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Showing posts with label Taurus the Bull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurus the Bull. Show all posts

Jan 26, 2025

A Natal Chart for Alexander the Great!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

From the category of Historical Horoscopes, and ancient ones at that, we can hardly do better than a natal chart for Alexander the Great, namesake of Alexandria, Egypt, and a fabled leader born July 19, 0356 BCE in Pella, Macedonia where his father, Philip II, was born. Its antiquity means that labeling the chart "speculative" is advised.

Note: Try as I might, I cannot induce my SolarFire software to accept coordinates for Pella, Macedonia so I'm using what it gives me; the correct location is listed on the chart so perhaps you can do better!

Below you see the horoscope for Alexander that I'm favoring of late although naturally you may have other ideas. Any astro-notes I have for this chart are penned on the image for you, and the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series ("PE") into which Baby Alexander was born is not available information, as far as I can ascertain. Yet we know that the solar eclipse manifested in the sign of Taurus the Bull with all the positive and negative traits that the Venus-ruled sign may bring with it, possessiveness being one.

Now obviously, no one then was aware of power-craving Pluto which here conjuncts the Aries Point, a Cardinal World Point of Fame, Recognition, and Fortune; this is a major stand-out feature of his chart:

Recommended is Biography's mini bio of Alexander the Great: King of Macedonia - it's only 2m 51s and I selected just for you!

btw: Some sources give his birth date as July 20, 0356. jc

Jul 16, 2017

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull

Mr. Trump's associate and former 2016 campaign manager and, for years, partaker at the Russian and Ukrainian troughs Paul Manafort was decidedly born on April 1, 1949 when the Tropical Sun was in Mars-ruled Aries, the ram, and the Moon floated through Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of the bull for the entire 24-hour period. This reliably provides a Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality blend to consider even though Mr. Manafort's birth time is apparently not to be uncovered.

See Paul Manafort international 'gun for hire', and here's a March 2017 news clip of Manafort struggling to deny Trump-Russia ties.

The Fire-Earth combination of energies is sometimes known as 'the bull dozer'. Here's a famous quote by one who was also born under a Fire-Earth blend, J. P. Morgan Sr (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do." This demonstrates, among other things, the massive Fire-Earth ego, certitude in their 'rightness', and a tendency to become dictatorial.

As the Bull Snorts

Paul Manafort's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus combo of conscious-unconscious energies suggests one who can be diplomatic or tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and is ambitious and possessive. Smoothing ruffled feathers has probably been part of a job description for him and making his mark upon the world is a goal. A lover of luxury, Mr. Manafort is great company and has a bawdy sense of humor. My guess is that the off-color Trump appreciates Manafort's sense of humor. But there's that massive ego which can get in the way of cooperation and teamwork--actually, another trait the two men share.

Magnetically charming, Mr. Manafort is a self-centered man who uses a stop-and-go approach (that can be annoying to others) and has an inclination to sulk and brood (can he also pout? I'd buy a ticket for that!) when thwarted or ignored. And that may be the moment when snorting Taurus the bull shows up to throw his weight around the barn or command the ring with a loud bellow or two.

Let's close with this blend's two Images for Integration from the Harvey's book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, one of which may strike you as--well, there's no other word for it--political:

"An explorer practices his violin in a jungle clearing...Having won an arduous race, the champion sits down to a gourmet meal."


Now this sounds as if it might be good news and with more improvement to come: Robert Mueller is already changing Washington's lying ways. And if you've read SO'W before, you know what this will mean: that after 12 years I'll be changing the 'blog description', above, from "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."

Nah! Places of easy money will always attract criminals and their entourages while grasping the reins of power is some folks' obsession based on desperate attempts to gain safety and status for themselves as they step on and over others, if that's what it takes to 'win'.

What has America become?

Mar 7, 2017

The Modern Humanity Horoscope and Mr. Trump

Pictured below is the previously published Horoscope of Modern Humanity with scribbles intact if you care to enlarge the image. Modern Humanity's 'birth' time is based on two cosmic factors: the exact moment of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 and the third of three Great Conjunctions of generational planets Neptune and Pluto. Solar Eclipses are not rare, of course, but the cycle of Neptune and Pluto is approximately 492 years in length. And it is rare that an eclipse occurred so close to a Great Conjunction of outer planets!

So here are we 'moderns' in all our bullish, gold-loving Taurean splendor:

The 1892 Total Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 suggests the greed embedded within humanity (Taurus is possessive, greedy, and intolerant on its worst days but it is a sign of Growth). In the chart, you see that the Neptune-Pluto conjunction (which perfected as near as can be told on April 30, 1892) occurred @7Gemini+ which conjoined US natal Uranus (July 4, 1776 Uranus @8Gem55 = freedom, independence, war and revolution!) and that gives us a midpoint picture worth considering (below) yet that isn't why I re-post this horoscope today.

