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Showing posts with label Zosma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zosma. Show all posts

Aug 21, 2022

America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle

Saturn-Pluto: Fanaticism and Turmoil Against Rigid Structures

by Jude Cowell

To my surprise, the horoscope of America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle which began November 21, 1750 sports '23Cap47' rising, a sensitized degree which brings up the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 - along with the natal and karmic Vertex ('VX') of one Donald Trump (22Cap51). Perhaps you agree that our current conditions feel like a double Saturn-Pluto emphasis now bedeviling society, led by an orange-hued figurehead who simply refuses to go away. Recognizing evil when we see it is one part of this cosmic picture, and the practice of Politics, corruptly done, provides decent folk with multiple opportunities to recognize evil each and every day.

Yet for about 1/3 of the US population, the orange blighter is a real pied piper, only fit for fussy fascist-minded fanatics - with fanaticism, violence, and victimhood showing in the horoscope, below.

One example is the Moon in fussy Virgo conjunct victim star Zosma); listed upper right is the fact that 1750 Luna conjuncts September 2016's 19 North Eclipse of "realism" and "tackling the truth," a promising eclipse which had the misfortune to be opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a planet of deception, fraud, and the gaslighting that was used to muddy all waters, erode facts, and disguise pathological liar Trump the grifter as being suitable to inhabit the Oval Office. Sad to say, he was, and is, not:

For better viewing, please enlarge the image, print the chart, or set one up for yourself!

Now in the 1750 horoscope, there are other cosmic links to Tr*mp's natal planets for those who care to look, and there are a few chart factors which simply must be listed here. For instance, as noted above, the Moon @8Vir49 reflects the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (19 North) which brought along both the 2016 Election (selection, with Russia's help) and the 2017 Inauguration of the orange blighter whose current plight is our plight, more's the pity. Of interest may be a view of the dual horoscopes of the 1993 Clinton Inauguration and the cuss'ed 2017 Inauguration with its Scorpio Moon of betrayal. (You know, like seditionists and traitors do.)

Curiously, the 1993 Inaugural Moon conjuncts the 1993 Saturn-Pluto midpoint suggesting potentials for 'strong control over people's habits' (Munkasey) and/or 'a tragic destiny for women' (Ebertin). Naturally, the antiquated opinions of Justice Samuel Alito and his reactionary comrades come easily to mind although from 1993, it took the backward misogynists 29 years to overturn Roe v Wade. Yet happily, the Court's bizarre opinion has brought out women voters by the droves! (Did you hear that in Florida, DeSantis' list of banned books now includes The Handmaid's Tale? A brazen attempt to hide his true dystopian agenda for women all barefoot and pregnant, it appears.)

In addition, the Syzygy Moon prior to the 1750 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls @21Tau21 (4th house) conjunct a certain asteroid Phaethon, a figure who tends to take on more than he's ready for in similar fashion to the Icarus myth. Wouldn't it would be fabulous in 2022 and beyond if GOP neo-fascists and nazi-wanna-bes turn out to be doing just that - taking on too much so that failure results? However, we should add that the Sabian Symbol for the 1750 Ascendant ("24Cap") is quite descriptive in a handmaiden sort of way: "A Woman Entering a Convent" and yet it hints at "a deep-stirring challenge" (Jones). So it's to the polls, ladies!

Then around the IC of the horoscope (@17Tau16) you see both a solar and lunar eclipse listed. One is the current solar eclipse season we're now in since April 2022, the 6 North (@10Tau28: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take control'), which spotlights the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of 1750 (@10Tau43, 3rd house) with the planetary pair's 'One World Government' vibes (aka, 'New World Order'). Plus, there's a very Uranian Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurring on the day of our 2022 Midterms at the Base or Foundation of this Saturn-Pluto Cycle chart - with the Eclipse conjunct radical zealot Uranus, intent on stirring things up. Meanwhile, the axis of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse hits the Venus of 1750 (@16Sco12) conjunct the 1750 Midheaven (The Goal Point) which suggests materialism, valuations, and perhaps extravagance on a negative level, but fair play and cooperation if energies are positively directed for then karmic progress can be made.

However, this cosmic time link connects the hard work of Saturn-Pluto, even its violent reactions, to Election Day 2022 via Venus and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which will certainly lead to inconvenient secrets uncovered or leaked, plus, the potential for disruption on a scale we've seldom if ever known.

Now there's one more chart factor worth a mention in this text: the Saturn-Pluto Cycle's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @11Can33 (6th house) in the 4 South Saros Series with themes of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a desire to suddenly end relationships' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disturbingly enough, 4 South is the same Series that manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (ruffling Tr*mp's natal Gem-Sag Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition), the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden and which times the beginning of the turmoil and turbulence that sore loser Trump and his 'Big Lie' continue to cause our nation as he struggles to shrug off paying for his many crimes while pining for a return to the protection of the Oval Office from whence more larceny and sabotage can be perpetrated by this thuggish creature. If we allow it!

So let us end with the Sabian Symbol for our country's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle's degree of "4 Sagittarius": "A Little Child Learning to Walk" (which America would go on to become via Revolution and the Declaration of Independence):

"Keyword: INDIVIDUALITY: positive expression: exceptional facility for entering experience on its own immediate terms while yet preserving the full genius of self-hood; negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side - jc): "inability to take any real initiative" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but as an American I can't imagine the initial cycle of our nation's Saturn-Pluto duo, hard-driving and determined as it is, as lacking "any real initiative" at all so let's claim the positive expression for America, shall we?

Looking Ahead: The Cardinal World Points of 2022 into 2023 (Equinoxes, Solstices, etc).

Aug 16, 2019

Jan 2020: An Eclipse, Cosmic Karma, and Two Stars

August 16, 2019: By now most everyone is tuned in to and/or concerned over the heavy-weight conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto which perfects on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and signals the opening of their new 33-35-year cycle.

Two days prior to their exact conjunction on January 10th a Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the critical degree of 20Cancer00 so the two cosmic events together, we might say, 'light up' the Zodiac in the 20-to-23-degree range of Moon-ruled Cancer (tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, the family, home, nurturance, childhood) and of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and finance, and imprints certain cosmic frequencies upon the entire year and beyond. In the 2019-to-2020 spotlight is the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its many concerns.

Naturally, the opposing degrees, aka, Illumination Points (20-to-23 Cancer), are also significant along with their Sabian Symbols and any fixed stars and other celestial features within their sway. A review of the symbols for 20-21-22-23 degrees of Cancer is worth checking into if you're curious for more information and wish to gain a fuller picture of what's in store, a la 2020. (Note that there are no Capricorn stars in those degrees that I know of--do you? But deVore gives '21Cap' as a scholarly degree and '23Cap' as a degree of governmental authority and music.)

So for today's post, let's consider the stars among these degrees in Cancer--the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. Possible expressions of Castor are sudden fame or loss; mental illness; crippling of limbs; murder yet Castor may also signify the intellectual writer. Also, '20 Cancer' is a degree of limitation and hindrance (deVore). For Pollux, potentials are: danger of disgrace; cruelty; rape; murder; danger from women, poisons, or large animals (or loss of protection for endangered species?). Yet Pollux has what can be a more positive side--its influences are good for astrology and for other occult interests which hopefully are non-satanic; Pollux may also signify the emotional writer so both stars are creative in their own ways--one light, the other dark, which suggests a good vs evil motif.

Of course, we as a society have many rows to hoe and mountains to climb before reaching January 2020 and it's impossible to list it all here so below is a List of August 30th through December 26, 2019 Lunations for your consideration and with a few notes added:

New Moon August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 conjunct Zosma, a victim-savior star;

Full Moon September 14, 2019 @21Pis05;

New Moon September 28, 2019 @5Lib20 (conjunct Trump's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of Money and Values and activating his inflationary trio of speculation and fraud, Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter);

Full Moon October 13, 2019 @20Ari14 (conjunct US natal Chiron);

New Moon October 28, 2019 @4Sco25; (a 3-day 'dark of the Moon' phase just prior to Halloween 2019--stay safe!);

Full Moon November 12, 2019 @19Tau52;

New Moon November 26, 2019 @4Sag03;

Full Moon December 12, 2019 @19Gem52 (between Trump's 10th house guiding planet, erratic chaos-creator Uranus and his natal North Node which conjoins his natal Gemini Sun)--what will be seen reflected by the bright rays of the December Full Moon?--and then comes a revealing, disruptive, 'wild card' solar eclipse...

Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (opposing US natal Jupiter and Venus).

And so we enter Year 2020 under the auspices of the December 26, 2019 annular Solar Eclipse in early Saturn-ruled Capricorn which manifests within the difficult 3 South Saros Series of 'sudden endings in relationships' and 'traumatic transformation' via Pluto involvement in its original (initial) 3 South eclipse (August 13, 1208 @27Leo10). And speaking of karma (reaping what's been sown), besides Trump's natal Mars rising at his Ascendant conjunct the initial 3 South eclipse, eclipse Pluto @10Leo15 in 1208 was conjoined on June 14, 1946 by the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald 'Spanky' Trump, our saboteur-in-chief whose economic schemes (exs: tariffs, trade wars, neglect of climate change considerations for farming and other industries, deportation of agricultural and other much-needed workers, fantasy-based diplomacy, the massive GOP tax cut for the wealthy) bode ill for both domestic and global finances and for food supplies especially under the heavy, constraining influences of the karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

Yes, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction was in Airy Libra last time (November 1982; theories and plans) and this time is in Earthy Capricorn (reality and pragmatism) but we may be thankful that this time it only perfects once so its strength should lessen somewhat as 2020 proceeds and as it awaits activation by various transits and progressions through its 33-35 years' duration.

Yet in August 2019 we already feel the duo's harshness so we know that we have much to deal with initially including the fact that January 12's Saturn-Pluto rendezvous conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and changing work conditions. Now I too wish karma would meet and beckon to his nibs at the jail house door but let's not crow just yet for unfortunately, as goes POTUS, so goes America--and Trump the Cheat may pull through yet.

Plus, layered atop eclipses and other lunations perking in the background is the distressing 2020 Campaign season and the rigged and vulnerable November Election which compels me to wonder: we already know that he does--but does anyone else who's willing to step into America's POTUS shoes post-Trump need a serious psychological evaluation? Or do they assume that anyone but Trump simply has to be an improvement for America?

For more information on the topics in this post you may wish to see Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore.

Aug 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: Aug 30, 2019 Virgo New Moon

Image: August 30, 2019 New Moon @6Vir47 6:37:02 am edt Washington DC; it's a Solar Hour with Mercury exalted in Virgo as chart-ruler and fixed star Zosma (victim or savior) emphasized by Mercury, Sun, Moon, and Mars in Virgo--and with a small stretch we may include Venus @11Vir13 in Zosma's net as well.

Of course, Mercury is the planet of young people (puellas and puers alike) along with The Speedy One's many other roles including messenger, speaker, teacher, student, planner, trader, juggler, thief, liar, and tweeter.

Now, lower left, you see that chart-ruler Mercury applies twice: 1. trine Uranus (4A15) denoting large societal issues that relate to personal affairs, travel, and international finance; and 2. conjunct Mars (5A33) suggesting ideas that become reality, and having a pressing need or urge to travel. This could indicate that some type of escape is involved.

And speaking of trading, this evening as I type (August 14, 2019) the stock market has jumped off a cliff again today (down over 800 points--or was it pooshed?), a Trump recession seems to be in the cards, Hong Kong protests keep heating up under threats from the government of China, and many other difficult conditions and situations are bubbling and boiling over across the globe. Because of all the chaos we're meant to lose faith in government all together but I know the ineptitude is being done on purpose. Meanwhile, it's become obvious to more and more people that Trump was installed in the White House in order to implement the end of America's global leadership by greasing the skids, gutting the government, and sabotaging our nation. Voters in 2016 were warned about Trump but many did not or could not listen. Now our nation and people are in danger on various levels with no one at home in the White House who is capable or willing to do what needs to be done.

Even so, let's not belabor the New Moon of August 30th in critical Virgo, sign of The Virgin, and indicative of the lunar phase when new seeds (ideas, plans) are planted which should come to fruition at the next Full Moon of September 14th @21Pis05. And there's little need to mention the several references to the Epstein-Barr-Trump-Prince-Andrew--?-- embroilment with the many young victims (Mercury) of their sleazy 'attentions' for such may be found in the horoscope for those who care to enlarge the chart and look. (A good example: New Moon '7Virgo' = "A Harem"...whose harem would that be?)

And yet we may wish to consider the dynamic T-Square between the Venus-Neptune opposition square expansive Jupiter in its own sign (4th house) with its 'keeping up a good front' and 'romantic reverie' vibes (Tyl) although admittedly I cannot see how much longer the Trump Circus (enabled by the complicit GOP and others) can continue without collapse considering how quickly things are shifting now--and that includes Trump's denial of involvement in the Epstein affair.

But then, as usual these days, there's gas giant Neptune Rx in Pisces in the 7th house of Relationships and Partnerships adding its usual delusions, deceptions, fraudulent schemes, bubbles, and fairy dust to everything it touches which resonates well with Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of lies and misconceptions--for the Virgo New Moon's Mercury-Neptune quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) describes someone deceitful who tends to get lost in thought, can't remember or memorize things, and is driven by fantasy and illusion.

So yes, we're in the midst of dark times and any New Moon is the dark phase of the Moon when things 'go bump in the night' and someone is up to something.

Of course, in Washington DC Politics, 'night bumps' are a time honored tradition so for this particular Mercurial lunation you may wish for more information so have a listen to The Scottish Astrologer's video, Virgo super black moon and Pisces micro harvest moon - Major Warning from Above (30th Aug/14th Sept):

No mincing of words here!

Apr 12, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC 2012: Aldebaran Rising

DNC 2012: Aldebaran, Midas, Pan, and US natal Uranus Rising

by Jude Cowell

Some people think that Charlotte NC with its Bank of America headquarters and its "Wall Street of the South" vibe is a tone deaf choice for the location of the Democratic National Convention 2012 given Charlotte's overflowing homeless shelters and lack of unionization on behalf of workers' rights. So you may as well know that this blogger is one of those who think that very thing--especially with President Obama's acceptance speech set for September 6, 2012--to be delivered at the Bank of America Stadium!

Even so, a smattering of cosmic info is in order so that we may consider DNC 2012 from a higher plane than Politics usually deserves if only to keep our Political Astrology flag flying here at Stars Over Washington. Therefore, the following is my attempt to do just that though later updates may be necessary prior to and during the event itself which takes place September 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2012 in Charlotte.

If you're curious about RNC 2012, click An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012 and for the themes of the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which both political conventions fall, you may wish to try this.

