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Feb 14, 2010

Yes, Love is the Foundation of the Universe

Since I'm working in Art mode today (yet I did watch TV's weekly parade of political circuses this morning and am watching *Bill Moyers' Journal now as they're Reimagining Lincoln), this post is merely a heads-up to a Shadow Party, one of my Art images you're cordially invited to view if not attend on this, Valentine's Day 2010.


*Next week Moyers' Journal will feature the effects of the recent SCOTUS decision against we-the-people in favor of corporations and their expanded meddling ability in US election processes even more than they did before.

Feb 13, 2010

America, SCOTUS, corporations, and the Saturn/Pluto square

Waking up in a snowy wonderland this morning I was relieved to find that our power was still on unlike millions of Americans still suffering under Snowpocalypse 2010. The sun's rays are now melting the pile-up but Georgia may have another winter storm system on the way soon, say TV's weather-alert pundits.

Electricity! This means that surfing about the cybersphere is possible, searching out excellent articles for you, lone reader. And look what I found: a Saturn/Pluto Square analysis by master mundane astrologer Jessica Murray in which she synthesizes the difficult energy of the Cardinal Square with the recent Supreme Court decision that has institutionalized the illusion that 'corporations are people too'. Ms. Murray also notes Pluto's current opposition to America's natal Jupiter (morals) as a sign of an amoral corporate plutocracy that has no reason whatsoever to identify with "America's proud First Amendment trip."

As Jessica Murray's article asserts, Monsters have been created, and The Creature from Jekyll Island lives and thrives at our expense while perfectly fulfilling one of the astrological descriptions of Pluto's identity as creature, monster, and non-humanoid.

Now you know G. Edward Griffin's 1994 book, The Creature from Jekyll Island but did you know that a second edition was published in 2009 which takes "A Second Look at the Federal Reserve"?

In 1910, this native Georgian is ashamed to say that (just miles from where I type) the lovely island of Jekyll (where we vacationed for years when I was growing up - little did I know, right?) was the scene for the Rockefeller-Morgan conclave of devils from which issued the formation of the so-called 'Federal' Reserve Bank made 'real' by Congress in Dec 1913. That their plutonic claw is behind the current financial crash, I have no doubt, even if you do.

That money is an illusion is something which the media's often-touted 'lack of confidence' mantra reveals, for if you believe in Tinkerbell, you'll clap your hands and pretend that our capitalist financial system is on the mend and worth saving.

Of course, total global financial collapse is what's supposed to induce us to accept whatever new system they enforce - their heart's desire is the limit and yet they have no hearts!

So do men and women have hearts, consciences, and allegiances? Most of us do, yes.

Do Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Chem, and Big Banks have these things? SCOTUS institutionalized the pretence that they do a mere few weeks ago. And Congress is playing along in collusion with the illusion just as they always do, and as the NWO monsters have planned for many years. Yes, these players wear various hats but all have 'NWO' stamped upon them with Dissolve America on the label.

But the Saturn/Pluto Cardinal Square is not playing at all. Corporations having the 'same status as individuals' is another brick stolen from the foundation of democracy. 'You know it, I know it, and the American people know it', to quote one of their formerly active shills, Bob Dole.

Yet if we indulge in depression over these things, the monster has an even more potent tool to use against us in this, the class warfare I've been grousing and blogging about since 2005. And at the risk of ruffling a feather or two, I think that the haves vs have-nots battle was pretty much okay with most Americans as long as their finances weren't on Pluto's chopping block.

Things do look a little different now, don't they?

Feb 12, 2010

The Olympic Games, 9/11, and the Illuminati Flame

Everyone knows without researching that 'eternal flames' burn on JFK's and Princess Diana's graves, and on others. Their obvious connection to the Olympic torch may not be as well known to many but they should be if we ever hope to see things as they really are.

So when transiting Saturn conjoined America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 (and President Obama's natal Mars simultaneously) in late August 2009, the 'grim face of reality' transit (Saturn = realism and a drench of cold water, Neptune = illusion, deceptions, and dreams) made this an imperative for the American people to deal with, and for some it seems to have aided in tossing off the rose-colored glasses that most folk tend to wear so happily.

Yet others still can't or won't 'see' what the Illuminati has been illuminating for centuries...their control and manipulation from behind the curtain of illusion as they take action when a sudden change of direction is thought to be necessary for furthering their agenda of domination.

A political assassination tends to have that effect and I doubt anyone can deny it.

Tonight with the Vancouver Olympic Games underway (and right off the bat - the death of a luger - perhaps a tragic accident), the Olympic Eternal Flame
(so often protested by the people including in Vancouver) burns brightly several miles north of here and I want to shine a light on these 'movers and shakers' who deserve to be more than outed, they deserve to be prosecuted. Difficult, yes, since all institutions are now infiltrated by them including justice systems of every nation.

In Dallas, after JFK's assassination in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the Scottish Rite of Freemasons erected an obelisk (another favorite, an Egyptian-esque symbol similar to that in Mecca, now that I think about it) and placed a brazen 'eternal flame' at the site which marked their mayhem and his sacrifice.

