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Showing posts with label Rep Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rep Ron Paul. Show all posts

Feb 11, 2012

Chris Hedges sues President over NDAA 2012 (interview/video)

Yesterday I published something about the President signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 in private, before midnight, just beyond the heart of Winter's darkness, behind the scenes, out of public view or certain knowledge. A strong hint of Astrology permeated my post and for this I won't apologize since Astrology makes such an excellent lens through which to eye the squirmings and spunned illusions of the varmints who eye each one of us 24/7.

As a dissenting American in the Thomas Jefferson tradition (The Seer whose name is now publicly evoked by certain presidential candidates--as if!), I call out those who would pass laws that pretend to supersede (yet another super!) the US Constitution as the Law of the Land.

No lawyer here, but I do entertain opinions on these topics which I will share with you. No law is more important than the people who bow under it--the bow must be willing to create an effective law--even God assures us that 'the law was made for man, not man for the law'); and, a country with a myriad of entangling, contradictory, and/or idolicized laws is a land of criminals, thieves, and brigands.

Well, in spite of what some might assume, I'm not against the US government at all, I just want the misguided, misdirected Constitution busters tossed out of it. If America's progressed Sun has to be in murky Pisces for years, its two fishes symbol swims Up as well as Down, as you know. And this particular American prefers the Up direction for my country, thanks very much.

Okay, that's enough personal venting for this beautiful Sabbath Day. Didn't intend to, it just happens sometimes. I tend to be maternal in that way and want the best for everyone.

And as Benjamin Franklin said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

Visions and Provisions

If you note in the second half of this video interview with Chris Hedges, they go into details over the NDAA and its unconstitutionality which destroys the American people's protections under our Bill of Rights. As an American, how patriotic would I be if I didn't take issue with this allegedly 'legal' assault on my and my family's personal liberties--and yours? Why, provisions in the NDAA undermine to the core the ideals this nation is said to have been founded upon--an Idea of a Better Society, a Golden Atlantis v2, as they've touted it. Now shady entities want to dismantle The American Experiment in support of Bigger Plans.

As this interview brings out, the tip of the totalitarian iceberg peeks out and it's the freaky neocons again, my friends, scurrying from their lairs into the camera lights and microphones of 2012. You know what burdens their 8 out-of-control years laid upon the world and so recently, too. Are we self-destructive enough to spring and vote for more perpetual war from weapons promoters and power brokers whose activities are part of the problem and certainly are not the solution?

Now if you've read this far you must be wondering how long my blog will be available online. Well, I'm very sorry to report circa 2012 that we're thinking along the same lines. Therefore, hear Chris Hedges interviewed while ye may, and if you speak astrologese, note how descriptive are their remarks concerning the PR circus Washington actors played in the lead-up to the Dec 31, 2011 signing of NDAA 2012 by the President. The spin was in as the White House blamed Carl Levin for including the offensive provision and the secret plot thickened.

Also note that, when translated into Astrology, the secretive signing took place around the time that Mr. Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 (motivation; action) arose at the White House with US natal Neptune (illusions, deceptions, fraud, veils, etc) tagging along...and the fog (Nep) of war (Mars) grew thicker over the heads of innocent Americans just trying to live their lives in--dare I say it?--the peace our government doesn't always afford to others.

My Further Reading suggestion was demonstrated this week by the President's about-face on the trumped up 'contraception/Vatican' brouhaha since Mr. Obama's
Mars Return 2012 is in progress (a three-fer: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18) and transit Mars is now retrograde as the President reversed his actions on and handling of the matter.

One more thing about the interview above: I can't whole heartedly agree about (pseudo-) candidate Ron Paul. To me he plays in part the role of devil's advocate but not just for the sake of argument, as the term is normally applied. Rep. Paul is tops in expressing views that are inconvenient for the powers that be and thereby his inclusion in our public discourse diverts or obscures any serious efforts toward ever implementing--or prosecuting--any of his more popular proposals into the 'real world' unless they are molded and weakened into a very toothless form.

This tactic acts as something of a pressure release for the public, they think. And besides, what politician in Washington would cooperate on derailing his/her fancy gravy train? How ugly that their own self-interests more and more often seem to trump ours.

May 15, 2011

Right to healthcare is slavery, says Ron Paul

In the last few years a smattering of SO'W readers have asked me to keep up with Ron Paul more regularly especially during presidential campaigns. And while it's true I've given quite a bit of blog space to Paul's Audit the Fed movement, it is with amazement this morning that I read omnipotentpoobah's article Enslaved to Ron Paul detailing some of his more disturbing antics and remarks concerning US health care's delivery and availability.