The reason for today's shout-out to Modern Humanity (for which the Great Cosmic Clock restarted during the oligarchic Robber Baron age of exploiters whose biological and ideological descendants continue to plunder the world as I type) is that the hugely Jupiterian-Uranian Mr. Trump has an interesting time link to the 1892 Neptune-Pluto conjunction--and he's something of a 'robber baron' himself with criminal associations of the mobster kind, elements that are also in the Underworld realms of Neptune-Pluto.

Mr. Trump's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), which manifested on May 30, 1946 @8Gem48 in the 2 Old North series, is also his Syzygy Moon since it was the last lunation prior to his birth on June 14, 1946. His PE effects are strong and reveal a prevailing lunar influence which adds to his problematic Moon-South Node conjunction opposing his Sun-North Node conjunction. Yes, his relationships are definitely affected and separations may occur with 2 Old North--and separations may occur with disruptive Uranus, the planet that leads the pack in Mr. Trump's natal chart. And as you know, eclipses are called 'wild cards of the Universe' since their effects (if any!) are completely unpredictable. However, they do tend to uncover inconvenient secrets with fair regularity and we may depend upon their 'themes' to give us a hint of general trends 'running in the background' of society.

Actually, the Uranian Tweeter IS a wild card in a very leaky White House!

Plus, he has other time links to this chart such as evaluating Venus (venal and retaliatory at times) which loves luxury (like gilded NY apartments), and @22Gemini in 1892, Venus falls into the midst of Mr. Trump's quirky Uranus-NN-Sun trio in his 10th house of Career and Public Status. There are other time links between Trump's natal planets and the 1892 chart and I'm certain you can find them if you wish.

Meanwhile, back in April of 1892, the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 was also of the 2 Old North persuasion and my feeling is that 2 Old North themes of separation, ending of unions, rifts, schisms, and bad news concerning relationships describe the tendencies of Modern Humanity and are emphasized in 2017 with time links because someone thought putting Donald Trump in the White House (and all the other Trumps) was a great idea.

Well, according to the Great Cosmic Clock and the phenomenon of cosmic time links, the idea may have been timely in a sense but for the sake of America as a sovereign and welcoming nation with a decent though flawed reputation in the world, the flaws, rifts, and separations are piling up by the minute--and an non-mandated Trump White House is definitely not a great idea. However, it does disrupt the progressive course we were on...


Midpoint potentials for Neptune-Pluto = US natal Uranus (and Donald Trump's PE degree): impersonal attitudes toward destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs (Munkasey) - and drug policies, Mr. Sessions? jc; possibly aberrant behavior; adventurous ego thrust; making waves to get to shore; disruption to gain recognition; courage (Tyl); peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

Further Reading: Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump; Donald Trump's Natal Chart w/ Mike Pence's Planets; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017.

May 6, 2013

May 9 2013 Solar Eclipse themes and offerings

Thursday May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series

by Jude Cowell

As previously covered (horoscope shown), the money sign of Taurus, with its dark side of greed, stubbornness, and intolerance, hosts a Solar Eclipse this Thursday (May 9th, or 10th, depending on your location/time zone) @19Tau31. That's Taurus the Bull, of course, which brings in Wall Street implications along with the political.

The 15S last manifested in 1995 during the presidency of Bill Clinton and happens to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of former president and Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, so its themes affected his life at various times--about every 19 years. You may remember 1995 and 1996 as when the Republicans caused a government shutdown as they're threatening to do again in 2013. The GOP's theatrical 'Contract with America' was part of the mayhem as well, after which Republican candidates lost mightily in elections (as they should have--my vote was part of the reason they lost, the borry sastards!)

15S themes: 'release of tension as a lingering situation suddenly clears but with a sense of loss or grief that's more collective or group-related than personal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Curiously, the Harveys give an apt Image for Integration in Sun Sign-Moon Sign for the Eclipse's earthy Sun Tau-Moon Tau blend: "A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute." The purposefully induced turmoil in our plutocrat-controlled Congress perhaps? Pshaw! Yet resolution is just what I'd love to see for a change, wouldn't you? And progress rather than fighting the same old battles would be nice, too.

Well, it will be interesting to watch Politics for which of our many situations suddenly clears by or before November and whose tension is suddenly released!

Now if you wish to leave the awkward Saturnian realm of Politics a while (and who would blame you?) you simply cannot go wrong with two of my favorite astrologers who have May Solar Eclipse offerings for us: Julie Demboski's Eclipse Effect: Seeing a Splinter of the Shadow and Dipali Desai's Tangible Delights!


