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Showing posts with label POTUS Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS Sun. Show all posts

Feb 5, 2020

Partners in Crime: A Presidency of One no more

February 5, 2020: With the Republican Senate's vote to exonerate scofflaw Trump set for this afternoon (4:00 pm est), if accomplished it will then be official - the Republican Party is made up of culprits complicit in the crimes of Donald Trump. Partners in crime, as the saying goes. And it looks to me as if this coming together of scoundrels, codifying lawlessness into law, shows in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope (below) for as you see in the dual charts, unlike Inauguration 2017 with only the POTUS Sun in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing, the victor will also have Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, all in Aquarius, all handmaidens to the POTUS Sun:

Now I haven't yet compared the natal planets of all possible scoundrels who could be represented by the three 10th house planets (2021) but it did occur to me to check the planets of Stephen Miller for any natals in Aquarius. Miller's natal Jupiter Rx @9AQ36 is there in 10th house just beyond 2021 Jupiter (7AQ22--conjunct US natal South Node of 1776) so if Trump commands the Oval Office for a second term, we may find bigot Miller whispering in his ear once again--and, as the Cosmos would have it, Miller's Jupiter Return perfects on January 29, 2021.

As for the three Aquarian planets of Inauguration 2021, here are a few brief potentials for each placement:

Saturn in AQ suggests ambitious plans with no sound foundation, eccentric expectations, and/or a reliable partner.

Jupiter in AQ implies comradeship (!), self-willed individuals, and/or indecisiveness (so many options!). Note that Jupiter can represent a financier (donor), CEO, politician, priest-minister-guru-mentor, and/or The General.

Mercury in AQ suggests reforms, inventions, a desire to work alone, and/or Utopian ideals. These ideals may be supported by the rising Mars-Uranus conjunction @7Taurus and its tendencies toward revolution, anarchy, explosiveness, and/or expressions of a violent temper. Potentials for this duo include radical reforms in the military, unplanned military actions, groups that exploit energy resources, modernization of the steel industry, security forces used to control strife (police state vs We The People?), rebellions against modernization efforts, and/or outbreaks of hostility (Munkasey).

Plus, you see an impulsive We The People's Moon rising at a critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries. Sun AQ-Moon Aries: "Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again"..."A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys). Well, evil is definitely in the house, I'd say, at work in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma.

Well, I don't care to type anymore on the topic of Inauguration 2021 until we're closer to it and the November 3, 2020 Elections are over--whenever that will be. Besides, the Electoral College is scheduled to vote for president on December 14, 2020--the very day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse.

Now I wonder who scheduled that?

Related posts include: Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures (January 20, 2021 12:00 noon est). And June 18, 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets.

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl (see the 2017 image, right center, for 1993 Uranus-Neptune = Pluto).

Oct 25, 2018

Midpoints of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 2020

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun) 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration.

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has "made it happen"; strategy.

Midpoint Picture: Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun: (my bold and italics)

Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others (Munkasey); inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience (Ebertin); taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

Any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2020 and beyond, and any of the midpoints can be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses.

That the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since they are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

We should also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for upsetting events, arrests, or injuries (Ebertin); and/or deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is the conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post which involves a time link via the 19-year solar eclipse cycle between year 2000 and year 2019:

"The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series ('PE') of the New Millennium is the 2 South Saros Series which manifested on December 25, 2000 @4Cap15. The 2 South Series involves themes of 'becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2 South next manifests on Jan 5, 2019 @15Capricorn25 (in the US) and as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and other Saturnian realms."

Here I'll add that the 2 South eclipse of January 5, 2019 manifests upon the Saturnian South Node of the New Millennium Horoscope, a point of separation and possible neurosis when tactics or defenses of the past no longer suffice but are irrationally used anyway. Coupled with the eclipse @15Capricorn, this may suggest long-established groups of the past and separation from rather than the joining of them.

And if we wish to focus on the heavyweight trio of planets in the 10th house of Public Status and Career in the above chart, we can briefly consider potentials of three midpoint pictures between them which will form into year 2021 if not before:

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (Tyl).

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: delayed plans for advancement; lessens the focus on destruction; hindrances in quests for both fame and privacy (Munkasey); difficulties; separation (Ebertin); strategy becomes necessary; adjusting the big picture to meet with convention (Tyl).

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: favorable outcomes in the use of large expenditures of resources or energies; people who have leadership and power to dispense; opinions about how to reclaim the use of waste products for other activities (Munkasey); religious and social fanaticism; excessive modesty; self-sacrifice for others (Ebertin); trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left (Tyl).

