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Showing posts with label Perseus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perseus. Show all posts

Feb 26, 2018

The Powerful Midpoint Pictures of Donald Trump

The following midpoint picture interpretations are gleaned from the natal chart of Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, New York USA and are quoted here from The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin (lest someone fuss that I made them up!)

Well yes, I'm a messy artist but perhaps you can somehow read my scribbles of Mr. Trump's natal planetary pictures and their potential expressions (any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to activation by various cosmic means, a lifelong condition here on Planet Earth):

If possible, read them all together (unless you know them already) for they paint quite a picture of this flawed individual whose personal flaws and foibles are now our own to some extent--even for those who 'resist' his White House tenure. Uncomfortably, we are all under the sway of Trump's 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his oriental or 'guiding planet', which inspires in him a wide variety of shocking behaviors and erratic ideas and intensifies his odd or unusual communications style (Gemini), wouldn't you say? And though people get excited when seeing him in person (Sun-Uranus = NN of public contact), chaos attends sky god Uranus, planet of lightening, electricity, novelty, disruption, separation, and--perhaps more to the political point--radical reforms. As you know, the totally skeptical Mr. Trump (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn) is a quixotic, quirky reformer (Uranus in Gemini) who becomes overwhelmed with extreme emotions (Moon-Pluto = Chiron, the wound and/or blind spot) and has a tendency to be easily seduced and to speculate wildly (Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron--in his 2nd house of Money and Values). Plus, hypocrisy is often a part of any bubbly, frothy Jupiter-Neptune action and with Chiron in the midst of it he may be completely unaware of his hypocrisy although it's excessively obvious to most observers (and victims!)

And since I have often here and there complained of Mr. Trump's indiscreet, fantasy-prone, dishonest Mercury-Neptune square of the sneaky mind (A. Oken), I give it small mention since we're talking mostly midpoint pictures yet it is a major feature of his public persona and habitual behavior in which he prevaricates without having to think about it.

And so we see in current events and in these pictures that Gemini messenger Mr. Trump, who rules spontaneously by whimsy and notion, has a mission to fulfill and announcements to make (Mercury conjunct Mirzam, The Announcer who precedes Sirius, the Dog Star). His oppressive family conditions early in life (and probably even now with the Mueller investigation) gives a tendency toward emotional depression (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) which he endeavors to hide from himself in the many ways we've observed. A primary way is to go overboard in one's love life and to talk of such private matters too often and too familiarly. Then Venus-Neptune = ASC provides him with potentials for holding peculiar attitudes about love and women, impressionability, a lack of good taste (a gilded penthouse? ridiculous!), and....surprise--disappointment in love. This potential may sometimes aggravate the discontent seen in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in 11th house of Associations. As we've noticed, loyalty (Saturn) in relationships (Venus) is a must for Mr. Trump no matter how wrong or offensive he is on any topic or issue, or how disloyal he himself is.

And with such an attitude toward others he's bound to face disappointment in relationships, including marriage. Still, appearance is everything (Venus-Neptune) for Mr. Trump and an exalted public image must be maintained by hook or by crook (remember his alter ego, "John Miller"?) We can see Mr. Trump's intense interest in love, sexual encounters, and relationships showing here as well like a terrycloth bathrobe left askew for effect. Woman as goddess on a rose-festooned pedestal--until she disappoints, that is. Well, Mother did as we see in his Moon-South Node conjunction of separation and estrangement. With Moon-SN, his sense of timing isn't so fabulous either and perhaps we should watch as transit Mars nears his Moon-SN conjunction (20/22Sag) and opposes natal Sun-North Node in early March 2018. Potentials of this Mars transit are vindictive anger, rash actions, challenges to leadership, ego-bruises, and physical strain or injury, most of which sounds like the usual but a male (Mars), or Mr. Mars-Rising himself, may activate or trigger the energies to a higher level.

