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Feb 16, 2009

IMF plans proceed for martial law in US

Yes, you've probably seen this article from Chris Hedges, published today. But in case there's one person who sashays into this blog and hasn't seen it, I'm posting a link to Bad News from America's Top Spy because all Americans, accustomed to civil rest for decades now, should be aware that martial law is being planned to quell the 'civil conflict or disturbance' the ruling class fully expect to occur due to the worsening economic crisis (which they created for their dominion purposes - they have us in a bit of a Catch-22 trap, don't they?

And for those who doubt that the 'new international economic order' or 'New World Order' - is part of the ruling class' plan, think how desperate millions of people are in the US (and there are civil riots ongoing in other areas of the globe now) and how many sources - including the ones in the article - are predicting the same revolt in the US.

No, you may not be surprised who's doing the predicting - the International Monetary Fund - the IMF, which is the entity sitting atop the apex of the US dollars' 13-step pyramid of power according to Robert Hieronmus in his book, Founding Fathers, Secret Societies.

Who Rules the World? The IMF. And they're readying for our dissent.


See a few of my notes on the WTO's troubles in 1999 at the so-called Battle in Seattle.

Feb 15, 2009

Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan Feb 15, 1989

The year 1989 saw mass movements and revolutions all around the globe - including the toppling of the Berlin Wall - as Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune tangoed in authoritarian Capricorn, with the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune piping a social movement overture as they lined up for their Great Conjunction (3x) in 1993 in the 18 to 19 degree range of Cap.

Back up a bit and the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Uranus was exact in 1988 3x: Feb 13, June 26, and Oct 18; from 27 - 30 Sagittarius. And as you know, transit Pluto has recently plowed through and stirred up the Saturn-Uranus Conj and bringing a 'tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion' flavor to the global arena.

The Soviet Union's natal chart (Nov 7, 1917) has a Saturn-Uranus opposition, and the chart for their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Feb 15, 1989, has a tough Mars-Pluto opposition (15Tau/15Sco, the Oxen Point and Eagle Point respectively) in a Fixed (rigid) T-square with apex Venus at Angel Point(15AQ.)

This tension-filled pattern is a passionate, dangerous combination of planets, with Mars-Pluto signifying zealotry, violence, and drastic measures. And though Venus usually prefers things to be easy, as apex planet in a Fixed T-square, the inflexible energy tends to stifle partnerships through lack of compromise which causes resentment and conflicts.

Determined to have her way, apex Venus here indicates that relationships are in a rut and going nowhere; a possessive streak causes problems and there's a lack of accommodation, for normally sociable Venus as apex in a Fixed T-square is the least easy-going placement of all for this relating planet.

And with Pluto involved in the pattern, obsession, manipulation, and/or deep-rooted jealousy rear their ugly heads. This is a frustrated Venus who has concentrated steadily upon others in a way that has made them feel trapped - yet apex Venus wants her own independence.

Perhaps the 'independence' was their troop withdrawal from May 1988 to Feb 15, 1989 - especially since the Soviets had expected Afghanistan to be...dare I say it?...a cakewalk but after a long 10 years of war, the Soviets ended in bankruptcy, loss, and with the break-up of their country (sound familiar?)

What Really Happened has notes from the 'Silken Road', historical events you've surely read before about since the US, Britain, and others conspired against the Soviet Union in the arming and training of Afghanistan's mujahedeen.

So with today being the 20th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, I wanted to read again the sorry details of the war and their 10-month withdrawal.

And if you've ever happened upon this blog before, you may have read of my intuition concerning the US that upping the number of US troops in Afghanistan seems a very bad idea for Pres. Obama and the USA.

Of course, there are many things involved in such dire decisions of which I and most anyone else are unaware, yet if you have a chance, you may as well read the above-linked article (Wikipedia has lots of pages on it as well) since apparently Mr. Obama is under the sway of those who pull the strings of war and who pine for another anti-human-race go-round at the proud country that has suffered so much already. Over 500,000 orphans were created by the time the Soviets left, and that's only part of the mayhem.

If you scroll down far enough into the article, you'll find a few rats in the oilworks - among them Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, and the Carlyle Group (Poppy Bush) - so basically the Bilderberg gang is all there.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it the Carlyle Group meeting in Washington DC on the morning of Sept 11, 2001? Hmm. And given how the US worked against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, I've wondered since 2003 if Putin has worked against us there and in Iraq with the same fervor we showed against his country. It could explain a lot.)

