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Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts

Jan 14, 2011

SOTU Address Jan 25, 2011: Sun Aquarius-Moon Libra

It seems a bit early to locate the precise hour of President Obama's State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress scheduled for the evening of January 25, 2011 or perhaps the time isn't yet settled, but an early peek at two possible horoscopes for 8:00 pm est and 9:00 pm est on that evening in Washington DC shows Sun in Aquarius with a 29th-degree Moon in Libra in both charts.

Moon 29Libra in crisis or critical degree describes dire straits for the American people in similar fashion to US Inaugural Moon 2009 (29Sco45) as the Moon strains toward the next sign (Scorpio) but with Moon (we-the-people; the public; our daily lives) ruled by Venus (mental Libra) here rather than by Mars-Pluto (emotional Scorpio) on Jan 20, 2009, the State of the Union in January 2011 may be Aquarian from a leader's standpoint, but the people remain in crisis mode, Mr. President.

So if the Jan 25th date holds firm, we may preview SOTU 2011's energies by considering a few planetary factors along with Jan 25's Sun-Moon blend of the address for it doesn't depend on an exact hour since the Moon remains in Libra.

If the address begins at 8:00 pm, 8Vir13 rises along with Mr. Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo (6:59) which actually brings up his natal Pluto/Chiron opposition: a Seeker whose Quest is to embody, express, and struggle on behalf of archetypal energies seeking to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle. ) Also rising is Fixed Star Thuban (Alpha Draco, The Dragon: protecting or making material or spiritual treasures; issues of giving and sharing. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

If SOTU 2011 starts at 9:00 pm, 20Vir18 rises with Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream) along with VP Biden's natal Midheaven; if the affair begins at 8:00 pm or so and lasts until 9:00 pm, Denebola's influence will be applicable.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is an Air-Air combo indicating graciousness and reasonableness, culture and elegance. Air-Air assumes independence as a right (a typically American theme.) This is the combination of the natural communicator who likes to soar into ideal realms where political, social, and philosophical schemes are invented to improve life (at least in theory.) Yet human feelings tend to be avoided and a keyword for double Air is cerebral.

Therefore, we may expect broad and intelligent viewpoints to be uplifted in SOTU 2011 with clever arguments woven together lacily, and though pundits will say what pundits will say, we the American people may find ourselves hungry again an hour later.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is a highly idealistic combo with a noticeable humanitarian streak, high intelligence, and tolerance giving a gentle dignity. It 'keeps the faith' (as Tavis Smiley would say) and expresses ideas with conviction and sincerity; this blend is long on theory, but short on practicality. Socially aware, Sun AQ-Moon Libra is concerned with promoting ideas (or, propaganda) and systems that produce a brighter outlook for humanity. (8:00 pm's ASC '9Vir' = "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing"; 9:00 pm's ASC '21Vir' = "A Girl's Basketball Team" and you know how a certain someone likes playing basketball.)

(Note: if the 'system' promoted is a 'New World Order', I am not impressed. That's the NWO crowd that invaded and occupies Afghanistan and Iraq, you know, and you see where it's gotten us. By 'us' I refer to we-the-people, not the warmongering power elites who wish to rule the world under a fascist Zionist Imperialism. But I digress. Or do I?)

In the end, President Obama's approach as touted in SOTU 2011 may be considered too abstract to do our crisis-ridden populace much practical good, though most people agree that even when pragmatic and useful, the president's initiatives are tiresomely opposed if only because they issue from a Democratic administration. Plus, a SOTU Address isn't meant to be a laundry list of to-dos and already-dids as George Bush seemed to use it but a presidential report on how the nation is doing at this point and as a whole.

Given the times we live in, this may be a tough sell no matter how he approaches it and personally, I wouldn't want the job, would you?

Interestingly, Sun AQ-Moon Libra's Images for Integration are: Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees...Good friends fall in love and get married. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

A Mercury-Saturn Signature

Since addresses, speeches, messages, and orators are ruled by Mercury, I should note that Mercury is chart-ruler (Virgo) and makes only one applying aspect to a planet: a square to Saturn. Mercury/Saturn squares tend toward traditional thinking which finds it difficult to stay in the mainstream (see Denebola) of progressive or current ideas; change can represent insecurity and perhaps it is our feelings of insecurity which will be expressed by our Orator-in-Chief.

Making plans to see that ideas are implemented is possible and success follows in politics, education, ecology, and science since determination is what is needed. Noel Tyl has called Mercury/Saturn the "signature of the professional writer" and squares (90 degrees) indicate that much effort and hard work has gone into SOTU 2011.

