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Jul 20, 2015

The Horoscope of Donald Trump June 14, 1946

Donald Trump, 2016 candidate and natural communicator, was born a small child at Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am, with royal star Regulus rising over his 29Leo57 Ascendant along with warrior planet Mars in showy Leo.

Born during a Hour of Jupiter, planet of money, corporatism, and proselytizing, Mr. Trump's horoscope shows a stationary Jupiter about to turn Direct in 3 hours 11 minutes @17Lib27:07 (enlarge chart to read my notes if you wish--no time today to fully discuss the chart so perhaps I shall return another day to complete my notes for you!) Natal Jupiter is within one degree of America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Mars, the warrior, which turned retrograde by progression in Summer 2006. Washington's military over-expansion 'broke' it.

Quick Notes: Chart-ruler = Sun, and the only applying aspect by natal Sun in communicating, commerce-loving Gemini is a sextile to natal Mars in Sun-ruled Leo and this egoistic indicator points to one who is provocative, quarrelsome, and who may have a chip on his shoulder. An avid sports fan, this aspect describes an integral part of Trump's solar nature (being the closest aspect to his Sun) and underscores that he is a warrior always ready--or spoiling--for a fight. We've seen this tendency regularly from Mr. Trump through the years and no less so during his current bid for the Republican nomination for president as he stands up for his beliefs and lets the chips fall wherever. For while he's playing 'the hero' for America he is possibly a red herring candidate on behalf of another politician, party, or group of backers and we see that disruptive radical Uranus @17Gem53 (10th house) acts as the leading planet of a Bowl pattern.

Doh! If you enlarge the chart please pardon my 'indiscret' which should read 'indiscreet' for his Mercury-Neptune square!

A Bowl pattern or shape emphasizes hemispheric influences with the rim of Mr. Trump's Bowl the opposition between Uranus and the Moon @21Sag12 conjunct South Node, a karmic indicator of bad or awkward timing and previous abuse or misuse of wealth, power, and position. However, his up-and-down financial achievements are seen by a Sun-North Node conjunction on the other end of the Nodal Axis. Yet there is disruptive planet of shock and separation, Uranus, conjunct natal Sun which gives a maverick quality to his personality. Some see him as an original, inventive, genius and I unwillingly admit that he is--as long as he's following his solar direction and not letting the emotional difficulties found at Moon-SN take over his presentation. But what are the chances?

And yes, early troubles with parents are suggested by the Sun-NN, Moon-SN combination and even the popularity-inducing Sun-NN duo can cause problems if expansion, self-promotion, and over promising are carried too far. As you know, depletion of resources and bankruptcy have resulted for this boasting billionaire.

So with speech maker Mercury @8Can51 out-of-bounds (like some of his remarks criticizing others) we turn attention to his Mercury-Neptune square which is separating and thus unconscious. Perhaps Mr. Trump doesn't realize his Mercurial opinions often spring from his unconscious mind and spotlight a distortion of reality along with the square's tendency toward indiscretion and unintentional unreliability. Mercury square Neptune tends to identify an escape artist and he's usually able to escape the problems he brings on himself. And of course, the speculator-grand-schemer pair of Jupiter and Neptune are in a money house, the 2nd of Values and Earning Power, along with Chiron which some say relates to money and wealth, too. As a deal maker, his Mercury in savvy, business minded Cancer shouts his prowess at every opportunity and provides us with boastful touts of The Art of the Deal, his bestselling book.

Then with shady Pisces on the 8th cusp of Big Finance, Shared Resources, Credit and Debt, we find the magic touch of the Jupiter-Neptune influencing him as he speculates in real estate and the stock market--a perfect combination for what is essentially a 'used car salesman' type of personality, his Mercury-Neptune aspect included.

Yes, Donald Trump is actually a fascinating person to study even though I attempted to ignore his 2016 candidacy until being recently asked about his horoscope and his chances by a couple of people. There are several more chart factors of interest yet as I said, no time for all that now. But I have taken a quick peek at his planetary links to the November 8, 2016 chart and to my surprise, there are significant connections and possibilities for him.

But since this weekend he really 'stepped in it' by criticizing a Republican war hero, Senator John McCain, so this indiscretion may be the final over-the-line moment for the 2016 candidacy of Mr. Donald Trump who has made several careers out of breaking taboos and committing faux-pas no-nos. A non-server passing judgment on POW John McCain? How dare he? Yet the media continues to blab almost exclusively about 'Donald Trump' nauseum, imho.

Well, he makes good copy since there's little he won't dare to say, consciously or unconsciously, and so we must see if his campaign survives until 2016 Election Day given his blurts and wild accusations, a karmic self-undoing. If he continues, I suppose his candidacy will be worth at least one more blog post, won't it?

