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Sep 3, 2017

Sept 6 2017 Pisces Full Moon conjunct starry Achernar

Sept 6, 2017 Pisces Full Moon: the Culmination of The Great American Eclipse (August New Moon)

The September 6th Full Moon perfects @13Pis53 at 3:02/03 am edt. This Full Moon reflects upon fixed star Achernar @14Pisces (a Eridani; The Cherub and the Sword) with its themes of: 'royal honors; success in public office' (DeVore); and 'crisis at the end of the river' (Brady). Unfortunately, the good people of Texas and Louisiana know all too much about flooding and crisis but not so much about 'royal honors'.

On a personal note, Tracy at Tracy's Astro Salon writes of the Pisces Full Moon, "..on September 6 we have the Pisces Full Moon (and it) is yet another call back to the eclipse on August 21st. Emphasis is on faith and spirit. What is that thing that connects us all together and to something bigger than ourselves? Things we can’t see or feel or touch or hear or taste---but yet they are there, we only ‘know’ it. Or trust it."

Read more of Tracy's report Astrology This Week beginning with Saturday September 2, 2017.

Perhaps it's my mildly psychic natal Moon in Pisces but I do concur with Tracey!

And speaking of Pisces and fish, here's my Three-Spotted Rabbit fish portrait for you from my Dreamyfish Art blog:

Max Igan: What Divides Us Enslaves Us

Sept 2017: Here is episode 306 in Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series of broadcasts via American Voice Radio:

video link.

Support Max's independent work at

Sep 2, 2017

Sep 3, 2017: Mercury Rx activates 1N August Solar Eclipse

Here you see a horoscope set for the White House of the moment that transit Mercury rx (turns direct Sep 5) hits the precise degree of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo32:56 in the 1 North Saros Series. And with Mars @29Leo12, the warrior planet has just conjoined the precise eclipse degree himself and is, as you know, the quarrel loving Donald Trump's rising planet natally (Mars 26Leo+). Also note that a 1 North Solar Eclipse was the Prenatal Eclipse of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks.

Yes, I've stuffed quite a bit of basic and other chart info onto the horoscope so please enlarge the image if you wish to check it out for not all will be mentioned in the text, below. Shaded green is the area Mercury holds sway in 12th, 1st, 4th, and 5th houses (Jupiter intercepted in 5th h, Uranus intercepted in 11th h--Jupiter-Uranus opposition = political conflicts) which then key their opposite houses: 6th, 7th (Saturn conj Trump's Moon-SN), 10th, and 11th. A neglected listing is the transiting South Node conjunct MC (status and reputation) and transit Moon (public mood) suggesting a lack of popularity and the public's disappointment and separative emotions over Trump's desultory performance.

But why do I display this particular horoscope and what is the significance of communicator Mercury hitting the eclipse degree? My reason is based on the fact that part of the theme of a 1 North Solar Eclipse is: "information is distorted and possibly false" (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

And of course, Mercury is intimately associated with information and, in its trickster element, with falsehoods, lies, and delusions. This reminds me of Mr. Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square ("the sneaky mind" - Oken), a distorted pairing full of off-kilter perceptions and wrong assumptions which doesn't balk at using subterfuge and innuendo to achieve its owner's aims. With this aspect, indiscretion is (Sun-NN-Uranus in chatty Gemini) Mr. Trump's middle name! Many of his 'leaks' are unconscious, of course, but I want to believe that he could do better as he plays the role of US president! Actually, he must be mighty depressed and perhaps pessimistic about now with transit Saturn @21Sag15, stomping his natal Moon (emotions) and South Node, a Saturnian point of separation. (Guess via old man Saturn he's experiencing how most of the world feels about him.)

Be that as it may, you see in the horoscope that Mr. Trump's natal Uranus rises in this chart which suggests his typical unpredictable, eccentric, off-kilter responses to up coming events, opinions, and criticisms; Uranus will bring Trump's North Node (encounters; direction) and Sun (ego; pride) with it.

So not only does transit Mercury activate the implications of the 1 North Solar Eclipse that split America from Oregon to South Carolina in August and which conjoined precisely the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump, but Mercury is the chart-ruler during this, an Hour of Mercury. As chart-ruler we find Mercury making only one applying Ptolemaic aspect--a trine to tech-savvy, rebellious, novelty loving reformer Uranus (a zealous Utopian anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries - Ebertin). Emphasized, as you see, is a full 4th house of Roots and Foundation of the Matter but also of The Drain. Does this remind you of Hurricane Harvey's destructive effects on the good people of Louisiana and Texas and the continued flooding? Very sorry to say, me too.