At 16Cap41/45, Mercury is in 5th house at 8:00 pm but in 4th house by 9:00 pm, and conjoins Fixed Star Rukbat (steadiness and strength.)

Sun 5AQ42/45 conjoins US natal South Node (not the best portent for the Sun,
the leader in a Mundane chart for it has a Saturnian separative tone yet underscores the serious vibes of the occasion; perhaps a separation motif will enter by way of the tragedy in Tucson.)

Jupiter @ 00Ari37, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, has left quirky Uranus 27Pis45 behind; disturbingly, expanding Jupiter rises with Algol, a difficult star of rage and fury.

Now let's close this speculative post (speculative for lack of a definite hour which will be announced soon) with a topically apt quote from one who shares the Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend, Nobel Prize winning novelist Boris Pasternak:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Well-said. And so true.


Text of President Obama's remarks at January 12, 2011's Tucson Memorial Service.

Natal charts: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (from BC); Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 pm EWT Scranton, PA (from memory, Rodden Rating A.)

Apr 26, 2010

US Sec Progressions April 2010: Moon to Neptune

April 26, 2010: America's Secondary Progressions are displayed below with the chart upper right set for Philadelphia, PA, our nation's natal location; lower left is our Sec chart re-located to the White House.

Some differences appear between the two locations as far as the houses go, as you see. Click to enlarge the image and you'll find a few of my notes scribbled there but for today I'm focusing on Sec Moon (our daily rounds, domestic and security issues) nearing conjunction with Sec Neptune, exact in October 2010.

These Sec Moon-Neptune implications for the US are emphasized by the fact that transit Neptune (nearing the end of Aquarius) has been affecting our natal Moon for a while now - US n Moon ranges from 18 to 28 AQ, depending on which US natal chart you prefer from July 4, 1776.

As mentioned in previous posts, tr Neptune to natal Moon (we-the-people) is an unstable time of feeling a sense of rootlessness and loss, even despair, as home foreclosures continue to decimate families, increase the US homeless population, necessitate movings-in with Mama, put refugee and immigration issues on the table, make commitments hard to keep, and bring thousands of US soldiers home to face overwhelming difficulties as they return to the country they and their families sacrificed so much for.

An atmosphere of dissatisfaction with dwindling options and weakened financial conditions are shown in part by home owners walking away from their mortgages in droves which this transit well describes, especially with such conditions now being undergirded, or ramped up, by the Sec Moon-Neptune conjunction you see here. The peak of this Sec conjunction will be in October, and there will be a lessening of its effects by the end of 2010.

Tr Neptune to n Moon also indicates thievery and fraud. We-the-people could use some protection from Capitol Hill and the White House more than ever before yet recent and ongoing legislations fail to protect us to any appreciable degree as special interests of Big Industry hold corporate sway over the Capitol Hill plutocrats when it comes to the lowly US consumer...weakened and deceived (Nep) consumers (Moon), politicians bought and paid for.

April 26, 2010 Sec Progressions, Philadelphia and White House: Hour of a Rx Saturn in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Betrayals, and Surveillance:

As you see in the Philadelphia chart, our Sec Moon 20Vir21 is poised to enter Sec 2nd house (Earning Ability; Values; Self Worth) with Sec Neptune already posited underminingly in 2nd h and causing confusion and deceit in financial matters and loss of workers' incomes. (US natal Neptune 22Vir25 is even closer to being joined by Sec Moon 20Vir21 than the later-degreed Sec Neptune 26:17 Rx; Sec Moon exactly conjs Sec Neptune in about two months = June 2010, just prior to the financially stressful July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, in 8th house for Washington DC, and conjunct difficult Fixed Star Castor.)

Opposite this 'watery' Moon-Neptune action, the 8th house (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Transformations, Death, the Occult, etc - with deceptive, confused Pisces on the 8th cusp) has the Venus/Chiron conjunction snugged around the 9th cusp in the White House version - this is a very sensitive point at the end of the 8th house (in both charts.) Venus-Chiron has to do with sacrifices on the altar of relationship and with money issues but perhaps you, lone reader, already know more about Venus/Chiron than this reluctant astrologer!

Sec Venus opposing Sec Mars Rx indicates our warring activities and their bankruptcy of (what used to be) our Treasury; Sec Mars Rx shows military weakness through overstretching, plus, military police actions of a police state used against the people; Sec Mars in a national chart usually indicates terrorism on home soil, including false flag ops used against the people.

Sec Moon 20Vir21 conjuncts Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society, or, against the mainstream...perfect for swimming in or against the Lunar-Neptunian tides of dissolution and fraud, I suppose. This seems to relate in part to homeowners walking away from upside down mortgages especially since Neptune can so often bring a kind of loss due to dissolving conditions - and Virgo is the sign of The Worker and Server which relates to high unemployment.

