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Showing posts with label 2023 Solar Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023 Solar Eclipses. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2023

October 2024 Eclipse Activates Another!

New Moons Can Affect Events Similar to Solar Eclipses!

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

A while back we discussed the New Moon Prior to Election 2024 and its DC Horoscope. New Moons prior to elections are said to be predictive of conditions and outcomes although naturally other factors are involved as well, factors both 'on the ground' and astrologically, which will support or mitigate conclusions found in the New Moon chart. In other words, stuff can interfere.

What should be added to the previously published details concerning the 'New Moon Prior' which occurs on November 1, 2024 is that it's basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. View the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in a bi-wheel configuration with its Moon @9Sco21 - and it's disturbingly close to 9Sco35, which is the position of the New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

Meanwhile, I'm not overly fond of the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for Luna, rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Inner Ties" (Jones). Note that "Reawakens" is italized because people like Gov. DeSantis want the American people to remain asleep and unaware. All the better to gaslight and sneak up up on us with whatever the GOP has planned!

Now perhaps you agree that this lunar synchronicity possibly symbolizes a wake-up call to maga-ites who vote and/or to those who would cheat for Trump (or his fascist ilk) to shoe horn his bulk back into the White House. Obviously, this makes a Blue Tsunami necessary on November 5, 2024!

October Eclipses in Libra: 2005 and 2024

And yet the actual point of this post today is to display a bi-wheel of charts showing that the 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 activates by degree the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005. Well, naturally this would be the case since the Sun returns to position annually, day by day. And when it comes to eclipses and to historical and societal events and conditions, it's all about cycles, isn't it?

In addition, we know that the repetition of eclipses offers society further opportunities for dealing with similar issues more correctly, fully, successfully! And of course, learning from past mistakes in order to keep from repeating them is an important thread beneath it all. Yet tragically, there are enemies of America and of democracy who prefer that we continue committing the same old mistakes. Example: Fascism and Nazism have been tried before and found wanting in the humane department; reverting to animalism is not the answer to what ails civilization, in the US or in any other country. Notable is that the 7 South Eclipse of August 21, 1933 is known around SO'W as the "Facism Rising Eclipse" (linked, below).

Themes of 7 South and 8 South are listed on the image:

In the center of the bi-wheel, above, you see the Sabian Symbol for "11 Libra" penned on: "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses," plus, the negative expression of the degree: 'compelling subservience' (Jones).

So with the activation of the themes of one eclipse by another eclipse, we can combine their themes for more insight, using one solar lens to consider the other. This is done when the eclipses mannifest in different signs but in this case, both eclipses are in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and of relationships. Therefore, fair play and cooperation are paramount on a positive level; the negative level suggests those who use the eclipse energies in an insincere, deceitful way; cowardice and overindulgence may also be included via those with an anti-societal determination.

Another method for insight is a review of historical conditions such as US Events of 2005, the year of Dubya Bush's failed nomination of lawyer Harriet Miers, then, on Halloween, Bush nominated Samuel Alito who turned out to be quite a sinister Halloween jester against the women of America.

All these issues, concerns, and more are worth considering by comparing the October Solar Eclipse of 2005 (war in the Middle East, SCOTUS and Alito) with the October 2024 Eclipse (war in Ukraine - and on Capitol Hill; SCOTUS, Clarence Thomas and - Sammy Alito) as they shove the Catholic religion into the heart of American society.

Now in closing, here's a related post for the curious reader: the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933. Let us not repeat that brutal mistake again.

Jan 2, 2023

2023 Eclipses yet a bit of Cosmic Relief

As Above, So Below: Year 2023

by Jude Cowell

As astrologers know, upon occasion, a year is devoid of Great Conjunctions between planets Jupiter through Pluto so that current planetary cycles and energies can carry on as-is, at least affording societies a sense of stabilization, however minor or temporary. This doesn't mean that during a conjunction-free year all conditions are positive, of course, and variations still alternate and morph into new conditions, but there is some sense of relief from new cycles of combined planetary energies suddenly adjusting our lives with their strong influences.

Such a year is 2023

Previously, the Great Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction perfected @23Pis59 on April 12, 2022 with all the speculation, grand schemes, bubbles, and fraudulent or fantastic tales the pair can bring - and in shady Pisces, sign of contagion, confusion, creativity, dreams - and spirituality. Negatively, hypocrisy has become a go-to for many operatives of the political class, while scandals, losses, deception, and political conflicts have only increased. Significantly, visions may have positive or negative implications for society and for me, fascist and nazi "visions" are ill winds of brutality and violence which must be redirected away from the shores and institutions of our democratic Republic, America.

For a political focus on 2022 see Why 2022 Was a Major Legislative Year for the Democrats although some opportunities were missed and others were simply dropped or neglected. And of course, Midterms 2022 brought a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus (16Tau+) along with more voters in favor of democracy and preferring a moderate path for our country, but with one major exception: Republicans managed to finagle a measure of control of the 118th Congress via the House of Representatives. Therefore, major wastes of time, money, and energy will begin in Congress on January 3, 2023 as congressional J6 conspirators attempt to shield their treasonous culpability and justify their anti-constitutional intentions. Foolish legal situations will continue to be used by the guilty as delaying tactics against justice.