Then There's the Most Negative Midpoint Picture in His Natal Chart

As the current leading representative of America and the American people, the most disturbing midpoint picture on the list considering Trump's social position and influence over society is listed, upper left, and that's one of brutality, rage or fury of destruction, and the death of many people...Mars-Saturn = Pluto, deadly planet of the Criminal Underworld, the Occult, Psychology, Raw or Primal Power, and of Nuclear Power--here, in ego-based Leo. Plus, his Midheaven (Aspirations-Goals) falls within the stars of Perseus (the prince--and Trump's frisky Mars rises with royal Regulus) and at MC spotlights the passionate, aggressive energies of starry Capulus. Yes, his aspiration came true for he reached the head (Capulus) of the entire enterprise--again by hook or crook. And yet he often seems like the dog who caught the bus and... you know the rest.

Now according to Reinhold Ebertin concerning Mars-Saturn-Pluto constellations, the potential is available for him-of-the-massive-ego to push precisely the Wrong Button so let's pray (or fervently hope if that's all we can manage) that the remaining potential in this death-axis (Mars-Saturn) midpoint picture expresses in a way that overrides its most negative implications, whether an override comes by way of a Heavenly Source or from someone who will rein Trump in...the intervention of a higher power.

A Related Post: May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus Enters Taurus.

Additional Note: our do-nothing Congress returns to Capitol Hill tomorrow, Monday February 26, 2018, and there's no time to type about it now yet it may be noteworthy that tomorrow's Cancer Moon will turn void-of-course at 4:51 pm est once she squares radical Uranus in Aries so those who wish to actually accomplish something in Congress with some small measure of cooperation may wish to do their best work prior to 4:51 pm even though actions during the Moon's VOC condition can indicate that no one can interfere or limit--or, that results will be totally unexpected. Luna enters Leo at 11:42 pm est and floats on to make a series of quincunxes of adjustment and strain all through Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Jan 1, 2015

Horoscope: March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Pisces--sneaks, leaks, and veils

Spring Equinox 2015 Brings a Pisces Solar Eclipse Conjunct Starry Scheat

by Jude Cowell

It's a rare Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) that includes a Solar Eclipse as we have on March 20, 2015 with the Sun reaching Aries Point at 6:45:29 pm EDT. Yet the horoscope image here is actually the Pisces Solar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC and perfecting at 5:36:09 am EDT:

As you see, the solar-lunar perfection occurs during a Mars Hour with planet Mars in its own sign @21Ari35 in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values. Mars rules the 2nd house via Aries and also the 9th house (viaScorpio) of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Learning, Foreign Lands and Long Distance Travel. Here transit Mars is seen leaving Uranus after their conjunction of March 11, 2015 @15Ari00 conjunct Fixed Star Alpheratz (Alpha Andromeda) which Reinhold Ebertin calls 'Sirrah' and Arabian astrologers, Al Surrat al Faras. This star links to a love of freedom and movement, an independent spirit, and the 'sheer joy of wind in your hair' (Brady). Rigor links Alpheratz to 'princess imagery' and adds potentials for 'wealth, honor, cheer, and a love of life'.

A square by manipulator and Hidden Hand Pluto to both Mars and Uranus in conjunction heavily imprints the beginning of their combined energies' new cycle with potentials continuing for societal unrest and riots, violence, explosions, attacks, and military actions. In Politics and Business, the Mars-Uranus pair's influences may include reforms within a nation's military, modernization of energy or steel industries, exploitation of energy resources, radical movements involving military or police forces, rebellions against modernization efforts, and sudden outbreaks of hostility (Munkasey). Unpopularity, toppled leadership, and/or revolution may also occur when Alpheratz is contacted by a malefic planet--and mythological Mars is the 'god of war' while Uranus is America's planet of revolution and war.

Now I won't bore you further by adding links to current headlines since you already know of the tinderbox politicians and their enablers have plunked our world into in this, the much-lauded 'New Millennium.'

And what of Fixed Star Scheat (Beta Pegasus) which the March 20th Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 stimulates into expression? Scheat is known as a difficult or turbulent star with potentials for 'misfortune, drowning, suicide, and possibly murder' (DeVore). Yet it also links to the concept of a 'love of intellect' and being 'a thinker' (Brady) which sounds much better, doesn't it?

