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Showing posts with label Great Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Depression. Show all posts

Oct 18, 2023

8 North: The Great American Eclipse 2024

Looking Back at Two Earlier 8 North Eclipses

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

With 'Nazism' now re-raising its barbaric head, and having previously considered the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 in the 8 North Saros Series, let's consider two previous 8 North Eclipses, one of which perfected during the harrowing days of the Republican Great Depression in the US, and the Hitl*rian era of hate-filled authoritarianism and prejudice in Europe.

1934: criminal activity was a major problem as it is now

Among the significant Events of 1934 were arrests and multiple deaths of criminals across America such as Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, and the Lindbergh baby kidnapper, thanks to the work of the FBI. The invention of the machine gun was not such a positive development imho, although of course you're welcome to disagree.

Plus, with multiple workers' strikes happening in the US, a larger event in 1934 seems important in that "history rhymes" kind of way: the 1934 Textile Workers' Strike of September 1934. Although 1934 began with an 8 North Eclipse @25Aquarius (horoscope displayed below), the strike actually occurred under the influence of the 8 South Solar Eclipse of August 10, 1934 @17Leo with its themes of loss and separation. The textile strike lasted from September 1 to September 23, 1934 resulting in 18 deaths, 162+ injuries, and the death of one mill guard; therefore, loss and separation afflicted an undetermined number of families in 1934 just from the strike alone.

What the murderous psychopathic narcissist, Herr Adolf, was up to in Europe in 1934, I shall leave to the curious reader. Grievous loss for all of humanity was certainly part of his stock in trade, as his current-day anti-societal fanatics are hoping for now while the destructive spirit roams the Earth.

The point of this post is: any of the significant cosmic conditions in effect during all 8 North Eclipses may be carried forward, as noted, in that "history rhymes" kind of way - if conditions are right - so that similar events and circumstances may reoccur. Cyclically this gives humanity opportunities to better deal with issues "this time around" and bring karmic progress where we can. Yet the most prominent clues belong to the initial eclipse in a series - you'll find notes concerning the very first 8 North, below.

So for historical context, and lest we assume that the Great American Eclipse of (election year) 2024 will bring along only happy visions and great ideas suitable for the common good - and hopefully it will! - above you see a dual image of the 8 North of 1934 (lower left) and the 8 North of 2024 (upper right) which precisely conjuncts centaur Chiron, the wounded healer archetype in Astrology, and, for some, a symbol of Jesus Christ, the key to Eternal Life; as you see, a bunch of my study notes are squooshed upon the charts (mea culpa!).

The initial 8 North occurred on May 16, 1501 @4Gem51 and is the lens through which all subsequent 8 North Eclipses may be considered via Gemini and its ruler Mercury. Therefore, issues of logic and communication must be involved.

In the May 16, 1501 Horoscope (not shown in this post), Mercury @26Gem46 conjuncts Chiron (26:50) suggesting curiosity and restlessness. In addition, Mercury also inconjuncts Pluto (Rx @26Sco10). Then given that Mercury rules the 1501 eclipse, and considering the huge amounts of demagoguery, propaganda, and deception the world is now afflicted by, I believe the Mercury-Pluto inconjunct of 1501 will carry forward along with the 8 North of 2024 and will ruffle America's 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security-and-business-minded Cancer-Capricorn axis - particularly since the 8 North of 2024 manifests as the third of our three total Great American Eclipses visible across the country. For details see Eclipses: Jan 2024--Dec 2026.

Influences of a Mercury-Pluto inconjunct include but are not limited to:

Obsessive thinking, clinging to 'old ideas' and the past with intellectual rigidity, promoting an uncompromising dogmatism, exhibiting an attraction to doctrinaire people, and spotlighting serial liars and gossips (A. Epstein). If the inconjunct sounds like anyone in politics operating current-day, dear reader, then we're on the same page. Ruffled is the US Mercury-Pluto opposition, descriptive of corrupt actors who work to undermine and sabotage existing conditions and institutions such as the US government. And we know who they are, don't we?

Jul 13, 2017

On an Eclipse Path to another Great Depression?

Eclipses Time Historical Events and Track Cycles in Society

by Jude Cowell

In Astrology eclipses may be used to track historical eras or periods and events by plotting 'trails' and patterns that share similar themes as seen by the saying (Russian, I believe) that History doesn't repeat but it may rhyme. As you know, every Solar Eclipse Saros Series reveals or suggests its own themes (1 North, 1 South, 2 North, etc., all the way to 19 North and 19 South, then over again with 1 North as on August 21, 2017). Thereby it is possible to discover clues concerning the prevailing cosmic climate of and in society during any given time period in question. Here, we look ahead on society's path into the financial realms in particular.

