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Showing posts with label Aries Point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aries Point. Show all posts

Feb 15, 2013

Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2013

Spring Equinox 2013 (Aries Ingress) Shows Moon Rising with Betelgeuse

by Jude Cowell

Below is an image of the Spring EQ 2013 horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC. Sun enters Mars-ruled Aries 00:00:00 at 7:02 am edt on March 20, 2013 during a Venus Hour and in 1st house; oriental Venus (rising before the Sun) shows that 'valuable things' are to be dealt with but with the abundant Piscean energy in the chart (Venus, Chiron, Mercury, and Neptune) there may be spiritual and moral matters on Washington's Spring agenda, plus, war, deception, confusion, and obfuscation in the mix:

Above: Sun = Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, Prominence, Recognition, and Fame.

The last lunation, aka the Syzygy Moon, @21 Pis24 has just arisen so conditions at the New Moon of March 11 (3:51 pm edt--and the Moon became VOC) are in play relating to a new cycle beginning 9 days prior to Spring EQ 2013.

ASC 24Pis18 makes Jupiter chart-ruler (and Spring 2013 ruler!) along with sub-ruler Neptune and of course you know that the Jupiter-Neptune pair relates to spiritual matters but also to speculation, fraud, waste, and grand schemes. Perhaps a few of the conditions now in review (Iraq War, financial fraud) will be on Washington DC's menu due to the people's insistence (Moon conjunct Mirzam: 'to have one's say'--click chart to enlarge for more astro-notes and US natal planets scribbled around the outside of the horoscope.)

As chart-ruler it is important to note Jupiter's applying inconjuncts to Saturn and Pluto for this trio forms a YOD (special task, crisis, turning point, spiritual opportunity) which we saw in the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope and which has re-constellated with Direct Jupiter in 2013.

However, there is a very positive aspect between societal planet Saturn and Neptune (the masses, the media)--a trine indicating compulsion to make positive changes and reforms to negative social conditions. This trine is applying due to Saturn's Rx condition and is part of a Kite pattern with the Moon as the tail. As you know, Kites add an extra planet (or more) to a closed circuit of energy, a Grand Trine, and since this is a Water trine, the protective, creative, and spiritual qualities of a trine are indicated. The Lunar tail gives the closed circuit of Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury-Chiron an outlet for the expression of these energies.

The hotheaded, intense combo of Mars and Uranus are rising as well with Mars ruling 8th house of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Corporations, Death, etc (8th cusp 6Sco28), though Mars' sign Aries is frustratingly intercepted in 1st house. As far as issues such as explosions, war, rebellion, and such the upcoming Pisces energies must be dealt with first but this is no comfort since the US government is in the very bad habit of lying us into war and conflict--and lies relate to sneaky Pisces. With Venus denoting 'valuable things' and evaluations, money matters continue to be below-board and not quite as they appear.

And with austerity-lover Saturn Rx in 8th house of Big Money, win-by-stealth obstructionist lawmakers remain a problem for America's progress, legislatively and otherwise. However, this Equinox Moon is happy in her own sign of Cancer in her own 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate though whether Luna will bring positive or negative fluctuations will depend on many factors. Moon opposing 10th house Pluto 11Cap26 denotes promises to end waste and/or war and a potential for misuse of available resources in business. Rage may be indicated as well along with propagandistic manipulation and major PR campaigns.

Well, apparently there are many secret deals being made behind the scenes (Mercury conjunct Neptune in 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions) which relate, of course, to Piscean things such as war, oil, gas, water, alcohol and other drugs, oceans, undersea exploration, and such so keep your eye on the Spring Equinox 2013 horoscope as planets transit EQ planets and chart angles, events unfold, and secrets are revealed--or leaked.


Betelgeuse, as notated on the chart, signifies 'success which is not blocked' and is one of the stars of Orion, the Hunter. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Jul 1, 2012

Election 2012 Mercury: Nov 6 and Nov 26 Horoscopes

Election Day Nov 6, 2012's Mercury Rx Station with the Mercury Direct Station of November 26, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Below you see an image of Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Retrograde of Nov 6 at 6:03:47 pm est (@4Sag18, lower left) and a second horoscope for the moment on November 26, 2012 when voting Mercury turns Direct at 5:47:32 pm est (@18Sco10) with both horoscopes set for the White House, the main prize for the victor.