Sept 3, 2012 Charlotte NC 12:00 am edt: Aldebaran Rising

Along with US natal Uranus (revolution; freedom), gold-hoarder Midas rises with trickster Pan and the horoscope shows sometimes-trickster Mercury 4Vir01, planet of votes and speeches, in 4th house (Foundation of the Matter) with the Sun (leader) @ 11Vir04 conjunct Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior.) Presumably, President Obama, who garnered enough delegates (2778+) on April 3 to be the 2012 Democratic nominee, wants to be considered a 'savior' of the nation which echoes the heroic Apollo-Sun god theme of DNC 2008 in Denver, CO as you see in this video--remember the stage set with Greek columns? Only a laurel wreath and toga were missing from his royal Sun-in-Leo frame:

Curiously, at DNC 2008, asteroid Apollo was then @ 9Vir20 conjunct Saturn 11Vir03 which DNC 2012's Sun conjoins. This gives the Obama presidency a Sun/Saturn theme and points to America's natal (July 4, 1776) problematic Sun/Saturn square which I believe highlights the checks (square) and balances (US natal Saturn in Libra, sign of balance) which the US Congress (Saturn = lawmakers, managers) are meant to provide for the shiny yet self-protective, shrewd, and business-oriented US presidency (Sun in Cancer.)

Sun/Saturn squares tend to bolster inner maturity and leans a person toward authority taken seriously and the patient achievement of goals by taking one step at a time.

Aldebaran rising indicates 'success through integrity' for political participants of DNC 2012 though the presence of Midas and Pan rising may temper the indication somewhat considering the fraudulent system We the People are mired in--and the recent JOBS Act has rolled back some of the financial regulations in place from years ago! Perhaps the Democrats will explain how that can be good for the US economy and for the constantly scammed and financially struggling American people.

Speaking of which, the Moon (We the People) begins the enterprise in 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes and at 11Ari45, has moved beyond excitable, sparkly Uranus 7Ari33 Rx, also in (its own) 11th H. Besides Midas and Pan rising we see a 1st house, protective Jupiter 14Gem48 in the sign of chattiness so we may expect many speeches, some of them l-o-n-g. But they should be quite entertaining though some or all of them may be somewhat duplicitous (Gemini)--well, it is Politics after all, right? Scientific topics may be forthcoming as well.

How Will DNC 2012 Proceed?

To answer this question let's look at the three applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury which are as follows:

1. sextile Mars (2A48) @ 6Sco49 in 6th H of Military Service, Work, and Health: we'll hear well-informed speeches on these and other topics from people who want our approval--their delivery will sparkle dramatically and draw every one's attention for this is a great aspect for warm and friendly public relations though gruffness may put some listeners off; supporting the underdog is a major theme along with getting others to cooperate on such concerns (already tried, yes, but more of it may be forthcoming especially since the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct Alcyone--something to cry about--will have made its themes and events known before September. Of course, the next presidency may be what we'll all cry about!)

2. trine Pluto (3A00) 7Cap01 Rx in 8th H of Big Business (plutocrats and bankers on-board and those who are not so on-board the Obama Train this time): intellectual assets will be on display, causes-and-effects of our financial dilemma are sure to be discussed realistically (which the neocon Bushies can't do--how could they?), ethical standards, youth programs, and market speculation topics are on the menu, and organizational talents will be apparent; a weak spot may be environmental issues and what to do about the damage already incurred.

3. opposite Chiron 7Pis09 Rx in 10th H of Public Status and Career (and still in process of completing President Obama's five-fer Chiron Return--his is a mentor-guru kind of 1st H Chiron--may I call you Joe?): alchemy! as minds function at optimum, occultists or an initiate is indicated (Clow) and since it's President Obama's time of Chiron Return and he's the nominee once again, I expect he's The One the powers-behind-the-throne (Bilderbergers, etc) have selected to play US president once again.

The Obama Selection 2012 may be described in part by a midpoint picture in the Sept 3, 2012 horoscope for the sacred warrior archetype of Mars/Chiron = Pluto (of the wealthy plutocratic ruling elite), and we have ourselves an astrological peep-eye, you Knights, you!

Plus, there's one midpoint picture with the Sun (leader) at apex...

Venus/Saturn = Sun: having simple tastes but enjoying extravagant displays; honors received later in life.

Of interest to this picture is what Michael Munkasey writes of Venus/Saturn in his brilliant book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, under Politics and Business and including the Hegelian Dialect's Thesis-Antithesis (leading to Synthesis) implications:

Thesis: restrictions on wealth or income (millionaires paying their fair share in taxes? jc); law enforcement that avoids difficult or cumbersome issues; new social or creative values enforce change on an endeavor; building the value of an enterprise.

Antithesis: restrictions on how society functions (we know--stop it! jc); a law enforcement bureau that derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.

Also noted in the Sept 3 horoscope is a T-Square configuration which creates two midpoint pictures since the North Node (public contact) @ 29Sco14 in 6th H conjoins Inaugural Moon 2009 and reminds us that our financial and social crisis conditions (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) continue to hinder America's forward development...any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury/Neptune = 2012 NN: discussing joint plans and ideas; encounters with prescient people or mentalists.

Mercury/Neptune = 2009 Moon: intuitive thoughts bring confusion and questions; a sympathetic understanding of others; receptivity to subconscious stirrings or images (propaganda); a deceived or deceptive woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Okay, President Obama's acceptance speech must be detailed later along with other factors so let's close this particular DNC 2012 post with the Image for Integration that relates to the convention's opening and its Sun Virgo/Moon Aries blend, an Earth-Fire combo of energies with a 'bulldozer' flavor describing the do-er who can enthuse others with his strongly held convictions though he may be verbose and scathingly critical at times:

"A jolly rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humour."

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

To be cont'd with the changing signs of the Moon and the evening event of September 6 particularly noted...

Nov 28, 2010

2011 brings us 4 Solar and 2 Lunar Eclipses

Image shown: at the White House, Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38 in 2nd house of Values and Earning Ability; eclipse opposes US natal *Sun in Cancer, here with other US planets in Cancer, in 8th house of Big Finance and Transformation; Hour of the Moon (changes; daily life; publicity); no planetary patterns and no out-of-bounds planets; out-going and practical Cardinal-Earth is strong; '13Can/Cap' are critical/crisis degrees; Mc 10Vir45 'lifts up' Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior) and is Bush Sr's natal Ascendant degree.

Venus 26Sco51, planet of valuations and relationships, rises with asteroids Lilith and Panacea; chart-ruler Mars 20Cap59, a critical degree, makes only one applying aspect: a conjunction to the eclipse (7A21) so we have:

Sun/Moon = Mars: desire to bring ideas and plans to fruition; a realization of joint ventures.

Here are a few details on the Sun Cap-Moon Cap blend.

Co-ruler Pluto only makes an applying trine to Mc; Lord of the Eclipse, Saturn 16Lib48 in 11th house, applies to a square with the eclipse (3A09); Saturn is in the midst of a three-fer US Saturn Return 14Lib48 (which is squared by this eclipse.)

This planetary situation creates an emphasis on America's natal Sun/Saturn square which forms a 'Fist of God' pattern with US natal Moon 27AQ10 at apex.

Our natal Sun/Saturn = Moon: attention to daily activities; emotional or organic depression; feeling inferior or inhibited; bereavement; fear.

Substitute our natal Moon (we-the-people) in the above midpoint equation with the Jan 2011 eclipse's Neptune 26AQ50 and we have...

n Sun/Saturn = Jan 2011 Neptune: a mental, emotional, or physical crisis; inhibitions; inner peculiarities; a relaxation of plans that are thought to be too rigid ('austerity' or 'entitlement cuts'? jc); delusion within relationships; loneliness.

