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Showing posts with label 2 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2 South. Show all posts

Jul 26, 2024

Gov. JB Pritzker was asked if Harris has contacted him to be VP nominee - clip

In this interview, JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois since January 19, 2019, releases some basic truth about JD Vance, Trump's "Mini-Me" VP pick who, thanks to Vance's awkward rhetoric and harsh anti-abortion views, now seems to be considered a buyer's remorse selection - whose selection was insisted upon by financier Peter Thiel.

From the Wikipedia bio page of JB Pritzker we find that baby JB was born in Palo Alto, California on January 19, 1965, and that his family owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. As we see, 1965 was during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto, an inventive, tech-savvy, restless, even rebellious, combination.

The earliest that JB Pritzker's Sun and Moon positions clock in on his birthday (12:00 am PST) are Sun @29Cap02 where transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and regeneration, hangs about these days, and Moon @23Leo53. Their latest positions (11:59 pm PST) are Sun @00AQ03 conjunct US Inaugural Sun, and Moon @8Vir33. Within financial realms, Gov. Pritzker was born during a Jupiter-Neptune opposition phase across the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis which naturally resonates with his family's lucrative business empire.

Meanwhile, on a personal level, folks with a Jupiter-Neptune opposition in their natal charts and psyches often engage in social work of some kind (ex: politics) and can be rather absentminded. For best results handling the opposition, Gov. Pritzker may need to guard against a loss of objectivity.

Gov. Pritzker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse

Born into the 2 South Saros Series with its theme of joining an unusual group and gaining a great deal, a 2 South Eclipse repeated on January 5, 2019 @15Capricorn - a mere 9 days prior to his assuming the office of Illinois Governor on January 14th!

For more Eclipse details, see Brady's Predictive Astrology. #ad

Jun 1, 2024

"The Storm" Eclipse of 2019

Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Authority Figures

by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic

As agent orange lurked in the people's White House playing POTUS, year 2019 opened with a significant Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series @15Cap25:02, and if we use the First Vote for Independence Horoscope of July 1, 1776, aka, the Powell Horoscope of America, the Eclipse landed upon - "eclipsed" - the Powell Moon, symbol of We the People - as independence and freedom from oppression were demanded.

Actually, this cosmic synchronicity (Sun-Moon conjunct Moon) gave many Americans the intuitive ability to realize on a deep level what authoritarians were up to and to understand what must be done, while others compounded our nation's karmic debt by repeating mistakes of the past - or by trying to (ex: the Naz*s desire for world domination via brutality and theft). A "unified Reich," as Trump has subversively promoted.

So recognizing that some folks have referred to the J6 coup attempt as "the storm" or "a storming, below you see an unmarked version of the 2 South Eclipse of January 5, 2019, aka, "The Storm" Eclipse based on its future direction North Node's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "A Storm in a Canyon"; negative potential = "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones). Perhaps we can agree that turmoil, chaos, and disruption are precisely the tactics that Uranian Trump likes to create and use against us for like Naz*s in the olden days, such conditions create the best period of time for reforms to be more easily implemented - distasteful, dystopian, undemocratic, and anti-American as his so obviously are:

Planetary aspects to 2 South provide a fuller picture of conditions and trends:

Saturn conjunct Ecl: those with responsibilities related to 2 South themes and who are well-equipped to correctly handle the issues (Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn);

Pluto conjunct Ecl: Plutonians unite; a network of Syndicates; negative potentials include gang wars and rapes, and other criminal offenses (Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator - R. Ebertin). Note that the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 was yet to come and would conjoin Trump's natal Vertex @23Capricorn, a point of fateful encounters and with a potential for "wish fulfillment."

Neptune sextile Ecl: inspires the loftier side of Neptune's spiritual gifts, plus, psychic and intuitive powers increase bringing hope to the downtrodden masses.

2 South Themes: Unusual groups; finding a particular group to join where a great deal can be gained (paraphrasing B. Brady). Initial 2 South occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, Venus conjunct Aries Point, and Pluto-NN = Jupiter (@12Aries): "Desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people" (ex: Putin); and "attainment of great gains through others " (R. Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds: "potential success through an ability to use people" and "An enhanced ability to read the political motives of the people you meet and assess their needs for power".

Other prominent features of 2019's 2 South Eclipse include: Saturn-Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon: sparing no pains in one's work; over-exertion; cold feelings; a tragic destiny for women (R. Ebertin); Munkasey adds: important denials of extremes; controlling emotions as you push toward goals; dominating others through a strong will; strong control over other people's habits (and over women's healthcare, as it turned out--jc).

And here's a bi-wheel of our Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2 South Eclipse 2019 Horoscope (outer) as a transit chart:

Events of 2019

Multiple events in 2019 relate to issues of freedom and independence. One such involves the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which was signed by Reagan and Gorbachev on December 8, 1987 at the White House under the influence of a 7 South Eclipse with themes of Mars-Pluto power issues. The INF was set to expire on August 2, 2019 but earlier on February 1, 2019, now-felony-convicted Trump confirmed that the US had withdrawn from the INF citing Russian non-compliance. Next day, Russia withdrew from the Treaty as well, and considering Trump's close tie with authoritarian Putin, one might reaonably expect that their withdrawals were coordinated.

Obviously, this freed Putin and Trump on the nuclear level to act as they wish by failing to renew the 1987 aggreement and by not signing a new version. Of course, in 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and is destroying the country as best his massive ego can.

So! Follow the 2019 link, above, to check for additional events influenced by the group-joining 2 South Eclipse until the 3 North of July 2, 2019 @11Cancer over South America with themes of "news that transforms a situation" and "obessive worry" (B. Brady).

In closing: if you're concerned for America's future with foreign and domestic enemies continuing to target the US, you may wish to see a previous post Is History on Russia's Side?

Recommended for more eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, and Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman (AFA) #ad.

Nov 21, 2022

Radical Uranus in Taurus: More Trouble in 2024

When 1940 Uranus Returns to 26Taurus in 2024-2025

by Jude Cowell

These days, most people would agree that Donald Tr*mp is nothing if not a furiously enraged, malevolent schemer (aka, our orange albatross, as I term him). And perhaps a dear reader or two may remember Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse of January 5, 2019 in the 2 South Saros Series when a variety of folks were inspired to join unusual groups because they would "gain a great deal" from it (B. Brady). The delusional 'QAnon' is certainly one of said 'groups' although the pay-off from joining the off-kilter movement seems dubious at best since its campaign to undermine America and democracy continues apace and, if successful, its gullible members wouldn't fare any better under such a draconian boot than the rest of us.

Yet the so-called 'QAnon' used in the US is only one facet of a fascist-nazi movement of global proportions which has once again reared its barbaric head after decades of fermenting underground with the eventual intention of taking over the US government and destroying democracy - I believe in time for Election 2024, then catapulting its barbarism and theft toward Inauguration 2025 (if the January 20th ceremony can even be called a "presidential inauguration" via a traditional "peaceful transfer of power"). We might wonder what kind of "Oath of Office" would it be? Or, if successfully taken, will the crass authoritarian movement masquerade itself while continuing to rob us blind? I cannot pretend to know but I do know that, as in the 1940s, anti-societal authoritarianism must be stopped. Again.