Then the next Great Conjunction will occur between Jupiter and Uranus @21Tau50 on April 21, 2024 with its breakthrough energies containing potentials in the realms of science, health, technology, even finances. Look for opportunities, inventions, changes of destiny, optimistic outlooks, and successful speculation, but there are also chances for new or revised religious and/or philosophical conflicts, zealotry, and stubborn adherence to one-sided views. No change there! Still, a visionary Great American Eclipse occurs April 8, 2024 @20Aries with its path of totality splitting our country from the Southwest to the Northeast. For details see Why the 2024 Eclipse Will Transcend the 2017 Eclipse with more cities in 2024 'eclipsed' or affected by its energies.

Meanwhile, another cosmic factor enters the 2023 picture: solar and lunar eclipses with their disruptive, Uranian ability to trigger changes of course, and scandals due to sudden revelations of inconvenient facts coming to light. For as you know, no year on Earth can escape effects from the Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' so here's a list of all 2023 eclipses in order of occurrence:

1. April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 in the 7 North Saros Series, which on February 24, 1933 manifested as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' @5Pis29. This I have labeled as a "blood lust" eclipse due to its theme of deep passion (B. Brady) and current events of barbarism, brutality, and thuggery now sweeping the globe and assaulting democracy. Note that transit Saturn will hit this degree in late April and early May 2023, and into early 2024, signifying people who are capable of carrying out the themes of the 7 North Eclipse - or attempting to.

Notably, Saturn in Pisces implies struggles with opponents (R. Ebertin), and additionally, in 2023 this eclipse forms a cosmic time link with warrior planet Mars' position during the MAGA insurrection/coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which adds to the need for close scrutiny of militant white nationalist groups during early 2023 and beyond. Hopefully, our protective agencies are better prepared for armed uprisings, just in case - especially since this repetition of a 7 North eclipse qualifies as a 'birthday eclipse' for Herr Adolf - and people who now "work toward the take-over goals of Herr Adolf" are aware of this. In fact, time-keeper Saturn conjunct the 7N eclipse of 1933 is a cosmic signpost for those who care to read it.

2. May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @14Sco58: more uncoverings and leaks! Meanwhile, we must continue keeping an eye on the radical planet of anarchy, Uranus in Taurus, and the upheavals, shifts, separations (Uranus) and intolerance (Taurus) it reflects within the financial, technological, earthly and environmental realms.

3. October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse @21Libra in the 7 South Saros Series; 7 South eclipse themes include forceful Mars-Pluto square energies, plus, potentials for 'pending crises' to rush through our lives, yet obstacles can suddenly clear (B. Brady). Results are unpredictable.

4. October 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @5Taurus closes the list of 2023 eclipses by spotlighting potentials for the positive and negative traits of Venus-ruled Taurus such as steadiness, growth, durability, and reliability; negatively, traits such as bullheadedness, intolerance, and greed will continue to be expressed by the anti-societal folk for whom the common good means nothing.

So there it is. Hopefully, this first post of 2023 will be handy in some way for those who prefer democracy over tyranny!

Mar 17, 2022

On the Solar Eclipse of Tucker Carlson

March 17, 2022

by Jude Cowell

The natal horoscope of Fox News personality Tucker McNear Carlson overflows with enraged Algol influences - spotlighted by his natal Sun @25Tau38 which also conjoins Midas! - and with a Taurus Moon conjunct fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). No, Carlson's natal chart is not appearing here today because - well, because I don't want it here. His Sun-Midas conjunction to me implies that his life's goal (Sun) is to acquire the gold of Midas, or to become a Midas figure. Obviously, the fellow was born that way. And also born with an unaspected Saturn which can indicate someone without a conscience. For strong political views and a tendency toward debate, we see his Mercury-Mars opposition across the Mercury-Jupiter Gemini-Sagittarius polarity of ethics which also indicates that he loves to hear the sound of his own voice (A. Oken). For Tucker, making mountains out of molehills is a talent, and his views can often flip-flop due to the opposition, plus, the Seesaw shape of his natal planets.

So with this post, let's make note of the fact that the 'PE' (Prenatal Solar Eclipse) Saros Series that baby Tucker was born into with influences that run in the background of his life, is the 7 North which perfected on March 18, 1969 @27Pis25 with themes of 'passion' and 'lust' (B. Brady), plus, a theme that unfortunately it seems fit to add due to current circumstances: bloodlust.

My point is, a 7 North Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Aries50 (in Carlson's 10th house of Career and Public Standing - secrets revealed? a change of direction?). Meanwhile, a 7 North manifestation was, in February 1933, what I've been compelled to label the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse', primarily because the Reichstag Fire, Hitler's false flag op used to help justify his power grab of the German government and what was to come, occurred under the auspices of the 1933 manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse.

Forewarned Is Forearmed

So if such be-prepared topics interest you, I recommend a view of the Third Reich Horoscope of January 30, 1933 (Campion chart #126) showing 25Tau34 rising along with fixed star Algol and the Sun-Midas conjunction of Tucker Carlson, busy making his income by promoting totalitarianism on-air. And naturally, you'll also recognize the late degrees of possessive, sometimes intolerant Taurus as the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one Herr Tr*mp where violent Algol twinkles maliciously with malevolent intent, as we've seen.

As for the erstwhile Fox News personality and shill-for-Putin, Tucker Carlson recently broadcasted his program from Orban's Hungary. So in closing, here's an excerpt from a previous post with the founding data for Hungary:

"Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad) provides two charts for 'Hungary': #149 November 13, 1918 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 00AQ02; MC 28Sco05; and 'Hungary - Democratic' #150 set for October 23, 1989 12:00 CET Budapest; ASC 7Cap20; MC 8Sco18."