, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Feb 24, 2010

Mr Toyota to Congress - asteroid Toyota in Taurus

UPDATE Feb 24, 2010 7:25 pm est: Okay, here's an article that purports to tell what's really going on behind the scenes concerning today's Toyota-to-Congress mummery on Capitol Hill and wouldn't you know? It's Machiavellian politics between the government of Japan and the voodoo-economics-loving power elite!

Original post begins here:

Knowing that there exists a personal name asteroid Toyota (3533), I became curious this morning to discover its degree for 2.24.10 as Mr. Toyota, grandson of the original auto-maker, Mr. Toyota, testifies to the US Congress concerning his company's shoddy workmanship which has amounted to run away cars, injuries, and deaths for several years now.

The Heliocentric North Node of Toyota is in the 17 - 19 Libra range, conjunct US Progressed Mars Rx with Sabian Symbols for '18Lib' being "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" and '19Lib' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Take your pick.

Today asteroid Toyota traverses 5Tau39. '6Tau' = "A Bridge Being Built Across a Gorge," so with the public's good faith in your brand shaken, I wish you luck with your bridge-building, Mr. Toyota, for surviving loved ones of your cars' victims will be testifying to Congress as well.

But can people trump a huge international corporation on any level at all? Especially after funneling mega-millions into congressional campaign coffers these many years!

That would be an unsual sight to see in America these days, wouldn't it? The sign of Taurus has some shadowy traits such as greed and intolerance and can be very, very stubborn, so we'll see how it goes on the Hill.

A shout-out of thanks goes to the excellent serennu website for offering such diverse information as Toyota's position today.

Feb 22, 2010

Congress gavels in with Castor rising 2.22.10 + George Washington's natal chart

This afternoon at 2:00 pm est, the US Congress gaveled in after its almost-two-week recess in honor of Presidents Day. If you're like me, no sigh of relief escaped your lips because the pocket-liners were back under the Masonic dome of the Capitol Building but it had to happen, I know, yet what never seems to happen anymore is legislation passed on behalf of the American people.

At 2:00 pm, Capitol Building, the Ascendant degree 18Can15 'brought up' a difficult Fixed Star, Castor 20Can14 (keywords: sudden fame; loss; murder; mental illness; crippling of limbs. - A. Louis.) Brady's Book of Fixed Stars gives Castor's keyphrase as: the intellectual writer, and of course, Castor's twin star, Pollux 23Can13, is soon-to-rise, keywords: danger of disgrace; murder; rape; cruelty; danger from poisons, women, or large animals; good for the occult or for Astrology.

Castor rising may be significant as well because of the upcoming Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 on July 11, 2010 in the 12 South Series which is the Pre-Natal Series of the USA (@ 00Pis33); this timing greatly personalizes the July 2010 Eclipse for America.

12S's flavor is one of 'successful outcomes to long term worries' (B. Brady) - yet there's Saturn's 'long term' influence mentioned, as below. Well, perhaps the Obama stimulus plan will pay off more obviously for our economy during the second half of 2010 as predicted by this administration. I sincerely hope so since my personal list of friends and family experiencing job loss has recently grown longer.

The first US natal planet to rise in today's gaveling-in chart is our Mercury Rx '25Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power." I believe this is a reference to the T-Square of the chart between Saturn Rx 3Lib17 at Ic (the Foundation or Basis of the chart and of the congressional session now underway) and the gaveling-in's Mc which implicates the ongoing transit of Saturn to US natal Mc 00Lib53...and more specifically to the T-SQ's apex Pluto.

Normally a Saturn-to-Mc transit should be a time of great accomplishment and recognition for long term efforts (and perhaps it will be before the transit ends - then it's on to America's Saturn Return)...unless Saturnian responsibilities have not been properly addressed. As I stated previously: they have not as of yet.

However, this trasit could be considered part of NWO implementations since the global elite agenda has been a long time coming. The pay-off for the power elite is Saturnian control, but for the rest of us it's Saturnian loss...loss in reputation (10th house = the world stage; public standing/status; and loss of career with massive unemployment. Old Man Saturn likes cutbacks and conservative measures.)

The T-SQ forms a midpoint picture...

Saturn/Mc = Pluto: great demands; a grand struggle ordained by destiny; fear of loss; the need to be in control at all times; great changes in life's conditions; strong repression of your work by others; added willpower to accomplish your goals.

Now any, all, or none of the above may apply and may refer to congressional members, but I suspect that Pluto 5Cap56 in 6th house, apex planet of the T-SQ, is described as well: plutonian string-pulling. I have previously posted on the upcoming Cardinal T-Square which will bedevil the world from Spring 2010 into 2014 but I will repeat some of it now - even though today's T-SQ is a bit different and includes the gaveling-in's Mc: apex Pluto in a Cardinal T-SQ = a private loner who must be in control at all times and willfuly fulfils his (their) ambitions through force, manipulation, or subversive activities; hidden strengths allow ruthless overwhelming of opponents for this high-powered executive position that demands penetrating insights into all crucial operations (of the US Senate and House, it seems.) (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)

2:00 pm est today was a Moon Hour (fluctuations; changes; removals; travel) and the Moon 13Gem33 (just barely entered into the 11th house) makes two applying aspects:

1. Moon square Venus 14Pis07 in 9th house (0A34); indicates overindulgences, trouble with women, and/or a lack of self-control;

2. Moon trine Mercury 18AQ45 in 8th house (5A11); indicates restlessness, purposeful travel, and/or charming verbal abilities which may mask deceptions.

Then at 6:30 pm this evening, congressional members are meant to show up for the start of voting on what was discussed earlier today, so I'll check out the chart for 6:30 pm est, and if I find anything of particular interest, it will be reported here.

Until then, you may be interested in a fresh post just published on one of my other blogs Jude's Threshold which concerns Greece's financial crisis and the possibility of its spreading to other EU nations:

Can EU Cope with a National Bankruptcy?

Oh! And Happy 278th Birthday to George Washington, our archetypal first president. I seriously doubt that Freemason George would much care for what the US Congress, its Wall Street buds, and other corporate special interests have done with the place, don't you?

Here you may view George Washington's natal chart from 1732 along with a few notes, if you wish. And be sure to Click chart to enlarge.

Feb 19, 2010

CPAC descends, Obama attacked as drug user

Sayin' What They Want to Hear

Well, it didn't take conservatives at CPAC long to bring up an old subject concerning President Obama as being a cocaine snorter but I wonder where the same conservatives were during 8 years of George Bush whose liberal drug use is well known?

Plus, it's been said that Laura Bush was the dime bag go-to girl in college yet that was hushed up during the 2000 campaign. She also ran over and killed someone at some point in her young life, an act which could be misconstrued as an initiation rite of passage into a society of some sort where murder is required for membership.

Or as simply a young driver running a STOP sign with highly unfortunate results that demonstrate why we have STOP signs to obey.

Okay, let's see: if you're a GOPer you can be forgiven anything in your past (even if it's only yesterday's amour or last night's alcohol binge) but if you're a Democrat (an opponent) it's different. Has Mr. Obama ever used cocaine in his life? Probably. Don't know, don't especially care. But I do know he'd look pretty silly at press conferences with a snowy nose and would make a fool of himself in such a condition.

Scratching the Underbelly of Washington, DC

Where there's big money and massive amounts of power, drugs (and prostitutes) always come along for the ride...even for the holier-than-thou types who like to pretend they're white as 'snow' - but the other guy!


Blog Note: This is my last post until Sunday - Georgia Aquarium here we come! ;p

Feb 18, 2010

Election Day 2010: Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo

On Tuesday November 2, 2010 Americans will go to voting booths across the nation in hopes that each ballot will be counted honestly. But that's a post with a different theme than this one. This one is a result of taking a brief look at the chart (charts, actually, for all through the day) of Nov 2, 2010.

Blogging time is brief since I'm getting ready to go out of town for a couple of days (Saturday is Bloggers Day at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta!) so I want to make note here of one of the Images for Integration for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo blend which is in effect for the entire 24-hour period. This is a Water-Earth combo that can be described as 'glorious mud' and I suspect the whole nation will be mired in it as the 2010 campaign proceeds.

The 'Image'? 'Billy Budd', Herman Melville's unfinished novella. 'Powerful war' is involved with Melville's
story and America's neocon masters are all about that, aren't they?

More Neoconism for You?

