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Showing posts with label Scorpio Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scorpio Eclipse. Show all posts

Nov 16, 2014

Sun-Saturn in Politics: Sun and Saturn meet @25Sco55 on Nov 18, 2014

In Washington DC Can Passion and Politics Share Mutual Goals?

If you're familiar with America's natal horoscope of July 14, 1776, you know that our nation is imprinted with the influences of the Sun-Saturn combination for the two planets are in Cardinal square to one another with Sun @13Can19 and Saturn @14Lib48. This aspect and planetary duo influences our national 10th house of Career and Pubic Status on the world stage and thus their energies are prominent in our national psyche.

Unfortunately for the American people, our out-of-bounds government continues to neglect our natal 10th house Saturn's imperatives and lessons of responsibility and accountability which now leads our nation to a 'fall from grace' on the world stage (10th house) especially with deconstructing Pluto now creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. But there are infiltrators and operatives who have long wished it that way and they act totally under the sway of the Mars-Pluto energies discussed below.

Now if you've read this blog before you may know that for planetary pairings and their midpoints (halfway between two planets where their energies powerfully blend together) I tend to consult Michael Munkasey's excellent book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets. My basic reasoning for this is that the book, unlike others with midpoint directories, contains specific information concerning Politics and Business within the Hegelian Dialect manner of Thesis and Antithesis for each of the midpoints' potentials which then lead to Synthesis (triggering the power number 3.) There are several other uses for the book's info as well but since this is a Political Astrology blog, there we are.

So when the Sun (leadership; the president) meets authoritarian Saturn @25Sco55 on November 18, 2014, what might be triggered by this important pair of energies besides America's natal Sun-Saturn Cardinal square that relates, of course, to mature leadership, government, authority, control, status, and on some level or other, repression, suppression, or inhibition. The last Sun-Saturn conjunction occurred during the first week of November 2013 in earlier Scorpio, a time frame that includes the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11So15 (linked below.) Currently we're under the auspices of the October 23, 2014 Solar Elcipse @00Sco24 which gathers further Scorpionic influences as America's ongoing issues emerge then and now such as the aftereffects of this year's Midterm Elections which have switched the balance of control in the US Congress (Saturn) and spotlighted their rift with the Executive Branch of government (Sun = POTUS) as The Media constantly reminds us. For as it's reported, things will be 'different' on Capitol Hill come early January 2015 when a new Congress is sworn in, gun-totin' hog castrator and all. That is, if you believe America actually retains a two-party political system. I don't, but you'll make up your own mind about it, of course.

Now let's consider the implications of Sun in Mars/Pluto ruled Scorpio, an intense, secretive, and karmic sign that needs to learn to control itself before it exercises control over anyone else. Obviously, the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibrations of Scorpio are part of the political picture as well (the Sun is always in Scorpio for US elections) and they echo the power-control political issues already mentioned along with war, weaponry, brutality, violence, and forceful interference (Mars-Pluto's rape and/or invasion influences.)

When the Sun is in passionate Scorpio (sign of the Scorpion, the Eagle, the Phoenix) we expect strong willpower to be shown (though its true source may be hidden) and a struggle for existence to occur (which relates in part to the GOP's ongoing attempts to 'erase' the presidency of Barack Obama along with his Affordable Healthcare Act, a health and regeneration link to surgical Scorpio.) Plus, there are potentials for quarrels, fanaticism, secret or invisible motives, self-sabotage, fear or fearlessness, overestimation of abilities, or even tenacity and the power to succeed and maintain one's position. Apparently, "surgical strikes" by drones helps the US keep the upper claw.

Naturally included in any assessment of Scorpio are its 8th house realms of Corporatism, Big Business, and Big Money so we must note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction occurs in the 2nd house of the National Treasury when the horoscope is set for Washington DC--at 3:50 am est, with 18Lib21 rising and conjunct North Node @18Lib49 stationary. Additionally, our nation's frustrated progressed Mars Rx rises on Ascendant (Rx by progression since Summer 2006.) Near Midheaven @21Can04 (The Goal Point) is our national Mercury Rx in 10th house--spotlighting traders, reporters, orators, writers, transporters (exs: pilots, pipelines), young people, tricksters, communications, spies, etc. Opposite is US natal Pluto @27Cap33 Rx conjoining asteroid Eros ('the piercing', which supports the Mars-Pluto flavor) in the Foundation 4th house of the chart. As usual, manipulative Pluto is obsessed with control!

Now since austere old man Saturn has traversed Scorpio we've experienced potentials for: deeply delving into other people's business for political advantage, metaphysical studies and application, obstinacy, endurance, a serious or somber outlook, pessimism, fear and its uses, propaganda, difficult matters that need to be dealt with, displays of skill, transformation, restricted or lost funds and resources, and--positively in my book--spiritual rebirth. For as we found with the October 2014 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, karmic progress can be made during a Scorpio eclipse when forgiveness trumps humanity's urge for revenge.

However, as we've seen in Washington DC, Scorpio is a Fixed sign and inflexible attitudes and rigid ideals tend to be deemed more important than addressing the needs of the American people so little if any karmic progress is made. Plus, if on a politician's schedule too often, 'the people's business' threatens to interfere with the constant drive toward gaining financial donations and support for propping up and swaying politicians, political parties, think tanks, and for mysterious or other causes and projects that would wither in the light of day if revealed. Yes, such can be betraying Scorpio as more and more politicians act (or don't act) in breach of the public trust and undermine the US government.

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business--and a 'New Order'

As for Sun-Saturn energies working together, we find Thesis considerations in Politics and Business to be: the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents (our will is still important to US politicians? Surprise!), checks and balances (#POTUS v Congress and the Judicial System), form and definition given to an enterprise.

Also of importance in the Sun-Saturn chart is an active Uranus-North Node midpoint (radical politics and groups) which points in a T-Square pattern toward activist Mars @17Cap12. This degree is another reference to the grand Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 with its Illuminati/Enlightenment/NWO and unconscious implications and note that the karmic Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 sprinkled its energies of a trine between Uranus (science; revolution) and Neptune (spirituality; illusion) upon our Collective Unconscious and thereby fertilized the seeding of a 'new order' which is and will be further stimulated by the ongoing transit of disruptive Uranus opposing US natal Saturn in Libra...progressives v conservatives. And that difficult stalemate occurs along with the dynamic yet exhausting Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto, a clash of generations now seen within the Republican Party and the 'newbie v oldsters' US Congress, and elsewhere. Thankfully, the final Uranus-Pluto square of rebellions and explosions will be exact on March 17, 2015 and issues from their cycle of civil unrest which began in the mid-1960s.

Meanwhile, Executive Jupiter Still Chugs Along in the Sign of Leadership

Even with investing Jupiter in shiny Leo continuing to lead a Locomotive pattern of success, the potentials for Antithesis of Sun-Saturn are stark: a gloomy, pessimistic policy focus, unreasonable centralization of authority in one location (Reagan, California! it's one of the same old American arguments used by politicians to keep We the People divided and conquered--so tiresomely touted by secessionists aka, anarchists), and/or leadership preoccupied with various forms of law enforcement (note that the Nov 18th Sun-Saturn Ascendant in DC conjoins US progressed Mars Rx at this degree, an inward-turning of America's Martian energies expressing via protests, the upgraded and militarized Police State, our Wounded Warriors, secretive surveillance of the American people, homegrown terrorists, terrorist acts on US soil or the threat of them (with false flag ops not to be ruled out), and the American people turning against one another, among other things. For our weakened and spat upon military forces of global imperialism, the historical cry abroad of "Yankee Go Home" has never been meant more genuinely or venomously than it is now.

Well, there's my brief assessment of Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business yet I have faith that you, dear reader, can add much more if you wish. It may be no small event when in the wee hours of November 18, 2014, the cosmic clock starts once again on the cycle between the Sun and timekeeper Saturn, a planetary pair whose influences are deeply imprinted up the psyche of the United States of America and its government.

Jude Cowell (c) 2014

May 30, 2014

An Astro-Peek at the Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 (updated 9.27.14)

Solar Eclipse October 23, 2014 @1Scorpio in the 17 New North Saros Series

by Jude Cowell

Update Sept 27, 2014: unfortunately the Mars-Pluto influences via Scorpio of this eclipse have included the forceful pair's weapons-of-war implication along with its forcing one's will on others tendencies as we now see by US airstrikes in Syria and more military action in Iraq. Congress has negated its constitutional duties once again by absconding from Capitol Hill without tending to the business of war and will slink back into the District around November 12th--after the midterms of course. Speaker Boehner has remarked that he will not call for any votes on the war until 2015--the next Congress. You may notice that I purposefully neglected to mention such warrior topics in the post below for I was praying it would not be necessary.