And yes, that's the 1993 degree of the Utopian Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Capricorn) with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' implications at The Goal Point (MC) of the Jupiter-Saturn chart. For as activist Max Igan correctly informs us in his recent broadcast How The Matrix Controls You, the Smart Grid Is the New World Order.

For more details see: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Sep 26, 2018

Saturn challenges US natal Sun (POTUS) Jan 17, 2019

Below is a horoscope set for Washington DC of the moment transit Saturn @13Cap19 directly opposes US natal Sun @13Can19 (POTUS), yet another cosmic symbol of the many legal challenges Donald Trump has been navigating since at least May 17, 2017 when Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate Trump's and the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.

May 1, 2018

May 2018: Mars SQ Uranus hits US POTUS Sun

On May 16, 2018 at 3:03 am edt with veiling Neptune in mid-Pisces rising in DC, a transiting square perfects between testy warrior Mars and shocking planet of chaos, Uranus, an explosive combination that tends to bring unexpected and unpredictable results which are often not what perpetrators or instigators had intended. And with tr Mars @00AQ02 SQ Uranus @00Tau02, I regret to inform you that the US POTUS Sun (the president, a role now played by Donald Trump since January 20, 2017) will be precisely unsettled by this double transit so let's take a general look at its portents while keeping Trump's current condition (Mueller probe into Russia contacts and possible conspiracy, to testify or not to testify, possible Trump campaign irregularities, Cohen's hot mess, etc) in the back of our minds and knowing that the POTUS Sun is representative of Mr. Trump whose Oval Office goals (aka, the 'mission' he was placed in the Oval Office to accomplish as they all are) are being seriously delayed if not thwarted by his own karmic actions and by being held accountable for them; and of course by extension, Mr. Trump = the American people.

Also note that the Sabian Symbol for the US POTUS Sun @00AQ49 (January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC) rounded up is: '1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission" ever since US Inauguration ceremonies were switched from March to January 20th by Freemason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

So when activist Mars conjoins the Sun a surge of vitality can be expected along with macho vibes that demand ego gratification--nothing new for Mr. Trump born with brash Mars rising in ego-driven Leo. But in May it may be a question of more explosive challenges and even testier confrontations when tr Mars hits POTUS Sun even though he's very much accustomed to being in tune with Martian energies and also with Uranian energies since his natal 10th house Uranus is his 'guiding planet' for it rises last before his Gemini Sun, leads the rest of the planets in his natal chart, and inspires his chaotic, free-style of 'intuitive' leadership. Never be prepared, advises Uranus!

Simultaneously, transit Uranus squares US POTUS Sun which denotes several potentials none of which are predictable. However, a testing quality is attached to this combination which includes issues of will power and determination toward success. But with quirky Uranus involved there's an inability to control situations and the decisions of others hold sway and determine direction so that it's difficult if not impossible to be prepared ahead of time--perfect for the ill-prepared Mr. Trump. Yet he'll be upset that maintaining a leadership role, status, and/or authority may be even more difficult now and yet standing up for one's principles--assuming he has any to begin with--will be necessary even as his decisions are questioned and integrity is placed under a stronger microscope. Of course, these fiery, unsettled conditions are already in play for Mr. Trump so perhaps the Mars-Uranus Square affecting POTUS Sun will only sharpen public scrutiny or may mark a crisis point within ongoing proceedings. Yet we know that sudden events and revelations are quite certain to occur during Mars-Uranus periods in similar fashion to the uncovering effects of an eclipse when inconvenient truths may become widely known and surface for review and critiques.

Besides the political possibilities of the Mars-Uranus square, an increase in wildfires or purposeful arson, lightening strikes, storms, quakes, floods, or other natural disasters may be on Earth's agenda as May 2018 proceeds on toward the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 that I'm calling "The Tower Eclipse" for its collapsing potential (Brady). And curiously, there's a related midpoint picture within the August eclipse horoscope that closely involves the secretive planet of veils, cover-ups, scandals, lies, fantasies, and fraud: Mars-Uranus = Neptune! Any, all, or none of its potentials may apply.

Plus, as previously discussed here, May 2018 includes a prophetic New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15th (the 70th Solar Return of the State of Israel and the day that transit Uranus enters Taurus). This cosmic pile-up conjoins the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of Donald Trump with the unpredictable Mars-Uranus square perfecting only a day later. Another quirk is that the May 15th New Moon also sparks the position of tr Mercury during Trump Jr's infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and lawyers and Trump Campaign staff such as Kushner and Manafort, so eager to get 'the dirt' on 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

Then on May 29th is the revealing Full Moon @8Sag10 which happens to conjoin the New Moon of the Fed which perfected on December 1, 1910 during the financial conspirators' secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia resulting in betrayal of the American people via passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913 so that America's financial resources were firmly placed within the grasp and control of transnational banking houses and our debts became unpayable. And those 'economic royalists' of 1910 (as famously described later on by FDR) are the biological and/or spiritual ancestors of the current crop of crooks, knaves, and traitors who infest our nation as I type.

