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Feb 22, 2007

Rice limerick...but you'll be hungry later

Word: over at Lim's Limericks I've just typed up some new verses from Mr.A.Cat, agent formerly in service to our nation, and which concerns the diplomatic Condi Rice, if you're so inclined.

This lim is on the sassy side, so if you wear your political indoctrinations on your sleeve, avoid this limerick at all costs...really! In fact, avoid the entire blog for your own protection...

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

Happy Birthday, Mr. President--we're exceedingly sorry about what we've done with the place.

George Washington (GW), Father of our Country, could not possibly be happy today if he had a say, could he?

Here you see his natal chart, accuracy rating AA (the highest) from so we can be certain that his Solar Return Chart for today is accurate as well. Click to enlarge for my usual chicken scratch notes around the outside along with his SR for 2007 (the inside chart is his natal chart.)

One thing we always notice off-the-bat with Solar Return Charts--which are in effect for one's personal year--is which natal house is rising--in GW's case for 2007 that would be his 8th house of: the occult; debt; legacies; insurance; credit; other people's money; dreams; transformation; and death, to name a few. America will obviously be dealing with these things for 2007 and beyond--thanks to the drunken sailors of Capitol Hill and the Bush-Cheney bottomless pit that is their war.

GW's n North Node, a point of destiny and encounters is conj the SR Ascendant, and there we see Pluto rising, planet of transformation and such. Jolly moneybags Jupiter, guru, professor, and General, has just entered GW's 8th house, an often tricky transit relating to money matters which may increase assets or deplete them through overextension, overestimation, and extravagance.

If we use GW's chart to represent the country, this describes our present difficulties quite well--plus, we have the added misfortune to recognize that tr Jupiter has recently opposed GW's natal Neptune, planet of loss, confusion, illusion, and deception. (Tr Saturn in his n 4th house may indicate more loss of miners and other industrial workers.)

Although GW didn't know he had a Neptune (or a Pluto, Uranus, or Chiron, for that matter) it is often instructive and fascinating to include the outer planets in an historical figure's chart, don't you think?

When Jupiter opposes n Neptune there are many dangers and illusions in one's environment, and keeping track of reality may be all but impossible.

Those who propose fantastic schemes should be avoided (too late--they've been throttling the White House for years) and guilt is often used as an excuse for overindulgence and extravagance (quick! send more billions to Iraq)...there are sure to be serious consequences to this out-of-bounds spending which is yet to be fully appreciated. Confidential matters are revealed (lookin' at you Cheney and "Scooter") or are completely distorted and thereby misunderstood.

Does any of this sound familiar to ya?

His Natal Chart:

GW's natal Sun-Moon phase is 3rd quarter, and it may be interesting to consider the 3rd quarter personality since he's 275 years old today...will modern astrological interpretation hold up for this fellow?

The 3rd quarter personality:

Here is the philosopher who questions everything. There are many tensions between personal ideolgies and beliefs and the realities of systems and facts. As a spokesman for the Collective, this personality may bite off more than it can chew (by his 1st presidential swearing-in, Washington had one tooth left in his head.)

This is the traditional values vs futuristic trends phase which can see the value in both and which results in a dilemma of conscience. Ideals are achieved through group associations, and groups may be improved to fit the ideals.

This personality can fit into the business world by day and an esoteric world by night, and is actually more comfortable in the esoteric world (GW was a Freemason who gained his Master Apprentice rank Nov 4, 1752, age 20.)

Negatively, this phase has a tendency toward pessimism when thwarted and there is an inflexibility to the character. The career is often crisis-ridden yet is born with a deep sense of vocation. The outer appearance is calm but there is much inner conflict (supported by an irritating semi-square between n Sun and Moon, in GW's case) which results in reactionary and revolutionary behavior.#

(Credit for this Moon phase personality info goes to, but I can't get the link to work here, so you may want to type it in yourself. Hopefully the site is still live.)