I now turn you over to my original post though I expect alliance (coalition) and financial issues to arise as 2014 careens on--not everyone will experience the predicted 'fun' and parties from this karmic Scorpio eclipse especially since its karmic vibes are due to the evolutionary progress that can be made under a Scorpio eclipse but waging more war does not fall under the category of 'progress':

With its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes, the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse in the 17 New North Saros Series contains a passionate, exciting, impulsive, and possibly 'fun' flavor with issues that emerge concerning financial matters and/or relationships. This is a "it's party time!" eclipse! Since the beginning of the 20th century, 17NN has manifested in the years 1906, 1924, 1942, 1960, 1978, 1996, (2014), and next: 2032.

Hmmm...sounds like a few amazing Halloween parties will be thrown this year!

17NN is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of a few people I can think of such as: VP Joe Biden, former President Jimmy Carter, current FBI Director James Comey, former Senator and Monsanto lobbyist Blanche Lincoln, astrologer-author Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, and artist Edgar Degas. 17NN is a fairly new Series with its initial eclipse manifesting on July 28, 1870 @5Leo05 (conjunct US natal North Node.)

Here is a non-chronological list of events that occurred under the rays of 17NN:

The First Atom Split, JFK's Inauguration, Bill Clinton's 2nd Inauguration, the Jonestown Massacre of 1978, Nikolo Tesla's death, and the wedding of President Obama's parents.

This post may be my sign-off for the weekend. Have a happy! jc

And if you're curious, here are a few notes on the Solar Eclipse that will influence both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Dec 12, 2013

"The Energetic Universe" (Max Igan video); plus, Uranus-Neptune vibes

Max Igan presents, The Energetic Universe:

Well, Blogger has devoured the text I was about to publish and its saved draft is empty so I'll simply say that much of what Mr. Igan mentions above relates to the planets of Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, whose combined influences we are now experiencing. They give mankind an opportunity to dissolve the Matrix of false reality that's been engineered for us and touted constantly by the media and by ensnared, corrupt politicians who can barely function because of it for their right brain/intuitive functions are affected along with ours.

Scorpio Eclipses Uncover Secrets and Offer Karmic Progress to Mankind

The current Solar Eclipse in the 16 North Saros Series manifested on November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 but the initial eclipse of 16N occurred in 1599 sporting a shiny Uranus-Neptune trine. Much karmic progress can be made under a trine (120 degr) of these two transpersonal planets. The realm of Uranus, the sky god, includes electricity, genius, bright ideas, but also revolution, disruptions, and shocks, while Neptune's province, as you know, is the sea, murkiness or deception, and fraud. Yet the gaseous giant on a higher plane also represents the urge to merge--and faith in the Divine Source, our Creator. I believe this to be Neptune's most positive function even through the darkness of our earthly veil.

Naturally, the masses, mass consciousness, the Collective Unconscious, inspiration, community, and spirituality are also denoted by astrological Neptune, with innovation and Science falling into areas where Uranus cavorts. When the energies of the two act together, an Awakening is allowed to actualize for those who desire it. And as you've noticed, peaceful protests continue to occur across the globe. Hope springs! But are a majority of the American People awake or still sleeping? Are we so controlled by fear of loss and diminished security that we don't dare squeak out, even to rescue our own freedom and independence?

No, violence is not the answer to our woes this time. The keys to our karmic progress are forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and a deep desire to leave all negative baggage behind for revenge only begets an endless round of revenge (ex: the Middle East and the West's meddling in their centuries-old vengeful conflicts.)

And so, as American politicians are very fond of asking, Are you in? Will you be the change you wish to see?

For more info on the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse with its Uranus-Neptune frequency (horoscope shown is set for Washington DC, as usual), click or tap away, my friend!

Aug 14, 2013

"Frankenstein" and the November 2013 Solar Eclipse

Mary Shelley's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series returns Nov 3, 2013

by Jude Cowell

The November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15 (in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma when chart is set for Washington DC) is of the 16 North Saros Series and carries a tone of Uranus-trine-Neptune, the pair of Enlightenment planets.

