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Jul 26, 2009

JFK assassination: Sun Scorpio--Moon Aquarius

Recently I've reviewed the charts of President Kennedy's death by assassination in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, a Masonic Plaza built with the mathematical principles of Sacred Geometry in mind.

(Nov 22, 1963; president shot: 12:30 or 12:32 pm CST, depending on the source you consult; died or was pronounced dead - I confess I can't find which one - at 1:00 pm CST, as reported by Walter Cronkite; I suspect 1:00 pm was the doctor's pronouncement made when the staff gave up on their efforts, and no one could have thought from Mr. Kennedy's wounds that there was much hope for life, after all.)

'Masonic Plaza' means that all the angles of the place were pre-known by certain folks - had to be. Freemasonry keeps accurate records and the geometry is built in.

Well, at the moment I'm looking at two charts - one for The Shot 12:32 pm CST, the other for 1:00 pm.

12:32 pm: Sun 29Sco44, Moon 11AQ16; ASC 20AQ01; Mc 4Sag13; Mars 20Sag31 conj Venus 21:27 in 10th house; Jupiter 9Ari49 Rx in 2nd house, jumps to 1st house before 1:00 pm; Neptune 15Sco55 in 9th house.

I mention Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune primarily because they are the Marseillaise planets, a trio which indicates violence when working together. No, they are not in a pattern here, but that's why I noted their positions for you, in case you wondered.

Nodal axis: NN 11Can56 in 5th house; SN conjunct asteroid, Hopi: prejudice; ambush. This mystery play had been acted out before (SN.)

Mercury, planet of planning and of our senses, crosses Mc just prior to 1:00 pm - 9Sag45/47 and you know this degree conjuncts a Royal Star of Persia, Antares (Alpha Scorpius), keywords: ruthlessness, obsession, and drama. This may show a sharp-shooter leaving the scene quickly. Oswald? Perhaps. If his vision and skills were sharp enough.

(An example of Antares linked to natal Mercury is murder mystery writer Agatha Christie. How many times through the decades since 1963 has the world heard, Who Killed JFK?, as if it's the ultimate murder mystery.)

Revolutionary, incendiary Uranus and saboteur Pluto are loosely tangoing together in Virgo, 7th house, and getting ready to meet in a Great Conjunction three times: Oct 9, 1965 17Vir10; Apr 4, 1966 16Vir28; and June 30, 1966. The Uranus/Pluto pair also signifies 'Rock'n'Roll' and it was 'under the influence' of this conj that I witnessed The Beatles concert in Atlanta - but I digress.

My point is that it was an intensely electric and original time as well as being politically highly charged and transformative.

By 1:00 pm CST, Sun 29Sco45 (exactly conjunct - partile - the 2009 Inaugural Moon 29:45, as a matter of fact. Hmm.)

Moon had reached 11AQ30 in that half hour from Hades, realm of Pluto - sabotage brought to the American people and the world by ______ (fill in the blank. My guess: the select few leaders of a group who imagine themselves illuminated and who wallow at the top of a pyramid-of-power letting underlings know only what they must know in order to do their jobs...a 'need to know' basis. On 11.22.63, a sharp-shooter had a particular job or mission, as directed from above.)

Depressive Saturn is in 12th house at 17AQ19 ('17AQ' is the 'end of progress' degree); the Moon (the public; the people; publicity) caught up with Saturn later as more and more of the public discovered what had been done to the president and thus to them; Moon/Saturn is the epitome of emotional depression and heaviness. (Plus, the US natal Moon is in AQ although in later degrees - hence a Lunar Return soon brought home our grief.)

Imho, the course of history was forcefully re-directed by those with the power to make it happen. And the 'eternal flame' of Horus burns at yet another grave site as a constant testimony to their culpability in the crime...but they're proud of it!

Now the reason I mention this today is so that the Kennedy Assassination Day's Sun-Moon blend may be posted here because I think it's a telling bit of information on the power elite's criminal tendencies, the flavor of the day, and on its participants. But since Astrology is an 'AC-DC' kind of system, we may wish to consider the following as, in part, relating to JFK, and on another level representing the sniper/s and his/their bosses.

See what you think. Many of the details are credited to Charles and Suzi Harvey's excellent book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign, and to Dr. Noel Tyl in his, Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology. My own observations may creep in and are sometimes difficult to distinguish from others' so you're on your own there!

Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Nov 22, 1963:

Sun Sco-Moon AQ is a Water-Air blend of energies that is ethereal and misty; tremendous effort is needed to deal with the real world. The shadow or unconscious side of Water-Air is a tendency toward confusing one's thinking with feelings; an apparently detached viewpoint is actually tinged with personal bias. Well-planned schemes can be carried out, and there can be an ability to separate thoughts from feelings which makes this a formidable combination for a politician or for an assassin and/or assassin-dispatcher.

Sco-AQ narrows down the picture and supports the ability to separate one's feelings from one's plans. There is intense determination, an unwillingness to accept easy answers, and a lack of faith in one's fellow human beings which doesn't allow them a fair chance (the words, 'sitting duck' come to mind. But there's more...)

This is the 'law unto oneself' combo with an ability to plunge into experience, then dispassionately observe the consequences; the visionary goal is "held with full strength,' says Dr. Tyl.

(Obviously, JFK as President was the trouble, along with his capacity to rally the public in directions the power elite didn't want America to go. So they acted. Jack Kennedy is said to have been planning changes to the international banking system, as had President Lincoln before him.)

The Harveys' 'Images for Integration' for this combo seem to apply; see if you agree that at least one of the two is uncannily accurate:

A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence.

Yes, I agree that the 'hovering hawk' applies and 'at one with nature' reminds me of 'the zone' one would have to lock into in order to perform such a feat.

But the second image could refer to several things as well: was JFK the 'exotic moth' who was giving his bosses trouble by way of his intelligent maneuverings? Or had he not followed the papacy's wishes as instructed? Was the 'moth' Oswald? Just a few thoughts, and please have some of your own and leave a comment, if you wish, because it gets echo-y and lonely in here with no discussion!

Next up is a brief list of those who share the Sun Sco-Moon AQ blend in their natal charts; then I'll leave you with quotes from three of them, and a few details on the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of this sad, history-diverting event...

Albert Camus, Dylan Thomas, Charles Manson, Jean Monnet (economist and architect of the European Community), and Voltaire, whose philosophic notions have lurked within many a radical revolutionist's diary next to Rousseau's lofty theories.

(These Utopian ideals require the meltdown of society and the economic chaos we are now mired in. The killing of JFK - the re-directing of the White House - was a watershed moment for our nation on several levels (as was the bogus election of 2000.) Many Americans have expressed the view through the years that things 'haven't been the same since' in our nation. That's because it was yet another coup for control, part of an ongoing agenda now quite revealed to everyone. (See previous post with David Icke's astounding video presentation.)

Three Quotes from Sun Sco-Moon AQ personalities:

"Integrity is in no need of rules." Albert Camus

(The so-called "Utopia" where you're on your own, citizen. The 'elites' consider themselves above the rules...laws unto themselves.)

"Oh may my heart's truth still be sung on this high hill in a year's time." Dylan Thomas

('High hill' or grassy knoll? Is this the "heart's truth" about the perpetrator? Or perhaps a sharp-shooter lurked farther away than the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza; either way, we see the reference.)

"How much more cruel the pen is than the sword." Robert Burton

(Pen 'more cruel' only if you're not the victim of the assassin's 'sword'.)

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series during which the assassination was carried out is the 1 North which manifested on July 20, 1963, at '27Can' - precisely opposite America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx. Our national Pluto is unaspected and thus works alone from its ivory tower, though the plutonic puppetmaster can be affected by transits and progressions.

This astrological circumstance of 1963 provides a midpoint picture for your consideration...

1963's Sun/Moon = US natal Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; potential new perspectives in relationship; a biased attitude or changed conditions lead to important developments; a soul torn by inner conflict. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

(There's the word biased again.)

1N: an essence of tiredness or health problems; unexpected events concerning friends or groups place tremendous pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large and hasty decisions should be avoided since information is distorted and possibly false. (Brady's Predictive Astrology; my caps and paraphrasing.)

