Here's an article from Stars Over Washington's Looks As If It's True Department:
Obama sides with banks accused of racism which is difficult to believe and even harder to stand for.
He's begun to sound too much like Bush3 for me.
The subprime mortgage case involves several of those Pluto-Chiron isms and I don't think a cute little black'n'white puppy should take precedence over this legal case in the media no matter *who gifted the Portugese water dog to the young Obama daughters (sweet as they are.)
Actually I think it's not about racism for Mr. Obama per se, it's about protecting the financially powerful elite who helped put him in office for such a purpose as this. Perhaps Pres. Obama is more of a monarchist than a racist, hmm?
Well? Have you any thoughts on the matter?
*The new puppy now leaving bundles of joy in the White House is a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label subprime loans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subprime loans. Show all posts
Apr 12, 2009
Tell me again: why is Pres Obama looking racist?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
financial crisis,
fraudulent lending,
Obama administration,
Portugese water dog,
Sen Ted Kennedy,
subprime loans
Oct 15, 2008
McCain in the headwinds
Matt Taibbi and Byron York Butt Heads on whether John McCain deserves blame for the Wall Street meltdown.
Instant messenging about the campaign between two political writers - if you haven't seen this yet, you GOTTA read it!
Instant messenging about the campaign between two political writers - if you haven't seen this yet, you GOTTA read it!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
2008 presidential campaign,
Arizona's John McCain,
Byron York,
Matt Taibbi,
McCain in the headwinds,
New York Magazine,
subprime loans,
US economy,
Wall Street Meltdown
Apr 12, 2008
your money is no good here
Any events or series of events issue from myriad causes combined--a tenet which has stood me in good stead as I've studied and learned to appreciate bringing loose ends together into various astrological tapestries of cause and effect.
Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.
"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."
And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.
They've got theirs--what do YOU have?
The Black Death of Financial Collapse
By James Cumes
The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.
Read article from Information Clearing House.
Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.
"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."
And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.
They've got theirs--what do YOU have?
The Black Death of Financial Collapse
By James Cumes
The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.
Read article from Information Clearing House.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
current events,
financial collapse,
Great Depression,
subprime loans,
the Fed,
US economy,
world economy,
world events
Mar 24, 2008
the Fed's Moon Return: March 24 2008

Today, March 24, 2008, the Fed is having its Lunar (Moon) Return whether you use the sunrise or Sun/Mc chart. The first has Moon 8Sco19 ("Dental work"), the second chart has Moon 11Sco03 ("An embassy ball") and there are good reasons for using either chart.
With the sunrise position of the Moon 8Sco19, the Lunar Return occurred today at 2:37 pm edt (Manhattan, NYC); the Moon returns to 11Sco03 this evening at 8:03 pm edt.
Here you see an image of the sunrise Natal chart, Dec 23, 1913, with some of the Moon Return planets written on the outside and highlighted in green.
The first thing we notice is that transiting Pluto, the dragon guarding the treasure, is conj natal Sun (and thus, the ASC in the sunrise chart.)
Sun/Pluto = ASC: crisis of self-preservation; power games with important consequences; striving for power and control.
With Pluto being opposite natal Pluto, this is a period of one great power locked in a no-compromise struggle with another great power. In my estimation, that would be East vs West, one of the reasons I don't believe that what's going on in world markets is only from subprime housing loans, although that's certainly part of it...perhaps it's the vehicle.
In fact, it puts me in mind of PROMIS software and its modern progeny which has been used against Eastern accounts in recent years. Yet if you 'follow the money' it's busy wafting its way to the East, isn't it?
Well, the Fed has a Jupiter ($) Return coming soon in the first week of December, and if you click to enlarge the image, you'll see that the Fed's natal Mars/Saturn midpoint--a difficult point of hardship, ups'n'downs, and stalemate in any chart--is conj DESC so it's under double stress now with natal Pluto there AND transiting Pluto triggering the natal potential as well. Eek!
Mars/Saturn = Pluto: the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger; the fury of destruction.
Seems the above Sun/Pluto indications tell the tale and destruction is the name of the game. Of course, baiting the US--and Bush's oil friends in particular--with the attacks of 9/11 was a good way to undermine US resources militarily, financially, and morally...and it seems to be working.
Yet the culpability of the US government and others is not to be dismissed, of course, esp if NWO plans are as advertised and a war between Moslems and Jews is in the offing by their (NWO) design so that the one world government may be ushered in.
In the Fed's Moon Return chart tr Uranus conjuncts natal North Node (18-19 Pis), a time when unusual contacts and associations are made. The Uranus/NN duo = "radical political groups" so there's that flavor too.
And with Uranus squaring n Venus (money; values; relationships) there's an unstable atmosphere when joint ventures develop unanticipated problems and others block diplomatic maneuvers. Unorthodox alliances may be formed when uranus squares n Venus.
You'll notice that the 18Vir degree of the Sept 11, 2007 Solar Eclipse is conj the Fed's natal South Node, indicating a triggering of old issues from the past (follow the link for more Eclipse details affecting the Fed's SN.)
This Eclipse Series (9 New South) began July 19, 1917 at 26Can+....opposite US n Pluto.
And then there's the soon-to-come Solar Eclipse in the 10 South Series, Aug 1, 2008, which is the Pre-Natal Series of the New York Stock Exchange (May 17, 1792.)
Read some notes here on the NYSE and its Solar Eclipse 2008
with details (ex: this is also John McCain's Prenatal Eclipse Series) and the chart is here.
Well, I must mosey so I'll close with Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of the Fed's n Moon degree, "9Sco"...
"Dental work"...INVENTIVENESS...keynote: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.
Rudhyar goes on to explain that this Symbol shows us how society and civilization has to invent means to skillfully repair the damage (of tooth decay)--and I assume that the Fed is busy as a bee printing more money as I type!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Aug 1 2008 Eclipse,
China current events,
Lunar Return of the Fed,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Sep 11 2007 Solar Eclipse,
subprime loans,
the Fed
Mar 17, 2008
Portrait of a President doin' how he does

Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Bush administration,
Eliot Spitzer,
George Bush,
market meltdown,
subprime loans,
US economy,
Wall Street,
world economy
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