And, of course, Osama bin Laden is there for the Soviet-Afghan war as well, and forming al-Qaeda in 1988 with CIA complicity.

On Feb 15, 1989 just after sunset, Moon reached the World Point of 00Cancer00 indicating global events, and Sun was at 26AQ57 (conj US natal Moon), so I thought I'd check the Images for Integration for this Air-Water may be interested to note that the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan occurred with the flavor of these two pictures, one conjuring up orphans, and one concerning something we see more clearly now in 2009:

A social worker by-passes bureacracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

This blend is shared natally by Boris Yeltsin, Norman Mailer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lord Byron, who made an observation which would instruct Pres. Obama in the present temptation to ramp up US forces in Afghanistan, if he'd only listen, so I shall end this post with Lord Byron's quote.

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series that the Soviet withdrawal occurred in was the 8 South which the world last experienced on Sep 22, 2006 (29Vir) - for the US, the PE of the 2006 elections.

8S's Keywords: separation, loss, partings; to finish something and feel sad at its completion; physical injury is possible through over-straining of strength (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Yes, it's quite astounding now to think of then-president Ronald Reagan proclaiming 'Afghanistan Day' on March 21, 1989!

I only hope we won't have to watch Pres. Barack Obama fall into the same trap of thinking that Afghanistan can be had for the taking, for as Lord Byron aptly said,

"The best of prophets of the future is the past."


You may wish to visit Think Progress for further reading.

Midpoint picture: Noel Tyl; T-square/apex Venus info: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

Feb 14, 2009

Jefferson on 'swindling futurity'

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 Third President of the USA

"It is no accident that banks resemble temples, preferably Greek, and that the supplicants who come to perform the rites of deposit and withdrawal instinctively lower their voices into the registers of awe. Even the most junior tellers acquire within weeks of their employment the officiousness of hierophants tending an eternal flame.

I don't know how they become so quickly inducted into the presiding mysteries, or who instructs them in the finely articulated inflections of contempt for the laity, but somehow they learn to think of themselves as suppliers of the monetarized DNA that is the breath of life."

Lewis H. Lapham, 1935 American Essayist Editor


Ah yes, and the White House looks and acts like a Freemason's White Lodge, too, with the Capitol Building as temple. Mumbo jumbo in the cellar?

Is Neptune behind the Economic Crisis?

Have I found a great article - using an astrological lens to investigate the current financial crisis - for you! Paul Wright's article is a fine example of the excellent writing in The Mountain Astrologer Magazine, as you probably know.

Neptune and Economic Turmoil goes into detail on Neptune's 164 year cycle, phases, and implications, its ongoing transit opposite the UK's natal Saturn (which opposes n Venus-Pluto in the *UK chart; therefore, n Venus-Pluto = tr Neptune: immorality; a sense of tragedy), transit Saturn's current effects on America's n Neptune, and Neptune's return to Discovery degree (23AQ; Sep 23, 1846; Return 2008 - 2009.)

As you know, Venus and Pluto relate to money, banking, and high finance through the signs they rule, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity - and thus possibly to bankruptcies.

Mr. Wright, a gifted and experienced astrologer of 30 years, says that with all the current Saturn and Neptune action involving the US and UK charts, we have the opportunity now to gain clarity and "set (our) houses in order" for it is the "unrealistic price of housing underpinning the crisis."

And as he further states, "Even the ancients warned against usury. There has to be a better way."

No argument here! I only hope the ruling class has that as its ultimate objective.


*UK chart: May 12, 1707 (NS); 00:00 LMT; Westminster, England

US chart: July 4, 1776 (NS); 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia, PA
('Sibly' chart)

Also used in article: Bank of Scotland: July 17, 1695 (OS); noon; Edinburgh, Scotland; data from historical record, Act of Parliament.

Feb 13, 2009

George Bush to speak first in Calgary

Mark your calendars!

Ex-president George W. Bush is banning press and public from his first-scheduled speech since leaving office and he's exiting the US to do it. Wise move - too bad he didn't make one of those before he determined to coup the White House and bull-headedly insisted upon invading Iraq.

Yes, on March 17, our little leprechaun of war-profiteering will spread the blarney at a private event for a pro-American business group in Calgary, Canada, but I'll warn you - the above-linked article cites his approval rating as he left office as 'low 30s' yet everyone knows his nibs had dipped into the 20s (if that)!


