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Sep 8, 2008

Joe and Jill Biden marry June 17, 1977

Wedding Day Astrology: Joe and Jill Biden has been published if you'd care to take a look.

Congress eyes FBI's Ivins case

It's Monday, Congress is back on Capitol Hill for 3 weeks and has sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller asking him nicely to show up in front of the House Judiciary Committee (probably on Sept 16 & 17) to answer a few outstanding questions about the case against Dr. Bruce Ivins.

The New York Times has this:

Seeking Details, Lawmakers Cite Anthrax Doubts in which we are reminded that the post-9/11 anthrax letters contained none of Bruce Ivins' DNA, which must surely be an inconvenient fact for Mueller who will be asked about how investigators eliminated the 100+ people who also had access to the culpable flasks of anthrax.

Bruce Ivins, as you know, committed suicide (we're told) the night of July 29, 2008, so Congress' questions to Mueller may be the only chance the American people have for any closure whatsoever concerning the terroristic anthrax letters of 2001 since the death of Dr. Ivins negates the possibility of a trial.

You remember that the FBI pursued the wrong man for years in this case, Dr. Steven J. Hatfield, who in June settled a lawsuit against the FBI for $4.6 million. Guess we taxpayers pay the piper, but good for Dr. Hatfield whose career was ruined by FBI scrutiny and innuendo.

Looking back at July 29, Saturn (law, authority, accountability) was in a quindecile aspect with nebulous, often obfuscating Neptune.

A quindecile aspect (165 degrees) gives a compulsive-obsessive flavor to the planets involved and you may wish to keep the FBI-Ivins case in mind as Congress applies itself to the case - or as the law-makers simply produce another matinee of political theater on Capitol Hill that goes nowhere and results in exactly nada.

Sep 7, 2008

Obama win will give largest Dem majority in years

Watching the Sunday political shows this morning and on This Week with George Stephanopolous George Will says that if Obama wins the White House it will be the largest Democratic majority since 1937.

So how angry against the Republicans ARE the American people? Angry enough?

Not that Dems with the upper hand are to be trusted either - 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' and all that.

And David Brooks observed that if McCain wins, he'll have trouble finding enough Republicans to put on staff because the Rs are so rode-hard-put-up-wet (my phrase - I'm paraphrasing here) from 8 years of Bush. McSame will have to resort to Dems.


Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg, in their current Visual Astrology Newsletter discuss US elections being based on the 8 year cycle of Venus, who radiates her favor upon certain planets in any given election as the Morning Star or Evening Star.

They state that Obama's nemesis - his downfall - is hubris, while McCain's nemesis is sympathy. If I understand their meaning, it is that an Obama presidency would be in danger of kingly arrogance while McCain, the soldier, would be in danger of being viewed as a sympathetic figure rather than as a strong leader.

This reminds me of the feeling I had watching the RNC's constant tributes to McCain's POW status, including his own mentions of it - so if you vote for McCain, are you voting in sympathy with his still-carried wounds from 5 years of torture?

Do you believe McCain's sudden embrace of the 'CHANGE' slogan means anything different from Bush's policies? Were Bush policies and doctrine put in place only to be abandoned by the next president - and a Republican one at that?

And: is it possible for any US president to govern without falling into the hubris brigade?

Your reasons for voting Republican are your own - my answers to the last 3 questions are: no, no, and no.

Sep 6, 2008

link to Palin's RNC speech + LOE on McCain

The Washington Post website has about 9 minutes of Sara Palin's acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC in case you've been totally and completely out of touch.

Living On Earth is featuring the GOP-McCain-Palin stance on the environment with MP3s and transcripts of today's show. Check out Drill Baby Drill and more at one of my top three favorite radio programs, LOE.

Since Sara Palin doesn't believe human beings affect the environment, and McCain mysteriously disappears when important environmental votes come up in the Senate, I have to ask: these are 'conservatives'?

Conservatives should conserve! And we are to be, as Palin's Bible must surely say, stewards of the earth.

LOE's feature covers the GOP energy platform, Alaska and ANWR issues, McCain-supported cap and trade possibilities, alternative energies, James Woolsey's stint as energy and foreign policy advisor to John McCain+...this is the most comprehensive information on the GOP candidates and the environment you're likely to find anywhere.

Bravo, LOE!

Woodward's book and American state terrorism

Turning Away From American State Terrorism

By: Peter Chamberlin

In Pakistan we find the complete history of the American "war on terrorism,"from its Cold War origins nearly thirty years ago to its present incarnation in the illegal American aggression in Pakistan's Frontier region (FATA, Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and in American attempts to reignite the Cold War with Russia.

Read more here...


US Spied on Iraqi Leaders, Book Says; Woodward Also Reveals That Political Fears Kept War Strategy Review'Under the Radar'

By Steve Luxenberg

During the interviews with Woodward, the president spoke of the war as part of a recentering of American power in the Middle East. "And it should be, "Bush said. "And the reason it should be: It is the place from which a deadly attack emanated. And it is the place where further deadly attacks could emanate."

Read more here... #


NPR at noon Sept 6: slain leader Benazir Bhutto's husband has easily won the vote as Pakistan's president.

Sep 5, 2008

Todd and Sara Palin: Wedding Day Astrology

Wedding Day Astrology: Todd and Sara Palin is now available concerning this political power couple if you'd like a starry peek into their relationship dynamics!

Carol Shepp McCain: left behind

Last night's acceptance speech by John McCain touted Republican respect for family values yet McCain never mentioned the wife he callously left behind, Carol Shepp McCain.

How could he? It would mar the RNC's morality narrative.

Here's my astro-analysis on the Shepp-McCain's Wedding Day Astrology of 1965.

You'll also discover articles on the weddings/marriages of John and CINDY McCain, Barack and Michelle Obama, George and Laura Bush, Jenna and Henry Hagger, and John and Elizabeth Edwards.

Guess the Palins will be next! And can the Bidens be far behind?

The rhetoric of 9/11

With the 7th aniversary of 9/11 coming up in a few days, you may wish to check out Rhetoric of 9/11, a special feature on American Rhetoric, a great resource for words right out of their mouths...transcripts, audio (including some MP3)'s an excellent resource for walking down memory lane, for your historical research, for reviewing propaganda and slogans, or for keeping politicians honest - as if, right?

Drill Baby Drill!