We might also expect natural and other disasters involving water and oceans (the recent 'explosion' on the Gulf of Mexico oil rig platform, with Neptune = oil, and the sea being a good example.) Food supply issues may be in the news, along with toxins ('additives') that are put into our foods by Big Chem as noted in such films as Food, Inc and TV's Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution - these and related issues will be emphasized more strongly going forward. They must be addressed more honestly.

And I should mention that Neptune relates as well to mass media, the entertainment industry, and to propagandizing; the Moon links to the public and public relations campaigns, as does the Moon's North Node (NN)...'contacts with the public'.

Now let's consider the Neptune/North Node midpoint sitting upon the ASC in the Sec chart set for the White House...'Nep/NN' = anti-social elements; a lack of community spirit (Ebertin); as you see, Moon will be in Nodal Degree when 'she' reaches Neptune 26Vir17 (Oct) and the White House version of our Sec chart shows Neptune and Sec Moon @ Nodal Degree (26) for October, showing karmic conditions in play.

(Being a Saturnian rather than a Uranian astrologer, 'in Nodal Degree' gives America a 'reaping what was sown' flavor to Moon-Neptune-NN, which is what I mean by karmic or fated conditions. Of course, Wall Street fraudsters and banking gangsters are giving us a lot to reap and plenty to weep about.)

From Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - as always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply...some factors are noted on the chart image, but here I'll type out all of the possibilities for you...

Nep/NN = ASC: suffering from inhibitions; feeling uncomfortable in the presence of others; experiencing deceit and untruthfulness from others; being duped or disregarded (Hello, Capitol Hill? your constituents are calling - jc); disappointments; appearing strange to others; ignoring the reactions and attitudes of other people; mentally repressing outside influences while concentrating more fully on one's own needs.

Well, there's a brief snapshot of America and her evolutionary condition as of April 26, 2010. Yes, we're in a dire state, and we don't need Astrology to tell us that for we can simply look about the place.

Yet the one thing Astrology brings to the table which no other system can is the element of Time with its cyclic timing ability making it possible to see that by the end of 2010, at least some of the undermining influences of Moon-Neptune will lessen for we-the-people.

Now send the Wall Street fraudsters to jail, SEC - you paper tiger, you!

Note: @ bottom right you see "Sec Jupiter turned Rx by progression in 1905 - conjunct Pentagon's natal ASC" but our Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905 was in early Gemini; here you see Sec Jupiter 15Can34 - still Rx - and now conjunct the Pentagon's n ASC = bottomless money pit for war profiteering generals, ideologues, politicians, contractors, and for the secret society types who foment wars the world over and funnel US resources into plutonian coffers and imperial projects.

Apr 20, 2010

4:20 pm on 4.20.10: it's smoke-in time!

Well, I missed it again! But yes, it's been years since my college days so I shouldn't be surprised that today's Great Smoke-in, in honor of marijuana's nickname '420', has come and gone without me.

At 4:20 pm pdt on 4.20.10, Fixed Star Denebola will rise in San Francisco, scene of one of today's smoke-ins. Denebola's keywords seem quite applicable to this event: to go against society, or, against the mainstream!

The chart does have health connotations, however, such as the still-within-orb YOD between Sun (in sensual Taurus) sextile Neptune (planet of negative escapism, drugs, and dreams) pointing to authoritarian Saturn 29Vir07 Rx in 1st house. (YODs can be health indicators as well as 'special task' or 'crisis' indicators.) I suspect that California authorities (Saturn) are not as happy as the participants today and may consider the smoke-in to be a critical (29th degree) situation they must deal with. We'll see how it goes. (I'm in the edt zone and it's now nearing 8:30 pm here.)

Plus, 19Vir00 is rising making Mercury the chart-ruler, yet Mercury is Rx in Taurus and is squared by Mars. Will something or someone interfere with all the hi-jinks?

And I shouldn't neglect to add a midpoint picture affecting Mars at 4:20 pm... Saturn/MC = Mars: a lack of initiative and enterprise. (This effect is one of the drawbacks of regular pot smoking, yes? Wait a minute - how would you know? ;p )

So with the YOD's health connection, I'm thinking of California's lead in allowing medical marijuana to be used, something I must agree with for calming serious or fatal conditions. If herbal smoking eases someone's severe pain or gives them an appetite when they wouldn't have one otherwise, it's not my place or the nosy government's business to keep weed from helping people, imho. For who am I to pontificate to those near death, especially a painful one? Sheesh!

Another interesting factor in the chart is Mars @ 8Leo40 in 11th house of Friends, Groups, and you know, Leo loves entertainment and fun times...

'9Leo' = "Glass Blowers Shape with Their Breath Glowing Forms"...ha ha! Sounds suspiciously bong-like to me, how about you?

Plus, Mars rises these days with SIRIUS, keywords: the mundane becoming sacred . Now I've never researched cannabis to any extent but it must be a sacred herb in some culture or another, right? And didn't some of our nation's Founding Fathers grow it? Oh yeah, for the hemp. Right.

As far as asteroids, there's imbibing Bacchus who never met a party or a feel-good substance he didn't like...he's very suitably traversing the sign of Neptunian Pisces just now @ 18Pis42, conjunct the chart's Descendant!

Socializing Venus 24Tau50 has what may be an apt Sabian Symbol to add to the picture, hazy though the smoke-in's location may become...

'25Tau' = "A Large, Well-Kept Public Park."

And in the end, you know what they always love to say so I'll say it as well:

smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

And if you don't, just blog about it.

Feb 1, 2009

Fake 911 calls will get you 10 + the Battle in Seattle

Anyone being influenced by the triggering of Fixed Star, Denebola - to go against society - should be fully be aware of the stakes:

Fake calls to 911 bring SWAT teams but some of the perpetrators are caught and in prison as I type...don't become one too, Sparkie.

(My suspicion is that this is one of America's many broken systems which are in need of refurbishment, replacement or upgrade and which may falter even more around the time and after the Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 until the end of the year and into 2010...the next Solar Eclipse is on Jan 15, 2010 '25Cap' in the 12 North Series when someone will be unable to carry on and another must take over in lieu; opportunities for greater responsibility although events may be difficult. ~Brady's Predictive Astrology)

Odd, but I had just watched 'Battle in Seattle' for the first time a few minutes ago, then walked to the pc, turned it on, my portal page came up, and voila! There was the above-linked article.



Battle in Seattle, as the protests were dubbed by the media:

World Trade Organization (WTO), ministerial meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, the universe; Nov 30, 1999; Pluto/Chiron midpoint = Sun 7Sag59/ASC = sunrise 7:40:54 am pst; Mc 2Lib08; Moon 16Vir13 in 9th house; in 8th house: NN 5Leo38 (so USA having a Nodal Return when associations are formed; US has a Nodal Half-Return coming up in April 2009. Wish The Dragon would gobble itself all up and leave innocent people alone.)

A Great Conjunction occurred one month later, Dec 30, 1999:

Kicking off the New Millennium were Pluto and Chiron, who together signify plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, corporatism, colonialism, racism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, commercialism, statism, and other -isms that most folks would prefer to stay away from.

And naturally, we may put together these nuggets: corporatism + statism = fascism. Yeah. The world is having occasion to recognize the devouring monster once again big time.

The 4 to 9 degree area of the Gem-Sag polarity is no picnic = 'nuclear degrees' with '5Sag' being a degree of flight. Pres. Bill Clinton flew in (in the middle of the night of Nov 30 - Dec 1) after being assured that his pretty mind and precious patootie would be kept safe from all harm.

During the Nov - Dec 1999 protests in Seattle, the midpoint of Saturn-Pluto (hardship; cruelty; loss; violence) was sitting astride US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) 26AQ03...

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; abstemiousness; giving up giving; renunciation; melancholy; the tragic destiny of a woman. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

And I would add: control (Saturn) by police state (Pluto) crushes the people (protestors and others caught up in the crowds - AND the exploited populations of the Third World...which continues today as resource plunderers and vultures take their profits.

Stuart Townsend wrote and directed the film, 'Battle in Seattle' and though I'm no movie critic, I believe the film is worth seeing especially if you're like me and wanted to know more of Seattle and the worldwide protests (as something like 30 cities around the globe protested in solidarity) while 600+ of our guys and gals sat in jail nursing injuries.

Well, it would be no surprise to me to find out one day that the group that smashed windows and turned the protests violent (thus giving Seattle's major an excuse for ordering police tactics such as tear gas, head-bashing, and arrests before) were plants to make sure things did go violent - as a way of diffusing criticism against the WTO policies, and to push through their plans for a fancy conference where one of the film's characters said, "The conference is doomed to success."

Did a real person say that? I don't know, but it did remind me of asteroid Atlantis' keywords: abuse of power; a sense of doom.

Seems to me there was a sense of doom (for the disenfranchised, and for the 'new world order' which we watch form now with the current economic 'meltdown' was always in their 'cards' at our expense...never theirs); and abuses of power ran rampant over anyone who stood in the way both inside the Paramount Theater and out on the streets as Internet hook-up created a group of protesters numbering the tens of thousands...and got them coordinated in Seattle.

So it's about time I rented the DVD and returned to studying Nov 30 - Dec 4, 1999's charts for those five days that rocked the world, and I hope nothing's been said here that would dissuade you from viewing this film if you're yet to do so.

Real footage was intertwined with movie scenes and remember...

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

Jan 2, 2009

Coal Ash Flood 12.22.08: Saturn opposing Uranus

Dec 22, 2008 marked the largest environmental disaster of its kind in US history, the coal ash flood - or 'spill' - in Kingston, Tennessee, 40 miles west of Knoxville at the Kingston Fossil Plant

The initial estimates of the size of the carcinogenic sludge were woefully short and it turns out from aerial photographs that the actual amount is 5.4 cubic yards, enough to flood over 3,000 acres one foot deep. Three houses were destroyed by the coal ash flood which occurred when an earthen retaining wall gave way after much rain and cold temperatures.

And since coal ash is not regulated as a hazardous material, we may be hearing - or experiencing - more such disasters.

My guess is that we already have on some level - unless you like arsenic and mercury in your drinking water - because unlined ponds for capturing this lead and thallium infused muck are the preferred way the US coal industry and the TVA like to 'handle' this health threat.

In other words - they don't. No one had a plan for if/when the holding pond failed! So I have to say: don't debate the regulation of this hazardous material - line the nation's holding ponds, for cryin' out loud...line first, debate later.

Planets and Stars:

Dec 22, 2008, Kingston, TN, at appr 1:00 am est gives 5Lib31 rising, chart-ruler Venus 16AQ23 conjunct wounding Chiron in 5th house of Risk-taking, Gambling, and Children who may suffer nervous and reproductive disorders from such material which contaminates ground water.

Venus applies to conj with watery and often deceptive Neptune (5A46.)

At Midheaven is 6Can07, a Water sign, with Mercury 15Cap19 and Jupiter 26Cap43 in 4th house, along with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of corporatism, oppression, racism, environmentalism, and disenfranchisement of all kinds.

The sign Cancer has nothing to do with the disease, cancer, but in this case, it seems too descriptive for comfort - and at the WHY? Point of the chart (Mc.) Of course, we associate business and making money with the sign, Cancer, along with protection and security.

And we can't miss the fact that Dec 22's early hours were the perfecting of Sun conjunct Pluto at a World Point. At 1:00 am est: Sun 00Cap46; Pluto 00Cap54, with Mars 26Sag13 nearby, all in 3rd house of The Neighborhood, Sagittarius the sign of the foreigner.

Asteroid Atlantis was conj Sun/Pluto as well - keywords: abuse of power; feeling doomed. Not a fun trio, that's for sure.

There are three midpoint pictures of note:

Mars-Pluto = Sun: accident potential; passionate attack to achieve an objective; upset of plans that is irredeemable; intervention of some undeniable force or authority. Guess the Tennessee Valley Authority might be included in that last one.

Moon-Neptune = Mars: weakened system.

Uranus-Asc = Mars: making things happen raucously; devil-may-care attitude. (All midpoint pics: Noel Tyl.)

Did I mention that asteroid Cupido (corporations; The Family; brethren) arose at 1:00 am? Cupido 6Lib00 - which makes it a transit to George Bush's natal Neptune. And like Eros, Cupido has a link with piercing (as with Cupid's arrows.)

Now I'm not making a case for sabotage, I'm just noting what's in the chart for Kingston's coal ash flood of Dec 22, 2008. At least I don't think I am. Seems with the 'weakened system' and poor planning and support, it was an accident looking for a place to happen.

Conjunct Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), Saturn 21Vir41 opposes Uranus 19Pis00 (a Water sign) and we always look to Saturn when we think of 'earthen' and containment, which the pond did not do. Uranus (sudden events; lightening) in Watery Pisces affected the earthen retaining wall (Saturn) which should have been well-lined (Saturnian boundaries again.)

Well, Saturn was dissed, and he does not like that. Will this disaster prove that his lessons can be learned and applied by an AWOL government? I say 'AWOL' because as an American citizen, I did not give my government leave to become slack and sorry! Did you?

My heart goes out to the folks who live near this disaster which could have been lessened or avoided if such materials were regulated and government agencies performed their duties to protect the American people rather than the coal industry's bottom line.

But why fret? The TVA says mercury and arsenic levels in the area's drinking water are "barely detectable" so make mine a double over ice, would ya?