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Jul 16, 2007

so many reasons to Impeach


Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran --Military solution back in favour as Rice loses out --President 'not prepared to leave conflict unresolved'

16 Jul 2007: The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President [sic] George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned... A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."

Bush must be in sixes and nines trying to figure out if bombing Iran will hurt him or help him and his (woeful) legacy. They still use straightjackets, don't they?

Jul 14, 2007

Bush is a Sirius guy

Symbol for Sirius, the Dog Star of Egypt.

From the President's Schedule: Monday, July 9, 2007

President Bush participated in a conversation on the Americas at the White House Conference on the Americas. This conference is being hosted by President and Mrs. Bush to bring together non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and foundations to discuss and highlight the vast array of societal interaction between the United States and its neighbors to better the lives of the region's citizens.

"Laura and I had a magnificent trip to Central and South America. It reminded me of the importance of having a peaceful and prosperous neighborhood. It's in our interests, in the interests of the United States that our neighborhood be healthy and educated. And so this conference is an attempt to bring together key people of my administration and faith-based groups and private sector groups from the United States, as well as our neighborhood, to discuss how we can work together to promote social justice, to help people realize a better life through good education and good health care."

"Social justice, good education, and good health care"? Pshaw! He's had over 6 years to work toward these things just in the US and where has that gotten the people who need them? Worse off than they were before "under" George W. Bush, the message-bearer.

Let's look at the Stars that rose with Bush's natal planets, his Ascendant (his nibs himself), and his Midheaven (MC = Aspirations; Goals)--born July 6, 1946, 7:26 am EDt, New Haven, CT:

1. Pluto/ASC rise with Mirzam (Beta Canis Major): carrying a message. Mirzam was called The Announcer because it rose before Sirius, the major star in Egyptian star lore and worship. Mirzam embodies the symbolism of the dog whose nature is to bark, announce, and make noise.

Anyone who has Mirzam connected with their chart has something to say, a message to bring. Unlike Sirius, Mirzam is not an important star but adds an announcing quality to the person's life as well as a connection to the public or with groups who make announcements to the world.

(This is supported by a Mercury/Pluto conjunction rising, the propaganda duo, and by his ASC degree "8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist.")

2. Natal Sun rises with Alhena (Gamma Gemini): its name is Arabian, meaning the Proudly Marching One. They also called it the Brand or Mark, referring to the brand on the camel's neck or side. Alhena represents movement, determination, and pride, and gives a cause to follow, a mission, or a belief for which you will march (in Bush's case it seems to be sending other people marching.)

Alhena is tied to personal identity--as is the Sun--so it is an integral part of his identity, purpose, and sense of self. There is focus (once you sober up you can focus--then Poppa takes you seriously), with a drive toward achievement, plus a feeling--an arrogance--that he has a divine right to reform or correct situations.

3. Communicative Mercury rises with Sirius (Alpha Canis Major): Sirius is the 'fire of immortality' star of the Egyptians (and has always been connected closely with the US natal chart, by way of the stars over Washington, Cairo, and London.)

The Egyptians called Sirius The Shining One and The Scorcher for the heat from Sirius was thought to cause rabies in dogs. Its risings and settings have been recorded since the beginning of history so that it formed the basis of the Egyptian calendar. And a desire for immortality permeates ancient Egyptian culture (and apparently the minds of the self-styled elite of today who think they've got it coming because they're so hot!)

Egyptian religion also called this star, Sirius Isis (see symbol above), and the Nile Star.

In a natal chart, Sirius is linked to one who loves power, along with the danger of pushing things too far, too fast. It literally demands expression in the life yet its huge success may "burn" you...keywords: the mundane becoming sacred. Sacred rituals are not unheard of with this star connected to a person's chart (say around 11 pm, in the White House cellar? You bring the skull.)

Sirius was rising with Pluto (atomic power; death; transformation) in early August, 1945 at the latitudes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the people of these cities who were burned to a crisp have been immortalized by sacred sites dedicated to the removal of nuclear weapons. (Notice Bush's connections to nuclear weapons--and his boney finger on The Button, God help us all.)

