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Showing posts with label 13-step pyramid of power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13-step pyramid of power. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2024

Battling Symbols of the Past

Symbolism in 1935: Germany and America

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Image: A color depiction of America's Great Seal circa 1935

Way back in the year 1935, two countries adopted significant visual symbols or logos which were polar opposites of one another in meaning.

In Germany, the ancient Swastika symbol was adopted for the Nazi Party flag, while in America, President Franklin Roosevelt approved America's Great Seal for placement on the US Dollar Bill. Of course these days, We the People seldom give the symbolism of the 13-step pyramid of power and Eye of Horus a moment of thought, and as our card-carrying society proceeds, we may rarely see or handle a paper dollar bill.

Now, due to my usual interest in Eclipse energies and themes that run in the background of society during any given time period we wish to consider, here's a List of Eclipses of 1935 with their Themes penned on. We should note that Eclipses in these Saros Series repeat in 2025 into 2026:

(The first Series, 9 Old North, played out and I have no information on its theme. Other than in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, eclipses always involve authority figures, authenticity, responsibility, accountability, and leadership.)

May 28, 2022

The American Revolution's Mountain Pilgrimage

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick post today, a quick view really, of the American Revolution's Pluto Return/s now in progress. Since we have eye witness accounts of the First Shot ("heard 'round the world") on April 19, 1775 5:00 am LMT Lexington, Massachusetts, this means we have a reliable sign and degree for the Revolution's very visible 10th house Pluto @26Cap41:33. As far as I know, there's no debate on this timing as there are with America's founding horoscopes.

And when we symbolically progress the American Revolution Horoscope to modern times, we find that a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022 although not all astrologers agree with this method of looking ahead at how things evolve based on an entity's or event's radix chart. Personally I have no qualms with it and use the method as often as I like. So here's a view of April 1775's 'First Shot' Horoscope that started it all with the Revolution's SP New Moon notated. To me the timing of the July 2022 SP New Moon symbolically resonates with current insurrection events that its promoters like to call an 'American Revolution' (or 'Civil War2') and of course all New Moon phases are periods when plans are being seeded for new beginnings.

Below is a dual image of the 4th and 5th Pluto Returns with the first three exact Returns having already occurred on: April 5, 2021, May 19, 2021, and January 23, 2022:

Rounding up powerful Pluto's degree to "27 Capricorn" we have: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" which vibes with America's earliest founding days and the floating capstone and Eye of Horus atop the 13-step pyramid of power which we see in various forms such as America's Great Seal:

"27Capricorn" = "PERSEVERANCE; positive expression: a total reconcilation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worth-while task at hand; negative expression" (shadow side; unconscious - jc): "satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false values" (M. E. Jones). Well, as an ancestral 'Child of the Revolution', I much prefer the positive expression, and I consider writing Stars Over Washington these 17 years to be a worth-while task.

Now pyramids are, of course, symbolic of the mountain archetype, a Capricorn mountain goat affair with Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the sign of government, law, and business. As you know, America reached the pinnacle of these realms and has instituted surveillance techniques extraordinaire but her global dominance now wanes - which marks a 'good' time for anarchists and zealots, both foreign and domestic, to forcefully take control of our nation, now erroneously under the bizarre sway of minority rule.

Unless We The People band together and stop the anarchists at the ballot boxes of 2022 and 2024. Let's persevere on behalf of American Democracy! For as Thom Hartmann always says, Democracy is not a spectator sport - get active!

Jul 28, 2016

July 28, 2016: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her"

As former senator Hillary Clinton delivers her history-making presidential nomination acceptance speech tonight at the DNC, yours truly will be wondering about many historical things such as the obverse (unconscious; feminine) side of America's Great Seal with its Eye of Horus (son of Isis!) and the 13-step pyramid of power. Another wonderment is the hidden meaning of our nation's long list of male presidents (covert side) which, unless there's a Republican coup of the Venusian Oval Office or a landslide for Trump (and there could be either or both), will soon flip over to a female Commander-in-Chief.

