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Aug 3, 2009

Audio of JFK speech: "We are opposed to secret societies"

This is an audio of a speech by John F. Kennedy in which he states, among other things, that, "We are opposed to secret societies." So you may wish to check it out considering that Dealey Plaza, where the president was assassinated in Dallas is well-known as a Masonic Plaza.

Prominent figures killed by secret societies tend to have an 'eternal flame' at their gravesites, in case you're wondering who there are. Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, Jr, and the rest would appreciate attention to discovering their murderers' identities, imo.

And yet I know that everyone is afraid of them. Just look at the sorry, often quixotic, behavior of the US Congress.

Disclosure: I never blog here or elsewhere with the intent of maligning rank and file members of any organization; I believe the 'need to know' model is used within them all, where only a select few people at the top of the pyramid-of-power actually know everything that's being done and why - in order to keep the reins of power firmly in certain hands, and to avoid any chances of their own unmasking. Plus, underlings doing decent charity work makes a good screen for evil to hide behind, don't you think? jc

Digital TV, mind control, and magic

'Coincidentally' I ran across Coincidence Theory: Television and Mind Control which details the mind control potentials and occult links of the congressionally mandated analog-to-digital switch that shoved the US 'across the Digital Divide' as of June 12, and opened up frequency bands to make room for RCA's dog to hear its master's voice more clearly.

On July 21, I published The Real Reason Behind the Digital TV Switch to make note of governmental chip-implant technology and the 'master's voice' theory as we're tracked by our every move and purchase, and subliminally contacted through TV viewing.

Digital signals broadcast far more data to our brains within a shorter period of time, you see. Groovy for them, a dangerous slippery slope for us.

You're welcome to skip my blabs on the subject, but do check out Eric Nordstrom's article linked above...for instance: did you know that TV's original cathode ray tube was invented in an attempt to reach the dead? (Even though the dead are 'unconscious and know nothing'!)

Or that master occultist, satanist, and sex/drug fiend, Aleister Crowley, has a possible connection to Barbara Bush through an extended visit to France from her mother, Pauline, who had a 'wild side' and may have hung out with Crowley while there. (They shared mutual friends.)

If you're like me reading this, you think, 'Why am I not surprised?' Crowley, famous for his "Do What Thou Wilt" creed and for 'sexual magick' is possibly Barbara Pierce Bush's papa!

Mrs. Bush was born on June 8, 1925 in Rye, NY, so the possibility is there since her mother Pauline returned to America in Oct 1924 from her European trip. Premature birth is, of course, possible as well, yet given her mother's traveling schedule, this would have had to be the case if Marvin Pierce fathered Barbara, his child #3.

Mrs. Bush's natal chart is Rated A 'From Memory' in the AstroDataBank files; Crowley's has been rectified by several astrologers, including Marc Penfield; this version has a Rodden Rating of B.

So are there indications of mysterious parentage in Bush's natal chart?

Actually, yes.

Here is a bi-wheel image with Crowley's natal chart in the center highlighted in orange; Bush's chart is the outer chart, highlighted in green. Two of AC's midpoint pictures are notated, lower a T-Square, one a YOD.

A Mystic Rectangle is listed for him as well between Sun, Saturn, Uranus, and Mc, and interestingly, his 1st house Uranus 19Leo08, has this Sabian Symbol for '20Leo':

"American Indians Perform a Majestic Ritual to the Sun." Click the 'papa!' link for a few details about the rituals that went on in France in 1924 and you'll know why I mention this Symbol.

Who's Yo Daddy?

Links of a conjunctive nature have been circled; please click image to enlarge for notations scribbled upon the chart/s. You'll notice a link for the following between BB's Uranus and AC's Moon 22Pis48 which falls in his 9th house of Foreign Travel:

Bush's Ic, the Foundation Point of the chart and house of roots and heritage, is at 17Pis05, and whenever Neptune (or Pisces) are associated with the Ic/4th house there are questions regarding parentage (and/or alcohol and other drug implications.)