Eclipses: Uranian 'Cosmic Blinks' and 'Wild Cards'

Now there've been multiple cosmic signals blinking furiously on the road to Fascism in America and many signals have been noted here on SO'W, perhaps most prominently via the repetitions in our era of the Fascism Rising Eclipse (its series to repeat in 2023) and the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, its series repeating right now, and cycling up conditions that have made it easier for the lamentable GOP take-over of the House through the use of its primary theme of 'forcefully taking power' (B. Brady). In fact, the forceful gerrymandering of districts in red states has much if not everything to do with their long-planned 'success' at Midterms 2022. And it was a compromised SCOTUS that allowed partisan gerrymandering.

However, if you've followed the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, which just dropped its final episode today (#8 of 8), you've been filled in concerning German fascists working in the US in the 1930s into 1940s, with episode one opening with the mildly labeled Trip 19 Plane Crash (horoscope shown) which killed (assassinated) Nazi sympathizer-agent, Republican Senator Ernest Lundeen on August 31, 1940, plus, other officials, passengers, and crew unfortunate to be on the flight.

Of cosmic significance to America now is the position of the planet of zealous anarchy and coup attempts, Uranus - on August 31, 1940 @26Tau08:49 - conjunct and therefore intensifying the vicious, malevolent star of fury and rage, Algol - and soon returning to its 1940 position in what I consider to be a horoscope describing an event of sabotage.

Therefore, below is a Horoscope of the second of three Uranus Return/s to this degree (@27Cancer = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon"; ex: Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse, as noted, above), displayed here because the Return of 1940 Uranus occurs on October 25, 2024 just prior to Election 2024 to be held November 5th ('coincidentally' the infamous anniversary date of Britain's anti-government Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as you know).

Uranus Return #2 October 24, 2024 @26Tau08:49 conjunct Algol (#1 and 3 listed on the chart):

Please enlarge or print the chart to read my study notes if you wish; there are many other factors worth mentioning but since this is a post, not an e-book, I shall leave them for you to discover and comment upon, as you may.

Shout-Out: President Biden and Herr Trump

A Hidden Factor Revealed is Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant @26-30Leo (conjunct kingly Regulus) completing a YOD pattern of crisis with the Neptune-Pluto sextile forming its base. And as you know, the Neptune-Pluto pairing can represent several potentials of a spiritual nature, but also signifies the criminal underworld for which Tr*mp acts as figurehead in the US.

Additionally, we should note that their sextile also involves Joe Biden for, as it happens, President Biden's natal Scorpio Sun and Venus rise in the chart with 2024 Neptune trining them which suggests potentials for doors to easily open, spirituality to be promoted, and sources of his success and good fortune to be mysterious or difficult to identify; Neptune trine his Venus indicates cooperation in his endeavors. However, rising in this particular horoscope in relation to the Uranus Return to the planet's 1940 position in an assassination chart, and considering the aid from transit Neptune, Mr. Biden's tendency to see only the ideal in people and situations can cause troubles and reversals that democracy can ill afford. If he experiences a lack of clarity concerning these issues, or falls under the spell of a tragic deception or illusion, America will have to face the authoritarian peril without strong enough leadership from the White House. Therefore, others must step up more firmly than ever.

Also notable is that activist Mars @26Can23 conjuncts Biden's natal Jupiter Rx (25Can08) so the Democratic president's part in events is expansive and can activate improvements during the current fascist vs democracy power struggle which is starkly shown by transit Pluto opposing Biden's natal Jupiter for some time now.

So in closing - and believe me when I type that it pains me as an American with Revolutionary ancestors to feel compelled to mention this - the current 6 South Eclipse which manifested on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 'Nazis Rise to Power' series is a repetition of the very first of three Great American Eclipses from way back in 1878 with #3 arriving in April 2024. So please check out the 1878 eclipse horoscope, if you will, and know that the deadly seriousness of these cosmic and earthly events and threats against democracy are obvious warning signals that no American should ignore, and that such malevolent forces have been stirring for centuries with an evil determination that few folks in our day can easily believe.

Sep 29, 2022

Trump's "Furious Storm" Solar Eclipse

2019 North Node of Future Direction: 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Published on the significant day of January 20, 2021 came NPR's The "Storm" Never Struck as 'QAnon' bizarrely predicted so let's have a peek at what I'm calling "The Storm" Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25:02 which by degree eclipsed the 1st house Moon (We The People) in America's Powell Horoscope (@15Cap16).

Now we know that 'QAnon' began spinning and gaslighting the public in 2017, the first year of the Trump regime, but I'm labeling the 2019 manifestation of a 2 South Eclipse as, "The Storm" due to the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of the eclipse's North Node of future direction, or destiny (@27Cancer): "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" (Jones; Dane Rudhyar gives, not "Furious" but "Violent"). This symbol reveals a negative expression of "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M.E. Jones).

Opposing this degree is its Illumination Point of "27Capricorn" = "A Mountain Pilgrimage" which contains many potentials, including the esoteric, and is the US Inauguration Midheaven degree these days (conjunct US 1776 Pluto Rx). Negative expression of "27Cap": "satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue" (M.E.J.).

Now if any of this reminds you of people who feign patriotism while being and behaving anti-American, then we're on the same page, dear reader. After all, fascists and nazis can hardly be considered patriotic in an American sense. (To this I must add 'Christian' Nationalists and theocrats who want to negate our traditional separation of Church and State so they can dominate US society and enforce their religious beliefs including what day we worship: see upper right corner of the bi-wheel!)

When Pluto the Dragon Encountered His Own Tail

So by transit, the Saturnian South Node (aka, 'tail of the dragon') swiped across America's 1776 Pluto Rx (natal and progressed) in late 2018 and early 2019 - under Trump's feckless tutelage. The Pluto-SN combination denotes people whose wills are out of sync with current social trends and conditions and this causes resentment, misunderstandings, and the destruction of personal security. Although a measure of self-reliance may be indicated by a Pluto-SN conjunction, dangerous collective events of a perilous nature, even war, are also part of the Plutonian-Saturnian picture.

Plus, as you see, "The Storm Eclipse" of 2019 @15Cap25 is bracketed by karmic planets Saturn and Pluto, the harsh planetary pair that, one year 7 days after this eclipse, met by conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters. These are good vs evil days, my friends, and I suspect that Trump knew this cosmic factoid about his Vertex and used it to his advantage as much as he could - with his natal Saturn in Cancer of misrule opposing. For as everyone knows, responsible Saturn's demand for accountability has never been his 'thing'.