For more on Politics and the corporate ownership of what used to be the US Congress, don't miss ALEC Assembles Most Wanted List and Oklahomans Say ALEC Not Okay. Allowing an entity like ALEC to write America's laws and bills is exactly what the Founders feared so they must be doing a lot of rolling-over-in-graves by now.

Plus--did you hear that Sen. Ted Cruz challenged VP Joe Biden to a gun control debate? Sounds a bit like my recent assessment of Sen. Cruz as a crusader dueling with shadows!

Mar 17, 2013

Horoscope: May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus

After Spring Equinox 2013 arrives, the Cosmos has a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in store for us (secrets and leaks continue to be revealed?), and on May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 manifests during a Moon Hour of changes and fluctuations. Here's a horoscope of the May Solar Eclipse set for the White House (as a representative of the United States of America):

Chart shown: May 9, 2013 8:28:23 pm EDT White House, Washington DC. Ascendant 24Sco23, MC 6Vir15 (conjunct President Obama's natal Pluto), and with unstable, gaseous Neptune @5Pis09 at IC, conjunct the president's 1st house natal Chiron (5Pis19 Rx), and opposing his natal Pluto which indicates erosion (Neptune) of power and control (Pluto)--unless his wealthy backers support him as president in spite of it. With transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Sun (the president), I'm not certain they will, are you? For huge power struggles ensue...

Please click to enlarge the image and perhaps read a few basic notes with the eclipse taking place in the Cadent (preparation) 6th house of Service (Military, Police, etc), Work, and Health in Washington. Venus @00Gem28 in 7th house of Partnerships conjoins the degree of the difficult Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which triggered Fixed Star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation with its something to cry about and/or exile themes. Multiplicity and duplicity are characteristics of the dual sign Gemini, as you know, and an unaspected Jupiter @19Gem23 approaches US natal Mars @22Gem, planet of war, strife, and contention though it is often a fortunate transit for Jupiterian luck may favor Mars' physical endeavors.

Yes, the May 20, 2012 eclipse related and relates to the ongoing, reckless economic and budgetary stalemates now playing in our Capitol Hill Theater and which are damaging our nation's standing in the world along with Mr. Obama's presidency and the US economy with it. Odd really, since the Republican Party has always given much lip service to how 'strong' our nation must be perceived abroad. Yet sometimes since 2009, it feels as if the GOP is inviting attacks by staging their intransigent, provocative behavior. And the secessionist vibe? "A house divided cannot stand." But apparently that's what some entities want so that a full coup may be established in Washington DC.

Well, with the May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series, we may expect financial dramas to continue for Taurus is a money sign, ruled by evaluating Venus, as shown so obviously by the sculpture of the Taurean Bull on Wall Street. (Yet I still get the creepy feeling that the secret-ritual Cult of Mithras is lurking within our financial and governmental shadows! Click and scroll down to see a bas-relief of 'Mithras as Atlas'!)

Astro-Note: in 1776, US natal Pluto began @27Cap33 Rx and has now progressed to 29Cap+; along the way Mr. Invisible Power crossed '28Cap', a degree which *Adriano Carelli gives as "Atlas Carrying the World on His Back" which brings up Sen. Paul Ryan's favorite obstructionist and survival-of-the-fittest idol Ayn Rand because of her book Atlas Shrugged in which wealthy, pouty corporatists take their financial marbles and beat a hasty retreat from their ungrateful victims. There are no coincidences and apparently US stock-dumping has been going on for while now.

Themes of the 15 South Saros Series for May 9, 2013--until November 2013:

Release of tension as a lingering situation will suddenly clear but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective or group-related than personal (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-rulers of the Scorpio Ascendant you see above are Mars and sub-ruler Pluto but all we can surmise from their applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects (since Mars applies only to conjunction with the SN = war, violence, or a stepping aside from them) is a spotlight on the Uranus-Pluto square (0A39) in Cardinal (initiating action) signs from the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability to radical Uranus @10Ari44 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, Creative Pursuits, and Children.

Thus, the Uranus-Pluto square of titanic generational clashes may gobble up the May 2013 Solar Eclipse cake, or at least the crumbs left over by an unaspected Jupiter which, as such, works in a one-pointed, intense manner--"all or nothing" is a good phrase for an unaspected planet, and here moneybags Jupiter in Gemini, sign of trade, commerce, transport, and communication, insists on providing growth and investment in our country although at the moment, he is not tied in with the energies (planets) of the May 9th eclipse horoscope. However, this Jupiter can be highly influential when he acts and this may denote what the president is able do toward investment without interference from the obstructive input of Congress. Or, perhaps the GOP will finally get wise to itself and cooperate for the good of our nation!

Now Uranus is the catalyst or apex planet of two midpoint pictures:

Mercury-Neptune = Uranus: going 'far out'; sudden new ideas.

Mars-Neptune = Uranus: reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following the dream.

