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Aug 18, 2014

Ten Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night

Ten Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night

"A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists"

Jude Cowell has shared a video with you on YouTube
A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists
Welcome back to Truthstream's "Letters to the New World Order". Letter #3 goes out to the pig-faced world-rapping globalist monsters of the NWO who are busy clapping their hooves together with glee as they ramp up for World War III, complete with more created chaos than propaganda coming out of the State Dept.

Three down, only 8,740 left to go.


P.S. Got an idea for a good letter? Send your NWO noun to and we'll consider it for an upcoming vid!

(All footage included is in the public domain.)

Letter 1: Dear NSA
Letter 2: Dear Bill Gates

Twitter: @TruthstreamNews

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Aug 13, 2014

Oppressive Uranus-Pluto updates itself as US Mars Rx tear-gases the American People

Aware of the US Police State? Mid-1960s and the New Millennium

by Jude Cowell

Issues of Love v Fear abound as the sixth exact Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square nears on December 15, 2014 (plus, the 7th and last conjunction occurs on March 17, 2015), a square which cyclically issues from the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s (@17Virgo, a critical degree) with all the social upheavals the world experienced, we find ourselves in a hot mess across the globe. With protests, unprovoked shootings of teens in the US, sadistic tear gas and pepper spray use, military tanks showing up in neighborhoods for no good reason, 'shoot-first' police officers in camouflage gear or soldier's armor, drone strikes, and more, we find America's warring Mars now retrograde by progression (since Summer 2006) making its inverted, crabbed, frustrated energies known on a wide scale on many levels of society as the violence of astrological Mars seeks expression on the physical plane both here and abroad.

Plus, Mars in Libra, as our national progressed Mars is, presents an often difficult picture of frustration all by itself!

Now as you know, the same astrological condition of Mars occurred in Germany's progressions decades ago and a similar period of 80 years now faces the American people (2006 + 80 = year 2086 = relief?) That our military can be successful abroad (whatever "successful" means within the realms of war and draconian policing) is doubtful or spotty and if History Repeats in similar fashion, we have real-world lessons to endure in America during the New Millennium which echo Germany under psychopath Hitler, the arsonist (Mars!)

Ex: Berlin's Reichstag Building (Germany's Parliament) burning down to make way for Adolf is roughly equivalent to the WTC destruction of 9/11/01 to make way for the US Patriot Act, creation of the massive Department of Homeland Security, financial heists culminating in 2008, the increase and deepening of the Surveillance State, and other controls we find upon us in 2014 and beyond.

Yet all government 'laws' are simply words written on paper--or on a computer screen and will go pouf! as soon as enough of We the People consciously stop believing in the inventions of "the powers that think they be" as Max Igan describes the plutocrats and oligarchs now making their move toward totalitarian control of the entire planet.

But Not so fast, Pilgrim!, we may rightfully say. You create chaos in order to ramp up 'consent of the governed' concerning your manufactured crises. Wonder if any of the know-it-all 'power elite' class, isolated from society as they are, know or care how transparent their motives--another Mars concept--actually are to the rest of us?

Capricorn Radio: Max Igan on "The Situation in Gaza" Aug 13, 2014

Capricorn Radio presents: Max Igan - "The Situation in Gaza" August 13, 2014:

If the above 29-minute+ video does not embed or play for you on SO'W please visit YouTube's The Crowhouse channel or search for the video's title on YouTube. Typically, Western media spins the situation in Gaza and the horoscope of September 22, 2014's Autumn Equinox (Libra Ingress) set for the White House denotes much propaganda concerning dire circumstances abroad (which includes US military action in Iraq and elsewhere, of course.) As along as the *Interweb works, we must ferret out the truth when and where we can.

*I believe Craig Ferguson coined the term, Interweb/s. Mucho descriptive.

Aug 9, 2014

Astro-Notes on the Declaration of Independence

Astro-Notes on the Declaration of Independence

by Jude Cowell

If you study the natal horoscope of the United States of America you know that there are several versions of it set for various hours and dates. July 4, 1776 is the date shown on the Declaration of Independence and the Founders seem to have promoted that date as America's 'birthday'. Plus, as everyone knows, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both passed away exactly 50 years later on July 4, 1826--such synchronicity! So *Chiron with its 50-year orbit!

In fact, we can read Mr. Jefferson's newspaper obituary online if we wish. It gives the time of Jefferson's death as 12:50 pm LMT and asserts that this is during the same hour that the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon. Or ratified. Whatever. On July 4, 1776.

Beginning in mid-August 1776, the Declaration of Independence was published in British newspapers (letting the cat out of the bag) and was understandably met with rebuttals and criticism. British officials in North America had sent along copies of our 'break-up letter' and the message was not taken in good part, shall we say.