Also, Pluto trine Mc provides the chart with Pluto sextile Ic, an aspect which describes those who wish to control others and make all decisions, secretiveness and quarrels, and sleuthing into other people's business. Investigators, librarians, historians, police and military forces, secret agencies at home (Ic), and archaeologists are particularly hightlighted. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

You may notice that the HOW? Point of the chart (Ic) is @ '11Pis' = "Men Seeking Illumination", a symbol which outs the much-disputed Illuminati presence in America.

The wounding, confusing, watery transits of Neptune and Chiron to US natal Moon continue to plague us with fraud, dissolution, homelessness and foreclosures; tr Pluto, the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, opposes US natal Jupiter, a period when US financial matters and professional status are not favored; measures taken during this time will not be sufficient though we may not actually know just who stands in our way due to devouring Pluto's invisible cloak and subversive, sabotaging actions.

However, nothing that is truly ours will be destroyed during the Pluto opposite n Jupiter transit - yet this does not include fortunes that exist only on paper or on a computer screen.

Political aspirations are better put on-hold for a while since they likely will be challenged by more powerful forces as the US is locked in a major struggle for control of Jupiterian issues relating to money, the military, religion, higher education, expansion, growth, exploration, and...did I say, money?

Plus, the Sabian Symbol for '28Gem' (the 8th house cusp) is 'Bankruptcy'; Gemini is a sign of duality indicating multiplicity and potential duplicity concerning 8th house matters such as debt, credit, insurance, banking, and such.

Now as you know, the off-on transit of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus 27Pis01/02 show the pair to be quite exact (partile) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland in the eclipse chart set for DC; Jupiter/Uranus is the far-traveling 'lucky break' duo that, in politics and business, indicate such themes as:

reform originating in religious principles; applying legal methods against breakdowns in order, strikes, or revolutions; periods of reform are followed by growth; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people; labor-saving devices bring modernization (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yes, one of the more encompassing backgrounds of our societal atmosphere that I consider when composing Political Astrology posts are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses for any given year. Whether offering crises or opportunities, these wild card lunations of the universe have always fascinated the collective and may influence events and outcomes even when partial or seen from only certain vantage points upon the Earth; even when 'invisible', we know they're there.

Today I'm displaying only the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse but basic details for the other eclipses are here included; further eclipse chart images for 2011 will be published as my blogging schedule allows.

Here is NASA's website which gives paths of visibility for Solar Eclipses 2011 - 2020. Alternately, you may wish to check out

The year 2011 contains 6 eclipses all together: 4 Solar and 2 Lunar.

Let's look at the 4 Solar Eclipses by Series themes and add a few details on the Lunar Eclipses as well since, as you know, 2011 is thought to herald difficult times and acts as chronological doorkeeper to the much-ballyhooed '2012' of Mayan Prophecy, legend, and New-Agery promise; the global power elite have played on collective fears well and see this era as implementation time for total control of the planet.

In order of manifestation, the Solar Eclipses of 2011 are noted; Sabian Symbols are from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala and will be rounded up to the next degree for simplicity's sake when minutes are less than 30; eclipse details are primarily from Brady's Predictive Astrology and Celeste Teal's Eclipses though there's some melding of Series themes for the June 1 and July 1 Solar Eclipses; some of my own notes may be included; midpoint pictures are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey and any, all, or none may apply:

As pictured above (click chart to enlarge and read my scribbled notes; plus, US natal planets are notated in red, outer) 13 North: January 4, 2011 @ '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"; 'Keynote: The will to unearth in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non essentials.

What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE.' We must 'learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation.'

(Is this a Monsanto-GM-seed reference? This degree opposes US natal Sun degree '14Can'; the Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader or leadership. The actual eclipse occurs @ 13Cap38, a crisis or critical degree, and you don't need Astrology to tell you how the nation and world are mired in such just now; its link to US natal Sun indicates an administration crucially connected to world events; powerful opposition to the president's agenda brings turbulence and legislative delays, trade imbalances, strikes, and discontent. France is one of the countries embroiled against governmental "austerity cuts" and retirement age changes which enrage populations everywhere especially since the wealthiest classes seem to be making no sacrifice at all - and war expenditures are what should be 'cut'; Uranus and Pluto square off in Cardinal degrees for their usual unrest and rebellion; mid-1960s issues resurface from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto including racial relations.)

13N Series themes: groups and associations; large, ambitious group projects which require the breaking of an existing bond; separation, then joint achievement. Last occurred: 1992.

(The initial eclipse in this Series manifested on August 14, 1776 and I suspect it to be America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - 'PE' - as much as any other; all the signatures were not garnered onto the Declaration of Independence until early August 1776 and eclipses can affect us for up to two weeks prior or after their actual manifestation; this eclipse's chart for August 14, 1776 works well as a US natal chart, too. Check it out and let me know what you think of it as a symbolic natal chart for America - Neptune and Pluto are in virtually the same degrees as on July 4, 1776.)

Solar Eclipse, 13S: June 1 @ '11Gem02' (a 2-degree orb with US natal DESC in our Sibly chart): "Newly Opened Lands Offer the Pioneer New Opportunities for Experience"; 'Keynote: The power and joy of new beginnings. (Man) is facing the unknown. Anything can happen. ...Every step ahead should show him RISING TO THE OCCASION.'

13S themes: expansive energy but with a sinister flavor underneath; striving for positive or negative group endeavors; storms, dismissals, evacuations, and a potential for constitutional crisis. Last occurred: 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the illuminated pair who now assist one another by mutual reception.

The sign Gemini indicates communication, transportation, and trade issues; occurring in the 8th house in Washington DC, there may be a death or resignation of a public figure, and treaties and negotiations with foreign countries may be negatively impacted.

June 15, Lunar Eclipse @ '24Sag23': "A Blue Bird Perched on the Gate of a Cottage"; 'Keynote: The reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to their own selves'.

Blue bird = happiness but 'it also refers to what one might call a spiritually oriented mind. ...The essential technique for successful living is the development of a consciousness in which peace and happiness dwell. There is also a hint that GOOD FORTUNE is going to bless your life.'

Some improvement may be indicated in foreign relations which results in prosperity; crime, rehab, sanitation, and hospital issues are on the menu.

Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011 (which Celeste Teal has labeled the "Democratic Spirit" eclipse) @ '9Can12' = '9Can' = "A Small Naked Girl Bends Over a Pond to Catch a Fish"; 'Keynote: The first naive quest for knowledge and for an ever-elusive understanding of life.

"Small naked girl" = 'the innocent and spontaneous mind, as yet unclothed in cultural patterns and unrestrained by don'ts, trying to satisfy its curiosity about what seems mysterious and fleeting. ...The key here is PURITY IN UNDERSTANDING.'

As you know, '9Can' falls amidst America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (3 to 14 Cancer) and is the midpoint degree of our nation's natal Sun/Venus and Sun/Jupiter combinations. Therefore...

In politics and business, Sun/Venus = using wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a nation shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the roles they play in national development; a leadership that doesn't appreciate the role that culture or art play in the development of national character; a society estranged from its leadership.

Sun/Jupiter = directness and forcefulness when facing challenges; a nation's reputation in the world; an ability to lead others; religious or philosophical systems which tie effective leadership of a nation to a predetermined course of action; a nation's executive branch battling with the legal and justice systems. (Midpoints, Munkasey.)

A Cancerian Solar Eclipse indicates crisis and/or opportunity in these areas.

However, the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse may come off as an insignificant solar eclipse for it is a tiny partial eclipse which will be visible from a small patch of ocean near Antarctica. And yet the potential for natural disasters cannot be ruled out with the influence of any eclipse, can they? And perhaps the universe is lengthening our lessons and indicating a longer period of time for teaching us.

