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Feb 12, 2010

AARP video of Hope from the Lost Generation

If you haven't experienced this wonderful video, give yourself a well-deserved treat!

As I watched, it struck me as being a Valentine to the World in spite of the secret and not-so-secret manipulations of the political class and their global banking masters.

Makes me want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to All!


ps: the video isn't actually by AARP, but by a young lady won 2nd place in an AARP contest - do check it out.

Aspartame under any other name

Rather than removing the devilish food additive and fake sweetener from the world's food supply, its maker has renamed aspartame under a new moniker meant to deceive with 'naturalness'!

Aspartame under any other name is still seriously injurious to human health. Please click the link if you wish to read a brief history of the chemical aspartame along with a heads-up on its sneaky name change.


Well, it's our turn in Georgia for a snowstorm today - flakes are headed this way as I type so this may be my last post for a while if our white-out turns into a black-out...hope everyone is keeping safe, warm, and dry!

Feb 11, 2010

Make mine 'Constant Comment' with lemon

Confused by who's inviting whom to tea and why?

at-Largely has the clearest explanation of the Tea Party phenomenon that I've run across to date.

Seems the old 'Boston Tea Party' of Freemasons dressed in Indian costumes and dumping the East India Company's tea in the harbor has reached across the centuries, doesn't it? But someone's confused because there's more to the corporate angle than the GOP would have us believe now that they've appropriated what was originally a (well-deserved) grass roots reaction to bad governing.

It's a pity that America's long-standing wound of racism has taken a seat at their tea table, imo.

Yes, it was while living in Washington DC that I first tasted Constant Comment tea and fell in love with its orange and clove flavors. And if I were snowed in there this week as I once was then, I'd be having a steaming cup with my scramblies, toast, and jam. Actually, they allow cups of Constant Comment to steam in Georgia, too, and perhaps I shall indulge this solidarity.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now

Little did I know in the 70s that 'constant comment' would one day be a theme in my life bwo blogging. So if you have a comment to leave here, feel free! But do note that vexing or bully-ragging the host/author is not appreciated...pretend you're at a tea party and be courteous, please.

Feb 10, 2010

Paul Krugman says Obama "clueless"

This article by economist Paul Krugman will have to be re-read for I'm not certain the grain of salt I'm taking it with is large enough. Perhaps I'll mosey over to my neighbor's pasture - a serious salt lick may be needed.

So Mr. Krugman says that President Obama is "clueless" but I'll let him explain himself on that point.

My question: were the outrageous bonuses now being paid based on earlier contracts (during Bush's term) or where they not? If so, this too may have been part of a long-range plan - but the practice should now be shoved off the corporate table for those companies the American people have kept afloat with our tax dollars, at the least.

One thing that would explain all of the financial heisting, thefts, and deceptions under George Bush and continuing under Pres. Obama is just what FDR said: that nothing in politics is an accident - if it happens, you can be sure it was planned that way. Therefore, all is going reasonably close to how it was planned - the crashing of the world economy so that a new economic order can be set up.

If Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz opened up on what they know about the power elite's world-domination agenda I could put away the salt shaker that goes into service each time I read something they've written. It isn't that what they write seems incorrect, it's that it doesn't go deeply enough into what's really going on, therefore conclusions are lamer than they should be. They punt rather than kick.

And it's difficult to believe that both of these world class economists are totally unaware of more than what they write about - or that Mr. Obama isn't part of the NWO agenda.

Well, that's my 2 cents' worth on a 'clueless' Obama who came into office and immediately studded his cabinet with many of the financial culprits who now pretend to care whether you lose your job or not! With that kind of behavior, how "clueless" could he really be? (Appointments as payback for getting him elected? That's no better, and still doesn't mean the President is "clueless"...more the opposite.)

So if Mr. Krugman's article is an attempt to plant propaganda that the President isn't part of the Really Big Picture, it isn't working here.

Is it working for you? Got salt?

Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return Feb 10, 2010

When President took his (first) Oath of Office on Jan 20, 2009 at noon est, Capitol Building, Mercury was Rx (resulting in his second oath-taking and plans gone awry as we've seen) and @ 00AQ41, a degree Mercury revisits today at 3:39 pm est.

The oppressive and transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint now stomps upon Inaugural 2009 Mercury along with the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, all at 00AQ+. Any, all, or none may apply:

Nep/Plu = Mercury thinking and acting while under strange influences; the inability to think independently (yet pretend that, as President, you are in control!); many plans incapable of realization; sensitive nerves; learning how to gain control or power; gathering info about transformation; communications are other than they appear; deception as a strategy; loss of centering. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

In the Mercury Return chart set for DC today, Mercury is setting on the Descendant 28Cap52 which places US natal Pluto setting as well. But perhaps more to the point, Mars 5Leo14R opposes Mercury, becoming exact in March. After mid-April this influence will dissipate.

Since astrological Mars represents males between the ages of 25 to 36 (give or take a year or so), one wonders if Presidential security should be upped. Certainly the President's announcements and plans are being argued against by martian-minded opponents and his communications may be particularly under attack (I'm listening to Fresh Air now about cyber-security and all the hacking the US government has undergone for years now - it's gotten much worse and Mr. Obama was clued in on how crucial the problem is for America when he took office. His May 29 speech last year mentioned cyber-security importance.)

Mars is also apex planet in a YOD (Finger of God pattern; special task; crisis) between Jupiter and Pluto, a pattern I've mentioned in a previous post. In short, this indicates misdirected hostility from Mars, a crisis may permit a new start and the use of mobilized forces (sounds like something many people are concerned about in the US: imposition of martial law as the US gov's police state mask is removed for real. Forces are gathering.)

Asteroid Icarus 29Cap24, the risk-taker with a possible connection to assassination, is at a critical 29th degree, and conjs Mercury and US natal Pluto, a picture I do not care for. Asteroid Cupido (corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) still rides along with Pluto, the ultimate villain of the piece.

ASC 28Can52 gives Moon as chart-ruler yet Luna makes no applying aspects to planets, only a conjunction with North Node 20Cap56 ('20Cap' a critical degree) (4A06) and Moon is involved in a propaganda-esque midpoint picture - Snowpocalyse? Or...

Mercury/Pluto = Moon: obsessive needs for privacy or power; speaking from the heart convinces people; a woman with emotional communication power.

Well, there are several other factors of note in Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return chart for 2010 but the real world is calling my name and I must reply by motoring into the city.

Therefore, I highly recommend to you an article by Julie Demboski on the Empowerment of the New Moon during this Balsamic Moon phase, aka, the dark of the Moon. (New Moon Feb 13, 2010 @ 25AQ18 9:51 pm est.)

Adios, amigos!

Blizzard Warning for Washington, DC Feb 10, 2010


Blizzard Warning in effect for D.C. region until 7 p.m. Wednesday. Winds will increase to 20-30 mph with 45 mph gusts, reducing visibility and creating blizzard conditions. #

Years ago when I lived in DC there was a snowy winter or two but nothing like this!

Well, I'm glad to say that Bread for the City is a much-needed go-to for DC folks in need during the 2010 Snowpocalyse and beyond.

Feb 8, 2010

Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2010

Also known as Aries Ingress 2010, here is the horoscope for Spring Equinox 2010 when the Sun clocks in at 00Aries00, the Aries Point (AP), in the Tropical zodiac.

This chart is set for DC's Capitol Building, March 20, 2010 @ 12:32 pm est; Hour of the fluctuating Moon (see below: Moon conj Algol) but it should be set for 1:32 pm EDT. Mea culpa, but same chart even so.

For starters, 21Can12 rises which makes the Moon chart-ruler of Spring Equinox 2010's chart. Applying aspects of a chart-ruler tell the story of how things may proceed and here we see the Moon makes only applying aspects; in order they are:

1. sextile Uranus (0A33): opportunity; exciting possibilities;
2. square Neptune (1A10): blockage; separating fact from fiction nearly impossible;
3. sextile Sun (3A47): opportunity; the public relates easily with leadership;
4. square Chiron (2A09): blockage; high level of emotional awareness but too intense to learn from others;
5. trine Saturn (5A10): opportunity; respects tradition yet productive changes are seen as valuable; cautious, conservative, and creative.