Trump Coup Attempt a Mercury-Pluto/Mars-Uranus Endeavor

Meanwhile, a midpoint picture formed on January 6, 2021 around 1:00 pm est of,Mercury-Pluto = MC: 'arrranging matters well' (R. Ebertin). Secret arrangements, as we know, but which are now coming to light via the J6 hearings. My suspicion is that US Secret Service agents are implicated in Herr Trump's Mercury-Pluto plans, along with the potential that the attack on Congress was in part an attempt to steal certain documents from congressional offices. Were they part of the documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago? Are they buried on Trump's Bedminster golf course?

So as you see, our 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition (of surveillance) lies upon the transiting Nodal Axis, a planetary pair that turned up on January 6, 2021 with 'insurrection' Mercury conjunct Pluto snugged around the Midheaven (Goal Point). Also of interest is Inauguration 2017's 9th house Mercury @6Cap45 rising in the US Powell Chart (ASC @6Cap07) with all that speedy Mercury can imply (exs: intel, secrets, rhetoric, oration, travel, commerce, lies, etc.)

As for Trump's seditious coup attempt (ongoing, as we know: "The Storm"?), his disruptive, chaotic Uranus, planet of radical politics, revolt, anarchy, and zealotry - is his guiding planet because it's oriental (last planet to rise before his 10th house Gemini Sun: Mr. Chaos). So the point of this post is that, for readers who want to sleuth into "The Storm" Eclipse Horoscope for further information, here's a view of the chart set for Washington DC with 2 South's theme penned on the image, upper center.

Plus, as usual, my messy study notes are penned on; please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for easier reading, if you wish:

Now naturally there are several other chart factors worth your consideration and I hope your interest is piqued enough to check them out. And do leave your insights in a Comment if you wish! jc

Dec 16, 2020

Two Horoscopes: Christopher Ruddy w Newsmax TV

December 16, 2020: With the holidays fast approaching and my typing time growing briefer each day, here's a quick posting of a bi-wheel of horoscopes. Inner is a speculatively timed (by Moon to 00Cap00:00 because a personality blend of Sun AQ-Moon Cap seems to me to suit Mr. Ruddy better than an AQ-Sag combo of energies but check out both blends if you're curious) natal chart for NewsmaxTV founder and CEO, Christopher Ruddy, journalist and author of a book about the 'strange death' of Vince Foster, along with a 6:00 am est horoscope for the launching of NewsmaxTV (NYC; exact hour of first broadcast unknown). Besides operating from Manhattan, the network also maintains headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Sugar Land, Texas.

For as you know, during these closing days of the Trump 'administration' multiple suggestions of a Trump foray into broadcasting have been floated, plus, the White House denizen apparently favors NewsmaxTV over Fox TV for his political entertainment and soapbox. Perhaps you noticed that in July 2020, Trump encouraged viewers to "dump Fox News" after Fox reported poll numbers that infuriated him. Tsk. He also suggested the pro-Trump OANN (One America News Network) as an alternate option.

Bi-Wheel inner: Christopher Ruddy January 28, 1965 "9:21:14 pm" est Mineola, New York (he grew up on Long Island, says his Wikipedia bio); outer: 'NewsmaxTV launched' June 16, 2014 "6:00 am est" New York City (Eastside Manhattan):

Chris Ruddy's potential Sun AQ-Moon Cap's 'Images for Integration': "A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Note that this is the natal Sun-Moon blend of freakish author Ayn Rand, inventor Thomas Edison, and President Abraham Lincoln.

Now most of my study notes are penned on the chart/s, as you see, but let's close with the themes of the Solar Eclipses that Ruddy and NewsmaxTV were 'born' or hatched into. Ruddy's is the 2 South Saros Series @11Sag55: "joining unusual groups and receiving a great deal from it" (last 2 South occurred @15Capricorn on January 5, 2019 as the 116th's 'New Congress Eclipse').

NewsmaxTV's 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse @8Tau51 ('PE") fell into the 16 South Saros Series with themes of "issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially in groups; no real action should be taken" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Significantly, the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 conjunct transit Uranus, planet of disruption and chaos, intensely activated or spotlighted the themes of the NewsmaxTV Solar Eclipse (conjunct by degree). However, radical zealot Uranus the anarchist is quite capable of disruption and upheaval even without the laser focus of a Full Moon acting much like a revealing Lunar Eclipse.

A Related Post: Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return.

Jul 30, 2019

America, Trump, and Eclipses in The New Millennium

On June 21, 2013 the New Millennium Horoscope with chart details and snarky comments (as usual) were published here on SO'W. Feeling this is fair since politics and politicians so often engage in snarkiness themselves, I shall again post the New Millennium Horoscope now that Donald Trump is on the political scene and will add his planetary links to the chart which, imho, are revealing concerning current topics and events in America 2019 under the haphazard 'leadership' of chaos-lover Trump and the swamp creatures he's installed in order to hollow out and transform the US government. As I hope you can see, Trump's natal planets are highlighted in lavender around the outside of the chart and a few solar eclipse notes (highlighted in red) are also entered upon the chart, upper right. Note that the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 activates the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the New Millennium so the themes of 2 South and 3 South and their similar events may or may not transpire as 2019 ends and our days fade into 2020. Eclipse themes are like computer programs running in the background of our lives, some stronger than others!

(Please enlarge the image; this is only a partial reading of the chart in order to keep things brief.)

History Rhymes Again for Eclipses Affect History

Of course, if we use history as a guide and the mistakes of the past as our teacher we might consider events of the years in which solar eclipses in these two Saros series occurred (aka, 'cosmic time links'). For 2 South they are: 1910, 1928, 1946 (Herr Trump is born), 1964, 1982 (the year of a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36--our current Airy cycle until January 12, 2020), {2000}, {and recently on Jan 5, 2019 @15Cap25 = the 116th Congress--'joining unusual new groups'}. For 3 South the years are: 1911, 1929 (no one likes 1929 for obvious economic reasons), 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and {December 26, 2019: coming soon to a Christmas near you).

As for Trump's planetary links to the New Millennium chart, his natal Mercury (8Can51) tweets and propagandizes across the globe at its Midheaven, the most visible Angle in any horoscope and The Goal Point. Rising we find Trump's speculating, inflating, grand-scheming trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter stationary and we don't need Astrology to describe the pompous, air-filled, conman administration of kleptocrats under which we languish while Herr Trump separates families, cages children, and makes his white supremacist loyalties plainly known. (Expressing through his deal-making Mercury in Cancer, sign of tribalism, patriotism, nationalism, self-protection, homeland, children...and business interests.)

And there in 3rd house you see wounded Chiron @22Sag33 conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction--so tender, so emotionally sensitive...and wounded to the core. Does wounding and harming children now make him feel better about his childhood Mama issues of estrangement and neglect? Did she cage little Donald or simply feel like doing so? From what I've heard, he was a terror (then as now).

Meanwhile, in the chart's 8th house of Corporatism, status quo Saturn Rx @24Tau34, the 'papa planet' of authority, authenticity, responsibility, and accountability, sits upon Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged Algol twinkles malevolently--and the "angry father" appears. Of course, this reveals that around the time of the New Millennium, transit Saturn in luxury-loving, intolerant Taurus conjoined Trump's natal MC and entered his 10th house of Career and Public Status, a period when hard work pays off (if there's been any!). However, blaming others for one's mistakes and failures will ultimately lead to deep regret and an eventual lack of success. This is particularly the case if power and authority have been abused and/or misused and a position of authority ill-handled--just what demanding Saturn never orders.