Plus, Jupiter is the primary ruler of Pisces so a 'guru' figure could be implicated - and the disruptive creative sparker Uranus is posited in her 4the house at 25Pis17. At age 84, Mrs. Bush is in the midst of her Uranus Return as this odd story reappears on the Uranian/Neptunian Web.

Bush's Uranus Return/s: 1. May 3, 2009; 2.Aug 31, 2009 Rx; 3. Feb 22, 2010.

If a parental link is true, how ironic: daughter of "The Wickedest Man Alive" (in his day; his big seller was Diary of a Drug Fiend, 1922) marries another wicked man (Bush Sr, said to have been friend of Anton Levay, founder of the church of satan), then she births yet another wicked man, both of whom become presidents of the United States of America, a nation often called in the Middle East, The Great Satan.

Coincidence Theory, anyone?

Of Econo-Bubbles and Quants

Hannah's Blog has been brought to my attention today by Alex D'Atria by way of an article on quants, the not-so-endearing nickname for the 'brainiac financial whizzes' who thought up derivatives and other destructive financial instruments, and how Pop goes Wall Street - The Balloon Economy is Designed to Fail, if you're up for it.

Alex's website Modern Astrology is available for you as well, so Why are you still here? as Ferris said...move along now!

Aug 2, 2009

Sibel Edmonds speaks out on Bin Laden and 9/11

They're calling it her "bombshell" and perhaps they should:

Osama Bin Laden had relations with the US up until...September 11, 2001, says whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

Hope her Ashcroft-imposed gag order has totally slipped off for good!

I mean, just take a gander at Dick Cheney's Secondary Progressions for the morning of 9/11/01, if you will.

Aug 1, 2009

President's Weekly Video Address: 8.1.09 + the Eclipses of Aug 2008

This video of the President's Weekly Video Address August 1, 2009, was removed from YouTube (said the message 11.2.11) and this blog so I moseyed over to YouTube and nabbed the embed code it is re-publiched with the rest of my original post which contains Eclipse/Astrology information (unedited--who has the time?)

Did someone sensitive not want the president's oration on the same page with an astrological lens staring at it? Or perhaps what I typed isn't as glowing as a politician could want. Thing is, if he were genuinely on the side of the American people--without the blackmail, coercion, and major financial backing that comes with the job of Oval Office mouthpiece and cheerleader--then I could write glowing, shiny columns about a president who performs a superhuman feat: he bucks The Octopus and squirms loose from its tentacles and begins to act as his personal conscience guides him.

Hopefully, that would lead Pres. Obama to act on behalf of the underdog (and whether we realize it or not, the 99% of us are all underdogs compared to those in the global gangster network. OWS!)

Yes, we all know that storms pass. It's what, if anything, is left standing that makes the difference.

Here is President Barack Obama speaking to the American people, August 1, 2009:

Original post picks up here...

August 1, 2009: President Obama's Weekly Radio Address, "This Economic Storm Will Pass" is posted here in honor of the August 2008
and Lunar Eclipses which brought to light the financial collapse (manufactured or Oops-We-Did-It-Again though it may be) which all but crashed western markets and those who depend upon them.

It's also posted here for you to listen to if you haven't, so spend 5 minutes appreciating the propaganda, if you may, because you might as well hear the latest script from our 'Mercury Retrograde White House' as delivered by our erstwhile Orator-in-Chief...especially since the transiting North Node is pointing directly at the Jan 20, 2009 Mercury Rx and Sun ('the leader') of the Inauguration chart, and therfore toward Mr. Obama's natal Jupiter Rx....all piled up at 00AQ+.

Rounding up for the Sabian Symbol as given by Dane Rudhyar...'1AQ"...

"An Old Adobe Mission in California"

'Keynote: The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers' life spans.'

This speaks to us of 'THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL' and 'implies the "immortalization" of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.'

Mr. Rudhyar explains that the sign of Capricorn (where Pluto now visits again and where the plutonian Dragon's secret hand will perform a Direct Station in Sept 2009 at 00Cap39, a World Point of Prominence) 'begins with a symbol of socio-political power...' ...'Aquarius at its start presents a more spiritualized and idealistic or creative picture of the social forces at work. Moreover, it stresses the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision.'