And here is Part Two of the Horoscope of Donald Trump.

Jul 18, 2015

Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden with cameos by Cecil Rhodes, President Obama, and Rachel Maddow

Astro-Notes on Vice President Joe Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cecil Rhodes, and a Few More Things...

by Jude Cowell

"From memory" says the data source for the natal horoscope of VP Joe Biden and if we take his data as factual we find that VP Biden's natal Sun @27Sco34 conjoins the natal Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) of President Barack Obama. How nifty for the pair of them, heads bent together in the White House, Biden a Council on Foreign Relations man, a group that began originally as The Round Table founded by British empiricist and "Diamond King" of South Africa, Cecil Rhodes.

Rabbit Holes of Power: Makes No Difference Who Plays the Role of US President

An overview of the entire Global Government scheme is available for the hardy to read so if that is you, please see Chapter 22, Cecil Rhodes and his Knights of the Round Table where the submerged role in the US government and the Obama White House of VP Joe Biden may be revealed to you in all its splendid subterfuge and ultimate Utopian distopianism (though some Democrats are said to prefer subtle persuasion and propaganda while Republicans go more for the brutal conquest-enforcement model of Global Governance; either way, chaos and subsequent rebuilding are on the purposefully engineered Plutonian political and financial agenda.) As you know, VP Biden is also a member of the Bilderberg Group of World Planners, not one of the more popular secret-cabal packs of so-and-sos and self-imagined 'overlords' using the Hegelian Dialect ruse upon the public where they create the chaos (Thesis), then 'save' us from it (Anti-Thesis) while merrily shredding the US Constitution as they go.

Now on this difficult topic there is another page I recommend if you dare titled, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Round Table Group. You probably know a bunch about the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships that were established under Rhodes' will (1902) and administered by his pal, international banker Nathan Rothschild of the House of Rothschild, master manipulators of the Plutonian kind. Naturally, this firmly ties into the Great Scheme viathe British Empire and its central banking system with the US banking system ('the Fed') along with top scholars who get to study at the University at Oxford.

Why, even my political 'splainer-in-chief of complex topics, the very intelligent (Rockerfellerite) MSNBC news host Rachel Maddow is a former Rhodes Scholar. Tap the BuzzFeed link, then scroll down a bit if you wish to see a photo (#13, no less) of her tossing the sign of the goat, Satan's sign, at you. Wish she hadn't let herself be photographed doing that.

So if you're unfamiliar with the centuries-old 'Great Plan' for a New Millennium 'new world order' to replace the then-new order begun with the founding of America in 1776, why not try a previous post Astro-Notes and Famous Quotes on the New World Order and see if it fits what you see going on around you in 2015? Okay, the post may be a dud but you won't know if you don't try it and please Re-tweet any of my articles for I've spent quite a few years at this freebie blogging thing and an occasional Re-tweet would be mighty nice of you! @judecowell

Arghh! Once More the MSM Touts the Will Biden Run for President? Memo

Now let's step off the 'new world order' ledge long enough to take a detached peek at the Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend of Joe Biden and see if its potentials ring true based on the public persona that VP Biden has projected during these many years of political activity. If not, his Moon @00Tau59 may denote an earlier birth time with an "I AM the people" natal Moon in late Aries, ruled by activist Mars and denoting a workaholic crusader with a mission temperament when paired with the secretive, mystery-loving, hidden control, big business sign of Scorpio with its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus describes one who is drawn to the joys of life and to death matters and has an interest in the corruption of innocence, and as a US senator, he is known for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) with broad support in Congress. This blend contains the typical practical-and-supportive vibes of a Water-Earth combination though it may have a chauvinistic streak. Talents include a natural understanding of financial and economic realities, along with full dedication to loved ones.

Although stubbornness and a total blindness to the motivations of others may be noted, this blend's pragmatic wisdom is extremely valuable and may be noticed in its supportive role of a Vice President who may be something of a power-behind-the-throne actor in a similar mold as Dick Cheney to George W. was purported by pundits to be.

With Biden's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, we find intense idealism which resonates with his CFR and Bilderberg leanings, plus, I heard him say to Bill Maher a few years ago that he's a Zionist though the clip seems to have disappeared (see video, below.) An ability to be a reliable touchstone for his friends is evident and it seems clear that President Obama leans on the rock that is VP Biden, a man who is, I believe, one of Mr. Obama's mentors as required by the president's natal 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces. (Remember that the president experienced his 3-fer Chiron Return while in the White House.) Mr. Obama's natal Chiron opposes his 7th house Pluto (6 Virgo) denoting his ability to express such Pluto-Chiron themes of oppression and exploitation within the mass consciousness as he plays the White House mouthpiece, we might say, which is a primary role of the US presidency.

So! I just noticed while typing how easy it is to get off the topic of Joe Biden and onto other political actors! Well, maybe it's time to consider the Scorpio-Taurus Images for Integration provided so helpfully by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign which is a visual method for sussing out the integration of one's Solar conscious mind with the Lunar unconscious which results in a whole and fully functioning personality:

"A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld."

Of course I know that you, dear reader, can freely associate these images with what you know of the life of VP Joe Biden--one such being that he underwent two brain surgeries in 1988 and wasn't given very good odds of being 'normal'. And this isn't counting his son Beau's recent and tragic death from a brain tumor at age 46.

Now on a Global Politics level, let's close today's astro-notes with a clip of Joe Biden avowing himself to be a Zionist which makes him part of the political movement called Zionism (which is not the same as Judaism):

Natal data for Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; BC/BR online.

'Living in a Paradox" - Max Igan -- The Full Circle Project

Here are the first 15 minutes of Living in a Paradox with options for more, below:

#MaxIgan #LivinginaParadox #FullCircleProject #FalseReality #TheMatrix #TakeBacktheWorld #FullSpectrumResponse

Download at The Crowhouse; or, directly stream the audio (mp3) here.

Awake are you? Then you may wish to join the Full Circle Project.

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing left to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. - Plato

Jul 15, 2015

Youth Jobs Now - Bernie Sanders on video

#BernieSanders #jobs #USeconomy #UniteBlue

Have you considered the Earth-Fire combo of Virgo Sun and Aries Moon of Senator Sanders? You may want to!

Tweet from Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) Photo of Pluto!

Geoff Brumfiel (@gbrumfiel) tweeted at 3:21pm - 15 Jul 15: Pluto... REALLY up close. The mountains are 11,000ft high! ( Get the official Twitter app at

President Obama Commuting the Sentences of 46 prisoners - video

Only 46, but here is President Obama taking a step in the right direction for our privatized prison society:

#WarOnDrugs #PrisonPlanet #PrisonSociety of #America

Jul 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 Pluto opposes Mars and SIRIUS for its historic New Horizons Flyby

Today's Pluto Flyby to Give a Closer Look at the Outermost Planet

July 14, 2015: During the dark of the Moon, the shady days leading up to the July 15th *New Moon @23Cancer--which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx--at 7:49 am ET today, NASA's New Horizons reached Pluto for its closest flyby and some sharper images sporting higher resolution than ever before seen will result of Astrology's planet of power, subterfuge, and death--Pluto. Speaking of death, Pluto discoverer (1930), Clyde Tombaugh, requested that his ashes be inside any spacecraft bound for Pluto...and so they are.

Astrologically, 'sharp analysis' is a potential within the midpoint picture now formed with Pluto opposing the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer. At 13Can18, Mars is also out of bounds (of the earthly plane = outstanding activities) and conjoins SIRIUS, a star intimately linked to the founding of America. Mars and SIRIUS now conjunct US natal Sun (leadership; the president) by a mere one-minute orb.

In addition, from Earth's perspective, Pluto arose today with fixed star Toliman, aka Bungala (Alpha Centauri); key theme: learning and education that expand the worldview of others (paraphrasing B. Brady). Curiously, Mars arose today with a star that is also in the Centauri constellation: Agena (Beta Centauri); key theme: to have a mission. Both themes of these stars seem applicable to NASA's New Horizons project which culminated near Pluto today.

Considering that there is a 'clamoring for power' vibe to Mars-Pluto contacts, I hope such adventurous thrusts into the Solar System won't relate to or promote further breakthroughs (Jupiter still within orb of its 'scientific breakthrough' trine to technological Uranus) in the realm of Space Warfare intended to enable transnational globalists' long term mission of full implementation of total global control. You can tell I have trouble trusting the organization invented by nazi war criminals, the German scientists exported to the US after the war, can't you?

#NASA #NewHorizons #Pluto

*Note that the military exercises known as 'Jade Helm 15' are timed by the July 15, 2015 New Moon conjunct US natal Mercury Rx which also activates our nation's surveillance-oriented Mercury-Pluto opposition which is visually represented in once instance by the all-seeing eye at top of the pyramid of power on US currency, America's Great Seal, and elsewhere. See the video What Is Jade Helm 15?, a previous post which includes the horoscope of the Solar Eclipse that will herald the ending in mid-September of the controversial Pentagon program of militarism.

Jul 11, 2015

The Full Circle Project: Creating a Full Spectrum Response - Max Igan

#FullCircleProject #MaxIgan #FullSpectrumResponse #TheCrowhouse

For downloads and more broadcasts, visit Max Igan's The Crowhouse.