So not only was Trump old enough to know better in 2000 and 2001, he's way-y-y old enough to know better now. But sadly, old man Saturn's lessons of maturity and taking responsibility for one's actions (and correcting mistakes of the past) went unheeded by the New York Playboy then and in 2019, opportunities for personal improvement have long since passed him by, leaving a disappointed America with a fat blob of a man-baby in Saturn's wake as thespian Trump playacts the authoritative position at the helm of our nation. And he thought it would be "easy"!

Jul 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Leo New Moon July 31, 2019

Image: New Moon @8Leo36 July 31, 2019 11:11:49 pm edt Washington DC. Note that if potent, New Moons may act as disruptive Solar Eclipses, Full Moons as revelatory Lunar Eclipses. The culminating stage of this particular New Moon is the Full Moon @22AQ24 on August 15, 2019 8:29 am edt; all are 'lunations' and all may affect or influence historical events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence as does location within the path of visibility (note: I use eclipse degrees symbolically whether the subject is in 'the path' or not; disagree as you wish!).

Rising 17Ari11 makes Mars chart-ruler but with no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which focuses on the warrior planet's house and sign (5th house in Leo conjunct wifely Juno, an asteroid which also relates to nation-states and politics). However, Mars is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity for karmic progress) with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at it base (3A10; the supernatural, drugs, and/or, organized crime) = Mars, plus, we might wish to rope Saturn (15Cap37 Rx 10th house conjunct the January 5, 2019 2 South Solar Eclipse--'joining unusual groups') into the YOD pattern as well so that midpoint pictures form with certain potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Mars: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Note that Mars @19Leo09 approaches a Trump Mars Return, a bi-annual event for us all--his 2019 Mars Return perfects on August 12 (11:27:04 pm edt) with a Moon-Mars inconjunct suggesting his usual Mercury-Neptune square's misjudgment of people, the forming of 'binding alliances' with those who then take advantage of his misplaced indulgence (exs: Putin? Kim Jong Un?), plus, he may be feeling powerless to oppose the oppressive demands of others and may suffer loss through collusion (yep--that's the exact word Rob Pelletier uses in his book Planets in Aspect!). Also note that his 2019 Mars Return's Mercury-Neptune midpoint @24Tau48 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (which conjuncts enraged Algol) so his tendency to 'live among the clouds' of his fantasy world is once again obvious to the public and suggests self-deception, lying, and going the wrong way, things the whining manbaby does so well.

Trouble is, he takes the rest of us down with him to the extent that we allow him to. Kind of a kamikaze POTUS we might say, sabotaging America all the way!

Now if you dare, check out Trump's 2019 Mars Return chart, a two-year horoscope, where you'll see that the July 16 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 also conjuncts the Return Midheaven (The Why? and Goal Point of any horoscope) to the degree when the chart is set for Washington DC--with Return Moon @23Cap52, a timing agent, reflecting Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and possible changes in work conditions. His Vertex is activated like all get-out by Moon conjunct Pluto Rx @21Cap12, an intense planetary pair that relates to inconvenient secrets being revealed--such as hidden children and it 'encourages violence and crime' and reveals obsessions that cause 'a misuse of resources' (Munkasey). So with the revelatory July Lunar Eclipse angular at the most visible point of his 2019 Mar Return chart we may expect more scandals and secrets to be leaked and/or uncovered--possibly financial or investment-related in nature or having to do with authority figures or issues, matters of security, his illegitimacy as POTUS, and/or parenting concerns. Yes, there look to be many boo-hoos in store for Mr. Trump as 2019 morphs into 2020 but an 'escape hatch' of a deal may be in the offing as well. For his fellow culprits have to protect their own hides after all--and perhaps they all took some freaky sort of oath to bind themselves together.

Now as you see in the above chart (my notes penned on), the Leo New Moon perfects during a Lunar Hour of fluctuations and changes with Mercury, planet of messages, plans, and young folk (and changes), stationed and ready to turn Direct in 45 minutes 51 seconds @23Can56. From this we see that basically, America is in process of a Mercury Return to 24Can12 (3x in 2019: June 20, July 29 Rx, and August 3) which reinvigorates any natal aspects to our 1776 Mercury--in other words, our Mercury-Pluto opposition is stimulated. You'll note that the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 opposes and reveals US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) which activates our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of manipulation, surveillance, propaganda, secret plans, and/or transformative thinking and ideas.

And when action planet Mars is apex of a YOD pattern an acute time of crisis is indicated (which means temporary chaos). Indirect, out-of-tune actions may be taken, forces must be mobilized, and vigorous new starts will demand courage and much effort. Plus, someone of a Mars persuasion (Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising?) is operating alone and unhampered by others (Tierney) which to me suggests complicity infesting the US government, media, foreign governments, and --?--. Of course, the YOD contains two inconjuncts (150 degrees) to Mars: one from Neptune (people who overstate their importance and are taken advantage of; physical conditions difficult to diagnose or treat; and/or being vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases) and one from from Pluto (compulsion to take on too many tasks). Looks as if impatient, brash Mars is on the case--but in a Fire sign, let's hope arsonist Mars doesn't start any! And if we add a Mars-Saturn inconjunct to the cosmic picture we find hints of possible physical problems caused in part by inactivity, and/or the use of emotional blackmail in order to guarantee submission. On tape is sooo inconvenient.

Then at the Base or Foundation of the New Moon chart you see the current transformative, disruptive July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 North series (10Can37) conjunct the New Moon IC of Homeland, Home and Family. 'News transforms a situation' as nearby Venus in Leo rallies 'round the New Moon suggesting social events, luxurious surroundings, and possibly some currency manipulation. Meanwhile, erratic Uranus @6Tau33 rises in 1st house denoting unexpected events on the upswing (possibly of the financial kind), unusual sources of financing being sought, and a potential for natural disasters of the earthly variety to occur. (Has anyone checked on the status of Mount Saint Helen's lately?). The soon-perfecting Saturn-Pluto conjunction, shown here in the Career 10th house, is on display for all the world to see and understandably plagues the minds of many (remember these two karmic heavyweights join forces approximately every 30+ years or so--last time in 1982 @27Lib36 bringing us 'trickle down' Reaganomics, a financial scam if there ever was one).

Interestingly, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 will conjunct the natal Jupiter Rx of the Republican Party (in its March 20, 1854 chart) and you'd think GOP 'ideals' of religious and social fanaticism would be hardened and severe enough without an increase of same, wouldn't you? Well, maybe this conjunction with wealthy Jupiter denotes a compression of the party's or the RNC's finances and donations on some level yet it doesn't seem likely--even though the NRA (November 17, 1871) is said to be suffering from a well-deserved financial lack these days. Yet Trump has already raised a prodigious amount for his 2020 re-selection campaign so he has that goin' for him and his alt-right friends of the vicious fascist persuasion.