That Republicans expect the November elections to be a major route of the Democrats knocks me out considering the 8 years of the Bush-Cheney regime that brought us illegal war, out-of-control deficits (to hobble the government from being able to spend our tax money on behalf of American citizens), a weakened justice system, Wall Street thieving in hyper-drive, special interest corporate rule more than ever before, torture as a way of life, shooting lawyers in the face and lying about it, unitary executive power of a despot kind, and more anti-American reforms than we realize (yet.)

Of course, I tend to see our illusory two-party system as working together - class warfare fought against us and against US sovereignty, so it's 6 of one half dozen of another when it comes to Rs vs Ds...for me. Perhaps you still believe there's a difference but I see their supposed differences as ideology driven ego games with important consequences. The November elections are interesting on another level as Capitol Hill politicians strive to save their careers so they can jockey for position in the NWO - so their propaganda will prove even more vicious, diverting, and subtle than usual.

At the moment, C-SPAN is covering Florida Republican US Senate candidate Marco Rubio's speech and it seems he's their rising star who's expecting big things in November. He says the elections will be a "referendum on the very identity of our nation" and that conservatives must "stand up to this big government agenda and not be co-opted by it. The US Senate has one Arlen Specter too many."

Now I know he means the Obama presidency when he says, "big government agenda" but that's not what I hear. I hear, let us helm the one-world-government, not the Democrats. Either way, the people are screwed and the co-opting has been achieved - Congress has been co-opted by corporatism.

And I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to put anymore Bush-esque or Cheney-esque politicians in any seat on Capitol Hill unless it's a seat on the tar-and-feathers express out of town. And they can take the Dems with them with precious few exceptions. And I suppose Rep Ron Paul should stay, if he will.

It's proving a bit amusing to hear Republican rhetoric which shows an alarming lack of memory of how they handled those last 8 years of debt, lies, and the undermining of our freedoms while "exporting Democracy" to foreign lands at the point of a gun.

So it remains to be seen what 'Billy Budd' can have to do with November elections 2010 and I will be publishing the horoscope and writing more on it soon. Till then, it's swim-with-the-fishies time which will be blogged on (hopefully with photos) at my botanical fish drawing blog Dreamyfish Art in a feature on the wonderful Georgia Aquarium.

Oh, and I agree with Rubio about America's over-abundant supply of Arlen Specters.


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Feb 17, 2010

Economic Crisis and the Cardinal Cross 2010

Astrologer Theodore White has written a very informative article on the economic crisis which touches on the Cardinal Cross, a summer of turmoil, and how to manage what's coming down the pike.

Funny how I never until this moment related the worn-out phrase "coming down the pike" to Illuminati chieftain Albert Pike, an early planner of what we're now experiencing with financial collapse as preparation for the New World Order.

Feb 16, 2010

More analysis of Spring Equinox 2010's horoscope

Chart shown: Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) March 20, 2010 12:32 pm est Capitol Building, Washington, DC; Moon Hour.

Once again I'm impressed to publish a chart analysis by reader Jonathan W concerning the Spring EQ 2010 horoscope and I'm re-publishing the chart here so you won't have to refer back to my previous post unless you really want to.

And now I happily and productively turn you over to Jonathan who thinks we learn a lot about Things To Come from this chart of March 20, 2010:

How could I, an Aries Ingress Baby (Sun at 00Aries) NOT comment on this chart? :^)

The Cardinal Angles indicate action. The situation has moved from discussion and thought and into a "let's DO something about it!" phase. But the very powerful Grand Cross energy associated with the Angles (Mars, Sun/Mercury/Uranus, Pluto AND Saturn? Yikes!) indicate it'll have more power behind it than we first realize.

It's a bit like barely tapping the gas pedal and going from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds flat! But, if wiser heads prevail, this can be a good thing.

What's wonderful about this is that the "change" desired by the People, indicated by the Taurus Moon in the 11th House, is being given both support and opportunity via the sextile to Uranus. And they can take the energy of the square the Moon makes to Neptune/Chiron and create an Event to express their disappointment, hurt and disillusionment.

Of course, the identity of the Event, the Sun, although conjunct Mercury and Uranus and posited in the most public place in the chart on the Midheaven -- no Media Blackout this time! --, is also one of the focal points of the aforementioned Grand Cross. So, will there be "change"?


Cardinal Energy is all about Beginnings. Finding our feet. Expressing ourselves. Getting the ball rolling. But that South Node on the Ascendant drains the chart. We'll yell and shout, but I doubt we'll we move forward with our "goals". Especially those involving the sense of security we feel for our families (Cancer Ascendant).