Plus, one picture is angular at Midheaven (The Goal Point) where it may manifest, and its combined energies also affect President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo:

Jupiter-ASC = MC: successful positioning; being in the right place at the right time.

Jupiter-ASC = natal Pluto: strong image; influential; leadership.

The Sun and Moon are involved in pictures, too:

Sun-Mars = Mercury: alertness; ready for action; fast talk; busy travel.

Moon-Mars = Mercury worrisome preoccupations; irritability; nervousness.

Other midpoint pictures appear as well and include the 'lucky break' pair, Jupiter-Uranus:

Jupiter-Uranus = Mars: changing fortunes; drive and determination toward success.

And since Mars @14Tau29 conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (the Office of the Presidency) on January 20th at noon, Capitol Building, we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Inaugural ASC: knowing the best will happen; optimism and self-confidence; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire.

Well, I like that last one as long as the American people are included in the Jupiterian festivities. So maybe I'd better stop typing on that fortunate note!

Other topics in the news include threats from North Korea; here's a previous post: Astro-Notes on North Korea's Natal Chart.

*Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Today's midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs; as always, any, all, or none may apply.

Jul 28, 2012

London Olympics 2012 Opening full of Symbolism

Not All Pageantry Is What It Seems: Veiled Olympic Symbols 2012

by Jude Cowell

After reading several descriptions of last evening's opening ceremony of London Olympic Games 2012, I find Olympics 2012: London's Opening Act to detail rather brilliantly (and unintentionally) an abundant use of Illuminati symbols which spotlight Global Governance and the UK's political power within the long-standing NWO enterprise which attempts to regress the world into satanic chaos so that totalitarianism can grab complete control of our lives.

This is not to say that the young athletes participating are not awesome and hardworking, or that one can't enjoy watching Olympic competitions. Yet I must wonder if participants and medalists are aware of symbols such as the Olympic flame as a veiled reference to the 'eternal flame', a symbol of the global syndicate that some refer to as the Illuminati (the illuminated ones) who imagine they are elected to boss everyone else around! You've seen their burning symbol yourself over the gravesites of assassinated leaders and others who've become inconvenient, or perhaps those who balked at the offer that can't be refused, or neglected the task that was later required (or, the script that wasn't followed) in exchange for wealth, fame, recognition, and high societal position.

Yes, these are models of the earthly rewards Satan offered Jesus which He refused and of the choices which many of us face every day: materialism v idealism (Saturn v Neptune, the 'secret, shadow, or invisible government' duo. Britain has one of those while America's is more hidden.)

So was the placing of an 'eternal flame' at Ground Zero a big ol' honkin' clue?

Well, the following is my interpretation (or, translation) of the lighting (illuminating) of July 27, 2012's Olympic flame in London (which some say is the earthly location of Satan's headquarters, aka, the City of London, a law-unto-itself financial district--as in, Libor rate-rigging.) Naturally, you may take it all with a grain of salt if you wish, but if you're aware of certain astrological and mythological correspondances the following symbols will make more sense! And you'll probably think of other symbolic links which I neglect to mention here:

July 27, 2012: Flames and Fireworks Light Up London

Five-time rowing gold-medalist Sir Steven Redgrave carried the Olympic flame and handed it off to 7 young athletes (7 = the 7 stars of the Pleiades The Bull, the "Seven Weeping Sisters"--there are many references to this constellation in previous posts on this blog especially one of its major stars, Algol--type into the sidebar Search field for a list of mentions; 'the Bull' of course, links to the ancient, secretive, bull-slaying Roman cult of Mithras, to 'papal bulls', and to the idolatry of the golden calf.)

Raging Algol's connections are to decapitation (losing one's head--ex: greed for gold is contagious and more is never enough--consider the income inequality of Wall Street and global bankers v The 99%), fires (such as Olympic flames, and the historic Fire of London) violence, murder, and criminality. (Algol info: Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.) Body parts ruled by Taurus are, as you know, the throat, neck, and shoulders, and the sign's shadow traits are greed, possessiveness, covetousness, pride, prejudice, and intolerance.

In last evening's ceremony, the 7 athletes ("who represented the future of Britain," says the article linked above) "lit a COPPER ROSE petal--" each, a double Venus reference--her metal, her flower. Plus, Venus is a major icon of America's Founding Fathers, many of whom were British, and may be seen in NYC's copper Statue of Liberty, the statue of the goddess 'Freedom' atop our Capitol Dome, and many other symbolic Venus-Isis-Innana and Mary graven images; nurturing Ceres (Venus) and the stars of Virgo (the Virgin) play into America's national mystery play as well (US natal Neptune in Virgo.) Exactly where Venus appears as a graven image in London, I do not know, but I know she must be there. After all, the asteroid Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801, the same date that Ireland was united with Great Britain, and the event which gives the UK its modern natal horoscope and links Britain to the iconography of Ceres and Venus, associated astrologically with money and valuables.)