And I'm reading that an 'eternal flame' was lighted soon after the attacks of 9/11 at Ground Zero which, if true, shouts out the perpetrators or their backers, at least. Now I haven't been to NYC since pre-9/11, so if you've seen the flame or some rep (such as a statue) of it there, please advise. Think of Rockefeller Center with its golden statue of Prometheus with a torch, the torch of illumination, knowledge, and the Sun.

As you know, mythical Uranian Prometheus stole fire (Mars) from the gods for mankind's use and was punitively chained to a rock (Saturn, ruler of Capricorn) with a great eagle (Scorpionic symbol) arriving each day to eat his liver (Sag = the liver) which regenerated (Pluto) itself each day.

Perhaps obvious 'fire' references to the US' atomic bombing (Pluto) of Japan might be inserted here. And I tend to think of Illuminati in Mundane Astrology work when I consider the Sabian Symbol (Babylonian symbols intuited by a psychic named Elsie Wheeler in 1925 after 10 years' worth of study of Charubel's work from 1898; his interpretations were primarily for Ascendants' degrees) for '13 Capricorn' = "A Fire Worshiper" as relating to the subject of Illuminati and their arrogant interference in the natural course of events and the 'eternal flame' which ordinary folk unknowingly 'worship' at these gravesites - and in the Statue of Liberty's hand, among other places.

And of course, if we use the degree of a symbol without rounding up, we get an Illumination Point (the opposite degree which holds unconscious information) that illuminates America's natal Sun degree of '13 Cancer'. (When rounded up the US Sun = '14Cancer' of course.)

There's less than one degree difference there. Columba and her dive-bombing doves would be proud of modern-day fire worshipers who balk at absolutely nothing to achieve their ends! (See site link below for more details on Columba.)

Well, if you can take more of the subject I ask you to check out a site with a plethora of info on this and related subjects such as Atlantis, other secret societies, and conspiracies.

Guess I should close with the rest of the '13Cap' info from Marc Edmund Jones, no slouch in the Babylonian department himself...

Keyword: is ideality brought to the point of miracle...

positive expression: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

Note the emphasis on the 'exaltation of the self' and 'its ambitions'...and on 'every resource of the world' which they apparently are hoarding in a dark cave somewhere after the financial collapse of 2008/09/10+ - which makes this sort of info of intimate concern to everyone on the planet, now and in future.

Here's a related post with links to follow and interesting videos to watch about the global agenda uncovered.

And perhaps I can add one more apt symbol for '11 Pisces' where transiting Jupiter is headed in early March 20-10...

"Men Seeking Illumination"...Keyword: DEDICATION...the immortality of man as dramatized in some form of apostalic succession, or a living tradition of spiritual achievement. The divine spirit is fundamentally a matrix of itself...", he goes on, and one may wish to consider the 'apostalic' succession of Illuminati bloodlines that undergird the exaltations of their will to dominate us now. The DaVinci Code was based on the ridiculous idea (propaganda) that Christ had children with Mary Magdalene - an absurdity that would completely undermine His ministry and sacrifice if you allowed the fantasies of these 'illuminated' Luciferians to take hold of your imagination.

To continue with '11 Pisces'...

pos: high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: obvious hypocrisy.

And a massive web of lies and deceit...a matrix of tentacles, I would add.

AARP video of Hope from the Lost Generation

If you haven't experienced this wonderful video, give yourself a well-deserved treat!

As I watched, it struck me as being a Valentine to the World in spite of the secret and not-so-secret manipulations of the political class and their global banking masters.

Makes me want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to All!


ps: the video isn't actually by AARP, but by a young lady won 2nd place in an AARP contest - do check it out.

Aspartame under any other name

Rather than removing the devilish food additive and fake sweetener from the world's food supply, its maker has renamed aspartame under a new moniker meant to deceive with 'naturalness'!

Aspartame under any other name is still seriously injurious to human health. Please click the link if you wish to read a brief history of the chemical aspartame along with a heads-up on its sneaky name change.


Well, it's our turn in Georgia for a snowstorm today - flakes are headed this way as I type so this may be my last post for a while if our white-out turns into a black-out...hope everyone is keeping safe, warm, and dry!

Feb 11, 2010

Make mine 'Constant Comment' with lemon

Confused by who's inviting whom to tea and why?

at-Largely has the clearest explanation of the Tea Party phenomenon that I've run across to date.

Seems the old 'Boston Tea Party' of Freemasons dressed in Indian costumes and dumping the East India Company's tea in the harbor has reached across the centuries, doesn't it? But someone's confused because there's more to the corporate angle than the GOP would have us believe now that they've appropriated what was originally a (well-deserved) grass roots reaction to bad governing.

It's a pity that America's long-standing wound of racism has taken a seat at their tea table, imo.

