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Oct 9, 2014

"Is the Bilderberg Group Behind Ebola?" video (7 min 17 sec)

As astrologers have recognized for years the current long term transit of Neptune through its own sign of Pisces has heralded a time of contagion, infection, and mysterious health issues with suspicious causes not the least of which is this: is the current ebola outbreak due to human engineering and implementation?

This 7-minute video spotlights names including that of Atlanta Mayor *Kasem Reed who attended Bilderberg Conference 2014 along with many scientists whose work applies to contagion and infectious diseases. As you know, Atlanta, Georgia hosts the headquarters of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which has been recently in the news for its lackadaisical practices concerning 'misplaced' anthrax spores and such--and the CDC is where President Obama sent the first two ebola-infected patients/missionaries who have now recovered thanks to the proper treatment being paid for.

Also spotlighted in the video are names of other Bilderberg attendees and their stock portfolios which stand to benefit greatly from an ebola outbreak which will be allowed to spread (it is theorized) long enough to depopulate certain countries including the US. See what you think for these 'conspiracy theories' are not as far-fetched as they may at first appear--a phenomena that mysterious, obfuscating Neptune excels in.

*Mayor Kasem Reed was elected to a second term on November 5, 2013. He has been a player in the scheme to widen the Savannah River so that larger ships can enter my home state of Georgia importing products of all sorts plus whatever contagions and other problems they may bring.

Oct 7, 2014

Discovery of Uranus: America's totem planet of War and Independence

William Herschel's discovery of planet Uranus in 1781 was the first of the 'modern' (transpersonal, or, outer) planets to enter human consciousness from beyond the boundary of Saturn's orbit. Its discovery date times its synchronicity with both the American and the French Revolutions and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality, brotherhood--and anarchy and rebellion against the old established order denoted by status quo Saturn.

Although Mercury, planet of ideas, thinking processes, and communication, is the traditional ruler of Astrology, Uranus--as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius and, some say, the higher octave planet of Mercury--has come to signify the 'New Age' and its realms of Astrology and a variety of otherworldly pursuits and studies. Certainly aspects between Mercury and Uranus represent intuitive thinking occurring in a flash like a bolt of lightening, and the inventions and new ideas that may come from such moments of enlightened realizations, devoid of Saturnian steps in between.

Yet even Uranian ideas, plans, and visions need reliable containers in which to pour and be manifested upon the earthly plane and these must be supplied by Saturn, ruler of form, substance, and reality. Most people know someone who often has marvelous new ideas yet who seldom if ever manages to bring them to fruition by putting them into practical form and utilization. Their ideas tend to remain on the Uranian 'drawing board' for lack of an aspect between 'old' Saturn and 'new' Uranus in the natal chart and can give the person an otherworldly vibe and an impractical aura that can keep more reality-based folks at arm's length.

As for the Political Astrology lens used on this blog, the more mundane associations between Uranus and political thought and policy, radicalism, and disruption are uppermost and this is predictable (though Uranus never is!) Uranus may disrupt, separate, isolate, or interrupt at any time--either early, late, or never, and is linked with the 'wild cards' of the Universe, Eclipses, two of which are occurring this month of October 2014. Tomorrow, October 8th, times a Lunar Eclipse @15Aries05 with its potential effects made even more unpredictable by a close conjunction to quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, an astrological portrait of zealots, anarchists, and Uranian Utopians (as described by Reinhold Ebertin.)

Two weeks later on October 23, 2014, the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 occurs, when karmic progress can be made thanks to its manifestation in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Yet Scorpio also denotes betrayal, revenge, and secrets so what are our chances? After all, karmic progress entails making better decisions concerning how to deal with current events rather than relying on past mistaken choices and behaviors that may have been appropriate then but will no longer serve if improved outcomes are desired.

And that, as I'm certain you recognize, is a handy definition of the obsessive neurosis that grips Washington DC politics as the "shining city on a hill" continues its draconian attempt to remake the world in its now-quaint 'New Atlantis' image.

Thanks to the help of sister Caroline Herschel: Discovery of Uranus March 13, 1781 "between 10 and 11 pm" according to William Herschel's account, Bath, England. At 10:30 pm LMT: ASC 11Sco43, Moon 14Sco59 rising, 1st house Jupiter @27Sco25 Rx, 2nd house Pluto 6AQ09 (discovered in 1930), IC 27AQ12, 4th house Venus @2Pis54 (sister Caroline selflessly giving her all to brother's work?), Sun 23Pis45 (the self-denying William?), 5th house planet of sight, Mercury @11Ari45, a degree that transit Uranus has so recently electrified), 6th house of Chiron @3Tau20 (conjunct the healing Centaur's discovery degree of 3Tau09, November 1, 1977), North Node of Future Destiny @5Tau08 (which puts SN rising showing the Herschels' isolation and "outstanding in their field" status), Desc 11Tau43. The 8th house of occultism and hidden things holds Uranus @24Gem27, with Gemini ruled by insightful Mercury; MC @27Leo12, The Goal Point, showing perhaps some desire for achieving prominence within the scientific community of his day, modest though he was. Perhaps the proud Leonine Midheaven refers to some amount of unconscious arrogance within his nature and his discovery of Uranus did lead to his acceptance by the scientific establishment and to being favored by the king.

Finally, as-yet-undiscovered Neptune @4Lib48 is Rx and in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes, an idealistic placement by house and sign for the planet of dreams and visions.

Source for Uranus discovery data: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad)

"Hong Kong Protests Carefully Crafted, Not Spontaneous" video

An Interview from Hong Kong

Here is interesting information from journalist Peter Lee concerning the Hong Kong protests which delves much deeper into events than what Western journalism has presented to the American public.

A certain irony has not been lost around Stars Over Washington that Hong Kong's massive "student" protest against their election candidates being selected by China's power elite (as we're told) is exactly how elections have been rigged in America for years and accounts in part for the US voting public's depressing 'lesser of two evils' feeling we often get as we enter voting booths to consider corporate-backed candidates who are only cogs in an anti-democratic Global Government wheel of oppression, pretending otherwise as they may:

My thanks to The Real News Network and to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up on this informative 13-minute video.

Oct 1, 2014

Constantine the Great's Conversion and "the New Rome" - video

Since Washington DC has been referred to as "the new Rome" and Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Turkey dubbing Constantinople as "the new Rome" it's always been interesting to me to delve into Constantine the Great's conversion to Christianity which contemporaries and historians since have not always accepted as genuine. This, of course, involves the Vision of the Lighted Cross he had on October 27, 312 just before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge where he defeated Maxentius, then entered Rome in triumph on October 29, 312. Rome's Arch of Constantine continues to commemorate his victory.

But as the following excerpted 4-min-32-sec video points out, Roman Emperor Constantine may have been seeking forgiveness for murdering his son and having his wife suffocated in a hot steam bath, two acts which might bother the conscience of almost any dictator of the global expansionist variety--and pagan priests had refused to pardon him for his crimes:

Come to think of it, I'm not certain the sin of murder bothers the consciences of our modern crop of imperial expansionists who would have to have consciences first. You've seen them: they read their Global Government scripts like dead-eyed robots.

Related: The Empire Never Ended.