This is the PE of: the United Nations, and of Truman's atomic bombs on Japan (Horoshima: Aug 6, 1945 - personally I'd apologize profusely if I could. But one thing I've discovered during my studies on secret hand Pluto and invisible government Saturn/Neptune: these exalted Grand Masters and their minions don't work on behalf of the American people as they propagandize - they only pretend to. Duh.)

And illuminatingly, 1N the same Series as the Mother of All Eclipses, Nostradamus' King of Terror (or of Alarm) Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (18Leo+), and it's all part of their 'higher agenda' of terror promotion with which the New Millennium has been poisoned and drenched. You see how America has changed.

Even the late 90s press on the August 1999 Eclipse promoted a certain 'reality' for the sheeple to appreciate, including the "Y2K" madness where mega-bucks disappeared into a hidden funnel somewhere, along with personal information as PROMIS software's progeny was enlisted to track people's private business and spy on other nations. Thieving a few cents from millions of bank accounts can really add up, too, not to mention 'disappearing' people who become inconvenient to the Big Picture.

(I believe Sandra Bullock's film, The Net, came out in the late 90s and you know what her character had to go through to get her identity back.)

So when is the next Solar manifestation in the 1N Series?

August 21, 2017 at a critical 29th degree: '29Leo' conjunct one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus, keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided.

What are the chances?


Here's a previous post from 2007 on the JFK assassination with chart image and a link to details on the 12:32 pm chart.

Jul 25, 2009

At last: Gonzo finds a job

As unemployment numbers continue to dismay our country, there's news on the job hunting front for one small man.

After finally finding a job (teaching!), it turns out that the staff of his new employer, Texas Tech, doesn't want Alberto Gonzales, our former unqualified, Bush-Cheney but*-kisser of an Attorney General whose undistinguished career is preceeding and following him simultaneously.

His connection with the Bush-Cheney regime got him the post, but will it manage to shove Gonzo onto Texas Tech's teaching staff and keep him there?

Okay okay - let's give him a chance - maybe he'll do a superb job. And I suspect his former 'service' to the neocon/perpetual war cause during the Bush years has left him quite well rewarded.

Besides, they stick together, these old goats.

Cho Seung-Hui's med files found

An update has been performed upn my original post on Cho Seung-Hui - his natal chart shown - because a miraculous thing has now occurred.

The docter who 'accidentally' took home Cho's medical files (allegedly) 14 months before the vicious Virginia Tech massacre has found them again and turned them over to authorities.

Whether the files have been tampered with, no one is yet saying. But if forgery is involved, we may assume it is very well done.

Click link for post update with article link concerning Dr. Miller's Miracle Find.

Of course, perhaps it all happened just the way he says!

David Icke video on the Illuminati, Babylon, US, and more

You may wish to watch David Icke's discussion on the Illuminati, the Vatican, America's founding fathers, bloodlines from Babylon into Europe, Africa, America, the Masonic layout of Washington DC, the all-seeing eye and the eternal flame of Horus's symbolisms and other symbolisms, Iraq = Babylon, the NWO, mind control, Mormons, satanism, Jacques Demolay, Albert Pike, sacrificial rites, the Scottish Rite - Knights Templar, other 'knightly' organizations, and more.

Even The Rolling Stones show up. Remember their 'Bridges to Babylon' album? Well then, "Please allow me to introduce myself..."

Mr. Icke is well-known for his research into secret societies, the power elite, and such, so check out his presentation, if you haven't already. His work is, we may say, an eye-opener for the sheep who still sleep, so pass the info on!

Now I don't know much about these 'occult'/hidden subjects myself, but one thing I do know from Scriptural Prophecy: the mighty Babylon is fallen. And in the Final tally, the wh*re will never rise again.

Ron Paul on Global Banking and the NWO: video

This video is a hodge podge of various speakers, mainly Rep. Ron Paul (one statement from his younger days) on the emerging New World Order and the roles of international bankers and the United Nations; UK PM Gordon Brown appears as well, as do Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and others.

My hope is that all 7 readers of this blog are already aware of these things and will pass on the info to those who prefer keeping their heads in the sand...which makes them ostriches, so if you have any ostriches in your life, please wake them up!

Also I'd like to call attention to a comment on my recent post about President Obama's Solar Return 2009 where Duse has left some excellent analysis of the president's Solar Return chart as it concerns our nation.