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in the July 31, 2019 New Moon chart set for DC and hopefully you'll decide to ferret them out for yourself, then leave me an on-topic comment about what I neglected to mention underneath this post if you so desire. And remember: as always, this is 'freebie' content so please Share if you care! jc

Midpoint potentials a mixture of Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl.

Mar 3, 2019

Astrology Overview: The Eclipses of 2019

2019 Solar Eclipses: Across the 'Moon-Saturn' Cancer-Capricorn Polarity

March 3, 2019: currently we go about our business beneath the rays of the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse which manifested @15Cap45 just in time to imprint its 2 South 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal' vibes upon the 116th Congress. In Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government (politics), law, and business, and sign where transformative Pluto, power planet of permanent change, now plods on his way to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s (3x @27Cap33).

Toward the end of June 2019 the background influences of 2 South wane as the next Solar Eclipse prepares to dazzle with a direction change and potentials for sudden disruption for on July 2, 2019 an eclipse perfects @11Cancer in the 3 North Saros Series with themes of 'news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people; information can cause worry, obsession, and an urge to undertake large plans; there's a need not to get carried away' for 3 North energies are 'over-excessive'. As you see, for America this qualifies as an Independence Day 2019 Solar Eclipse and is the first repetition of a 3 North solar eclipse since 9/11/01.

Last in 2019 but not least is a Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series manifesting @4Capricorn on December 26, 2019 - basically, a Christmas 2019 Solar Eclipse with Pluto-involved themes of 'sudden relationship endings, possibly with a younger person, and containing deep emotional energies of traumatic transformation'. (All themes paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) In addition, the December 26th Eclipse Ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto Issues which, for me, brings to mind large-scale developers, wheeler-dealers, and power-grabbers like Mr. Trump - and his cruel, barbaric 'caging children' policy.

Now there are two 2019 Lunar Eclipses, one already past: January 21st @1Leo, and July 16th @24Capricorn which simply drips with Pluto and Politics, and points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) with its Saturnian-Plutonian vibes of compression, realism, hard work, unyielding deadlines, cruelty, and 'upsets in existing checks and balances' (Munkasey).

Above photo: the White House Washington DC (don't let the blue skies fool ya.)

Feb 2, 2019

Grucci helps Washington DC usher in a new century - New Years Eve 1999

Today is February 2, 2019, the much-touted, seldom-awaited, annual "Ground Hog Day" when the gruff-looking varmint attempts to prognosticate for the US an early or late Spring 2019. Many Americans are snowed in today, and perhaps some are without power, sorry to say. The fear level has been purposefully ramped up by government sources on the already lame electrical grid issue and on other issues so we've got that not going for us. As if America isn't up to the task of defending her cyber self yet for years we've been told how intricately intrusive is the touch of the Total Awareness system we're virtually surrounded and entwined by as its tentacles gather all personal communications and details of our spied-upon lives. Allegedly. Meanwhile, don't give promis, financial tracking, or back doors another thought.

20 Years Ago and Then Some

Basically, the New Millennium has timed if not sparked an announced 'new world order' as the 1776 version falls by the wayside before our very eyes, a natural Saturn-Uranus imperative about every 45 years - brittle and breakable yet necessary. 'Old' Saturn and 'new' or 'futuristic' Uranus last met three times through 1988 under Reagan in the last three degrees of Sagittarius. We are under this sway until their next conjunction (once) @28Gem01 on June 28, 2032.

Now the question of January 1, 2000 as the beginning of the next era vs January 1, 2001 is not a great obstacle to the basic concept of a new order replacing an old order and there are other signs along the road to its full implementation, some of which have been set up ahead of time - very robotic and all yet a cruel master. A devil, in fact. Yet if handled positively, these energies can bring improvements in society such as the progressive ideas now being expressed in the Democratic House of Congress.

And do you know that society is currently under sway of a Solar Eclipse from the 2 South Saros Series which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series of the New Millennium? Ongoing, the eclipse manifested on January 5, 2019 (US) @15Cap25 with its 'joining a new or unusual group' vibe, plus, 'gaining a great deal' (Brady). Prior to the dawning of the New Millennium, a 2 South eclipse occurred on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn.

So if you're reading this, I figure you could be in the mood to view a 58-second Vintage Video by Grucci of New Years Eve 1999 with the Clintons (not shown) presiding at the Washington Monument that's been lit up like a gaudy Christmas Tree - soo-o-o Illuminati! - but with the capstone of the phallic obelisk mysteriously darkened. And for anyone young enough as to have been unaware of (or, not yet born!) The New Millennium Fireworks on that starry night and the rest of the spectacle, now's a good chance to catch up a little in slightly less than one minute!

A Related Post: Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?.

Dec 13, 2018

February 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus!

February 19, 2019: POTUS and a Full Moon with Lots of Stars

by Jude Cowell

If the Trump administration remains in the White House until February 2019 as I suppose it will, the Full Moon horoscope of February 19, 2019 seems significant to me for multiple reasons: royal star Regulus @00Vir05 ('the king' or 'the kingmaker') will be reflected and revealed by the light of the Full Moon along with the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump. Note that prominent New and Full Moons sometimes act in Uranian fashion as if they are 'wild card' eclipses, and fixed stars express or are activated via eclipses (Ovason).

Alcyone rises at the moment the Full Moon perfects (10:53:29 am est) at the location of the White House, with the star's key phrase, "something to cry about." Plus, Trump's natal MC (25Taurus) with furious Algol upon it (and Nancy Pelsoi's natal Mars!) has just risen and languishes in the 12th house of Politics and Karma. The Sun-Moon midpoint (00Sag42) sets upon the Descendant along with asteroid Kassandra, key phrase: "a prophetess telling the truth but no one believes her" which may suggest someone's testimony in the Mueller investigation or to Congress. As you know, Lying vs Truth is such a problem for Mr. Trump and his associates with so many activities to cover up. (Confession: I still wonder if there's a love child behind Trump's curtain!)

Also of interest in the Full Moon chart is the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in mid-Pisces, sign of secrecy, for it conjoins fixed star Achernar, key phrases: crisis at the end of the river and risk of rapid endings. This conjunction is particularly notable since Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square has always given him much to lie and leak about and has provided our nation with a fantasy-prone, indiscreet, unreliable, unable-to-learn, emotionally immature man playing the role of US president. As you see, this conjunction falls in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. And legal eagle planet Saturn @16Cap53 (conjunct steady, strong Rukbat = Mr. Mueller?) has just conjoined the January 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25 (which conjoins the 9th cusp of this chart) in the 2 South Saros Series--theme: 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal by it' (Brady). In a previous post I related this eclipse theme to the new members of the 116th Congress which seems appropriate, agreed? Perhaps Mr. Trump will soon join a new group!

Now notice in the center of the chart I've penned an 'Image for Integration' for the practical Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo combination: "Small events bring enormous consequences" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey). Another 'Image' for this combo: "Faith and reason shake hands." (btw, this is the natal personality blend of Senator Ted Kennedy.)