However, Scheat was prominent in many ancient cultures during humanity's matriarchal goddess-worhipping era and the star was seen by the Greeks as being born from Medusa's neck as she was slain by Perseus. Constellation Pegasus is near another ancient constellation, Equuleus ('The Little Horse') and both point toward the gradual change from matriarchal beliefs into the patriarchal system we're in today though I won't say that idolatry of the feminine form (goddess) isn't a major component in today's societies (exs: Hollywood films, church statues, our Venusian Lady Liberty) with some of the weirder practices of old still hidden but now venturing to peep out from behind her alabaster hem.

Perhaps some of the 'hidden messages' to be uncovered by the Solar Eclipse in Pisces (sign of mysteries, secrets, crimes, and military generals) will relate to unusual worship practices and anti-social oaths taken by those of the ruling class who have not been suspected before (time for white power 'hoods off'?) Or, with an eclipse's usual 'wild card' tendency for suddenly revealing or leaking what some wish would stay hidden, the revelations will simply involve the typical foibles of the human race from the sexual to political to financial and back again. As a former resident of the District of Columbia (a Venusian goddess!), I have often mentioned here that DC runs on blackmail and bribery but that's gray-whiskered news for most of us.

Now with Venus unaspected, we may expect skewed perspectives to be prominent for aspects to other planets (actors) would provide Venusian folk with input from the outer environment. Here, the evaluating function of Venus is impaired and since she's posited in one of her own signs of Taurus, economists, and bulls of Wall Street are potentially represented. Fedhead Janet Yellen is an obvious choice to play this Venusian role though mega-financiers and well-funded politicians of the female persuasion may be noted as well for having a 'lack of perspective'. (Note that Venus is at '4 Taurus' = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" degree where Chiron was first discovered in 1977; this gives a materialism vs spirituality hue to the picture especially since a Pisces eclipse spotlights a need for karmic progress where materialism is second to the needs of humanity. Someone please explain this to the Republican Party).

As for the dove symbol that meshes with goddess symbols such as Columbia, Venus-Aphrodite, Isis, and the rest of the gang, you may have noticed the degree of the eclipse's Ascendant and its Sabian Symbol...'20AQ' = "A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer." This image may refer to persons such as an orators, writers, or reporters, or to the Solar Eclipse itself. And I'm certain you can think of other possibilities--like the fact that the eclipse Ascendant is within one degree of the natal Ascendant of President Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii). Well, he is the one in charge of the 'bully pulpit' for two more years.

A Bully Pulpit with Hidden Messages Intercepted?

Perhaps you'll agree that the chart is weighted on the secretive (and possibly the spiritual) side with all but two planets in the hidden half of the chart below the horizon. And of course, a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon indicating that the light has yet to brighten and it's been the 'dark of the Moon' for about three days prior.

And so my chart title 'hidden messages' refers to several chart factors such as the eight planets in the private portion of chart, the abundance of secretive Pisces (rising), and the fact that this is a South Node eclipse when energies tend to rush out of the environment; plus, SN denotes past actions 'catching up' with us in the present--they are refusing to remain hidden or neglected. The critical-crisis 29th degree of the eclipse hints that though many people want to rush into Cardinal Aries along with the Spring season, they cannot do so successfully until the past is dealt with in the here-and-now.

A 1st house Chiron (18Pis01), the be-here-now centaur and priestly mentor, concurs for much karmic progress may be achieved once baggage is handled responsibly and reparations are made for past mistakes so that forward movement may reliably occur. Adding to the chart's Neptunian complexity, the Solar Eclipse set for DC is in an intercepted sign which provides even more of a karmic must-be-dealt-with nature to events inspired by the eclipse energies. Falling in the 2nd house, we naturally think of the Fed and the 2015 Congress and any attempts to deal with past errors in judgment in the realms of finance, budget and tax cuts, and other resources such as the energy resources mentioned above regarding the Mars-Uranus meeting on March 11th.