And here's a link to the site for downloading the full text (4 parts) of the Stimulus Act which was posted for public viewing around 11:45 pm last evening:

Feb 12, 2009

Hear debris pings from Feb 10's satellite collision

Good! The Newsletter finally arrived with details concerning the satellite collision of Feb 10:

Space Weather News for Feb 12, 2009

COLLIDING SATELLITES: Experts are calling it an "unprecedented event." Two large satellites have collided in Earth orbit. Kosmos 2251 crashed into Iridium 33 on Tuesday, Feb 10, approximately 800 km over northern Siberia; both were destroyed. The resulting clouds of debris contain more than 500 fragments, significantly increasing the orbital debris population at altitudes where the collision occurred.

The Air Force Space Surveillance Radar is monitoring the clouds as they pass over the radar facility in Texas. We, in turn, are monitoring signals from the radar and you may be able to hear debris "pings" by tuning in to our live audio feed.

This is a story that will unfold in the days ahead as researchers study the evolution of the debris clouds and piece together the details of the collision.

Stay tuned to for full coverage.

NWO musings and the Obama Administration

Today I've been re-reading Leuren Moret's article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target in light of events since the ending of the Bush-Cheney years and the ongoing question: is the presidency of Barack Obama truly an improvement, or more of same?

If you've never read Ms. Moret's article and are interested in the historical roots of the New World Order movement, have a seat before you begin.

It's quite long and covers many subjects including but not limited to:

Reagan's 'Star Wars' boondoggle, the vast fortunes of old US and British families made by way of opium smuggling, the origin of the secret society we call 'Skull and Bones' (which has had many US secretaries of war, presidents, and other US politicians and business leaders as members and which institutionalizes 'elite deviancy'), Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati Society and its roots in early America, George Washington's awareness of the Illuminati in America along with Jacobinism, Hegelian philosophy imported from Germany by William Russell (founder of Yale's Skull and Bones 1832 along with Alphonso Taft), the bogusness of the "War on Terror" and much more.

Weather Modification including Hurricane Katrina (near the end of the article) and the quote from the WSJ article after Katrina, where Rep. Richard Baker stated, "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans...", exotic weapons in space, GWEN towers, etc.

As Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in 'Between Two Ages' (1971):

"Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillation that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions over an extended period."

One has to wonder about this week's apparent 'satellite collision' in space! Keep it in mind if you read the section on the militarizing of space and surveillance satellites, what they are capable of, and the dangers posed.

Some info on AVIARY is given - it's a group of DoD officers and scientists with a mandate to discredit serious research into UFOs (no, I'm not a UFO-er personally but there's much squirreliness going on including reports of mysterious fireballs); then there's Eschelon, which is the NSA's satellite surveillance system.

You may be interested in the details concerning the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system of 1995, too. Seems the guilty group was part of the Aum Shinrikyo Sect of scientists from Japan who were apparently fighting against the NWO!

This sect purchased a 500,000 acre sheep farm in Australia on April 23, 1993 on which to perform experiments. When they sold the farm and left suddenly in Oct 1994, traces of Sarin were found.

Ms. Moret's research indicates that, "The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR - Joe Biden, etc), the Trilateral Commission (Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, and their buds), and the Bilderberg Group (Bush Sr, etc) have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within five years. They are not fighting terrorists. They are fighting citizens."

Have we not seen this dynamic in the current economic 'crisis' and the ongoing class warfare which some folk deny exists? (How can they not feel it? How can they be unaware that America has no "two-party" political system? Billions of US taxpayer monies went to rich bankers in 2008 - with no strings attached and no oversight!! Hello?)

We have massive job lay-offs, secret oath-protected meetings on Capitol Hill, corporate welfare on the rise, then-candidate Obama surreptitiously meeting with the Bilderbergers June 2008 in Chantilly VA, systems and infrastructure dissolving (perhaps by electromagnetic transmissions to speed them on toward collapse!), and with more heinousness to come.

Yes, the power elite have theirs, my friend. We do not. No secret state-of-the-art bunkers for you and me!

So I am sorry to report to you that Leuren Moret's article was published in Winter 2005 which makes 2010 the target year, and the Obama administration (sad to say) either the implementer - or merely the bridge - to a Biden-CFR presidency on behalf of the New World Order.

(If anything untoward happens to Barack Obama, will you remember reading this post? Probably not, for our American society would spiral into yet another morass of media speculations and false assumptions as cover for the truth.)

Now if you've read any of my grousings before, you know I tend to post a good bit on Eclipses using Brady's Predictive Astrology for keywords to the meanings of each Series.