Additional Astro-Note: the Bank of England was chartered on July 27, 1694 PDF with a Mutable Grand Cross between Mars, Neptune (opposite one another = shady and misguided), Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius (out of the mainstream.) Sun and powerful figure of the Underworld, Pluto (aka, the Pope--bowing to goddess Mary!) are rather close in royal Leo with Jupiter in Leo as sidekick and Mercury conjunct a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus; a solar midpoint of the day is wealth-accumulating Jupiter-Pluto = Sun: keeping things in one's own grip--Tyl; the creation of magical effects--Ebertin. Another midpoint picture in 1694 with financial implications is Mars-Uranus = Jupiter: successful contests of strength; a lucky hand in unusual actions--Ebertin; looking to rewards; planning one's future, one's new position in life--Tyl. And they certainly did that, didn't they? These potentials are, I believe, symbolized in last night's ceremony! And notice that in 1694, athletic Mars squared Uranus but in July 2012, Mars and Uranus have only recently begun to move out of orb from their dynamic opposition.) As for July 27, 1694 v 2012, it seems that last evening's opening ceremony also celebrated the 318th birthday of the Bank of England. How curious is that?

So last evening's opening ceremony contained a triple-7: 7 athletes, and 7 nations becoming One symbolized by the 7 lighted copper rose petals, each petal a nation--lighted by the future of Britain--"being lifted up to form one giant flame" (as in, 'one-world-government', the Illuminati vision through the centuries.)

Now no one could miss the implications of a total global financial collapse which began to manifest more fully with the attacks of 9/11/01 on the World Trade Center, then on to Financial Collapse 2008, and, some say, to the next economic collapse which we hear about constantly through a colluding mainstream media, and which is 'inevitable', say they. Certain power elites believe this will cause the world's population to plead for a 'new world order', no matter its character or its harms.

Have you ever checked out Bavarian Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt, a contemporary of Thomas Jefferson and the boys? His utopian cult was founded on May 1, 1776 and 'loaned' its own mystery symbols for use on America's Great Seal (and dollar bill, thanks for FDR, a Mason.) Weishaupt's longterm objectives may sound quite familiar in 2012 as destructuring Pluto plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law. They are:

"(a) Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments,

(b) Abolition of private property and inheritances,

(c) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism,

(d) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education of children,

(e) Abolition of all religion."

Well, I do hope SO'W readers won't be too fussy with me for 'raining' on last night's Parade of Nations by pointing out that what may seem like an entertaining and spectacular opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2012 may actually be much deeper than that as people of the world bow down to a ravenous system which intends them grievous harm.

And yes, DN, I do know that Sir Paul McCartney ended by singing, Hey Jude but I assure you he didn't intend it for me!


More Notes: the Union Jack was magically portrayed in the London audience "as the British flag was hoisted as well by children doing flips on trampolines disguised as hospital beds." This symbolism was to honor the National Health Service of the UK and a popular children's hospital. Yet perhaps there was a deeper disguise afoot--here's an enlightening excerpt from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West with my bold and italics added for emphasis:

"On January 4, 171 the Scottish Stuarts were formally sent into permanent exile in France. With them went Jacobite Templar Freemasonry.

To unify resistance to Jacobite Templarism, Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry became a 'United Grand Lodge' in June 1717. From now on the British monarchy and the Church of England both became subservient to Rosicrucian Freemasonry. Since 1737 every male monarch has been a Mason, while the head of the Anglican Church is a Rosicrucian Freemason. Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry has controlled both the Crown and the Church. The political aim of Sionist Masonry is to achieve a one-world Kingdom ruled by the King of Jerusalem, not a unversal republic."

And let's not forget the NWO natal chart for the New Millennium timed by the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Age of Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined three times: Feb 2, Aug 20, and Oct 24, 1993 which thus sensitized and, no doubt, inspired the '18 Capricorn' degree...

'18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" (Rudhyar):

"Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." ..."Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Wherever this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantages."

"It brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers."

(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

For the positive and negative manifestations of this degree's symbolism, Marc Edmund Jones adds:

"Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches:" (Lucifer's mark of the beast? 'Luci-' = "light"--jc)

"Negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

I shall close this weekend post (finally!) with an excerpt from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in which Michael Munkasey describes potentials for the Uranus-Neptune illuminated duo within the heady realms of Politics and Business:

"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

Any or all of which sound like life in the New Millennium, right? Now what might these self-exalted culprits be up to in secret while so much of global public attention is focused on the Big Spectacle being showcased in London?