There's much more that can be said for the Father of our Country, but I'll close now with an Image for Integration for his charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious Sun Pisces/Moon Capricorn blend:

An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

And here's a bon mot from the great man himself which modern politicians would do well to take to heart--which I assume most of them still have:

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

Feb 21, 2007

Debris Cloud over Australia

Space Weather News for Feb. 21, 2007

On February 19th, late-night sky watchers across Australia witnessed a bright explosion followed by a debris cloud that hung in the sky for nearly an hour. At first a mystery, the source of the blast is now understood. It was a Russian Briz-M rocket booster misplaced in orbit last year by the failed launch of an Arabsat communications satellite. The fuel tanks of the Briz-M ruptured on Feb. 19th, producing a vivid naked-eye display and more than 1000 pieces of debris. Experts are calling this a "major breakup event," comparable to or even worse than last month's Chinese anti-sat test.

Visit for more information and pictures of the Briz-M breakup.

Feb 20, 2007

BBC: Bush's Iran Attack Plans Revealed

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
20 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

US 'Iran attack plans' revealed 20 Feb 2007 US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned. It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres.

Feb 19, 2007

Bush to override local law enforcement

From the SO'W Be-Very-Afraid Dept:

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government19 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Making Martial Law Easier (The New York Times) 19 Feb 2007 ...[I]t was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law... Beyond cases of actual insurrection, the president may now use military troops as a domestic police force in response to a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, terrorist attack or to any "other condition." #

Dick-tator Cheney must've been in on this.

Art Note: I've just posted a new drawing entitled, Crying to the Hills
at Secret Moon Art which you may wish to view. Let me know what you think, okay?

Feb 15, 2007

New Moon 2.17.07

You'll find many interpretations online of the New Moon of Feb 17, 2007, so I want to type out for you from Adriano Carelli's, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, with its antiquated and colorful ways of expression.

There's a real traffic jam at the top o'the chart, the Mc/Aspiration Point, the WHY of the chart, where you see tr Chiron nestled. Several planetary midpoints add to the picture, and as you see, the chart is specific to the White House, or to Capitol Hill not so very far away.

But first let's consider the midpoint which is rising, Saturn/North Node, a duo which together indicate isolation and inhibitions in unions or associations (Ebertin.)

Sat/NN = ASC: a inhibited person with a desire for seclusion; separation; suffering under difficulties with others. Sounds like Bush and his Iraq ball'n'chain...and he forged it himself.

Midpoints at Mc include:

Sun/Mars = Mc: efficiency; ready to fight for one's principles; accepting responsibility gladly; the character of a fighter; attaining success; marriage or union (the Part of Marriage is at Mc also);

Moon/Mars = Mc: a woman with strong principles; upright behavior; a forceful and purposeful nature; getting married (who's getting married? Anyone?)

Venus/Pluto = Mc: love; karmic union.

Now delusional, if idealistic, Neptune is being highlighted by a few midpoints as well, and they are:

Sun/Mc (the goal) = Nep: pursuit of the wrong objectives (how tiresome); apathy; indifference; confusion or a lack of clarity (Washington likes it that way for the most part--you weren't doing anything with that understanding, were you?); disappointments (they've been disappointing me for years); insecurity (they promote that--Homeland Insecurity); something threatens ego definition (a lack of ego in Washington? Impossible!)

Mars/NN = Nep: demonstration of anti-social conduct in associations; falsehood; undermining of associations; disappointments (again); self-absorption within the group--charismatic or off-putting (consider me off-put.)

There are two midpoints pointing at the New Moon itself...

Mercury/Neptune = Sun: possibly allowing oneself to be deceived; intellectual creativity; impressionability;

Merc/Nep = Moon: a misguided imagination; pictures from the subconscious; a deceived or deceptive woman.

NN/Mc = Sun: maintaining associations through shared interests; unions based on the physical; easy social ascendancy; the importance of friends and contacts for success;

NN/Mc = Moon: sharing emotions with others presents a challenge; a cozy atmosphere; an emotional character.

Neptune/Pluto, the Robber Baron duo, is conj Mars: being used a tool for other people's interests (there are many tools in Washington, as you know); a lack of resisitance, stamina, or energy.

