Symbolically using the noon hour of Sept 15 as a time of airing/revealing, we see the chart for Gen David Petraeus' report on the Iraq occupation's "progress" holding a wealth of information relating to the US natal chart (Sibly) and having links to the
NWO chart as well.
My assumption is that the so-called, much-touted report will be delivered on Sep 15.
UPDATE Monday 8.20: LegitGov.org
White House: Iraq progress report could be Sept 11 20 Aug 2007 U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus [Betrayus], will likely testiLIE to Congress about progress in the war on September 11 or September 12, the White House said on Monday.#
LOL! Did someone in the White House read this post about Sep 15?The Mc/WHY Point of the noon chart has "6Virgo" = "A merry-go-round"...not conducive to getting out of a hopeless loop, and connected to
reaching for the brass ring. Seems the speculators of Washington are busy with their usual power games, doesn't it?
Highlight colors are: US natal = pink; NWO = yellow; Mutable T-square = green; YOD = red (click chart to enlarge for my usual schmooshed-up, chickenscratch notes.)
The Mutable T-square is a biggie here esp since the apex Sun happens to be in conjunction with America's natal Neptune, planet of self-delusion, deception, and confusion. Nebulous Neptune's veiling effect doesn't bode well for this 'revelation' meant to improve America's direction in Iraq...it'll be more of the same propaganda, I suspect.
That R and D political considerations are keeping us in Iraq is so painfully obvious, that--as my mother used to say--if it'd been a snake it would've bitten ya.
When the Sun highlights natal Neptune by transit, fantasies and ideals become part of the environment (Capitol Hill in this case), and there is a tendency to conveniently lose sight of reality--or others may hide the truth (hush my mouth, ya don't say!)
Flexible morals cause trouble yet there is a sense of compassion in the air such as when visiting the sick or maimed in hospital, etc. Possibly our wounded soldiers may receive scant mention or lipservice with Neptune's illusions attached to the issues.
Atlantis 18Vir24, an asteroid whose keywords are:
abuse or misuse of power; where we feel doomed ...remains at the Solar Eclipse degree of Sep 11.
(My own sense of doom has been heightened by America's entering the New Millenium with enemies not just without--but
within as our Consitution and Bill of Rights continue to be undermined by those who purport themselves to be our "leaders" but who use our patriotism, apathy, and gullibility against this nation in order to pursue their selfish aims of world domination. They su*k.)
So here are the midpoint pictures from the noon chart using apex/focal planet Sun as well as focal US Neptune:
Mars/Pluto = Sun: passionate attack to achieve objectives; upset of plans that is unredeemable; ability to work until collapse or complete breakdown; violent measures; intervention of the big shock (as in the misnamed, propagandistic
shock and awe?)
Mars/Pluto = Neptune: implacability or irreconcilability; cunning and deceit; subterfuge; plotting rebellion; desire to harm others secretly and unobtrusively; catastrophe caused by water/gas/poison (since it's Neptune as apex, I would add: catastrophe caused by deceit; self-deception; lies, etc.)
Will this "report" even be aired to all or to a few rubberstampers in Congress as the White House would prefer? Neptune's veiling!
Tr Mars 23Gem26 is just beyond his US natal Mars Return--same day as the
Sep 11 Solar Eclipse.Mutable T-square:
Sun = leader in a national chart and in this particular case, I believe the apex Sun in Mutable T-square represents Gen Petraeus in its positive expressions, and George Bush (and what he's done to our military) in the negative. They say the White House has actually written this "report" which leaves Petraeus to catapult it to the world-at-large and most esp to the American public. "Our enemies are listening" as well, as the White House rightly says.
Apex Sun in Mutable T-square: this individual is driven to seek recognition, praise, and significance from society. He wants to feel proud of his mental achievements but runs the risk of nervous overstrain and physical exhaustion if he pushes too hard.
Mutable signs have low stamina, and apex Sun here indicates an inconsistent course of action. However, because the Sun represents purposeful inner drives, apex Sun gives somewhat less of an aimless scattering of energies. But there is massive ego involvement in the thought processes, therefore less objectivity. A know-it-all manner shows an overrating of powers with concepts which are irrational and illogical.
When positively directed, apex Sun in a Mutable T-square shows resolved tensions and one who stands out (the karmic 'Saturn conj SN' is someone who stands out, and the conj is at MC), strength and willpower are used to present something of relevance to society. Yet Saturn conj SN is very limiting and shows one whose rigid ambitions are out of harmony with prevailing cultural attitudes. (I most often see Saturn in a nat'l chart as usually signifying Cheney or even Bush Sr--or both.)
A well-directed apex Sun is wise and dignified, and is a tower of strength and support for many, along with the organisational skills that encourage the cooperation of others through his wholesome self-esteem and leadership--acclaim and honor follow. (
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)
If you enlarge the chart, you see that the day's Sun/Moon midpoint is conj US natal Saturn (which was Mercury's position on 9/11/01.)
Sun/Moon = Saturn: addressing problems; difficult concerns witin relationships; renunciation; joint or shared suffering; inhibitions or separations;
a weakened systems (oh yeah--our governement and our military--jc)
YOD, or Finger of God pattern, indicating a crisis and a special purpose or task, is pointing to tr Uranus, the rebel, fresh from conjunction with tr NN...Ura/NN = radical, reformist political groups--one of Shrub's more prominent signatures.
YOD's Mercury/US n Saturn = Uranus: boredom with the past; separations.
Now much has been written about the wonderfulness of
Gen David Petraeus but as long as he carries Bush's water, he is suspect around here--can anyone believe Bush would accept any interference whatsoever in his globalist plans?
One of the primary background influences these days is the obsessive-compulsive quindecile (QD = 165 degr) between Saturn and Uranus which is affecting a lot more than this "report" and from Ricki Reeves' excellent book,
Quindecile we find that
Saturn QD Uranus is:
driven toward breaking old and outdated concepts through use of innovative ideas; disruption of governing systems; breaking of the law through defiance of law and order; benefit comes from societal changes for the
betterment of mankind.
Betterment? Now where can the world find some of that?
Midpoint pics: Ebertin; Tyl.