Solar Eclipse at '30 Pisces' = "The Great Stone Face": Archetypalization

Illustration:'Temple of The Great Stone Face' by Jude Cowell

A Pisces eclipse also emphasizes that esoteric and mystical secrets, codes, or carvings may be discovered and/or clarified perhaps at archaeological digs such as New Grange. Adding more inspirational influence, magical Neptune in its own sign is first planet to rise in the chart which may also denote confusing, deceptive, watery, stormy, tearful, or dissolving conditions in effect around the time of the Spring Equinox--or for two weeks prior and months afterwards. Plus, the Veiled One's nearness to message-deliverer Mercury @11Pis--planet of writers, speakers, journalists, bloggers, internet users, traders, travelers, students, teachers, and young people--may show high inspiration but also woolly thinking with a large potential for fantasy, falsehoods, and scandals to emerge.

Meanwhile, surveillance agencies continue their shady dealings against the innocent, spies infiltrate, and hackers sabotage. It seems reasonable that Edward Snowden will speak out again or that more NSA files will come to light.

Can natural or man made disasters affecting large numbers of people be ruled out in the eclipse chart? Sadly no, and there's that karmic planet Saturn on full display at the top of the chart--is an elderly Justice or congress member stepping down or retiring this year? On an another level, hardened Saturn rules austerity measures (sequestration) but also earth, soil, tectonic plates, calcification, walls, boundaries, and loss that's been a long time coming. Is Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius a shout-out to immigration issues? How about America's social safety net about to go further under the GOP ideological knife? Maybe so. Maybe all of the above. Funding wars and lining pockets remain no problem, however.

We do know that Jupiter @13Leo10 Rx in the 6th house relates to the planet's many roles such as The General, the Politician, the Corporatist, the Priest, the Lawyer, the Broadcaster, the Professor, the Banker--and 6th house is the house of work, health, and military and police service. Jupiter Rx is within orb of Mr. Obama's natal Sun once again and rules the 10th house of Public Status so any of the president's expansive projects and programs will continue to affect his public standing and political career as 2015 unfolds and Republicans balk. Hopefully, we can all patiently hold on until generous Jupiter turns Direct on April 8th and moves forward beyond Rx shadow degree in July 2015.

Mercury: '11Pisces' = "Men Seeking Illumination"

Communicator Mercury is apex planet in a YOD pattern ('Finger of God') if we don't mind including the North Node in sextile with Jupiter Rx. Typical YODs have a health connotation along with a crossroads-crisis-turning-point-special-task reputation that hints at a timing issue (time to speak up or blow whistles?) so we'll know as Spring 2015 proceeds if this particular YOD pattern should be counted as one at all.

Even if not, there are clues within a midpoint picture created by the Jupiter-NN-Mercury trio which identifies Mercury as researchers in fields such as Politics, Jurisprudence, or Religion; Jupiter-NN adds conventional religion to the possibilities along with obvious hypocrisy, antisocial conduct, and potential revelations about secret alliances, advantageous relationships, and/or trade pacts. (The shady TPP deal comes to mind for it is on Washington's agenda, secret giveaway though it is. Protecting a sovereign America? Puh! Not with these globalist jokers).

Apex Mercury is also seeking higher education so student loans and various university and college issues may be indicated. Perhaps Yale's secret society 'Skull and Bones' will be in the news even more now that Jeb Bush is running in 2016 and his grandfather Prescott had a role in the alleged theft of Geronimo's skull (and who knows what other schemes. How perplexing that many of our leaders since the 1800s became 'bonesmen' such as Dubya and John Kerry...ew! To me, S and B is a death cult.)

Now in Politics and Business, the Jupiter-NN duo suggests such things as closed legal societies, a justice system hampered or bound by erroneous decisions about the status of groups or parties (Corporations Are People, Citizens United, etc), and/or consequences that issue from treaties with allies (TPP?); religious leaders may interfere in legal matters or decisions and imports can disrupt business or trade (Munkasey). Perhaps researcher Mercury will reveal secrets concerning a few of these matters to the people's advantage.

Now let's consider a few more chart factors before closing (you must be tired!)

A primary factor, of course, is any applying aspects made by the chart-ruler/s--here with Aquarius rising, Saturn and Uranus are up. Establishment Saturn @4Sag54 Rx is Angular but past its conjunction with the eclipse MC (The Goal) indicating a condition or event that has already occurred (by March 20th).