Well, there are several other chart factors worth noting here and many of my study notes are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them. See if you agree that the February 19, 2019 Full Moon may represent a significant signpost on the Path of Donald Trump with Full Moons the phase of culmination, fulfillment, awareness, and relationships (or perhaps the ending of them) - perfecting as the Full Moon does upon Trump's natal Ascendant, replete with several activated stars--plus, a Thor's Hammer pattern with its midpoint picture notated on the right side of chart:

Of course, perhaps I fret over nothing for a Full Moon conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant could simply indicate a larger, more revealing publicity event than unusual. But really now, how is that even possible?

Nov 21, 2018

Late 2018 Lunations plus 2018 Solstices and Equinoxes

November 21, 2018: Coming soon is a significant lunation on December 7, 2018, a New Moon in mid-Sagittarius, plus, you may wish to consider a previous post containing links to the 2018 Spring and Autumn Equinox Horoscopes, the chart of the 2018 Summer Solstice, and a view of the Winter Solstice 2018 Horoscope. All charts are set for Washington DC as is typical here on Stars Over Washington (with DC representing America as well) and all have my study notes scribbled upon them for those who can appreciate if not benefit from my well-intended messiness. (Some artists write quite messily or at least this one does though yours truly can do better if she's not in a hurry.)

Of course, as I type it's still November so prior to the December 7th New Moon we must navigate this Friday's Full Moon @00Gem52 on November 23, 2018--nearly a Thanksgiving Full Moon yet the activation of weeping star Alcyone (00Gemini) might complicate certain conditions or events especially in relation to water, accidents, or blindness (inner or outer).

How 2018 Began Affects the Entire Year and How It Ends

Perhaps we should again note the lunation which opened 2018, the New Year's Day Full Moon in Cancer with its Sabian Symbol (12Cancer) pointing toward China and messages. Next a fresh cycle of activity began with the January 16, 2018 New Moon @27Capricorn which significantly conjoined America's natal Pluto with all the implications that transforming, deconstructing, sabotaging, spying, assassinating, wealth-hoarding underworld 'god' Pluto brings along whenever he's hiding behind the curtain and invisibly manipulating people and events from afar. This 'plutonian' lunation conjured visions of the 2016 RNC's Full Moon @27Capricorn in July which spotlighted our national Pluto in bold relief along with major power plays which transformed the Republican Party platform in Russia's favor and heralded the ongoing sabotage of the US government in the form of Donald Trump, as we now see so obviously. For as you know, Plutocracy and its just-as-evil twin Autocracy are on the rise here and across the globe and Big T is all for it as a lucrative endeavor benefiting his personal coffers and his power-wielding social status.

At least, his continued prominence is what Mr. Trump desperately assumes will be the case.

A related post: Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 with the RNC 2016 Full Moon Horoscope shown as it activated America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance, mind control, censorship, and propaganda across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Also of note between RNC 2016 and the first half of 2019 (a 'time link' of sorts) is the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25 which 'eclipses' the rising Pluto in the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart and, as 'wild card/cosmic blink' eclipses tend to do, will probably uncover or spotlight more information, scandals, or secrets concerning the Trump-GOP-Russia situation with the 2 South eclipse's 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal' implications (Brady) with possibly a Mueller report revealed in late 2018 or early 2019. Or perhaps the Mueller report will be uncovered for public viewing, at least in part, by a significant Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019 @00Leo52 which will 'eclipse' or blot out the light of the US POTUS Sun as 2019 proceeds and influences the Collective Unconscious.

Above image: Moon Shining Across a Lake, the Sabian Symbol for 8 Scorpio; an illustration in pencil by Jude Cowell.

Oct 25, 2018

Midpoints of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 2020

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun) 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration.

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has "made it happen"; strategy.

Midpoint Picture: Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun: (my bold and italics)

Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others (Munkasey); inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience (Ebertin); taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

Any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2020 and beyond, and any of the midpoints can be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses.

That the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since they are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

We should also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for upsetting events, arrests, or injuries (Ebertin); and/or deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is the conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post which involves a time link via the 19-year solar eclipse cycle between year 2000 and year 2019:

"The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series ('PE') of the New Millennium is the 2 South Saros Series which manifested on December 25, 2000 @4Cap15. The 2 South Series involves themes of 'becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2 South next manifests on Jan 5, 2019 @15Capricorn25 (in the US) and as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and other Saturnian realms."

Here I'll add that the 2 South eclipse of January 5, 2019 manifests upon the Saturnian South Node of the New Millennium Horoscope, a point of separation and possible neurosis when tactics or defenses of the past no longer suffice but are irrationally used anyway. Coupled with the eclipse @15Capricorn, this may suggest long-established groups of the past and separation from rather than the joining of them.

And if we wish to focus on the heavyweight trio of planets in the 10th house of Public Status and Career in the above chart, we can briefly consider potentials of three midpoint pictures between them which will form into year 2021 if not before:

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (Tyl).

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: delayed plans for advancement; lessens the focus on destruction; hindrances in quests for both fame and privacy (Munkasey); difficulties; separation (Ebertin); strategy becomes necessary; adjusting the big picture to meet with convention (Tyl).

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: favorable outcomes in the use of large expenditures of resources or energies; people who have leadership and power to dispense; opinions about how to reclaim the use of waste products for other activities (Munkasey); religious and social fanaticism; excessive modesty; self-sacrifice for others (Ebertin); trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left (Tyl).

And yes, that's the 1993 degree of the Utopian Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Capricorn) with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' implications at The Goal Point (MC) of the Jupiter-Saturn chart. For as activist Max Igan correctly informs us in his recent broadcast How The Matrix Controls You, the Smart Grid Is the New World Order.

For more details see: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Oct 16, 2018

Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump January 6, 1984

If you remember, Politico ran a story back on September 12, 2018 titled, Eric Trump accused of anti-Semitism after 'shekels' remark when he spoke of Bob Woodward, author of Fear: Trump in the White House which debuted in September 2018 and is now a most-read best-seller on Amazon.

Now, thanks to singing canary Michael Cohen, Trump's former fixer and bag man, we find that Trump reportedly directed Michael Cohen and Eric Trump to keep Stormy Daniels quiet and that Eric enlisted the aid of a Trump Organization lawyer to do just that. This puts Eric Trump in a brighter, more dangerous spotlight than even his misappropriation of charity funds has done. See Eric Trump's charity remains under investigation. Apparently, the charity has been used by the Trump family as their personal 'piggy bank'.

This sort of financial slight-of-hand appears in the natal horoscope of Eric Trump--primarily through his speculating, inflationary, fraud-leaning Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which also links to his truth-challenged Mercury-Neptune conjunction and forming a trio of planetary slight-of-hand! This trio is how Donald Trump's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square and his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio express in the chart, psyche, and behavior of his middle son, Eric, and it creates a midpoint picture of interest, Mercury-Jupiter = Neptune with potentials for: tendency to bamboozle or mislead others; 'to lose the solid ground under one's feet' during speaking; a person successful in deception or speculation; a powerful imagination (Ebertin). Turns out that when it comes to such things as financial dealings, a "powerful imagination" can land you in hot water!

