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Apr 22, 2010

The Whole World's Real Time Stats!

Happy Earth Day!

A friend just clued me in to a site with all sorts of stats: total world population, births, deaths, illnesses, environmentals, war costs, and more are updated in real even includes how many blog posts are being published today, and it surprised me to see how low the number was on that one!

Guess Twitter and FaceBook have really taken their toll, my fellow bloggers, so I'm doing my part: here's one more. Leave a comment with a link to your post for today, if you may.

The site is quite amazing and may be useful to bloggers and those who read blogs, so you may wish to check out WorldoMeters, if you haven't.

Apr 21, 2010

A History of False Flag Ops: Bullhorns Over Rubble

The video When False Flags Don't Fly gives us an interesting view concerning the brutal actions taken by governments in order to persuade and propagandize their own populations while they are still in shock over the violence perpetrated against them.

Click to read one of the most comprehensive and link-rich lists of false flag ops you may wish to find anywhere and watch the video, if you will.

And yes, the Oklahoma City Bombing and both World Trade Center bombings are on the list.


"The Party seeks power entirely for its for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that, We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship..."

1984 - George Orwell.

Apr 20, 2010

4:20 pm on 4.20.10: it's smoke-in time!

Well, I missed it again! But yes, it's been years since my college days so I shouldn't be surprised that today's Great Smoke-in, in honor of marijuana's nickname '420', has come and gone without me.

At 4:20 pm pdt on 4.20.10, Fixed Star Denebola will rise in San Francisco, scene of one of today's smoke-ins. Denebola's keywords seem quite applicable to this event: to go against society, or, against the mainstream!

The chart does have health connotations, however, such as the still-within-orb YOD between Sun (in sensual Taurus) sextile Neptune (planet of negative escapism, drugs, and dreams) pointing to authoritarian Saturn 29Vir07 Rx in 1st house. (YODs can be health indicators as well as 'special task' or 'crisis' indicators.) I suspect that California authorities (Saturn) are not as happy as the participants today and may consider the smoke-in to be a critical (29th degree) situation they must deal with. We'll see how it goes. (I'm in the edt zone and it's now nearing 8:30 pm here.)

Plus, 19Vir00 is rising making Mercury the chart-ruler, yet Mercury is Rx in Taurus and is squared by Mars. Will something or someone interfere with all the hi-jinks?

And I shouldn't neglect to add a midpoint picture affecting Mars at 4:20 pm... Saturn/MC = Mars: a lack of initiative and enterprise. (This effect is one of the drawbacks of regular pot smoking, yes? Wait a minute - how would you know? ;p )

So with the YOD's health connection, I'm thinking of California's lead in allowing medical marijuana to be used, something I must agree with for calming serious or fatal conditions. If herbal smoking eases someone's severe pain or gives them an appetite when they wouldn't have one otherwise, it's not my place or the nosy government's business to keep weed from helping people, imho. For who am I to pontificate to those near death, especially a painful one? Sheesh!

Another interesting factor in the chart is Mars @ 8Leo40 in 11th house of Friends, Groups, and you know, Leo loves entertainment and fun times...

'9Leo' = "Glass Blowers Shape with Their Breath Glowing Forms"...ha ha! Sounds suspiciously bong-like to me, how about you?

Plus, Mars rises these days with SIRIUS, keywords: the mundane becoming sacred . Now I've never researched cannabis to any extent but it must be a sacred herb in some culture or another, right? And didn't some of our nation's Founding Fathers grow it? Oh yeah, for the hemp. Right.

As far as asteroids, there's imbibing Bacchus who never met a party or a feel-good substance he didn't like...he's very suitably traversing the sign of Neptunian Pisces just now @ 18Pis42, conjunct the chart's Descendant!

Socializing Venus 24Tau50 has what may be an apt Sabian Symbol to add to the picture, hazy though the smoke-in's location may become...

'25Tau' = "A Large, Well-Kept Public Park."

And in the end, you know what they always love to say so I'll say it as well:

smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

And if you don't, just blog about it.

President Obama's progressed midpoints 4.20.10

Keeping a squinty eye on the President bwo of Astrology! The following is a brief fyi post:

Sometimes astrologers relocate an individual's natal chart and then 'progress' it to a specific date to see how the person is evolving. They then compare the chart with the natal chart, Solar Returns, or other relevant charts, to see what's linking up by aspect.