Sirius' positive expression depends on having a clear and honest intent--and actions have profound effects beyond expectations which makes this energy difficult to handle. Directing this energy into positive outcomes is the only hope once things escalate, and we certainly see this happening in the Middle East where Bush's exertions have thrown fuel on the long-burning fire--thanks to Bush's total disregard for unintended consequences.

I would say that he did not and is not using Sirius' gifts honestly, clearly, or carefully, in spite of his devoted service to goddess Isis. (And you may disagree if you like.)

4. Then there's his MC, the Aspiration/Goal/Public Status Point of his chart, which rose with Fomalhaut on the day he was born. Fomalhaut is one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keywords: being humanitarian and poetic (!); (Alpha Pisces Australis):

Each Royal Star seems to represent a trial or temptation which must be worked through before success is achieved (guess he did that in his 40s when he supposedly gave up drugs, liquid and leafy and whatever--lucky world.)

With the Royal Stars there are many pitfalls along the rocky road and the individual has a very good chance of falling from grace. These temptations are the nemesis which must be conquered and a clash with the mainstream may be necessary to reach one's goals.

Bush's demonstration of this clash is at crescendo now and because Fomalhaut's touch of the mystic requires high ideals or a lofty vision, I'll leave it to you to decide whether he is corrupt and heading for total downfall as the recent Saturnian Scythe would support--in spite of his touted "noble cause" undertaken for the benefit of the collective.

Star info: Brady's Book of Fixed Stars

the same folks!

As you've heard or read--even on this page in the list of news links--Bush said during his 'press conference' this week that:

"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th, and that's why what happens in Iraq matters to the security at home."

He refers to himself and his compadres.

My fret is that his stalling until September for Petraeus' magic report gives them time to plan and execute something "at home" to upset the status quo--and that that will be the result of all this dramatic forcing of a feral varmint like him into a corner.

Sometimes you like to be wrong wrong wrong.

Jul 13, 2007

why Friday the 13th? has info on Jacques DeMolay, the Knights Templar's Grand Master and his betrayal into the Church's grasp on Friday, October 13, 1307 while a major Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction was in progress.

Apparently those who are superstitious have been marking the date ever since whether they know it or not...and this October will be its 700th anniversary!

the fabulous Canary Islands Telescope

This is news to me! Canary Islands Telescope Looks for Planets because the celestial view from off Africa's coast is excellent.

Jul 12, 2007

Miers and the fires

Did you miss Mr.A.Cat's rhyme concerning Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor?

Then slink on over to Lim's Limericks for a generous bowl that's much fuller than was subpoena-ignoring Harriet's chair on Capitol Hill today!

US Army denies free speech--in Canada!

If you've been missing Patrick Wood's excellent work at The August Review you may want to catch up with Patrick concerning the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit set for Montebello, Quebec, August 20-21:

Public forums denied on upcoming SPP Summit because reality was about to get a little too close for comfort for Bush and the other North American Union types!

And if you saw Bush's strident performance from the new press room this morning, you know reality is still several continents away from Mr. George W. Bush.

The hypocrisy and propaganda continue...

Jul 10, 2007

Pope says he's Numero Uno

Lest the world forget: Pope Benedict signed yet another document promoting the Catholic Church as the only 'true' there, you Protestants and 'Orthodoxants' with your "wound" of not recognizing the pope as primal ("wound" = Chiron, which is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in the Vatican II's natal chart. If anyone wants to see the natal chart, let me know and I'll post it.)

Pope says other Christians aren't Christians, so there and some analysts think he may have signed yet another "I'm Numero Uno" document now because of internal church politics.

Or maybe it's those dwindling church coffers added to a boatload of egotism?

And who can forget the heady days of the New Millenium when John Paul called for the New World Order?

George Bush on 'ethical' taking of life

"America is a nation founded on the principle that all human life is sacred ..... Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical." G.W. Bush on the occasion of vetoing Congressional bill on stem cell research. June 20, 2007

All human life is sacred, Mr.Bush, but your bombs belie your professed belief. You and your ilk are quick to apply a truism when it suits your purposes and even quicker to ignore it when it interferes with your plans.

"What does it matter to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?" Mahatma Gandhi

Good question. It doesn't.