Dec 10, 2011

12.10.11: One year since Sen. Sanders' filibuster as Middle Class melts away (video)

Senator Sanders, Stray Birds, and Republican Clowns

by Jude Cowell

With certain entities and their agents within our government working hard to collapse America (like a phoenix arising from the ashes of their one-world-government Utopian dream of chaos leading to ultimate control by an unelected few), here is an ice sculpture from a hot June 18, 2011 day in NYC which perfectly illustrates what Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont said during his filibuster on Capitol Hill, a place where you'd think the American people could expect their grievances to be addressed on a regular basis and their needs and issues to be served.

But no.

Instead, we get performances from the GOP Theater of The Absurd. And all their time-wasting, special-interest promoting and protecting gambits are played in full costume upon our dime and against the best interests of the majority. Their contempt for we-the-people knows no bounds and neither does their greed for more more more money and power, as the Senator correctly notes.

They want to us admit that the US government is "broken" and can no longer serve us--and the GOP ploy is to refuse to serve us. A use of self-fulfilling prophecy doesn't work for this dissenting America. You?

Presenting the billionaires' war against a Middle Class which should be the foundation underneath our nation's structure...and one of our few hopes on Capitol Hill, Senator Bernie Sanders:

Imho, it is due to political games, higher oaths, and mystical tricks that America is betrayed and may be 'discontinued' if the American people wimp out thus allowing certain forces to have their totalitarian way.

And so I ask again something I asked you months ago, dear reader, which you never answered--and it has a very Taurean ring to it since intolerance is one of the shadow traits of Taurus the often-greedy Bull and it's where moneybags Jupiter now tarries in retrograde, its energy strengthened by Direct Station which occurs on Christmas Day 2011 5:08 pm est @ 00Tau22:

How long can the tolerant tolerate the intolerable?

Here's an interesting overview of the world's condition: The New "Manichean" Left & the Old Far Right: Tolerating the Intolerable by Nick Cohen.

Additional info: Mani and Manicheaism.


Astro-Brief: 00Tau22 is Adolf Hitler's natal Sun degree (00Tau48) so the 00-1 Tau range of degrees are considered by some to be degrees of violence--Hitler's trigger degree for when his natal Sun @ 00Tau48 was triggered by a planet or planets in transit, he tended to 'get busy' harming people.

Of course, progressions stimulated his egotistical Sun, too. And natal MIDAS conjoined natal Sun--he was a heister extraordinaire and apparently assumed he deserved all the spoils, including controlling the reins of a futuristic Plan that called for a New World Order.

How long was Hitler tolerated and appeased before his crimes--and his psychopathic New World Order intentions--were dealt with? Too long? Well, yes. And it's almost 2012 and we're in precisely a similar predicament again.

'Save America' is only a part of it for the devils have gone global with 'free' trade agreements set up to dissolve borders (and squirrel away large sums of money) in more ways than one.

Two questions: will the World Awaken from the gossamer of false reality in time to be our own rescuers locally, if not nationally? Or, as mentioned in the video: will contemptuous, self-elected global masters of the Earth spitefully pull the plug on civilization in vicious response to the world uprisings which they know must come?

As Rabindranath Tagore wrote so eloquently in Stray Birds:

"Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims."

Doesn't it though?

Now. Since the 99% supposedly does so anyway, let's go Occupy America! or support those citizens who do.

Oh, and the usual if weeded-out line-up of Republican clowns are 'debating' again tonight in Des Moines, Iowa, as you know. Here I think we'll be watching a DVD of The Debt (Helen Mirren) instead and try to catch up with the mercurial Newt & Friends on the Sunday morning political shows tomorrow and by viewing video debate highlights when I can manage to snag a peek.

And if it's not too close to my dinner time.

Sep 17, 2010

Pope to UK: Moon triggers July 2010 Solar Eclipse

Just a brief heads-up on the Astrology of the current visit to the UK by Pope Benedict whose presence in London today is visible in the horoscope (click image to enlarge) by Pluto 2Cap48 (the pope) and North Node 9Cap00 (encounters; meetings; the public) pointing directly at the UK's natal Ic 9Cap20 (Home) and UK natal Sun 10Cap11 (highlighted in blue.) Today's Moon 19Cap42 at noon BST, London, opposes or stimulates the degree of the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse 19Can24 in the 12 South Series (successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness - Brady.)

Previously I had posted that the July 2010 Solar Eclipse would 'eclipse' the UK's natal Moon (the people) in the most visible of houses in the UK chart, the 10th. Now I know how.

Plus, today's Mercury 6Vir55 and, at noon, the Midheaven, are snugged between Vatican II's powerful and revolutionary Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo, therefore...

n Uranus/Pluto = tr Mercury: intense thought activity; a restless, indefatigable worker; creative activity; inventive, resourceful people; a constant occupation with new things and plans. (Ebertin.)

n Uranus/Pluto = tr Mc: aspirations for innovations and reforms; mobility; the instant grasp and exploitation of every situation.