The final Solar Eclipse of 2011 occurs on November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 in the difficult 14 North Series. Celeste Teal gives this one a "Blazing New Trails" label; Brady's Predictive Astrology describes the 14N Series as "most peculiar" and says it "heralds an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness."

This eclipse may bring unrequited love, despair and a draining of energy, confusion, and a weird turn of events (for you personally, lone reader, it all depends on which departments of life - 'houses' - an eclipse degree falls into and how it triggers various planets and points in your chart...maybe it doesn't!)

Therefore, no important judgments or decisions about events should be made until the influence of this eclipse fades for too much deception and illusion exist for anyone to be clearly informed or realistically inspired.

Then there are those who do the confusing, deceiving, and magic tricks meant to veil the truth!

Note: the White House's natal Venus is eclipsed for natal Venus (Nov 1, 1800) lies @ 2Sag11 in the 10th house of the 'noon' chart. (Nov 1, 1800 is the day the Madisons moved in to occupy the W-H for the first time. You may wish to scroll the sidebar of this blog for 'What James Madison was saying in 1817', the year of the Monroe Doctrine which may now be aiding the warmongering global elite puppeteers as they maneuver to plop the US into yet another broiling broth of war - such as in N/S Korea.)

More Time Links between 1074 and Our Day?

For historical perspective on the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse, it may be instructive to consider that the 14N Series first manifested on April 29, 1074 OS @ 13Tau54, with Neptune - the veil - @ 9Gem09 Rx, where gold-hoarder Midas, the asteroid, hangs around these days.

This Neptune-Midas time link leads me to suspect that 'the veil' mentioned above in the 14N theme info, in Nov 2011, has to do with the world's wealth and resources which are close to being completely gathered in and hidden away by the global power elite who don't need more riches in order to put food on their tables, but use the illusion of money to ramp up within each of us our senses of lack, want, inferiority, and loss. With currency collapses possible, the olden days of bartering may have to return.

The 1074 eclipse degree of '13Tau54' is within one degree of our modern Inaugural Ascendants which always represent the Oath of Office of the President of the United States (Jan 20 @ noon in DC), and thus, the US presidency and whoever is playing the role at any given time.

14N's initial eclipse in the year 1074 also has Saturn @ 8Sag11 showing that the eclipse in this difficult series occurred during a Saturn/Neptune opposition phase which stimulates within the collective morbid, morose, melancholy thoughts, and a tendency toward irrational fears stemming from deep within the collective unconscious.

As you know, the antithetical Saturn/Neptune duo of energies indicates such social issues, concerns, and conditions as socialism and/or communism, where Saturn's rigidity, realism, and stability meets Neptune's dreaminess, dissolution, and fraud. Together they represent caution, pessimism, long periods of neglect, and a general lack of accountability; large social movements are also involved as authority (Saturn) is challenged (opposition) by the masses(Neptune) - and possibly authority is challenged by the media (Neptune)!

Another interpretation of Saturn/Neptune may be particularly highlighted as well esp if you tend to use the 'Sibly' natal chart for America (5:10 pm LMT on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) because our national Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 straddle the Midheaven 00-2Lib giving our nation a Sat/Nep = Mc vibe = taking a stand on practices which lessen the quality of life and a reputation (Mc) for correcting such practices; using shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed;giving up and capitulating to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; materialism vs idealism; emotional suffering; moodiness; losing courage quickly.

In the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart pictured above, Mercury 21Sag22 in 1st house, sits precisely upon the Saturn/Neptune midpoint... so we have: 'pessimism; a difficult grasp of things; strangely nervous' to begin 2011 - and the difficult 14 North Series to end the year. For this and other reasons, 2011 will be a doozy.

And, of course, a most basic consideration for America whenever it comes to Saturn/Neptune is: Neptune (invisible; shadow) government (Saturn) and the continuing mystery of just who is really in charge of America.

Closing the year is the December 20, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11, not quite close enough to US natal Mars to count as an 'eclipsing' but near enough for some military and police fretting to occur especially when we think of how 2011 began: with a Solar Eclipse conjoined by the explosive Mars/Pluto midpoint upon it, so that two pictures are created:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: working hard until collapse; violent measures; injury or accident; shock from the intervention of a Higher Power; effectively imposing one's will or theories upon others; a pushy or demanding nature; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Mars/Pluto = Moon: a strong impulse to proceed with ideas or plans; using traditional means of power to meet goals; audacity and daring; ambition; impulsive or hasty actions; a determined woman.

The year-end effects of the Dec 2011 Lunar Eclipse influence the start of the year 2012 with the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse providing background vibes; the first Solar Eclipse of 2012 doesn't occur until May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem in the 14 South Series when "an obsessive idea is finally accepted"; 14S last occurred in 1994 and thereby resurfaces issues from the 1994 Republican take-over of Congress; it may also indicate some types of property settlements (Gaza? the US foreclosure mess? other?)

Completing the 2011 eclipse list

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the December 2011 Lunar Eclipse Solicitations with its ruler Mercury accenting communications, speakers, messages, negotiations, youth, transport, trade, and education; we may as well go ahead and add 'reporters, journalists, and bloggers' to the slosh as war (Mars/Pluto) propaganda (Mercury) envelopes and attempts to persuade the world to bomb innocent people once again.

Venus 26Sco51, planet of valuations and relationships, rises with asteroids Lilith and Panacea; chart-ruler Mars 20Cap59, a critical degree, makes only one applying aspect: a conjunction to the eclipse (7A21) so we have:

Sun/Moon = Mars: desire to bring ideas and plans to fruition; a realization of joint ventures.

Co-ruler Pluto only makes an applying trine to Mc; Lord of the Eclipse, Saturn 16Lib48 in 11th house, applies to a square with the eclipse (3A09); Saturn is in the midst of a three-fer US Saturn Return 14Lib48 (which is squared by this eclipse.)

This planetary situation creates an emphasis on America's natal Sun/Saturn square which forms a 'Fist of God' pattern with US natal Moon 27AQ10 at apex.

Our natal Sun/Saturn = Moon: attention to daily activities; emotional or organic depression; feeling inferior or inhibited; bereavement; fear.

Substitute our natal Moon (we-the-people) in the above midpoint equation with the Jan 2011 eclipse's Neptune 26AQ50 and we have...

n Sun/Saturn = Jan 2011 Neptune: a mental, emotional, or physical crisis; inhibitions; inner peculiarities; a relaxation of plans that are thought to be too rigid ('austerity' or 'entitlement cuts'? jc); delusion within relationships; loneliness.

Also, Pluto trine Mc provides the chart with Pluto sextile Ic, an aspect which describes those who wish to control others and make all decisions, secretiveness and quarrels, and sleuthing into other people's business. Investigators, librarians, historians, police and military forces, secret agencies at home (Ic), and archaeologists are particularly highlighted. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

You may notice that the HOW? Point of the chart (Ic) is @ '11Pis' = "Men Seeking Illumination", a symbol which outs the much-disputed Illuminati presence in America.

The wounding, confusing, watery transits of Neptune and Chiron to US natal Moon continue to plague us with fraud, dissolution, homelessness and foreclosures; tr Pluto, the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, opposes US natal Jupiter, a period when US financial matters and professional status are not favored; measures taken during this time will not be sufficient though we may not actually know just who stands in our way due to devouring Pluto's invisible cloak and subversive, sabotaging methods.

However, nothing that is truly ours will be destroyed during the Pluto opposite n Jupiter transit - yet this does not include fortunes that exist only on paper or on a computer screen.

Political aspirations are better put on-hold for a while since they likely will be challenged by more powerful forces as the US is locked in a major struggle for control of Jupiterian issues relating to money, the military, religion, higher education, expansion, growth, exploration, and...did I say, money?

