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Jan 31, 2009

Venus-Pluto's passion: Feb 2 - 9 2009

Lethe: A Love Remembered, drawing by jude cowell 2009.

Astrologer Julie Demboski takes a look at the upcoming week of Feb 2 - 9, 2009 through the lens of Astrology and finds Feb 3 to be one of the stand-out days as Venus, vengeful when she's scorned, forms a Fist of God pattern with deep, transformative Pluto of invisible helmet fame.

A Fist of God configuration occurs in the heavens when a square (90 degr) relationship is formed by at least two planets which then 'point' to a third planet or point with which the squaring planets are each in sesquiquadrant (135 degr) aspect. Some element of hubris may be attending the situation; natural laws may be broken but never escaped.

This makes for an imperative circumstance which must be dealt with and Ms. Demboski gives us a heads-up on what's going on underneath the hood of heaven for the week ahead - information we're all sure to find useful especially with the intense, perhaps obsessive energy which the Venus-Pluto pair contain.

In mundane matters we may discover or uncover intensely passionate art, love, or financial embroilments with Venus-Pluto, and bankruptcy issues will likely be on the table for some whose affairs have been proceeding in that direction.

Pluto brings long-time-coming karmic events and/or people into our lives - or brings to the surface these intense issues - so let Julie guide you for the next few days and you might just benefit from her expertise!

Jan 30, 2009

Obama's choice Daschle didn't render to Caesar

Is Capitol Hill full of tax evaders, or what? Seems the list gets longer and longer these days, but I guess they have so much wealth they can hardly keep up with it all for Uncle Sam's sake, and the people they pay to do so are apparently quite incompetent.

You see, President Obama's choice for secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Daschle, has surfaced as yet another tax culprit for not paying $100,000 in taxes concerning his groovy use of a Cadillac and driver when Daschle was still a high-rolling member of Congress.

Oops, that's hilarious! ;p

Because about a dozen years ago, my tax preparer made an arithmetic error by exactly $100 and it was No Time At All before the IRS sent me a letter pointing out the error and demanding their 100 bucks pronto.

They strained at 100 but apparently missed 100,000 - of a US 'lawmaker' who should know the rules! Ain't Washington amusing sometimes? This little gnat might still be in jail if I had let the interest mount for years, you betcha, and needless to say, I complied forthwith. Render unto Caesar and all that.

The Caesars of Washington should try following their own laws, and ignorance is no excuse.

Still, it's a worrisome negative for the new administration if Daschle's appointment stalls completely - and his tax-paying lapse (which was paid during Obama's vetting process) isn't Daschle's only problem.

Yet if the powers-that-be-in-charge want him in Obama's cabinet, they'll find a way round these trifles, and the Senate Finance Committee is planning to hold a closed-door meeting on Monday afternoon to figure out how.

You can bet your arithmetic-challenged tax preparer on that.


Astrology Note: I bet Team Obama will be mighty glad when Inaugural Mercury Rx goes Direct and moves beyond its shadow degree so glitches will lessen!

Gordon Brown touts the NWO ~ video

Here Britain's PM Gordon Brown touts the New World Order and seems quite pleased as punch with how things are proceeding.

Yes, with the current manufactured financial meltdown being worldwide, as they keep reminding us, things are barrelling right along for the global elite, aren't they?

You know what I wish? That someone would ask President Obama on camera what his position is concerning the New World Order - and isn't the current economic crisis an integral part of the NWO agenda for gaining global totalitarian control?

Now that would be a fire to hold his presidential tootsies to!

Nouriel Roubini and the art of financial predictions

Bloomberg News has a very interesting article on Nouriel Roubini, just back from Davos, and prescient financial predictions past and present.

Oh! and the RNC is deadlocked in their search for a leader for the coveted two-year term.