Today has its own midpoint picture which I believe is quite apt concerning the papal see part of it written on the right side of the chart and highlighted in yellow...

Mars/Mc = Saturn: disadvantages through exaggerated zeal; actions resulting in failure; suffering harm or damage; the act of separation (didn't Britain solve that one ages ago? Perhaps not. jc); inhibitions. (Ebertin.)

And though the recent Cardinal T-Squares and Cross are not within orb, two of their midpoint pictures are formed today nonetheless (and will close ranks again once Jupiter and Uranus re-move forward into Aries, a Cardinal sign)...both point to Pluto, the Pope, so I will type them once again...

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: potential for a total reversal of plans already made; extreme life changes; intense business activity; transforming futuristic ideas into reality.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: concealing changes to activities; ending extreme practices which have hindered progress (like child abuse? church pews and coffers are quite empty - jc); rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation.

Now if you've enlarged the chart, you've spied the religious Jupiter/Chiron conjunction of the Vatican at its natal Ic, in Pisces, sign of the Two Fishes and symbol of Christ (as is Chiron); today at noon in London, tr Neptune (the Divine Source; the Spirit) conjoining Chiron (as they've been for what seems like ages now) conjoins the Vatican's natal Ic as well. Jupiter tends more toward codified religion while Neptune is the spiritual realm of the Divine.

(So if you tend toward thinking that Vatican II represents the Divine Source, you'd probably best skip the personal and Protestant opinions added after the ~:~ break below. You can thank me later. ;p)

When you consider the horoscope of Vatican II (data from historical record) the many facets of 'the lady' appear to light up the whole shebang. Here's a partial list with the sign Virgo ('the virgin') prominent: Sun 19Lib30 conjunct asteroid Lilith conjunct vestal virgin Vesta, keeper of the eternal flame (which always puts me in mind of the Illuminati since one of their primary signatures is Uranus/Neptune, the duo of 'enlightenment' and 'illumination'); natal ASC = Venus/Neptune: a peculiar disposition regarding love; revealing in love ideals; possibly a libertine image.

Mary worship is, of course, a given here. Devotion (Neptune) to a lady (Venus.)

Yet there's another midpoint that sits upon the Vatican's natal ASC...

Saturn/Uranus = ASC: the fate of standing alone in the world; mourning and bereavement; focus on forces for change which had been abruptly halted due to traditional influences; public attitudes about the institution of change concerning traditional procedures. (Munkasey.)

(I suspect the last two relate to Vatican II vs Vatican I and some church members' dislike of Vatican II...Saturn's old vs Uranus' new, plus Saturn/Uranus is a signature for the Middle East which includes Jerusalem where, it is said, global one-world-government types want to set up their earthly kingdom in order to boss around the entire planet. Talk about a zero sum game!)

On Another Note

Well, here's a delightful article by Kathryn Cassidy about the Pope's UK visit along with details on September 21, 2010's Jupiter/Uranus opposition to the Sun, and the final of three Great Conjunctions @ 28Pis43. You'll also find a list with links on current Jupiter/Uranus breakthroughs as well, and some very interesting ones, I might add.

Kathryn relates the papal sojourn to the UK with the final of three Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions this Sunday, September 19, with Jupiter (the Pope) meeting the protests of radical Uranus in Pisces, also a sign of the masses. Child abuse in the Catholic Church is the primary trigger for protests and criticism, of course, and this particular Pope has some history of 'marking 'em up and sending 'em on' (an Ab Fab reference), if I understand the matter correctly. This seems to be how church authorities protect their bad apple priests (no matter how many barrels of them you must hide by relocating them to other parishes.)

For years it was all very hush-hush, you know. Until the lawsuits started.


Now to me it seems very cheeky of a Pope surrounded by such controversy to arrive with lectures for the British people on anything but then I don't see pedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, or the popes who apologize for them as doing God's work. If that's a critical flaw in me honed by a lifetime of Protestantism, so be it.

The Ten Commandments

Besides, I refuse to forget how centuries ago, the Catholic Church sassily deleted the Commandment against not worshiping graven images, then bethought themselves to split Do Not Covet into two so as to keep the original Ten. Even the Roman Empire morphed into the Catholic Church couldn't have sold a 'Nine Commandments' version of God's Law, aka, The Decalogue (how embarrassing that would have been since 9 just can't be 10!) so one can almost sympathize with their predicament on that score (if one were inclined to. But I'm being facetious on that score.)

After all, there were statues 'crying' tears of blood to promote, candles and incense to light, indulgences to sell, inquisitions to mount, and rote prayers to instill, right? Graven images were on their minds.