Specifically, this Mercury-Uranus trine forming (0A25) indicates that many ideas and communications now concern large societal issues which relate to personal interests (and as you know, there are multiple such issues in discussion). Meetings should be fairly easy to organize and unexpected benefits may be gained via information discovered or through certain people attempting to impress us (or Trump) with their ideas and opinions (2 exs: the media; political partisans). Successful activities may include international finance, scientific and technical areas, air travel, and/or the societal issues cited (- Skalka).

As you notice, success with 'international finance' is on the list yet investigations (Mercury) concerning Mr. Trump's troubles via foreign banks and countries such as Russia (plus, China and Germany, I would add) have a ways to go before Trump's name and reputation are cleared of such a stain if indeed it ever can be.

Sep 2, 2017 Update: have just added to my WordPress blog a few details and quotes concerning September 3rd's Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend if you'd care to have a peek.

Sep 1, 2017

May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

May 15, 2018: Expect the Unpredictable: Uranus First Enters Venus-Ruled Taurus

In Astrology, Uranus is considered unpredictable, erratic, eccentric, separative, electric, eclectic, progressive, reforming, novelty loving, intense, disruptive, independent, a rebel and a fighter for freedom. In mundane charts US Uranus (8Gem55) is America's 'war planet' of revolution and revolt. Coming between the American and French Revolutions, the 1781 Discovery of Uranus by amateur astronomer William Herschel is an oft-told tale and one that may soon be made more newsworthy by the fact that on May 15, 2018 at 11:17 am edt, the quirky maverick of a planet will leave Aries in the Tropical Zodiac and enter the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus the Bull. Money, materialism, possessiveness, intolerance, and greed are the negative keywords of Taurus with growth, building, designing, and stability the more positive traits usually mentioned. (Noting that it's the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself).

In November 2018, transit Uranus re-enters Aries, turns Direct in early January 2019, then lurches into Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

Uranus from Aries to Taurus; Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius

Now as you know, with Uranus lurching through Mars-ruled Aries since 2010, we've been seeing and experiencing much of what Reinhold Ebertin describes as Utopians, blind zealots, radical reformers, fanatics, and anarchists brashly and stubbornly expressing themselves within the Collective, their ambitions often shown via sudden outbursts of energy and violence, plus, efforts to enforce their 'against the mainstream' ideas.

So how will Uranus in Taurus affect societal conditions as surely it must? Uranus is the only one of our solar system's three outer (transpersonal) planet that will change signs until transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth, leaves governmental Capricorn and enters Aquarius while simultaneously trodding upon America's inaugural Sun (00AQ+ = POTUS in our January 20th Inauguration horoscopes--assuming America will have another president).

And then for the first time in approximately 248 years, transit Pluto reaches 00AQ00 during the third week of March 2023, retrogrades on or about June 2, 2023, then it's backwards into Capricorn (triggering 29Cap, a critical degree) for a while until power wielding Pluto, the saboteur, re-enters Aquarius on or about January 22, 2024. Transit Pluto to US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) suggests a new start or a different lifestyle than before for the Oval office occupant-in-chief. Of course Pluto breaks down in order to 'build anew upon the ruins', plus, things are always unpredictable and disruptive with Uranus, so few if any people have a clear idea of how damaged the US presidency may turn out to be as long as the eccentric Uranian Mr. Trump plays and tweets the role into laughing stock territory. (Some hidden power behind the throne wanted him there to hobble America!)

Now as you know, Pluto in Capricorn suggests a strong archetypal image of The Dictator (Ebertin) and it's interesting that America was founded while manipulator Pluto, of the invisible cape, was in the sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, in late degrees. However, Pluto in scientific, futuristic Aquarius exhibits a different picture entirely for a Uranian flavor is added to Pluto via Aquarius. According to Reinhold Ebertin, Pluto in Aquarius is about those displaying any, all, or none of the following expressions: a wealth of plans, a strong communal sense, the urge to reform, popularity, life advancement through the help of other people, and/or a potential for exaggerated plans and hopes.