Plus, the Sabian Symbol for '28Gem' (the 8th house cusp) is 'Bankruptcy'; Gemini is a sign of duality indicating multiplicity and potential duplicity concerning 8th house matters such as debt, credit, insurance, banking, and such.

Now as you know, the off-on transit of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus 27Pis01/02 show the pair to be quite exact (partile) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland in the eclipse chart set for DC; Jupiter/Uranus is the far-traveling 'lucky break' duo that, in politics and business, indicate such themes as:

reform originating in religious principles; applying legal methods against breakdowns in order, strikes, or revolutions; periods of reform are followed by growth; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people; labor-saving devices bring modernization (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yes, one of the more encompassing backgrounds of our societal atmosphere which I consider when composing Political Astrology posts are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses for any given year. Whether offering crises or opportunities, these wild card lunations of the universe have always fascinated the collective imagination and may influence events and outcomes even when partial or seen from only certain vantage points upon the Earth; even when 'invisible', we know they're there.

This post displays only the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse but basic details for the other eclipses are included; further eclipse chart images for 2011 will be published as my limited blogging schedule allows.

Here is NASA's website which gives paths of visibility for Solar Eclipses 2011 - 2020. Alternately, you may wish to check out

Year 2011 contains 6 eclipses all together: 4 Solar and 2 Lunar.

Let's look at the 4 Solar Eclipses by theme and add a few details on the Lunar Eclipses as well since, as you know, 2011 is thought to herald difficult times and acts as chronological doorkeeper to the much-ballyhooed '2012' of Mayan Prophecy, legend, and New-Agery promise; the global power elite have played on collective fears well and see this era as implementation time for total control of the planet.

In order of manifestation, the eclipses of 2011 are noted; Sabian Symbols are from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala and will be rounded up to the next degree for simplicity's sake when minutes are less than 30; eclipse details are primarily from Brady's Predictive Astrology and Celeste Teal's Eclipses though there is a melding of Series themes for the June 1 and July 1 Solar Eclipses; some of my own notes may be included; midpoint pictures are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey and any, all, or none may apply:

As pictured above (click chart to enlarge and read my scribbled notes; plus, US natal planets are penned in red, outer) 13 North: January 4, 2011 @ '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"; 'Keynote: The will to unearth in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non essentials.

What is needed is a penetrating and courageous insight founded upon a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE.' We must 'learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundation.'

(Is this a Monsanto-GM-seed reference? This degree opposes US natal Sun degree '14Can'; the Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader or leadership. The actual eclipse occurs @ 13Cap38, a crisis or critical degree, and you don't need Astrology to tell you how the nation and world are mired in such just now; its link to US natal Sun indicates an administration crucially connected to world events; powerful opposition to the president's agenda brings turbulence and legislative delays, trade imbalances, strikes, and discontent. France is one of the countries embroiled against governmental "austerity cuts" and retirement age changes which enrage populations everywhere especially since the wealthiest classes seem to be making no sacrifice at all - and war expenditures are what should be 'cut'; Uranus and Pluto square off in Cardinal degrees for their usual unrest and rebellion; mid-1960s issues resurface from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto including racial relations.)

13N Series themes: groups and associations; large, ambitious group projects which require the breaking of an existing bond; separation, then joint achievement. Last occurred: 1992.

(The initial eclipse in this Series manifested on August 14, 1776 and I suspect it to be America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - 'PE' - as much as any other; all the signatures were not garnered onto the Declaration of Independence until early August 1776 and eclipses can affect us for up to two weeks prior or after their actual manifestation; this eclipse's chart for August 14, 1776 works well as a US natal chart, too. Check it out and let me know what you think of it as a symbolic natal chart for America - Neptune and Pluto are in virtually the same degrees as on July 4, 1776.)

Solar Eclipse, 13S: June 1 @ '11Gem02' (a 2-degree orb with US natal DESC in our Sibly chart): "Newly Opened Lands Offer the Pioneer New Opportunities for Experience"; 'Keynote: The power and joy of new beginnings. (Man) is facing the unknown. Anything can happen. ...Every step ahead should show him RISING TO THE OCCASION.'

13S themes: expansive energy but with a sinister flavor underneath; striving for positive or negative group endeavors; storms, dismissals, evacuations, and a potential for constitutional crisis. Last occurred: 1993, year of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the illuminated pair who now assist one another by mutual reception.

The sign Gemini indicates communication, transportation, and trade issues; occurring in the 8th house when set for Washington DC, there may be a death or resignation of a public figure (Poppy or Mommy Bush?); treaties and negotiations with foreign countries may be negatively impacted.

June 15, Lunar Eclipse @ '24Sag23': "A Blue Bird Perched on the Gate of a Cottage"; 'Keynote: The reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to their own selves'.

Blue bird = happiness but 'it also refers to what one might call a spiritually oriented mind. ...The essential technique for successful living is the development of a consciousness in which peace and happiness dwell. There is also a hint that GOOD FORTUNE is going to bless your life.'

Some improvement may be indicated in foreign relations which results in prosperity; crime, rehab, sanitation, and hospital issues are on the menu.

Solar Eclipse, July 1, 2011 (which Celeste Teal has labeled the "Democratic Spirit" eclipse) @ '9Can12' = '9Can' = "A Small Naked Girl Bends Over a Pond to Catch a Fish"; 'Keynote: The first naive quest for knowledge and for an ever-elusive understanding of life.

"Small naked girl" = 'the innocent and spontaneous mind, as yet unclothed in cultural patterns and unrestrained by don'ts, trying to satisfy its curiosity about what seems mysterious and fleeting. ...The key here is PURITY IN UNDERSTANDING.'

As you know, '9Can' falls amidst America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (3 to 14 Cancer) and is the midpoint degree of our nation's natal Sun/Venus and Sun/Jupiter combinations. Therefore...

In politics and business, Sun/Venus = using wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a nation shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the roles they play in national development; a leadership that doesn't appreciate the role that culture or art play in the development of national character; a society estranged from its leadership.

Sun/Jupiter = directness and forcefulness when facing challenges; a nation's reputation in the world; an ability to lead others; religious or philosophical systems which tie effective leadership of a nation to a predetermined course of action; a nation's executive branch battling with the legal and justice systems. (Midpoints, Munkasey.)

A Cancerian Solar Eclipse indicates crisis and/or opportunity in any or all of these areas.

However, the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse may come off as an insignificant solar eclipse for it is a tiny partial eclipse which will be visible from a small patch of ocean near Antarctica. And yet the potential for natural disasters cannot be ruled out with the influence of any eclipse, can they? And perhaps the universe is lengthening our lessons and indicating a longer period of time for teaching us.

The final Solar Eclipse of 2011 occurs on November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 in the difficult 14 North Series. Celeste Teal gives this one a "Blazing New Trails" label; Brady's Predictive Astrology describes the 14N Series as "most peculiar" and says it "heralds an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness."

This eclipse may bring unrequited love, despair and a draining of energy, confusion, and a weird turn of events (for you personally, lone reader, it all depends on which departments of life - 'houses' - an eclipse degree falls into and how it triggers various planets and points in your chart...maybe it doesn't!)

Therefore, no important judgments or decisions about events should be made until the influence of this eclipse fades for too much deception and illusion exist for anyone to be clearly informed or realistically inspired -- we enter 2012. And then there are those who do the confusing, and deceiving along with their magic tricks meant to veil the truths we need to know in order to make wise decisions! Well, manipulative Pluto does like to hold all the cards.