So if upon occasion you are one of the 7 readers of this blog, you probably know that it's the power elite's "great vision" that I fret about, a vision which I believe is marching us toward world economic collapse and chaos so that a one-world-government totalitarianism may be forcibly installed.

For as David Rockefeller said in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991:

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferrable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

"National auto-determination" is what built this nation. Statements such as this from an American politician, and from his NWO colleagues, sound a lot like treason to me.

Which is why the current worldwide financial collapse is so integral to their plans - it's designed and implemented to direct the mooing herd in the direction they want us to go and to make us grateful for whatever reconstructions they wish to enforce!

As one of their number, Adlai E. Stevenson, observed in a speech on Sep 6, 1952, "A hungry man is not a free man."

And the NWO types of the New Millennium are following his advice toward more effective manipulation of the masses.

Makes me want to plant a garden, too, but the deer and cottontail bunnies around here always have other ideas for munchy lunches to which the gardener is not invited.


Dare I? Oh why not: here's my New World Order Lament from 2007...written pre-econo-crash 2008, but with a sense of foreboding.

Jul 31, 2009

Aug 5, 2009 Lunar Eclipse: 14 Aquarius

The Lunar Eclipse @ 14AQ on August 5 in the US, August 6 for much of the world, is an interesting one for individual and group concerns (Leo/AQ) and all 6th/12th house matters such as Health, Work, Service, Military/Police, etc; plus, 12th house Karmic and Undermining Issues and places such as Large Institutions (exs: hospitals, sanitariums, zoos), as well as Self-Undoing tendencies and Unconscious Motivations.

In her article, Cathy Lynn Pagano has good advice for those inspired by the creative axis of Leo/AQ: that we need 'citizen artists' again to widen our awareness and stir the societal mix such as catalysts Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and The Beatles did in the 60s. It was the end of the 60s that I entered Art School so that sounds good to me.

This sentiment times perfectly with 2010's Cardinal T-Square of planets which is similar to the pattern that occurred in the 60s, although with influential tweeks due to the Universe's never repeating itself precisely. There are always new flavors added to the brew! Our Creator, the Great Mathematician, has the know-how to see to it especially since boredom is only an earth-based illusion and doesn't exist except on our dualistic planet. He who says he's bored is only boring, after all, and History repeats in similar form, but not in totality.

Now Lunar Eclipses, as partners with the Solar Ecl seasons in which they occur, tend to uncover hidden issues so that they may be dealt with. Yet in this Lunar Eclipse chart set for the White House, DC, the eclipsed Moon, Jupiter Rx, Chiron Rx, and Neptune Rx are posited in the Watery 12th house - Neptune's realm, along with the Destiny Point of North Node. (NN is the horseshoe-shaped glyph near the 12th cusp, a karmic or fated position in any horoscope chart. Dealing with unconscious factors is difficult even when one is trying awfully hard.)

(A few midpt pics are written on the chart if you care to enlarge for reading.)

Also conjunct the 12th cusp are 3 heavyweight midpoints of planetary energies, all of which link to the concept and usage of power: Jupiter/Pluto (world bankers and religious leaders), Pluto/Chiron (plutocrats and others who oppress and disenfranchise), and Neptune/Pluto (signature of the Robber Baron class and others who plunder natural resources; also propagandists and publishers.) You may think of other examples for these pairings for I know I've left out plenty; NN is within orb of all three points...big meetings are being held behind the 12th house door.

Image: Lunar Eclipse of August 5, 2009, White House, DC, '14AQ' with Mystic Rectangle pattern of Moon, Mars, Mc, and Sun; Mystic Rectangle is highlighted in dark blue dots; US natal planets, ASC, and Mc 00Lib53, are notated but not highlighted: click chart to enlarge. Eclipse Mc = US natal ASC in the 'Sibly' chart 12Sag+:

At the White House on August 5 (the day after President Obama's birthday - see his Solar Return chart - his 47th birthday is August 4), the Lunar Eclipse perfects at 8:54:42 pm edt (an Hour of the Sun), with Sun in 6th house of Work, Service, and HEALTH; Moon opposes from the 12th house of Karma and the Unconscious. In Mundane Astrology the 12th house relates to (backroom) Politics and its accustomed arrogance.