Now quoting from Carelli's interpretation of the MC/Chiron traffic jam (Carelli recommends using the degree without rounding up)..."11AQ": Symbol: "A headless man, whose body is in full battle harness":

Warlike, rushing and forcible, outwardly splendid and innerly noble (there seems to be) no bearings and no aim. Reckless--nay, altogether blind--(he) will be destitute of any authority; his victories and his possible popularity will be short-lived. If a winner, he will not know how to exploit his victories and will leave his shoulders undefended for his opponents to hit back; if a loser, he will wander about as luck would have it. In a material sense, there is a real danger of wounds, mutilations, or death sentence.

Want Carelli's Symbol for the New Moon? Perhaps you don't, but here it is anyway:

"28AQ": "A man guzzling from a flask":

The assets will be merriness, an absolute naturalness of manner, a direct insight into reality. This degree's besetting sin is a tendency to ply the rummer. There will not be bad manners; there will be no manners at all.

Possible vices are alcoholism, idleness, fondness of gambling, dissoluteness, a tendency to loathe both poverty and the means to keep it at arm's length. Any reflection upon the consequences is superfluous.

With the New Moon the beginning of a cycle, and the Full Moon in two weeks being the culmination of something begun now, Washington sounds like its usual big honkin' barrel of monkeys, doesn't it? Guess it's what we've come to expect...aimlessness and recklessly warring, drunkeness (with power and greed along with the rum), idle, and long as it's other people's money, that is.

Now what are the chances the flask is in Bush's back pocket?

White House Oct 13, 1792

After Bush mentioned the beautiful White House yesterday, it seemed time to get off my duff and post the natal chart for the White House.

Put on your peepers and click to enlarge chart for the Feb 16, 2007 transits, sunrise, scribbled around the outside.

You'll find controlling, restricting Saturn stomping upon natal Uranus, the reformer and rebel, tr Venus conj n South Node--a separation point, tr Mars, the testy instigator, nearing Ic, the Foundation of the chart (although this is only the sunrise chart, 'tis true.)

There's a full 5th house of Speculation and Risky Ventures including tr Sun conj the 5th cusp, plus you'll notice that natal Mars 11Sag17 is in the same degree as the plutocratic Chiron/Pluto conj of Dec 30, 1999. Chiron/Pluto were parallel in mid-August, tr Pluto/Chiron = n Mars (Mars = energy, action, initiative, and in a national chart, the military. US imperialism shines forth.)

Astrologically speaking, it seems there is much to what some people said and wrote early on in the Bush regime--that plans for war were pre-laid from the start...with which SO'W must concur.

The natal chart of the White House has 3, count'em, 3 planets at the crisis-ridden 29th degree--and two of them are Saturn opposite Neptune under which the world suffers now by transit...true or false, reality vs illusion, accountability vs slackness, traditional religion vs mystical pursuits and esoterism.

There's also an explosive opposition between Uranus and Pluto, and tr Saturn is now opposing n Pluto, the generational transit which was in effect on 9/11/01. The White House probably was a target on 9/11.

There's a lot of karmic stuff is goin' on, m'peops, but there's no time today to type out more notes. Please refer to your own noggin for more details, if you speak astrolgese.

Feb 14, 2007

Bush hearts Press Conference 2.14.07

Yes, I was watching Bush's press Conference this morning and didn't have time to post.

It ended at noon and there was a certain planet conjunct Mc, the Aspiration Point--the WHY Point of the chart--and the planet was....illusive, deceptive, self-deluded Neptune, the thespian, prevaricator, and confuser.

The degree of Neptune/Mc is same as the USA's sec progressed New Moon of Oct 14, 1994 (Sibley chart 7.4.1776). A New Moon is the beginning of a 28-year cycle. The degree is:

"20AQ": "A big white dove, a message-bearer"...*CONVICTION:

pos: a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: sanctimonious self-deception.

We can also use the progr'd New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) with Neptune for this midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Neptune: inner discontent; easily upset; illusions or deceptions; the undermining of associations; misunderstandings; shared suffering.

So which was Bush exhibiting today? Or perhaps a better question would be: which has the US been exhibiting for last 12+ years? All of them?

You be the decider this time. Just don't gaze into Putin's eyes while deciding.

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones