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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn. Show all posts

Jul 6, 2020

January 2021 Davos Reset Agenda: Cosmic or Earthly?

Let's Not Blame Jupiter and Saturn for Men's Ill-Conceived Schemes

by Jude Cowell

July 6, 2020: In case you haven't heard, the crises now enveloping the globe (pandemic-financial-social-environmental) will culminate on a draconian planning level in January 2021 at Davos, Switzerland as 'the reason for their treason' becomes more clear to the world at the Agenda 2021 Reset Summit. For years here on SO'W I've fussed over the power elite (and their hidden enablers) use of the Hegelian Dialect for just such devilishness as this: create problems then "solve" them the way you intended to all along.

And now that 2019 has morphed into 2020 with the corona virus putting the brakes on most human activities, depopulating nations, and rearranging society's deck chairs, we find that the Hegelian model where "oh please form a new world order now because global problems are simply Too Large for little nations states to handle" will become the 'order' of the day as 2021 begins if not before. After all, one reason globalism was forced upon us was so that future collapses would be worldwide and would figure into their Great Plan for totalitarian domination.

Now again, here is the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction of November 12, 2020 for your consideration with the wealthy, manipulative Jupiter-Pluto duo representing such groups as 'developers and implementers of large-scale projects' - large projects such a global agendas:

Karmic Saturn The Lord of Time

So will the Great Conjunction in Air of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn time the establishment of the agenda's 'new order'? Cosmically, yes, their 20-year cycle does represent an 'out with the old in with the new' paradigm but obviously conspirators such Davos planners and other social tinkerers (and their astrologers!) have known the 'new order' conjunction was coming in December 2020 and will use it to hide behind what has been their Hegelian-style agenda to "reset" the world order along with boosts from the other Major Conjunctions of 2020 and the new cycles of activity they signify.

Yet as a Saturnian astrologer I must note how easy it is and will be for any astrologer to fall into the trap of laying Agenda 2021's implementation and negative outcomes at the feet of Jupiter and Saturn, who benevolently act, after all, as the 'Flywheel of the Universe' via their expansion-restriction qualities that keep the planets in our Solar System orbiting within their courses.

And this always reminds me of Psalm 23:4, KJV, which illustrates the assurance that in spite of all that depraved men can do upon this Earth, our Creator is The One in charge (my italics added for clarity):

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod (Saturn) and Thy staff (Jupiter) they comfort me."

Jun 28, 2020

Just before Election 2020: Trump's Nodal Return

June 28, 2020: Well, apparently as the Cosmos would have it, Election Day 2020 (November 3) is preceded by Donald Trump's Nodal Return, a time when new or beneficial alliances tend to form, one's destiny is on the front burner and is perhaps up for reconsideration. If the current course is 'on track' things proceed with a Jupiterian boost although considering that the destiny of America is linked to such a sub-standard actor playing the role of POTUS, it pains my American heart to type this for it possibly adds to the portents of a second Trump term in office. Yes, Joe Biden's natal planets receive planetary contacts on November 3rd but scofflaw Trump's natal planets have more - and with the voting Moon (the public) in changeable Gemini, at first (12:00 am edt) conjunct Biden's natal 7th house Saturn, then floating on through Trump's Gemini trio (17-23 Gemini). None of this is completely positive for either candidate, of course, and Luna does tend to fluctuate or vacillate (plus voting planet Mercury stations on November 3rd, changes his mind/direction and/or represents election machine glitches) but a variety of factors are certain to bring the usual mixture of flowing vs blocking events and conditions that the Universe so often delivers to test a fellow's resolve and mettle.

So when Trump asserts that the 2020 Election is "rigged", we can know that certain tactics are already in play. It looks as if only a landside for Biden can override shady political tactics of the GOP to become our country's saving grace - to the extent that Republicans can be forced to get out of a Democratic president's way (plus, winning the Senate would definitely help!). Of course with Joe Biden, the GOP doesn't have the 'race card' to focus on this time around but they have a full deck of potential scandals they can stir up from next to nothing and have, in fact, already begun trying to do so (Ukraine, etc). And we know that a large indicator on November 3rd is transit Neptune Rx @18Pisces, eroding planet of deception and scandals, tapping at Biden's natal IC door and after a pause will proceed to silently slide on in to his 4th house of Roots and Domestic Scene (which also affects Biden's 10th house of Career), thereby undermining him if possible. Unless the scandals stirred up amount to nothing and thus fail to stick well enough to prevent a Blue Tsunami on November 3rd! But uh-oh - Neptune in Pisces also represents the pandemic and infections so there's the suggestion of a myriad of possibilities or even a Biden scandal connected to the ongoing catastrophe we're all facing. Well, I don't know about you but I'd say both Biden and Trump are in the 'high risk' category if for no other reason than their advanced ages.

In 2020 Larger Social Forces Prevail

So as you know, a 'new order' is arriving as we can feel and can know from all the major planetary conjunctions in 2020 including the Big One, Jupiter and Saturn which caps off the year at Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020 by conjoining @00AQ29, the degree of US POTUS Sun.

Actually, we've discussed this synchronicity before so I won't bore you with it now but will add that this synchronicity may have been realized and set up for future realization by FDR and his cronies when they changed the US Inauguration date from early March, usually the 4th (in 1934), to January 20th (or the 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday) in 1937. This seems very likely an astro-fact to me if not to you, and as always, you're welcomed to disagree.

Yet in spite of all this, I am determined to publish the Horoscope of Donald Trump's Nodal Return 2020 which perfects on October 29th, mere days prior to Election Day 2020 with a few of my study notes added to the chart (below), plus, a few words on the symbolism of Trump's Nodal Axis - his Jupiterian North Node in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status and Saturnian South Node in his 4th house of Roots and Family (conjunct his Moon = estrangement from mama!). A few of Trump's natals are sprinkled around the outside of the chart and for those who use a founding horoscope for America with a 00/1Libra Midheaven ('MC'), there is vengeful Venus @1Lib44 leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of his Nodal Return planets as she crosses into our national 10th house where she'll become the prognosticator of victory or defeat in Election 2020 (in Libra, the incumbent wins unless a landslide for his opponent interferes) after which Venus will meet with US natal Saturn (14Lib48), suggesting a time when structure, order, and tradition could return to our nation:

Image: Trump Nodal Return October 29, 2020 8:06:25 am edt 'Washington DC'; intense Scorpio rising ('Mars-Pluto'), dramatic Leo at MC ('Sun'); Hour of expansive Jupiter; chart-ruler Mars the fighter is Rx (delays, frustrations); Moon-Mars in impatient Aries suggests anger of and/or toward the public. Jupiter (dark green) sextile Neptune (blue) at the Base of the chart suggests speculators, wastrels, and political conflicts. Also conjunct IC is the Neptune-Pluto midpoint, a pair which identifies criminal elements and organized crime.

As noted above, most of Trump natals are penned on and highlighted in pink including his natal Sun-Uranus = North Node so a Nodal Return (approximately every 19+ years) always reiterates his 10th house trio with potentials of 'a revolutionary spirit, self-will, upsets, catastrophes, sudden reforms'. With his North Node added we have 'friends and associates who encourage (his) activities' (Ebertin). When it comes to Drumpf that's probably friends in high and low places, both foreign and domestic. Not penned on for lack of space are his Venus and Saturn in watery Cancer (would be in Return 9th house of Legal Affairs and Ideology) and his Mercury @8Can51 (imagine the Tweetie One in Return 8th house).

Now as you see, this particular Nodal Return when set (symbolically) for Washington DC falls within the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, the occult, transformation, and death. Opposite in the 2nd hou$e of Values, Earning Ability, and Possessions we find Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction now swiped again by the tail of the dragon, the transiting South Node, a karmic Saturnian combination of misuse of power and more (see notes, lower left corner), plus, potentials for bad timing and/or lack of popularity. Also in 2nd house is the previous/current Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse which perfected upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer (global events) with its disruptive 4 North themes of 'restriction, restraint, separation, and illusion' (Brady). Obviously this describes in part the Covid-19 pandemic and its negative effects on families, domestic scene, business concerns, the caring professions, communications, finances, the American people in general and the US government with our 1776 Venus-Sun-Jupiter and Mercury Rx in Cancer. Naturally, the planetary gorilla skulking in the background of it all is America's approaching (already within a five-degree orb) Pluto Return/s of 2022.