Political Pundits: Why Has It Taken the US So Long to Elect a Woman President?

The political class ask this with eyes wide as if they weren't in on the game! For it seems to me that this change was meant to be and its timing no accident. My assertion is that the 'breaking of the glass ceiling' imagery used in the DNC video to signify a woman breaking through to the top tier of power brings to fruition more symbolism than the American people are allowed to glimpse or understand--it's the nature of mysticism with secret motives to hide information in plain sight.

Actually, such esoteric topics as the Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus have turned up previously on Stars Over Washington.

For the curious, here is a 14-minute presentation on The Story of The Great Seal of the United States (part 1 of 2) which includes its history, the selection of mystical symbols on its covert and obverse sides, and how VP Henry Wallace (a 32nd-degree Freemason and occultist) brought the seal's obverse Illuminati-inspired symbols to the attention of President Franklin Roosevelt (also a 32nd-degree) who, with little if any public explanation, had the symbols placed on the back of the dollar bill, as the legend goes:

"A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" is the Sabian Symbol for 1 Aries with 'the ocean' a well known symbol of the unconscious in dreams, and more universally of the Collective Unconscious in the Mundane Astrology lens through which I tend to view Politics here on SO'W. Obviously the symbol's 'seal' represents America's Great Seal, and the 'woman' is, as it turns out, Hillary Clinton who seeded the New Millennium at midnight on New Year's Eve with husband and President Bill Clinton as the calendar of a new century turned over and our national phallic symbol and Egyptian obelisk, the Washington Monument, was decked out in celebratory lights. Our then-First-Lady has waited through 8 years of the Obama presidency to reach this point in 2016--the year which was always part of the game plan, imho.

For it's possible that the significance of switching to a lady president is at the very Foundation of America via our natal horoscope if we use July 4, 1776 at 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA (where the DNC 2016 happens to be located) for this moment places a Cardinal World Point of 00Aries+ on the IC, the Basis of the nation's founding. Round up the degree to 1 Aries and we get the above pregnant-with-meaning symbol. Of course, a horoscope's IC Point also reveals hints about the Draining and the Ending of an endeavor but that's a fret for a distant day. jc

Jun 10, 2013

US Mercury '25Can': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"

Given my real world schedule, it would be an impossible task to provide in this post a list of current links to articles, videos, and interviews concerning the NSA/PRISM/data-mining/Snowden issues now dominating the 24/7 cycle of the news, and I trust you may find them for yourself as you wish. In fact, such news would be difficult for anyone to miss these days unless they inhabit an underground cave with no Internet connection or phone signal.

And as I always wonder, what should we be attending to when the circus masters of the media say, Look Here, American public! What's going on in an opposite direction that the powers-that-be want us to ignore?

Leaving that question aside for the moment, I wish to further mention notes on America's natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 @24Can11 = '25Cancer') and its Sabian Symbol as given by both Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar. Their word pictures for '25 Cancer' vary slightly and does the Solar Fire symbol used in the title of this post.

"25Can" (MEJ): "A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder"...DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; Negative (shadow side--jc): a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

(Note the use of "unwarranted presumption" similar to warrantless wiretaps.)

Here's Baraka!

Now let's consider the entire interpretation by Dane Rudhyar for '25Can' = "A Will-Full Man Is Overshadowed By a Descent of Superior Power."

"We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing life's problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in *Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner and uncommon ENDOWMENT."

Naturally, with the symbol's "Providential assistance" we are reminded of the Founding Fathers' use of Illuminati symbols upon America's Great Seal, symbols which were placed on the dollar bill under the Franklin Roosevelt administration (he, a Freemason as were many Founding Fathers including numero uno President George Washington)--the pyramid with the floating capstone and the Eye of Providence (or of Horus) that we now know symbolizes total and complete surveillance of the American people and of the entire globe.

E pluribus unum indeed.