If you've read any of my posts on Solar Eclipses you know one of my favorite resources is Bernadette Brady's book, Predictive Astrology (aka, The Eagle and the Lark). However, the date of initial eclipse in the 16N Series is apparently incorrect since I can find no Solar Eclipse--only a New Moon @6Pis02--for the date of 'February 15, 1599' though an eclipse did manifest on January 26, 1599 (NS) @6AQ19--and it has Uranus (23Ari25) trine Neptune (24Leo53 Rx), both creative Fire signs. This is important because the initial (beginning) eclipses in each Saros Series continue to flavor subsequent manifestations of that Series, and the 16N on November 3, 2013 brings forward the Uranus-Neptune tone of their trine to one another.

Utopian Ideals: Uranus (Science; Genius) meets Neptune (the Unconscious; Dreams)

So with its vibes beginning to be felt in late October-early November, 16N relates to 'a sense of inspiration; illumination of ideas; sudden release of material from the unconscious which brings with it a great deal of insight; these ideas are good and it would be wise to act upon them' (paraphrasing Brady). And act upon them, author Mary Shelley obviously did. After a dark, stormy night of telling ghost stories around the fireplace of a villa in Geneva with husband Percy, Lord Byron, and their friend Polidori, Mary Shelley answered the challenge to write a frightful tale. Retiring to bed around midnight, here is her account in her own words:

"When I placed my head on my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think. My imagination, unbidden, possessed and guided me, gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reverie. I saw--with shut eyes, but acute mental vision--I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life..."

Naturally, in Astrology, we recognize in her description and tale of horror the influences of Uranus with its shocking bolt of lightening (which is an integral part of her novel!), plus, Uranian 'good ideas' and sense of progress in Science and Thought. (Uranus is the higher octave planet of Mercury with its realm of thinking, ideas, and writing.)

As for inspirational Neptune, dreams and visions are its stock in trade, along with ruler-ship of the Collective and Personal Unconscious from whence good ideas come.

Perhaps a modern-day Frankenstein/Prometheus will become unbound?

For we must remember our current Uranus-Neptune constellation, their 3 conjunctions all through 1993 at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER, in the Sabian Symbols. Odd, isn't it, how Uranus-Neptune's Enlightenment principles and concepts so popular centuries ago have been purposefully directed into a misery-producing trudge toward a 'new world order' of totalitarianism, economic hardship, and control of populations--and de-populations.

Well, these days, they like to say that Nothing Stops an Idea Whose Time Has Come, and of course, those wafting up from the Collective Unconscious are the strongest and most irresistible ideas of all. Considering the variety of fiscal and other problems our nation now faces (engineered through the centuries by politicians and their foreign backers), let's hope that American politicians will begin to behave with dignity for a change and, before the end of 2013, start implementing plans and ideas that are actually good for our nation if they can manage to override their selfish my-party-first attitude with which many of them now bedevil us.

The November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse may just inspire this possibility and my suggestion is: stop believing in the power of corrupt Global Government politicians and their control of society will evaporate like Neptunian smoke!

For more reading of this nature, try Anne Whitaker's Jupiter Meets Uranus where portions of the above info were found. Now here is a view of Mary Shelley's Dream of Frankenstein horoscope which Anne set for 12:40 am to give Mary time to put on her jammies, snuff out the candle, and dream her way into literary history:

Click image to read a few basic notes penned upon the horoscope.

Astro-Notes: Chart-ruler Mars in creative Leo and Leo's own 5th house applies to only one Ptolemaic aspect in the chart: a trine with Uranus (2A30), said to be an indicator of genius! Jupiter @00Sco17 Rx would soon conjoin her natal Neptune (8Sco25) which enhances imagination and triggers a certain amount of psychism.

Feb 19, 2013

April 2013 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse to Share More Secrets and Light Our Path

by Jude Cowell

The first eclipse of 2013 is a Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45:44 on April 25, 2013 at 3:57:07 pm edt. The horoscope is set for Washington DC:

Hour Mars (@3Tau59 in 8th house); Fixed-Earth is strong and the chart is weighted on the Succedent side with balanced North-South hemispheres and an emphasis on the western side of Others-Partnerships, and possibly Open Enemies.