And we should always note that whatever affects scofflaw Trump also affects America because tragically, as of January 20, 2017, his karma is our karma. So let's close this fuss with the rounded-up Sabian Symbols for Trump's natal Nodal Axis with the symbol for each end of the axis revealing the Illumination Point of its opposite - North Node of future direction vs South Node, a point of limitation when past behavior and/or talents are depended upon but no longer work in the present - hence neurotic behavior:

North Node @'21Gemini': "A Labor Demonstration" = "REPRESENTATION...positive expression: a consistent courage in attacking major problems at any cost of minor well-being or inconvenience; negative" (unconscious/shadow side - jc) "expression: futile ill-will and bluster."

South Node @'21Sag': "A Child and a Dog With Borrowed Eyeglasses" = "EXAMINATION...positive expression: an exceptional skill in the analysis of personal opportunity throughout the many dimensions of experience; negative expression: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice".

Source: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

A Previous Trump-Related Post: July and December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump's natal Saturn a period when the authority and status (Saturn) of his nibs are challenged by powerful forces (Pluto) and his lifestyle may be altered or permanently transformed.

Jun 12, 2020

June 25, 2020 Venus Direct: Trying to Save What's Left

DC Horoscope: June 25, 2020 Venus Rx Station Turns Direct @5Gem20:11 first moment at 2:48:01 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Venus, Rising in 1st House and Chart-Ruler with No Applying Aspects:

With this chart's Angles conjunct those of modern US Inauguration Horoscopes the significance of the June 2020 Venus Direct Horoscope is multiplied particularly in relation to the US, to Washington DC, the White House, and to The National Treasury for there are multiple financial indicators such as 9th house Pluto leading a Locomotive (a high-powered executive ruthlessly determined on success). Of course, wealthy manipulator Pluto conjoins Jupiter, the banker/politician/pastor/guru/The General/CEO planet, and, having crossed US Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal), transit Saturn Rx, planet of law and order, conjoins US Inaugural Sun @00AQ26/49. The first such conjunction occurred on April 3rd, the second of three exact conjunctions perfected on June 18, 2020, and the final Saturn-to-Sun (POTUS) conjunction arrives December 24, 2020 suggesting that 2020 is a period when responsibilities and consequences of past actions and decisions must be faced; it is a time of isolation for Donald Trump, political and professional, as well as physical. Yes, restriction, restraint, constraint, accountability, and maturity are demanded by lesson-bringer Saturn but with Trump's massive ego (Sun) and self-serving mindset, what are the chances he'll step up?

Besides, we know that Trump will not take Adam Schiff's recent advice and stay snugged within the White House bunker until the 2020 Election, thus causing no more harm! But perhaps ongoing lawsuits involving Trump's finances will cycle up and the miracle of holding criminals accountable for their crimes will be addressed and adjudicated by the legal system and/or lawmakers, both realms of legal-eagle Saturn.

Jupiter-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn 2020

So as you see, the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 are in progress: exact on April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the degree range of 22-25 Capricorn, a highly sensitized and activated Zodiacal zone of late which emphasizes governmental, power/authority, legal, and investment issues in particular. Note the strongly influential midpoint picture penned on--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter with potentials for "trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; and/or trying to save what's left" (Tyl). At 2017 Inaugural MC and this chart's MC (where US natal Pluto is enthroned since January 20, 1937), scandals, loss, and mourning are visible for the whole world to see during this time frame of America's fated, karmic struggle as We The People endure the loss of our nation's global status and reputation. And as you know, America and the world are in an old order vs new order phase which officially begins at Winter Solstice 2020 with the Great Conjunction of societal planets *Jupiter and Saturn. Washington DC Politics are front and center for us because the conjunction perfects upon US Presidential Sun, as noted. (For a few potential expressions, see their midpoint picture, below.) Perhaps you've thought or heard some politician or pundit remark about a 'new day' or a 'new world' - actually, there's 'a new vision fighting to be understood' (old Saturn + new Uranus = visionary Neptune) as the digital world is taking over society more than ever before.

Qs: Does the heavyweight trio at MC depict a destructive blend of the ruling class adopting additional austerity measures to oppress We The People while gifting themselves and their corporate pals and enablers with even more funds and tax breaks they don't need? As I've fussed on SO'W for years, bankrupting the United States is a primary goal of foreign and domestic zealots working toward anarchy and America's collapse (as did the Soviet Union in 1991: revenge). So does Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator' placement--Ebertin) represent more than figurehead mobster Trump but also sorehead Putin in league with China? That's for you to decide, dear reader. I know what I think. But what do you think? As always, your on-topic comments are much appreciated (and are moderated for spam!)

Sun @4Cancer-Moon @24Leo

Now with Sun and Moon in mutual reception, some amount of friendliness is shown here between leadership (Sun) and the public (Moon), but not necessarily toward or from Trump. Note that Luna in dramatic Leo is about to conjoin Trump's natal Mars, then his Ascendant, and may trigger the Moon-Mars opposition that exists between cantankerous Trump (Mars rising) and the American people (Moon) so the friendliness could refer to his nibs but also to leaders other than his nibs. Another potentials is that friendliness is not felt by or toward everyone. Actually, when it comes to Trump, anger at being assaulted from or by the Oval Office (ruled by Venus!) is more like it for a majority of us. For his assaults are ongoing and are part of a larger plan. Plus, penned in the center of the chart is a midpoint picture of US natal Venus-Jupiter = transit Sun @4Cancer: "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey).

As for June 25th's cosmic weather, a peek at its steamy, volatile Fire-Water Sun Cancer-Moon Leo blend of conscious-unconscious energies reveals tendencies toward clannishness, pride, and deep feelings. Zealotry and even jealousy may also be part of the cosmic picture (with Venus turning vicious and venal if scorned). The Sun is posited in a money house (2nd) with the fluctuating Moon in the 5th house of Speculation and Gambling - dramatic Leo's natural house - so we may be looking at another financial indicator with this blend's business shrewdness, plus, a devotion to family or clan. Showy Leo wants to risk and play while business-oriented Cancer tends to be more cautious, hiding in its emotional shell like a crab (like a bunker boy?). Moodiness, rejection of all criticism, and a need to 'rule the roost' are possible results of this combination. Yet another chart factor is that the Moon is unaspected (Ptolemaically speaking) which suggests an alienated, isolated, and/or estranged populace. Personally, I resemble that remark. Don't we all these days?

Matters of Health and Funding

Now as you see, other indications can be located within the horoscope which relate to health issues (inconjuncts, sesquisquares, and a semisquare) and infections (Mars-Neptune in watery Pisces, the duo fresh from their June 13th conjunction @20Pis59). Plus, we find disruption of family life, separations, isolation, and turmoil in society (see Uranus in Taurus opposing Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio penned on). Yet with Venus rising and acting as chart-ruler (in greedy Taurus but in duplicitous Gemini - and also ruling 6th house) added to the prominent Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio at MC, the US is, as we know, experiencing a period of financial turmoil with Venus connected to currency, expenditures, luxury (or its lack), extravagance, smaller amounts of money, (diplomacy, relationships). As you see, her sign of Libra (balance!) is intercepted (karmic dealings which echoes the karmic trio at MC) in the 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, Civil, Military, and Police Service. And as you know, the current Venus retrograde ('Rx') period (since May 13th @21Gem50) has spotlighted all these matters along with actions and non-actions of the US Congress which allegedly continues to control America's "purse strings".

However, we know that transit Venus won't reach and surpass her own shadow (where she turned Rx) until the last week of July so we'll see how financial and other societal conditions begin to alter once Lady Venus is again 'in the light' astrologically and heads toward her prominent role in the November 2020 Election/s. Meanwhile, funding and/or defunding of police departments turns up here as well, although for me, the word "re-allocation" of funds seems a more rational choice rather than allowing a lawless society to result as zealous Utopians and saboteurs would prefer. In addition, America's extravagant military funding is again being mentioned recently thanks to the ongoing protests against the death-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Military and police funding and budgets are issues that bring Congress into this Venusian picture as America continues to borrow from China to keep our illusion of solvency going. Or should we include on our list of creditors one or more of the Middle Eastern regimes? America indebted to foreign actors: just what the Founding Fathers feared!