On one level, Saturn-MC may tally somewhat with transit Saturn recently in late Scorpio crossing the natal MC of Barack Obama, a time of increased status as past efforts and hard work pay off. However, this betterment brings more responsibilities--as long as others are not blamed for one's failures and lapses. Saturn's 28-year transit to natal MC is partially the basis for the president's recent improvement in popularity along with improvements in the US economy, job creation, troops 'leaving' Afghanistan, releasing more prisoners from Gitmo, and lower gas prices in the US. Its influence will occur for the president again during Saturn's back up into Scorpio.

(I won't list the DOW closing over 18,000 points for the first time this year since presidents have very little if anything to do with it and it's merely a Wall Street bubble of speculation anyway. Besides, I never forget the primary planetary imprint upon the presidency of Barack Obama: the Great Conjunction/s of the speculator-wastrel pair, Jupiter and Neptune, which occurred three times during 2009--all conjunct US natal Moon (We the People) and spotlighting the 2008 Bush-Cheney Heist and Wall Street's mortgage and derivatives frauds which the 'Voo Doo' GOP now bring back to life to vulture upon the American people. In addition, eclipse Saturn and Neptune, the combo of ill, poor, and weak people, square one another denoting blockages and restrictions to our social programs and possibly to Obamacare as well--see Jupiter Rx in 6th house, above.)

Then What Do Eclipse Saturn and Uranus Say?

So how might things proceed from the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse as Spring begins to flower? In this chart, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is waning (exact for the last time on March 16, 2015--still inspiring unrest but thankfully not at critical degrees) and there is no applying aspect by disruptive Uranus to Neptune to consider in the chart. That leaves us with Saturn, ruler of Aquarius: though in dissociate signs (Sagittarius to Pisces--square--rather than a Sag-Aries trine), the Lesson Bringer trines the Sun and Moon (5A26) which lends support to the reparation imperative of the Pisces eclipse by providing mature reliability and an acceptance of responsibility which ties in with the karmic implications of reaping what's been sown.

The Pisces eclipse's Saros Series is the 17 South with themes of 'good news; success in group projects and creative endeavors; happiness in love matters' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady). A varied list of people and events were born or begun under the vibrations of the 17S Series and the March 20th eclipse alerts us to a potential for secrets to be revealed concerning any of them or their interests.

My 17S list includes: Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Newt Gingrich, Heath Ledger, Rachel Carson, Christopher Walken (Natalie Wood's drowning death?), Barbara Bush (or son Jeb?), Tim Roth, the initial visit of "R. C. Christian" to an Elberton Georgia bank and granite quarry in order to set up the construction of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones. And there are two more in my files: Iran (1979), and President Barack Obama.

As for Sagittarius and Pisces, their natural 90-degree square relationship reminds me of Scheat in winged Pegasus for the constellation forms a great square in the heavens--and a square's quality of 4 relates to the paternalism already mentioned, above. Plus, Sagittarius is the sign of the horse--or, more specifically, the half-horse/half-man of the centaur.

A related post for a little context as we 'lean forward': Solar Eclipses of 2015--2017.

Feb 20, 2009

Decapitation, Venus, and Fixed Star Algol

An excellent article, Decapitation and the Muslim World, by Nina Shen Rastogi, concerns the historical significance of the practice of beheading one's enemies.

Did you know that France guillotined its last criminal (hopefully it was a fair trial...?) in 1977?

And Christian Crusaders beheaded 10,000 Jews and Arabs in the Temple of Solomon during the capture of Jerusalem in 1099.

Now that's the sort of outrage that's difficult for anyone to forgive or forget - and thus the devouring spirit of revenge, the dark side of Venus, moves across the globe through the centuries.

Islam's symbol of the Crescent Moon and a Star intrigues me yet it actually pre-dates Islam. The most I've found on it so far is that the Star may represent Venus which often appears shortly after sunset along with the thin Crescent Moon which marks the first day of the month in the Islamic Calendar.

This makes sense, yet the association of neck and throat with the sign Taurus has me considering the meaning of the malevolent Fixed Star, Algol, which signifies intense female passion and rage.

As you know, the shadow side of the sign Taurus includes intolerance which Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others have deep trouble containing to the world's detriment.