(Since the Moon rules ocean tides, with a Lunar Eclipse we may expect more leaks of the inconvenient kind, including hacked information--government and business.)

The trail of dispositorship leads to Venus in her own sign of Taurus (13:00 in 8th house conjunct US Inaugural Ascendants on January 20th noon in DC every 4 years); opposite the 2nd house Moon is the Sun @5Tau45:44 and Mercury 19Ari04 (degree of the Sun's exaltation) are also posited in 8th house of Debt, Credit, insurance, Shared Resources, Corporations, Transformation, Death, and the Occult--ruled here by Mars. And of course Scorpio is an occult sign with a Lunar Eclipse there denoting more secrets and scandals to unfold added to those revealed by the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @21Sco56 (the 2012 election eclipse); plus, the Nov 2012 Solar Eclipse fatefully conjoined US natal 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the 5:10 pm 'Sibly' natal chart.

In Mundane Astrology, 2nd house represents the National Treasury and Moon there describes fluctuations, changes, and publicity, with the Moon ruling the eclipse's 11th house of Groups and Associations.

Prominent and closest planet to an angle is Jupiter @16Gem26 on the 9th house side of Midheaven (The Goal) both of which trigger the Venus Transit degree of June 2012 (paternalism, aka, the GOP's 'war on women'.)

Secretive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, along with Chiron @12Pis38, indicates loss of jobs and employment on one level though I hope it also shows inspiration for creating jobs. Pisces is on the Descendant so there may be some confusion, even deception, is Partnerships and more problems for the US with Open Enemies, as noted above.

Then there's radical Uranus in Aries in 7th house showing disruption and unrest from partners--or from those who should be partners such as Rs and Ds 'doing the people's business' rather than working to undermine the president in an attempt to score political points in spite of how their obstructionism and hatred for Barack Obama ruins our nation and makes us look like idiotic, childish weaklings overseas. Ironic how Republicans have for decades made a big show of their concern for America's 'strength abroad'.

And since the Moon applies to conjunction with staid Saturn (2A38), Mr. Lesson Bringer has much to say about the proceedings issuing from this eclipse with chart-ruler Mercury (commerce, trade, insider trading and communications?) in Mars-ruled 8th house. Saturn and Mars are opposing one another (4A24) though the Venus-Saturn opposition is fading but 2/8 matters seem to be as stressful in late April into May as we know them to be with upcoming deadlines manufactured by radical politicians with ideological points to score and a Democratic president to foil.

Now as you know, timekeeper Saturn is one of the karmic or fated planets and when I type that I refer to reaping what was sown. His slow orbit of 28-30 years is inexorable but his reward--or the lack thereof--is sure to arrive as deserved. And fateful Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn moves even more slowly but surely, permanently transforming and regenerating what he destroys ('permanent' being Saturn's word!) With the two in mutual reception and Saturn conjoining here the Ascendant in America's Scorpio Rising natal chart, 2013 is as much if not more of a watershed year for our nation as one year leads into the next. For Saturnian accountability relating to Scorpionic matters has arrived (business, money, spying agencies, occult shenanigans, etc.)

Yet motive always counts! And though the US is called "the great satan" in certain regions of the world (and drone strikes don't improve that opinion), I retain my faith in the American people as I do other populations of any nation I can name. Hierarchies tend to be what and whom I decry so with Pluto de-structuring or toppling governments and thrones the world over--and he's only just entered the 2nd decanate of Capricorn--my deepest hope is that no matter what disturbing secrets are uncovered in the coming year and how miscreants in Washington shake our trust in government, we'll depend upon decent folk to come through for one another and hold the line against corruption in high places.

And if fortune should favor us, perhaps the guardian angel nature of benefic Jupiter at MC will provide a clearer and safer path along our moonlit journey into May 2013 and beyond once Sun and Moon perfect with complete awareness across the Taurus/Scorpio axis.

For a handy list (including US planetary Return dates) try 2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.


For excellent Political Astrology articles based on the US Scorpio Rising horoscope, visit Neptune Café authored by master astrologer Michael O'Reilly. And do check out Ed Kohout's excellent mundane work when you get a chance!