(A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, as you know, so Sun and Moon would be opposing one another; thus, Full Moons always relate to relationships on some level...of the male-female variety in particular, but not exclusively.)

A critical 29th degree is rising: 29AQ44; and Mc 12Sag47 is the sign and degree of America's natal Ascendant in our 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia.) This personalizes the Eclipse for the US and gives an angular place for things to manifest in Washington - the Midheaven of Goals, Aspirations, and Public Status.

Asteroid Pandora, lady of the unintended consequences and the ray of hope, is rising; Aesculapia, health archetype of the doctor, is setting at 00VIRGO56.

Another personalizing factor for the US is that the 29AQ44 ASC brings America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (12 South) up for review at 00Pis33..."1Pisc"..."A Public Market" - the implications for our financial system and the economy are too numerous to mention.

12S's influence: successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness (a health reform bill passed?); a draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear with positive outcomes. (Paraphrasing from Brady's Predictive Astrology. Sounds okay, right?)

A Solar Ecl in the 12S Series occurs on July 11, 2010 at '19Can', near Pluto's Heliocentric NN; the last 12S Ecl was on June 30, 1992 at '9Can' in the midst of US natal planets in Cancer. The Aug 5 eclipsed Moon 13AQ43 conjuncts Pluto in the 12S Series' Initial Eclipse (IE) of Sep 19, 1541 (OS) which occurred at '7Libra.' This, according to astrologer Celeste Teal, filters the current influence of July 21's Solar Ecl sign of Cancer through a Libran lens, and the Moon here acts as a timing device.

More Notes on the August 5, 2009 Lunar Eclipse...

A 7th house Mercury 4Vir57 conjuncts US Secondary Progressed Sun, still on the 4+ degree from our Sec Full Moon chart of Dec 2008 (when based on our Sibly chart; the Franklin chart times our Progressed Full Moon for August 6, 2009, with our Sec Saturn/Pluto 16Sag51 rising...a melancholy influence for our nation. But it will pass. Rebuilding, if we're allowed chances to do it, will take years, as the president says. I say this astrologically because Sec Full Moons signify the limit of expansion, as you know.)

The Lunar Ecl's 7th house Mercury opposes the Moon/Uranus midpoint in 1st house...

Moon/Uran = Mercury: excited mental activity; expecting a surprise; innovative ideas (Tyl); suggestive thought power; intuition; sudden cognitions and perceptions; sudden news; a thinking woman (Ebertin.) Are you feelin' psychic?

Well, revolutionary rebel and Awakener, Uranus 26Pis08 Rx, is rising in 1st house which indicates that whatever we may think is coming along, it will turn out to be something else: aka, the unexpected. But Uranian 'shocks' cannot be ruled out. Hopefully the power grid isn't indicated (US' PE is the same PE as that of Enrico Fermi), and with Cancer a Water sign, natural disasters are possibilities - predictable even without an Astrology chart under our squinty eyes. Perhaps creative Uranus will surprise us pleasantly, who knows? And yet...

Who's in 1st is a 'Where'

You may be able to read my scribble of a Star, Dorsum, in 1st house with Uranus, a planet which represents the sky and the heavens. Dorsum is an unfortunate influence; another fretting of mine is that the Mars/Pluto midpoint is nearby as well and can have a calamitous or brutal flavor to it.

Nemesis, the unbeatable foe of divine retribution, is at Ic and too close to Mars for me to be happy about it particularly when I think of the Solar Eclipse flavor of the moment - 'systems fail; blocks are tragically or violently removed; new methods are needed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-ruler and Co-Chart-Ruler, Saturn and Uranus (AQ) are about to perfect their last stand-off in Sep 2009 during the time of Pluto's Direct Station; here they oppose one another with a 6 degr orb - past vs future - across the 1/7 Self/Others axis of Partnerships and Legal Affairs.

