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Dec 23, 2010

On Bradley Manning's true condition and 2011

Seasonal Review and Deja-Vu of Common Good Topics: First They Come for Them, Then They Come for Us

by Jude Cowell

In case you've missed details of Bradley Manning's true condition while in prison these 7 months as the alleged WikiLeaks whistle blower, here's a link to hook you up concerning Manning's confinement, the details of which are being glossed over - no, misreported - no, lied about - in the press.

Now here's a wish for Christmas 2010: for the raptors of the US government (those factions that spy on us all and must rely heavily on secrecy to hide and avoid prosecution for their gangster behavior) to back off their fascist suppression, torture, and bombing of the world - for their deepest and ugliest motivations are showing.

Perhaps the much-touted New Millennial Great Awakening may turn out to be in favor of the peoples of the world as despots, world banksters, and their criminal pawns are held accountable for their death-dealing, antisocial actions as we approach the explosive and riot-instigating Uranus/Pluto square in action-oriented Cardinal signs.

Complicating things is that rebellious Uranus in Aries is ruled by warring Mars and Mars/Uranus is an explosive/gun-to-head combo of energies, totally unpredictable; yet inspired, creative, and original actions are potentials as well.

Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the authority, with Saturn/Pluto recalling the two planets in opposition on 9/11/01 across America's natal ASC/DESC axis (and at other times in history) when hardships come, and victimization by those whose primary goal in life is to gain and retain power and control runs roughshod over the masses.

"Cornering the market" isn't good enough for these shrivel-hearted creeps for they feel they must corner the last farthing tucked under our mattresses!

And that in part describes the most recent takeover of the US government, with the Saturn/Pluto pair as one of the culprits, and the onrushing Uranus/Pluto square a major signpost on the way to a select few power elite's long-planned totalitarian domination on a global scale. Riots welcomed as population control is no fallacy, but add genetically modified foods to the mix and implicate Science's eugenics while you're at it. The attempts of Hitler's regime were mere peanuts compared to these guys.

Has Science run amok?

Or has the Royal Branch of Inquiry simply progressed through the decades at humanity's great expense? 'Causing damage to others without their being aware of it' has been at play on every level of society and GM engineering of food and the degradation of water bears much of the blame along with the plastics and chemical industries' hormone inhibitors that interfere with DNA at cellular (hidden) levels.

Now in December 2010, a transiting midpoint picture remains intact (within orb) between Jupiter and Saturn (our societal planets which describe the business cycle, too) and powerful, secretive wealth-hoarder and manipulator Pluto so it's still operative and causing many difficulties:

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: restriction; separation; violent changes; attaining one's aims slowly but surely, no matter the cost; transforming the future into today's reality (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

So Deck the Halls But Which Ones?

Today's post is not Christmas fare, granted, but it is important to note that 2011 arrives soon with a Solar Eclipse right out of the gate (Jan 4, 2011 13Cap38 opposing US natal Sun, the leader) with 2011 beginning the next phase of the plutocrats' plans to be implemented upon us, as more individuals, the guilty and the innocent, will be 'detained' ad infinitum and left with little or no Hope.

Our young Bradley Manning comes instantly to mind especially since I do not know what really happened or what he actually did, if anything. How could I? But I do know the 'official line' on WikiLeaks and on several other 'realities' and governmental scripts we're constantly being sold by the men lurking behind the propaganda curtain.

Meanwhile our 'R v D' parties collude and conspire against us. Plus, 2011 contains a 'Constitutional Crisis' Solar Eclipse later in the year which will be considered more fully as time permits (assuming that new Net Neutrality laws will allow this blog to be accessed and that I can continue to write and publish in the 'cyber commons' as Bill Moyers calls it.)

So as 2010 ends, this Sun/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter Capricorn says, Deck with greenery and red berries whatever halls you may have, m'peops, and invite others to join in your merriment! (Above image, Nandina which grows in holiday fashion around my yard.)

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year in which more citizens' eyes than ever are trained upon the varmints, vermin, and brigands currently infesting our government - those whose ties and allegiances go 'higher' than to any oath of loyalty to the United States of America...and by US of A, I refer historically, intrinsically, and explicitly to We-The-People.

Remain true to ourselves!

Dec 22, 2010

US natal Chiron in Aries and the 112th Congress 2011

Today I'm off on a spree to purchase a telescope for a certain 5-year-old family member so this is a simple heads-up concerning a just-published post update. My astro-notes on the 112th Congress which convenes at noon on January 5, 2011 has been edited with info on America's natal 4th house Chiron in Aries if you'd care for a look.

What brought on such a US Chiron update? The fact that the 112th Congress convenes on Jan 5th with US natal Chiron rising! Perhaps this will 'bring up' important issues based on our natal house an sign position of Chiron unless Congress changes its announced gaveling-in time of 12:00 pm.