The transit of Saturn to US natal Neptune will also be a transit of Saturn to Mr. Obama's natal Mars (since his Mars conjuncts US n Neptune), and you'll find Duse's observations elucidating concerning the president's prospects.

Saturn to Mars is a seriously frustrating time and indicates that Mr. Obama's action principle (Mars) will be tamped down (Saturn) in some way. This meshes with Duse's remarks that the president may not be able to use his personal popularity to win the day as he has so far. But that's my paraphrase - scroll down a short way and check it out for yourself.

Plus, the US/Obama Mars/Neptune conjunction forms a not-very-pretty midpoint picture with transiting Saturn...

Mars/Neptune = Saturn: instability; feelings of inferiority; misdirected energy (and trillions?); unfortunate consequences as a result of a weak will; an epidemic; being taken advantage of; reticence; a sense of futility; persevering in spite of fear. (As always, any, all, or none may apply; from Tyl; Ebertin.)

And of course: as goes our president, so goes our nation, which is why I marvel at those who wish President Obama would 'fail'...definitely a nose-cut-to-spite-face attitude which I cannot coordinate with sanity.

But who said self-serving Politics as practiced in Washington, DC, is sane, right?

So the only possible and underlying explanation I can think of for their 'fail' attitude and their zealotry is found in part in the above video discussing the power elite's New World Order plans which depend upon the weakening of our Constitution, our borders, our financial institutions, and the US judicial system - the failing of America - so that a one-world-government envisioned centuries ago can rear its ugly head and show itself as the devouring monster it really is.

Have you a better explanation? Because I'd dearly love to hear it.

Jul 24, 2009

Last tiff between Bush and Cheney?

The last tiff between titans Bush and Cheney, just hours before they left office, is said to be the question of a pardon for Cheney's favorite yet discredited operative, Scooter Libby.

Methinks perhaps they were substituting the question of a presidential pardon for Mr. Libby for disagreements over their ill-conceived invasion of Iraq, the elephant they should have been arguing over.

Update July 27, 2009: here's a column citing Bush-Cheney crimes as posted on At-Largely yesterday, July 26.

President Obama's Solar Return 2009: chart + details

President Barack Obama's Solar Return on August 4, 2009 will perform as something of a natal chart for him until his 2010 birthday since any Return chart is 'good for' the length of time the planet in question takes for its orbit - thus, a Solar Return = one year (even though it's the Earth orbiting the Sun. This is Astrology, not Astronomy, and yes, astrologers know the difference!)

The president's SR chart is set for the White House (although Mr. Obama could very well be out of town on his birthday) - since he's the current denizen of the Oval Office, it seemed a fair idea to set this world traveler's Solar Return chart for the White House as its primary representative.

If you click to enlarge, you'll see that President Obama's natal placements are highlighted around the outside of the chart in pink; a few US natal positions are notated as well. US natal Moon in Aquarius continues to be affected by Jupiter/Neptune and by Chiron, although I neglected to enter the Moon's position on this chart.

Solar Return 2009 for President Obama:

Hour: Sun; chart-ruler Jupiter, retrograde in 3rd house, indicating delays (Rx) in Jupiterian things such as money, ideals, and expansion, especially in the realm of 3rd house Communications issues. 3rd house is also The Neighborhood, so our nation is obviously affected by the president's Solar Return.

Hemispheric emphases are balanced: 5 in the North, South, East, and West: You/Me and Public/Private in balance. The chart is weighted on the Mutable/Earth side, an indicator of Virgoan concerns.

Chart-ruler Jupiter's ongoing conjunctions with Chiron and Neptune are the only aspects the jolly giant makes in the SR 2009, applying or separating. (Separating aspects are given equal weight in Return charts, as per Mary Shea and Erin Sullivan to me.) So the expansive, inflationary, speculative pair, Jupiter and Neptune, rules Mr. Obama's year along with Chiron, the wounded healer, who can't seem to pass a healthcare reform bill until further notice. Perhaps a Direct Chiron in a couple of months will help circumstances.