So I have already noted here and on Jude's Threshold (my 'tapestry blog of Art, Astrology, Poems, and Politics' - see Pages list in sidebar) details concerning the next Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 in the 11 South Series. And at the risk of boring the 5 readers of this blog, here are the details of the 11S quoting from the excellent Bernadette Brady:

the need to make sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with the events brought by the eclipse; as a consequence the person will need to think of new ways of handling the issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.

This certainly puts things in line for 2010 since the second half of 2009 is implicated and connects current events with the last manifestation of this Eclipse Series: July 11, 1991, when Bush Sr as president was calling publicly for a 'New World Economic Order.' He's in process of achieving it now.

And here's the pope (John Paul II) from the Vatican's "World Day of Peace" on Jan 1, 2004, calling for a 'new international order' which brings in the role of the United Nations, an entity which some people believe will be used to implement world control - the morphing of the world from the 'old order' put into place a la FDR after WWII into implementation of their fondest dream, now almost realized under our inattentive noses.

So will the upcoming transit of realistic Saturn to America's idealistic Neptune 22Vir25 be part of the picture? Well, this is the 'cold water of grim reality' transit and is exact on or about August 28, 2009. It's actually been in orb of late, off and on, and may relate to job loss with Virgo being the sign of the worker and thus to the manufactured 'econo-crisis.'

Plus, the Saturn-to-Neptune transit may, I fret, be part of the above-mentioned Eclipse scenario. But it gets worse, m'peops.

Because the next Solar Eclipse (12N) of Jan 15, 2010 (at 25Cap which conjuncts US natal Pluto and all Inaugural MCs of Jan 20 noon est, DC) has this rather suspicious flavor in view of the last eclipse and what's going on in society 2009-2010:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities can come suddenly; new commitments will most likely come as a result of another individual being unable to carry on; events which herald these opportunities may be difficult, but the outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are good. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

One assumes the 'harmony' may result from population and/or mind control (see Leuren's article!) and that the 'self-esteem' is for the one who takes over the reins of power as the New World Order marches on.

Well, I apologize for posting on such weighty matters - the 200th birthday of Lincoln and last evening's Ford Theater celebration brought it on as I thought of Lincoln's nickname during his presidency...Abraham the Tyrant. And I promised in the post below to add notes on the Fist of God planetary pattern in his 1865 Inauguration chart, but it can wait being long past.

Plus, perhaps it suffices to say that the difficult pattern relates to Lincoln's assassination by someone who was, perhaps in different terms of that time, fighting against the NWO!

So the post you have here is sufficient for the day, I think, with its mention of so many of the dire issues affecting mankind and the selfish social tinkerers of chaos who bedevil the world.

And in spite of this post - believe it or not - I wish all men and women peace, love, understanding, and, above all, hope for a better tomorrow.

I love, therefore I grouse!


For further reading on the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the IMF, the World Bank, and collapsing of the US dollar and such The August Review is highly recommended.

Feb 11, 2009

Horoscope of Lincoln's Inaugurations 1861 + 1865

Horoscope of the Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln on March 4, 1861, "shortly after 1 pm" Oath of Office administered by Chief Justice Taney; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; highlighted in green.

by Jude Cowell

Please enlarge chart for Outer Notations:

1865 Inauguration in pink set for symbolic noon (because I've found no reference to its exact hour); US natal (Sibly) in blue; Lincoln's natal positions in yellow.

Chart-ruler Moon applying to a square (blockages) with nebulous, delusional, confusing Neptune, planet of the masses; plus, Moon in a national chart = the people; the public. This indicates that some idealizing of Lincoln was going on with resulting confusion, disappointment, and disillusionment for some.

Aries Point 00Aries15 is at MC which puts America's natal IC (Endings) in a topsy-turvy relationship to this Inauguration's MC/IC axis with USA's natal MC at 1861's IC (IC is connected with death as one type of Ending.)

11th house of Groups and Associations has a zealous, violent duo - Mars conjunct Pluto in intolerant, stubborn Taurus. I mention the Mars-Pluto conjunction in this manner because multi-term presidencies may be represented by the first Inaugural chart as a whole as well as the subsequent charts so I believe this violent combo relates to the war and, obviously, to his assassination.

Yes, we know what the nation's passions led to soon after Abe's 1861 Inauguration - the Civil War (Apr 12, 1861; 4:30 am LMT, Charleston, SC - with the Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising but with Mercury 24Pis56 and Neptune 29Pis57 = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited.)

As you know, Pres. Lincoln was assassinated on the evening of April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater in DC where all the festivities are happening as I type this evening. Pres. and Mrs. Obama are scheduled to attend, last I heard, and BHO may make remarks after the program.