See 'We're flowing toward the path' similar to time before Great Depression, analyst says. It's Mark Yusko, CEO of Morgan Creek Capital, and he mentions President Hoover and the years 1928/29. Note that in Astrology 'flowing' = Neptune, gaseous planet of corruption, fraud, and falsehood. Transit Pluto in Capricorn now opposes 1929 Pluto in Cancer.

Repeating approximately every 18.6 years (based on the cycle of the Moon's Nodes), a particular series with its themes and related historical events may be tracked via repetitions to see what if anything 'rhymes' and therefore similar events can be at least somewhat expected if not predicted (generally eclipses tend to bring along the unpredictable or shocking event in a disruptive Uranian fashion acting as 'wild cards of the Universe', or 'cosmic blinks' from Above).

If falling upon a sensitive degree, an eclipse is emphasized and can really muscle in--even more so when the degree is that of a significant fixed star. On August 21, 2017, the impatient 29th degree of royal Leo is activated by eclipse and its energies are strong enough to combine with the next degree, 00Virgo, where royal Regulus now holds court and sway (Virgo by progression--but 29Leo is enough to corral Regulus into the proceedings which must involve Mr. Trump personally--natal Ascendant @29Leo--along with his Mars Rising @26Leo. Sensitive!

Perhaps I should also mention here that 29Leo is also the position of Thomas Jefferson's natal Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, control, the Establishment, and Astrology).

Various complexities are at play now within the parameters of the upcoming 1 North Series--set to repeat on August 21, 2017 as, The Great American Eclipse which will cast a Total and dark shadow across our country from Oregon to South Carolina. August 21st is 1 North's first repetition since its famous August 11, 1999 manifestation @18Leo with the rigid Fixed Grand Cross as described in The Book of Revelation--the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus (the oxen point), Leo (the lion point), Scorpio (the eagle point), and Aquarius (the angel point). Take it as you wish on a spiritual, cosmic, or inspirational plane but that is what happened. Seer-astrologer-doctor Nostradamus knew it centuries ago and so should you (though I quite imagine you already do).

Plus, the 1 North series has a nickname, The Mother of All Eclipses because 1N begins the 18.6-year cycle (the snake eating its own tail) all over again, an example of the uroboros archetype...

The 1 North August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse also helped usher in the New Millennium so this part of the process should be included in any study of The Great American Eclipse, its themes, and its aftermath along with the difficult natural events that may or may not be triggered around eclipse time. Active volcanoes are already in the news as you may have heard.

So in 2017, the idea that we may be on a path toward another Great Depression is in the air and is being 'run up the flagpole' as it were, yet astrologically the timing of such rhyming can be checked. Of course, there is the 'Black Tuesday' Solar Eclipse, the last eclipse to manifest prior to October 29, 1929, the date cited as a watershed moment for the dire financial events of the period. Are these energies heating up again and being readied for a boil-over?

Starting with 1 North, here is a list of the Solar Eclipses of 1927 through 1929 with their upcoming repetitions included for comparison's sake and our timing purposes which may reveal just where we are along the path; basic themes are listed along with their upcoming dates of manifestation; there are three eclipses in 2018 and three in 2019:

1 North: June 29, 1927 @7Cancer (unexpected events re: friends or groups which put pressure on relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted and/or false); next: August 21, 2017 @29Leo;

1 South: December 24, 1927 @1Capricorn (flooded with ideas or options which can lead to positive outcomes); next: February 15, 2018 @27AQ conjunct We The People's natal Moon;

2 Old North: May 19, 1928 @28Taurus (a difficult series concerning unfortunate news about relationships; separations, endings; schisms; this is the PE of Donald Trump, Prince William, and John Wilkes Booth); next: July 13, 2018 @21Cancer;

2 New North: June 17, 1928 @26Gemini (initial eclipse in this series) 'The Tower' Tarot card #16): old systems and structures collapse, long-term influences include rebuilding and transformation once the dust settles; reshaping has far-reaching effects; next: August 11, 2018 @19Leo (resonates with the August 11, 1999 1 North Eclipse by degree...'info distorted and/or false' as with the bogus Bush-Cheney Iraq War pretexts--and aided by mainstream media outlets ('fake news', aka, propaganda of the warmongering persuasion);