And of course, Trump's tangled finances and 'hidden' alliances have only made our nation's circumstances less transparent and unsustainable - and, sad to say, replete with paranoia and dread. He seems to be an extremely blackmail-able guy who'll do anything for money and power, no matter what it costs the American people.

Donald Trump is, in fact, too expensive to keep.

*December 21, 2020: transit Jupiter-Saturn = (Presidential/POTUS) Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

For more cosmic blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 10, 2020

July/December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump natal Saturn

May 10, 2020: Today I'm publishing a DC Horoscope showing transit Pluto @23Cap48 (in transit 4th house, highlighted in red) opposing for the third (and final) of three times Trump's natal Saturn (@23Can48 in his natal 11th house; highlighted in green). Pluto's first opposition to his natal Saturn occurred on February 12, 2020, the second on July 12, 2020. Obviously the events of February 2020 were problematic for Mr. Don't Blame Me as he attempted to downplay and dismiss the coronavirus/Covid-19 contagion, while July 12th and December 20th events and conditions in the real world remain to be seen and experienced.

Meanwhile, We Have the Investigative Lens of Astrology

Needless to say, powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto opposing the planet of authority, realism, and accountability - karmic Saturn - identifies a period full of power plays and challenges to his and our government's authority and control. These conditions and circumstances have become more intense in 2020 for Trump and thus for our nation as we see from the late Capricorn line-up of planets which will more of less culminate with the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Airy Aquarius.

So 2020 Pluto's opposition to the authority, authenticity, maturity, and sense of reality (Saturn) of Trump includes his management (Saturn) of current crisis conditions which are cosmically imprinted upon current and future events by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fate encounters) - and opposing his cold Saturn in the watery, subjective, tribal sign of Cancer. As you know, their conjunction started a new 33-to-38-year cycle of all that the karmic duo influences or relates to, and it timed the ending of their last cycle which began on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36 under Mr. Reagan--his harmful 'Reaganomic$' springs to mind).

So in the DC Horoscope below, I've noted (lower right corner) the T-Square formed by the Saturn-Pluto opposition squaring transit Mars (in 7th house @22Ari39: Aries, the warrior planet's favorite sign) denoting potentials for 'the necessity to fight for one's existence, brutality', and/or 'assaults' of some kind (Ebertin). To this midpoint picture Noel Tyl adds: 'fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration'; and/or 'a gun with a cork in its barrel'. And since American 'goes' wherever Trump goes, this picture also relates to society in as a whole and to males in general, plus, to warriors, activists, fire-starters, and malcontents.

DC Horoscope: December 20, 2020 Transit Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn (#3 of 3); exact at 1:24:24 am est: Hour of an Out-Of-Bounds Mercury; chart-ruler Venus Tilts a BOWL:

As you can see, rising is 14Lib48, the exact position of US natal Saturn (July 4, 1776) and conjunct the natal Chiron of Donald Trump who has wounded our Saturnian form of government in every way he and his enablers can devise. So this charts timing allows the midpoint of the speculation/inflation pair of Trump, Jupiter-Neptune in Libra (also 'political conflicts'--Ebertin) to rise as well, a picture of crooks and swindlers for Trump who is both the wound, the wounded, and the one who wounds (Chiron). From America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn wedged between Trump's Jupiter-Neptune (see notes, lower left) we continue to experience potentials of 'a combination of real with unreal in activities, disappointments, discontent, consequences that issue from false hopes', and 'a feeling of being abandoned by luck' (Ebertin).

Plus, America's Saturnian representatives such as lawmakers, lawyers, judges (SCOTUS), DOJ, those in charge, experts, hard workers including miners, government workers, and the seniors among us, both wise and foolish, are implicated as early concerns rising in this chart. And obviously, the US Congress is on the cosmic menu, as it always is under the destructive influences of Trump.

Well, there are several more chart factors worth mentioning but I shall end with the primary reason this horoscope is being published today: to show transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn #3 of #3 so that we may consider the opposing Sabian Symbols of Pluto ("24Capricorn") and Trump's Saturn ("24Cancer") across the security/ambition axis. As with all degrees directly opposite one another, any degree serves as the Illumination Point of its opposite.

Note: why am I adding only the negative expressions of the Symbols? Because politics.

2020 Pluto "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"; negative/shadow side expression: "abject surrender to weakness"; natal Saturn "24Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South" (Mar-a-Lago?); negative/shadow side expression: "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones).

Now if any reader of this post thinks this doesn't sound just like Donald Trump and the current "leadership" America finds herself struggling with under mismanager Trump's hazardous tutelage, we shall simply have to disagree! jc


Is this post too fussy for you? Improve its tone by adding an insightful on-topic comment or two of your own! But as always--any and all ads will be rejected. jc

Apr 15, 2020

November 12, 2020: Jupiter Conjunct Pluto #3 of 3

Jupiter Hearts Pluto 2020: A Grand Year for Plutocracy and Exploitation

by Jude Cowell

A previous post appeared here on SO'W concerning 2020's three conjunctions of financial planets Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. Follow the link to view a tri-wheel of all three conjunction horoscopes set for Washington DC. Their conjunctions range from 24Cap53 (April 4, just passed), to 24Cap06 (June 30), and back to 22Cap52 (November 12), a highly fertilized degree area of the Zodiac this year. Of course, this area of Saturn-ruled Capricorn relates to banking and investment, bail-outs-loans-debt, government, laws, and other Saturnian realms such as authority, systems, structure, order, The Establishment, conservatism, Capitalism, management, stability, the past, and the status quo. Add Pluto and we have powerful religious or military figures, wealthy CEOs, prominent judges, organizers of large-scale projects, people with power or money to dispense, and plutocrats exploiting the masses.

Meanwhile, as the novel Coronavirus pandemic has laid bare, the time has come for 'the old' to be replaced by 'the new' and for those who 'speak astrologese' this is made obvious astrologically by the multiple Great Conjunctions of planets in 2020 that begin ticking away their new cycles in timely fashion. And as 2022 nears, many can feel Pluto approaching his natal degree in the US founding horoscope of 1776--the old order now turned gray around the muzzle. Major transformation now in progress!

Plus, Jupiter and Saturn Start Over Again in December

Of course, the Great Mutation (Conjunction in AIR) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn will arrive at Winter Solstice 2020 (conjunction horoscope shown) to bookend the year and the era with a fresh beginning in the expansion-contraction realms of life. Plus, their Conjunction joins with America's POTUS Sun (that's US Inaugural Sun @00AQ+ since January 20, 1937 when Freemason FDR changed the Inaugural date from early March with its Pisces Sun).

So what might Jupiter-Saturn = POTUS Sun bring? Will positive leadership be shown? Must boasting from the White House continue? Will the US government's traditional checks and balances finally be crushed? How about the infiltrated, weakened US Justice System? Perhaps we'll find that leniency vs harshness issues turn up in legal, social, and/or economic systems. At the least, we can expect changes in government and/or repression based on morality and ethics (ethical asteroid Pallas conjoins the November Jupiter-Pluto conjunction--and the natal Vertex of Donald Trump). Of course, Pallas also signifies the daughter so Ivanka may be prominent in a new way come late October or early November.

Now below is the third of three conjunctions on November 12 of Jupiter and Pluto, a Plutocracy pair of speculation and inflated power cravings. Obviously, the blending of their energies relates to current bail-outs and other financial, social, and religious happenings going on in 2020 but this November horoscope catapults their energies into 2021 and remains active for about the next 13 years--actually all three of their Conjunction horoscopes remain active with the 13 years divided into quarters of influence. This method gives precedence to the April 5, 2020 chart for the next 4+ years until 2024 or so. (Their next Conjunction will be a one-fer on February 5, 2033 @14AQ50.)

So please enlarge the image if you wish to read my messy study notes for I won't repeat them in this text:

Significant is that the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap51 is joined by a transiting midpoint of Mercury-Mars. This duo has political implications in the realms of debate, oration, and discussion. It also relates to powers of thought, determination, achievement and the spirit of enterprise. A few potentials of the midpoint pictures are penned on the chart, upper center, but there was no room to add: 'quarrels, judgments, rash actions, lawsuits and controversies, obstinacy', and/or 'retaliation' (Ebertin).