Spring 2010 seems a bit of a roller coaster ride for the American people (Moon) and with Neptune visiting US natal Moon 27AQ10, we feel a sense of rootlessness continuing with foreclosures, loss of "our America" to unseen forces, refugee concerns, and homeland security - above all, security - appearing on the gigantic tab that Washington politicians are running up in our name -- and ultimately payable to who-knows-whom of foreign entities.

As usual, a large array of notes are scrunched onto the chart, but click to enlarge if you're daring or hapless.

There's the Sun 00Ari00 at Mc but on the less manifesting 9th house side of planning and preparation; Mercury 6Ari07 is conj MC and Uranus 26Pis46 is oriental (last planet to rise before the Sun; 'eastward') which brings elements of risk and danger to our picture - diversity appeals, innovation and adventure are on the menu for Spring 2010 (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Noel Tyl.)

Yes, rebellious Awakener Uranus is still in Pisces for the moment but will soon conjunct AP and this Sun; Uranus is posited in 9th house as is jolly guru, Jupiter, significator of the Republican Party. With 9th house Philosophy, Religion, and Higher Education connotations, the Republicans are busy retooling their platform and hoping that religion and ideology will grease the wheels of power for them once again in November elections. I refer to the propagandistic, knee jerk, religious chain-yanking the GOP has been politically successful with in the past.

(Here's my usual clue for such things: true ministers and pastors of God don't frequent Earth's worldly halls of power - duh.)

Be all that as it may, my main point today is about the opposition between Saturn 1Lib23 Rx and the Spring EQ Sun, an aspect in which both actors (planets) may feel threatened by the other. With Sun in a mundane chart signifying 'the leader' we may expect President Obama's travails to go on as he learns Saturn's lessons, mostly in his personal dealings (yet he acts as the people's 'rep' as we've been taught.)

Lack of confidence in himself and ours in him are at the base of the problem as the opposition phase of the most recent Sun/Saturn cycle culminates for Spring Equinox 2010 and carries it's cyclic energy forward into the season (and until their next conjunction.)

Often with a Sun/Saturn opposition, others won't allow the Sun room to expand so space must simply be taken anyway. Expanded debt ceiling? Done!

Now this particular Sun/Saturn cycle began on Sept 24, 2009 with their conj @ 24Vir59, then on to 25Vir00 because Saturn reached that degree while the Sun shone upon the old taskmaster; soon Sun joined Saturn again. Thing is, on 9.24.09, Uranus 24Pis38 Rx opposed their conj so any, all, or none of these midpoint pictures may apply:

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: the unexpected becomes commonplace; the need for people who bring excitement (Sarah Palin? jc); unexpected barriers or turns of events; computers or astrologers playing important roles (!! Astrologer in the White House again? jc); clashes between the old ways of doing things and the long-established ways; crises in relationships; separations; nervous or emotional tensions; a fluctuating attitude toward life; a fight for individuality. (All midpt pics on this blog are from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin.)

The theme of Sun/Saturn itself is one of discipline and determination lending purpose to one's goals. Obviously the blend has an air of authority, persistence, and respectability to it, yet inflexibility is an issue, as well as having to work very hard to overcome restrictions and criticisms coming from others. (Hey, wait a minute: did I just sum up most of Mr. Obama's presidential experiences so far?)

So for Spring EQ 2010 we find that the Sun has now moved from his previous conj with Saturn in Sept 2009 to a conj with progressive Uranus about 3 days prior to Aries Ingress 2010.

And with South Node already risen and Mars 00Leo53 (now moving Direct) in 1st house and rising, we have a Mars/SN = ASC picture I'd prefer to ignore other than to say that war and violence are the usual results with the Mars/SN blend. And NN 17Cap56 rounded up to '18Cap' points toward the degree that marks the modern beginning of the NWO: the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune on Oct 24, 1993 (3rd conj of three, 1993.)

Also rising in the 2010 EQ chart is Castor 20Can14 (Alpha Gemini), a Fixed Star whose twin, Pollux 23Can13(Beta Gemini), is always nearby. *Castor can indicate such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, or murder. Pollux indicates the possibility of disgrace, cruelty, rape, murder, poisons, thievery, danger from large animals or women (or large women? jc); astrology and the occult are also provinces of Pollux, the 'dark twin.' And with twins always representing polarities, Castor and Pollux are the most famous starry reps for the concepts of light/dark, black/white, positive/negative, etc. Both stars are linked to creativity, especially writing.