Whew! The Pope's visit to my olde home countrie is rousing my anti-vatican bias, isn't it? (Not the parishioners, just the hierarchy.) And there must be pros and cons to be said for how the Brits are receiving his majesty in all his finery on the outside meant to inspire reverence and awe, even among those of a secular persuasion. Bosh! It's what's on the inside of a religious leader that should inspire reverence. By their fruits ye shall know them, and this bunch abuses children like satanic freaks, then tries to cover it up with weak apologies and court settlements that admit no guilt.

So whatever transpires inside the sovereign state of the Vatican (some say Satanism) is what Queen Elizabeth now publicly puts her stamp of approval upon as she kisses the Pope's ring in Britain, a nation with child abuse issues of its own.

Or does she approve? Well, we know that US Presidents bow and kiss the holy ring as a sign of respect. My question is: does any representative of the Catholic Church deserve decent people's respect at all? (World leaders are amoral so they don't really count in today's grumpiness.) When thousands turn out to cheer a red-robed pontiff in Britain, this only feeds his imagined role as ruler of the entire world and swells his head. (As you know, red is the color of testosterone-driven Mars, the me-first planet.)

Well, you know that Nancy Pelosi has kissed Pope Benedict's ring with a very engaged looking George Bush looking on (click for photo) as did Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (of a previous pontiff, of course.)

And since the Pope's Ring of the Fisherman (it shows Peter fishing from a boat and is appropriate for Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces, sign of the Two Fishes) is made of cast gold, one assumes that leaders and others who kiss it are bowing to King Gold - Mithras - as well.

The Roman Empire's military worshiped Mithras and 'papal bulls' still may be issued today., bulls, the bull statue on Wall Street, the Pope's Ring, papal bulls, bowing to kiss there a mysterious pattern here which is not so very mysterious when our eyes are opened wide?

Especially when we remember that on January 1, 2004, Pope John Paul II openly called for a New World Economic Order! (I kid you not - you can't make this stuff up. Well, you can but it's hardly necessary.)

Okay, this fussy Protestant will hush for now. And do enjoy your visit with the Pope, England. Better you than me, that's for sure.

Mar 17, 2009

When Jupiter met Saturn: May 28, 2000 and the econo-crisis

On May 28, 2000 at 12:02 pm edt at the White House, Jupiter expansion and Saturn restriction, aka in Political or Mundane Astrology as Republicans (Jup) and Democrats (Sat), met for a strategy session for ushering in the New Millennium of even deeper pocket-lining.

The chart's final dispositor (the planet upon which all depends) is dualistic Mercury which represents such things as commerce, trade, communications, messages, speeches, & more...Mercury resides at '28Gemini' a degree of Bankruptcy in the Sabian Symbols.

Check out this ancient post of mine from 2007, if you prefer, for it contains a paragraph from Gore Vidal's The Decline and Fall of the American Empire in which Mr. Vidal asserts that Henry Adams had figured out that America has "...a single system, and in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold the bread and circuses."

Also involved in my Jupiter-Saturn article is what I believe are the most comprehensive definitions of such minor bodies (however theoretical or 'Uranian' as they may be) as: SIGMA, Nemesis, and Cupido.

So with our current econo-crisis~financial collapse (which I continue to assert is manufactured by one-world-government types) we may wish to consider the hook-up of our solar system's two societal planets which relate to financial cycles (due to their basic principles mentioned above: expansion vs restriction) as being apt for today's pay-off for the mega-wealthy, monarchy-adoring banking class - to ascertain whether their meeting of May 28, 2000 (when the cosmic clock began running on another of Jupiter-Saturn's 20-year cycles) has merit worthy of your attention.

One of the 'clues' Astrology gives into an astrological window of understanding is the word picture, or Sabian Symbol, for their Great Conjunction at '23 Taurus'.

Taurus is one of the money signs with a shadow side that attempts to hide gold-loving King Midas' greed while practicing Taurus the Bull's stubborn intolerance and prejudice such as seen with the elite class' contempt for the poor whom they imagine to be beneath them.

And Taurus, a practical Earth sign, likes to get things done in the manifest world. Ruled by Venus, a planet retrograde in Aries as I type, Taurean energy must be sparking this post, a self-inflicted replay from 2007's financial concerns! (My natal North Node is in Taurus, but no natal planets - in my Secondary Progressions, Moon is near mid-Taurus in natal 9th house and in Secondary 7th house.)

'23Tau'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...

positive: a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, 2008 saw the world's high-fallutin' social tinkerers and chaos-creators move their plans into "larger dimensions" all right, and I suppose their pocket-lining (USA's natal Jupiter degree of 1776:

'6 Cancer'..."Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests") must be nearing completion - because anything of real value has now been heisted and spirited away to certain lairs while the US Treasury's printing presses have orders to churn out stacks and stacks of worthless paper for the masses to crave.

Voulez-vous a dry biscuit with your circus?