Yes, I already knew that the Texas Libertarian holds some quirky views and odd opinions about various things but really..."slavery"? These are the sorts of views from Dr. Paul that make the quirkiness of his son Rand Paul more understandable as apples from trees not far do fall! Perhaps the Paul father-son duo resemble the GHW Bush-George Bush duo in the ideology department of politics more closely than we've been led to think.

My question: is Rep. Ron Paul promoting a cold-hearted totalitarian government that allows the American people to go without even the most basic necessities for sustaining life? Now I know my 10th house Uranus in Gemini can make many people think I'm quirky as all get-out, but these Paul birds are way too quirky even for me!

Yet you may be interested in reading a bit I wrote on Ron Paul's natal chart way back in 2007 (no updates have been made for today's post.)

A big shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria of Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 for sending along a link to this revealing article on Ron Paul.

Well, I hope you caught GOP candidate Newt Gingrich back peddling on what he couldn't spin concerning his record of quirky opinions and misdeeds on Meet the Press this morning! Somehow I don't think he did himself much good with this morning's performance (though it could have been worse) but you may disagree as you prefer.

Also from 2007, here's a brief post on the natal chart of former, disgraced Speaker of the House Mr. Gingrich.

So why do Republican presidential candidates, or those thinking of running, have such spotty records when it comes to marriage (among other things)? Is Mormon Mitt Romney said to be the front runner for the GOP nomination because his religion's past polygamy stance seems less problematic for a White House victory and he seems less of a loose canon? From charges of flip-flopping to personal disloyalty and adultery issues, what viable nag can the greedy GOP back in the 2012 race?

Mitch Daniels? Puh-leese! Robert Parry calls Daniels the Architect of the US Debt Crisis during his Bush administration tenure and for very good reason so it seems to me that Mr. Daniels has done more than enough damage to America already.

In fact, haven't they all? Besides...

"You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."

Albert Einstein, ace problem-solver

Just a reminder in case you should need one in November 2012: Financial Collapse 2008 = result of 8 years of GOP president, George W. Bush, the self-described Decider and propaganda catapulter who was born with the Sabian Symbol "A Bolshevik Propagandist" rising.

Feb 23, 2011

Ron Paul's PAC raises $700,000 in 24 hours! video

Well, Stars Over Washington almost completely ignored this Monday's Presidents Day 2011 but meanwhile, Rep. Ron Paul raised $700,000 for his Political Action Committee within the 24 hours - and may run in 2012!

Audit then Abolish the Fed!

For a view of Rep. Paul's natal solar (sunrise) chart with its Fixed combo of Sun Leo-Moon Taurus, click here. And with his Uranus in Taurus, Dr. Paul behaves (sign of Uranus) like a stubborn, values-preserving Taurus!

Feb 11, 2011

End the Fed campaign: Bernanke isn't crying (video)

Today a previous post of mine concerning Fedhead Ben Bernanke received a comment with a heads-up to an End the Fed campaign - that all of us write End the Fed across the pyramid with its all-seeing eye on the capstone - upon all our US bills (assuming you have a few.)

And draft Rep. Ron Paul (whose Audit the Fed efforts seem to be gaining support these days) for a presidential run in 2012.

My curiosity was spurred to follow the link provided in the comment and I discovered this video which made me chuckle so here it is for you, if you wish a view and a listen to its tune!

Feb 1, 2010

Ron Paul on US 'spendng freeze', Pluto's Discovery, and Obama to the GOP Retreat

Listen to Rep. Ron Paul's remarks on the White House's proposed 'spending freeze' which misses the mark by miles in my estimation, too. But you know Washington: political expediencies tend to lead to bad decisions with 'unintended consequences' that harm we-the-people and which people like me tend to consider intended all along.

Being the Cop of the World (and plutonic spies of the world) is a very expensive undertaking but it does give a big boost to the undertakers of the world while the gun and weapons industries gorge themselves at the public trough - and sell weapons to our enemies to keep the fightin' alive, if not the (expendable) combatants.

And if I had to astrologically date the beginning of the madness for America (and thus for the world), it would probably be the splitting of the atom and the abomination of desolation that my native country brought the world.

Naturally, this implicates plutonic Pluto's discovery in 1930 which was to usher in the Atom Age as it ushered in Hitler and Freemason President Roosevelt. The chart I have for Pluto's discovery (though there are possibly two discoverers, Tombaugh and Lowell, and various charts to use, one supposes) is for Feb 18, 1930 4:00 pm Flagstaff, AZ, with Pluto 17Can46 Rx in 12th house, ASC 3Leo34 conjunct Vesta 3:53 Rx; Pluto applies to a trine with the Moon 13Sco15 (4A31) and a sesquisquare (135 degr) with Venus 2Pis33 conj Sun 29AQ35; (0A13.) Mars 9AQ28 in now being transited in opposition by Mars' lengthy Leo Rx period; Mercury 3AQ37; Uranus 9Ari05, Neptune 2Vir17 Rx.