But back to the 1861 chart:

South Node of the Moon rising gives an isolation/loneliness feel to the chart along with a 'standing alone in one's field' flavor to this presidency.

Mercury-Neptune = MC: to go the wrong way; lies; far-reaching plans; sympathy.

The radical political pair of Uranus-NN is also at MC:

Uranus-NN = MC: joint goals; professional recognition.

You see rebellious Uranus 8Gem08, which is near America's natal Uranus 8:55 (lower left has the dates of USA's triple Uranus Return - note #3 is April 1, 1861); 1861's Uranus has just crossed Lincoln's natal IC indicating a major change of residence (White House) along with domestic and family disruptions and separations which affect Career (MC) as well.

North Node is conjunct the most recent Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series (and 20Cap is a critical or crisis degree); 7N's flavor is one of 'deep, long-hidden passions suddenly surfacing' (Brady) such as in the Civil War when brother fought brother, and in Lincoln's and his enablers' drive toward the presidency.

One more thing important to note here which you see marked in pink : 1865's Inauguration had the unknown-at-the-time Chiron, the Wounded Healer, conjunct Sun @14Pis11 within 23 minutes...just over a month before his death. To me this suggests Lincoln (Sun) having a destined mission to fulfill (Sun-Chiron), but also the wounding (Chiron) of a president (Sun).

This circumstance is echoed in Lincoln's natal chart for the star connected to healing and rebalancing - Ras Alhague - rose on his day of birth as Mercury was at IC - his words and oration (Mercury) are healing (Ras Alhague) even after his death (IC). And we should add that Ras Alhague also has a link to prophecy.

This post has been updated for clarity: June 18, 2020 by jc

For more information on this and related topics see NPR.

My favorite Lincoln quote during the Civil War has to be, "If this is coffee, bring me tea. If this is tea, bring me coffee."

Obama "fearless" on economy? + EU's natal planets

Here's an interesting view from abroad on Pres. Obama's economic stimulus bill, his chances for success, and some details on how the EU is handling similar financial issues.

The European Union was hatched at midnight CET of Jan 1, 1958, Brussels, Belgium. Here are the entity's astrological particulars, beginning with Rising sign/degree, and including this afternoon's transits (tr) in italics.

You'll notice much action by way of several transits in 5th house of Gambling, Risk-Taking, and Creative Ventures:

ASC 29Vir36;

2nd cusp 23Lib35: Jupiter 28Lib35; Neptune 4Sco26; NN 8Sco40;

3rd cusp 23Sco38: Mars 6Sag10; Saturn 19Sag26; Mercury 26Sag49 Rx;

IC 29Sag29: Sun 10Cap01; tr Pluto 2Cap36 ; tr Mercury 27Cap20 ;

5th cusp 5AQ22: Chiron 14AQ50; Venus 15AQ17; tr Mars 5AQ38 ; tr Jupiter 8AQ46 ; tr NN 9AQ15 ; tr Chiron 21AQ17 ; tr Sun 23AQ20 ; tr Neptune 23AQ55 ;

6th cusp 5Pis31; tr Uranus 20Pis59 ;

DESC 29Pis36; tr Venus 6Ari41 ;

8th cusp 23Ari35; SN 8Tau40; Moon 10Tau23 ;

9th cusp 23Tau38;

MC 29Gem29;

11th cusp 5Leo22; Uranus 10Leo49 Rx; Pluto 2Vir08 Rx; tr SN 9Leo15 ;

12th cusp 5Vir31; tr Saturn 20Vir15 Rx; tr Moon 24Vir+.

The speculator pair of grand visions - Jupiter/Neptune in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values form a midpoint picture with NN...

Jupiter-NN = Neptune: lack of clarity in objectives of being or working together; sharing the spirit but not much else, esp in the way of grounding. (Tyl.)

Here are the rest of the EU's natal midpoint pics...

Jupiter-Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer or special achiever (Tyl); prudence; the desire for power (Ebertin.)

Mercury-Pluto = Jupiter: publicity; persuasion brings success; gaining a good reputation.

Saturn-ASC = NN: unpleasant circumstances with others;

Neptune-MC = Pluto: the supernatural as a professional focus; strange happenings on the job or in the home. ~:~

As you see above, restrictive, somber Saturn will be conjuncting ASC when the venerable lesson-bringer reaches 29Vir36 in October 2009, a time of facing reality, being accountable, and being ones true self (whether you want to or not.)