(Ex: Sec Venus to Sec or natal Sun may often show 'it's time for' marriage.)

And sometimes we use Secondary Progressions (a-day-for-a-year principle) to represent the physical plane, with Minor Progressions showing the mental-causal plane, and Tertiary Progressions indicating the emotional-intuitional-spiritual plane.

Together these three methods of progressing charts are the 1:13:27 ratio as taught by expert astrologer Robert Blaschke so let's see if little me can paraphrase the concept: 27 = Minors: a thought drifts up from the unconscious into consciousness; 13 = Tertiaries: we feel an emotion about the thought; 1 = Secondaries: we either act or don't act on the thought-emotion; we think 27 times faster than we act and feel an emotion 13 times faster than we act.

Many Astrology software programs have the Minor and Tertiary features in their programs. But enough of that. ;p

Today I've taken a peek at the April 20, 2010 Secondary Progressions of President Obama and want to share the midpoint pictures found in his Sec chart set for Honolulu, Hawaii, and in a relocated chart set for the White House.

(To do the latter I have relocated his natal chart prior to progressing it. The Sec chart based on his natal place of birth may indicate his inner dynamics with the White House chart bringing in his current environment's effects upon him. You may disagree, if you wish!)

Turns out there are three midpoint pictures from Mr. Obama's Sec chart based on his place of birth (assuming it to be Hawaii!) which do not appear in the Sec chart set for the White House. As always with midpoint pictures, all, any, or none may apply, and they are:

Mercury/ASC = Saturn: adopting a strategic reserve in expression; withdrawing from a social circle; protecting one's position; inability to discuss vital matters within the family circle.

Mars/ASC = Saturn: anxiety from feeling controlled somehow (from the NWO big bankers? jc); frustration and rebellion; others don't cooperate as they should; a defeat; quarrels; sharing worries with others.

Saturn/ASC = Moon: difficulty being accepted (esp at Tea Parties? jc); depression due to the environment; ill humor.

In both locations there are two midpoint pictures, one of a serious nature given the huge stakes for America that Mr. Obama deals with: financial reforms, health insurance reforms, nuclear agreements and disagreements, etc:

Venus/NN = Uranus: making friends with people out of the ordinary; making contacts easily.

And here's the doozy...

Saturn/NN = Neptune: fraud; lies; deception; confusion in one's environment or, confusing others about one's personal stand; friends who deceive or confuse you; having to pay a price for help which is more than you expected.

With Astrology's AC-DC principle always in force, the fraud-lies-deception energies can flow in both directions: coming from and going toward the President, either alternating or occurring simultaneously.

Now if I had more time to blog this morning, I'd post the Sec charts themselves, but alas! Therefore, the progressed midpoint pictures of President Barack Obama represent a simple photograph in time for April 20, 2010, and give us a small peek under the hood of our nation's current Oval Office occupant.

Is the 2012 Doomsday--Mayan Prophecy a hoax?

Just thought I'd link to a site with a different point of view on the Mayan calendar, the December 21, 2010 Solstice, the '11:11 Phenomenon', and other topics and theories that people are promoting now, topics which are making some folks a lot of money in the marketplace.

So if you find yourself fretting overmuch about 2012 and what may or may not happen, you may wish to check out some alternate views on these fascinating subjects at

Not having had time to read all the site's articles (I just found the website a few minutes ago and am passing it on to you at 2:03 am - must get some shut-eye soon) I can say that the part about the '11:11 Phenomenon' makes sense to me, it's just that back in the 1980s I too began seeing 11:11 each time, day or night, that I glanced at a clock, and elsewhere, too...and I was nowhere close to being interested in Astrology or esoteric subjects then since I'd given up my early interest in such things when I began studying to join my church in 1977 (year of Chiron's discovery - I know!)

But actually, end-of-time themes were brought to me then by a church that teaches quite a lot about them, but mostly teaches how to be ready to account for yourself and your past actions when the grand day cometh! I suspect that that requirement for survival is what is underneath so much of the current interest in and fears about the 2012 predictions going around the Internet...therefore, imho, the focus is off the mark.

Because as they say, it's not what you or anyone else thinks of you that matters, it's your true condition before God that really counts 'in the end'.

And that qualifies as a word to the wise!

Apr 19, 2010

Remembering the Oklahoma City Bombing

Update April 20, 2010: Here's an article citing one of the survivors who was working at the HUD office that day and saw several questionable things implicating the US government in the weeks leading up to bombing of the Murrah Federal Building.