Lower right you see a 'YOD' or a semblance of one for one point of it is the Ascendant rather than a planet. However, midpoint pictures may be read with the Moon--leader of a Locomotive shape ruthlessly determined on success--Venus, and Trump's natal Jupiter because the Moon conjoins his 2nd house Jupiter. So we have potentials for:

Neptune-ASC = Venus:'showing dislike'; with Moon: disharmony; and DJT's Jupiter: 'the urge to cheat others, or, cheating others'; 'loss of money and/or possessions' (Ebertin).

And if you're looking for the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus you'll find them, lower left, with a few possibilities. Yes, wastefulness and extravagance seem to be on the Jupiter-Pluto menu--but also total dominance over others.

And finally, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 North Saros Series occurring at Summer Solstice 2020 (@00Can21) influences the 2nd house of Money, Possessions, Values, Earning Ability, and the National Treasury with 4 North themes of: 'restriction, restraint, inhibition, separation ("social distancing"?), illusions, events that block, misjudgments of strength or the situation; wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action' (Brady) which on one level I take to mean that our current sequestration measures should continue through the rest of 2020 and perhaps beyond. But with impatient Mars-rising Trump on the loose, what are the chances that caution will rule the day?

Now lots more info is embedded within the November 2020 Jupiter-Pluto horoscope and I have confidence that you, dear reader, will discover it and perhaps share your insights here with others. It would be much appreciated by yours truly! jc

Upcoming: December 2020 Solar Eclipses 'Hits' Trump's Lunar Eclipse 1946

Mar 23, 2020

Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn on Election Day 2020

Jupiter-Saturn Joined by Saboteur Pluto: Karma 2020 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

March 23, 2020: If you have yet to view the horoscope of Election Day 2020, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of November 3, 2020 showing 12:00 am to 11:59 pm set for Washington DC. There you'll see a Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn forming a revealing midpoint picture on that significant day of a super-significant presidential election. Not that down-ballot elections aren't important--they are, of course, especially since the Democratic Party needs to take the Senate and keep the House. Otherwise it's more years of regressive reactionary politics and policies led by Republicans and their crabby anti-constitutional backers - and no picnic even if Democrats prevail. Keeping our democratic Republic is the objective - or it should be.

However, if Republicans follow their usual formula now that wastrel Trump and his fellow culprits have demolished the National Treasury with their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare hand-outs, and other financial schemes and thefts, the reins of power will be handed to Democrats to 'fix' the economy. That's if it can be fixed after Covid-19 has its way with us. But as you know, faith is necessary in order to believe that there will be a US economy! For isn't it 'faith' that keeps fiat currency afloat to the extent that it has?

Well, be that as it may or may not be, this post is about societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) which, as a team, represent in Politics such things as 'checks and balances' - the form of government the Founders created back in 1776, and the form of government zealous saboteurs have shoved Washington away from - with circumstances made worse under the faithless Trump, McConnell, and friends. Will their Executive Branch power grab be permanent?

Jupiter-Saturn: More Changes Coming

Now as you know, year 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation, if you prefer) of Jupiter and Saturn, a 20-year cosmic event of major importance marking the time when a new cycle begins in society. Formerly conjoined in practical Earth signs, the upcoming conjunction occurs in the Air sign of water-bearer Aquarius with its Saturn-Uranus vibes of old order vs new order. If this marks the fabled "Age of Aquarius" it leaves much to be desired.

Now hopefully the following information will not be too confusing to read for instead of typing it all again, here's a slightly-edited-for-clarity reprint of my previous Jupiter-Saturn post followed by potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto midpoint, plus, a few fussy remarks by yours truly:

Note that the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction perfects on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun and a few minutes after Winter Solstice) at 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = "checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: "government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration."

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: "Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has 'made it happen'; strategy."

And here are the potentials of the Winter Solstice 2020 midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun:

"Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others" (Munkasey); "inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience" (Ebertin); "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (Tyl).

(As for "positively" influencing social change, I'd prefer the laid-back Joe Biden, thanks, especially since it's difficult to imagine how "King of Debt" narcissist Trump, 'the divider', could have any positive influence upon society at all. For it seems to me he's proven his negative intentions with his natal Mars opposing US natal Moon (We The People) although you're welcome to disagree. Yes, I complained about this touchy Moon-Mars opposition before Election 2016 but Trump voters were totally entranced by the snake and his lies to take heed.)

Yet we know that any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2021 and beyond, and any of the midpoints may be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses. This can make positive changes to previous changes a possibility!

Yes, the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it even more influential and doubles its global significance. Especially since the two planets are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses. Personally, I thank the Great Mathematician for this!

Yet we might also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus duo rises and conjoins the Ascendant in the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Horoscope which suggests potentials for more changes and for 'upsetting events, arrests, or injuries' (Ebertin); and/or 'deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others' (Munkasey). Well, arresting culpable corporate culprits would be an improvement for a change, wouldn't it?

As for their last conjunction--the current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020--that would be the Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium, at '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction perfected upon the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre--and for power over the world, corrupt and authoritarian though it may be. Jupiter-Saturn = natal MC: "changes, losses, fluctuating success" (Ebertin).

So the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since the two planets are indispensable as the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

Yet we must also note that the explosive, violent, gun-totin' Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for "upsetting events, arrests, or injuries" (Ebertin); and/or "deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others" (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is their conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who, imho, seems to continually betray his country for filthy lucre. To me the New Millennium has so far seemed a crooks-run-wild affair although you're welcome to disagree.

Karma Knocks at Society's Door

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: "intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes" (Munkasey); "violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation" (Tyl). (Note that "violent changes" may refer to earth changes such as natural disasters with disruptive Uranus in Earthy Taurus, a money sign, so there are economic implications as well.)

And here are the midpoint's potentials provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets: "Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to plans previously made; extreme lifestyle changes; transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality."

Of course, the trio of planets in Capricorn play musical chairs off and on as the months go by creating different midpoint pictures as they change positions, yet considering that we're already experiencing such extreme changes now, it's safe to say that restrictive societal reforms will continue in one form or another into 2021 no matter who 'wins' in November 2020 or whether election results can be trusted--or, whether Election 2020 collapses or actually occurs or not.

And through all this, what I'm trying to say is that apparently, major changes and reforms to governmental, social, economic, and religious orders, as timed primarily by Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020 is an 'idea' (Aquarius) whose time has come, digitally and otherwise. And although we're feeling strong hints of them now, how harsh the upcoming changes, reforms, and restrictions will be remains to be seen.

: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 (DC Horoscope shown) which manifests @23Sagittarius conjunct Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, his bottomless pit of reigning emotional need for Jupiterian expansion and freedom.

Feb 28, 2020

Moon-Tracking DNC 2020 and RNC 2020

February 28, 2020: Solar and Lunar Considerations for DNC and RNC 2020

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: DNC opens July 13, 2020 Milwaukee, WI "12:00 am" CDT (upper right); RNC opens August 24, 2020 Charlotte, NC "12:00 am" EDT (lower left). Charts are set for 12:00 am in order to 'snag' the earliest positions of both Sun (leadership) and Moon (We the People; the public mood). The DNC lasts until the evening of July 16th while the RNC winds up during the evening of August 27th. Ranges of motion of Sun and Moon over those dates are listed, below.

Both conventions fall under the disruptive influences of the 4 North Solar Eclipse which perfects at Summer Solstice June 21, 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, fame, recognition, and global events. Eclipse themes include potentials for: 'restraint, restriction, separation, inhibition, and illusion along with events that block progress and a tendency toward misjudging strength or the situation' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). One wonders if the corona virus contagion is included within these themes since by Summer public gatherings may be limited in scope, barely attended, or cancelled. Be that as it may or may not be--

DNC and RNC 2020: Tracking the Sun and Moon

Tracking both Sun (leadership) and Moon (the public mood, plus, you and me) through both charts/conventions over the length of each party's dates of activity (from 12 am to 11:59 pm each day) can be revealing. First comes the Democratic National Convention from July 13 to July 16, then the Republicans take center stage from August 24 to August 27. Note that during RNC 2020, Donald Trump enjoys a Lunar Return (to 21Sag12 conjunct his natal South Node) on Wednesday August 26th at 9:53:26 pm edt with Mars trine Moon (things hum along, males cooperate) and Neptune continues its off-and-on square to natal Moon (shifting alliances, undermining obstacles, confusion, lethargy, and/or deception). A lunar return at this particular time may be an indicator of people returning to Trump as their candidate or nominee based on emotional considerations and/or unconscious motivations. Also, on August 19th perfects RNC 2020's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon @26Leo35--conjunct Trump's natal Mars which denotes a new cycle of activity for him, plus, a seeding of new plans with his typical Martian qualities of aggression and brashness.