It will be May 2010 before disruptive rebel Uranus crosses the DESC and moves into 7th house, possibly causing break-up within the Union or at least a new way of partnering - and, of course, Uranus reserves the right to act as catalyst earlier or later than expected.

Also in early 2010, as 5Cap is reached by tr Pluto, the god of the underworld and/or the secret hand will be within 5 degrees' orb to natal Sun 10Cap02, a time when power issues surface and aggression and intensity are highlighted.

Circumstances may provoke resentment and resistance toward those who are perceived as manipulative or who have more power and control; the EU could become more formidable during the transit of Pluto to natal Sun.

Natal Jupiter 28Lib35, in 2nd house, is conjunct the degree of the EU's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) which is in the 14 North Series, and whose keywords are:

a most peculiar family of eclipses heralding an acute time of confusion in relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness; despair, a draining of energy (and of money??), and peculiar events; clear judgments are difficult as the eclipse affects the chart - there's too much confusion and possibly delusion to make important decisions. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The 14N Series last manifested on Nov 13, 1993 (22Sco) and will occur next on Nov 25, 2011 (2Sag.)

Michael Moore seeks Wall St whistleblowers for new film

If there are any more whistle blowers on Wall Street please contact film maker Michael Moore - he's lookin' for ya!

Moore is promising confidentiality, so you decide how involved you want to be, but give him a shout-out and tell what you know of the real story. Please. This is a film everyone needs to see.

I'd like to know more about what Rep. Kanjorski talked about on TV yesterday - about the $550 billion electronic run on US banks which occurred within about 2 hours...I don't have the link on me, but you can access the video of Kanjorski by moseying over to jude's theshold because I just posted it there.

Feb 10, 2009

Stimulus plans and WTO warnings 2.10.09

WTO Chief Warns of Looming Political Unrest


The global economic crisis could trigger political unrest equal to that seen during the 1930s, the head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a German newspaper interview Saturday. #

~"Warns" of it? They're banking on it! jc~


The Farts Of Compromise: Hacking The Stimulus

By Danny Schechter

"Last month, another 600,000 Americans lost their jobs," Mr. Obama said. "That is the single worst month of job loss in 35 years. The Department of Labor also adjusted their job loss numbers for 2008 upwards, and now report that we have lost 3.6 million jobs since this recession began." #

In case you missed it, the Senate version of the stimulus package passed this afternoon (61 to 37) with 3 Republicans riding on its coat tails...Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter. Secret meetings and conference calls have already occurred but officially the Conference Committee is tasked with melding the House and Senate versions into one passable bill.

All this is occurring while Mercury, Rx at the Inauguration, traverses his 'shadow period' until leaving his own shadow and making his way forward early next week, in time for a signing under TV's limelight, I'll wager.

And so, as George Harrison once said, "I'd be quite prepared for that eventuality."

Yet here is Paul Krugman telling which of the badly needed provisions - for the most needy, of course were gutted from the bill.

But you know those Republicans - they'd resign from Congress before they'd feed a hungry child whose mama needed...gasp!...Food Stamps!

(Just kidding - of course they wouldn't resign. And they do know the money belongs to all taxpaying Americans, right? After all, we're the ones who pay. They're the ones who forget to pay.)

Feb 9, 2009

Astrology of the Fed and 2009

This morning I've been attempting a mild catch-up on Astrology articles concerning 2009 - especially those relating to the economic crisis. I've just read one by Boots Hart, The Recessionary Reserve, where the Fed's Scorpionic Midheaven and natal chart are discussed in useful detail including the Fed's Solar Returns 2007/08, and more. Not to be missed!

Hart says that the Fed's Scorpionic balance is "out of whack" while everyone has gone into 'me first' mode due to fear, one of the more negative traits of Scorpio.

If you haven't checked out this article yet, please do.

And while at Daykeeper Journal, you may also wish to visit Crystal Pomeroy, who gives her overview of 2009 which, Crystal says, is "a portal of great challenge and equally substantial opportunity."

Crystal covers 2009 as a year of '11' which is a master number of potential transcendence allowing us to "transmute obstacles and limitations into a higher good."

Thanks, Crystal! A higher good is exactly what a saddened and beggared world could use and, as you say, each of us can contribute in our own way even while highly paid Washington politicians continue fiddling their fearful tune.


A Note from Georgia: three more banks were shut down here over the weekend. My own has morphed into Wells Fargo which seems to be working okay so far. And Gov. Purdue has ordered state workers to take every other Friday off as a furlough - without pay.