Jan 29, 2009

Eternal Flame of the Republican Party

Did you know that the Republican Party keeps an eternal flame burning 24/7/365 in Washington, DC? This is news to me not having returned to my old stomping grounds, The District of Columbia, in some time. What isn't news to me is that an 'eternal flame' is an Illuminati symbol which you'll find at martyred American leaders' grave sites as a symbol of the secret society's prowess at changing the course of history. Ever seen the chart for Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian branch of the Illuminati? Its birth date, May 1, 1776, shows a close tie to the founding of this country - astrologically and historically. And if you want to see a quixotic message from 1776, turn over a dollar bill with its all-seeing eye...of the Illuminati. Some sources say it's a Freemasonry symbol and was designed by Masons including FDR in 1935, but the two societies had morphed into one another at various times and Weishaupt is said to have done this in order to expand his membership ($) and work of undermining the civilized world as we know it. You'll notice Rousseau's hand in all this, as well as Sir Francis Bacon and the 'New Atlantis' ideology. Chaos, revolution, and insinuation of brethren into existing structures were their methods, and of course only the select few at the top of the pyramid knew (know!) the true purpose and goals of the organization to return the world to "the Garden of Eden." Jefferson, Franklin, and Thomas Paine may have touched base with Weishaupt while they were in Europe, and another society, the Rosicrucians, claim George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as members. A Rosicrucian code and decoder were found among Jefferson's papers, and his interest in codes and cyphers gave him the title, Father of American Cryptography. Yet other researchers aren't so certain that Jefferson was a member of the Illuminati - he appears to be critiquing Weishaupt here:
Wishaupt (sic) seems to be an enthusiastic philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the infinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance, so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, and, of course, to render political government useless. This, you know, is Godwin's doctrine and this is what Robison, Barruel, and Morse have called a conspiracy against all government...The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are "to enlighten men, to correct their morals and inspire them with benevolence."
It takes an all-powerful God to do all that Weishaupt took unto himself! " render political government useless"? Hmm...sounds familiar...didn't we just go through 8 years of that plan from 9/11 to Katrina to total surveillance of the all-seeing eye? ~:~ *Quotes and notes from 'Founding Fathers, Secret Societies', Robert Hieronimus PhD & Laura Cortner, a book that attempts to decode the Great Seal of the United States - the Illuminati's seal.

Jan 27, 2009

Obama video after meeting with GOP 1.27.09

Jan 27, 2009: Pres. Obama's statement after meeting with GOPers over the stimulus bill that might actually give a leg up to America's working people, a possibility some GOPers simply cannot stomach - it's against their principles!

Principles? Next thing we know, the word ethics may be mentioned in the same breath with the word principles and then where will the bandits hide?

Note: Common Good retired from use on Capitol Hill ages ago after putting in several years' worth of service. And I get the impression from Boehner and others that, if they had their way, financial aid for the American people now (in their time of crisis) would be as forthcoming as a rescue team eagerly picking up our elderly aunts and uncles from the drowned rooftops of New Orleans after Katrina hit (not.)

But providing more billions for ritzy bankers to hoard? You betcha!

Aldous Huxley's 'final revolution'

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.

And this seems to be the final revolution."

-Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

The above Huxley quote was found in the Information Clearing House Newsletter. #

1961 is only 48 years ago, and if you watch TV ads at all you may think the 'final revolution' has occurred and is working in grand style for the manipulating social tinkerers - the 'imagineers' of the world.

Or perhaps you have only to look as far as your own medicine cabinet for mood enhancers of dubious scope and effect.

You may wish to view the Huxley-Wallace TV interview from 50+ years ago on the subject of the Brave New World "just around the corner."

But now you know it's beyond Wake Up Time: Brave New World has moved onto your block circa 2009 and is poised to take names and detain at will.

And Solidarity says: when they come for them, they come for me.

Jan 26, 2009

Zbigniew Brzezinski Mar 28, 1928 with his Solar Horoscope

Let us take a look at Zbigniew Brzezinski's natal chart (birth time unknown, chart below set for sunrise of March 28, 1928; Warsaw, Poland.)

Image: March 28, 1928, Warsaw, Poland, sunrise 5:26:21 CET (-1:00), Hour of Venus; Sun in Aries, Moon in Cancer the 24 hours through - from 00Can11 to 13Can50 (which conjuncts US natal Sun.) Outside the chart you may notice my scribbled notations for the planets of 1.26.09 in pink, with an important transit afoot to his natal Mars 22AQ01...Neptune has been dancing about with ZB's Mars, planet of energy, action, and the desire nature. Neptune to n Mars is a time of taking inspired - or veiled - actions; energy and health may be undermined. Frustration and being misunderstood over goals or methods are typical with this transit; deceptions and illusions may accompany efforts. Actions can miss the intended target yet hit one just as good, but impractical or unrealistic enterprises may be on the agenda. This transit activates his natal Mars-Neptune opposition (see details below.)

Being sunrise, you see ZB's natal Sun ascending along with rebellious awakener, Uranus, as his oriental planet (rising last before the Sun.) As I've notated in the lower left corner of the chart, an oriental Uranus indicates one who requires things to be adventurous, dangerous, or innovative in the work situation; having work as an outlet for nervousness discharges it; diversity appeals to this risk-taker. (Tyl.)