There are many spiritual dimensions to the Jup-Chir-Nep trio, of course, but this blog is more for Politics, that organized system of hatreds (as explained by Henry B. Adams, John's grandson.) And this is Washington we're talking about, so spiritual concerns are shunted aside in most cases.

The natal house brought to the SR Ascendant is of primary importance, and for Mr. Obama's 2009 SR, this would be his 10th house of Public Status and Career. SR Mercury/Neptune midpoint is on his natal Mc, so we have...

SR Mercury/Neptune = n Mc: far-reaching plans and ideas; sympathetic understanding of others; intuitive thinking; to go the wrong way; lies; self-deception; living among the clouds, or without practical orientation.

(I've noticed the above midpoint picture operative when lots of air travel 'among the clouds' is indicated. As usual with mdpt pics, it's an any, all, or none may apply proposition; pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

The Sun is in a critical point in the 8th house, just before the 9th cusp.

The house of the SR Sun is very important as its affairs are a focus for the year - the will to achieve (Sun) is associated with people and issues governed by that house and is a year's worth of opportunity to gain mastery over the house's concerns. (I only hope it's all for the best interests of a sovereign America, don't you?)

Plus, the 8th is a succedent house so resources and personal values are in the spotlight; succedent houses represent conclusions, finalities, and opportunities for stabilization. However, with Sun conjunct 9th cusp, there is a Solar ego/will/purpose blend with the Cadent 9th house.

A Cadent house indicates phases of transition, fluctuation, and preparations for long-range achievements. (Hope this isn't a picture of more US taxpayer monies being sent across the seas to we know not where.)

A Cadent SR Sun hides steps being taken behind the scenes which may flower and become apparent near or at the next SR (August 2010.)

(I do not want Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security gutted, thanks. But if Capitol Hill politicians want to take large pay cuts, that'd work just fine. Paying their own medical insurance premiums would be a great improvement, too. Why should we continue to do it when our own insurance and med situations are so shaky?)

There are two aspects to the president's Sun here: an opportunity aspect, a sextile (60 degr) to Mars (applying, so exact a little after his SR - 3A46), and a separating sesqui-square (interlaced squares of dynamic inter activity) with reformer Uranus 26Pis10 Rx in 4th house of Real Estate, Domestic Scene, and Security Concerns.

Mr. Obama's heritage and roots (4th house) may be continue to be under fire as well through the actions of disruptive Uranus in mysterious other words, his birthplace is still under suspicion in the minds of some people, though I think their chances for traction on the issue have passed -- or have they?

One must think also of flu epidemics in the US by way of the Pisces connection to contagions with disruptive Uranus Rx in 4th house of Domestic Scene.

A very prominent factor is an angular Saturn 19Vir46 at Midheaven - not just at Mc, but on it, and thus the closest planet to a SR angle (excepting natal Moon conjunct Descendant as mentioned below under 'Mercury square natal Moon.')

Mid-September 2009 will be a peak of activity for the president when the Sun contacts this SR Mc and Saturn, and healthcare reform legislation should be at a peak of some sort: marked up, voted on, or even passed already. Voted down is a possibility, too, especially considering this Return's Mars/Saturn square, an aspect of blockages and obstacles. Mars/Saturn energy is very much 'stop and go' and can be very frustrating.

The Mc is the Goal/Aspiration Point of any chart, and Saturn = government; this indicates that control and authority are his main aims and with Saturn in Virgo, sign of Health, we know the agenda for healthcare reform (or insurance reform, if you prefer, for that seems to be the main focus with this legislation) will remain on Mr. Obama's menu for the duration of the upcoming year.

The good news is that Saturn is Direct; the bad news is that the Old Man is about to catch up with US natal Neptune 22Vr25, the 'grim reality' transit, but it can also indicate dreams (Neptune) made real (Saturn.) Healthcare reform at last?!

Sun to SR ASC 3Sag55 is a busy time, too, near the end of November; Sun to Pluto 1Cap01 may tell a major part of the tale with its 'formidable power' flavor on or about Dec 23, near Winter Solstice 2009.