The Revolution is being conceived with this chart, not born.

With Mars rising and both ruler of as well as trine the Sun, Mercury and the Midheaven and sextile Saturn, there will be a surprising amount of anger, though. And it'll be loud and insistent, determined and pissed off. And, because of the trine and Mars' Direct Station, there will be a bottomless pit of energy to draw from. And trust me when I say that that Mars in Leo is going to LOVE over-dramatizing after all that time spent spinning his wheels in retrograde.

Furthermore, this Mars is in a Yod with Saturn and Neptune/Chiron, so a conscious, dedicated, determined (Saturn) output of energy (Mars) to express our frustration, hurt and disillusionment (Chiron/Neptune) is Fated. Mars' sextile with Saturn also indicates the opportunity to build a movement which forces those in Power to sit up and take notice.

But it's an opportunity. Sextiles guarantee nothing. You gotta pick up the shovel and get to work.

Still, if the WH assumes it'll be a day or two of noise -- something The One can easily ignore from his leafy perch at Camp David or calm with yet another professorial, slightly condescending speech --, they're in for a bit of a surprise.

Not that I would call this an "angry chart". This is a step toward those events we'll see later in this decade. Besides, we can learn a lot with this Ingress Event.

With that Moon in the 11th, we'll feel at home in the Group and come to realize there really is power in numbers. With the North Node in the 6th and on the Descendant, we'll recognize the need to work (6th House) together (Descendant). And with the 11th and 6th/Descendant in the spotlight, there's also the need to work (6th) to create an organization (11th) with common goals. With the Sun/Mercury/Uranus on the Midheaven, we'll hopefully take advantage of our very Public Power (Sun on the Midheaven) and attention from the Media -- New (Uranus) and Old (Mercury) -- to help others understand they're not alone in their frustration.

With Venus ruling us (via the Moon in Taurus) and in the Public 10th House, I doubt those who take part will be seen as rowdy hippies making trouble. In fact, I think many watching from around the country and the world will find their energy, passion and goals attractive!


Thanks, Jonathan, my generation's rowdy hippies appreciate your thoughtful analysis! jc ;p

Spring EQ 2010 brings Anti-War Marches to Washington

Anti-War Marches on Washington DC are on President Obama's menu for Spring Equinox 2010, on Friday March 19 and Saturday March 20 (aka, Aries Ingress) whether he stays at Home on Pennsylvania Avenue or not.

American imperialism and aggression overseas will be protested against in the streets of what's supposed to be 'our' nation's capital so we'll see where that energy goes. Perhaps testy instigator Mars in Leo rising is what's being manifested bwo protest marches in the Spring Equinox chart along with the Moon (the people; the public) conjunct Fixed Star Algol, a star of enraged passion and anger.

Of course, I've stated my belief here before that violence isn't the best way to effect the changes we want - plus, the US government has well-prepared for our aggression with more of their own through plans to use US military and police forces against us when we're finally fed up with their sorriness and can't take anymore. Seems to me that they continue to aggravate us in the direction of rioting so that martial law can be imposed as a step on the trail to their totalitarian new world order.

But as Gandhi said, "There is no path to peace. Peace is the path."

And we Americans must never forget what founder Benjamin Franklin said, too:

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

Then how many dissenting American patriots will be required to take back our country from global neocons, syndicate bosses, and thieves? Let's see how many fill the Washington Mall and streets for Spring Equinox 2010, then multiply their number by a thousand or more.

Now a few words form Upton Sinclair which I've quoted here before but which deserve repeating:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

So far, it looks as if it altogether is, especially now when the one-world-government types are thisclose to implementing what they consider to be a 'Utopia' of chaos and regression.

Well, it looks like my heart will be evenly divided over the weekend of Spring EQ 2010: split between news of and good wishes for the safety and effectiveness of the Anti-War Protests against US imperialism and the 1st International Astrology Blogathon with its practical solutions for dealing with the Cardinal Cross energies which have now begun to plague the world.

The Astrology Blogathon is an online event set guessed it...March 19 - 21, 2010. See you there if not here!

Feb 15, 2010

Canada's first-ever home-soil Gold for her Jupiter Return!