So for your consideration, below is a 'noon' horoscope (birth time unknown) for Eric Trump, born January 6, 1984 in New York City; please enlarge the image to read my study notes; today's transits (Oct 16, 2018) are marked in turquoise around the chart:

Now without an accurate birth time I'm not inclined to write much more concerning this natal chart and will leave it to you, dear reader, if you wish to delve more deeply into it. However, a few notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Eric Trump are in order. Highlighted in orange on the chart and conjoining his natal Uranus, Eric's PE perfected on December 4, 1983 @11Sag46 in the 3 South Saros Series. This echoes his father's PE in the 2 Old North series which repeated for Donald Trump on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer because in 1946, Trump's PE @8Gemini conjoined America's natal Uranus, our country's 'totem planet' of revolt and revolution. And as you know, eclipses are considered 'wild cards of the universe' affecting events in similar fashion to quirky Uranus, planet of disruption and chaos, Trump's favored way of 'ruling'.

As for Eric's PE, themes of eclipses in the 3 South series tend toward: 'sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly with a young person' (a family member as in divorce? plus, his Venus-Uranus conjunction--jc); 'traumatic transformation and emotions via Pluto's involvement' (in 3 South's initial eclipse of August 13, 1208 @27Leo10 when Pluto was @10Leo15--conjunct Donald's natal Pluto 10:02!) 'through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Of upcoming significance, the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn 'eclipses' Eric Trump's natal Sun but manifests in the 2 South Saros Series. 2 South's theme: 'unusual groups, involvement with such groups, and feeling that a great deal will be gained' (Brady). As long as this doesn't turn out to be a prison group, Eric Trump should feel well out in 2019 although an indictment cannot be ruled out for it may well be in his cards.

Jul 10, 2018

Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh; June 1, 2006 Judge Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Kennedy in the Rose Garden

All over the news cycle today is Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Someone at The Hill opines that Kavanaugh Will Not Uphold Roe. On The Federalist Society's short list, Trump could hardly go 'wrong' choosing any of the names to nominate since they were all pre-vetted for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and for other decisions intended to shove US society further toward the right, our civil and other rights notwithstanding. Plus, for Trump, Judge Kavanaugh has that extra quality--that apparently his vote will be Trump's trump card to get out of jail free if a case against Mr. Trump should ever come before the Supreme Court. Yet because Judge Kavanaugh may not be the one to take a seat on the SCOTUS bench, let's not spend much energy on him at this point. But we should note that, as reported by The Boston Globe, Born inside the Beltway, Brett Kavanaugh is part of the GOP legal elite so what could possibly go wrong for the rest of us non-elites with Brett on the exalted bench?

Brief Astro-Notes: Brett Kavanaugh

Born in Washington DC on February 12, 1965, the 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh sports an Air-Water personality blend of Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer with both luminaries remaining in their respective signs for the 24-hour period. Therefore, the humanitarianism of Aquarius and the subjective, clannish tribalism of Moon-ruled Cancer mix to form an idealistic man with a social conscience, a progressive thinker but one who is also emotionally old-fashioned. This makes sense if his aim is to regress American society back to the 1950s by playing the role of an 'activist judge' for he prefers the values and morals of the past. And his Cancer Moon may reveal emotional immaturity at times and is sympatico with Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer.

Actually, this Sun-Moon combination of energies suggests that underneath a friendly veneer Judge Kavanaugh can be naive and detached when scrutinizing others and tends to rationalize the irrational. The unconscious prejudices of this 'kind-hearted rebel' may be somewhat hidden by a warm demeanor while his eccentric ideas may or may not motivate the masses. Motivate them toward protest and rebellion, as his nomination has already done, most likely!

Now Charles and Suzi Harvey provide two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend: "A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." Within my common-good way of thinking, the first image is difficult to fathom for an anti-government Trump Man but the second is easily believed. After all, this natal personality blend is shared by FDR (and by misogynist Norman Mailer and former Russian president Boris Yeltsin).

Consider the following excerpt from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

2 South: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Judge Kavanaugh soon repeats

What an apt solar theme for being named to the SCOTUS bench! A solar eclipse in Kavanaugh's 2 South Saros Series perfects on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with a theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Prior to the birth of Baby Brett, the eclipse manifested on December 4, 1964 @12Sagittarius, the position of the US natal Ascendant in our late afternoon charts. And if born near midnight of his birth date, Brett Kavanaugh's natal Moon is @15Cancer and thus will be eclipsed on January 6, 2019.

A Few 2018 Transits to Kavanaugh's Natal Planets (Noon positions)

Not knowing his birth time clouds the astro-picture of Brett Kavanaugh yet we can make a few general observations using a noon natal horoscope set for February 12, 1965 Washington DC. Born during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo, Kavanaugh shares the generational influences of this conjunction which suggests possibilities for higher consciousness, inventiveness, and/or perhaps tendencies toward violence, revolution, and anarchy.

His natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition is about to be visited by Station Direct Jupiter, today @13Sco20, its Station degree and minute. As the expansive planet moves forward for Kavanaugh, transit Jupiter in Scorpio will again oppose his natal Jupiter (17Taurus) with the third and final opposition occurring on or about September 6, 2018. During this period opportunity knocks but 'no one is impressed' with his efforts which may be seen as overblown yet he's feeling an 'urge for greener pastures'. (Obviously, the 'no one' is not a member of the GOP, his sponsors.)

Also, transit Jupiter is in process of conjoining natal Neptune (19Sco59) with the third and final 'dreamy' conjunction on or about September 19, 2018--and the rose-colored glasses are in constant use. However, going on a spiritual retreat would be more beneficial for him than falling for any pie-in-the-sky schemes which may be presented, successful SCOTUS bid or not.

Now as you know, transit Mars turned retrograde on June 27, 2018 @9AQ13, a shift of direction which occurred upon Brett Kavanaugh's natal Venus. This suggests the forming of new alliances, renewed physical efforts, and enthusiastic social events. Legal matters are a major focus under this transit which will re-occur due to Rx Mars. Groups are somehow involved due to Mars and Venus being in Aquarius so this transit seems to look ahead toward the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, as noted.

Not nearly as rosy is the fact that Kavanaugh's natal Moon in Cancer has or will be opposed by transit Saturn in Capricorn though it's difficult to time this important transit without an accurate birth hour. Using the Moon's noon position of 7Can47, transit Saturn has begun its three oppositions, the third and final of which will perfect on November 30, 2018. A depressive influence, this Saturnian year for him may merely involve the professional realms such as the law, the court, judgeship, and taking on major responsibilities, or it can suggests family, health, or other personal problems--or a blend of both (Career vs Home Life) and with timing issues involved. And of course if his Moon is in a late degree of Cancer, this restrictive, delaying Saturnian influence could continue into 2019. Yet this transit to Moon by solid, sober Saturn is one of only two transits listed here without an element of dreaminess so perhaps it will provide the Judge with real possibilities he can count on. For when working together Moon-Saturn can indicate ambition, strategy, and direction (Tyl).