Though to be fair, similar symbols had been used by other secret societies besides the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) yet infiltration of other societies has been an oft-used tactic to direct and maintain control over events and outcomes. I believe we see that this is same tactic now used by anti-government types who've infiltrated the US Congress in order to collapse the US government and cull the people in Darwin-esque fashion.

Yes, America's natal Mercury (Rx: inward spying!) is opposed by powerful Pluto Rx in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business (and Saturnian control and restriction) and has been addressed here many times, plus, Pluto's legendary Cape of Invisibility is certainly a large part of our spying picture of manipulation, oppression, and secrecy. When born or founded with a Mercury-Pluto opposition dangerous secrets are dealt with and are sometimes used against opponents when blackmail is deemed a necessary tactic.

*Now Sufi philosophy's concept of the perfect man in some ways seems to tally with Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati theory that man can through reason perfect himself and is in no need of rules, government, religion, etc.

And of course, 'reason' points to The Enlightenment era (the 'Age of Reason') and its planetary significator, the Uranus-Neptune duo. And since I've typed much on SO'W about this combo and its effects that work against society's best interests--meeting in Great Conjunction @'18Cap' as they did three times in 1993 and creating what I at least use as a natal horoscope of the modern-day 'new world order' that now spies on us--I shall add little to the wordage today--except to remind us all of the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' of Uranus-Neptune since it touches upon the topic of this post:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship"...POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers. Keywords: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." (DR.)

Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; Negative" (shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (MEJ.)

Uranus (progress; technological advances; Science; genius) and Neptune (surveillance, masks, veils, secrecy; the masses; the media) joined forces in 1993 with presidents Bush Sr and Bill Clinton handing them the wrenches with which to destroy the American public's right to personal privacy and thereby fatally wounding our democracy.

Apr 22, 2013

Sibel Edmonds: Who's at the Top of the Power Pyramid? (video)

Happy Earth Day 2013! Here is a video excerpt (part 6) of Sibel Edmonds revealing who is at the top of Earth's pyramid of power. The presentation lasts over an hour so put on your fuzzy slippers, pour a cup of tea (or whatever), and have a listen, if you dare:

As always, follow the money!

Oct 5, 2009

NWO, Spirit, and Jupiter's Direct Station 10.13.09

A blog that is new to me and has distinct possibilities as a resource on Spirit and the NWO is authored by Jim - no surname, just Jim.

Check out his 2 or 3 articles, particularly the one on Ken Wilbur and the NWO where it is stated that Bill Clinton and All Gore are frontmen for the New World Order. Now that's the sort of thing stated on this blog for years so it's nice to see it written elsewhere in an essay that adds to the debate. In fact, I prefer to point at all US presidents of the last several decades as NWO frontmen, or shills...each operates as a "propaganda catapulter" as George Bush called himself, in a moment of glaring presidential truth before cameras and microphones.

Plus, we have Jupiter's Direct Station coming on Oct 13, 2009 @ 17AQ10 = '18AQ': "A Man Unmasked." You will note that the 10N 'Unmasking Eclipse' manifested on that degree Feb 7, 2008; paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology the flavor of the 10 North Series is: 'frustrating events come along having to do with paperwork (missing White House emails, leaked memos?), news, or young people; emphasis on communications; one feels tired and drained.' The actual degree of the Solar Eclipse of 2.7.08 was 17AQ45.

Perhaps Bush-Cheney-Rove administration issues may resurface for further consideration (if indeed they ever leave us at all) but will it be 'Jupiter the Judge' or Jupiter's protection for the culprits? Plus, financial pursuits can be forwarded once Jupiter moves ahead in the zodiac - yet on the other hand, 17AQ is said to be the 'end of progress' degree, isn't it?

Jupiter's Direct Station occurs at 12:34:18 am edt in Washington, DC, with Jupiter just into 7th house (from the 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, Transformation, etc - 8th cusp 19AQ20); Mars 28Can15 is rising, ASC 28Can45 with South Node, a separative point and Saturnian Tail of the Dragon (SN 26Can26.)

Mars conj SN indicates a loner who makes his own decisions without listening to others (which would surprise me if this Mars/SN signifies a US president who isn't as powerful as they pretend to be due to other forces pulling strings - but he is a loner outstanding in his field, and Mr. Obama may not listen to his generals - moneybags Jupiter is also 'the general' or 'the guru.')

Mars/SN may also indicate one who questions the militaristic values and actions of his society (isn't there a March on Washington scheduled for Oct 12?), and can describe one whose actions and desires are out of harmony with societal standards. He (Mars) may act at the wrong time and place (SN) in an angry, frustrated manner. (Sakoian and Acker's The Astrologer's Handbook.)

SN conjunc ASC = strong individualism, lack of popularity, inhibited actions. Well, this does sound like the president concerning sending more troops to Afghanistan - as if America can afford it! Mars/SN has a 'violence and war' component, too.

The ASC 28Can45 brings up the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse (11S) @ 29Can27 as well, and the 11S Ecl is being triggered by transiting Mars. Look for some systems to fail, with new ideas and methods needed to deal with events (Brady, as cited above.) Mars may operate on a physical level as instigator of the Eclipse's influence (so do be cautious, m'peops.)

In the chart, Mars rules 10th house of Career and Public Status (Mc 14Ari34) and 5th h of Risk-Taking and Creative Projects (5th cusp 20Sco54.)

So from the looks of the Jupiter Direct Station chart set for Washington, the 11S Eclipse's influence will be of immediate (ASC) consideration on the president's desk (and already is, but now with Jupiter direct. Will war monies be appropriated?)

Sun 19Lib59 (4th house) and Moon 13Leo54 (1st h and conjunct President Obama's natal Sun) make for a theatrical, high-minded, diplomatic Sun Lib/Moon Leo blend whose Images for Integration are:

'A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest...The managing director throws a birthday party...A political idealist is crowned leader by his adoring followers.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

The only birthday I can think of just now is of the White House itself (Oct 13, 1792; natal Moon 24/25Vir, a degree area where the transiting Venus, Saturn, Mercury trio has been visiting of late; Virgo, sign of Health, Work, and Service.)

You can tell from the first image that the Sun Lib/Moon Leo combo of energies is shared natally by the play's author, Oscar Wilde, who instructively said, "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

Yet in Washington, DC, dividing people - Ds vs Rs, liberals vs conservatives, lower vs upper classes - is the only way politicians can conquer and stay at the top of the pyramid of power, for if we-the-people fully realized the power in numbers that we hold, the NWO train could be stopped in its tracks and Congress could return to serving the needs of the American people.


Update 10.5.09 - this just in - as if we didn't know: the Treasury and the Fed lied (under Bush) to the American people last Fall about the health of banks! Call Myrtle in from the barn, she'll want to hear about this...

For more reading see this on the 13-step pyramid of power, Lehman Brothers, the IMF, and related subjects.

And if you haven't, please answer the 'Obama/NWO shill' poll at the bottom of this page. Thanks! Jude

Mar 24, 2009

Purposes of the G20 Summit April 2009

The New American has an article by William F. Jasper concerning the upcoming G20 Summit in London which declares its intent.

The G20 Push to 'Supersize' the IMF contains links to several recent articles about the many shout-outs for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to become an international Federal Reserve System - such as UK PM Gordon Brown's call before a joint session of the US Congress on March 4, 2009 to inflate the power of the IMF.

This is the global economy 'solution' they want the world to plead for based on their manufactured econo-crisis of 2008-09 and beyond.

And in case you missed it, here's a post from Sept 2008 on the 13-step pyramid of power shown on the back of America's Great Seal with the all-seeing-eye at apex (viewable on the back of a dollar bill) representing the IMF which has its baleful eye on you, me, and our bank accounts.

If the G20 power-mongers have their way, the IMF's transcendence over all may signify the obverse of the Great Seal becoming our guide into the rest of the 21st century...the better to see you with, m'dear, for it will be 'unconscious' no more.

Feb 16, 2009

IMF plans proceed for martial law in US

Yes, you've probably seen this article from Chris Hedges, published today. But in case there's one person who sashays into this blog and hasn't seen it, I'm posting a link to Bad News from America's Top Spy because all Americans, accustomed to civil rest for decades now, should be aware that martial law is being planned to quell the 'civil conflict or disturbance' the ruling class fully expect to occur due to the worsening economic crisis (which they created for their dominion purposes - they have us in a bit of a Catch-22 trap, don't they?

And for those who doubt that the 'new international economic order' or 'New World Order' - is part of the ruling class' plan, think how desperate millions of people are in the US (and there are civil riots ongoing in other areas of the globe now) and how many sources - including the ones in the article - are predicting the same revolt in the US.

No, you may not be surprised who's doing the predicting - the International Monetary Fund - the IMF, which is the entity sitting atop the apex of the US dollars' 13-step pyramid of power according to Robert Hieronmus in his book, Founding Fathers, Secret Societies.

Who Rules the World? The IMF. And they're readying for our dissent.


See a few of my notes on the WTO's troubles in 1999 at the so-called Battle in Seattle.

Sep 18, 2008

Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984

Update November 19, 2019: Its link is now dead so I've removed a link that had led to an article by Sam Marcy, explaining the root cause of the Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984.

Reaganites thought that the 'capitalist recovery' would save them if they could hang on until after the election in spite of Middle East adventurism, war in Central America, and other nefarious US dealings in the world.

Democrats were emphasizing the federal deficit and high interest rates - meanwhile 11 million Americans were unemployed with as many more partially unemployed. Sound familiar yet?

Sam Marcy's article was from April 26, 1984 and details David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission as it was warmly greeted by its previous opponent, Ronald Reagan, when they met in Washington DC just before the article was written.

If it were available you cold read how Mr. Marcy refers to the Trilateralists as "this supernationalist body of imperialist politicians, bankers, and industrialists." He goes on, "Never was interest in the state of the economy as high as it is now. Never before were all the lines between Wall Street and Washington so intimately tied together."

Well, they became more intimate, as we know.

And with the upcoming transit of restrictive Saturn to America's natal Neptune in 9th house of Philosophy (the 'grim reality' transit) it popped out on the page when I read Marcy's statement that, "Beneath the aura of optimism, there suddenly comes like a flood of light, the grim reality of the state of the capitalist system. This happened just last week when one of the most powerful investment and banking combines in this country - the 134-year-old Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb - was forced to sell out to an even larger financial octopus, the mammoth Shearson-American Express."

This sent a "quake through the entire structure of finance capital," says Marcy.

Now it's 24 years later - two Jupiter cycle$ - and the recovery of the 90s now reveals capitalism's instability in the New Millennium as we contemplate Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism which tells the tale even more starkly and from a later perspective, of course.

Now here's the Who Rules the World list which you may have seen before - this version is from Robert Hieronimus' book,
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, and I shall post it in reverse order with the base first.

These are said to be represented by the 13-step pyramid with the all-seeing eye at apex on the back of a dollar bill:

13. Secret Societies (such as: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons)

12. Communism, Socialism, and all isms (the most visible aspect of the apparatus)

11. Income and Estate Taxes

10. Tax-free Foundations

9. SEATO, NATO and other front alliances

8. Common Market, Atlantic Union

7. United Nations

6. Federal Reserve System and other central banks

5. UN banking complex

4. Council on Foreign Relations

3. Business Advisory Council

2. Bilderbergers

1. Political Zionism

Apex: International Monetary Fund

The Fed flooded the world with money this morning beginning at 3:00 am Eastern Time (when markets open overseas) but last I heard, no one was much impressed.

Update 3.14.10: 2009 was the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the inflationary duo of grand schemes and bubbles, with their last hook-up in December 2009 conjunct US natal Moon = little sense of reality; tendency to dream. We've been had, folks.

Excess liquidity is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in so now we're swimming in deeper waters as Republican candidate John McCain hopes the newly proposed "trust" will get him through the November election - similar to the Republican optimism of 1984.