Mercury is chart-ruler of both horoscopes and thus the determinant of both events which relate to the November 6, 2012 Presidential and Congressional Election/s. All astrologers are predicting trouble due to Mercury turning Rx on Election Day 2012 so let's consider the condition of the planet of voting, announcements, and--when Rx--disputed outcomes.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 22Sag23 is unaspected (who knows what Mr. Fussy the Activist is up to?) in 7th house of Legal Affairs and Open Enemies is at '23Sag', the "Immmigrants entering a New Country" degree and for this reason, and bedcause of the obvious issues with Mercury's Rx Station on Voting Day, plus, Mercury's aspects to other planets (actors), I read the charts as having immigrant/voter purge implications--a tiresome Republicn tactic--along with computer voting machine 'glitches' and possibly outright tampering or fraud.

Naturally with Mercury re-trograde, the word re-count is in the political air especially given the cantankerous nature of the 2012 Campaign and Election for much is at stake for each party. However, this common-gooder would be remiss if I didn't add that the American people have, as usual, the most to lose, and even though I believe that whoever inhabits the White House come January 21, 2013 will continue to follow a larger global agenda with few options to do otherwise, there is hopefully a difference in how the agenda is implemented, or at least that is my deep desire for the We the People.

That a One-Percenter like Mitt Romney, the watery Sun-Mercury-Mars Pisces and equal-opportunity bully, should take the helm after what Bush and Cheney perpetrated upon this nation for 8 years (culminating in Financial Heist 2008) would be an outrage! Haven't we learned anything???

Okay, I'll hush my fussing and give you a chance to appreciate both charts:

The following is meant to throw a spotlight upon what I consider to be prominent features in both charts yet I'm certain you can see many other factors of importance. As always, feel free to leave a comment if you wish!

Nov 6, 2012 6:03:47 pm est White House: Mercury's first moment Rx in 6th house of Health, Work, and Military and Police Service after just dipping below the horizon. This is a Cadent position and a natural house of Mercury (Virgo) yet Mercury is debilitated in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius; a mentally inspired Geminian Jupiter Rx (Republicans weakened due to several factors including a battle with an incumbent president) is rising in 1st house; ASC 5Gem39 is the WHAT? Point of the matter and in this case, the WHAT? is Mercury's Rx Station. It's an Hour of Saturn (restriction, control, authority) so it may be expected that the Jupiterian GOP will have managed tamperings of the voting process by and on November 6. We cannot discount that Politics is a win-at-any-cost game with powerful consequences and Jupiter is relating from a weakened position opposite his natural sign of Sagittarius and Rx as well.

Chart-ruler Mercury applies to a square with Chiron (0A42), and a trine with technology-lover Uranus (0A52) with disruptive rebel Uranus 5Ari09 Rx in 11th H of Groups and Associations, and the sub-ruler of the 10th H of Career and Public Status (MC 13AQ00.) At Midheaven you see the midpoint of the combustable pair of Mars and Uranus which gives a midpoint picture of potentials for extraordinary achievements, and/or taking drastic measures such as 'putting a gun to someone's head' (Ebertin.)

Whether a threat of gun use is actually necessary to manipulate Election 2012 we'll probably never know. But this picture may simply be a reference to the NRA gun lobby of fanatics who really really want Mr. Romney in the White House, or so I've heard.

Now where in the Election Day chart are We the People? Moon 14Leo12 conjoins IC, (Home and Domestic Scene) and the HOW? Point of any horoscope.

Now don't stay home, m'peops, for We are the How! Yes, certain undermining forces are making it more and more difficult to vote but let's not give in to them. Especially with the high-flying Kite pattern you see in the November 6 horoscope with the people's Moon as spearhead--conjoining President Obama's natal Sun in Leo!--and sextiles to the Moon from Jupiter Rx and a 5th H Venus 11Lib28. Now I agree that it's speculation and popularity (5th H) plus our innate intuition (US natal Moon in Aquarius) which must tell us that Mr. Obama is our best bet going forward given all the conflicting campaign rhetoric and distortions but the president's argument that a Romney presidency would take us backward is easy enough for a majority to agree upon unless you're of the One Percent or on their payroll.