As for opponents of the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, today's position of opinionated Mercury in mid-Leo opposes the Judge's natal Mercury in mid-Aquarius which provides a rather clear image of what's in store as his pre-vetted nomination hearings get underway (assuming he makes it to Capitol Hill to play his role in the Capitol Hill Theater production, Let's Rubber Stamp Kavanaugh! If the GOP can get away with it!)

So any time transit Mercury opposes natal Mercury we expect such potentials as verbal disputes, differing opinions, and questions left unanswered. Sounds like a typical day on Capitol Hill, yes, but the result of this particular charade is pre-determined, no matter what Mercury thinks or says. For after all, Kavanaugh's natal North Node @21Gemini (NN = future direction; destiny) conjoins the 10th house Gemini trio of Donald Trump--his Uranus-NN-Sun--and all conjoin US natal Mars in Gemini--so therefore, all square US natal Neptune in Virgo which can only add to the confusion, deception, and fantasy elements of the Kavanaugh-Trump relationship.

And one more transit--Neptune today @16Pis22 Rx conjoins Kavanaugh's natal Chiron (16Pis49) which suggests to me that something involving his mentor (Chiron in Pisces) is not fully revealed or is being purposefully evaded. Judge Kavanaugh's mentor is said to be Justice Anthony Kennedy whose recent retirement has made Kavanaugh's seating on the SCOTUS bench possible at this time. Is masking Neptune, planet of scandals, fraud, falsehoods, and propaganda, attempting to veil secrets concerning the Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their past financial dealings?

A Saturnian Transit Note re: Donald Trump

As we've previously discussed, all through 2018 'legal eagle' Saturn in transit has been performing a series of squares and oppositions to the natal Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump, a fantasist who seldom if ever discriminates between fact and fiction. The next exact such transit by realistic Saturn is another square to his natal Neptune on November 11, 2018, then a final opposition to Trump's natal Mercury befalls on December 10, 2018. As goes POTUS, so goes America.

Sep 29, 2015

Why Kevin McCarthy Should NOT be Speaker of the House (video) and his Sun-Moon Blend

Note November 22, 2022: The following post has been mildly edited for the sake of clarity.

by Jude Cowell

Earlier today I marveled at the mild manner shown by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy during his interview on Morning Joe. As you know he is now being spotlighted as a potential successor to John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives. But something bothered me about him and his demeanor but my memory wasn't serving. So helpfully this evening I visited YouTube and found Thom Hartmann reviewing for us the arcane rules of the House and reminding everyone what sort of anti-Obama conspirator Rep. McCarthy really is:

Brief astro-notes concerning Kevin McCarthy reveal his Sun in Aquarius, Moon in either late Scorpio or early Sagittarius. Born January 26, 1965 (age 50) in Bakersfield, California (birth time unknown) his personality blend is an Air-Water affair if the Moon is in Scorpio, or an Air-Fire combo of energies if the sign of The Seeker describes his natal Moon. Air-Water folk tend toward an ethereal aura of mistiness which doesn't seem to me to describe this particular political animal or support the prominence of pragmatic Earth planets in his chart and psyche. Yet I've never seen McCarthy burst into tears (like Mr. Boehner!) not in public anyway. However, with an Air-Water personality, ideology can be a driving force for this insurgency promoting politician.

On the other hand, Air-Fire individuals are the 'live wire' blend always full of ideas who tend to get carried away by their own rhetoric. Eloquence (or the illusion of it in his own mind) describes the Air-Fire person who is, at heart, a visionary Utopian idealist.

With Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio, Rep. McCarthy would display traits such as a powerful intellect, stubbornness, dogmatism, ambition, pride, charisma, egoism, self-reliance, and keen observation skills. Demanding recognition, he would easily convince other people of his capability and importance. A 'commanding haughtiness' would sometimes be exhibited along with reformist and investigative tendencies of a 'rational scientist.' Even so, Republicans do love to use their "I am not a scientist" excuse for all sorts of denials of conditions and conclusions they refuse to share in the face of evidence while having no problem posing as pontificating gynecologists and obstetricians when it suits their purposes. In addition, over the weekend McCarthy expressed his desire to send more US ground troops into the Hades that is Syria--perhaps you caught his warmongering performance.

Do I digress? Perhaps but consider a famous quote from a man who was born under the influences of Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio--these words been posted here before and here they are again:

"Politics, as a profession, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organisation of hatreds." - Henry Brook Adams

Well, now let's consider the Sun AQ-Moon Sagittarius blend in case it belongs to his nibs. This combo imprints its natives with a philosophical mind, an interest in social concerns, gregariousness, openness and honesty, tactlessness, an urge for expansion, an austere moralism, and a lucidity of thought that can go right to the point. Here is a natural teacher with a detached and imperious manner who tends to seek the limelight (perhaps onstage but I suppose our in-breach-of-the-public-trust Capitol Hill Political Theater and its mummery suffices the dramatic urge if AQ-Sag is his blend.)

Rather than a 'rational scientist' as above, this blend of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) flavors denote something of the 'absent-minded professor' archetype though I personally have yet to notice this easily recognized archetype on display by Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Plus, if practicing politics as a profession represents adventure to him, this could be his personality blend, plus, Jupiter is both a corporate and a political planet. But is he outgoing and adventurous enough for a Jupiter-ruled Sagittarian Moon? Or is he intense and secretive while conspiring against his colleagues in the Republican Party and Democrats with his Moon in Scorpio?

I shall leave it for you to decide though I'm leaning toward a Scorpio Moon with its spying and betraying tendencies (no, not all Scorpios are this way but he is after all, a politician.) For if McCarthy is one of those anti-government instigators and becomes Speaker of the House--intent on shrinking and drowning the US government into collapse--he'll gain a larger platform and a loud Speaker's gavel with which to force the agenda of Congress and make his anti-democracy stand.

For background info, let's close this brief consideration with Mr. McCarthy's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series (PE), the 2 South with its themes of becoming involved with unusual groups and organizations because of an expectation of great gains (Brady.) 2 South last manifested on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn and will occur again in the year 2019.

And speaking of big money billionaires meddling in and ruling US politics, 2 South is also the PE of the Bank of England (Republicans are economic royalists, aren't they?!) and of the secret meeting on Jekyll Island during which plans were set in motion in 1910 for the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US which came to fruition in December 1913, then took control of our monetary system.

Note that Rep. Kevin McCarthy's insurgency-prone Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo and his Mercury-Venus conjunction @18Capricorn (the "The Union Jack Flag Flies on a British Destroyer" degree; keyphrase: POLITICAL POWER; negative expression: 'smug or strong armed paternalism'), has been overt in 2022, and he finally expects to take the House gavel now that the Republican coup attempt against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 is under Kevin's belt.


Recommended: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (Jones), An Astrological Mandala (Rudhyar), and Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.