There are three Sun-Moon blends during each political party's convention thanks to Luna changing signs; the following notes are primarily from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and one of their "Images for Integration" is included to describe each combination of energies:

With the convention's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) actually the Lunar Eclipse of July 5th (@13Cap37), DNC 2020 opens July 13th with Sun Cancer-Moon Aries, a steamy, perhaps scalding or sterilizing Water-Fire blend with a Moon-Mars influence that comes out fighting, is passionate about individual rights, combines tenderness with bravado, and has a patriotic heart committed to personal values. Yet a sharp tongue may be evident along with a brisk, authoritative manner hiding that sensitive lunar-ruled Sun sign. Image for Integration: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." Note that Luna enters Taurus on July 13 at 12:33:49 pm CDT giving a second blend to consider, plus, the Moon conjoins Uranus @10Tau16:33 on July 14 at 9:13:56 am CDT denoting potentials for emotional excitement, restlessness, a sudden change of circumstances, an unusual woman, a humanitarian doctrine expressed via rapport with all nationalities, and/or feelings of anxiety.

And so July 14th's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus is a practical Water-Earth blend with Moon-Venus vibes that suggests the intuition, responsibility, and tenaciousness of a practical idealist and the talent of a natural psychologist. However this blend can become stubborn, fussy, and autocratic at times while exhibiting old fashioned values, shrewdness, and an ability to listen to the needs of others, but with a tendency toward subjective prejudices. Image for Integration: "A flourishing family business."

Then on July 16th at 12:19 am CDT, Luna enters Mercury-ruled Gemini and an ethereal Sun Cancer-Moon Gemini Water-Air blend begins to flavor DNC proceedings. This chatty combination suggests potentials for self-deprecating humor, wittiness, sensitivity to others, and popularity but can tend toward indecisiveness or vacillation. Shrewd yet warm-hearted, this perceptive blend is that of a natural teacher. Image for Integration: "A family plays a game of charades." (This word picture makes me wonder if the outcome of the DNC's political performances is predetermined and meant only as entertainment for the masses! But that's my cynical nature typing after almost 15 years of peering at DC Politics through the revealing lens of Astrology. You, dear reader, certainly don't have to agree!)

Now for the three Sun-Moon blends of RNC 2020. And stay tuned for the most significant midpoint pictures in force during the whole of both conventions for they'll be added to the end of this post.

RNC 2020 opens on August 24th with Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio, a practical Earth-Water blend influenced by intense Mercury-Mars-Pluto vibes. This blend suggests dedication, resourcefulness, loyalty, subjectivism, opinionation, and piousness; it prefers to get on with a useful, dutiful, well-defined job. Analytical, rational, and critical, folks influenced by the vibes of Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio are far more emotionally motivated than they believe themselves to be, tend to exhibit a fighting spirit, and can be fanatical about "getting it right." Note that anti-abortion laws may be part of this picture and its Image for Integration is: "A zealous insect-lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis." (Nosy much?) And actually at its opening the Scorpio Moon precisely opposes radical Uranus in Taurus with potentials for erratic or nontraditional behavior, anti-social conduct, and a tendency to misjudge other people.

(So both DNC and RNC contain strong Moon-Uranus influences which may be exciting but hint at sudden reforms, emotionally immature people, and/or leaders who rule by whim. That's on both sides.)

Then on Tuesday August 25th at 8:48:54 am EDT, Luna enters Sagittarius creating a Mercury-Jupiter flavored Sun Virgo-Moon Sag combo of Earth and Fire, the scorched-earth blend of a bull dozer. Under these influences the convention's atmosphere turns rather restless yet remains under a measure of control--plus, criticism takes on a more moralistic tone. Offended beliefs and high standards for others lead to emotional distance and aloofness yet rules and traditions can be tossed away or ignored when it's personally convenient for rule-makers. In part, 'prim and proper eccentrics' may be who is described here.

Finally, RNC 2020 closes the evening of August 27th with a Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn combination of energies, a double-Earth blend, its deepest fear that of losing control. Luna enters ambitious, austere, authoritarian Capricorn in the early afternoon at 1:36:39 pm EDT after floating out-of-bounds of the earthly plane since 8:30 am EDT, a detached and/or alienated condition for the public's Moon. This may suggest some loss of audience or public favor especially since the Moon simultaneously conjoins its own transiting South Node which may suggest a loss of popularity and/or bad timing. Meanwhile, ambition, skepticism, workaholism, and polished professionalism are exhibited onstage along with a basic expectation to 'get back what's been given' (or, a tit for tat attitude? too much austerity?). Long-held convictions are a driving force while rational justifications for every action and goal are well-rehearsed and ready for presentation. For this blend let's add two Images for Integration: "A headline: Small town boy makes good...Fine bone china," perhaps with an emphasis on China.

Now to close, let's consider the two significant midpoint pictures which remain in effect during each convention:

For the Democrats the ongoing influence is Neptune-North Node = Uranus creating potentials for 'self-willed motives that upset group expectations; becoming upset over the anti-social conduct of others; a sudden displacement from associations; and/or the undermining of relationships'. I suspect this may refer to the DNC taking away the people's choice of Senator Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee but of course this situation may morph into different circumstances by July. However, the Neptune-NN pairing does suggest anti-social conduct and a lack of community spirit from any angle--and Michael Munkasey in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets reveals it as "a leadership which is unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people." Add the Moon to the midpoint picture (when Luna meets Uranus @10Taurus!) and we have 'someone feeling ostracized' (Tyl). Is that We The People whose preference is being ignored by the DNC, Bernie being cheated, or both?

As for the Republicans, the ongoing midpoint picture through the entire shebang is Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: 'immense effort, violent changes, separation, restriction (resonates with 4 North eclipse themes listed, above); intense business activity, a total reversal of plans; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; fearlessness; and/or major change of situation'.

Note: All midpoint pictures in this post are a combination of Tyl, Munkasey, and Ebertin with a little bit of yours truly tossed in.

Well, there's my limited assessment of DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 through a Solar-Lunar lens. As always your on-topic comments are welcome and all gracious Shares are much appreciated! jc

Dec 2, 2019

Astro-Notes and the Eclipse of Rep. Adam Schiff

The best course for anyone interested in the natal horoscope and planets of Rep. Adam Schiff is to visit Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe for The Unflappable Adam Schiff which includes details and a view of Schiff's natal chart with its 12th house Sun-Venus conjunction at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer. As you know, the 12th is the house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma and along with several other factors makes for a very interesting Moon-ruled horoscope and politician of the Democratic persuasion.

So here I shall add a trio of cosmic factors:

That Adam Schiff has recently experienced two major planetary returns in 2019, one a three-fer. In order of occurrence they are: Saturn Return/s (16Cap12:03) 3 times: February 12, July 23, and November 11, 2019. Responsibilities! Then on November 25th a Jupiter Return (28Sag26:15) perfected--the "Jupiter Reward Cycle" as Noel Tyl has termed it--which is especially apt since the tension between Jupiter and Saturn (expansion vs retraction) keeps the planets in their courses ('the flywheel of the Universe') and traditionally, the pair relates in Politics to our fabled checks'n'balances system of government which Rep. Schiff and congressional Democrats are working to honor by attempting to hold Trump accountable for his anti-constitutional overreach and lawlessness. (Note that Schiff's Saturn returning before Jupiter suggests that his hard work is being rewarded.)

Now this is where the US Congress as a co-equal branch of government comes in with its oversight function designed by the Founders to keep presidents from behaving as monarchs acting as if they're above the law. And of course, SCOTUS oversight must be included in the deal as well as the third branch of government.

Therefore, a Masonic lodge the White House may be but a king's castle it is not.