Saturn, planet of delays and restrictions, is Direct. It's progressive Uranus that's delayed somewhat by its Rx condition - if indeed Uranus can ever be delayed. I mean: can you 'delay' a bolt of lightening or a creative spark? Hardly! 'Out of the Blue' is one of Uranus' favorite themes.

Saturn as chart-ruler also applies to an aspect of obstacles and blockages, a square to Mars (2A46.) Perhaps Saturn, the Old Man of Authority, can tamp down Martian unruliness and contentiousness long enough for hard work to profit more than the wealthy, for nothing would ever get done without dynamic squares (90 degrees) of energy and action. Squares lend oomph to a situation and require much work.

Announcing: Lady Venus

Now Venus 5Can45 is pausing in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children and has just returned to her natal degree in America's chart (Sibly: 3Can06), therefore, a Venus Return for the US has just occurred which brings up for review our relationships, values, aesthetics, and money issues. Fairness in business is in need of adjustment for better balance.

There is more than one implication of mysticism in this chart and my sincerest hope is that more people will turn to faith in this critical time of development, including the spiritual teaching responsibilities that parents naturally have in regard to their children.

If you take solace in the Bible, I recommend the Protestant version, but that's my slant on spiritual matters. Just please avoid satanism, okay? Sadly the world is experiencing more than enough of it as satan takes as many with him as he goes down for he knows the jig is up, the Sacrifice made, you see, so why not?

The South Node, a karmic Saturnian point from the unconscious past, is conjunct the 29Can25 Solar Eclipse in whose Series we now squirm since July 21/22, 2009, and it's in 6th house here with its 'systems break down; new methods needed' influence. Opposite is NN conj the 'power midpoints' already mentioned on the 12th cusp.

The August 5 Lunar Ecl triggers the current 11 South Solar Eclipse

Moon 13AQ43 has asteroid Psyche 13AQ44 (a one minute orb!) ramping up her usual psychic abilities; Sun 13Leo43 (conj Pres. Obama's natal Sun) has asteroid Kassandra, the archetype of the prophetess (or prophet: the feminine refers to receptive realms of prophecy in general)...the prophetess who tells the truth but no one believes her. Perhaps Psyche and the Moon can help with that. The president's intention for August to speak over the heads of Congress and directly to The People would seem an expression of this to me.

Lunar Ecl Pluto 00Cap59 Rx is quite visible in the 10th house; Mars 17Gem08 in 4th house is nearing the degree of US natal Mars 21Gem+, our Mars Return. And Mars approaches the transiting Saturn/Uranus midpoint (which always deserves a close eye upon it, and relates to the Middle East, esp Israel and Palestine), so we have this picture upcoming...

Saturn/Uranus = Mars: wrong use of extraordinary energy; violence; great efforts and toil; a forced release from tensions and strains (H1N1 flu - virus or vaccine?); challenging others to a decisive contest; injury; accident; deprivation of freedom (Ebertin.)

(The above picture is only temporary, of course, because Mars moves rather quickly when not retrograding and retracing his steps. Tr Sat/Uran has been playing around with US n Mars already, however, due to their Rxs and forward movements back and forth over a static natal point, 21Gem+; therefore, tr Mars to Sat/Uran is something of an echo and may strengthen the above picture. At the least, their reciprocity lengthens the time period these possibilities have for manifestation.)

Then tr Mars opposes this Pluto across the 4/10 axis on or about Oct 26, and all bets may be called off. Actually, I'm a Capricorn, not a not a bettor, so let's just say that even while we're mired within a taxing learning process, hostile forces will be locked in battle (Mars oppo Pluto) over the next few weeks, and the practical mysticism of this Lunar Eclipse, as it aids us through our higher natures, will be the key to stemming an unwelcomed tide.

Jul 30, 2009

Time to liquidate the American Empire?

As an appreciative reader of Chalmers Johnson's encompassing book on America's global militarism, The Sorrows of Empire, it is always instructive to find Mr. Johnson writing on similar subjects out of what I believe to be a true patriotism - a patriotism of dissent born from a deep wish for America the Experiment to succeed along the lines of the principles our nation was founded upon, and the glowing and honorable mythologies we once proudly espoused but now have trouble hiding behind.