Highlighted (in red) is the T-Square pattern between the Sun/Saturn opposition as it squares apex Pluto 5Cap20 which has been blurbed upon here before. Its Cardinal energy shows a here-and-now imperative toward goals. That the goals belong to secret hand Pluto is what grumps me up the most. You?

Sun/Saturn = Pluto: illness causes developmental inhibitions; pressure to change one's entire value system (guess that's considered by some to be a broken 'system', too, a la the 'systems fail; reforms needed' Solar Eclipse of July 21, 2009 @ 29Can27; immune system breakdowns are indicated); threat of loss in relationships or to health ('health' or health insurance reform? jc); a disciplined person who wants and attracts power; increased will toward retaliating against others due to slights - 'paybacks'; overwhelming rigidity or inflexibility; elimination of pessimism or despair (ok, that last would be good. jc)

Plus, US natal Jupiter supplies the missing actor, energy, or point in the Cardinal T-Square which turns the T-SQ configuration into a Cardinal Grand Cross, and adds financial and ideological issues through Jupiter's influence and particpation.

Noel Tyl gives Sun/Saturn = Jupiter as: breakup of a value system or relationship for eventual recovery; a cloud with a silver lining.

Considering manipulative Pluto's tiresome intention to interfere in everything, we might then stretch a bit to include a second plutonian midpoint picture using Mercury 6Ari07...

Mercury/Saturn = Pluto: compulsive to ensure that information is indeed correct; serious incidents provoke the questioning of official communications; total communications breakdowns bring an end to doing business with others; brooding over one's destiny; toiling or grappling with unusual, special circumstances or problems.

Perhaps a bright spot in the Sun/Saturn T-Square with Pluto and the Sun/Saturn opposition itself is Mars acting as Thales Planet or Point: Mars sextiles Saturn and trines the Sun thus acting as a conduit for some of the pressure and tension of the opposition.

Another less heavy T-SQ is highlighted by dots:

NN/ASC = Venus: tactful treatment of or from others; focusing on values received from mutual participation (Rs cooperating with Ds? Personally I'm fatigued beyond all get-out with 'Rs vs Ds' dirty tricks against one another, tricks meant to ruin opponents, stop the people's business from being done, and divert our attention from implementation of their actual goals - yet they don't divert as much as play a part in veiling the class warfare being fought - against we-the-people. So far, we're losing for you can't fight what you refuse to recognize - jc.)

Well, you see the sensual Taurus Moon 26Tau13 in 11th house conjoining a nasty Fixed Star, Algol (Beta Perseus; aka, Caput Algol) 26Tau10. Chinese Astrology calls Algol Tseih She, meaning 'piled up corpses' and in Arabia the star is called, Ras al-Ghul, 'Head of the Demon' or 'wife of the devil.' Obviously, the concepts of feminine anger, rage, and passion are indicated here along with a connection to Lilith in the Talmud as a 'demon of the wind.'

Yes, the intense power of Mother Nature is also spotlighted by a reflection of Algol from the Spring Equinox 2010 Moon, and as always, Algol's deeply unconscious compulsion to take revenge will be better for all concerned if left unexpressed because when rage is that deep, there'll always be an inconvenient amount of blowback to unduly affect the innocent in harm's way.

If you dare click the chart to enlarge, you may read the questions I've posed concerning Saturn conj Ic. Restrictive Saturn will return to his degree in the 2010 Spring Equinox chart (1Lib23) on or about August 6, 2010 as he continues working over US natal Mc in our nation's Sibly chart (00Lib53.) But hopefully it's a good thing for our Real Estate issues for Spring 2010 that Saturn is actually out of 4th house and into 3rd even though he's close enough to affect 4th house with its Libra cusp. Perhaps the worst of US foreclosures and evictions are over - or at least will be ending soon.