Yes, it was while living in Washington DC that I first tasted Constant Comment tea and fell in love with its orange and clove flavors. And if I were snowed in there this week as I once was then, I'd be having a steaming cup with my scramblies, toast, and jam. Actually, they allow cups of Constant Comment to steam in Georgia, too, and perhaps I shall indulge this solidarity.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now

Little did I know in the 70s that 'constant comment' would one day be a theme in my life bwo blogging. So if you have a comment to leave here, feel free! But do note that vexing or bully-ragging the host/author is not appreciated...pretend you're at a tea party and be courteous, please.

Feb 10, 2010

Paul Krugman says Obama "clueless"

This article by economist Paul Krugman will have to be re-read for I'm not certain the grain of salt I'm taking it with is large enough. Perhaps I'll mosey over to my neighbor's pasture - a serious salt lick may be needed.

So Mr. Krugman says that President Obama is "clueless" but I'll let him explain himself on that point.

My question: were the outrageous bonuses now being paid based on earlier contracts (during Bush's term) or where they not? If so, this too may have been part of a long-range plan - but the practice should now be shoved off the corporate table for those companies the American people have kept afloat with our tax dollars, at the least.

One thing that would explain all of the financial heisting, thefts, and deceptions under George Bush and continuing under Pres. Obama is just what FDR said: that nothing in politics is an accident - if it happens, you can be sure it was planned that way. Therefore, all is going reasonably close to how it was planned - the crashing of the world economy so that a new economic order can be set up.

If Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz opened up on what they know about the power elite's world-domination agenda I could put away the salt shaker that goes into service each time I read something they've written. It isn't that what they write seems incorrect, it's that it doesn't go deeply enough into what's really going on, therefore conclusions are lamer than they should be. They punt rather than kick.

And it's difficult to believe that both of these world class economists are totally unaware of more than what they write about - or that Mr. Obama isn't part of the NWO agenda.

Well, that's my 2 cents' worth on a 'clueless' Obama who came into office and immediately studded his cabinet with many of the financial culprits who now pretend to care whether you lose your job or not! With that kind of behavior, how "clueless" could he really be? (Appointments as payback for getting him elected? That's no better, and still doesn't mean the President is "clueless"...more the opposite.)

So if Mr. Krugman's article is an attempt to plant propaganda that the President isn't part of the Really Big Picture, it isn't working here.

Is it working for you? Got salt?

Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return Feb 10, 2010

When President took his (first) Oath of Office on Jan 20, 2009 at noon est, Capitol Building, Mercury was Rx (resulting in his second oath-taking and plans gone awry as we've seen) and @ 00AQ41, a degree Mercury revisits today at 3:39 pm est.

The oppressive and transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint now stomps upon Inaugural 2009 Mercury along with the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, all at 00AQ+. Any, all, or none may apply:

Nep/Plu = Mercury thinking and acting while under strange influences; the inability to think independently (yet pretend that, as President, you are in control!); many plans incapable of realization; sensitive nerves; learning how to gain control or power; gathering info about transformation; communications are other than they appear; deception as a strategy; loss of centering. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

In the Mercury Return chart set for DC today, Mercury is setting on the Descendant 28Cap52 which places US natal Pluto setting as well. But perhaps more to the point, Mars 5Leo14R opposes Mercury, becoming exact in March. After mid-April this influence will dissipate.

Since astrological Mars represents males between the ages of 25 to 36 (give or take a year or so), one wonders if Presidential security should be upped. Certainly the President's announcements and plans are being argued against by martian-minded opponents and his communications may be particularly under attack (I'm listening to Fresh Air now about cyber-security and all the hacking the US government has undergone for years now - it's gotten much worse and Mr. Obama was clued in on how crucial the problem is for America when he took office. His May 29 speech last year mentioned cyber-security importance.)

Mars is also apex planet in a YOD (Finger of God pattern; special task; crisis) between Jupiter and Pluto, a pattern I've mentioned in a previous post. In short, this indicates misdirected hostility from Mars, a crisis may permit a new start and the use of mobilized forces (sounds like something many people are concerned about in the US: imposition of martial law as the US gov's police state mask is removed for real. Forces are gathering.)

Asteroid Icarus 29Cap24, the risk-taker with a possible connection to assassination, is at a critical 29th degree, and conjs Mercury and US natal Pluto, a picture I do not care for. Asteroid Cupido (corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) still rides along with Pluto, the ultimate villain of the piece.

ASC 28Can52 gives Moon as chart-ruler yet Luna makes no applying aspects to planets, only a conjunction with North Node 20Cap56 ('20Cap' a critical degree) (4A06) and Moon is involved in a propaganda-esque midpoint picture - Snowpocalyse? Or...

Mercury/Pluto = Moon: obsessive needs for privacy or power; speaking from the heart convinces people; a woman with emotional communication power.

Well, there are several other factors of note in Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return chart for 2010 but the real world is calling my name and I must reply by motoring into the city.

Therefore, I highly recommend to you an article by Julie Demboski on the Empowerment of the New Moon during this Balsamic Moon phase, aka, the dark of the Moon. (New Moon Feb 13, 2010 @ 25AQ18 9:51 pm est.)

Adios, amigos!