Note: the White House's natal Venus is eclipsed/conjoined in Nov 2011 for natal Venus (Nov 1, 1800) lies @ 2Sag11 in the 10th house of the 'noon' chart. (Nov 1, 1800 is the day the Madisons moved in to occupy the W-H for the first time. You may wish to scroll the sidebar of this blog for 'What James Madison was saying in 1817', the year of the Monroe Doctrine which may now be aiding the warmongering global elite puppeteers as they maneuver to plop the US into yet another broiling broth of war - such as in N/S Korea or elsewhere.)

More Time Links between 1074 and Our Day?

For historical perspective on the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse, it may be instructive to consider that the 14N Series first manifested on April 29, 1074 OS @ 13Tau54, with Neptune - the veil - @ 9Gem09 Rx, where gold-hoarder Midas, the asteroid, hangs around in the tropical zodiac these days.

This Neptune-Midas time link leads me to suspect that 'the veil' mentioned above in the 14N theme info, in Nov 2011, has to do with the world's wealth and resources which are close to being completely gathered in and hidden away by the global power elite who don't need more riches in order to put food on their tables, but use the illusion of money to ramp up within each of us our senses of lack, want, inferiority, and loss. With currency collapses possible, the olden days of bartering may have to return.

The 1074 eclipse degree of '13Tau54' is within one degree of our modern Inaugural Ascendants which always represent the Oath of Office of the President of the United States (Jan 20 @ noon in DC), and thus, the US presidency and whoever is playing the role at any given time.

In addition, 14N's initial eclipse in the year 1074 also has Saturn @ 8Sag11 showing that the eclipse in this difficult series occurred during a Saturn/Neptune opposition phase which stimulates within the collective morbid, morose, melancholy thoughts, and a tendency toward irrational fears stemming from deep within the collective unconscious.

As you know, the antithetical Saturn/Neptune duo of energies indicates such social issues, concerns, and conditions as socialism and/or communism, where Saturn's rigidity, realism, and stability meets Neptune's dreaminess, dissolution, and fraud. Together they represent caution, pessimism, long periods of neglect, and a general lack of accountability; large social movements are also involved as authority (Saturn) is challenged (opposition) by the masses(Neptune) - and possibly authority is challenged by the media (Neptune)!

Another interpretation of Saturn/Neptune may be particularly highlighted as well esp if you tend to use the 'Sibly' natal chart for America (5:10 pm LMT on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) because our national Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 straddle natal Midheaven 00-2Lib giving our nation a Sat/Nep = Mc vibe = taking a stand on practices which lessen the quality of life and a reputation (Mc) for correcting such practices; using shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed; giving up and capitulating to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; materialism vs idealism; emotional suffering; moodiness; losing courage quickly.

In the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart pictured above, Mercury 21Sag22 in 1st house, sits precisely upon the Saturn/Neptune midpoint... so we have: 'pessimism; a difficult grasp of things; strangely nervous' to begin 2011 - and the difficult 14 North Series to end the year. For this and other reasons, 2011 will be a doozy.

And, of course, a most basic consideration for America whenever it comes to Saturn/Neptune is: Neptune (invisible; shadow) government (Saturn) and the continuing mystery of just who is really in charge of America.

Closing the year is the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11, not quite close enough to US natal Mars to count as an 'eclipsing' but near enough for some military and police fretting to occur especially when we think of how 2011 began: with a Solar Eclipse conjoined by the explosive Mars/Pluto midpoint upon it, so that two pictures are created:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: working hard until collapse; violent measures; injury or accident; shock from the intervention of a Higher Power; effectively imposing one's will or theories upon others; a pushy or demanding nature; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Mars/Pluto = Moon: a strong impulse to proceed with ideas or plans; using traditional means of power to meet goals; audacity and daring; ambition; impulsive or hasty actions; a determined woman.

The year-end effects of the Dec 2011 Lunar Eclipse influence the start of the year 2012 with the Nov 2011 Solar Eclipse providing background vibes; the first Solar Eclipse of 2012 doesn't occur until May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem in the 14 South Series when "an obsessive idea is finally accepted"; 14S last occurred in 1994 and thereby resurfaces issues from the 1994 Republican take-over of Congress; it may also indicate some types of property settlements (Gaza? the US foreclosure mess? other?)

Completing our 2011 eclipse list

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse Solicitations with its ruler Mercury accenting communications, speakers, messages, negotiations, youth, transport, trade, speculations, and education; we may as well go ahead and add 'reporters, journalists, and bloggers' to the slosh as war (Mars/Pluto) propaganda (Mercury) envelopes and attempts to persuade the world to bomb defenseless people once again thus expand the globalists' totalitarian reach.


*The January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse times a Sun-opposite-natal-Sun transit for the US when the year's path or agenda is reconsidered with an eye toward making changes in the trajectory if things aren't going as planned.


For more astrological info on America's natal and progressed Jupiter in Cancer with Mars/Pluto overtones, you may wish to snag an affordable subscription to the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine where you'll find my history-infused article, American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun.

Many thanks go to master astrologer Erin Sullivan for giving permission to quote her work in my article. jc

Nov 18, 2010

George H. W. Bush to receive a Medal of FREEDOM?

While I'd be more likely to issue Bush Sr a warrant for his arrest, The White House is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 15 honorees and one of them is New World Order promoter and implementer, George H. W. Bush.

What Orwellian madness is this? Well, obviously, the one-world-government types have infiltrated every public and private institution and are recognizing their own so that the world may admire them (except I don't.) Perhaps this qualifies as something of history rewrite for the re-education of future generations.

While he's still 'with us' (in a manner of speaking), let's consider the natal horoscope of George H. W. Bush who was born on June 12, 1924 at 11:45 am edt in Milton, MA. His birth data comes from many sources: see his Astro-Databank page for details and chart image.

Here is a list of Bush Sr's planetary placements with a few additional factors:

ASC 11Vir09 conjoins Fixed Star Zosma, one of the 'victim/savior' stars; MC 7Gem39 (transiting Midas has been conjunct his MC for a while now as is asteroid Pan; US natal Uranus conjoins his n MC); n MC = n Uranus/NN (Uran/NN = radical political activity): desire to bring plans to fruition with others; assurances of help from those who share your destiny; professional recognition; teamwork paying off.

Sun 21Gem22 in 10th house of Public Status; Sun conjoins US natal Mars so his ego has been intimately tied up with US military and might.

Moon 17Lib56 in 2nd house with tr Saturn approaching n Moon which is a sobering and possibly depressing time; this man has had his Uranus Return so at his advanced age of 86, vulnerability to health problems increases, and the wife may suffer a setback of some kind); note: tr Jupiter and Uranus will be entering his 8th house w/ 8th cusp 5Ari08; either planet may cause major health setbacks with Jupiter's expansion tendency and Uranus causing sudden disruptions and separations.

Mercury 29Tau24 in 9th house will have November 21, 2010's Full Moon 29Tau18 spotlighting it and timing a culmination of some kind; this is a 29th degree of crisis.

Venus 17Can27 Rx is in a wide conjunction with n Pluto 11Can21 with Venus/Pluto giving a strong will, passions, and possible sexual indulgences; his n Pluto was precisely conjoined by tr NN 11Can56 when JFK was shot in Dallas - when GHWB was CIA Director, and the revolutionary pair of tr Uranus 9Vir49 and tr Pluto 14Vir04 were snugged around his n ASC = Uranus/Pluto: an enhanced ability to focus on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; reading how restless others are with the status quo; application of force.

