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Apr 30, 2007

things going well in Iraq

Bush Has Destroyed Iraq and America

By Paul Craig Roberts

The violence and killing that Bush brought to Iraq has spread antagonism between Sunni and Shiite throughout the Middle East with potentially draconian consequences. Bush's war has turned Muslim hearts and minds against America and made terrorism an acceptable means to resist American hegemony. With his mindless war, Bush has created more terrorism than the world has ever seen.

Information Clearing House


Sorry They've Been So Mean To You, George

By Ray McGovern

The role that Tenet, McLaughlin and their small coterie of malleable managers played as willing accomplices in the corruption of intelligence has made a mockery of the verse chiseled into the marble at the entrance to CIA headquarters: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Information Clearing House

Anonymous Whistleblower at your service

The emailing Anonymous Whistleblower has caused Mr. Wolfowitz (defending his actions today with his World Bank colleagues) much trouble, although as we all must admit, troubles are most often self-created.

Wolfie (my affectionate name for the geezer) has decried the charges against him as an attempt to oust him from his cushy post (duh!) and says he "will not resign in the face of a plainly bogus charge of conflict of interest."

Oh great--if the hydra wins, the heads will sprout even more viciously and it makes you wonder how such a contentious appointment can flourish after the rest of the cat-birders show their colors against Wolfie's undoubtedly autocratic, high-handed rule.

Yet..."smear campaign" he whines! Ethics Panel, you say? Puh...we'll see if they boot him in the end. And Wolfie should recognize a smear campaign when he sees one--he's a cohort of Karl Rove!

Bush, of course, came out with the usual reach-around for the incompetent...once again, it takes one to recognize one.

The Superb Perps Line-up: Brownie, Gonzo, Rummy, Condi, and now Wolfie...those are only the ones who come to a bloggled mind just now...except for Bushie himself.

And then there's Shot Gun Dickie who is a royal pri*k among pri*cks doing what he loves--the pillaging and looting without conscience which passes for governmental expertise in the Bush administration.

So I ask you: what Wolfie did for his girlfriend's bank account, portfolio, and prestige: isn't it similar to what Bush did for Condi? It's just the rarified pot giving the autocratic kettle a reach-around...wink!


SO'W blog-note: it has been brought to my attention that SO'W is simply fraught with screaming typos..and after some consideration I may have figured out the deal--two or three hapless readers are getting my first publish before an EDIT appr 5 mins later. Sorry for that, but sometimes typos slip through until I can grab them's a truly bad habit and I will try to do better in future!

And There's More: this blog views best with IE (for me, Firefox is pretty jumbly here and about you?); and no, T.K., my own version of 'Cowell' isn't pronounced like Simon's because around here it's Coh' wull...thanks much for asking! -jc

Apr 29, 2007

your Treasure Trove of linky richness!

This evening I published an article at with 24 links to my esteemed astrology colleagues' blogs and websites and which you may find useful if you have an interest in Astrology articles, eclipse info, Political Astrology, current news events, Free Natal Charts and Advice, and other such starry goodies (non-fattening, of course.)

You may read Want to learn Astrology? 24 links to help! if you think you should.

Also please scroll to my SO'W Links List for linkages of all sorts (Astrological, Political, and otherwise) meant to quench your pesky reading habit and your admirable quest for knowledge...

testing Bush's will, cont'd

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
28 April 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here: Breaking News:

Bush to Democrats: do not 'test my will' on Iraq 27 Apr 2007 Dictator George W. Bush warned Democrats Friday not to "test my will" by passing new legislation on a US troop pullout from Iraq after he vetoes a bill passed by Congress this week. [YOU ought to be in Gitmo with your will being tested on a waterboard. --MDR]

Bush Administration Will Not Assess Surge Results Until September --White House Scales Back Talk of Iraq Progress 28 Apr 2007 The Bush administration will not try to assess whether the troop increase in Iraq is producing signs of political progress or greater security until September, and many of Mr. Bush's top advisers now anticipate that any gains by then will be limited, according to senior administration officials. The timelines they are now discussing suggest that the White House may maintain the increased numbers of American troops in Iraq well into next year.

Iraqi Oil Min Warns Companies Against Deals Bypassing Central Govt 26 Apr 2007 Iraq's Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani Thursday warned international oil companies from signing oil contracts that bypass the federal government in Baghdad and the Oil Ministry, in a clear reference to deals signed by the Kurdistan Regional Government with a number of foreign firms. "Foreign companies shouldn't sign any contract that isn't through the federal government (in Baghdad) and the oil ministry," al-Shahristani said in a statement handed to reporters. "Any contract that is signed without the knowledge of the federal government is illegal," the minister said. "The ministry warns companies against violating the Iraqi laws and they would be responsible of such behavior," the minister said.#

See yesterday's post on George Bush's willfulness esp the FIXED (rigid) T-square pointing to Saturn in Leo, representing our isolated 'leader.'