Plus, in Mundane Astrology Jupiter and Saturn relate to our two political parties, or, as I often tend to think of them, our two political factions (because they exploit us as the 'ruling class' vs We The People). Periodically switching roles or hats between generosity and austerity, the Two Santa Claus Theory of Jude Wanniski and popularized by Thom Hartmann can be described in terms of Jupiter the Generous vs Saturn the Scrooge.

The final cosmic factor I shall mention here is Adam Schiff's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') and its themes. Born June 22, 1960 at 6:13 am edt in Framingham, Massachusetts (RR: AA) into the 16 South Saros Series (March 27, 1960 @6Ari38), Mr. Schiff's eclipse themes involve issues of wasted energy and misdirected motivation especially in groups, and sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). If your PE is in Mars-ruled Aries, issues of leadership and treating problems as challenges will feature in your life. 16 South last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus and will next occur on May 9, 2032 @19Taurus.

But Aries issues aside, perhaps you agree that 16 South is not one of your more positive Saros Series to be born into though hopefully while it 'runs in the background' of Schiff's life, no negative influences will be felt during this critical period of time. Yet it's possible that his participation in the group now staging impeachment proceedings against Trump may turn out to be "unfulfilling."

For it does seem significant that during the 3rd day of the inquiry proceedings this week with Rep. Nadler wielding the gavel, on Friday December 6, 2019, transit Jupiter opposes both Schiff's Venus then Sun which suggests a lack of cooperation from others, overblown or unkept promises, and wounded pride--and Jupiter may represent Jupiterian Trump in cosmic disguise challenging Adam Schiff's integrity, values, and his democratic perspectives which threaten to interfere with the 'kingship' and plutonian mobsterism of Donald Trump as he and his comrades continue hollowing out the US government to a more manageable size.

Nov 18, 2019

Cold War Horoscope 1945 meets Saturn-Pluto 2020

Cold War-Yalta Astro-Notes: 1945 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

It's probably not good news that one of the planets in a historical horoscope soon to be 'hit' by the harsh January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is Mars in the February 4, 1945 Cold War Horoscope of the postwar Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin which suggests potentials for 'brutality, violence, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence' (Ebertin). Additionally, the January 12, 2020 conjunction of compressed energies manifests upon the Cold War's 19 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE' of January 14, 1945 @23Cap41 = 'lucky breaks'--Brady) and it conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex ('VX' @22Cap51), all of which are penned on the right side of the chart; Roosevelt's birth data is listed, upper right; and a Vertex is a point of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions':

Also listed on the chart underneath FDR's natal data is a depressing cosmic occurrence--Yalta's Saturn Rx @4Can36 conjoins FDR's natal Moon, and Yalta's Moon conjoins FDR's natal Saturn--a double whammy, we could say. So obviously, the conference was held during an emotional low point in Roosevelt's life, plus, Moon-Saturn contacts often have health connotations. We can see this in Yalta photos and the dark circles around his eyes.

Then sadly, as you know, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a brain hemorrhage about 2 months after the Yalta Conference ended, his "willful ignorance" about Stalin and communism no longer influencing him. Yet due to recent events and Trump's turns against traditional US alliances, one may wonder if in 2019 and beyond the tendency toward such 'ignorance' continues to influence certain denizens of Washington DC who thereby work against the better interests of our nation.

Recommended: Roosevelt's Failure at Yalta from the Hoover Institute circa 2004 which touches uncomfortably upon the current day relationship between the US and Russia via Donald Trump's transactional, subservient union with Vladimir Putin. Alternatively, here's a different view, Why Roosevelt was right about Stalin - that we could do business with him because at heart Stalin was a businessman. So was FDR naive about the Russian leader of his day? Does Donald Trump behave like a Kremlin asset? The horoscope, above, has some indication of threatened violence and of course many folk (such as yours truly) suspect that Putin controls Trump bwo blackmail and/or threatened violence--and perhaps Stalin controlled Roosevelt in a similar fashion. If so, are current events and those of the Roosevelt administration and the Stalin regime more alike than we know?

Well, for more info on 1945 events, try a Politico article by Andrew Glass Roosevelt departs from Yalta, February 11, 1945 which details some of the aftermath of the Yalta Conference such as FDR's assurance to Congress that, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace." But it soon became clear that Stalin would not honor his promise of free elections for Poland. Naive? Willful ignorance? Complicity under duress?

So I surmise that the upcoming planetary pile-up upon the 23 Capricorn degree indicates a cosmic time link involving events of 1945 and today, with the same nations participating. And on the horoscope you see (mid-center, top) a notation replete with on-topic cosmic synchronicity: 23 Capricorn = Governmental authority, according to fabled astrologer Nicholas Devore.

So as 'they' always like to say, timing is everything which suggests to me that whatever upcoming shift "this is," it has been in the planning stages for a very long time meant to coincide with the beginning of a new order timed by Saturn conjunct Pluto, then at Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn upon US Inaugural Sun (the Office of the President), and with three conjunctions of the wealthy plutocrat duo Jupiter and Pluto sandwiched in between.

Nov 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: December 2, 2019 Jupiter to Capricorn

With 00Capricorn00:00 one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation, Jupiter's entry into the Saturn-ruled sign is a big deal which occurs approximately every twelve years. Here you see a DC Horoscope for the moment transit Jupiter reaches 00Capricorn00:00 on December 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm est--conjunct Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point, suggesting events occurring on the global stage, and in Washington DC since the cosmic shift happens at MC in our nation's capital.

Now if you're reading this you may already know all the roles that astrological Jupiter can play with politician, banker/trader, corporatist, guru or hierophant, broadcaster (propagandist), and military General being the primary ones who make cameo appearances on SO'W. And if you've visited here before, perhaps you know that when it comes to Jupiter, I tend to use the Great Benefic as the traditional ruler of Pisces as well as of Sagittarius, with Neptune as co-ruler or higher octave ruler of Pisces. (I refuse to divorce Saturn from the traditional ruler-ship of Aquarius but that's another fussy tale for another grumpy day.)

All that said, let's consider the December 2, 2019 Horoscope for its Jupiterian qualities, plus, for a few interesting cosmic factors and possibilities which may apply. The large-girthed Donald Trump is a Jupiterian for several reasons, one being his natal Jupiter in Libra at station and turning Direct 3 hours after his birth. Oh! that, and his greedy, materialistic nature exhibiting a love of money (the root of all evil--the love of it, not the money) so we have his nibs to consider as well. Actually, we tried this before with Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter. We've also previously discussed Trump's natal Mercury @8Can51 (conjunct Alhena: to have a mission) which is here on a future path via the North Node in 4th house. His apparent relocation to Florida may be part of this Mercury-NN picture although potential meetings, negotiations, and communications cannot be ruled out as well as contacts with reporters and/or with young people.

So in the DC Horoscope pictured above, basic chart factors are penned on if you don't mind enlarging the image to read my study notes. The energy shift of Jupiter, happy as a puppy with two tails in his own sign of Sagittarius, moving into sober Capricorn, sign of Jupiter's detriment due to his exaltation in Cancer, is supported via the Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes), plus as you see, the Aries Point rises along with star of misfortune Scheat and wounded/wounding Chiron Rx @1Ari29 following--Chiron, the blind spot, here conjunct US natal IC (Roots; Foundation) in America's late afternoon charts of July 4, 1776. (It seems to me that our country has certainly been undergoing a season of wounding as transit Chiron crosses and re-crosses our national IC--along with an opportunity for honestly dealing with our wounds and making karmic progress.)

Then on the chart, upper right, you see a list of planets that rise with stars on this particular day and there are quite a number of them including Sun, Venus (OOBs), Jupiter (and MC--both rising with Acumen), plus, Neptune, North Node ('NN'), and the Ascendant rising with difficult Scheat, as noted.

Thing is, the Ascendant, the What? Point of the chart @30Pisces, reveals an interesting Sabian Symbol: "The Great Stone Face" which speaks of destiny as character. Once upon a time I attempted an illustration of this symbol which may be viewed here if you wish, with Sabian Symbol details for '30 Pisces' included.

Now in closing, a few notes on how Jupiter relates in society when traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (a labyrinth unto itself!), sign of Jupiter's fall, as noted. Negatively, Jupiter in Capricorn suggests potentials for egotism, distrust, hypocrisy, and over-concern with the letter of the law rather than upholding its spirit. Yet when well-aspected, this placement tends to provide moral integrity, ethics in business and in general affairs, a sense of duty, and support for status quo traditions and/or for the prevailing value system. A conservative slant and positions of responsibility are indicated so those who hold them are the sorts of folk who may be cast in a bright spotlight while Jupiter is in Capricorn--basically until around Winter Solstice 2020 when Jupiter catches up with karmic Saturn @00AQ29, the US POTUS Sun degree, and the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begins again, lasting for approximately twenty years. As the 'flywheel of the Universe' keeping the planets in their courses via the natural law of expansion vs restriction, their conjunction times the genesis of a new order in society, and in Politics their combined energies express often as checks and balances and as our (alleged) two-party system.

As for the conjunction's synchronicity with US POTUS Sun (00AQ+ from our January 20th Inaugurations, the Presidential Oath of Office), a midpoint picture forms of Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: 'Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Tyl).

Now that sounds like a status quo we'd prefer to avoid.

Sep 27, 2019

US Congress: Broken When We Need It to Get Busy

Has the US Congress disintegrated right before our eyes, now broken beyond repair? The sabotage of the US government has been in force for decades and infiltrators are having their merry way. Politico's When Impeachment Meets a Broken Congress lays out the case rather well (especially if readers scroll down a few paragraphs).

And astrologers are likely to be familiar with recent and current planetary transits to the US Congress First Session Horoscope and those affecting Inauguration 2017 planets, plus, a long-term transit of Pluto square natal Neptune with potentials for: 'psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration'. And since Congress is intended to represent We The People, this heavy plutonian influence applies to the entire population.

See the US Congress First Session Horoscope of March 4, 1789 for more transit details.

Now as you can see from the March 4, 1789 chart, the Midheaven (26Capricorn) of the US Congress (MC = Goals, Aspirations, Public Standing) is currently in turmoil from the approaching Saturn-Pluto pair of compressed, unyielding energies, and the same for US Inauguration Horoscope/s (January 20, 2017, 2013, etc, at noon Capitol Building Washington DC).

Karmic Saturn and Pluto are working together as they move closer and their energies peak @23Cap46 on January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump' natal Vertex of fated encounters--an encounter with dictatorship apparently although personally I'm hoping for downfall). The Saturn-Pluto pairing denotes potentials for: turmoil in rigid or older structures, upsets in existing checks and balances, secret preparations for future restrictions, use of secret police or military agencies, blocked sewage systems, and/or lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction (Munkasey). But whether Trump stays on top or not, the ongoing sabotage, mostly by Republicans, is in process of achieving its objective of collapsing America and 'drowning her in a bath tub' as Grover Norquist promised. After all, everyone knows that no empire lasts forever--including the vengeful Vladimir Putin.

So as noted, plans to deconstruct the US government have been simmering for decades--actually from the start--and many see the 2022 US Pluto Return/s as a major signpost on the way to...whatever conditions and events from the Revolutionary years will rhyme if not repeat by 2022.

And naturally, the saboteurs are banking on modern generations of Americans having little if any of the spunk and determination our forefathers possessed during the Revolutionary era so that fighting to rescue our Republic when time catches up with need will be a weak and wimpy affair, easily vanquished, our combatants soft and otherwise engaged with their phones and viral videos. For as you know stealth has been one of our opponents' handiest aids (as always with sabotage) along with infiltration, lies, fraud, cheating, political 'spin', propaganda, wedge issues, and the entertainment industry. Bribery and intimidation work well for them, too, with their mobster/global crime syndicate selves focused on dismantling democratic societies. That the US will no longer act as global leader seems evident to me and is one of the saboteurs' goals.

Plus, you'll remember that in December 2008, during the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash, America symbolically reached as far as she/we can go (or should go) in the world via our nation's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo. Now, despite the massive amount of rigging it's taken to hide the fact that our nation has reached its pinnacle, we're nearly 11 years beyond that point and the karmic imperatives are coming in fast. Are our crumbling institutional structures too weak to withstand the sabotaging forces of the global crime syndicate? For that's what the Washington establishment fights when it battles against Donald Trump although some politicians may be 'fighting' and resisting while secretly supporting the fascist cause he leads (or is the face of--an orange figurehead!).

Now as you know, even before America's Pluto Return/s in 2022 we must navigate several Solar and Lunar Eclipses of note, plus, two titanic planetary conjunctions occur after Saturn-Pluto in January 2020--Jupiter-Pluto begin their cycle anew with the duo's financial implications on April 5, June 30, November 12, 2020 between 22 and 25 Capricorn (tri-wheel charts shown). And the Jupiter-Saturn (the societal pair) conjunct and end 2020 with a bang @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and marking the beginning of a 20-year cycle. When Jupiter and Saturn combine forces there are more checks and balances issues and significant changes in governmental, religious, and social orders with a judicial system at breaking point (Munkasey)--and this must include the lawmakers of Congress.

So now I must regress because during all the years of writing Stars Over Washington (since 2005) I have encouraged readers to contact Congress with 'call often call angry' concerning their issues but now I strongly suspect that calls and emails to Congress offering our support and firm 'don't allow the institution to dissolve' messages would serve both the higher and lower purposes of We The People much better. Don't you?

Related Posts include: The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s; and, The Facist Plot to Overthrow FDR (documentary). My point is, the fascists are at it again and have learned much from their previous mistakes and miscalculations.

Sep 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: The Very First Eclipse of 2020

Looking Ahead with The Past in Mind: a 2nd Look at the January 10, 2020 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

On January 10, 2020 will manifest a penumbral lunar eclipse, aka, an appulse eclipse (light not fully dimmed); for more info see Keith's Lunar Eclipse Page. Yet as some readers know, my focus with solar and lunar eclipses and their effects on history and society is on their degrees--their symbolism, conjunctions, oppositions, and other prominent factors related to their particular place of manifestation in the Zodiac. Sensitive degrees are created when eclipses occur upon them and can remain 'sore' for years as is the case with sensitive critical degrees (Mansions of the Moon are not covered here!) which may suggest possibilities for crisis conditions and/or events--at the least, disruption--usually externally with solar eclipses and internally with lunar ones.

Therefore, it's notable that the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse, although not Total, is at the critical degree of 20Cancer00, plus, this is the first eclipse of 2020 so its cosmic 'wild card' energies are imprinted upon the entire year. What 'cosmic blinks' are in store? What shenanigans are perpetrated in the dark? What can Castor reveal? Related may be the fact that a 12 South Solar Eclipse occurred conjunct Castor on July 11, 2010. Will a discovery or two concerning 2010 issues and events turn up during 2020? Consider 12 South themes: 'a long-term worrisome or draining issue at first seems worse then suddenly clears with successful outcomes' (Brady). Okay!

As for the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse, the Cancer-Capricorn axis is ruled by Moon and Saturn which relates to security and domestic concerns, plus, has ambition, strategy, status, and direction interests. Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Can00 reveals a variety of reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (see eclipse list linked, below) with its 'traumatic transformation' theme. And obviously, a 'new start' is heralded by a New Year on January 1, 2020 so what may we expect for Year 2020 besides the major changes of direction timed by the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto (@22Cap46)? For as you know, eclipses also tend to disrupt earthly affairs and bring changes of direction although no one can say with complete confidence exactly what's ahead (other than Campaign 2020 and the usual political antics and overblown promises). However, new social, financial, and political orders are suggested and point toward another Great Conjunction in the 20-year cycle of 'societal planets' Jupiter and Saturn begins again on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29--at Winter Solstice, and conjuncts the US POTUS Sun degree.

So let's have a glance at the 'cosmic blink' eclipse horoscope that 'opens' 2020, below, for eclipses are always Uranian in nature--erratic, sudden, sometimes shocking, or perhaps merely full of surprises. Adding extra information, as noted, we have the lunar eclipse activating one of the Gemini Twins, Castor, a star containing possibilities for 'sudden fame or loss, mental illness, murder', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Yet Castor is also a writers' star and suggests much creativity in its positive manifestations. Eclipses 'work through' fixed stars and strengthen or empower their potentials - and vice versa.

A previous post also concerned the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse.