Now if this sour post gives you a yen for more uplifting energies this Spring, you may wish to look again to the Divine Source of inspiration and life still available to us (this chart, in 8th house): Chiron conjunct Neptune, a spiritual pair now lighted affectionately upon the hearts and minds of the American people and available to all who wish to follow a higher path than the power brokers of Washington can ever offer to a living soul.

Yet tragically for the whole planet, US leaders continue to ignore we-the-people's deepest wishes for world peace as they arrogantly proceed with their determined, over-arching Sun/Saturn activities toward greater and encompassing control.

Well, I for one hopey-changey that they fail in forcing their one-world-government restrictions upon us...and with Sarah Palin's careless bomb-Iran threat most definitely included.

Update 2.11.10:

But who are we kidding? The US war machine doesn't need a Sarah Palin to promote it because with Mr. Obama at the helm, war has been ratched up, not slowed down - and certainly not ended as he pledged on Oct 27, 2007 when the Democratic candidate said (I suspect you remember this doozy):

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."

(But first check to be certain your bank wasn't closed by auditors overnight.)

Yes, I suspect you may also remember the elated applause from the audience when he mouthed what I thought then was an empty promise, typical during a political campaign. Having read Chalmers Johnson's book The Sorrows of Empire I knew the list of occupied countries was long. So as we know, Obama's bring-home-the-troops promise, above all others, is why the people thought they were voting for him. Saps.

Now, out of madness or for propaganda purposes, President Obama says he wants to increase the US nuclear arsenal, in spite of his recent SOTU Address when he said he "seeks a world without them." Yeah? If this is what he calls 'seeking' then finding will be a real b*tch.

Well, enough of my grumping (and pardon me for wanting a decent world to pass on to our children)...please read Laurence M. Vance's article Same Empire, Different Emperor where you'll find a disturbingly long list of the countries and territories now occupied by the United States of America.

After all, we bought it all and pay dearly for keeping the imperial illusion going, so we should at least know where all our real estate is located while our own neighborhoods are being decimated by foreclosures and evictions. Right?

And just think - America's imperialist career started with mild, lovely, non-belligerent Hawaii.


*Castor and Pollux details from Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis, and from Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.

Strong Sunspot activity Feb 8, 2010

Space Weather News for Feb 8, 2010

BIG SUNSPOT: The sudden emergence of big sunspot 1045 over the weekend has caused a sharp uptick in solar activity. The active region has produced three M-class and almost a dozen C-class solar flares since it appeared on Saturday. The strongest blast, an M6-class eruption on Feb 7, may have hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth.

High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras in the nights ahead as a result of this activity. Also, ham radio operators are picking up strong solar radio bursts using shortwave receivers.

Sample sounds and images may be found at

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when the next geomagnetic storm erupts? Sign up for SpaceWeather PHONE.

Feb 7, 2010

Federal Government takes Snow Day Monday Feb 8, 2010

The Federal Government will be closed on Monday due to this weekend's snowstorm.

Wonder if the American people will feel a day's worth of reprieve from the breedy gastards' efforts as Mother Nature tamps them down and prevents them exercising their elite privileges for about 24 hours.


Feb 6, 2010

David Icke video: 'deliberate economic collapse' + Uranus to Aries Point

This is a video of David Icke speaking on the deliberate economic collapse (what I have called an 'engineered' one here and elsewhere so it's clarifying to hear Mr. Icke explaining the goals of the new world order agenda as he discusses the few people who manipulate global strings; they even had Pluto tossed out of our solar system's pantheon of planets - with Science's willing assistance) yet pesky astrologers insist on using Pluto's archetypes for saboteurs, assassins, the obscenely wealthy class, and the kind of secret hand the power elite like to use. Then, if we look closely enough, we see them wearing Pluto's glove of guilt.)

Anyway, Mr. Icke speaks of how narrowing our focus has been part of their machinations as education is dumbed down, more drugs are prescribed every year, and the general population is kept in ignorance of anything that might ruffle feathers and cause we-the-people (and the rest of the world) to plant our scornful eyes upon the villains of the piece...them.

Watch the video, if you please, and do pass it on.