Now if you wish a fuller picture of May 2018 and the "Mars Max" period we've entered don't miss Richard Nolle's May 2018 Forecast.

Above image: Mars as seen from The Hubble Space Telescope

Apr 25, 2018

POTUS Sun 2017 Conjunct Icarus

Speculative Horoscope: The Discovery of Icarus June 27, 1949; exact hour unknown; Palomar Observatory California discovered by *Walter Baade. Timing the chart for 10:03:19 pm pst shows asteroid Icarus @11Sag29 Rx precisely conjunct Midheaven (11:29), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

Listed are Carelli's symbol for '11 Sagittarius' (he doesn't round up as in Sabian Symbols) - "An Ape Riding a Wolf" and the Jones version of the Sabian Symbol for '12 Sagittarius' - "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which of course is a possible picture of America's natal Ascendant in the late afternoon charts on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA. Of course, an eagle is a typical symbol for America (on the Great Seal, etc) and we're accustomed to much crowing over the US flag.

A related post: Is Washington DC the "New Rome"? Altair the Eagle Says Yes! Post includes the FDR Inauguration horoscopes for 1933 and 1937 to show the switch of the ceremony from early March to January 20th.

The discovery horoscope of Icarus is currently signiffficant because during Inauguration 2017 as Trump took the Oath of Office, the POTUS Sun (00AQ49) was unaspected (which we have discussed previously as a self-interested leader focused on his own importance and holding himself in high regard--Tierney) but conjunct asteroid Icarus. Therefore, I am relating this horoscope of Icarus to the current occupant now sitting in the Oval Office and note that he is a Jupiterian figure blended with chaotic Uranian and Mercurial trickster-esque tendencies.

As you see, expansive planet Jupiter Rx (weakened) is at a critical 29th degree in 12th house of Politics and Karma and is the handle of a Sling shape which knits together two hemispheres of the chart. As handle, Jupiter's expansive energies are the focus although its expansive activities are partially held in check when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the sign of law, government, and business. A Moon-Jupiter opposition suggests emotional vulnerability, lack of a sense of self-worth, the need for expert advice (seldom taken), and a tendency to give others who may not deserve it the benefit of the doubt. Jupiter quincunx reforming Uranus suggests unrealistic expectations which Mr. Trump apparently possessed before stepping into the Oval Office--one example being how "easy" he thought presidentin' would be. Who knew chairing America could be so complicated?

Now I won't fuss on about the POTUS Sun-Icarus conjunction (in force as long as Trump's term goes on) but here are the comments I added to the Icarus horoscope when I first set it up. You may find this of interest now that Mr. Trump's administration has had time to show purposeful disfunction, the sabotage of various government agencies, and his tendency to act alone and seldom in accord with others (unaspected Sun, isolated in the 10th house of the Inauguration 2017 horoscope)--and noting that Icarus didn't listen to his father's admonition, flew too high, subsequently fell, and drowned in a Neptunian sea:

'New Insights into Astrology' page 196 by Nona Gwynn Press (see my Amazon review!); Icarus discovered by Walter Baade on June 27, 1949; in Greek Mythology, Icarus was the son of master craftsman Daedalus and Naucrate, a Cretan slave. Daedalus constructed the labyrinth on Crete where the Minotaur was kept. King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in the labyrinth, Daedalus made wings of feathers and wax, and Icarus, ignoring his father's warning, flew too close to the sun, the wings melted, and predictable results occurred.

The orbit of Icarus is between the Sun and Jupiter and it crosses the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars. Only comets go closer to the Sun. Icarus (#1566) contains the restlessness of Mercury, the sensuousness of Venus, the earthiness of Earth, and the self-assertiveness of Mars. Zane Stein gives Icarus a feeling of restriction, unrestrained exhilaration at escape which may be followed by a fall. House position shows where risks are taken (10th), and the practice of Politics is associated with Icarus via its 'rise and fall' nature. Assassination is also related to Icarus including character assassination (of Trump, now underway).

*German astronomer Walter Baade (1893--1960) worked in the US from 1931 to 1960 and with fellow astronomer Fritz Zwicky coined the terms "supernova" and "neutron star." A total of ten asteroids were discovered including Icarus, as noted above, and Hidalgo (#944) which were known as minor planets but are now called Centaurs of which Chiron is most notable.