Obama's Empire: An Unprecedented Network of Military Bases That is Still Expanding

By Catherine Lutz

Asked why the US has a vast network of military bases around the world, Pentagon officials give both utilitarian and humanitarian arguments. Utilitarian arguments include the claim that bases provide security for the US by deterring attack from hostile countries and preventing or remedying unrest or military challenges; that bases serve the national economic interests of the US, ensuring access to markets and commodities needed to maintain US standards of living.

(It isn't working. Cash-strapped Americans pay for war while doing without timely dental care. Is this a fair trade when your jaw swells?)

Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire And Ten Steps to Take to Do So

By Chalmers Johnson

According to the 2008 official Pentagon inventory of our military bases around the world, our empire consists of 865 facilities in more than 40 countries and overseas US territories. We deploy over 190,000 troops in 46 countries and territories.


Undermining America has been a goal of the select few all along.

And as an astrologer (however reluctant with a tyrant 10th-house Uranus in Gemini), it was quite predictable in 1999, 2000, and beyond that I and yo mama would be called everything under the sun when I posted in Slate's The Fray concerning the neocon tendencies to rob our Treasury by fraudulent nation-building and other public-till raids, stiff US taxpayers with private costs made public, and undermine our nation's sovereignty until the ship slowly sinks into an ocean of oblivion.

Now swearing in type is not my specialty, but the Fraysters in Slate's forum at that time were great at it, so brashly puffed up almost as big as Bush the Eagle-Faced and Cheney the Balded-Pate ever were as they strutted about the coup'd White House - the pretzel-lovin' prez sharing cigars with Prince Bandar on the White House balcony as the Pentagon's embers sizzled and smoke arose in the distance, circa 9/11/01.

"To bankrupt America" was my answer for the oft-heard, 'Whys'? and the 'Why Do they Hate Us'? mantras, and for the rest of the soul-searching zeitgeist of the times.

But What Did We Do to Harm Anyone? We're fabulous! they'd assure themselves...'twas the arrogant America Can Do No Wrong attitude.

Meanwhile, back on the balcony, it was as if Bush and Bandar were celebrating something worth savoring, remember? And you know there had to be a heady wisp of compassionate conservatism wafting through the air along with the smell of what Cheney was cooking in the cellar.

Well, now it's 2009 so I ask you: what is wrong with Americans that we can't direct our attention, much less our energies, into the focused endeavor for which this nation now wimpers?

Guess I'll just mosey and read more of today's newsworthy Beer Summit reports that have captured many of my fellow citizens' imaginations when they're not busy playing with their phone apps or texting their honeypies.

Because you see: a president, a cop, and a professor walk into a bar...

Rush Limbaugh combats Joan Walsh

If you keep up with the propaganda level of Media and its jealous bedfellow, Politics, you may wish to read about Rush Limbaugh's favorite "magic honky" Joan Walsh of, and do peruse there to your delight the photographic portrait (translation: a haughty pose snapped in an undisclosed professional studio, necktie colors a-poppin') of Mr. Limbaugh doing his best imitation of a fire-breathing Dragon.

Warning: It ain't pretty. And it ain't recent.

Codex Alimentarius in US: by Dec 31, 2009?

Update 7.31.09: House Bill 2749 has passed the House on the second try which greases the slope for the following draconian changes to the US food supply.

Original post begins here:

Between the UN and the Monsanto Corporation lies the nutricide of natural health products and vitamins as forced upon us globally by New World Order operatives.

Codex Alimentarius is a trade commission of standards that chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, bio-technical, and big agri-business industries have been planning to impose on the US and the world community through the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN, and which fronts as 'consumer protection' but which may act as a vehicle for genocide and ill health.

Genetically modified foods (GM), toxin-laced consumables, and pesticides are not my cuppa tea, how about you? And 'terminator seeds' have to be one of the devil's favorite new scientific developments issuing from corporations like Monsanto which stands to profit wildly from the implementation of the Codex "by December 31, 2009" in the US.

US compliance will mark the end of any consumer protections we ever thought we had, or have benefited from in the past.