Mars 25AQ28 in 6th house of Health is being undermined by tr Neptune which indicates increased difficulties with physical activities, deception and confusion reign, and fraud turns up on the menu; Mars conjoins n SN = a loner who acts upon decisions that disregard the opinions or circumstances of others, lashes out in anger which antagonizes others and causes opposition, and has desires which he acts upon and which tend to be out of harmony with societal standards.

Jupiter 14Sag11 Rx in 4th house, strong in his own sign, and Rx = 'a maverick' holed up in the comfy digs of the family compound.

Saturn 25Lib50 in 2nd house, in wide conjunction with n Moon which gives an ambitious streak and tends to identify emotionally with material wealth; this pair may describe his marriage to Barbara Bush who's only one year younger than her husband but has tended to look older than him through the years;

Uranus 21Pis26 in 7th house and square his n Sun = eccentricity, erratic behavior, original but often impractical ideas (like a world government?), a dislike of routine, and strong self-will which can become a fraternal group member and a leader of organizations.

Neptune 18Leo08 in 12th house of Politics along with NN 25Leo14; Neptune/NN in Politics and Business = leadership that neglects the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups; spies (CIA) or terrorists (9/11? JFK?); drug policies which avoid important concerns (the original Bush fortune, I've read, was founded upon the opium trade), and ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical systems; scandals caused by foreign concerns (Munkasey; other midpoints by Tyl and Ebertin.)

Bush's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series is the 16 South: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups' which last manifested in 1996, next: 2014. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Interestingly, Bush Sr shares his Sun Gem-Moon Lib combo with another old cuss, Henry Kissinger, who so famously propagandized us with, "Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

Really? Then this must be a reference to their version of a 'NWO peace'.

So there! If you didn't know anything at all about G.H.W. Bush's natal horoscope and psyche, you know a smidgeon now. If only someone could please explain to me how this relic of the NWO, with its agenda that intends totalitarian harm and chaos toward society, can possibly deserve a Presidential Medal of FREEDOM?



Update Nov 18, 2010: be sure to check out Erin Sullivan's excellent astro-comparison of the horoscopes of Bush Sr and Jr as suggested by Alex D'Atria.

Sep 3, 2007

Congress reconvenes Sep 4, 2007

After their summer break and in spite of all the People can do, Congress reconvenes Tuesday, September 4, as I've been warned. And thus the infestation continues.

There are 'poisons' in the air, quarrels in the wings, and a thousand other things-- and of course, Tuesday's chart represents the entire week, while we Sheeple admire or deride the performances which our congressional actors and other governmental thespians shall deliver.

Oh! and al-Qaeda and others are watching, too.

Yes, my peepers were put on and a stealthier-than-usual peek was taken at the transit charts for Tuesday over the Capitol Building--for sunrise and for 9:00 am EDT. It is stealthier because of the methods employed bwo composite (blended or averaged) charts done with Tuesday + the R's and the D's natal charts respectively.

Transits for 9.4.07 sunrise 6:43:40 am Capitol Bldg:

Sun/ASC 11Vir32 conj Fixed Star Zosma, keywords: victim or a savior, conj Bush Sr natal ASC... "11Vir": "A white stud racing at full speed, his bit white with foam" (Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.)

note: click chart to enlarge for more details--but now my computer is crashing, E-link is off service, and I'm shutting down until later--as you know America's 'two-party system' is really just one big happy party entering a large canoe--elites vs the miserable masses. Actually, make that a's more modern.

Now we're all feeling a sense of foreboding esp with the Sep 11 Solar Eclipse in Virgo, but this entry must be completed later...and today IS a holiday of sorts here in America, after all!

Back now after a household catasprophe--can't stay long, but first here are a few notes on Tuesday's transits to the natal chart of the Republican Party:

Mercury 28Vir28 conj n Mars: information received motivates or inspires action; giving or receiving instructions; a pressing need or urge to travel; sales and business may involve: sports, vehicles, communications or computers, military matters esp equipment, education, or haircuts. Yep--haircuts.

Jupiter 11Sag09 (conj the Pluto/Chiron conj degree of Dec 30, 1999) has lately Stationed Direct upon the R-Party's ASC 9Sag47. This also conjuncts the warring Fixed Star, Antares, keywords: obsessed with success. Jupiter to ASC is a time when grand jestures are made in order to impress, and people may have or get the idea that there's higher status or importance than is the case.

Greed or self-indulgence leads to negative outcomes now--just ask the not-gay bathroom guy. (Please tip your attendant.)

Then there's the long-time-coming tr Uranus to n Neptune 15Pis53. This has been in effect ever since Uranus got to the mid-degrees of Pisces---longer than I'd care to remember. And Ura/Neptune, as you know, is the New World Order pair of 1992-93 when their Great Conjunction took place: "18Cap"...smug or string-armed paternalism.

Uranus to n Neptune upsets the status quo with an increased need to fulfill ideals and spiritual aspirations--yet individuals have little if any personal control. Freedom of expression disappears, and others make decisions which the Collective will regret.

A Uranus-Neptune period was between 1934 to 1949 when demented ideals were touted in Germany as personal freedom and equality were mocked and trampled upon with tragic results. A style of this fascism is being seen again since their hook-up in 1992-93...we're in the thick of it now, m'peops, and it's being spread by elitist globalist types who think chaos is just dandy and "worth it" along with their syndicate minions to do much of their dirty work.

They do what they like as long as they have their *sidedoor to slip out of...their loophole or secret trapdoor, their state-of-the-art escape hatch.

And yet the Davison Composite (C/Dav) chart blending Tuesday's transits + the Dem Party itself shows an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect between Uranus and Neptune.

Uranus QD Neptune: idealism influences rebellion; disruption of idealism and/or unity; deceit disrupts the status quo (there's that status quo again); there can be heightened idealism and compassion, and unification through innovative ideas and insights.

Two more QDs are in evidence.

Mercury QD Pluto: manipulation and cunning by using communication and information; domination of discussions; perceptions are transformed through communication of powerful ideas.

Saturn QD Pluto: old systems self-destruct; societal leaders use force, manipulation, and ocntrol which transforms rigid structures; alternately, authority may be influenced by mass consciousness.

Are there any QDS in the C/Dav chart of the Republicans? you ask.

Mars QD Saturn: aggressively and ruthlessly driven toward goals, ambitions, and achievements; physical limits are pushed to prove oneself---wookaholism; clashes with authority.

Mars QD MC: sreps on others to get ahead in career; driven by the need to reach the top; passionate and confident.

Neptune QD MC: illusion and deception used within career; has idealized perceptions about who one is in the world; intuitive and insightful; can play a role in spiritual arenas (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As you see in the charts, the D-Party has more going on in the top hemisphere--more on display for the public, one supposes. They also have more midpoints in the C/Dav chart than the Rs do. Look for provocative behavior, plus some surprises and innovations put forth this week in Washington.

America could sure use improved behavior on Capitol Hill and in the White House. Thankfully, Bush is off the continent so once again I ask: can't the locks be changed?

And one more thing about Tuesday--around 4:00 pm edt, Moon catches up to Mars at the Venus Transit degree of June 2004 (the Sea Island, GA G-8 Summit...

"18Gemini": "Two Chinese men speaking Chinese in a western crowd."

A Venus Transit is when unexpected and unusual alliances are forged--those pesky Vulcans!

*Today Bush slipped out a White House "sidedoor" (more like a secret tunnel, si?) to fly to Baghdad for seven whole hours "on the ground." Actually I don't know if they were 'whole' or not. Then he jetted off to the Summit in Sydney, AU (and to my Aussie friends--you're welcome to 'im! But I forget--you have a varmint of your own, don't you?)

Check out my recently published content on AC:
Kitten from Bushie