Original post begins here:

At the moment I am watching C-SPAN's live coverage of the memorial service being held for the Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995, The service began at 10:00 am (edt) and has included the president of the American Association of Museums, Ford Bell, who mentioned memorials in Dealey Plaza (JFK) and Memphis (MLK), both of which have 'eternal flames' which are marks of the Illuminati's culpability.

Well, I confess that I half expected an 'eternal flame' to be part of the memorial site but according to the Oklahoma City Memorial and Museum website, that isn't the case.

Here's my post with chart and details of the bombing which I posted to Jude's Threshold some time ago in remembrance of April 19, 1995, 9:02 am cdt, Murrah Federal Building. You'll see a recent Update at the beginning which links to an article containing some, shall we say...non-governmental...views of that awful day.

SUDDEN BLOG INTERRUPTION: Blogger has let me type for about two hours and has now crashed this post as I 'published' it. Therefore, I cannot recontruct it in full so it's much shorter that originally intended.

Blogger did this by giving me their log-in window (I already was, otherwise I could not have been in the Dashboard to write the post) when I clicked Publish. My Drafts list included only this early-saved version with not much in it and I have no time now to retype it with links, etc. Thanks, Blogger.

However, I will retype details of the Solar Eclipse Series of the Oklahoma City Bombing and try again to publish:

15 South: main theme is 'release of tension'; a lingering situation will suddenly clear and contain a sense of grief and loss which is not only personal but belongs to a group or collective (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Apr 18, 2010

Reaching for Chiron in Pisces

Reaching and actually grasping anything in Pisces is a tall order, if not an impossibility, and all through last week I made notes on Chiron in Pisces and related subjects in the political realm only to face this weekend's Mercury Rx (conjunct my natal 9th cusp - ouch!) which seems to undergird a freeze on actually writing or posting anything from my notes about Chiron traversing the deepest, most compassionate zodiac sign around.

Then today I find that astrologer Mandi Lockley has had much the same experience recently (one of Chiron's words, experiential) yet she has come through with flying colors and helpfully published Chiron in Pisces: Water Over Rocks, an article I highly recommend to you.

Mandi includes Chiron's schedule of retrogrades as The Centaur returns to Aquarius, then zooms back into Pisces in a few months, so do check out the shamanic Wounded Healer's whereabouts and what Mandi has to say about Chiron in Pisces, a placement that gives those who have it natally a crisis over connecting with the God force, the universal oneness, as noted in Barbara Hand Clow's invaluable book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets (revised edition 2002.)

Seems to me that the collective is experiencing just such a crisis due to the harrowing events of the New Millennium: 9/11, a pre-emptive, illegal invasion based on lies and its resultant nation-bankrupting occupation (our bankruptcy as the US plays 'global cop'), and the power-elite-planned Financial Collapse of 2008.

Plus, since Chiron's orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus, the planets associated with the Middle East (particularly with Israel-Palestine), we may hopefully expect the Rainbow Bridge effect to lead us somewhere pragmatic yet compassionate while Chiron travels through Pisces. Hopefully (and prayerfully), the much-discussed World War III is not on Chiron's Piscean agenda for our era.

And while on the subject of Chiron, it would be remiss of me not to add a link to Julie Demboski's excellent book Chiron in the Natal Chart, also highly recommended reading for understanding more about one of Astrology's most interesting catalysts in our natal charts and psyches.

As for my own Chironic blogging schedule, the Politics of the thing must willingly wait until I get around to blogging about it because, in spite of Washington DC's gross mismanagement of our nation in recent decades, Politics isn't going away any time soon. Pity.

At least, that's been my experience of it.


Were you born when Chiron was in Pisces? Yes, if born within these dates, give or take a few hours:

3/20/1910 - 8/29/1910
1/16/1911 - 3/31/1918
10/23/1918 - 1/28/1919

3/27/1960 - 8/19/1960
1/21/1961 - 3/31/1968
10/19/1968 - 1/30/1969


Apr 16, 2010

SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of Civil Fraud Apr 16, 2010

NPR BREAKING NEWS: SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs Of Civil Fraud

The government is accusing Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs & Co. of defrauding investors in its disclosures about securities it sold tied to subprime mortgage securities as the housing market was faltering.

More at

Is this but another meander down a garden path...lovely, but meant to distract?