Disagreements, quarrels, recounts, disputed outcomes, voting machine brou-ha-has, voting roll purges, and more issues may be in the news from November 6 until...November 26? Well, probably. Yet Mercury won't reach its Shadow Degree of 4Sag18 (where it retrograded) until December 14, 2012 and quickly moves beyond it so we may have another December to be anxious over--centering on or just after December 14. Hopefully the SCOTUS Justices won't underwhelm the people's middling-to-poor opinion of them as they did with Bush v Gore in December 2000 and we'll appreciate an early if legality-decorated Christmas gift to settle Election 2012, if we must.

Chart 2, upper right, shows November 26 at 5:47:32 pm est (Hour of Venus--jealousy and revenge? or attraction?) when speedy Mercury takes a stand and performs a Direct Station @18Sco10 ('19Sco' = "A Parrot Listening Then Talking"--whose script will he read?) As you see, US natal Moon is at MC, and Mercury is again in the same preparatory Cadent house in DC. Forceful Mars and Pluto are about to converge in Capricorn with Jupiter still Rx and hiding in the 12th H of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Deals.

Wishy washy Neptune 00Pis25, ruler of Mr. Romney's natal Sun, Mercury, and Mars, is strong in its own sign and at MC (the 'hiding in plain sight' position); US natal Sun conjoins the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury, and the Pluto/ASC midpoint @00:05 is prominent at Aries Point (10th H) showing that the tendency toward the use and abuse of power and persuasion are of utmost importance for determined US politicians who wish to rule the day and don't mind being ruthless in their attempts to have their way. Foreign control and plutonian global meddling may also be shown by Pluto/ASC = AP, a World Point of Manifestation.

Now I know that most if not all astrologers have predicted victory for President Barack Obama in 2012 and I wish to whole-heartedly concur. Yes, this is probably the case--and yet there seems to me to be quite a few circumstances where the Romney camp can manipulate the outcome of Election 2012 as well as provide GOP interference to affect congressional races. And why should we think otherwise when they've made themselves perfectly clear by obstructionism and bald-faced statements and lies against Pres. Obama, for in their pride and arrogance they imagine themselves to be the only suitable residents of the White House! How tiresomely they brag.

Yet you know what they say: sometimes you just want to be wrong!

So with Election Day 2012 Mercury turning Rx on the exact day of the elections, the eventual results are certain to be in dispute or clouded by murky conditions (exs: computer 'glitches' or tamperings, robo-calls meant to confuse voters, etc) on into December, and may never be as clear as the American people would prefer and deserve them to be. It seems that our best chance to renounce neocon hawks is a grand turn-out for the President which will make election outcomes as perfectly clear as they can possibly spite of all the jackassian political tricks Washington underminers have to offer!

Jun 22, 2012

Jupiter Meets Uranus while Typing on a Weekend!

Typing on the Weekend of June 22--24, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Since this weekend is the last for composing and setting up my new subscription newsletter Stars Over Washington Monthly by early July, you can imagine that typing is keeping me tres busy and I won't be hanging out much here on my SO'W blog until Monday or Tuesday--crazy events in Washington DC notwithstanding. No, it isn't a weekend vacation but it is a labor of love on behalf of America!

Meanwhile, perhaps you wish to read a well-written review of my Scottish friend and expert astrologer Anne Whitaker's excellent book Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing which I also reviewed on Amazon in 2009--though I really don't think I did the book's usefulness enough justice!

So if Jupiter Meets Uranus is not already snuggled within your astro-library, I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to know more astrologically and historically concerning this 'lucky breakthrough' pair with its 'social and collective links'.

(Their last Great Conjunction/s in their 14-year cycle were from 2010 into 2011 and you'll remember that the first one conjoined Aries Point and the next two were in late Pisces.)

Wishing you a Happy Weekend, if you can get one!