For only by awakening the sleeping giant that is the American populace can a different direction be consciously taken by this nation. And it will take consciousness which is normally not one of the talents of the 'unwashed' masses especially since our ability for critical thinking has been so grievously under attack and weakened for decades by every means at their command: entertainment, drugs, corporate media, subliminal ads and symbols, charade 'debates' and faux 'elections' with 'Rs vs Ds' propaganda to keep us divided, etc, etc. It's a wonder that a majority of the American people can still stand upright at all especially since...

Our immune systems have been under attack for a long time. Ex: the 26 vaccines given to a child by the age of TWO (a massive, prolonged attack in itself with still-forming bodily systems forced to fight invaders, and before they're done, another set of invaders arrives suddenly - a booster shot - this won't hurt a bit! See video.

Then there are prescription drugs, illegal drugs ("War on Drugs" my patootie), food and drink additives - the rotten list is endless and Orwellian to the core.

But Don't Expect Help from the Vatican

Some of the kindest people I've known all through my life have been of the Catholic persuasion, people who did their faith rather than only professing it. But I am staunchly Protestant, if I must choose, so it is always with a feeling of dread that I ever mention the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. You know the ones - those whose predecessors 'dropped' a very inconvenient one of the Ten Commandments (no worship of graven images) and, needing a substitute for the hole thus created in God's Top Ten List, split the Commandment against 'coveting' into two. Nifty, if you can purport to do it. And if people follow you on it,'re in business.

Therefore, when it comes to the subject matter of this post, I'd be remiss not to mention (one more time) the enlightening message from John Paul II on New Year's Day 2004 when he openly called for a new world order (or a 'new economic order' since they're both fat off the same hog; loss of money - or fear of its loss - manipulates the masses into zombiehood along with drugs to keep us hazy. Wake up! A new film version of 'Alice in Wonderland' is coming to entice you into the 'fun' of it even more! She's hard to resist, that Alice.)

So? So the Vatican is behind the current one-world-government movement all the way and all the while...but it's a 'NWO' agenda which is not (as David Icke asserts as well) an inevitable outcome. It's a huge challenge to meet, but meeting and countering it is not impossible.

Here are some prominent Sabian Symbols (aka, word pictures - no astrologese facility required to read them in English) from the natal chart of the NWO where you'll discover a link to the modern-day birth chart of this devil's spawn (NWO = Uranus conj Neptune 1993), or you may wish to speed directly to the shriveled creature's natal chart because it's imperative that we ID our demons and face them squarely.

As I listen to David Icke speak in the video, I am reminded that rebellious Awakener Uranus about to reach *Aries Point (00Ari), a World Point of manifestation, which may, in tandem with the other planetary actors in the Cardinal T-Square (Uranus-Saturn-Pluto) in effect from Spring 2010 into 2014.

And if you use the Sibly version of the US natal chart, you know that Uranus conj AP also conjuncts US natal IC, the Foundation of the chart. We might use this Sag rising chart for America's money issues since it's Jupiter-ruled, and Uranus to IC (4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Housing Market, etc) always brings surprises and upheavals. Circumstances tend to be unstable and unpredictable when Uranus enters 4th house, so I won't try.

Well, maybe just a little, though the news isn't good...

The Cardinal T-Square's Saturn is in US (Sibly) 10th house, a possible indicator of loss of worldly power, prestige, reputation, and career status - loss if Saturn's responsibilities have not been handled with care - they have not; if they had been, it could be a time of consolidation - but if it is, it's the wealthy consolidating against the rest of us. You feel it, don't you?

Pluto in early Capricorn is traversing the US (Sibly) 1st house from whence The Dragon (Pluto) lumbers in the midst of his long opposition to America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun line-up in Cancer (3 - 14 Can.)

Yet can it be so symbolically simple that 'The Dragon' represents China in this mystery play? Hmm. Other regions of the globe have had dragons as their symbols for centuries. The Crusaders' St. George myth can tell you all about his victory, the tale of which was brought back to the West by Crusaders who had ravaged the East. And the negative behavior pattern continues.

Well, these are pretty much the things I'm pondering today as more rain falls in Georgia and millions of my fellow Americans huddle underneath a very large snowy blanket of brrr-r-r. Hope you all have the warmth and sustenance you need to safely wait out the thaw.


*Uranus to Aries Point is historically a strong marker for scientific breakthroughs.