Sun conj Uranus denotes an erratic eccentric who doesn't care what others think of his behavior (Uranus's sign = how we behave. He behaves as a Mars-ruled Aries, and with Sun in the zodiac's first sign, he IS an Aries.) Having natal Uranus in Aries, sign of the pioneer and Utopian zealot (Ebertin), shows one who must break down old structures to make way for the new which is perfect for radical political and social reforms and social tinkering with tr Pluto plodding toward Capricorn over the next few years.

The closest applying (only applying) aspect to natal Sun is a conjunction with Jupiter (7A01 at sunrise) so there is an expansion of ego and an arrogant know-it-all flavor to the solar personality. Mr. B possesses a boundless enthusiasm and much faith in himself. The broadened horizons of long distance travel, and many fortunate breaks come his way through this conjunction. We may also consider the Jupiter-Uranus = Sun midpoint picture with potentials such as: Illumination of one's best position in any situation; great success; individuality in full bloom; far-sightedness; a good intellectual grasp; an inventive mind; mobility; optimism; knowing the best will happen; fortunate twists in the way things transpire. (Tyl: Ebertin.)

(Now I won't include the midpoint conjoining this Ascendant since it's the sunrise (solar) chart and is similar in nature to the above pic which is in effect no matter his birth hour.)

One of this global elitist's more telling aspects is a square between Jupiter and Pluto (0A43) which indicates that he rebels against existing codes of ethics and challenges authority in his efforts to find easier routes to his goals. Dick Cheney was born with a Jupiter-Pluto square, if that tells you anything. One of the greatest problems with this square (90 degr) is a proneness toward expecting large returns from small investments - here is a wheeler-dealer supported by his risk-taking Sun-Uranus conjunction. He may exaggerate his burdens in order to justify an unwillingness to accept responsibilities, and may be misguided in contributing too much to questionable enterprises. ZB leans toward large-scale enterprises which affect many people and from which he expects substantial returns yet Fate may tempt him to seek out risky schemes that run into legal difficulties.

Money-lending, political maneuvering, and professional gambling are possible interests for a Jupiter-Pluto square personality, but exploitation of others will eventually come back around to him in karmic fashion. (Robert Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.)

His Jupiter trine Saturn is called the banker aspect by Alan Oken; here we see a man who can learn lessons from past experience and integrate them well into future goals and plans and this helps mitigate the negativity of his Jupiter-Pluto square (if he's aware of this and wants it to.) Success is simply expected, and made more sure by his having access to useful information others may not possess - and he's a master of evaluating the data received. Ah yes, the global elite class of high-and-mighty win-winners, many of whom are simply swindlers and world class crooks!

Yes, self-faith is high with a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, and an innate talent for self-dramatization aids his public appearances. ZB can be a catalyst for the development of other people's talents and the words, mentor and acolytes come to mind. As you see, around the chart in pink: tr Pluto is at MC, although this is only his solar chart...his true MC we do not know. But for ego needs and recognition, for true purpose queries, and for info on the native's hero's journey (Sun = adult consciousness; life goal), the solar/sunrise chart is's still a snapshot of the planets' positions at one's birth, but is like a photo just slightly out-of-focus.

Now, natal Mars opposes Neptune (4A47): uh-oh! Here is a thespian who is eager to please, yet others may often doubt that his motives are sincere. Perhaps an amount of honesty is lacking concerning actions and motives which arouses a sense of suspicion in associations. In fact, it's what he doesn't say that later incriminates him. Folks with Mars-Neptune oppositions have desires that can border on uncontrollable, and his Mars-Uranus = Venus midpoint picture echoes this passionate excitability, but it may serve to unnerve people or cause others to feel threatened in some way. Alcohol and other drugs, and the occult should be avoided for there is an over-susceptibility here. Realization and acceptance of reality is a must along with learning to relate to others on an emotional level with Mars opposing nebulous Neptune.

Additionally, it's best if Mr. Brzezinski avoids a career with any hint of illegality to it, but I suspect that horsey left the political barn decades ago, don't you?

In progressions, ZB in in the Balsamic phase when good-byes will need to be said...his Secondary Progressed New Moon occurs on or about Nov 30, 2009 at appr 26Gem22.

Well, there it is: my version your Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski do you like him so far?

Update 8:37 pm est: here's the link to info on Brzezinski's Sun-Moon blend and his Pre-Natal Eclipse details.

Final edit: July 25, 2015 6:14 pm edt; jc