Mercury to natal Pluto:

SR Mercury 3Vir01 will conjunct natal Pluto 6Vir59 on or about August 7 or 8, so the president's activities center around and relate directly to gaining power (Pluto, in Virgo, sign of Health. Perhaps the Republicans are correct: if they ruin Obama's healthcare intitiative, it will be his political "Waterloo"); finance, investments, work methods, and organizational talents are highlighted as well. Important travel is indicated as might be expected with any head of state, even a merely titular one.

The Solar Return Moon:

The Solar Return Moon always gives quite a few details about the year's daily momentum and this SR Moon is at a critical/crisis 29th degree: 29Cap14, conjunct the transiting North Node (NN) - which puts them both smack dab within Mr. Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap20 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx conjunction.

He definitely will be dealing with crises, won't he? He signed on for it, in fact!

And 29Cap is the degree of the US Secondary Progressed Pluto, planet of nuclear bombs, sabotage, and extreme wealth...the 'secret hand' of government, as I tend to call it. Permanent transformations are stealthy Pluto's stock in trade.

SR Moon and the president's natal Jupiter key a midpoint: Uranus/ASC, a combination of energies which Ebertin gives as: 'a quick response to the influence of the environment; inventive ability; tech and industrial connections; scattering one's energies; haste or restlessness; excitable people; upsets; accidents; headaches; rearranging one's environment.'

Three pictures are formed and are written on the chart, but I'll type them more in full for you...

Uran/ASC = Moon: emotionalism spills into view; needing support, approval, and sympathy; quick mood changes; sudden experiences through the female sex.

Uran/ASC = NN: getting like-minded people on board; seeking change jointly with others; bringing about change along with others; an association dictated by common interests.

Uran/ASC = n Jupiter: successful cooperation and teamwork; quick contacts are easy; a fortunate rearrangement of the environment; working feverishly to earn recognition.

SR Moon in Capricorn accents responsibilities, status, and as we might expect with Capricorn, one's reputation is on the line. Setting a good example and exhibiting emotional control are musts; interactions with others are 'all business'; issues with elderly family members may occur during the year (in this SR's timing, 2nd house = end of 2009 and first 3 months of 2010 since the clock starts ticking on August 4) and as previously mentioned, this SR Moon is at a stand-out 29th degree.

If afflicted, SR Moon in Cap indicates emotional depression or a sense of failure: this Moon's only aspect in the Return chart is a sesqui-square with Mars. Will mother-in-law have a health crisis? Will the president be in danger or have an accident? Life is complex and occurs on many levels at once - thus, Astrology is the same and only tells us trends and influences, not usually the precise events.

A SR Moon with an adverse aspect doesn't bode well for popularity so we'll see if President Obama's poll numbers continue to slide. His SR 2009 seems to hint that they will though perhaps not too much. He has improved America's standing overseas, that's for certain.

SR Moon in 2nd house: emotions are tied in with financial security; incomes increase or decrease (wherever the astrological Moon is there are fluctuations); expenditures do increase; there may be new choices about how to spend money and energy. If afflicted (yes, by Mars, andby critical degr), there may be temporary (Moon) blocks put on spending or on incoming funds. But the 'block' from Mars is considered a minor affliction (136 degr) though it could have adverse health indications.

Opposite, in 8th house of Big Money, we see transiting South Node about to precisely contact the current Solar Eclipse degree, 29Can27, of July 21, 2009. This is the 'systems fail; new methods are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' Series (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Yucky, but there it is.

We'll see how operative this difficult Eclipse is for the president and the country as his SR year goes on. If it isn't, I won't fuss, I'll say, whoopee! It falls, however, in Mr. Obama's SR 8th house, so we expect our financial system to be part of the circumstances as the Fed vies for more power, and other institutions jockey for better positions within the new hierarchy the power elite envision for our nation and the world.

North Node to natal Jupiter:

This creates an interesting pile-up in one of the money areas, the 2nd house, and NN to n Jupiter is a time of profitable liasons, meetings, and 'connections', but the fruitfulness of this contact can lead to moving too fast due to possibilities for easy expansion which may then cause future collapse. (Sorry! I'm not making this up, you know, it's in the chart, more's the pity.)

Well, you've noticed the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition lining up for another stand-off (Sept 11, 2009), here across SR 4/10 axis. Plus, this SR is one day after a Lunar Eclipse: August 5, 2009, 8:54:42 pm edt, White House, Moon 13AQ43, Sun 13AQ43 in 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and services such as military and police forces.