Apr 28, 2007

Full Moon May 2 + the White House

On May 2, there is a Full Moon 11Sco38/11Tau38, and here you see my messy scribbles of the Full Moon around the chart for the White House (Oct 13, 1792; Sun-at-MC.)

To see a few White House chart details (sunrise) see my Feb 15th post here if you wish.

This Full Moon occurs at 6:09:22 am edt in Washington, DC, and is in the 1/7 house polarity which concerns Relationships. Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception and it's a Venus hour...and she's out-of-bounds to boot.

(Venus = relationships; values; money.)

As you know, a Full Moon is the culmination of something begun at the New Moon--and you may remember that Alberto Gonzales was due to testify on Capitol Hill about the politically-handled purge-surge the day of the last New Moon, April 17--but his testimony was postponed because of the tragedy at VA Tech the day before. (What AG actually accomplished concerning the tragedy is anyone's guess.)

Here I shall discuss some of the more pertinent factors in the Full Moon chart which include a very busy Uranus (the reformer; the rebel; the witness) in the middle of four midpoints:

Sun/MC ("the goal") = Uran: shifts of position; a 'restless spirit'; a revolutionary or a rebel; inner conflicts; sudden change of objective.

Mars/NN = Uran: active cooperation; sudden upsets that may affect many people; organizing activity.

Mercury/MC = Uran: formulating new objectives; throwing caution to the wind because of great confidence; nerve; directing thoughts suddenly to new channels; being impelled to sudden action; ambition; mental irritability.

Sun/Mercury = ASC: a critical attitude toward others; contact with young people, scientists, or businessmen.

ASC/MC ("ID awareness; higher self + lower self") = Ura: quickly responsive; adventurous; quick determination; a spoiling of one's plans.

Nebulous, elusive Neptune is at the Mars/MC ("ego-conscious action; change of status") midpoint:

Mars/MC = Nep: diffusion needs focus; creativity is off-the-mark; lack of power to succeed; making the wrong arrangements; failures.

As you know, I've touted the lonely, isolated Saturn-in-Leo quite a bit here on SO'W, and we see Saturn (authority; control) in Leo, sign of The Leader, as the apex planet in a FIXED T-square with the Full Moon--but first here's the midpoint picture:

Sun/Moon = Saturn: difficult concerns in relationship; addressing problems; increasing loneliness; inhibitions or depression; separation from the community or in relationships; renunciation; difficulties in relationship with the other sex.

Saturn as apex planet in a FIXED T-square:

This describes one who is rigidly organized, intensely purposeful, and is willfully unyielding to the nth degree. There's a compulsive drive to tightly control people, situations, and events.

He is one-pointed about preserving the structures he values and insists on completely overpowering and manipulating all matters under his authority--there's no sharing of the cat-bird seat with him. When challenged to surrender his indomitable will to carry out his orders, he experiences great internal conflict and is ruthless in how he calculates securing his power...the dictator.

Guess that covers the decider mentality of George Bush as well, doesn't it?

In fact this describes Bush's current "I'll VETO it" stance.

With Venus out-of-bounds and acting on her own (Monica Goodling? Condi Rice?) we see that Taurean (stubborn; intolerant; avaricious) Venus is the chart-ruler, and is in duplicitous Gemini--and is very near Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction. Uranus/NN relates to political groups advocating reforms. As a double sign, a Geminian Venus could relate to TWO women, and both ladies have subpoena issues with which to deal...and they both have the "goods" on Bush if they'll just spill the beans.

Uranus/NN = Venus: camaraderie is important. (But who knows where the bodies are buried is what I want to know.)

As you may already be aware, the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint ("cruelty; violence; hard hard work; potential self-destruction") is now affecting Bush's natal IC (foundation of the chart; endings; the drain) which then affects natal MC (Aspirations; Career and Public Status) so we see that:

Saturn/Pluto = MC: desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; severity; one-sidedness; major separaton as a last resort (Al G? Monica G? Condi R? Laura B?); an adept.

Opposite this picture is another: tr Venus/Neptune = Bush's natal MC:

losing oneself in illusions.

With Bush's power being based on the illusion of being elected with a "mandate from the people" (ahhh--good times, I remember it well!), his illusions of power and control are waffling in the wind he so adventurously threw caution into...and anything at MC is out there for all to see.