2 South: November 12, 1928 @20Scorpio (joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from such memberships); next: January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn;

3 North: May 9, 1929 @18Taurus (news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people; over-excessive energies, obsessions, worry; large plans or activities are wanted but don't get carried away); as noted, this is 'Black Tuesday's and 9/11's PE, and tragically, the Pentagon 'got carried away' and our treasures have been stolen in order to fund their masters' jingoistic misadventurism); next: July 2, 2019 @11Cancer;

3 South: November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio (traumatic transformations; deep emotions; sudden endings of associations or relationships; next: December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn opposing US natal Venus in Cancer (and Jupiter) which may or may not hold significance; a conjunction would be stronger.

So that's the Solar Eclipse list 1927 through 1929, and when we consider the actual Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series that describes the background elements of the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday') and take that Series as a signpost on the path, we then look to the 3 North Saros Series with its last manifestation occurring on Summer Solstice (June 21), 2001 @00Cancer (a World Point of global proportions) which is what makes 3N the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series (PE) of the catastrophic WTC Attacks on September 11, 2001.

And as you remember, mega amounts of gold, money, stocks and what-have-you disappeared from the scene in September 2001 similar to thefts and losses in October 1929. Perhaps you agree that finances were a primary target of the purposefully directed chaos (ex: 9/11/01 Moon, the public, @28Gemini a degree of "BANKRUPTCY" in the Sabian Symbols, and pouf! trillions of dollars were wafted out of the US economy, people's bank accounts and pensions). Weird stock trades were made in a suspiciously timed way as well and fortunes were created or bolstered for 9/11/01 was a planned 'shock doctrine' event, no doubt (as Naomi Klein might say) with the 9/11/01 Moon void-of-course which suggests that no one could interfere once the plan began to unfold.

So! Is society now flowing down 'the path to another Great Depression'? Do you feel that History now repeats too closely for comfort? Well, there are always extenuating and/or mitigating circumstances and positive environmental influences at work that are not yet seen!

'12Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"...Q: is the Baby's message, your loans are coming due? Mr. Trump probably knows the answer and is privy to the money laundering secrets of the wealthy class of crooks currently minding financial and political hen houses across the globe.

Well, I don't know about you, but for years now it seems that when rounded up to 12Cancer, the foreign woman stretches so close to US natal Sun (13/14 degr = POTUS), and then there's the US banking-corporatist Jupiter (5/6 degr: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" as politicians do), a certain financial picture appears particularly since the ever-colonizing US government did The Stupid Thing that the Founders warned against by repeatedly borrowing masses of money from foreign banking houses and countries, ones that America 'might' one day fight a war with or against (as Washington is prone to waging). There's a collapse-in-waiting, right there. A set up!

So what do you think? Should such politicians now infesting US Politics be counted as incompetent, amateurish, self-serving numbskulls? Or as traitors?

Either way, trans-global bankers and their agents have long ago enlisted astrological Pluto, The Dragon of ancient days, with the 24/7 task of guarding all their mountains and mountains of gold and treasure.

Now here's something of a different take concerning '12Cancer', " A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."


Please note that eclipse themes listed are paraphrases of Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Aug 5, 2010

3 years in, econo-crash continues (video)

Fed up with the fairy tale that our economy is in recovery - that this a a Summer of Recovery? Yes, I wish the tale were true, too, but Gerald Celente disagrees. August 2010 is the 3rd anniversary of the US financial collapse and 3 years in, we're still being fed pablum, bromides, slogans, and lies while many Americans eat gruel for their one meal a day. American children go to bed hungry while endless war continues to be funded.

There are forces in the world that decided on America's demise and as long as plutocrats rule we'll stay on a downward course with little if any correction. We'll continue to hear finagled stats and numbers that promote political aims but which give only lip service to easing the suffering across this land.

Billionaires are banding together to donate half their fortunes with much of the funds going to benefit other nations even though doing business in America is what made it possible for many of them to profit so abundantly. Everyone is supposed to say, Ahhh, how sweet of 'em, while their tax situations benefit handsomely from their calculated largess.

Gerald Celente says our schools and government look backward, not forward. Remember how much was made about Ben Bernanke's input because he's a Great Depression expert? At the time, I thought that could also work against us - he knows the financial crash drill, the ins and outs of how to collapse the US economy. He of the Fed also knows that he who prints the money rules the government.