So basically the August 5 Lunar eclipse qualifies as a Full Moon in the president's 2009 SR chart, a good omen, actually, although slightly less fortunate than having a New Moon in a SR. A Full Moon (the Lunar Eclipse), normally indicates a culmination of activities relating to the house polarity, and may show discordant separations in relationships. As a Lunar Eclipse, hidden weaknesses may show up for the president.

And his SR Sun and Moon are 166 degrees apart (just before the Lunar Eclipse of the next evening) so there is some question of his being overly confident within relationships - Mr. Obama may find himself left at the political altar by someone he'd depended on and perhaps shouldn't have.

And since a Return chart is also a Transit chart, you see that Mercury is squaring Mr. Obama's natal Moon which is posited on the SR Descendant of Partnerships - fluctuations and changes (Moon.) Mercury is Midheaven ruler as well as Desc ruler so the partnership changes have something to do with Career and Public Status issues.

Mercury square natal Moon:

This is a time when one must grapple with conflicting opinions, annoying distractions, and too much or too little information. Projects may not get finished on time due to frustrations and interruptions, privately and in the public arena.

Travel delays and difficulties may occasion re-schedulings or cancellatons; important papers, documents, and other info are misplaced or lost. It isn't impossible to make progress when Mercury squares natal Moon, yet mechanical and other failures interfere with smooth sailing as plans must be changed at the last minute. (Instant Horoscope Reader, Julia Lupton Skalka.)

Of course, being aware of these indications always helps, doesn't it?

Well, that's the gist of what I'm noticing in President Obama's Solar Return 2009, so let me know what I left out, okay? ;p


Note: For some reason, SpellChecking stopped working halfway through this post, so please pardon any typos. They will be corrected later when Blogger's spelling ability returns. jc

Consumer protection by the Fed? Hilarious!

As you know, the Fed is concerned about losing its authority to oversee consumer protection issues to a new agency set up for that specific purpose.

Considering the financial collapse of 2008, the wonky loans and other transactions pre-2008, and how things have been playing out in financial systems in the US and all over the globe, I cannot be the only one who wonders exactly when the Fed's protective "overseeing" on behalf of consumers occurred!

Yes, the Federal Reserve protects someone, but...consumers? If the Fed's most recent performance is what they call 'protection' then sign me up for an end to it - I'll take my chances without the high-flying financial "experts."

Jul 23, 2009

Obama's healthcare presser 7.22.09: the stars don't lie

President Obama says that the "stars are aligned" now for health care reform.

Well, I wondered after peeking at last evening's horoscope of his presser on health care reform whether someone was using an astrologer to tell him when not to speak on the subject.

At 8:00 pm edt in DC last evening 23Cap33 was rising with North Node 00AQ13 in First House - pretty good to have NN in 1st house until you look at the South Node conjunct Sun 00Leo18 in 7th house. Mercury 10Leo12 and Moon 12 Leo57 (conjunct Mr. Obama's natal Sun) were also posited in 7th house.

The Sun/SN conjunction is 2 degrees from the president's orating Mercury 2Leo20.

America's out-of-bounds Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (in natal 2nd house of our Sibly chart) is rising, too, with its secret hand implications in tow. The White House is having secret meetings today with the top health care industry players, perhaps to adjust an attitude or two since the presser's Pluto 1Cap16 Rx (conjunct the karmic 12th cusp at 8:00 pm - same old obstacles) was inconjunct Sun/SN 00Leo13/18 in 7th house. Inconjuncts (aka quincunxes; 150 degr) are aspects of adjustment - it's the 'square peg in the round hole' aspect.

Some heavyweight midpoints were rising, too, at 8:00 pm, all conjunct in Capricorn: Big Bankers Jupiter/Pluto, Neptune/Pluto (signature of the Robber Barons), and Pluto/Chiron, duo of violence, oppression, racism, fascism, class warfare, and corporatism (among other anti-social things.)

You've noted I'm sure that NN 00AQ13 is pointing in the direction of US Inaugural Sun and, in 2009, toward Inaugural Mercury Rx. A presidential term that is signified by a retrograde Mercury bodes trouble in the plan and communication departments, and things must be reviewed constantly. Even presidential oaths must be retaken.

The 2009 Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 being void-of-course on Jan 20, noon, DC, indicates that this presidency won't work out as planned, or will bring results quite different from what was expected...if they were meant to work out at all.

In 7th house is the doctors' asteroid, Aesculapia 25Leo04, opposing the 'grand schemes and speculations' duo, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, with health-related Chiron between them; all three are Rx in 1st house.

8:00 pm edt last evening was during a Mars Hour which is good for taking action - and as you know, Mr. Obama stressed once again that in Washington, inertia is the default position. But what a grouping around Mars 7Gem35 in the 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and of the matter!

Here's the list in order of degrees in Gemini: Pan 6:41, a trickster element associated with the ancient sign of Capricorn; Mars 7:35; Nemesis 7:54, the unbeatable foe; divine retribution ; and gold-hoarding Midas 8:35. Mars is unaspected in this chart so his sign, degree, house placement, and anything conjoined to him takes precedence as he acts on his own.

And Gemini is the sign of duplicity, as you know, or multiplicity.

The Moon began at 8 pm conjunct asteroid Siva the creator/destroyer, but at 9:00 pm the Moon reached asteroid, Panacea, with its health connection as a soothing agent. Perhaps the people (Moon) felt better at the end of the presser. Personally I'd had enough, so I avoided it studiously, preferring DVDs of the second season of Mad Men. (So actually I'm only looking at the chart of the presser.)

At Mc (The Goal) sat Hidalgo 15Sco01, one of the power asteroids, but he's retrograde; at Ic is Terpsichore 15Tau55, which I tend to use in mundane work as a significator of 'the orchestrator.' Taurus, one of the money signs, is the hoarder of the zodiac; another shadow side trait of Taurus is intolerance, a character flaw which I believe plutocrats are rotten with.

Chart-ruler Saturn 18Vir27, is in 8th house of Shared Resources, Insurance, Credit, Debt, Big Finances, etc, so money was the theme. Saturn has the happy circumstance of trining the ASC 23Cap33, and is not Rx, so that's good. Saturn = Democrats, so perhaps the Blue Dogs will get hold of their own tails long enough to vote with their party, the dunces. Saturn in 8th squares Venus 19Gem39 in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling, another indicator of money difficulties with the funding of this issue.

With Sun at 00Leo18, this is the un-birthday of the president - Sun opposes the Inaugural Sun, a time when one's direction should be reviewed and changes of plan made if things aren't working out as you intended 6 months before; in this case, on Jan 20, 2009.

And with 2009 Inaugural Mercury being opposed by the Sun last evening, we see that it's also a time when frustrations befall, and movement is hampered. Sales and other business transactions go slowly and are criticized, and lack of careful planning catches up. Bad timing is an issue and I think last evening's presser on health care reform, unfortunately for the American people, is such a case.

No, Sun opposite Mercury is not a time to force issues even if it has been several decades of false promises and aborted attempts, so if an astrologer picked the presser's time and date, last night was not the best - unless things weren't supposed to work out! Perhaps it was a case of desperation on the president's part, and he did wait until after July 21's Solar Eclipse to speak out.

Yet his statement that, "The stars are aligned" makes no sense to me at this juncture and the only way I can synthesize the mess is that health care reform was a campaign promise that Mr. Obama may have had no intention (Inaugural 2009 VOC Moon; Mercury Rx) of implementing at the expense of messing with the bottom lines of his fat cat friends in the health care industry. Or perhaps they have pulled him up short!

Hope I'm totally wrong though. Still, you know what they say which applies especially to politicians: the stars never lie. But the people under them do.


Update 7.23.09 1:00 pm edt: the GOP is really on the warpath today against healthcare reform and they're sounding desperate to protect their assets as they float the propaganda that healthcare reform is unAmerican. Bwa ha ha, that old chestnut again!

Ron Paul speaks truth to the Fed's lies: video

At least one man on Capitol Hill is speaking truth to the Fed's lies and shell game: Rep. Ron Paul, but the picture he describes reveals the deliberate crashing of America. For the deliberate crashing of California, see previous post.