Sep 21, 2010

A Harvest Moon @ Aries Point 9.23.10

If you're familiar with the Sibly version of America's natal chart (7.4.1776 5:10 pm LMT) you know that the September 23, 2010 Full Moon @ 00Aries, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Fame, and Prominence conjoins US natal Ic, the Home and Domestic Scene point of any horoscope.

Aries is the sign of the pioneer and those who begin things, yet Ic is a point of Endings. This signifies a new element coming into our country, perhaps immigrants moving in or Americans on the move or protesting. This Moon is made more significant because it perfects so soon after Autumn Equinox 2010. Click to view the Equinox chart with Luna approaching the Jupiter/Uranus duo in late degrees of Pisces; some midpoint pictures are noted as well.

One thing about it: Aries is ruled by Mars, planet of fire, so keep your tender dry!

And allow Auntie Moon to clue you in on what promises to be an eventful Harvest Moon 2010!

May 20, 2010

Senate passes Financial Reform 5.20.10

Can America's Main Street finally be catching a break ahead of Wall Street?

Will stock markets crash or plummet as a consequence?

Are Oil Can Harry's days numbered now that our erstwhile Capitol Hillers have ridden into town to sheriff the joint and untie all the Pearl Purehearts from the financial tracks?

Just when we thought congressional oversight was the most apt and laughable oxymoron in our lexicon, the United States Senate actually passed something besides the buck.

Now, it may take the GOP an hour or two to get their sea legs back but they'll come out wildly swinging on behalf of corporate greed and malfeasance, and somehow...somehow there will be regular folk who will swallow the politically motivated poison and ask for a second and third helping of anti-Dem swill. (They're all of a piece, y'know - we'll never take back America by playing into their Ds v Rs game of diversion like the chuckleheads they think we are.)

And so, as Summer 2010 nears, the Cardinal T-Square of planets acts early while June 8's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus awaits dramatically in the wings of the Universe approaching their cue at the Aries Point of World Manifestation.

Are you ready?

Sep 6, 2009

Recalling Reagan's 'Afghanistan Day'

Since President Obama's increasing incursions into Afghanistan are quite a multi-faceted dilemma for all involved, and because support for the notion is said to be dwindling in the US, I've published an entry, Reagan's 'Afghanistan Day' haunts a cynical world, with precious few astrological references, but with a couple of interesting links from the time period when Reagan royally proclaimed 'Afghanistan Day' on March 21, 1985, a day of a New Moon @ Aries Point.

One link therein leads you to the text of Reagan's proclamation, so do check it out, if you're so inclined - whether you think the US should have boots on the sands of Afghanistan or not.

Mar 14, 2008

Aries Ingress Mar 20, 2008

With my internet connection still acting in squirrelly fashion, the chart for the Aries Ingress (when Spring and the natural year begin) doesn't have time to upload before unceremonious disconnection.

Finances, War, Bush, and Obama are in the chart and here are a few details which hopefully will publish successfully:

The two T-squares are main features which include the Mars-Pluto opposition, and Sun 00Ari00 opposite Midheaven in Washington DC...Aries Ingress at 1:48:25 am EDT, March 20, 2008--the 5th anniversary of Bush's Choice for war.

Mars--Pluto = Sun: taking drastic measures; injury; accident;passionate attack to achive an objective; upset of plans that is irredeemable; hard work.

The second T-square points to out-of-bounds Mars 5Can44 which is conj US natal Jupiter. The Ingress occurs during a Mars Hour.

Sun--Mc = Mars: energetic pursuit of one's objectives; urge to fulfill one's mission at all costs; making perosnal decisions; a powerful personality; strong power maneuvering in the profession; promotion and success.

Sun--Mc = n Jupiter: publicity; optimism; fulfillment.

Perhaps this chart will upload to Jude's Threshold and I will try to do so now.

Mar 19, 2007

Sun "30 Pisces" now

Click Temple of the Great Stone Face to see my 'artful' representation of the Sabian Symbol for "30 Pisces" which the Sun has now reached this evening (edt) and will be upon upon the morrow (this is not a typo, just bad grammar.)

This degree at the very end of Pisces is straining toward the Aries Point...aka the Spring Equinox.