Now how does this Full Moon of May 2 relate to the natal chart of the White House itself?

Click to enlarge the double chart, if you will...

the Full Moon's MC (6:09:22 am edt, White House, May 2) is: 23Cap24, with the tr Pluto/Chiron midpoint now at 22Cap06...and you know that Pluto/Chiron = oppression; class warfare; racism; and in a word, plutocracy. MC = Aspirations...the WHY of any chart.

In the 1792 White House natal chart, Pluto/Chiron was positioned at 10Tau35--the Full Moon's Mercury = 10Tau46! Mercury = can we talk?

And we can winnow out a midpoint pic from the W-House n Saturn 29Ari20 with the Full Moon's Mercury and ASC...

Mercury/Saturn = ASC: backing off from responsibilities; being aloof; preoccupied with one's own thoughts and plans; isolation.

Does this sound like any White House you know?

White House's natal Mars 11Sag27 is conjunct the Pluto/Chiron conj of Dec 30, 1999 which is when I believe many of Karl Rove's and the Bush family's machinations were put in play to swipe the presidency by hook or crook (Rove has the hook and Bush is the crook? Or vice versa.)

And since parallels by declination make excellent timing devices--and may act as strong conjunctions--I have mentioned before that Pluto and Chiron were parallel one another in mid-August 2004. The conj of the the pair was at 11Sag23...conj the White House's natal Mars, as stated.

There was a New Moon on Aug 15, 2004 at 23Leo31...Leo, sign of Leadership and of Acting. The MC in this New Moon chart (set for the W-House) was 28Sag49, with asteroids Morya, Pandora, and Icarus upon it....and Vesta was rising with Hermes, the trickster (Rove) in tow. This New Moon occurred in Bush's natal 1st house of Self.

So Dec 30, 1999 and August 15, 2004 hook up with both presidential elections bwo of the abusive power of the Pluto/Chiron duo. Of course, there are those who say that America has always been a plutocracy, and I hardily agree.

But the founders didn't tend to use this power against the people the way our current crop of criminals are so fond of doing.

And it wouldn't surprise me if the great Pluto/Chiron planning sessions were held AT the White House (with Bill Clinton in attendance) in Dec of 1999 or early 2000, esp with the Great Jupiter/Saturn conj of May 28, 2000 about to occur...Rs + Ds giving each other major reach-arounds.

(You may have noticed I don't trust Rs OR Ds as far as I can throw them--and I'd like to throw them.) Jupiter = Republic-an Party, Saturn = Democrat-ic Party.

And a 'funny' thing about the Full Moon of May 2, Pluto 28Sag43 is conjunct Mercury in the Dec 30, 1999 chart when Pluto conjuncted Chiron...Mercury also 28Sag43!! Partile (exact)!

Pluto to Mercury = thoughts, plans, ideas become empowered and deepened...previous concepts and methods are altered and transformed...karmic links with young people (or scientists or businessmen)...demand for new perspectives...persuasion ability...propaganda.

The Sabian Symbol for "12Sag"--which is conj US natal ASC in the Sibly chart is:

"A flag that turns into an eagle that crows"...ADJUSTMENT:

pos: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims.

Like the unsubstantiated claims for invading Iraq?

Well there's much more I could say, but if you're like me, you're fed up with this stinky crew (we ALL need a break) you may wish to see my last post on the Group I joined this morning called Bushwacker Truth Brigade at where you may find some articles of interest.

Book Creds: no books were unduly harmed in the typing of this post, and they are:

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones;
The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin;
Solar Arcs, Dr. Noel Tyl; and
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

All are available at where most have been reviewed by yours truly.

new group for your Bushwacking needs

Today I did a good thing--I joined Peter Wimsey's Group Bushwacker Truth Brigade which has articles on Bush infringements and lawbreaking tendencies. Actually, if you only read the Group's mission statement, you've done a lot. And remember: you don't have to join Gather to view and read, just to comment.

Check out Peter's Bushwacker Group, if you're fed up with this regime!

Apr 27, 2007

Tenet's tell-something book released

When George Slam-Dunk Tenet "resigned" a while back, I said, oh good, maybe he'll write a readable book. And so the worm turns.

But it remains to be seen whether his scribbles will amount to an outing of the crims and merely justifying his own duplicities--or coming clean with the goods and embracing the realities which challenge this administration so dearly for our nation's sake.

You may wish to get former agent Mr.A.Cat's take on the situation at Lim's Limericks for now--and I'll be back in a while with a SO'W post on the upcoming Full Moon of May 2...and how it affects the White House's natal chart...