Dec 15, 2012

12.14.12: Violence in Connecticut

12.14.12: Violent Mars Not Out-of-Bounds (But Exalted in Capricorn)

by Jude Cowell

Being a mom myself, it's too soon for me to put on an astrologer's cap and take more than a brief glance at yesterday's astrological placements for the Newtown, CT school shootings--and seeing them does not put me in a typing mood today though one can't miss that the shooter was born in 1992 during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune around 18 Capricorn, a degree that transit Mars has very recently passed:

Potentials for Uranus-Neptune = Mars: lack of stamina; states of lameness or paralysis; a nervous feeling of foreboding (Ebertin; Tyl.) Negative expression of'18Cap': smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones.)

Obviously there are several heavy portents in the chart set for 9:40 am est, however, so if you wish an expert astrologer's analysis, I recommend John Townley's Newtown Slaughter: Dire Aspects for a fuller report than I can muster.

John includes the birth data of the shooter, Adam Lanza (April 22, 1992 Kingston, NH) and uses 00:00:00 pm edt in lieu of a verified birth hour, along with Lanza's current progressions and yesterday's transits which triggered his natal planets.

It saddens me to say that, besides the current influence of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (sign of transformation and death), the end-of-2012 YOD pattern of crisis and turning points which pressurizes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, sign of young people, is already in the news in very negative ways--and we have yet to reach next week's much-touted, often-dreaded December 21, 2012.

And so, my heartfelt condolences go to all who are directly affected by yesterday's violence in Connecticutt, and to those in other parts of the world who are also dealing with deep personal grief caused by the violence and cruelty of others.

Dec 3, 2012

Eclipsing the Reputation of Thomas Jefferson

Who Dares Out Mr. Jefferson?

by Jude Cowell

Seventeen days after the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 manifested in Scorpio, an op-ed appeared in the New York Times, written by Paul Finkelman and titled, The Monster of Monticello.

With perhaps thousands of opinions expressed upon our American icon through the decades in books, articles, and essays (most of which cast a rosy halo 'round his presidential noggin), Mr. Finkelman's work is nowhere near as worshipful as most Americans have come to expect concerning the author of the Declaration of Independence, our 3rd president, and Founding Father. Mr. Jefferson's primary sin is, of course, the owning and selling of slaves as human chattel even though he had enthralled the world with his exalted rhetoric: All men are created equal.

This is a major personality flaw common in the 18th century and I personally and vehemently decry it as most people do even though some of the bloom may then be snatched from the iconic American rose. However, for balance we have Jon Meacham's view of Jefferson in his wildly popular book Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power which was published on November 13, 2012--the day of the Solar Eclipse!

Well, for some Americans an assessment of Jefferson's true character and dealings has been more realistic for some time yet I admit to a small sense of astonishment at the article's sentiments, linked above. And it seems synchronicitous to this astrologer that the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 manifested upon the Midheaven of Mr. Jefferson (22:02), thus 'eclipsing' his public reputation (Midheaven = Public Standing in the World) with a serious critique of his flaws published in a globally recognized newspaper.

Plus, between Jefferson's Pluto and MC lurks his natal South Node @18Sco57, a Saturnian point of separation, and thus indicating a falling back on inherited power which on one level points to an early American economic system embedded with slave labor. Pluto-SN also denotes a generation when large social events such as war and revolution make personal regeneration a do-or-die proposition.

As you know, Solar and Lunar Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' and they tend in sudden Uranian fashion to reveal and shed light upon squirmy hidden things. Even discarded character traits long thought to be cast aside or buried may come back to haunt us under the rays (or non-rays) of an eclipse especially when its degree contacts one's natal planets or chart angles, as here in Mr. Jefferson's case.

A Career of Power: Jefferson's Most Elevated Natal Planet: Pluto

You're correct: Pluto wasn't discovered until 1930 so America's Founding generation were most likely unaware of it--the discovery of revolutionary Uranus in 1781 was as far as their telescopes were aimed, I suppose. Yet modern astrologers often use outer planets to make current-day analyses. Is this fair to the dearly departed? Results say, yes, for the information revealed once outer planets are placed into Historical Horoscopes can be profoundly enlightening including the outer planets blended with the native's personal planets by way of aspects, midpoint pictures, etc.

And given the unconscious nature of both Neptune and Pluto, we may possibly glean deeper levels for understanding their psyches than their contemporaries could!