So there's a small portrait of Uranus moving into the fixed energies of Taurus and Pluto doing the same and moving into the fixed, more rigid sign of Aquarius.

Aug 30, 2017

Partisan Politics - How to Solve the Problem

Another in a series of posts written by a millennial astrologer with the betterment of society on his mind:

by Kevin Estes

This is a post from my other blog, The Aquarian Paradigm, that also fits the subject matter here as well. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend that you do so, as its purpose is to explain why the events that are going on right now are happening, as well as archive some very important knowledge in one place.

Over the last few years, the divide and conquer game that has been implemented by the elites has become very prominent. Pro life vs. pro choice, gay marriage vs. traditional marriage, creationism vs. evolution, rich vs. poor, liberal vs. conservative, capitalism vs. socialism, white vs. minority, flat earth vs. round earth, etc. Like I've mentioned before, all of this is to distract us from the real enemy, the elites, also known as the Illuminati.

And it's destroying our society

While the Democratic and Republican parties have existed for years, the friction between the left and the right has never been greater. A lot of it is because both parties are prioritizing the needs of the party over the needs of the general population, but we need to take a lot of the blame as well. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, yet we're letting the divide and conquer game and party politics tear us apart, when our leaders are taking orders from the "deep state". It wouldn't even surprise me if events like Charlottesville were planned for the purpose of taking away our freedom of speech. After all, the Obama years were full of false flag attacks designed to try and implement gun control, and the Patriot Act was signed suspiciously shortly after 9/11, making it likely that it was written prior to the attack.

How do we solve this problem?

In my Left Wing Astrology blog, I expanded on Alan Lin's theory of identifying political ideology in the natal chart to include the charts of celebrities, local and state politicians, and people I know, while using my knowledge of how to determine people's rising signs. In my expansion, the theory still holds up in a big way. This proves that people are naturally liberal or conservative, as well as naturally ethical. If this method becomes mainstream knowledge, we can avoid electing ethically bankrupt politicians, which a large amount of the GOP and Democratic "establishment" politicians are. If we understand that our political differences are shown in our natal charts, we'd then understand that there is no right or wrong ideology, which would put an end to the divide and conquer game immediately. After all, an economic crash or loss of freedom of speech will effect everyone, not just the left or the right.

To put it shortly, we need to put our differences aside, not fall for the divide and conquer game, and unite against the real enemy that has enslaved all of us for over 200 years.

Also by Kevin Estes: Liberal Media and Conservative Media

Aug 29, 2017

Truth and Virtual Life - Max Igan

American Voice Radio presents Max Igan's presentation Truth and Virtual Life. Published August 18, 2017, this is one of Max's Surviving the Matrix series Episode 304:

If you wish to support Max's The Crowhouse, visit patreon.

Aug 6, 2017

A Message for Stars Over Washington Readers: currently yours truly is recuperating from surgery and will return soon. Please keep an eye on Washington for me, ok?

Update August 23, 2017: now home from surgery and rehab, lots of effort lies ahead until I'm tip top, probably until November or early December. Until then, I'll be posting here lightly concerning as much Washington DC politics and Trump antics as I can manage--that is, if Chrome code and other tech changes can be successfully navigated or Stars Over Washington (12 years old in October!) ends up sabotaged and discarded by Google.

My warmest thanks go to all SO'W readers for continued support and for Sharing posts which for now remain timely!

Jude Cowell

ps: My general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology will also be updated but less frequently since my typing time must be briefer than usual as I recuperate. Jupiterian-Uranian Donald Trump (Jupiter-Uranus = political conflict; Ebertin), now moving into exact opposition) keeps us all busy, doesn't he? But of course creating distraction and chaos is one of his and his secret backers' primary goals, and the way Trump habitually operates, isn't it? jc

Aug 26, 2017 Update: recovery is going well. Look very soon for a new post written by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who is helping me out here at SO'W while I'm out of commission. Thanks a bunch, Kevin!

And in light of currently retrograde Mercury exalted in its own sign of Virgo (though backing into Leo and conjoining royal star Regulus, Direct Sept 5 and hitting the August 21 Solar Eclipse degree, here's a piece I wrote for Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker way back in the olden days of September 2009: Unruly Tricksters of the 12th House--featuring guess-who?

Jul 30, 2017

July 30, 2017: Hello there Hong Kong

An unusually high volume of visits from Hong Kong today...what are you up to, Hong Kong?