Power-Mad Ego-Driven Sun-Pluto Craves Domination!
by Jude Cowell
So will US leadership continue to be global after 2025? These days, forces are working for and against such a continuation, yet tragically, Washington hasn't always handled power well, as you may agree (exs: preemptive wars, invasions, plunderings, financial exploitation). Admittedly, this entire thing with Pluto sounds draconian to me, perhaps powered by Utopian zealotry, but let's proceed anyway.
Well, when it comes to issues of power and the abuse of it, astrologers keeping up with politics and the planets have followed along with powerful, subliminal Pluto as the wealth-hoarding Mr. Invisible has crept toward America's first-ever Pluto Return (to its 1776 position) in late degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business (see tri-wheel link, below). And most folks know that master astrologer Reinhold Ebertin labeled Pluto in Capricorn, the dictator, and can agree that the authoritarian archetype of "the dictator" now vultures over the masses expectantly like a malevolent raptor with humanity in its sights.
The barbarians aren't simply at the gate, they're sabotaging our country from inside the compound. And we should expect that America's current crisis situation with democracy under attack will affect events of 2023, 2024, and 2025 - and will form the basis for them.
So! the following bi-wheel is set up backwards: the inner chart is the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope surrounded (outer) by the transits of February 18, 2024 at the moment (3:11:24 am EST) that transit Pluto @00AQ53 hits the position of what will be the Inaugural Sun 2025 (the leader, taking the presidential Oath of Office at noon on that day):
Why backwards? Because tr Pluto reaches 00AQ53 prior to the actual Inauguration of January 20, 2025 (assuming that we have our traditional ceremony). In fact, February 18, 2024 is the first of three times this conjunction occurs, and penned on the chart are the other dates of exactitude: July 22, 2024 and December 26, 2024.
Now obviously, Pluto's direct, transformative contact to US POTUS Sun (aka, Inaugural Sun: identity change?) cosmically affects year 2024 and the 2024 Presidential Election - before and afterwards (Feb-to-Dec). An extended period of vote counting, plus, contentiousness, seem probable, of course, so there is that to consider but it's beyond the limited scope of this post.
Note that you may wish to check out the bottom of the image concerning 2025 Mars Rx @24Can23 conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx (an indicator of political conflicts), and the date when transit Mars will oppose the Sun-Pluto conjunction on or about May 21, 2023. Yes, 2023. And, due to the two-year cycle of Mars, again on Election Day 2024! Obviously, other planetary influences will alter conditions with both positive and negative energies, as they always do.
As for the bi-wheel shown above, please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for better reading, if need be. Yes, my study notes are penned on so you may find something interesting! See the center of the chart for Sun-to-Pluto notes, and lower left corner for Pluto-to-Sun potentials - a double emphasis from the Cosmos.
And so as it turns out, this is another one of my forewarned-is-forearmed posts of fretful fussiness and hopefully a dear reader or two will follow up on these topics in the real world (via activism! 'democracy is not a spectator sport - get active', as Thom Hartmann always reminds us), or perhaps someone will be inspired to take the upcoming Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun contact and sleuth into it!
For the curious reader, here's my original post showing the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope. Also related: Tri-Wheel: US Pluto Return/s Three Times in 2022.
Then with powerful Pluto vibes a-dripping, here's a post concerning Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto.