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Jul 23, 2009

Ron Paul speaks truth to the Fed's lies: video

At least one man on Capitol Hill is speaking truth to the Fed's lies and shell game: Rep. Ron Paul, but the picture he describes reveals the deliberate crashing of America. For the deliberate crashing of California, see previous post.

Highway Robbery in California

From LACity:

'Sacramento's Dangerous Shell Game

by Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor of the City of Los Angeles

July 22, 2009


This [budget] deal -- and the system that produced it -- reflects a clear abdication of our state's responsibility to provide critical services to its taxpayers.

The City of Los Angeles alone could stand to lose nearly $275 million in revenue and services this fiscal year. That includes up to $120 million in property taxes and $60 million in gas tax funds that the state is under no obligation to repay.

These cuts are simply unacceptable. They take aim at our City's purse strings while our local families get caught in the middle. They target our efforts to stimulate the economy, and gun down new investments in infrastructure, job creation, and the green economy.

We will not stand for highway robbery, and we are currently evaluating every legal option at our disposal to ensure that Los Angeles does not suffer from the misguided priorities of this budget proposal.'


A glaring part of the big plan to gut states, create a large centralized government, and meld America into a one world government. And they use World Peace as a cover! jc

Jul 22, 2009

Missing trillions of the Fed and the last quarter of 2007

Testifying on Capitol Hill yesterday, Fed head Ben Bernanke says he doesn't know which foreign banks received trillions of dollars from the US, but says the funds were dispersed beginning in the last quarter of 2007.

Let's see now, perhaps Astrology can jar Ben's memory...ah yes, what happened on Dec 11, 2007 at 2:34 pm est in Washington, a mere 19 minutes after the Fed announced an interest rate cut?

It was something BIG to do with plutocrats and very wealthy people and well-heeled bankers and those who manage large projects...oh yeah - the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto with critical degree '20 Capricorn' at Midheaven (The WHY? Point) and the midpoint of plutocratic Pluto/Chiron ruling over all from the top vantage point.

('20 Cancer' is also a critical degree, of course, and is at Ic. If you follow the link, click chart to enlarge for better viewing.)

Funny story though - along with Pluto/Chiron and Jupiter/Chiron at Mc that day was a signature of hidden identity and/or confused purpose: Sun/Neptune.

Sun/Neptune = Mc: emotional stress in the profession; weakness; impressionability; susceptibility.

And the Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction itself? Snugged upon the 9th house of Foreign Lands, the names of which Mr. Bernanke cannot now recall.

As I and others have been saying for some time: audit the Fed!

BBC News on the July 21/22 Solar Eclipse: video link

BBC News has covered the Solar Eclipse of last evening (10:34 edt, USA) with photos, video, and commentary.

Jul 21, 2009

Solar Eclipse and Jupiter's been kerpow'd! July 21/22, 2009

Well, I was starting the think this Newsletter about this evening's Solar Eclipse would never arrive; oh, and something hit Jupiter:

Space Weather News for July 21, 2009

SOLAR ECLIPSE: The longest total eclipse of the 21st century is about to begin. It starts just hours from now at approximately 9 pm EDT on July 21 (0100 UT on July 22nd). The path of totality crosses many major cities in India and China, setting the stage for possibly the best-observed eclipse in history.

Photos from the path of totality will be posted on SpaceWeather as the event unfolds.

COSMIC COLLISION: Evidence is mounting that something did hit Jupiter no more than a few days ago.

The impact site (a dark "scar" in Jupiter's clouds) was discovered on July 19 by Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley, and NASA astronomers quickly confirmed the find. Infrared photos posted on today's edition of SpaceWeather News are consistent with an asteroid or comet strike on the giant planet. The debris zone in Jupiter's clouds is itself as wide as a small planet, making it an easy target for backyard telescopes.

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: For less than the cost of a night at the movies, you can get real time space weather alerts on your cell phone and never miss another big solar flare or geomagnetic storm.

Sign up for SpaceWeather PHONE.


Astrologically, I've written so often about tonight's Eclipse at '29 Cancer' that I'm Eclipsed out, both here and on Jude's Threshold (see sidebar of Pages for Eclipse charts.)

But as far as people who share a Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer personality blend, I shall add a quote by such a one, a quote that someone may find useful in this crazy world:

"But I want first of all to be at peace with myself...I want to live an inner harmony, essentially spiritual, which can be translated to outer harmony."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

PBS' 'Cracking the Mayan Code': text link

In April 2008, PBS first presented Cracking the Mayan Code so click to read the transcript, if you like.

Astrology of Health Care Reform: 1994 vs 2009

Following my own thread of interest from my previous post on surveillance of the eye of Horus and Health Care Reform, I was lead to a page in Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium, which states that, "On Jan 11, 1994, virtually all of the planets aligned with a New Moon in conservative Capricorn. It fell in the 6th house (Health; Work; Service) in Washington, representing Clinton's massive effort to reform health care that year."(paperback, p. 245.)

Meece continues, "It failed due to pressure by the health care insurance industry, and served only to rally the 'opposition to big government' led by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, whose birthday is January 11. In November 1994 (right after a Solar Eclipse), Republicans took control of Congress in a surprise victory, and genuine reform was over--at least for the moment.

The New Moon of January 11, 1994 seemed to shake up the world in other ways: six days later a huge earthquake struck Los Angeles, leading to the largest relief effort in US history (6h house.)" Largest up to that time, of course.

The 1994 stellium in Capricorn included: Mars, Venus, Neptune, Moon, Sun, Uranus, and Mercury...woo! Missing are the societal planets, Jupiter (Sco) and Saturn (AQ), and transpersonal Pluto (Scorpio.) If you'd like to set up this chart, the New Moon 21Cap30:51 was exact over the Capitol Building at 6:10:20 pm est with asteroid, Hygeia (health), conjunct the transiting midpoint of the plutocratic pair of oppression and corporatism, Pluto/Chiron.

Apparently, Hygeia was hidden away in Pluto/Chiron's back pocket!

Pluto relates to surgery, of course, and Chiron, associated with health through its 'wounded healer' fame, is in 2nd house of Values, Self-Worth, Money and Earning Ability, and is Rx at 8Vir56. The Sabian Symbol for '9Vir' is: "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing" and one supposes that he did, for it's 2009 and America still have no health plan that makes treatment affordable and available to all her citizens.

Then when I Googled 'January 11, 1994' this turned up on the Superhighway Summit of Jan 11, 1994, held at UCLA, presided over by then-VP Al Gore, and shown live on C-SPAN.

Lily Tomlin's Ernestine character made a surprise cameo at the summit and was assured by Mr. Gore of the coming ease and availability of the 'information superhighway' for all Americans. That America's web and internet development falls far behind many countries of the world in these matters is now well-known, but in 1994, all seemed possible and was easily promised.

Except, as it turned out, health care reform for Americans, who are forced by an imperialist government to spend all our tax monies, not for our own needs or care, but on policing the world through perpetual wars that have bankrupted our nation.

Now lest you think I'm deluded by the 'R vs D' nonsense on the health care reform issue (or on any other), I assure you I am sufficiently suspicious of DC politicians to envision Clinton and the Dems of 1994 as only pretending to work for massive improvements while protecting the insurance and med industries, and using the GOP take-over of Congress as a shield to hide its own lack of support for health care reform.

Then, as now, Democrats take money from health industries, too, and who knows which stocks are held in whose portfolios?

But that's Pluto/Chiron for you: class warfare of the power elite vs the common man and woman.

As for the elite, we'll see if 2009 and President Obama's current health care initiatives turn out to be more of same as in 1994 - and the proof will be in the ultimate results for the health care of the American people.

The real reason behind the Digital TV switch

Was there an ulterior motive for the big push to Digital TV from the old analog frequencies?

Why, shore there was! And here's an article with a few things to think about as you use your credit and debit cards, your medical or grocery store-scanned discount cards, passports, and many other personal belongings where 'ere you roam.

Ex-IBM Employee Reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips the better to scan and track you with, m'dear, even down to the Gillette Fusion blades scraping against your 5 o'clock shadow.

'RFID' is shorthand for Radio Frequency Identification Devices, but whether you call them 'Spychips' or 'transponder chips', tracking you with them is the reason the analog frequencies were made available for government spying and for, one assumes, control of goods, services, and people.

Most consumers have no idea why it was done other than to sell new TVs. But do you know anyone who's gone ga-ga over the so much better quality picture and sound that were promoted as the 'big benefit' of the much-touted Digital switch?

As long as I'm wearing my government-conspiracy foil hat, I may as well say that perhaps the big push toward Health Care Reform has something to do with collecting everyone's DNA! Do you trust them not to use our personal medical info in some manipulative way - no matter who's in office? Really? Never known the gov to lie and cover up? Oh dear. Is there room under that rock? I may want to join you.

Well, it all puts me in mind of the all-seeing eye of Horus pictured above, a symbol of the Illuminati (known for its many spies) which America adopted as an emblem for the Great Seal of the US (reverse side) and later used to decorate our paper money - which indicates that if the RFID-Digital TV switch tale is true, it isn't just about finding lost Fido and Fluffy anymore.

Jul 20, 2009

Annual Bohemian Grove meeting: Week of 7.20.09

That time has rolled around again for the annual satanic-ritual-infested Bohemian Grove meeting of the Illuminati, 80 miles north of San Francisco, California.

Click and you'll find that Richard Nixon's opinion of the celebration is noted as well...sassy stuff.

And just added to this blog's sidebar is a link to the '1001 Club' membership list (see 'On America') which names quite a few secretive movers and shakers - some departed, some still with us - and most entries have bios included while their high-handedness keeps on giving the world troubles and chaos galore.

But go ahead and check out the above-linked article if you wonder how the (political) sex addicts of the Bohemian Grove satanist crowd are enjoying their week's revelries.

Look about: you may notice a politician of your own realm who is mysteriously missing-in-action over the next few days, the cheeky monkey.

Perhaps you should give him a ringy-dingy in the Grove just to see how things are shakin'.

Horoscope of the 1st Moon Landing: Jup/Uran/Moon

Here is the chart for the First Moon Landing by Apollo 11 commandeered by Neil Armstrong, co-piloted by Buzz Aldrin, and presumably photographed from an orbit above by Michael Collins.

The chart is set for the White House, DC, primarily because of the political nature of the landing - or pseudo-landing, as some still insist - with the Moon's position in the zodiac used as a timer - Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus conjoined at 00Lib40 at 2:36 am edt, Washington, DC.

The Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus mark the start of new cycles of breakthroughs including scientific ones, adventurous explorations, inventions, and lucky opportunities. Inventions have certainly come out of NASA's space program.

You'll find this interesting planetary combination masterfully covered in Anne Whitaker's book, Jupiter Meets Uranus which I like so well I've reviewed the book on Amazon and highly recommend it to you.

Well, I'm at my drafting table today, but took a break to post the chart that to me symbolizes the 1st Moon Landing of July 20, 1969 - today is its 40th anniversary. I was in front of the TV 40 years ago and among the scammed if anyone was. That Neil Armstrong has retained his silence all these years seems a little disturbing, but more disturbing is the midpoint picture formed on that day and in effect no matter which hour you use for the actual landing...

...see lower left corner for a partial listing of its meanings, but here's all of it...the apex planet is secretive yet wealthy Pluto, with his ultimate coping abilities, but Pluto is conjunct US natal Neptune, a time when power can become an illusion or can be slowly eroded and undermined; there are political, economic, and physical power struggles with Pluto having the upper hand; the Soviet Union had bested the US by launching Sputnik I on Oct 4, 1957, the actual beginning of the Space the US government had many reasons to fake this Moon Landing if it seemed politically necessary. It did.

You see that Pluto 23Vir00 is also conjunct the transiting South Node of the Moon, a separative point that with transformative Pluto indicates war, primal violence, and old grievances about control issues...

Sun/Neptune = tr Pluto: use of the spiritual, psychic, or illusory as a force for persuasion; a fateful deception or illusion; extremely high sensitivity.

One chart factor isn't enough to toss out the baby, I agree, but this major midpoint picture is included to illustrate a main theme of July 20, 1969.

And if we look at the US natal chart (Sibly) with its 00Lib53 Midheaven (Goal/Aspiration Point - '00Libra' is a World Point of Prominence) we have a crop of pictures to consider...

Moon/Jupiter = n Mc: social-minded or religious person; confidence; popularity; the joy of expectation.

Moon/Jup = tr Uranus: love of enterprise; confidence; hilarity; sudden good fortune.

Moon/Uranus = n Mc: great energy and excitement; the pursuit of ambitious aims; ready for action; tending to interfere suddenly.

Moon/Uranus = tr Jupiter: aims on a grand scale; a lucky hand in enterprises; satisfied ambitions.

Jupiter/Uranus = n Mc: optimism; fortunate powers of adaptability; attaining good knowledge and understanding; a fortunate turn in life; comfortably becoming known for who one is (a cheat? hope not. -jc)

Jup/Uran = Moon: opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success; far-sightedness; good intuition. (All midpt pics by Tyl and Ebertin, and may operate in an any, all, or none fashion. The US natal Mc gave the Jupiter/Uranus energy an outlet for manifestation; Moon came along and triggered the publicity and keyed the public's attention.)

Hopefully a simple click will enlarge the chart image for you and my chicken-scratch notations will appear with more details, such a Water Grand Trine between Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and NN. A Kite pattern was formed between NN (the Kite's tail, which puts Pluto/SN/US natal Neptune as the lead directors), Mercury (the evening of July 19 was an annual US Mercury Return; Hour of Mercury), Neptune, and Pluto.

Neptune and Pluto together are the signature of the industrial Robber Barons (1890s) who were hoping that metals, gems, and/or water would be discovered on the Moon. With NASA's and Washington's newly stirred interest in going back, perhaps they're hoping still.

Well, this Kite was definitely flyin' high, wasn't it? But did it really land on the surface of the Moon? What do you think?


Wikipedia has more info on Moon landings than you can shake a film producer's wand at, if you're interested.