Hearing that Canada won her first-ever Gold Medal on home soil yesterday at the Vancouver Olympics spurred me to pull out Canada's natal chart (July 1, 1867 12:05 pm LMT Ottawa; source: astrologer Rab Wilkie) to see what's happening overhead and there it was: Thursday Feb 18, 2010 marks the nations's *Jupiter Return to 7Pis30!

Canada's natal Jupiter is posited in 5th house of Creative Pursuits, Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children, and with ongoing transits like the lovely Venus-to-Jupiter, Jupiter-to-Jupiter, and, in about 6 days, Sun-to-Jupiter, the 2010 Winter Olympics have some happy times in store for Canadians after the Games got off to such a rocky start.

Also affecting Canada's natal placements now: transit Uranus (surprises!) conjoining her Chiron 26Pis38 in 6th house, a sudden, disruptive transit which may describe on one level the wound (Chiron) of the unfortunate competitor who lost his life just prior to the opening of the 2010 Winter Games.

A happy time overshadowed, yes, yet who can deny that Gold Medals are nice to have for displaying upon a nations' mantle, eh?

Looking ahead at Saturn's future course, a transit to natal Ascendant 7Lib58 is on the way when responsibility and accountability issues come to the fore along with some sort of loss if Saturn's lessons are not heeded (ex: Hurricane Katrina occurred during the time of George Bush's Saturn-to-ASC transit; he didn't handle that responsibility well and refused to admit accountability for that or for much else.) For Canada, Saturn-to-ASC will occur only once on or about Oct 2, 2010 (perhaps indicating the reality of what a financial boondoggle having the Olympics can be and its restrictive results on taxpayers' wallets? Canada's natal Saturn 17Sco46 is posited in n 2nd house opposing n Pluto 15Tau46 in 8th house - both Money houses.)

And in early October 2010, Saturn will square Canada's natal planets in early Cancer: Moon 6Can32, Uranus (OOBs in 9th house), and Sun 9Can20, then will square Midheaven 9Can41 - all difficult energies full of obstacles (Saturn); but there's more...

After Saturn lumbers into Canada's natal 1st house, the old taskmaster will eventually oppose natal Neptune 15Ari00 (7th house) and will do so three times - on or about: Dec 5, 2010, Mar 20, 2011 (Rx), and August 30, 2011. Similar in nature to America's recent transit of Saturn-conjunct-n-Neptune, this is another signature of a deluge of cold water drenching false illusions and yet obstacles are put in the way of learning the truth. Financial speculation under this transit is a very bad idea, and hidden agendas full of fear-mongering can confuse everything.

Well, don't they always?

Circumstances feel paralyzed under such a depressive Saturnian transit to Neptune so do take your good times while ye may, Oh Canada! And prepare ahead for soon-to-come leaner times than you've known in quite a while.

Oh listen to me! Advising Canada to do something that nary a soul in America listened to in 2001 when I first started grousing online about America's coming **bankruptcy and my then-fellow Fraysters on Slate poo-pooed my 'daftness' with things like, "America is too big and too rich to ever go bankrupt!"

And yet 'ever' did come, didn't it? Funny how multi-national corporations are deemed by 'experts' to be 'too big to fail'...but as we see, America is not.


*A 'Jupiter Return' is aka a 'Jupiter Reward Cycle' and comes round about every 12 years.

**One factor that caused me then to think of America's bankruptcy: 9/11/01's Moon at '28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY", and Moon in a mundane chart = the people; therefore, I continue to believe that the attacks of 9/11 on the commercial World Trade Center are part of someone's plan to bring America to her knees and bankrupt the people (which was put in motion years ago by corporations and their enablers, Congress, as our jobs were first being outsourced overseas. Who couldn't see where that would eventually lead? And tax cuts for corporations are never passed on to the people in the form of jobs creation so I wish the GOP would stop pretending that they are.)

Another factor is Nostradamus' King of Terror (or 'Alarm') Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 which capped off the old century and which has a financial flavor to it. The Eclipse chart contains a rigid Fixed Grand Cross that bedevils us still as transits to the 1999 Eclipse chart mark time on the Great Cosmic Clock, so naturally the prophetic Book of Revelation comes to mind for its vision of Oxen (Tau), Lion (Leo), Eagle (Sco), and Angel (AQ) so elegantly pinpointed by August 11, 1999's Grand Cross planets in mid-degrees of these Fixed signs.