Apr 25, 2007

Planet Earth as Weapon and Target has the article, Planet Earth as Weapon and Target by Leuren Moret.

Apr 24, 2007

Little hedge funds all in a row

You may want to read the latest entry from Mr.A.Cat at Lim's Limericks concerning the 'excess liquidity' in which the world now floats...or you may wish to read U.S. economy poised for nose dive...but I'd recommend the limerick, if I were you (glub glub.)

it's only 'Bush fatigue'

Got the sniffles? Feelin' achy? No worries!

Bush 41 told CNN's Larry King Monday night that "the electorate may be experiencing Bush fatigue."

More like a raging case of Epstein-Barr. Besides, an "electorate" implies that Bush 43 was actually elected and that our votes count! Well-played, H.W., well-played.

Bush 41 is not-so-subtley cluing us in that Jeb will be sitting out the 2008 election, and with the usual Bush aplomb predicts that Jeb may enter politics again in the future...a threat if there ever was one.

"I hope Jeb, who left office looking good, is not through with politics," he said, giving his other son a reach-around for the White House.

Apparently meetings have been held and their best bet is being waged...a different globalist name in between the Bush players has been decided upon and little Jeb must be patient.

Guess that means Bush 41 thinks Dubya has done such a superb job that Jeb deserves to be shoved into the White House as well. Puh.

The link below to CNN's article has become a Never Mind link--it seems to be MIA now...perhaps you can stomach the video instead at or perhaps not.

Here's the missing link...good luck:

Bush Sr.: 'Bush fatigue' may be setting in

Apr 22, 2007

Blair's big buh-bye in May?

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government 22 April 2007: Breaking News

Blair Set to Quit On May 9 22 Apr 2007: Tony Blair will leave Downing Street before a decision is taken on charges in the cash for honours affair. The Prime Minister was yesterday said to be preparing to stand down on May 9. That will trigger a seven-week leadership election process in the Labour Party and a new PM - probably Gordon Brown - will move into 10 Downing Street at the end of June.#

Perhaps Blair should sneak out the back door...?

a starry eye on Newt

Today Newt Gingrich was on tv spouting his usual rational sounding political maneuverings. Since his birth info is in dispute with birth time unverified, no chart for you. But some details are still possible such as his Sun/Moon personality blend.

Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA, the Moon was in Sagittarius the whole 24-hour period so let's look at the Images for Sun Gemini/Moon Sag:

The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings, and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

The italics are mine...the Hill? It sounds like the staged patriotic songfest on the Capitol steps when they coup'd the House. Perhaps that measley performance for the cameras was Newt's idea. A bunch of singin' whiffenpoufs?

This Air-Fire Gem/Sag combo has several things to recommend it and tells of a flamboyant communicator who is an intellectual with a reverence for ancient learning (secret old manuscripts, anyone?)

There is an emotional immaturity which is, at least, spontaneous for this eternal scholar who is outspoken, loves traveling (restless), and is friendly but impatient.

He possesses a vivid imagination with huge heapings of optimism and quick wit. There is a tendency to talk too much and often indiscreetly (perhaps he isn't close-mouthed enough for White House intrigues!) and there is a need to know it all--and may seem to be a know-it-all.

Newt's (WHO would saddle an innocent infant with the name, Newt???) Sun/Moon blend is shared natally with such notables as: actor Douglas Faribanks, political activist Rennie Davis, Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, Guy Lombardo, Beverly Sills, and Prince Rainier of Monaco. It's also shared with philosopher/poet, Katherine Raine who wrote:

As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality of myth, I chose myth...myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Gingrich has stated that as a child he discovered books and "became big words." (I won't mention the big words I think he became if you won't.)

So if the GOP can figure out a way to make an end-run around Newt's romantic tangles and infidelities, do you think they'll run this nag in 2008?

He seems to break off relationships appr every 18-19 years which is in line with his Nodal Returns--or Half-Returns...which is not surprising to astrologers.

North Node = joining; associations, while South Node = separations; partings (if relationships are already weak, the Half-Return will usually time a break-up.)

His Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 17South, is one of "sudden success in group endeavors and relationships; good news" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in this Series on March 9, 1997 at "19Pisces."

Gingrich's natal Venus and Pluto in Leo (as has George Bush--both in Leo--ooh la la!) are connected to his PE as you might expect with all his lady loves and wives scattered about the place (I exaggerate--or do I?)

If you can take more of the Newt, you may want to read Mr.A.Cat's opinion at Lim's Limericks where you'll find a photo of a GOP kittycat pondering Newt's romantic intrigues which may albatrossedly plague him as he pushes forward--and turns up on our tvs--into 2008.