Actually it's the timing of the publishing in Britain that interests me tonight for it tallies well with a certain Solar Eclipse which manifested on August 14, 1776 in the 13 North Saros Series (13N.) The themes are descriptive of a relationship break-up as you may agree: 'large ambitious group projects that require a separation or the breaking of an existing bond which then leads to joint achievement" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Leo-Leo: a Double-Fire "Larger Than Life" Combination

And that's what manifested under the rays of the 13 North Solar Eclipse--suitably this was the initial eclipse in the series (as America was 'new' and 'first') and fell upon 21Leo52 with 'scribe' Mercury (documents; signings) @9Leo52, Venus @22Leo46, Mars @18Can13 (touchy emotions!), Jupiter @14Can40, authoritative Saturn @17Lib12, Uranus @10Gem33, Neptune @23Vir28, Pluto Rx @26Cap38, and North Node @5Leo28.

As you see, some planets remain in the signs they were in on July 4, 1776 with these exceptions: Sun, Moon, Mercury (not Rx as on July 4, 1776--the Declaration was mainly signed on August 2, 1776 with Mercury direct), Venus, and Mars. Yet because the fuller signing took place on August 2, 1776--within two weeks of the 13N eclipse--I allege that 13N influenced the signing of the Declaration as well as its publishing in Britain.

Basically, the bromance was over. For a while...

Recent years in which 13N has occurred are: 1902, 1920, 1938, 1956, 1974, 1992, 2011, and will next manifest in 2029. The Series will end on September 12, 3020.

*US natal Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and with Chiron returning to natal degree near the day of the two Founders' deaths, we see that two of our top 'pugilists' of our Revolution years had left the ring of life.

Aug 8, 2014

August 2014: New Millennium Horoscope Triggered by Pluto

Pluto Now Active in New Millennium Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

With US military action increasing in Iraq against ISIS (formerly al-Qaeda) there are multiple horoscopes in which to look for planetary activity relating to Iraq and Iraq War planets. One such is the New Millennium (NM) horoscope where transit Pluto in Capricorn (11/12Cap) now retrogrades between New Millennium Sun and Mercury in 4th house, the Foundation of the Matter (4th house, when the NM chart is set for Washington DC as a symbol for America and on another level, for the global collective.

We may glean a few hints about the character of this time period by considering the *Sun-Mercury duo as it affects Politics and Business and the synthesis created when transformative manipulator Pluto creeps along and catalyzes the duo into a trio of planetary energies, thus forming a midpoint picture. Let's consider potential expressions for this now-active trio:

Millennium Sun-Mercury = tr Pluto: satellites transmit important information world-wide; important information concealed; theft, neglect, or loss of pertinent communication devices or of information (Munkasey); making far-reaching plans; an orator with suggestive power (Ebertin); a dramatic push to new perspectives (Tyl.)

That last potential seems to be occurring as I type with the US being 'drawn back' into Iraq, as many pundits are describing it. Got weapons manufacturing shares in your stock portfolio? Well, I suspect that many American politicians, past and present, have just that.

New Millennium Fourth House Matters

The IC (Immum Coeli), the lowest point in any horoscope symbolizing Midnight and often considered the cusp of the 4th house, is also known as The Drain and I think we may expect draining of various sorts to occur here and abroad for some time. (Watch for the word 'drain' in the news in coming weeks or months.) So instead of an Ending (another IC-related concept) of all US combat in Iraq we have now a continuation of military intervention "for humanitarian reasons", one of the US government's favorite propaganda slogans. Can any war be "humanitarian"? This may or may not be the case and as always, I prefer to wait for the consequences of Washington's actions rather than trusting promises (and time-worn slogans) touted by politicians and their enablers, bosses, and media supporters!

Now this seems to me like yet another bull-in-a-china-shop mistake of large proportions if you don't mind my saying so. If it winds up quickly that will be one thing but will there be more to come...on and on and on. Cheney had America invade Iraq with one consequence--it broke up what was a black market oil scam. Now control (one of Pluto's words) of Iraq's oil is being taken over by ISIS beheaders, all or in part at this juncture.

Astrological Pluto also stands for assassins (which can describe both ISIS soldiers and the USA, CIA, etc), death, destruction, abomination, and other depraved, morbid things. 'Great wealth hidden in secret places' is another calling card of Pluto of the Invisible Cape, and of course, spies and powerful puppet masters also appear on Pluto's resume.

Then there's the *Sun-Mercury duo which relates to such things as media coverage, a leader's ability to communicate, stating the intention of an enterprise clearly--or a lack of clarity and thus being unconvincing, ineffective press briefings, needs don't mesh with business concerns, many language barriers, defective thinking or reasoning (Washington is 'eat up' with that and makes innocent people suffer from it), and more. See Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Well, I'll hush for now and say that if you've recently been hiding under a large rock (and who could blame you?) you may wish to check out Why the US Is Bombing ISIS in Iraq. After all, we can't depend on the false reality distractions they provide us here in 'The Matrix' every minute of the day and night, now can we?