Dec 21, 2010

Video: the Anti-War Protest @ the White House (12.16.10)

Since the mainstream media didn't cover the protests of December 16, it took a while to locate a video of last Thursday's snowy anti-war protests at the White House with war veterans, journalist Chris Hedges, and Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg speaking, participating, and being arrested.

When the people are not listened to by their government, this is, as Chris Hedges points out, what's left (as my Baby Boomer generation well knows.) Here's yesterday's Truthdig column about the nature of war and the protests of Dec 16, 2010 written by Chris Hedges. It does me good to see our younger generations get involved though many more protests and marches will be necessary if people can put down their iPhones long enough to take action and save our country!

So what do I want Santa to bring me this Christmas?

An America who folds her many tents, apologizes from the heart of the American people, and removes her sons and daughters from foreign lands.

You see, my and your America is being used by the power elite as a tool - a military hammer - to forge their Vulcan vision of global domination, aka, the NWO. That's why there's no money for our domestic needs, in spite of what Washington says about their secretive military budget.

Just vs Unjust

The lies leading up to the Bush-Cheney neocon wars and the false flag op (9/11/01) that allegedly justified their illegal invasions are part of the false reality narrative promoted by our remote-controlled government and the media which has created conditions under which no soldier of any nation should be expected to serve and die. We've been here before and it's past time to stop US imperialistic wars - again.

So Happy Holidays, White House. You're a real disappointment.


Note: SO'W's Julian Assange poll has only 10 days left in which to vote and as of today, 101 people have responded! Please vote if you haven't (sidebar, upper right.) Thanks! jc

Dec 20, 2010

Heathrow Airport turns off heat on stranded passengers!

London's Heathrow Airport has turned a viciously cold shoulder to travellers stranded there as victims of the huge snow storm that has shut down and cancelled air flights, plus taxi, and bus services! No escape for you, my little blue-nosed pretties...

Sleeping on an airport floor is something I've never done and plan to never do but a floor turned cold from a massive snow storm and lack of heating has to be a hundred times worse than your average crick in the neck. Airport PR tells a rosier story, however, than what stranded passengers report themselves. Click to view a snowy photo from the airport tarmac and get the scoop.

This situation gives a new level of meaning to tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse @ 29Gem21 with Gemini being the sign of air travel and flight, and 29 degrees indicating crises or critical conditions.

My thoughts and prayers for safety and warmth go out to all my friends in the UK!

Dec 19, 2010

The secret background of Julian Assange?

Someone seems to have ferreted out and leaked details on the secret background of WikiLeaks' leaker-in-chief, former hacker, Julian Assange.

I have no idea if the account is true or if any of it has merit so take it as you find it.

Many Faces and Races run the NWO (video)

Here in three parts: Alex Jones and Bob Chapman discuss A Scientific Eugenics Elite That Believe They're God!


And you know what 'believing you're God' is, right? Lucifer's delusion.

Reminds me of the days when the media would occasionally mention the close friendship between George H. W. Bush and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey...which then reminds me of Bush Sr proclaiming the soon-establishment of the New World Order, the topic of the videos above, and of this little charmer...

My promise to you: if you watch this video of a wonky-eyed, smug, determined Bush it will supply 100% of your daily minimum requirement of creep factor.

As you know, Uranus-Neptune, the illumination pair, began the modern NWO clock in 1993, at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER (Rudhyar)...."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...from Marc Edmund Jones we find its:

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

"Smug or strong-armed paternalism" covers many people and things such as the NWO types, Hitler (whose second book was entitled, The New World Order), the Roman, British, and American Empires, CIA assassinations and overthrows of duly elected foreign presidents, and the current beefing up of a police state in the US.

As Bush Sr announced, "If we're successful - and we will be..."

Now in his excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey describes the Uranus-Neptune duo in the realms of Politics and Business as:

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

'Nuff said?

SpaceWeather News: Lunar Eclipse Dec 21, 2010

Space Weather News for Dec 19, 2010

LUNAR ECLIPSE: For the first time in many years, northern winter is beginning with a total lunar eclipse. On Dec 21, 2010, the date of the northern winter solstice, the full Moon will pass through Earth's shadow, turning the lunar orb a delightful shade of coppery-red. Sky watchers in North America are favored with an overhead view as the eclipse unfolds on Tuesday morning between 02:41 am and 03:53 am EST.

Visit SpaceWeather News for full coverage of the event including live webcasts, observing tips, and a look at the surprising connection between lunar eclipses and Earth's climate.

SOMETHING NEW: is proud to announce SpaceWeather TEXT, an innovative alert service that turns your cell phone into a real-time space weather monitoring system. Subscribers receive text messages announcing X-class solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and CME impacts as they are happening.

Learn more at SpaceWeather TEXT.


Scroll down this blog's sidebar for Astrology-with-chart of the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @29Gem21.