DC Horoscope: January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer00 Conjunct Castor:

Hour of Mercury (time for change) but Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs') but here we see the little fella posited in 8th house with Jupiter, South Node, Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and asteroid Ceres ('democracy' restricted or over-powered by Saturn-Pluto authoritarianism; plus, potential interruption of food supplies). The 2/8 axis (Taurus-Scorpio) is emphasized (Money, Shared Resources, the National Treasury--what's left of it--Insurance, Debt, Corporatism, Transformation, the Occult, Death, etc). And the Jupiter-SN conjunction suggests clashes and conflicts of interest between social and ethical aims vs current trends and traditions, issues of bad timing, difficulties or delays in or concerning foreign lands, and genuine morality that could suffer from false religious it has before. In addition, Mercury's OOBs condition can relate to messages from an unknown source and/or to someone who is out-of-touch, here with 8th house matters and issues. Perhaps he's wandering off from a microphone or podium, forgetful of where he is and losing the thread!

Now we should also consider that the January lunar eclipse is the cosmic 'bookend' of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 in the 3 South Saros Series with themes of traumatic transformation and relationship endings (Brady) so its themes are yet another suggestion of major changes afoot. Plus, the Cancer eclipse hints that the public reacts to the Capricorn eclipse of 2019 and its effects in emotional and/or patriotic or nationalistic ways; Trump's insistence on protectionism comes to mind. Personally, I react with, 'America going it alone is a weakened America' while the sabotage and undermining of our nation as led by Trump continues.

As you see, communicating Mercury, planet of young people and ruler of the chart (ASC 13Gem53 with Trump's chaos-creating natal Uranus first to rise), conjoins the Sun @20Capricorn, the sign of government, law and business, so Mercury is also at critical degree. This conjunction on a political level suggests a leader (Sun) fond of his own ideas (Mercury) who doesn't listen (Mercury) to others (Full Moon = the public, and/or women). Sound like anyone you know, and perhaps like the continuing lawsuits, investigations, and scandals now in the news which are certain to continue into and through 2020? As you know, fantasist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square blocks both his hearing and his understanding!

Then on a behavioral level, there's quirky Uranus unaspected in money sign Taurus which emphasizes the planet's isolation and detachment qualities while hinting at spurt-like bursts of energy. Without sufficient channels through which to discharge the intense energy of Uranus which aspects would provide, nervous electrical tension can build up and increase restlessness and feelings of discontent. Uranian flashes of genius can still occur but there's less impetus to change rigid behavior patterns--implicated in this case are Taurean traits of possessiveness, selfishness, greed, and intolerance. And since on a behavioral level I often ascribe planet Uranus as a representative for Donald Trump (it's his guiding planet), I suspect this horoscope with Uranus in 12th house of Karma and Politics shows that he's feeling 'unique and unmatched' in the political arena (Tierney). However, to me Trump is more of an embarrassing sticks-out-like-a sore-thumb figure with his natal Uranus in duplicitous Gemini. And although Uranus is unaspected, it is apex planet in a midpoint picture:

Venus-North-Node = Uranus: unsettling news; disrupted meetings or contacts; polite (?) indifference to ideas (Munkasey); a quick liason; unusual friends or encounters (Ebertin). Note that Munkasey gives the Venus-North-Node pairing potentials for 'poor management or bungling of wealth' and/or 'society shapes collective destiny'. And who's our top bungler?!?

The final factor I'll mention in this my second look at the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart is transit Jupiter @8Cap55 opposing Trump's natal 11th house Mercury (8Can55) suggesting potentials for his grand ideas, plans, and schemes to be rejected outright and/or blocked by others, while lots of talk and no action continues as the order of the day (except for the sneaky things he and the GOP are up to while Trump distracts with his nonsense--consciously or unbeknownst in his role as the 'useful idiot'). Misjudgments on his part will affect financial and other matters (still), and more of his words and rhetoric will meet with criticism. Unimpressive may be the word, plus, Trump's lack of popularity comes to mind--and the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse will certainly uncover new facts that lead to more criticism, a lack of legal success, and a previously unknown critical or crisis situation, condition, secret or scandal--at least, it will probably uncover a tidbit or two not revealed by the 'Christmas Solar Eclipse' as 2019 concerns carry over into 2020.

And now for the daring here's a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022.

Jul 12, 2019

Don Jr and Jared battle to head the 2020 Campaign

Born on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, a previous post In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner uncovers a few things about the son-in-law of Donald Trump including Jared's prominent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra.

A view of the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Jr is available with a Rodden Rating of A at (born December 31, 1977 5:20 pm est Manhattan, NY with Sun 10Cap09, Moon 21Vir22, Ascendant 19Can09; Jupiter 29Gem52 Rx sextile Saturn 00Vir09 Rx). As you see, Don Jr's Saturn conjuncts his Papa's natal Ascendant (29Leo) where royal star Regulus blinks and cautions: success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. So father and son Trump share, if not heed, the karmic caution of Regulus.

Now perhaps you've heard the news that Don Jr and Jared "really dislike one another" and that both want to head Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign for re-selection. Vanity Fair's PolitiZoom of July 6, 2019 characterizes their disagreements as an "escalating cold war" and opines over its effects on the 2020 Campaign. (Funny, I just noticed that "Vanity Fair" can be described by Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra and its typical cry of, "it's not fair!" with Venus the planet of vanity. Funny because Jupiter in Libra is shared by Trump Sr and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, husband of Trump's favored child, Ivanka; and of course, Venus is a money planet, too.)

For the sake of comparison, and since I know of no accurate birth time for Jared Kushner (purposefully hidden, one imagines), below is a natal horoscope bi-wheel for Donald John Trump Jr (center, timed) and the untimed Jared Kushner:

Of interest to our topic is their Mars-Mars opposition across the Leo-AQ self-will axis (diametrically opposing motivations and actions), plus, the Mars-NN-Pluto trio that forms when Trump Sr is in the mix. This forceful planetary trio of power and manipulation conjoins the 2nd cu$p of Don Jr's chart and reveals power and control issues with a karmic flavor. Apparently the two fellows were destined (NN) to disagree (Mars). The presence of Trump Sr's shady Pluto (@10Leo02 in his natal 12th house of Politics and Karma) adds intensity to the issues and may indicate that Donald Sr will impose himself upon their quarrels and make a different choice altogether. After all, a wise King Solomon Big T ain't, and he doesn't seem to think very highly of either man (Kushner a "girl" and Don Jr "dumb"?).

Adding to their power-grabbing is the glop of Don Jr's powerful Pluto-NN conjunction (in his natal 4th house) conjoined to Kushner's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. 'Powerful contacts' yes, even 'tragic destiny' perhaps, yet financial considerations are involved as well thanks to Jared's Jupiter @10Lib04 conjunct Don Jr's North Node, a karmic link (NN) in the financial, banking, and campaign donations departments (Jupiter) with suggestions of Politics and legal matters. And of course, if money worshipper Trump Sr isn't a Jupiterian figure, who is? (His nibs is also a Mercurial Uranian figure but his boundary-breaking Jupiter was stationing at his birth, turning Direct--and over-promising Jupiter loves to broadcast his 'ideals' especially in campaign mode.)

Now on another level, it seems that Don Jr and Jared Kushner were born with natal Moons in opposing signs across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so emotionally, they have different 'reigning needs'. With Don Jr's Virgo Moon, practical considerations are uppermost with head ruling heart and a fussy love of tidiness; Jared's Pisces Moon can be optimistic but is subject to mood changes and susceptible to external influences, tending to 'soak up' the emotions of those around him. Being in the same room or standing near the volatile Mr. Trump must be difficult for Jared but of course his Capricorn Sun adores the authority to control and manage.

Well, there's my small sketch of two fellows prominent in the life and times of Donald Trump, a man who intends to cheat his way again into the Oval Office as one of those 'success-at-any-cost types of culprits. Conservative rolls are decreasing these days due to age-related attrition so can you imagine the fate of either Don Jr or Jared heading the 2020 Campaign if their candidate should lose? I wouldn't want to be in their light-weight loafers, would you?!

Related Posts include but are not limited to: June 18, 2019: Trump Opens Campaign 2020 in Orlando; Dual Natal Charts of Ivanka and Jared; and, The Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump in the 3 South Saros Series which repeats on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn and may return its difficult themes into his life circa 2019--2020 for the cosmic opportunity of making karmic progress this time around.