Algol, according to Bernadette Brady, signifies female kundalini energy, and a consuming passion that devours with anger and outrage with an unconscious compulsion to take revenge. (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Plus, the waxing Crescent phase of the Moon is the 'crisis in action' stage.

Even in the Old Testament, we find one mention of a beheading when David slew Goliath with a stone, then cut off his head. I assume the extra violence was symbolic, especially with Algol being the brightest star in the Gorgon's head (Ptolemy.)

Here are the keywords for Algol (Beta Perseus; 26Tau10) from Brady's book mentioned above:

to lose one's head; decapitation; damage to throat and neck; sickness; violence; criminality; murder; horror.

And Diana Rosenberg noticed that Algol is active in charts of harmful fires.

Also known as Caput Algol, this binary star appears to 'blink' every 2.86 days for about 10 hours: Algol is at its worst influence when dark.

Its partner 'star', actually a cluster in Perseus, is Capulus (cap = head) which is the male intense passion of ruthlessness, savagery, and rash anger. Male kundalini energy!

Nice couple, eh?

So although I can find no online reference to Algol as the star with the Crescent Moon which is found on various Muslim countries' flags, it's difficult for me to ignore the connection between Taurus (throat/neck) and decapitation which implicates Algol as that star.

Or perhaps it is 'only' Venus as the star in the Islamic symbol of Crescent Moon and Star - Venus, who becomes vicious and takes ruthless revenge when scorned.

After all, on 9/11/01 it was transit Venus 18Leo24 triggering the Eclipse degree of Nostradamus' 'King of Terror Eclipse' of Aug 11,, Venus is implicated as the heavy in the Mayan Calendar puzzle of Dec 21, 2012.

Any thoughts one way or the other?

Nov 21, 2008

Sentinel all-sky camera spots new meteors!

NASA Begins Hunt for New Meteor Showers details how NASA astronomer and meteor expert, Bill Cooke, working at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, received an email sent him by his Sentinel camera showing an amazing meteor shower over Huntsville pre-dawn on Sept 9, 2008.

The whole spetacular show, including over two dozen fantastic fireballs, was recorded by the Sentinel, an all-sky camera located on the grounds of the Marshall SF Center. Good thing the Sentinel "never gets sleepy" because dim meteors had previously been sighted around Sept 9 originating from the constellation Perseus, but with showiness lacking, the shower had not been observed with eagerness - had been rather dissed, in fact.

Click the link for audios, videos, and full length movies of the fireballs which were brighter than Jupiter or Venus, a sparkly pair of planets you may have noticed after sunset this month, but be sure to watch out for them Nov 30 and Dec 1, as the Moon joins them in a harmonic trio.

Since the outburst in September, a second camera has been set up 100 miles away at the Walker County Science Center in north Georgia so that the meteors' trajectories may be backtracked to find the as-yet unknown parent comet...kind of an astronomical paternity test!

"With two cameras, we can gather the data we need to calculate orbits," says Cooke.

Then on Oct 1, 2008, a meteor exploded over Huntsville creating a fireball effect so you may wish to check out the movie showing the fireball over Hunstville and over Georgia.

Results of this research are expected to help NASA concerning the many meteor flashes which impact the Moon quite often so this will be important information for the time when NASA returns a man to the Moon.

Because no one wants a fireball landing on his noggin!

Nov 29, 2007

dry Venus and the Comet's tail grows back

Space Weather News for Nov. 29, 2007

SOLAR WIND DRIES VENUS: The European Space Agency's Venus Express spacecraft has made an important discovery: the solar wind dries out Venus.

Unlike Earth, Venus has no global magnetic field to deflect particles from the sun; when solar wind hits Venus it actually strips away some of Venus' upper atmosphere. Hydrogen and oxygen atoms fly into space, removing from Venus the chemical building blocks of water. This process makes an already hellish planet even worse.

Link to more information may be found below.

COMET 17P/HOLMES UPDATE: Now that the full Moon has left the evening sky, Comet Holmes is visible again. The comet is not as bright as it was when it first exploded in late October.

Most people now have trouble finding it with the naked eye. A quick sweep through Perseus with a pair of binoculars, however, will pinpoint the comet while the smallest of telescopes reveals it to be a truly impressive object.