Okay, I'll hush now. But please watch the 6-min-31-sec video even though it isn't fairy-tale-like. In it, Mr. Celente provides another dose of reality which the transit of Saturn to US natal Neptune (grim reality or making dreams real - guess which one for the American people) in August-September 2009 should have made clear before now like a huge splash of cold water (politicians' lies notwithstanding.)

Actually, perhaps it did and is probably one of the many reasons Americans have little confidence in the US government right now: with the so-called American Dream squashed and shown to be a Big Lie, we've seen the government's true oligarchic, plutocratic face that cares only for the rich, and its face is much uglier than we first imagined.

Hermesia looks backward and forward simultaneously which is the best way to figure out the present.

Plus, be sure to check out Lynn Hayes' excellent article from 2009 concerning Financial Collapse 2008 and the futurist predictions of Gerald Celente: Revolution or Renaissance?

Oct 18, 2008

Wall Street loves a good scam

Professor Thayer Watkins of San Jose University Department of Economics recounts the tale of Equity Funding whose fake insurance policy scams were uncovered by auditors in 1973 causing the company to collapse. And since Wall Street's high assessment of Equity Funding had allowed buyouts of other profitable firms, the dominoes fell.

Yes, Equity Funding became a major success on Wall Street which shows you the company the scalliwags were keeping on both sides. Equity Funding created fake insurance policies early on - no one seems to know exactly when - to inflate their profits for Wall Street's admiration, then they sold them through the reinsurance market.

Stop me if any of this sounds familiar, because it should.

Prof Watkins uses Dirk's and Gross' book, The Great Wall Street Scandal as his source. A quick foray to Amazon shows that this book seems to be available from sellers but is out of print.

The Equity Funding section by Prof Watkins is part of his "Episodes of Financial Fraud and Speculation" which includes an article on the 1924 scandal of counterfeiting in Portugal by Alves Reis, a Keynesian scheme which turned out to have been better for the Portugese economy than the policies of former economics professor, Salazar, who became dictator of the country in 1932.

Another fraudulent epic included is the saga of the Penn State Bank of Oklahoma City and Bill 'Monkeybrains' Patterson which involved the oil and gas industries of OK and TX. Now I know that we're not supposed to mess with Texas (and as a rule, I don't), but apparently certain folks in Texas were cleared to mess with us a long time ago.

In summary, Prof Watkins provides some interesting reading here if you're in the mood for how fraud is perpetrated by the 'experts' which makes a perfect companion to the Fed's slight-of-hand today, esp if you click on some of the other links in the History category on the Home Page - ex: I highly recommend his article on the causes of the Great Depression and the Fed's blame due to their actions which precipitated the decline in money supply, along with banks hoarding the money, the general populace holding on to cash (sound familiar?), and the liquidationist policy of Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon.

Mellon and his pals thought that the liquidation of 'weak' banks was necessary for the recovery of the banking system.

Now I know we've all heard that before!


You may also be interested in reading a previous post of 10.8.08, your money is no good here which contains a link to James Cumes' article on the systemic financial collapse we are witnessing.

Oct 7, 2008

And what does Congress do?

Two articles if you're up for them:

French Premier Francois Fillon: We're on "The Edge of The Abyss"

By Mike Whitney

People are scared and removing their money from the banks and money markets which is intensifying the freeze in the credit markets and driving stocks into the ground like a tent stake. Meanwhile, our leaders are "caught in theheadlights", still believing they can "finesse" their way through the biggest economic cataclysm since the Great Depression. It's madness.


Down the Road to Serfdom

By Ann Berg

So here we are: a phony monetary system, $3 trillion wasted on wars, and acitizenry mired in debt. And what does Congress do? It adds more debt - a trillion dollars, just for starters, since once starting down this slippery slope, it won't be able to stop.

Don't know about you but I'm staying cool, staying with my bank. Panic is what 'they' want us to do - so I won't. Staying away from the voting booth in November is what 'they' want us to do - so I will not.

Although my Jupiter-Saturn trine is outraged by their blatant thieveries, we Capricorns can be so cussedly stubborn, can't we?

Apr 12, 2008

your money is no good here

Any events or series of events issue from myriad causes combined--a tenet which has stood me in good stead as I've studied and learned to appreciate bringing loose ends together into various astrological tapestries of cause and effect.

Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.

"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."

And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.

They've got theirs--what do YOU have?

The Black Death of Financial Collapse

By James Cumes

The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.

Read article from Information Clearing House.