As for Mr. Jefferson's 9th house Pluto @15Sco49 Rx (the Eagle Point), regenerative toward philosophical and legal systems and profound insights into humanity's future, yes, but also implicated in the recent public 'outings' he's had concerning his treatment of slaves--beatings, breaking up families by selling as a punishment, not freeing but seven yet holding approximately six hundred during his lifetime, fathering babies with Sally Hemmings (his wife's half-sister, some say), etc.

So with his 9th house planet of power 6 degrees from Jefferson's natal MC, the most visible point in any chart, his plutonic activities may be partially discovered through powerful manipulator Pluto in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio, sign of sex, domination, regeneration, and, as Mr. Jefferson's descendants are now rightfully able through DNA results to assert: reproduction.

Related post: Horoscope: Solar Eclipse November 13, 2012.


My favorite headline of Monday December 3, 2012 has to be from Mother Jones: Koch Brothers: It's Only a Flesh Wound!.

Nov 12, 2012

Secrets of the CIA (video)

The following on-video presentation for your consideration is not a 2012 production but given the David Petraeus scandal now rocking Washington DC--or at least some political partisans are hoping it will rock the White House--and in light of tomorrow's Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, sign of spies, secrets, and betrayals which conjuncts US natal 12th cusp of Politics, Secrets, Karma (reaping what's sown), Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions (exs: the Pentagon; the US government), I thought you might be curious to view it if you haven't.

For as you know, eclipses tend to reveal hidden activities and secrets and November 2012's Solar (and Lunar Eclipse coming up on November 28th) are certainly busy doing just that and it's only November 12th! Their 'uncovering' effect will last for at least 6 months until the next Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 @20 Taurus in the 15 South Saros Series (15S theme: release of tension; sense of collective loss or grief--Brady.)

You may also wish to view the current Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC and may do so by scrolling down the sidebar to the Most Popular Posts list, or by entering 'Eclipses' in the Google Search Bar. Thanks!

Oct 5, 2012

New Book on Saturn in Scorpio and "A Sight-Seeing Bus"

Today, October 5, 2012, Saturn moves into Scorpio from its sojourn in compromising Libra. Control is a major facet of the karmic planet of The Father, aka, the senex; other facets include: reality; fact; authority; authenticity; responsibility; accountability; restriction; constriction; boundaries; structure; status quo--and with the change from Libra, its sign of exaltation, we know that Saturn's concern with control is also one of Scorpio's primary interests or goals.

Enter master astrologer Donna Cunningham, who highly recommends a new book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark by Mandi Lockley which contains info on Saturn transits to planets and follows Saturn's often heavy footprints through the houses. How timely!

Now let's consider the Sabian Symbol of Saturn's degree today at its most Scorpionicness: 1 Scorpio:

'1Sco' = "A Sight-Seeing Bus": FRIENDLINESS:

Positive expression: a basic impersonality which capitalizes on the opportunity of the moment and helps reorder the situation whenever there is difficulty or dissatisfaction;

Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): a genius for avoiding any and every actual expenditure of self.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Now on this dark Saturnian topic we could mention a few cosmic connections to the October 3 Obama v Romney debate and the disassociation from truth that we witnessed. But why do it here, when so many are busily fact-checking for us?

Besides, we have a Scorpio Eclipse coming soon on November 13 @21Sco56 which conjoins the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT 'Sibly' version of America's natal horoscope.

And since all eclipses have an ability to uncover or leak darkly hidden secrets, I wonder what tidbit or scandal may turn up on the peep-eye! menu for any and all political candidates as 2012 careens on?

Oh, and one more thing about Saturn entering Scorpio: The Taskmaster will conjoin the natal Sun of the New World Order @1Sco19! Here's a bit I wrote about the NWO natal chart way back in 2005 and here's a copy of the natal chart I published then with its birth date and time based on one of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune (The Enlightenment planets) which occurred all through 1993:

You'll note that the November 13 Solar Eclipse hits NWO Mercury 22Sco25 which is encased by its natal Mars 19Sco00 and Pluto 24Sco29. Try this midpoint picture of the NWO: Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically. (Ebertin.)

NWO Sun = "2Sco" = " A Broken Bottle of Spilled Perfume."


