publicity - which of course is a given here = reward, success, and optimism. In the political arena,
the religiousness of the judiciary becomes important which implies SCOTUS concerns on one side or the other - or on both.

Might Sonia Sotomayor's nomination for SCOTUS be a topic of discussion or negotiation?

Moon/Chiron contacts indicate that perceptual shields are open - so please be careful which frequency you tune in to.

Then Moon reaches Neptune, a refined, bewildered, sensitive, and/or spiritual time when subconscious forces are at play and one may be emotionally (Moon) deceived (Neptune) if one isn't careful, or perhaps 'deceived through the emotions' is closer to it. This is an idealizing (Neptune) a woman (Mary) descriptor.

And as you know, Tuesday, July 7, 2009 brings a Lunar Eclipse in mid-Capricorn, sign of politics, law, business, and management. Seems to me that that old time religion is good enough for traditionalist Capricorn, yet the US president of the moment doesn't seem overly encumbered with that particular Rock of Ages.

However, Mr. Obama, as all US presidents, will be kissing the Pope's ring this week.

Wonder if PM Putin ever puckered up for the same ceremony of adulation? Got photos?


Pope Benedict XVI: April 16m 1929 9NS); 4:15 am MET, Marktt, Germany; from BC.

Pres. Barack Obama: August 4, 1961; 7:24 pm AHST, Honolulu, Hawaii; from BC but disputed.

Jul 5, 2009

The Saga of Alaska Cat

Sarah Palin was discussed this morning on TV by Karl Rove and others yet the Bad Poetry muse alit and The Saga of Alaska Cat was written in spite of all their fine punditry.

Can rhyming sagas be brief like thwarted political careers? I think so, especially if they're self-thwarted...meanwhile, back on Earth, pundit Mo Rocca cautions, "Your opinion on the Palin-Letterman feud won't land you a job at McDonald's."

Maybe the following political saga can become part of my Bad Poetry resume if I should need one!

Alaska Cat is out the door
we don't know what she's leaving for
a federal probe? perhaps a scandal
might be just too hot to handle
GOPers if asked why
may voice support when others pry
their real opinions coyly veiled
Alaska Cat has now been nailed.

jc 7.5.09 10:am edt

photo: Zasha unpleased, by Maya at Spring Tree Road

Jul 4, 2009

Is a coming Fed indictment why Palin resigned?

It's Independence Day and I'm headed out the door but want to post this link sent me by my friend Alex D'Atria at Modern Astrology (see Astrology links in sidebar) on the story as we know it so far concerning possible federal indictment charges for Palin's squirrely use of Alaska's funds.

Deceptive, fraud-inducing Neptune to her natal Sun and Mars: boundaries have (apparently) been crossed and the feds may be whisking off her Aquarian mask!

If true, it sounds a bit like an alternate reality of what's been going on in the UK government actually - but without the moat.

And do check out interesting readers' comments under the Palin announcement video just below - one has a particularly angry Martian flavor - describing Palin!

Mucho Thanks go to Julie, Donna, Jilly, Clymela, Tango Daddy, and others for keeping an eye on the shenanigans perpetrated here on Stars Over Washington! Jude