Here's a good resource on the Discovery of Pluto which includes info on Uranus and Neptune, too. And here is the post I wrote on the Lowell Observatory's recent celebration of Pluto's Discovery.

And Pluto Discovery's Jupiter? Jupiter is conjunct Ceres (security issues) @ 6Gem56 where trickster asteroid Pan ('panic'; connected to Washington's Goat of Mendes, and to alchemy) now traverses. As you know, Jupiter increases whatever he touches.

The Atom Split chart that I use: Dec 2, 1942 4:22 pm CWT Chicago, IL with Pluto Rx 7Leo08. The Sabian Symbol for '8AQ': "A Bolshevik Propagandist" which interest me because when President Obama began speaking to the Republicans at their Retreat in Baltimore on Jan 29, 2010, and said that his plans were not some 'Bolshevik plot' (to paraphrase POTUS), the IC, the Base or Foundation of the Matter - his remarks - was @ 7Leo19...'8AQ": "A Bolshevik Propagandist." This degree is, as you remember, the ASC degree of George W. Bush, our former Bolshevik-in-Chief. And the coup d'etat of America continues unabated.

Jan 29's ASC 29Tau15 brings up the Republican Party's natal North Node 00Gem34, along with their n Venus 5Gem43 (conj R Party's PE 5Gem12), and n Desc and Saturn 10Gem22.

Check this blog's sidebar for a link to the full text of President's chat with the Retreated Republicans on Jan 29 and a video, too. (See 'Obama to GOP Retreat' in the 'On America' links list after Google News.) The full text is time stamped '12:10 pm' which gives an ASC @ 29Tau15 with tr Pan 5Gem14 rising.

"30 Tau" = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn"....interestingly, the degree of the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron on March 21, 1884 during the Robber Baron Era, aka the Generation of Materialism. Plus, E. Alan Meece gives the 'Horoscope of Modern Humanity' for our era as timed during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto @ '8Gem' the position of America's natal Uranus, by the Solar Sclipse of April 26, 1892 @ 7Tau05...

1892 Neptune/Pluto Conj = US n Uranus: peculiar discoveries; mystical, adventurous, or supernatural experiences; hypersensitivity; disruption to gain recognition; adventurous ego thrusts; making waves to get to shore; courageous; aberrant behavior.

And so Pluto/Chiron's class warfare, disenfranchisements, primal violence, fascism, corporatism, racism, and other oppressive -isms continue unabated (and never underfunded, even if it must be done secretly or off the books) and oppressions have actually been ramped up in the New Millennium as they will continue to be "going forward."


Deficit projected by the White House: $1.6 trillion for this year.

Republican Party: July 6, 1854 (NS) 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI ('5:00 pm' is the time of their platform adoption - thanks, John!); Democratic Party: May 13, 1792 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; historical records.

An incidental note on the Democratic Party: its natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint is now being transited by Uranus '25Pis' so we have:

Natal Saturn/Pluto = tr Uranus 2010:brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; acts of violence; making sudden decisions under the most difficult of circumstances.

And the most recent Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron: Dec 30, 1999 conjunct US natal ASC (Sibly chart) @ '12Sag'..."A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows" good a description of World Cop America as any other, I suppose, so one more time I must say, we've been coup'd. #

Dec 23, 2009

Ron Paul video: US foreign policy ignored

Here's six minutes+ of Rep. Ron Paul discussing how important it is for Americans not to ignore foreign policy matters within all the diversions such as the current health insurance reform brouhaha.

As I like to type: whatever politicians direct our attention toward, always look in an opposite direction at what they're up to behind the door and under the table. (That's how little their 'ethics' impress me anymore. And Washington's 'divide and conquer' tactics have grown weary around here - we-the-people should stick together to fully express our power priciple--precisely what politicians don't want us to do. Can it be more obvious?)

Then there's Campaign for Liberty.


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! This is probably my last entry before our family holiday spree of a few days...time to forget about annoying Politics awhile! Hope you can forget it, too.

It's that 'grandly scheming' Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of Dec 21 atop US natal Moon that we mustn't forget about as we edge into 2010, so I leave you with its midpoint picture (one more time) and as usual, it's any-all-or-none may apply:

Tr Jup/Nep = n Moon (the people): little sense of reality; real vs unreal; losing oneself in plans; a desire to dream; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness; an emotional swoon; going with the wind.

(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.) jc

Jul 18, 2009

Ron Paul says, Audit the Fed: video

Here's a link to a couple of videos concerning Rep. Ron Paul's insistence that the secretive Fed should be audited.

Is it this blog or is there an echo in here?