Pos: persistence in creative effort and utter fidelity to the inner essence of selfhood;

Neg (unconscious/shadow side): witless dissipation of every resource of self and society. (Jones.)

And turning all our public institutions into privatized entities that benefit the wealthy while implementing vast schemes upon the 47% in order to effect massive population control.

Aug 18, 2012

Election Day 2012 drenched w a karmic Scorpio Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse in intense Scorpio marks November 2012 Elections

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Scorpio is a karmic (reap-what's-sown) sign and one must act on the up'n'up in order to make any real progress when a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio manifests. Intensity and force are provided by Scorpio's ruler and sub-ruler, Mars and Pluto, which are most formidable when their energies act in tandem and together, often supply a karmic "something you were always meant to do" feeling. And with Scorpio, an image of political "snake oil" is typically applied.

With all eclipses behaving in Uranian fashion as 'wild cards of the Universe' and thus having a reputation for uncovering even the darkest of secrets, we may expect November 2012 to be revelatory for its unmasking of Scorpionic secrets with a distinct potential for betrayals and suspicion that, when used in political propaganda, may have the effect of swaying voters in one direction or another. Some of us may even resort to 'opting out' and staying home on November 6 but this would be a a very bad mistake, folks, because that's what undermining factions want Americans to do. Plus, remember how neocon warmongers simply crowed over the beauty of Afghanistan and Iraq holding "democratic" elections under George Bush? Well then, even though US elections are rigged, let's not give them up so easily for they same so'n'sos ought to be crowing for our democratic process, don't you think?

The Solar Eclipse of November 2012

The month of November 2012 is notable not only for America's hugely important presidential and congressional elections (November 6, with voting planet Mercury Stationary that very day @4Sag18 and turning retrograde at 6:03 pm est--is this the electorate 'turning back' to President Obama?), but for its 15 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 on November 13. This eclipse occurs close enough to Nov 6 be the Solar Eclipse of Election Day 2012 (within two weeks), with its theme of 'joy through commitment.' (Brady.) Well, I don't like to type this out loud but with Mercury turning Rx on November 6, we may expect that results are disputed and that deciding outcomes may drag on, possibly until mid-December when a forward Mercury reaches and moves beyond its shadow degree of 4Sag18.

Please Pass the Turkey and the Lunar Eclipse

Though Thanksgiving Day is early this year (Nov 22), a busy November brings a second cosmic event--an almost-Thanksgiving Lunar Eclipse on November 28 @6Gem36 with the Sun falling into the happier Sagittarian zone of the Zodiac. The Moon is near transit Jupiter 11Gem54 Rx with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 stimulated. (Moon-Jupiter = US n Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward. --Tyl.) However, you'll note that the Lunar Eclipse ruler, Mercury, is Direct @18Sco24--approaching the Nov 13 Solar Eclipse degree, but the Sun's ruler, Jupiter, is Rx, another indicator of delays and hindrances relating to leadership (Sun-Jupiter), and potentially to money, support, bankers, and other corporatists (Jupiter.)

Also, this Lunar Eclipse is significant for being one of 2012's close-to-Earth Supermoons, as defined by master astrologer Richard Nolle.

Another Factor about November 6's Mercury Retrograde Station

Though Mercury trines technology inventor Uranus Rx @5Ari09--voting machine glitches made easy? or, easily solved?), its Rx Station strongly opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (Moon = 'reigning need'--Tyl), an indicator that his plans and schedules are in a something of a bind, and that Mr. Obama will be confronted with conflicting opinions regarding his re-election. Someone may have a change (Mercury) of heart (Moon)--whether for the incumbent president or against him remains to be seen but Mercurial young people may be of special note, and obviously reporters and journalists will be in the mix. Personally, I wouldn't rule out the Chamber of Commerce (Mercury) playing what is perhaps the largest role in opposing the president for they seem determined to do so.

At any rate, his re-election progress is blocked and will be obstructed again once Mercury retraces its path to 3-4-5 Sag and opposes natal Moon. After that, perhaps President Obama's goals will once again be implemented from the White House Oval Office after the dust and deceptions of Election Day 2012 settle.


Alert: Liber has kindly left a link to a 6-minute pro-Obama campaign video with political lyrics if you don't mind a little singing now and then. And really, who does?