On Dec 31, 2009, Mars will trigger the 'King of Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (18Leo+), a degree stimulated by Venus on the morning of 9/11/01. Somehow I doubt that doctor, seer, and astrologer Nostradamus, when warning of this 'Mother of All Eclipses' would much appreciate a field sown with genetically engineered terminator seeds that cannot reproduce themselves but must be purchased anew from Monsanto each their preferred price, of course.

Will pay if you want to eat equal population control?

Now where the EU (with its current restrictions on such chemical additives as America has yet to enjoy) falls within this scenario is not explained in the above article. There are, however, links included there for further reading on the Codex.

Tellingly, Dec 31, 2009 is a day of a Lunar Eclipse, with Moon relating to food, eating, and nurturance concerns, and to the physical body.

In Washington, DC, the Lunar Eclipse of Dec 31, 2009 occurs at 2:12:42 pm est, with Sun 10Cap15 in 8th house; Moon 10Can15 in 2nd house. Mega-doses of money will be made from the establishment of the Codex Alimentarius (Latin for: food code) by the above-mentioned industries, with poorer health in store for everyone - vitamins, nutrients, and other natural products are disallowed while toxins are ramped up and promoted as 'safe.'

ASC 1Gem03 gives a *Sabian Symbol for '2Gem': "Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively"...perhaps should that should be 'Mon-santa-claus'? Mc 9AQ03 with the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron trio in 10th house, all moving Direct. This planetary trio may have links to the Codex - Jupiter expands and can provide a 'slippery slope', Neptune diffuses and infects (like terminator seeds drifting to the next field of crops by pollination?), and Chiron has a well-known connection to health issues.

Chart-ruler Mercury (namesake of one of our most harmful toxins) is retrograde at 19Cap12 in 9th house near NN 21Cap05. The Lunar Eclipse manifests during a Mars Hour: Mercury Rx is inconjunct Mars 18Leo51 Rx in 4th house of Domestic Concerns. This is a contentious Lunar Eclipse chart, and inconjuncts can have health implications!

And, of course, Mercury's position stimulates the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune in 1993: Feb 2 19Cap34, Aug 20 18:48, and Oct 24 18Cap33. Oct 24 marks the birth of the NWO in modern times even though it's an agenda on the power elite's burner for decades, if not centuries.

Uranus/Neptune = Mercury: investigating the metaphysical/the unconscious; longing for distant places; plans without prospect of realization.

As a pairing of energies, Uranus/Neptune has a flavor of 'illumination and enlightenment' to it (Ebertin) and of possible 'speculation' and 'underhandedness to do the job' (Tyl.)

In the Lunar Eclipse chart, Uran/Nep is about to contact the Mc...

Uran/Nep = Mc: the growth and development of subconscious forces; lack of stamina; unconsciousness; dissolution; supernatural concerns come into play; guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The Codex Alimentarius was initially developed and promoted after WWII by chem titan and Nazi, Hermann Schmitz (whose company manufactured the gas for Nazi death camps.) On Dec 31, 2009, a deadline set in 1962, the Sun will conjunct the UK's natal degree from her 1801 chart...UK's natal Moon 19Can26. (Jan 1, 1801, 00:00 am LMT, London.)

So basically, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in the UK's 2010 Solar Return chart which may not be good for the populace (Moon) unless hidden things are uncovered and dealt with. Perhaps Prince Harry will wear his swastika armband for the occasion as he did a few years ago - for a Halloween party, wasn't it?

This Lunar Eclipse will be triggering the US natal planets in Cancer - Venus, Jupiter, and Sun - plus, our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx a few hours after the Eclipse perfects.

That the Codex has been further developed and repackaged for implementation in 2009 doesn't change its original moniker: Codex of the Nazis. 2009's Mercury Rx indicates 're-packaged plans' or past plans that are brought up again, for re-view and/or for implementation.

Sun Capricorn-Moon Cancer

The Sun Cap-Moon Can blend is shared natally by blues singer Janis Joplin who famously said precisely what I'm feeling right now about this tiresomely grousing post with its heavy Codex concerns...

"I want you to let me know when I'm ahead so I can quit."


*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones (see sidebar for Astrology Books Slideshow.)