Comet Holmes now occupies about 10 times the volume of the Sun and it is developing a hint of a blue-green tail. A similar tail was observed in early November, but it broke off during an apparent magnetic storm.

Now the tail is growing back.

Visit for sky maps and the latest images.

Nov 15, 2007

Comet now bigger than the Sun

Space Weather News for Nov. 15, 2007

GIANT COMET: University of Hawaii astronomers have measured the diameter of Comet 17P/Holmes: 1.4 million kilometers. This makes the exploding comet bigger than the sun and now the largest object in the solar system. Not surprisingly, the comet is visible to the naked eye; with only a backyard telescope you can watch its gigantic debris cloud expand from night to night. Nov. 19th is an especially good night to look: Comet Holmes will glide by *Mirfak, the brightest star in the constellation Perseus, and appear to swallow it.

Visit for a sky map and images.

(Note: The sun remains by far the most massive object in the solar system. Comet 17P/Holmes' diaphanous atmosphere of dust and gas, which is what the astronomers measured, contains less mass than a typical asteroid. In spite of its great size, Comet Holmes is a lightweight that won't be deflecting the orbits of planets or causing any other such catastrophes.)

ROSETTA FLYBY: On Nov. 13th, the European Space Agency's comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft buzzed Earth, passing only 5300 km above the southern hemisphere. During the high-speed gravity assist maneuver, Rosetta snapped some fantastic pictures including close-up shots of Antarctic icescapes and glittering views of city lights at night.

See Rosetta's amazing photos at

*Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): young male energy; a young warrior proud of his strength.

Oct 29, 2007

Exploding comet now larger than Jupiter

Space Weather News for Oct 29, 2007

Last week, Comet 17P/Holmes shocked sky watchers around the world with a sudden million-fold increase in brightness. It literally exploded into view, rapidly becoming a naked eye "star" in the constellation Perseus. Since then the comet has expanded dramatically. It is now physically larger than the planet Jupiter and subtends an angle in the night sky similar to the Moon's Sea of Tranquility, the right eye of the "Man in the Moon."

Photographers, this amazing comet is an excellent target for off-the-shelf digital cameras and backyard telescopes. It grows visibly from night to night and no one knows how large it will become. Stay tuned to for sky maps and the latest images.#

Previous Comet Alert with Perseus star lore added.

Oct 24, 2007

Comet erupts in Perseus!

Space Weather News for Oct. 24, 2007:

ERUPTING COMET: Astronomers in Japan and Europe report that Comet 17P/Holmes is undergoing a spectacular eruption. The 17th-magnitude comet has brightened by a factor of five hundred thousand or more during the past 24 hours becoming a naked eye object in the evening sky. This may signify a breakup of the comet's core or a rich vein of ice suddenly exposed to sunlight--no one knows.

Look for a yellow 2.5th-magnitude fuzzball in the constellation Perseus after sunset. ("2.5th magnitude" means a little dimmer than the stars of the Big Dipper.) At present the comet looks more like a star than a comet; it does not have a discernable tail, but it might grow one as the outburst continues.

Visit for a sky map, photos and updates.#

The constellation of Perseus the Prince is a member of the royal family and orbits around the North Pole. He was known by the Hebrews as Parash, a horseman, or sometimes as Ham, son of Noah. In Egypt he was called, Khem, the young black son of Cepheus the king.

The brightest star in Perseus is Mirfak (Algenib) and is associated with the young warrior who is proud of his strength, his hunting and fighting abilities, and of his trophy. People with Mirfak linked to planets in their natal charts are: Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King, Jr, Margaret Thatcher, and Henry Ford.

So Mirfak represents young male energy that may not listen to the wisdom of others or take caution. There is a flavor of overestimating one's mental or physical abilities...guess you could say a flame-out may result as we're seeing with Comet Holmes! So Washington and the Pentagon--beware, because even you exalted types can't change the As Above, So Below nature of the world.

5:00 pm News from NPR:

State Department Security Chief Richard Griffin has resigned effective Nov 1--he oversaw entities like Blackwater. Seems the heat from the spotlight was too hot--flame-out!